The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1921, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
NO. 19
From Thursday's Dally. '
The opening bill of the boxing unanimous in saying that this was
game in this cify under the new one of the best seen anywhere. Lum
state law, promoted by the local!
American Legion post, was held last : clared after the show that it was un-'
night at the Airdome theatre and the ' reservedly the best of the many he,
show presented was one to delight has witnessed since the state law be
the lovers of the manly art and good , came effective July 28th.
fast preliminaries marked the goj Present at the ringside were a
from start to finish. j number of the prominent boxers of
The main event of the evening j the state, among them being George
the ten round bout between Andy-Lamson, the Walthill Indian and his
Schmader of Louisville and Jim Mar-f manager, Mr. Hale, of Lincoln; John
pies of Chicago was rather disap-;nie Sudenberg who outfought Jack
pointing to the fans on account of Dempsey in New York a number of
the accident suffered by Andy in the J years ago, Kid Schlaifer, and Kid
opening round when he fractured his Graves, former welterweight cliam
right arm in a blow on the head of pion of the U. S., all of Omaha. Lani
the Chicago heavyweight. (son came with a view to arranging a
The fight program was supervised
by John Kilmartin of Omaha, boxing
inspector and among the officials at
tending the match was Lum Doyle,
of Lincoln, state boxing commission
er. Alvin Graves, of Omaha, was the
referee of the match and his work as
third man in the ring was highly
pleasing to the audience throughout.
Some little criticism of the draw
given the semi-windup boys was
heard from the Omaha spectators,
but the crowd generally concurred
with the decision. Graves has had
extensive experience in the fight
game and his services as a referee
will become more and more in de
mand as he has opportunity to dem
onstrate his ability along this line.
The opening of the bill was the
preliminary between Joe Smetana,
former sailor and Young Galloway,
an ex-soldier, both local boys, and
this served as a fitting curtain raiser
for the excellent program. Smetana
had the best of the fight from the
opening and had his opponent bleed
ing freely in the rest of the four two
minute rounds and while Galloway
stood the grueling punishment in
great shape, he lacked a good defense
or the aggressive tactics to punish
his opponent to any extent aud the
decision in favor of the rx-gotr was
decidedly unanimous.
The second preliminary of six
rounds was one that was fast and
furious and in the opening Kid Ros
coe, of Omaha, who was the opponent
of George Schmader of Louisville,
gave evidences of skill and general
ship, but in the second the Louisville
boy began to unloosen the stiff jolts i
on his opponent that shook his con-
fidence and in the succeeding rounds'
George developed some splendid ring
work that showed he had the Omaha
lad in a bad hole and in the third
Roscoe was forced to quit under the
force of the rain of blows that was
handed him by the Louisville boy
- I til l 1.1. U L . J. 1-4 VV U W k. i. V- v,
This was a very clever exhibition ofGtjves an(j close friends gathered to
boxing aim uemonstrateu tnat ueorge
Js a sure comer in the ring if he;ter an(j a(ij their congratulations to
continues his present gait. those of the immediate family.
The semi-final between Stanley Mc-j .
Bride of Chicago and Harry Kinnear ARM SET LN OMAHA
of South Omaha, was one of the best
that has been seen in this part ofFrom Thursdays Dally,
the state, and the two young scrap- Andy Schmader. the Louisville box
pers gave a good account of them-ler who had his rij;ht forearm frac
selves in the six fast and furious tQred in' the oppning round of his
rounds of the bout. The Chicago , scheduied ten round bout with Jim
man opened in a series of swift Marples of Chicago, at the Airdome
punches that found a mark on the here ast niKhtt was taken to Omaha
South Omaha lad and soon had him following , the fight to have the in
bleeding freely and in the fourth jured arnj get under the X-rav. The
round it seemed certain that Kinnear . ,mnnrriiv dressed bv Dr.
was headed toward the land of
dreams as McBride drovs him to the
ropes and had him on the defense,
throughout and the fifth was also de-
cidedly in favor of the Chicago man.
In the sixth and last round of the
bout, Kinnear showed unexpected
strength and rallied with a series of
terrific blows that laid open the
cheek of the Chicago boxer, although'
Kinnear was suffering from a badly
injured eye susiameu in me iour-inie rin"
round and which had closed his op-j The unfortunate outcome of .the
tic. The last round was decidedly j matcll has been greatly re
in favor of the South Omaha man asgretted by tne host of friends here in
he gave McBride a great deal of he city and countv who haVe been
punishment and at the close of thej boosters for the Louisville
rounu nei-ri cc uio w taucu uic .
