The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 15, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Alimony is a peace tax.
Common cents help now.
Our bertti rates are high.
Bur'oank is an honest grafter.
The "note of optimism" is past
The limelight often discloses a
:o: :
Dentists get on other people's
It's line to hit prices when they
Love is blind and so are Ameri
can tigers.
You don't have to know a girl to
see lot3 of her.
CirlV finishing schools teach how
to handle figures.
Corn-on-t he-cob hasn't the kick
of corn-on-the-hip.
On some dime cigars the band
must cost a nickel.
It's a short road that has no holes.
A fool and his money seldom meet.
A fast life outruns running ex
Mosquitos are becoming good
bareback riders.
The most favored watering place
is the water cooler.
Eve had the leaf on; her daugh
ter hs the leaf off.
A wise man changes his mind; a
wise woman her face.
Congress isn't passing any more
bills than the rest of us.
Even if you can tell a woman's
age it is best not to.
Lenine is slipping back because
his clutch won't hold.
Selling hootch isn't as big a crime
as the prices they charge.
Fall will be welcome, after the
long hot summer especially fall of
Angora falls, says a news dis
patch. Somebody's angora is always
falling into other hands.
"Harding at Se." reads a news
parer headline. His usual case,
whether on or off the yacht May
flower. :o:
Jud Tunkins says one encourage
ment to unemployment is the fact
that so many people seem to regard
it as a luxury.
German marks are down to 1.005
cents in exchange value, which is
believed to be about the value of
German kaisers.
We nave only one consolation
about that tew tariff law. The Re
publicai party didn't take salvation
off the free list.
A New Jersey doctor says idleness
induces insanity, but it's remark
able how many people there are who
seem crazy to become insane.
Washington is facing the prob
lem of disarming the gougers to pre
vent war with the delegates at the
coming disarmament conference.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
" But she goe3 on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services Is keep
ing his clothes In much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
UMDMF V - -v. nnonciTr
uwwMiMI, VI rut
"Reds Free Americans" head
line. Bet they wish they were.
A Ufa saving raft has been adopt
ed by England for each airplane.
Canada, with an area of ,729,6 5
square miles, has a population of
about 9,000,000.
There are 6,449,998 farms in the
United States, of' which 2.75S.591
are of more than 100 acres.
The president of the Anti-Cigarette
League has quit his job, and
the other "members may as well do
Geraldine Farrar says she'll never
marry again. "Farrar but colder,"
as the weather man would express
Speaking of dresses, Methuselah
lived nearly a thousand years with
out seeing as much as -we lo In one
A pessimist says there'll be bread
lines three blocks long next winter.
Incredible! That's a block longer
than the picture show line "was last
A sharper was arrester in Wash
ington for "tricking a number of
real estate agents." Anyone who
can trick a real estate agent must
be some tricker.
Liumber is being piled 70 feet high
In Seattle and other big lumber cen
ters or five times as high as it used
to be. Trice is piled up in about the
tame proportion.
A Chicago girl offers to marry
any mm who will promise to edu
cate her. Doesn't the poor child
know that every married man thinks
he educates his wife?
Boston reports that the shoe fac
tories are running full time again,
which seems to be another indica
tion that with the opening of school
the barefoot season is at an end.
The nur.iber of marriage licenses
being issued in the eastern Nebras
ka counties indicates that the peach
crop in thU territory Is not a fail
ure, regard'ess of what the horti
culturists have to say on the sub
ject. :o:
The United States government is
said to be coming to the'view that
early recognition of the Obregon
government in Mexico is desirable.
With West Virginia on our hands,
it probably will be wise not to be
too finicky about one or two little
:o: .
The women of America have de
manded representation at the disarm
ament conference, and now comes
the ex-service men with a srimiliar
request. It makes little difference
whether either request Is granted.
The conference won't amount to
much, anyway.
It se?m3 that John Worthington,
Chicago's J. RuTus Wallingford, was
known as "Honest John," and, the
Topeka Journal says it's too had has
victims didn't know it In time.
There is a suspicion, however, that
a good many of these "Honest
Johns" are so named by the report
ers after the fact instead of before.
An assistant treasurer of the
American Red Crows has been ar
rested on the charge of stealing
$14,000 of Red Cross funds. The po
lice say he has confessed that he
lost the money betting on horse
races. What kind of a brain and
heart must a man have who will
steal charity money for such a pur
Apropo3 of that observance of the
LaFayette anniversary was the on
ly Frenchman who ever won in a
fight In this country.
Don't look down In the mouth.
The onl folks who can make mon
ey that way are dentists, horse trad
ers and throat specialists.
Some one has discovered that the
ne plus ultra of being slighted is to
Lave a society girl cut you shorter
than she cuts her own shirts.
o:o '
The first oysters of the season have
reached the local market but they
have been away so long thy have
not heard about iprice reductions
to;. :
One good reason for believing that
we shall r et soon have- again such
a war as that which we have just
had Js that no nation can afford it.
