The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 15, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TKUIwDAT. SI?ir:CI?. 15. 1BC1.
Yes, Business is Good!
For this we are very thankful to our friends and
patrons, and we are endeavoring to merit their confi
dence by giving them the
Very Best Service!
We are carrying a large stock of supplies and acces
sories of the best kind, and especially call attention to
the excellent stock .of tires which we are carrying.
Our service is the best and we are pleased to always
respond to call for all work.
A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor
Willis Old Stand -:- -:- Union, Nebr.
-Worthwhile Bargains-
3 No.
3 size cans of high
peaches for $1.00
Or we will sell you a full
case of 24 cans for $7.90
All kinds of Friits sold at Bargain
Prices Quality Guaranteed
UNION -:- -:- NEBR.
Bring in Your Produce !
Bring in your lard, eggs, butter and all kinds of
country produce. We can handle it at the best prices.
We are announcing a n-w line of outing flannels,
unionalls, work shirts and all work clothes.
Specials in shoes, consisting of school slvoes, work
shoes and dress shoes.
School supplies of all kinds, tablets, pens, ink, pen
cils, history paper, etc.
Watch our space for fall
The Farmers Mercantile Company,
Fresh Pleats Daily!
are serving
Beef and Pork, besides cured meats, and are selling them
at a figure which enables all to enjoy them.
Jack Spratt Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apple, Berries of
all kinds. Selling three 2 Vz size cans for a $1.00. Del
Monte Peaches and Apricots four No. 2 size can for 98c.
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers "harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for. arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11
De pa rim esi i
Prepared Exclusively for 'The Journal.
Harry Vantine of south Nehaw
ka was looking after some business
matters in I'nion last Monday.
Al Roc.e of Coleridge and wife
have been visiting with fiends in
I'nion for a nuniler of days during
last week.
A. A. Young was a visitor in town
last Tuesday and was hauling some
of his last year's crop to the farm
for feeding.
Dan. Lynn is assist ins in the con
duct of the store of A. L. Becker
during the absence of Mr. Becker
oil his trip. j
John Douge of Toledo. Wash., who
with his wife were visiting the state!
f;ir are still guest at the home of;
W. L. McCarroll. j
W. L. lpjback and daughter Mi-j
Lelia were guests at the home of j
Kev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor for din-j
ner last uuuay.
The tall chimney which -has been
tn the li3.lV of L. G. Todd was;
to arrive soon,
the choicest cuts of fresh meats
Union, Nebr.
blown down in the storm which vis
ited Union last Friday
County Commissioner C. F. Har
ris reported - some seven bridges as
having washed out in the recent
rain in Liberty precinct.
Gust Bullmun of St. Joseph Mo.,
was a visitor in I'nion and guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. YY. A.
j Taylor for dinner lat Sunday.
Attorney C. H. Taylor cf Omaha
j accompanied by his family were vis
! itinjr in I'nion last Sunday guests
I at the home of Mr. Taylor mother
j Fred Home deputy postmaster was
! looking alter some business mutters
i in Nebraska Citv la-t Monday nuak-
ing the trip via tiie Missouri FacitJc;
The Heir Miller and wife were at
i tending the state fair and their met
! their son LeKov Miller of J'eru wno
was also visiting at the great show.
Vance Harris of Fcrt Dodge. Ia.,
is visiting at the home of his par-j
ents, C. F. Harris and wife for a
few days during his ansual vaca
tion. Mrs. Perry Dukes and Miss Verna
Craig have both accepted positions
in the cafe of Wm Barclay at l'latts
moutli and "like .the employment
Messrs. -Walter Jones and Joe
Joiips of Alton. Ill . sons of Mrs.
Henry Fl?!ther of this city have
Itvn visiting for a few days with
their mother.
1'.. L. :,!iilpot of Weeping Water
was iooking after some business
matters in Murray last Tuesday af
ternoon having driven over in his
car after i1k rain.
Messrs. Harvey Gregg the car
penter and M. Bartlett the tonsorial
artist were looking after some busi
ness matters in Pl.ttlsmouth last
Tuesday afternoon.
T. J. Brendel and wife were vis
iting for a shotr time and looking
after scm; business matters in
I'lattsmouth last Tuesday driving
over in their auto.
Luther Meade and Ceo. Wright
departed la?t Manday afternoon for
Line. In t. bring the Chestf-r Whites
which Mr Joseph Wright had on
i exhibition at the state fair.