.r. t. M r a-Vi3nVt Iron' ffM h rr m
111 a I C It fX li Ll T U11.U ut r lll 111 OWlUC
protest from the backers of the Chi
cago man. but the decision stood and
was generally the opinion of the ma
jority of the crowd.
The main event between the two
heavyweights, Schmader and Mar
ples. was opened in fine shape with
both fighters going nicely and freely
exchanging blows and" breaking in a
clean and sportsmanlike manner in
the clinches. In the middle of the
first round Andy forced Marples
through the ropes with a series of
blows, but the Chicagoan was back
in the ring in a few moments giving
a good account of himself. In the
last half minute of the round Andy
landed a blow on the nead of his op
ponent that caused the fracture of
his right forearm. He continued to
fight gamely until the gong at the
close of the round, when the. frac
tured arm. which had already began
to assume a swollen state, was noted
and the fight ended with the Chicago
man scoring what is known as a
technical knockout.
Both fighters were showing class
in their work, although the effective
work of Schmader was such as to lead
iis backers to the belief that the bat -
tie was one that would have been an
nexed by their man in the next few
rounds as he apparently had the
edge on the Chicago fighter in all
naffc rf tin fi i t i r !T!.mo . f !
The accident to Schmader proved
a bitter disappointmeat to the Louis-'
ville man and he offered to continue
in the ring, but the iiselersness of;
further fighting was seen and the
game boy compelled to retire from
the ring.
The bill was a strong one through
out and the patronage was not as
strong as the fights deserved. Those
I who nave seen oiner douis in mis
'state in the last few months were
match with Uie winner had not the
fight had such an untimely ending.
Children Give Mother Surprise at
Heme in Weeping Water On
Fifty-Eighth Birthday
From Thursdays Dallj
Yesterday a most delightful fam
ily gathering was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Hunter at
Weeping Water and at which time
the fifty-eighth birthday of Mrs. I.
X. Hunter was fttingly observed.
The event had been planned by Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Hunter unbeknown to
the guest of honor and Rev. A. V.
Hunter and family motored to Weep
ing Water to be present at the event
and a fiine dinner prepared for the
anniversary. Shortly before the noon
hour Mrs. E. L Hunter called the
mother to come over as some mat
ters of importance had arisen and
aocording!y Mrs. Hunter hastened
(to the home of her son to find there
the husban-1 and two sons and their
families as well as her parents and
the party enjoyed a real delightful
family dinner that certainly was
much enjoyed by everyone of the fam
ily. Those ta attend the dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Hunter, their
sons. E. L. Hunter, wife and little
,..ifl aI-!d ,n Harold and Mr. and!
Mrs s G cognZer the parents cf
tr3 t v Hunter. Mr Cosrlizer the!
fatner- is nast h-ls eightieth year i
while the mother of Mrs Hunter is
now in her seventy-eighth year and ;
the family gathering was one that ;
will not soon be forgotten.
In the afternoon other of the rel-
en j0y the occasion with Mrs. Hun-
R. P. Westover, the official physician
of the boxing match and at the re
quest of Andy he was taken to Om
aha to have the advantage of the
X-ray in making the setting of te
arm. The fracture semed to be of
the small bones of the forearm and
the brea"k occurred a few inches
above the wrist and it will be a
lone time before the clever boxer
m be able to resume n5s work in
From Thursday's Dally. : t,
Andy Schmader canle: down 'from
Omaha this afternaonvfcHqwing the !
1 . 1 1 1 . . . r. . 1 '
orueai 01 nuviiiK uiii. iraciuieu aim
set by bone specialists there and re
ports it will be two ipoathr before he
can use it for boxing purposes with
safety. Add to this aaiOtljer month,
which will be required for training
before he is in shape for another
bout, it can be readily 6een how ex
pensive last night's go will prove to
the popular Louisville boy. Andy is
cheerful in the face of his ill luck
however, and evidences the same grit
and determination that has made him
the leading light-heavyweight in the
middle west. His friends trust he
may be enabled to enter the ring be
fore that time, although it is ex
tremely doubtful if he can do so.
Advertising is printed salesman
ship generalized sufficiently to carry
appeal to the varied class of readers.
Does your ad come within these re-
j qrdrements T
Services at the Late Home Yester
day Afternoon Largely Attend
ed By Old Time Friends
From Thursday's Dally.
