MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1921. PAGE TWO will be sold in Plattsmouth on Bar gain Wednesday, Sept. 21st FLATTS1COUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL I x , t. ' : . ., ,.t . r ; j The folio wing committee of disinterested , citizens have ex amined the offerings in this ad vertisement and find every item just as advertised and each one an exceptional bargain. JOHN P. SATTLER, J. W. HOLMES, A. H. DUXBURY. k - -.1 bt Tin - F M 3 4 r vi!sl 'fit '.il Mf NO STRINGS TIED TO THIS OFFER! ' t: i I jo ji c Apply to Any Grocery Store IVHose Ad Appears in this Wednesday Bargain Sale! Angel Food Cake Pans ;4C Peter's 12 Guage Shells REFEREE TARGET 80 $1.00 BESTOR & SWATEK Choice Roast Beef, Per lb. 300 lbs. Rib Boil, Per lb. C 7 HATT & SON YARN Caron's Knitting Yarn Worsted 2 oz. .Skeins 1 All colors, at per Skein 29c EIurLIT'rLE HATCHET BRAND FLOUR $ I QE rlUUl Old Wheat 48-lb. Sack I 00 H. Cw3. 80ENS38CHSE5S Misses' Fine Lisle Rib Hose Regular 50c Value 19c. Boys' Heavy Ribbed School Stocking Regular 50c Value Wednesday The Ladies Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Manager BOYS' LATEST STYLE FALL CAPS -ALL NEW 55 Men's DARNPROOF Hose 6 pair in box, guar anteed till March, 1922 Per Box C. E. Wescott's Sons FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS JUMBO SIZE 10c lb- WOODARD'S REAL BUTTER SCOTCH 30 Db- YELLOW MIXING BOWLS EIGHT INCH Best quality, Deep, Round Shape c School Handkerchiefs, plain white, oft finish cambric Size lOVzxlOVz inches Two ffcir c -Popular Variety Store Roy W. Knorr, Prop. Telephone 581 151 PAIRS Misses' snd Children's School Shoes in Brown and Black leathers Button or lace Sizes 6 to 2 From our Regular Stock 79 Fetzer Shoe Company Boys' "Big 3" Overalls! Age. Price . .4-6 75c 8 85c 10 95c 12 $1.05 14 $1.15 16 $1.15 220 DENIM BUILT LIKE DAD'S See our Regular Ad for other Bargains and Come to Plattsmouth and Save Money JUST TWO PRICES FOR BARGAIN DAY $5 and $7.5Q This Includes Hats Worth to $12 --Emma Pease-- BEST GRADE LEATHER HORSE COLLARS Gorder's Old Stand WE WILL PAY TWO CENTS ABOVE THE MARKET PRICE FOR THIS DAY ONLY e Wo flsomi Rear Ghrist & Ghrist Furniture Store J HEADS OF FAMILIES ! CAN MAKE WINE Ruling Promulgated Some Time Ago Allows Making of Beverages for Home Consumption. homo use, provided a permit is obtained. Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 15. -Among; morn than 5, 000 letters received re cently peeking information as to per mits lor the making of home-made wines, or "non-intoxicating fruit juices," were those of at least a doz en clergymen, the internal revenue bureau here announced today. The office force has been swamped with correspondence ince announcement was made that head, of families may make 200 gallons of wine yearly for Washington, Sept. 15. Internal revenue bureau officials frankly ac knowledged today that heads of families may, upon filing of notifi cation with local revenue collectors manufacture 200 gallons of wine yearly for home use. Treasury regulations making ef fective fcuch a provision of the law were issued by Internal Revenue Commissioner Roper, with tho ap proval of Secretary McAdoo in Oc tober, 1918. Manufacture of wine at home is possible, olTicials point out, provided the manufacture is by the head of a family and the wine produced be not eoH or otherwise removed from, the place of manufacture. Eb.r.k Books at tie Journal Office l ' -:(' I i: IRISH MEET GALLED OFF BY BRITAIN Premier Lloyd George in Reply to De Valera Says Note Makes Conference Impossible London, Sept. 15. Priin.,Minister Lloyd George tonight cWhftjlled the arrangements for a conference of Sinn Fein delegates with hjmself and members of ills cabinet at Inverness on September 20. The prime minister said he must now consult with his colleagues on Sae course of action the new situa tion necessitated. Mr. Lloyd George told the Sinn Fein leaders he would communicate the result of such consultation as soon as possible, but that he must make it clear the British govern ment could not reconsider its posi tion as stated by him. Makes Conference Impossible Mr. Lloyd George's reply, which was telegraphed tonight says: "I informed your emissaries who came to me Tuesday that retera tion of your claim to negotiate with his majesty's government as the re presentative of an independent and sovereign state would make a .COHi terence between us lmpossiDie. "They brought me a letter from you in which you specificially reaf firm that claim, stating that your nati'on 'has formally declared its in dependence and recognizes itself as a sovereign state. aad it is only, you added, 'as representatives of that state, and as its -chosen guard ians, thatrehjkslany autnorlty or power to ?ct-on talf of our people. Warning- Given "I askeat-JTTfeni' to warn you of the very serious effect of such a para graph and offered to regard the let ter as not delivered to me in order that you might have time to recon sider it. Despite this intimation you have now published the letter in its original form. I must accordingly cancel the arrangements for the con fprpneo next week at Inverness and must consult my colleagues on the course of action this new situation necessitates. "I will communicate this to you as soon as possible, but a few days' delay is inevitable. Meanwhile I must make it absolutely clear that his majesty's government cannot re consider Its position, which -1 have stated to you. " , .- "If we accepted a conference with your delegates on the formal state ment, you have reaffirmed it would constitute an official recognition by his majesty's government of the sev erance of Ireland from the empire and of its existence as an independ ent republic." STECHER FILES APPLICATION FOR A WRESTLER'S LICENSE Joe Stecher, former heavyweight wrestling champion, made applica tion to the Nebraska state boxing commission Thursday morning for a wrestler's ftcense. The Dodge grapler's application will be granted as soon as his list of matches is in scribed on the formal application. Stecher forgot to include hi3 pho tographs and recorded - about two matches, one "with Earl Caddock, Jan. 3, 1920, and another with Chas. Cutler In 1915. He gave as his nor mal weight 210 pounds and ring weight 205 pounds. His manager is Antone Stecher, a brother. Brother Toney also sent in for a wrestling and managing license. The application of two young wrestlers from Dodge Frank and Stanley Duresh accompanied the letter. NEW FURNITURE AND RUGS Just arrived, everything for the household. Come i hue us U chance to save you monev . new goods with a new price GIIUIST & CHRIST, Phone "5 Plattsmouth. . We appreciate your co-operation in Jielpiu2 us to tmhlisii oil i.- news of the community. Call No G 3 rines.