:o: -
If the disarmament conference
falls, the Washington hotel keepers
ought to be required to furnish the
monev with which to build a new
The big corn crop reports this
year make one wonder if any of the
corn will get far enough away from
the farm fatills to be made into corn
bread. o:o
"When a girl tells a young man
that he ought to save his money, it
is a sure sign he is going to need It
that is, if she has her way in the
An Cmaha youth who gets a sal
ary of $40 per month was married
the other day thus usurping Ser
geant York's place as the greatest
hero of the age.
It is said in Japan women's dress
es are now being sold by weight. If
styles are as they are over here,
what practice the wily Japs are get
ting in short-weighing.
There are approximately 4 la mil
lion breadwinners out of employ
ment, according to calculations made
today from the latest government re
ports on unemployment.
A man can be as patient as Job
and still got pretty mad when break
fast is delayed while the cook stops
to look up what her last night's
dream means in the dream book.
We have always had serious
doubts about the wisdom of foreign
mission work, and at last our judg
ment has been verified. The South
Sea Islanders have taken up golf.
And now the Illnois coal miners
have doclaied war, and engaged in
a pitched battle with guards. If
things keep up we may have to again
put the selective draft into opera
tion, :o:
A few years ago, a lot of people
blamed their poverty onto the war,
and they are still poor; and a lot
of girls blamed their loneliness on
to the war too; and they are still
A New York girl f,wam from Al
bany to the Battery in sixty-three
hoars, out even that probably -won't
indnce the railroads to lower their
rates' enough to make such swims
Lar?e floating dice are being us
ed at seashore resorts to gamble
while bathing. Roll 'era on the wa
ter. ' The one-piece bathing suit
girls will take up any fad except
: o:
October 9th has been named for
"Fire Prevention Sunday." Observ
ances in all .churches. We thought
every Sunday enjoyed that distinc
tion, and that every church was a
fire departments
Mr. Ford i3 proving a great help
to insurance companies and state
officials who run down motor car
thieves. He has brought his cars
down to a price where they may
profitably be used a4 decoys.
The boast of the effusive Ameri
can, that his country offers better
opportunities to the young man than
any other country on the globe, is
not all buncom. ltf)may not be tact
ful to"make such""reniarks, but they
are true.
Moreover, the young American,
because perhaps of his envirement
and traditions which he imbibed
early in life, is willing to take the
chance and do the hard work to ex
ploit his opportunity. He tackles
fortune with an assured air, and en
Joys success when..he wins it to the
limit v' ":
Kipling; much in America in his
early years, caught and recorded the
spirit of the American who "shakes
dice with destiny for the beers," and
"who treats alike the twin impos-
ters, triumph and dance."
Here in the last day or two a
book reviewer, writing of one of the
late war books, describes two Amer
icans in France sitting in the costly
and luxurious palace of Marshal
Lanes, built and unfinished by one
of Napoleon's lieutenants. The Amer
icans were engaging because John J
Pershing, one of them, was heading
an American army larger than even
Napoleon ever commanded at one
time. With the commander-in-chief
of the American forces was Charles
G. Dawes, a business man who had
been drafted by General Pershing to
be his personal representative in
handling the grave problems of mo
dern supply and transportation for
a great army. They had been young
fellows together in a Nebraska
town, each eating fifteen cent lunches
on .high stools and planning and
working together for a start up
ward. There, in one of the most beauti
ful and luxurious palaces of the old
world, in the midst of sumptions
surroundings, Charles Dawes, late of
Nebraska, and Pershing, late of the
r.anic general vicinity, recalled the
lean days and the fifteen-cent lunch
es the two had had together, and he
said slowly, "John, when I contrast
these barren surroundings with the
luxurlousness of our early surround
ings in Lincoln it does seem that a
good man has no real chance in the
To which Pershing replied media-
tively. "Don't it beat hell."
The tory Is bound to be true.
General Dawes tells it himself in
his recent book, "A Journal of the
Great War."
; 0 ;
You'll enjoy the
sport of rolling
'em with P. A.!
Prince Ai;crt is sold
in toppy red bug,
tidy red tins, hand
torn pound and halt
pound tin humidors
and in the pound
crystal glass humi
dor with sponge
moistencr top.
7 '1 ;a
mm 1
FIRST thing you do next
go get some makings
papers and som;e Prince
Albert tobacco and puff away
on a home made cigarette
that will hit on all your
smoke cylinders!
ItTo use sitting-by and say
ing maybe you'll cash this
hunch tomorrow. Do it while
the going's good, for man-o-man,
you can't figure out
whatyou'repassingby! Such
flavor, such coolness, such
more-ish-ness well, the only
way to get the words em
phatic enough is to go to it
and know yourself!
And, besides Prince?
Albert's delightful flavor,
there's its freedom from bite
and parch which is cut out by
our exclusive patented proc
ess! Certainly you smoke
P. A. from sun up till you
slip between the sheets with
out a comeback.
Prince Albert is the tob'ac
co that revolutionized pipe
smoking. If you never could
smoke a pipe forget it!
if you use Prince Albert
for packing! It's a smoke
revelation in a jimmy pipe
or a cigarette!