The fun?ral services of the late
John Waterman was held yesterday
afterncon at 1:30 from the home on
Xorih Eighth street and largely at
tended by th old friends and neigh
tors of this splendid citizen who has
been called tr. his final reward after
a long an 1 useful life in the com
munity. The sermon was given by Rev.-4I.
G. McClusky, .pastor of the First
Presbyterian church who spoke of
the long and useful life of the de
parted gentleman in this city and
his christian life which had been an
inspiration to his family and friends.
During the services two numbers
were given by a quartet composed
of J. W.. Holmes, Miss Chelsea
Swope, G. L. Farley and Rev. H. G.
McClusky who sang, "Jesus, Savior,
Pilot Me" ?nd "The Sweet Bye and
Rye" both f which bad been great
ly loved by Mr. Waterman during
his lifetime.
At the conclusion of the services
the body was conveyed to Oak Hill
cemetery where it was laid to rest,
the pall bearers being J. K. and T.
II. Pollock. A. W. and Frank Cloidt,
W. A. Robertson and G. L. Farley.
Among tfc3 relatives from out of
the city to attend the funeral were
the brother. Henry Waterman and
wife of Crete, a sister. Mrs. Levings
and son, Frank, and daughter, Mrs.
Edwards of Omaha and Mrs. Lena
Duke and daughter also of Omaha.
"The Traveling Salesman" will Not
be Shown Here. Hostettler Co. t
Wires the Management.
From Thursdays Iiaily.
The charges brought against Ros
coe (Fatty) Arbuckle as the result
of the death of Virginia Rappe at
San .Francisco, .have led .theatrical
managers over the country to express
their disapproval of the movie actor
and the questionable affair and "as
the result a large number of the lead
ing theatres have cancelled the show
ing of the pictures in which 'Arbuck
le appears.
The Hostettler Amusement com
pany, copartners of the Parmele The
atre company in this city, have got in
lint with the other amusement enter
prises of the country and set their
seal of disapproval on all immorai
actions either in the pictures or by
the actors, as the following telegram,
received by Messrs. Moore & Cloidt.
managers of the Parmele theatre,
Omaha. Sept. 14.
Manager Parmele Theatre,
Plattsmouth, Xebr.
To demonstrate our disapproval of
questionable and immoral acts upon
the part of motion picture stars and
to prove to your patrons that this
company will exhibit only clean pic
tures, made by stars with clean repu
tations, we have canceled your book
ing of "Fatty" Arbuckle in "The
Traveling Salesman" for next Mon
day and Tuesday. To replace it we
have booked a picture entitled "A
Wise Fool," taken from the famous
book, "The Money Master."
If Arbuckle proves his innocence,
we shall be very glad to use his pic
tures, but until he proves to the
world hi? moral cleanliness, this
company will use none of his pro
Justus Livingston Richey Victim of
Auto Wreck Near Dubuque,
Iowa, Results Seriously
The pros dispatches from Du
buque, Iowa, tell of a very serious
auto accident near that place and in
which one man, D. G. Van Dorn of
Des Moines, a salesman, was killed
and J. L. Richey of Dubuque, very
seriously injured. Mrs. L. J. Cahn
and Mrs. C. P. Wilson of Des Mcines
who iwere occupants of Mrs. Cahn's
automobiles were also injured and
Mrs. j Cahn's condition considered
The other victims of the accident
w-ere L. O. Hfllyard and wife' and
R .P. Roedeil and wife of Dubuque,
whose car crashed with that of the
Des Moines party.
Mr. Richey is a former Piatts
mouth young man and the first in
timation to the relatives or friends
her of the accident was the notice
received through the press dispatch
es. Some six years ago Mr. Richey
was injured in an accident at Des
Moinles and In which he suffered
the fracture of his right leg
Phone the Journal office when you
are in need of job printing of any
kind. Best equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
This morning vice-president E. T.
Bracken of the Burlington arrived
in the city in his special train ac-J
companied y Chief Engineer New-!
ton and L. B. Allen, manager of the j
lines east and Thomas Roope, super-j
intenaent oi moiive power oi uie
lines west. The party had been on on
insneetion tcur and stopped here to
look over tha local shops. Mr. Brack- MRS. DORTHEA GOLDING PASSES
en has charge of theextensions and AWAY YESTERDAY AFTER
improvements of the roads and has urnn-Kr at jpt nx co
been locking over the various shops' JMUUJM AiAljJj Vt Z.
in this part of the system. m Friaay.8
, ., , . . , , , ,,
John Hlld IS Surprised on Eighteenth
Birthday Anniversary by Num-
'ber of Young .Friends.