I At the brine of Addison Jhnsi.n
'on the "()" street road he had the
! farm building with the exception of
the house all blown down m the
I storm which occurred last Friday.
j Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and
tlWit Stead man and wife and sister
i Mrs-- Myrtle Steadman all if Shu
bert were brief visitors at the home
i cf Rev. and Mrs. S. .Miller last week.
I Thomas McQuinn had the mi-for-j
tune to lose three spring porkers
j ::nd one large sow by drowning last
j Saturday and working hard all day
was all thaf saved many more of
: his stock.
L. G Todd and wife and K. J. Mou
; pay and family were Lincoln vis-
itors last Sunday going to take
'Misses Nuniiii Monday and Miss Al
ice Todd their daughters to school
' at Lincoln.
' The car of Hugh Tobh slipped
over into :h" ditch in the high wa
'. fr 1 i--.t Saturday, neaV the home of
Blair I' rtr and had io be left un
til the wai ?r Mihsided b fore i; could
; be pulled out.
j The Ladie. Aid of the Baptist
' chur- h m t la-t Saturday at the
home of M'ss Sarah 1'pton and im
proved tiie tiiff i ins hour in hem
ming hand;r" hiefs for the "Mary
i Aim' mission of Omaha.
Tiie W. C. T. V. last Tuesday met
'a; the home, of Mrs E. J. Mow gay
and there was held a verv interest-
irg session
with very delicious re-
frc.-hnients following
and social session of
Mrs. Marv Tavlor
the business
the meeting,
and daughter.
Miss Kathvl. who visiting for
a time in Omahu .slopped on their
way home for a short visit with Mrs.
Barbara Tavlor and her daughter.
Miss Klsie Tavlor and Mrs. K. W.
Mrs. Geo. Eaton, who lias been ill
for several days is reported as be
ing much, improved and is able to
be up and aU,ut again. Mr. Eaton,
who was in Kentucky, returned
home la-t week on account of her
A. L. Becker and two sons. II. II.
: nd K y Becker departed the first
f the wee1; for the western portion
of the sta'e and will also visit in
Wyoming and Colorado while away
they are making the trip in one of
their Ford cars.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hendricks
departed I.i''f Tuesday afternoon for
Plainview where they will visit f r
several months at the home of their
son. Mr. Jesse Hendricks and also
at their daughter's, Mrs. Albert
Schlegel and family.
There is rejoicing at Hie home of
Jt-hn Armstrong the cause being
that the stork presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Armstrong a fine little blue
eyed baby girl the daughter and
both parents are doing nicely and
the household is happy.
Mrs. Henry Banning living south
of I'nion is reported as being con
siderable better during it ha past
week. Mrs. Banning has been con
fined to her bed for a numebr of
weeks and it is with much pleasure
her friends hear of her improvement
in health.
Jiiss Verna Harris, who has 7een
visiting at. the home of relatives at
Marshall, Mo., for the past three
weeks, returned home last Saturday
and left Monday morning for Ne
hawka where she again takes up
the work with the Sheldon Manu
facturing Co.
Miss Clara Kainey, one of the
teachers of the M urfay -school, was
taken ill last Tuesday and was not
able to tcacli for the day. Mr. Lloyd
scott one or tne puptis in the upper
grnde grades obligingly took up the
work for the time and theschool
Ftudies were uninterrupted.
Frask Scott and family on Ona
wa. Iowa, have recently moved into
the Frank Young Jr., place on the
road to PLutsmouth and will make
their home for the present. The
Scott family' come to this neighbor
hood well recommended and we are
sure they will like this town and
neighborhood better the longer .they
remain here.
Mrs. Nettie Stanton, who is at Ro
chester, Minn., at the Mayo hospital
and accompanied by her sister Miss
Marv E. Foster is receiving treat-
ment for a time inu win undergo j Kpworth
and operation for the benefit of heriami ,the
health in a short time it is hoped and ether .services at the regular
by her many friends here that 8he!time. While the churc bthinks well
may have a suec operation and a'0f their minister they are desirous
quick recovery.
