The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 12
20 Of: Karo Syrup OJ on all Inner Tubes. First Quality Standard Makes. OWE DAY OHLY! John BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY! MEN'S SHOES FOR DRESS!- 90 FOR WORK!- Any Pair in the Store! 6th and Main. mas s "To Show You is to Shoe YoultT We Sell 68-inch Mercerized White Table Damask Beautiful pattern, 85c Value P Yard TWELVE DOZEN REBAL BROOMS c Each 4- c 5) E. G. Dovey & Son French Coffee Cake 1 c Each SPONGE DROP COOKIES c Each n C. L. MERGER Special Bargain! WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CURLING IRONS We offer Special Discounts on Ser eral other Staple Articles Nebraska Gas Electric 80. Peanut Brittal c per lb. Chocolate Fudge C per lb. W. J. HART WICK (On the way to the Postoffice) Yz gallon dark .27c I gallon dark ' ' . 47c Y2 gallon -VN&ite. ;0 31c I gallon white 57c '-rki : Baeliw&: Libershal BLACK RIBBON WATCH BRACELETS EXTRA HEAVY RIBBON 7 C Each M. D. BROWN, Jeweler Gifts that Last Corner 6th and Main Plattsmouth HOME RENDERED LARD fig' Per Pound HA CRESCENT PLIERS TOOL STEEL GUARANTEED J. F. WOLFF GARAGE Phone 79 South 5th Street History Note Paper Standard size, IVzt&Vz Good Quality One ream (500 sheets) TANLAC THE GREAT TONIC Per Bottle - Mauzy Drug Go. - PHOTOGRAPHS . ONE DAY ONLY lA DOZ. PHOTOS FREE WITH EACH DOZEN ORDER Films Received Bargain Wednesday will be Developed Free of Charge Ghrist Christ, Phone 645 Plattsmouth - k J xl m Eli E5 1 ! J rO I U: "LNp'W U LL, Vyr U u OlliLL 11 IS . FLATT.SIilyTli This is the big evqnt of the month. If you have attended any oi nouncement will bring you again, but to those who have never yet coi what buying power this co-operative plan is putting into that dollar of saving sale like this before. It is not a single store or even 7 stores ol edly and earnestly 'co-operating to make Plattsmouth on that day one portunities. The items mentioned in this ad are only a few of the rr low figures. Compare these prices with your catalogues or with any -1- il ! . il. !! r eriooK mis Dig money saying event, vjei me naoii or reserving me c mouth. You have to buy goods why not buy them where you can get In order to make these special low prices no goods aa orders will be accepted. Come to Plattsmtk Stores Open1 Ti y 3 ESS MEN'S DRESS SOX BLACK OR TAN All Sizes 11 pair for GO HOLLY FAIRY SODA CRACKERS 6 c b 72x80 cotton blanket $2.3S 64x76 cotton blanket $2.18 Colors Gray, White and Tan L Our Entire Stock of ' Pocket Knives AT iOff FOR ONE DAY ONLY! Kroehler Brothers Automobile Goggles Assorted Styles choice ONE DAY ONLY! J. W. CRABILL, OPTOMETRIST Wagner Hotel BIdg. North 6th Street t on Bargain Wednesday Arrangements nave oeen maue wim ivir. Benson, or UouncilSi to Plattsmouth, weather permitting, and make nassen Landing field on the River Bottoi! You've always wanted to fly this is your chance. l ; 41 V.. 4 v.