, j
From Friday. Cany. I
A very pleasant birthday surprise
.h hi f Mr
and Mrs. Philip A. Hild, southwest
of Mynard in honor of the eighteen
th birthday anniversary of their son,
John. The young people spent the
evening very delightfully in playing
games on the spacious lawn under
the bright electric lights which had
been arranged for the occasion by
Raymond, who had connected them
up with the lighting plant. At a
late hour a delightful three course
consisting of sandwiches, pickles, ice
oi.. t, wn.Joi
Li -trcL&u n iiu vane uu-a 1 1- uivin -
one feature of the luncheon was the
large birthday cake with its glow
ing candles symbolizing the years of
life of the guest of honor.
Those attendintr the event were
Tnn fniiin(rai I 7 ill OT1 Hfoici n ffol Tnrn '
Nolting. Mabel Hilfiker. Fay Gregory.
Marv. Helen. Freda. Minnie and An - -
5, t nlo mo-
na Otterstein. Laura Puis, Marie
Puis. Mae Barker, Lena and Alvena
Engelkemeier. Helen, Minnie and
Pearl Hild. Otto E. Lutz. Roy Beins,
Roy Engelkemeier, Fred. "Walter and
Herman Engelkemeier. Fred and Er
nest Koeler, Fred Terryberry. Lloyd
Lewis, Herman Hennings and friend,
Chester Renner, Earl Meisinger. John
". ft L'lmnr T n Knn an1 T?T-'
V."V:V: Ar;,;
vt.-r,- xfi
Meisinger. Hugo Melsinger, ia Mel -
. triif-i,- T,,ic
Catherine Hild. Richard Otterstein,
, , . j t .i t ..- iTn.nix
Marie and Leonard Lutz, Harola.
,...u i t -0..1I 1
rari, ueiaiu auu out- x uis, L.-iiiiri ,
Margaret and Glen Puis
and Wilma Frederich. John Parken
ing and wife, Richard Otterstein and
wife. Forest Leonard and wife, Fred
Hild and wife, Fred Lutz and wife.
F. J. Hild and wife. Otto Puis and
i . Tr, . . . , .,,. ,T-
wife. Louis Fredencn and wife, u.
II. Puis and v. ife and P. A. Hild and
William Shea, Injured in Explosion
of Steam Heating Plant, Gets
Liability Compensation.
From Friday's Dally.
State Labor Commissioner Frank
Kennedy announced yesterday a list '
of awards made by his department ,'
in cases that have been pending for.
some time ana among tnese was one , interesting talks along the line of
made to William Shea. Jr.. of this the church work. It was decided that
city. Mr. Shea was injured in De-.this winter the auxiliary would stu
cember, 1919, by the explosion of a dy one of the greatest pieces of llt-
steam heating plant at the Hoffland erature on church. "The Life of the
potash plant at Antioch, and has! Church," which covers the study of
since that time been a sufferer to a . the mission service of the christian
greater or less extent from the ef- church from the time of Abraham
fects of the accident. The state la- down to the present period. The la
bor commissioner awarded him the' dies decided that at each meeting
sum of $1.24 a week for three hun-j there would be one Jeader and three
dred weeks and 99 cents a week for assistants selected who would bave
the rest of his life, as the result of;
partial loss of vision in both eyes.
Mr. Shea was also awarded $15 a
week for the time that he was being
treated in the hospital for injuries
received. '
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Young Men's Bible class of the
Methodist church met at the church
in their regular session and at the
close of the business meeting the
members joined in tendering a fare
well to Mason Wescott, one of their
classmates who is soon to leave for
Xorthwestern university to take up
his course of study in the Windy city.
j ' i T,i
to furnish all members of the party
an opportunity to join in the sing
ing. It is with much regret that the
members of the class part with Ma
son, who, for two years past, has been
a faithful .worker in ihe class and a
pianist for the boys at their meetings
and social evenings. ,
At a late hour the members of the
party were treated to a watermelon
feast and the jolly party numbering
some thirty-five were able to dispose with her son, C. C. Wescott, were
of six large juicy melons before ad-(visitors yesterday at Blair, where
journing. i they visited the Crowell home there,
! and spent several hours with Mrs.