Will Hold Regular Services
The regular services will be held
at the Baptist -church the coming
Sunday and a cordial invitation is
extended to all not worshipping else
where, to attend the services.
i Dies at Omaha Monday
. Mrs. Leonard (Martha) St. John
who has made, her home with a
niece Mrs. I 'avid Hoyle of Omaha,
died at that place last Monday af
ternoon at the advanced age of 7G
years following a stroke of paraly
sis. Jerome G. St. John of near Ne
hawka and Myron W. St. John of
near Nebraska City went to Omaha
on the evening train to accompany
the remains to Nebraska City.
The funeral was held and inter
ment at the Wyoming cemetery the
Kev. W. A. Taylor delivering the
funeral oration. Mr. Leonard St.
John the husband died in 1905 and
there remain to mourn this good
woman four sons, they being. Jer
ome. Myron, A. H. St. John of Ne
braska City and DeWitt of Glasgow
Montant. Mrs. St. John was a sister-in-law
of C. D. St. John of Ne
liawka. Pigs Tor Sale
For sale :51 head of choice
Jersey spring pigs, weight
100 pounds, for feeding.
Murray, Neb
Entertained at Dinner
Last Sunday a.t their pleasant
home just east of the Missouri Pac
ific station Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Trent
entertained for the day and at din
ner Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Heinricks
and Andrew Campbell and wife. The
day was very pleasantly spent at
the Trent heme and all enjoyed the
the excellent dinner which was serv
ed bv Mrs. Trent.
Knows a
Good Hog
Joseph Lldgett.
who knows a
hog and
pinntd hi
and with
has made
look ten
fa. ir and
what, one is worth, had
i f.iith to the Chester White
careful breeding and care
a worthwhile showing, lie
.-.f his herd to the state
brought home ten premi
of the hogs taking first
unis. one
prize two
aking second , three tak
ing third, two the fourth, .two the
fifth and one the sixtii. This is do
ing pretty well considering that the
v.'iole state in competition for these
homiK. He has some two spring
boars and engaged to sell a number
"of others.
License Plate
. 15859
License plate
number 158 59 has
been found and tirt'ied over to thus
office f. r advertising. The owner may
have th" v.uiu lry calling and paying
for this ad.
Eack at Work
H. L. Swanson. the genial agent
tf th: Mi-ouri Pacific at Union,
who with his family has been vis
iting at Coshocton. -Ohio where they
visited his folks returned home last
Saturday :md to work Monday. The
auditors of the railroad and express
companies were loth here and found
evtrything in excellent shape under
the management of Swanson and
McCowen. who had charge during
the absence cf Mr. Swanson.
Her Sister
Mr. iind Mrs Wm Johnson, a form
r resident ot Cass county, arrived
Tutsday afternoon from his home at
Hinton" Okla.. where he has been
living, and is visiting at the home
of his sister, Mrs. J. W. Berger. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson will be remem
bered by ihe older citizens as hav
ing resided here years since.
Praise Plattsmcuth Hospitality
Last Tussdav John LiiVgett and
wife. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kider of
Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tay
lor. Mesdames E. Frans. Olney Eas
er, Ivan Balfour. Belle Frans and
Misses Elsio Taylor and Mary Beck
er went to I'lattsmouth where they
enjoyed a session of the Order of
Eastern Stir and which time Mrs.
Exa Frans and W. A. Taylor and
John Lidgett were introduced to
the mysteries of the order. They
were all loud in their praise of the
I'lattsmouth order and the fine
manner in which they were treated.
To Make a Good Road
The farmers around the Lewiston
church hav? become greatly dissatis
fied with the road which leads to
the outside world and after attempt
ing in othor ways to secure a pas
sable road purchased a stump .puller
and will make a road which will
1 e worth while conection then the
main Omaha-Kansas City road. This
desire to have a road and the steps
they are taking is very commenda
ble and will sure result in securing
Built Bunks Themselves
Col. J. B. Seyboldt and son, Wm.
were needing some feeding bunks
for their cattle and not being able
to find anyone to build them Un
purchased the materials and built
them with the assistance of War
ren Leonard.
Many Calls For Indemnity
The Farmers', Mutual Insurance
Co. of which Mr. C. F. Harris is the
secretary, have received many calls
announcing damage from the storm
of last Friday night caused by wind
rain and water. The heaviest losses
were Hans Hanson, L. G. Todd,
Charles Frans Chris
Marv Rchriver. Jacob
Nutson, Mrs.