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
Wins ton -Salem.
hmmm ktwm
1 vm
the national joy smoke
From Monday's Dally.
This morning Mrs. Roy Dew of
this city was operated on at the St.
Joseph hospital in Omaha as the re
sult of a very severe attack of gall
stones and which made necessary
her removal to the hospital last
week. The many friends will anx
iously await the outcome of the case
and trust that she may soon be on
the highway to complete recovery.
Poland China Boais
I have a number of choice Poland
China boan of large type ready for
service, that are for sale. They are
of Febuary farrowing. Call at farm
five and one-quarter miles west and
one mile north of Murray.
on I'rfltlon for Appointment of
l nilniMt rat or.
Tlie State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty. HS.
In the County Court.
In tlie matter of the estate of Ocorpe
fircbe, deceased.
On reading and filing the petuion
of William C. Grebe, prayins that ad
ministration of said estate may le
prranted to Fred Drucker as administrator;
Ordered, That September 21. A. T.
1921. at 9 o clock a. m., is assigned ror
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to bo held in
mil for sab! county, nnn snow cause
wliv the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons mteresiea in sali maier oy pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
I'lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Iated this 2.".th day of August, A.
L. 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
a29-3w Attorney.
We have almost succeeded in get
ting rid of phonetic spelling, and
now If we cculd only dt? away with
telephonetic price fixing. we might
be drawing near that corner, norm
alcy is slid to be jusV ;a.Toinid.
o : o
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
for the school children, may be
at the Journal office.
mtiiKit ok iikakim; wo
a otici-: ok l-itoii tk of ivim.
Court of Cass coun-
From Monday's Iaiiv.
C. . Gauer of near Cedar Creek
was hero for a few tymrs today
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Misses Honor Seybert and Martha
Vallery were among those goinic to
Omaha Urn afternoon where they
were called on some matters of bus
iness. Fred W. Ebinger and wife, who
have been visiting at Iloldridge and
also at the state fair at Lincoln, mo
tored in Saturday afternoon to vjsit
for a short time here with relatives
and friends.
From Tuesday s Daily.
Oscar Zaar of South Uend was in
the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business
at the court house.
Albert Young and wife of Mur
ray were in the city yesterday for a
few hours, looking after some busi
ness matters of importance.
Marx Koelinke, of Hay Springs. Ne
braska, is in the city for a visit here
with his grandfather and aunts and
uncles for a few days preparatory to
going to Lincoln, where he will enter
the Nebraska state university.
Mr. and Mrs. CharIes,Jones of Mul
hall, Oklahoma, who have been visit
ing with the parents of Mr. Jones,
near Schaler, Iowa, arrived in the
city this afternoon for a visit here
with John Cory and family, Mr. Cory
being an uncleaof Mrs. Jones.
Hit and miss, per yd 15c
Striped, per yd 20c
Hugs 50c up
13-ld,lw Plattsmouth, Neb.
For Sale
Four red coming 3 year old heif
ers, weighing around 800 lbs.
The best results are obtained from
the carefully written ad placed in
the printer's hands in time to permit
of artistic "set-up." Don't neglect
your advertising or compose it hur
riedly if you would get the greatest
value for the money you expend.
Coates Block Second Floor
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
$65. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older gilts on the
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
Albert Youn g,
In the County
v. Nebraska.
' State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of James w. Taylor, deceased:
On reading the petition of Melissa
J. Tavlor. praying that the instrument
filed In this c ourt on the 9th day . of
September, 1 9 1 . and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed... and recorded ax the last will
and testament of James- V. Taylor,
de'-eased: that said instrument be hJ
mittA.t t-h rtrikliui.. o'rwi tltf administra-
Jtion of said estate be granted to
Veorge i-.vereii as exeeuioi ,
Jt is hereby ordered that you. and
af persons interested in said matter,
ma and do, appear at the County
Coiirf to ,,e bold in and for said coun
tv on the 10th day of October, A. I,
iVi-n at' 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause.
if "any jM'ere be. why the prayer of'
tlie petitioner should not be granted,'
and that .notice of the pendency of.
said l)titiOn and that the bearing,
thereof be. ?iven to all persons inter-'
ested In sail matter by publishing a
copy of this trder In the I'lattsmouth
Journal. a n.sini-wefkly newspaper in Kul.i e.ountv. for three suc
cess Ivh weeks uTior to s
hearing. "
vitni mv imr,.r. a lid seal ol sa
day of
court, this
U. 1921.
9th day
' 7cjinty Judge.
n n rn
nnn a nnn n rn n
yeaning sr. fcr
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
Splendid exhibits in all classes of Stock, Poultry Agri
cultural, Domestic and Dairy Products. Don't fail to see
the Woman's Needlework and Educational Departments.
ree Jkd mlssionl
Lie Stock iieo ListeimE
There will be a Public Action of Purebred Cattle and
Hogs of different breeds at 2 p. m., Friday, Sept. 30th.
Come and buy registered stock at your own price.