Books' Books' Books' We have A- H- Knee- old lime resident of
.books, ijooiws. jsooks. we nave. jty and found her in very. poor
them till you cant lest, at the Jour- health. Mrs. Knee asked to be re-
J nal Gifice.
j Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dorthea
i Golding, one of the oldest residents
! of the city, passed to her final re-
, ward after an illness covering a long
period or years during which she has
been an invalid. The last few years
she has been confined to her home
' continuously. Mrs. Golding came to
piattsmouth at a very early day nd
j has resided here for the past fifty-
i three years.
j Dorthea Sanders was born at Kro-
j terchin, Germany December 15. 1839
fnd etnt her girlhood in that coun-
later emigrating to America,
ing years. In the year 1867, at St.
Louis, Missouri, she was united in
marriage to Louis Golding and the
same year the young people started
farther westward to seek their for
tune, traveling by train as far as St.
Joseph, Missouri, and from there
continued their trip by steamboat un
til they reached the city of Piatts
mouth, where they stopped and be
ing much impressed with the appear-
fncet of .th urr?.u?,dinss decided to
locate in the little city nestling
among the hills of the Missouri val
, ley and both Mr. and Mrs. Golding
resided here during the remainder of
. their lives. Mr. Golding was called
j to his reward some eighteen years
passing away October 31, 1903.
To Mr- and TMrs- Golding there
fns were born. Leonard, who died in
infancy at the age of four years; Dr.
i 'ia ii ; i. r- w . uuiuii:gt ui. i icauu, vau
fornia and Byron, who has made his
home with the mother in her declin
ing years and looked after her care.
One brother, Lee Sander, of Helena,
Arkansas, and three sisters, Mrs. I.
i Nathan and Mrs. Bertha Golding. of
! Lincoln, and Mrs. R. Reich, residing
m Germany, are lert to mourn tne
Passing of the pioneer lady
nieces and six nephews are also left
... . , r . ,
tto share the sorrow of her death.
. . , . .
ilia uciug auic iu aiieuu, i lie iulci-
. .,, , , , . T,
ment will be had at the Pleasant
cemetery in Omaha, where the
rfuiiiiub ui. nit uubuituu auu lamer
are at rest.
In their sorrow the family will be
extended the deep sympathy of a
large circle of old time friends and
.those who in the years gone by have
. , -
had an opportunity of knowing Mrs.
Golding. will especially feel the ef
fects of her death.
This afternoon it was announced
that the service woufQ be held at
9: HO Sunday morning and the body
tken to Omaha.
From Fridays Dally.
The members of the Woman's
Auxiliary of St. Luke's 'parish met
yesterday afternoon at the heme of
Miss Barbara Gering in one of the
most interesting meetings of the
Vear and one filled with the thoro
discussion cf the nlans for the forth-
coming year. Mrs. James T. Begley
was the leader of the afternoon and
various members cf the party gave
charge of the program of the meet
ing ana outline tne matters
taken up and discussed.
to be
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the teachers
of the public schools were entertain
ed very pleasantly at "Sunnyside,"
the E. H. Wescott home on high
school, the occasion being an in
formal reception to the teachers,
old ond new. The event had been
arranged by the two lady members
of the board of education as well
as the wives of the four men mem
bers' of the board and the event was
of the greatest delight to all taking
part. The afternoon was spent in
getting the members of the party
! acquainted and in
promoting the
closer social relation of the members
of the teaching force of the city
schools. Light refreshments were
served during , the afternoon .that
added greatly to the pleasantness of
the occasion.
From Friday's ' Dallv.
Mrs. C. E. Wescott, who is visiting
j here from Los Angeles, in company
imembered to the old friends here.
From Friday's Daily.
The business men of the city in
terested in the j. athletic club met
last night at the high school "gym"
to perfect their organization and
get ready for the work of the sea
son. The club. has found that owing
to the limited space .allowed for the
various exercises and games it was
necessary to limit the membershin
to a certain number and thee mem -
berships have all been filled and are
now "rarin to go." The officers of
the club selected were Henry A.
Schneider, president and H. F. Goos
Jake Lohnes, Weeping Water Man,
Injured by Contact with Power
Line at Stone Quarries
Saturday morning's confusion and
dismay following the storm was ad
ded to when the report was spread
that G. J. Lohnes had been electro
cuted on the power line at Myers
quarry. The hearse was sent down,
but it was soon found that Mr.
Lohnes was not dead and the hearse
returned and secured ambulance
equipment. He was taken to his
home and as this is being written
on Wednesday he is reported getting
along well, sitting up some, and no
serious trouble showing except in the
foot, which was quite badly burned
and from which he may possibly
lose the great toe.