Ehlers. Win-
field Swan,
Wm James and Joseph
Last Before Conference
TT. . ....... O....... ..Ill 1-vrk Oio'
1 lie uuiiiiUK ouuuav v in nit
last meeting of the year of the Meth
odist church before the anual con-
! ference there will be services in ev
ery department of the church. The
League beginning at 6:4a
evening services at 7:30
of securing a resident minister be
lieving he could do better work by
reason of making his home here."
Some Rain
Last Friday evening and all night
the rain poured in relentless tor
rents over Cass county and was in
some instances accompanied by vio
lent winds which did much damage
as well as the high waters done
much destruction. At the home of
Hans Hansen the barn was destroy
ed and other outbuildings partly
blown over end the roof was blown
off the house. The house was nearly
new and partly insured but the loss
was great on the other buildings.
Other Places Get Water
At the home of John Armstrong
Stephen Oopenhaver and Blair Por
ter and other the cellars were filled
with water and much damage re
sulted. The water getting into the
home of John Armstrong, while in
his yard and leading to the railroad
the water was deep enough to swim
a horse.
; Road Becomes a Ferry
Between the bridge near the
pumping station and the railroad
tracks the water was from a few
inches to several feet deep. One
hundred cars "had to be hauled the
quarter of a mile by teams and a
number of people among whom were
Frank Anderson, Charles Hathaway
Lennie Crawford and Ivan Balfour
did a thriving business as ferrymen.
At the home of G..W. Cheney the
water was two feet higher than it
had even been before. For fifty years
a stable had stood on the place and
never letting any water in until now
when it showed two feet, higher
than any previous mark.
Fifty Year Old Quilt
Charles L. Graves received a Log
Cabin Quilt, whieh his mother made
for him more than a half a century
ago. The quilt has been in posses
sion of Mrs. Mary Burnett for a
number of years and when Mr.
Graves visited his sister a short
time ago Mrs. Burnett suggested he
had better take it home. The quilt
taken one back into history of the
later sixties when we were just re-
ruining our "normalcy" following
the civil war.
Appointed as Administrator
A petition was filed in the coun
ty court last week asking the ap
pointment of Geo. Everett as the ex
ecutor of will of the late J. W. Tay
lor, which was witnessed when made
soma seventeen year& ago by Messrs
Earl Travis, W. A. Robertson and
Ceo. N. La Rue was appointed as
the executir in the instrument but
he had died a number of years ago.
Union Wins Second Game
The Union ball team stepped over
to Xehawka fast Sunday and there
ulaved a game with the Nehawka
team which was attended by a good
1- crowd of Nehawka people and
romp Union fans who accompanied
the team. The result of the game be
ing that Union won by the score of
1 to a bare 2 for Nehawka. Union
is feeling pretty chesty over the
matter and from the way they lam
basted the pill probably theyare
The most pleasing novel of the year
has been that of Harold Bell right
in "Helen of the Old House," which
has been published by the Appleton
comnanv and which is now on sale
at the Journal office at $2.00 each
Call and secure your copy of one of
the most enjovable pieces of litera
ture of the present day.
To reduce stock this month will
sell the Chalmers alid Maxwell cars
and All American trucks on recent
decline, less the dealer's commission
Terms. Agent wanted. Farmer pre
ferred. Fred E. Johnson, Neb. City
at Wheeler's garage.
stoves, oil
oil stoves, gas
laundry stoves
Plattsmouth i9 not a slow town
by any means, and we don't want
to see it get that way, but we have
nevertheless, some people -who are
too dilatory or lazy to work for their
own interests as well as the city
We have many up-to-date people
but what they do for the city, the
dilatory ones get the benefit with
out costing them anything. Thats
not right. .They don't even cut the
weeds in and around their homes.
fONSTAlll.irs SI.K
Notice is hereby Riven that ty virtue
of the juilfrment and onler of the
Ciitintv Court of Cass county, N'ebrns
ka, to me directed, 1 will on the Tith
day of St-ptrmlier, 1921, at 10 o'clock
a. in., on Main street, south of the
court house in I'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
sell at puldic auction to the hiKht
bidder for cash, the following describ
ed K-ods and chattels, to-wit:
1 1 cooky cans and cookies,
1G empty cooky cans,
1 cash register,
2 show cases,
3 chicken crates.
1 cooky can crate,
400 feel' of lumber,
the same having been taken on an
Order of Attachment in an action in
said court, entitled Edward O. Hippie
vs. Morris Soshnik, and sold to satisfy
the judgrment of said court against
said defendant.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
I late: September 14th, 1921.
sla-Stsw. Constable.
Bane of Housewife Plays
Part in Life.
Dust Falls on the Ocean, Yellow Rains
in the Yukon and Red Snows In
Greenland and Other Arctic and
Alpine Regions Among Freaks
Without Dust We Would Have No
Rain and Coloring of Our Sunsets
Would Be Almost Entirely Lost.
Washington, D. O. "The falling of
a thick coating of dust upon u steam
er in the Yellow Sea and the attendant
darkening of the atmosphere so that
tailing was difficult, recently reported
In news dispatches. Is not such ua
uncommon occurrence in that part of
the world, or even in in!d ocean,"
says a bulletin of the National Geo
graphic society from Washington. 1). C.
'"Besides the dust full on the ocean.
which on the fuce of It seems u joke.
there are sometimes yellow rains In
the Yukon and red snows in Green
land and other arctic und alpine re
gions," the bulletin adds.
The yellow rains, so called because
the ground becomes covered with a pe
culiar fine yellow deposit, are usually
found to be caused by the pollen of
pine trees, growing miles and miles
uway, which is caught up by the winds
and carried until their fury has abated,
and then dropped. The Ted snow'
seen In the arctic is made by a wind-
placed deposit of the motile algae,
Chlnmydomonus, In the nuclei of
which are red pigment spots. other
kinds of algae sometimes reproduce
in such nuinlers that they form the
greenish deposits seen in fresh water.
Beautiful Sunsets Due to Dust.
'Dust, however, that bane of the
housekeeper and the curse of the auto
mobile tourist, plays a vital part In
our lives. Though It sometimes seems
to suffocnte us, without It we could
have no rain, as the vapor would not
condense and without its power of
refraction our daylight would not be
so bright, and the coloring of our
sunsets would be almost entirely lot.
"The loess of northern China, a line
yellow powder brought by the wind
from the desert regions beyond and
deposited In places several hundred
feet In thickness, has been tilled for
thousands of years, without any arti
ficial fertilization and without signs
of exhaustion. I'eds of vob-aulc dut
are to be found in Kansas and Ne
braska today, in some places us much
as 'M feet in thickness, though there
were no volcanoes In the p:it and
none at present within hundreds of
miles of the deposits. The wind Is
the culprit or benefactor.
"Steamers out in the middle of the
Atlantic often have their sails red
dened with dust blown from the Sa
hara, and sometimes the rains of
southern Europe are colored by dust
from the same source. In four
days of March winds are believed to
have spread over central Eurojw
ibout 2,MX),GW tons of Sahara dust,
.nost of it falling south of the Alps,
hut some of it being carried as far as
the Baltic sea.
"Wind-blown dust also clvs rise to
some interesting phenomena. When
lust falls on glaciers or deposits of
snow near the mountain tops, every
dust particle melt its way thrutigh the
ice, sometimes several Inches In
depth, aud If there are a great many
of these 'dust wells' the mountain
climber must watch his steps. Use
was mnde of this knowledge by en
gineers in melting snows preliminary
to the building of the New Bergen
railway in southern Norway.
No Mountain Peak Above "Dust Zone."
"It is probable that no mountain top
Is high enough above the earth to be
entirely free from some dust, espe
cially that thrown out during volcanic
eruptions. In a great explosion, such
as that of Krakatoa In 1SS.". dut is
shot into the upper atmosphere rather
than picked up by it. Dust particles
from Krakatoa traveled around the
world, some of It completing its first
trip In 15 days. Before this giant
shook tlw world with its mighty up
heaving we were ignorant of the winds:
that prevailed nt over ten miles above
the earth's surface. The dust so
colored these upper reaches that
canny scientists were able to trace up
per wind movements, to record thoni
upon their charts, and to tell us that
mighty air streams are flowing 20
miles above our heads.
"Long l.tefore meteorologists realized
the part played by the dust in the up
per atmosphere following volcanic ex
plosions, they recorded as phenomenal
and Inexplicable certain dense, dry
fogs that neither abundant rains nor
fierce winds drove away, 'today we
can easily explain that because we
know that the 'fog' was really dust
in the atmosphere high above the
rnln and wind clouds. In some places
these 'fogs' made the sun invisible
until It had risen high above the hori
zon and colored and reflected the
light of the new moon until It ap
peared as bright as that of the full
moon at midnight.