Mr. Lohnes had climbed the trans
former station to put in a copper
fuse and in some manner came in
contact with the curreat. He was
knocked over onto a crossarm and
from there fell some ten feet to the
ground, while companions. Xoah
Wanamaker and Chas. Sutton, were
attempting to get him down. He
was cut about the head in the fall
and quite badly burned by electric
ity, but 'soon returned to conscious
ness. It was surely a narrow es
cape. Weeping Water Republican.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning Miss Robert!
Propst departed for Falls City where
she will be the guest for a few days
at the Harry Thomas home and will
be joined there by her mother, Mrs.
R. L. Proosi. who will accompany
her to Lakewood, Florida, to visit
fcr sometime.
Last evening the Propst home was
the scene of a very pleasant gather
ing of young people to tender a fare
well to Miss Roberta on the eve of
her departure for the southland and
the occasion was one thoroughly en-j
jcyed by all of the young people pre- j
sent The evening was devoted to
games and at a suitable hour dainty I storm occurred, noticed the peculiar
refreshments were served that -added actions of their barometer. Having
to the pleasure of the occasion., Those j noticed that it never behaved in the
to attend were: Blanch Braun, Har-jsame manner before with the excep
riett Peacock. Murn Wolff, Florence I tj0n of the time of the Easter tor
Peacock, Marie Stenet, Marie Hun- nado, w hich struck Otoe several vears
ter, Helen Wescott, Dorothy Cowles, ag0i Bhe immediately called the alarm
Gladys and Pauline Liston, Maryjon tner ine but the storm struck
Halas. Alice Louise Wescott. Caro-;before she was aDie to inform Avoca
line Schulhof, Violet Vallery. little of the impending danger. Weeping
iviiss corniene nansirom ana ivirs.
j. Hi. i-iaiisirom, Avoca, Airs. i. a.
Sindilar of Alliance, Mrs.
Ed Wil-
Journal want ads pay.Try them.
1 - Is
Ask Any Farmer
what he has found to be the best all-around
"investment" for crop proceeds and he will
tell yoti "Certificates of Deposit."
Why? Well, in the first place, they are
always worth their face value, can be taken
out for convenient periods of time, and are
always negotiable.
If issued for six months by the First Na
tionar Bank, 'they draw interest at the rate of
4 per annum.
The best investment? Ask any farmer.
He knows.
The First national Bank
Lengthy Account of Damage Sustain
ed in that Locality as Result
of Last riday's Storm.
1 Friday afternoon shortly before
Fix olock. Avoca and vicinity was
visited by the most destructive storm
that has ever visited this section of
the country.
The tornado struck shortly before
fix o'clock and lasted in its intensity
until seven, although the storm
was not entirely oer until some
time afterward. Huge. Jagged pieces
of ice fell with the storm, destroying
vegetation and small stock. Window
lights were smashed, chimneys de
molished, barns and other outbuild
ings destroyed. The terrible accom
panying wind uprooled trees and
windmills. After the lull in the storm
everyone was astonished at the ter
rible scene of desolation.
The roads were blocked by fallen
trees, boards and debris of various
descriptions. People scarcely recog
nized their own premises, so great
had been the changes wrought by the
storm. The miraculous part is the
fact that in all the terrible destruc
tion not a person was injured, so far
as we have beeh able to learn. And
yet, it appears there is not a home in
Avoca or vicinity but which was dam
aged in some way by the storm.
At the Harry McGrady farm, two
horses were killed, when the barn
was destroyed. Albert Brummer lot
three head of horses, Ben Xoell one,
Chris Rasmussen two and almost ev
ery farmer lost a great niny chick
ens. The electric light wires and tele
phone wires were down. A number
of homes were unroofed and flooded.
Avoca's many beautiful shade trees
were broken or destroyed entirely.
At the Oliver Harmon home the
beautiful pine grove is a tangled
broken mass, which will take months
to straighten out. and clear away the
debris. At the Ralph Graham, Gus
Ruhge aud Fred Shaeffer homes ev
erything was destroyed except the
dwellings. Xearly all the fronts of
the business houses' were blown in
and flood and wind ruined valuable
property in these buildings.
Both elevators are undergoing re
pairs before they will be able to take
ra grain. Wm. Maseman was load
ing a car of grain when the storm
struck and proceeded to take a little
joy ride down the railroad track, but
escaped without injury.
It is impossible to name all those
whose property was damaged by the
storm. We are mighty thankful that
no human life was lost even though
the property loss is so great. The
s.torm ceme from the southwest and
shifted several times during the bom
bardment. Mrs. Henry Straub. living south-
eact of town, shortly before the
water Republican.
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