"Beneath the earth's surface the
dust plays as fantastic a part as It
does above its crust. In mines It
increases InfiammnbiMty nnd assists
in explosion of gases which would
otherwise be Incombustible, probably
acting In the same capacity us the
catalytic agent In a chemical reaction."
From Wednesday's DaMy.
Harry McCoy was among those
going to Omaha this afternoon to
have seme dental work, looked after.
Evan Noble of Cornell, Iowa is in
the city enjoying a short visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. It. No
Lie and family.
L. W. Nelson was in Omaha to
day for a short time visiting with
his wife, who is stiil in that city
taking treatment.
LeRoy Covert was a visitor In the
metropolis today for a few hours
noing to that city on the early morn
ing Burlington train.
Everett Gooding was among those
going to Omaha tnis afternoon to
spmd a few hours looking after
sijine business matters.
William Baird returned home this
morning Irj.n . tucago wnere lie nas
been for a few days looking after
some railroad business.
MrM. George Gobclman was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spend the day there attending to
some matters of business.
Mrs. Cyril Kalina was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spend a few hours looking after
some matters or business.
Mrs. Henry Mauzy and daughter.
Miss Marion, departed this morning
for Omaha to spend the day in that
city visiting with friends.
Mrs. E. II. Brady was among
those going to Omaha this afternoon
to spend a lew hours attending to
some matters of importance.
Mrs. Frel I. Busch was among
the passenger? this morning for Om
aha where sh ewill look after some
matters of In that city.
Mrs. J. E. Thompson of Omaha
was here today for a short time vis
iting with her met her-in-la w. Mrs.
Mary Thompson and other friends.
Mrs. I'aui Wohlfarth was a visitor
in Omaha lor a few hours today
with her sister. Mrs. A. W. Cloidt.
whii is at the hospital in that city.
Oilniour returned this after
noon to Omaha after being here for
a few days visit :it the home of hi
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gilmour.
A. Doug! -is
aha today foi
was called t n
for his barber
McCrary was in Om
a short time where he
some business matters
shop for a few hours.
Simon Clark, one of the
of the store department of the Bur
the store department of
lington is taking an enforced layoff
due to a verv severe attack of pleur
William He.inrich?.en departed
this afternoon for Omaha where he
was called to look after some mat
ters relative to his Ixdtling works
Mrs. Frank Sebatka. Sr., and
daughter, dulia, were among those
going to Omaha this morning to
spend the day there visiting with
Mrs. John W. Crabill and daugh
ter. Miss Alice, were anion p those
going to Omaha this afternoon 4o
visit for a few hours with relatives
and friends.
Dr. V. J. Flynn and wife were
among those going to Omaha thi
morning to visit for the day in 'that
city with friends and looking after
some matters of business.
Mrs. Conrad Meisinger departed
this morning for I'ekin. Illinois,
where she gees to spend a short time
visiting at the home of her sister,
MfrM E. Kiber and family.
James Rebal, tha brocm manu
facturer, was among the business
visitors in Omaha today for a few
hours going to that city on the ear
ly morning Burlington train.
Mrs. D. Hawksworth and daugli
ter, Mrs. Mary Cook, were among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spend a lew hours looking after
some matters of business and visit
ing with friends.
Melfin Johnson departed this
morning tor Lincoln where he goes
to take up his work in the Nebraska
state university. Mr. Johnson is one
irt the graduates of the clas.s of 1921
and will carry his educational work
in higher lines.
A Grateful Letter
It is in trying conditions like that
related below by Mrs. Geo. L. North
of Naples, N. Y., that proves the
worth of Chamberlain's Colic and"
Diarrhoea Remedy, "Two years ago
last summer," she says, "our little
boy had dysentary. At that time we
were living In the country eight miles
from a doctor. Our son was taken ill
suddenly and was about the sickest
child I ever saw. He was in terrible
pain all the time and passed from one
convulsion Into another. I sent my
husband for a doctor and after he
was gone thought of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him
some of it and he began to improve
at once. By the time the doctor ar
rived, he was out of danger."
Just arrived, everything for the
household. Come in and give us a
chance to save you money- on the
new goods with a new price.
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Books! Books! Rooks! We have
them till you can't ist, at the Jour
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