The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 15, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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San Francisco. Sept. 13. An in
dictment charging Hoscoe Arbuckle
with manslaughter in connection
with the death of Miss Virginia
Kappe was voted late tonight by the
San Franciscccounty grand Jury.
San Francisco. Sept. 13. Roscoe
(Fatty) Arbuckle. motion picture
star, was a silent spectator today at
the inquest into the death of Miss
Virginia Kappe. an actress, with
whose murder he is charged. The
inquest was not concluded and will
be resumed tomorrow, it was an
nounced, when it is proposed to sum
mon Miss Zeh Prevost and Miss Alice
Klake, show girls, who were guests of
Arbuckle. on the afternoon of Sep
tember 5 at the party in a local ho
tel where it is alleged Miss Rappe re
ceived the injuries which resulted in
her death.
Their testimony was not offered
today at the inquest in order that
they might first appear before a
special session of the county grand
jury tonight. The grand jury last
night considered the Arbuckle case,
but adjourned without completing its
Miss Prevost was a witness at last
right's session of the grand jury and
District Attorney Matthew Brady to
day announced she had then told a
story which differed in many particu
lars from the statement she had given
his office of circumstances attending
the Arbuckle party. Brady said he
was conducting an investigation to
learn if any inducement to change
her story had been offered Miss Pre
vost. Arbuckle. the central figure, sat in
rapt interest at the inquest today
while Mrs. Bambina M. Pelmont.
friend of the dead actress and her
companion at the Arbuckle party tes
Ameiican Syndicate to Come Into
Possession in Austria Esti
mated at $200,000,000
Pari. Sept. 11. Negotiations
were completed here yesterday where
by the estates of Archduke Frederick-of
Austria and his son. Arch
duke Albrecht estimated to be
worth more than 1200,000.000
wer taken over by an American
syndicate, which includes S. H. Sa
bin. J. L. P.eplogle. Frank A. Mun
jey. T. J. Felder and othe Ameri
can business men. Samuel Unter
meyer. Sew York lawyer, represent
ed the syndicate, and Archduke Al
brecht took part in behalf of himself,
his father, his wife, Isabel, and Ms
six sister.
The transaction concerns the vast
land .ind industrial holdings of the
Hapsbiirsss. distributed thruout Aus
tria.. Czecho-Slovakia, Poland. Ru
mania md Italy. They include the
great ft?el works and mines in Tes
chen. partly in Ozecho-Slovakia and
partly in Poland.
This :s regarded as important by
the American syndicate, because the
properties were not part of the pos
sessions of the Austrian crown, but
came to Archduke Frederick from
other sources.
A large part of the properties were
purchased and developments from
private me:in were increased during
the 150 years by investments and
return-; from new enterprises. Arch
duke Frederick wm excluded from
all his properties located in coun
tries formerly composing the Aus-tro-Hungariitn
monarchy. Seme oth
ers were claimed as confiscated.
American interests in the proper
ties h.M iU origin in Switzerland in
lfllft. when Archduke Frederick met
Mr. Folder. Operation of the indus
tries had been paralyzed by the war.
Arransmrirts were made in October,
1919. wlKTfby the archduke was to
transfjr his properties, except those
in Hungary, to A corporation orga
nized ii Switzerland, to take over
the administration of the estates.
Mr. ".'elder was to form a syndi
cate in America to acquire substan
tia! in'erests in the new company
which he did. Differences arose be
tween the JTchducal family and the
yndicit. These have now been ad
justed. The syndicate and the arch
duke will enforce what they believe
to ho their rights against the sev
eral governments now withholding
Cleveland. O. Sept. 13. President
Harding. Secretary of the Treasury
Mellon, and the United States Cham
ber of Commerce, were censured by
Brigadier General J. R. McQuigg.
state commander of the American
Region, in an address before the
Victory po-tt here for their attitude
on "adjusted compensation" for vet
erans of the world war.
"It unbecomes. any president to
characterize as "menacing" the ef
forts to obtain a bonus for the men
who fought to preserve the nation
be temporarily represents." CJpnpral
McQuigg declared.
General McQuigg also outlined.
plans for a campaign to put over
bonus legislation by an amendment
to the Ohio constitution at the com-1
ing election, which lie pointed out,1
would be the first time Ohio service i
men and women bad had a chance
to ehow their hands in politics.
Santa Fe. N. M., Sept. 13. New
Mexico will elect a United States
Senator a week from today to suc
ceed Albert B. Fall, now secretary
of interior.
It. D. Bursum, who was appointed
by Gov. M. E. Mechem to 111 the sen
atorial chair temporarily, has the
unanimous indorsement of the re
publican state convention. The dem
ocratic nominee Is E. H. Hanna of
Albuquerque, former justice of the
state supreme court.
Eleven proposed constitutional
amendments will also be voted on.
These include measures barring ali
ens ineligible to citizenship or as
sociations cr corporations controlled
by such aliens from owning land, ex
tending to women the right to hold
public office, providing a tax exemp
tion of $2,000 for former service
men, and placing as common car
riers the burden of proof that rate
orders of the state corporate com
mission are unreasonable.
60,000 Railroad Employes to Meet
In Chicago to Discuss Present
Wage Difficulties
Chicago, Sept. 13. Sixty thous
and railroad employes will meet here
Sunday to consider the present wage
differences with the roads.
The announcement of the meet
ing was made .today by Bert M. Jew
oii nrfxiiiioTit of th railroad depart
ment of the American Federation of
Towoll A-ho is to address the mem
bership, would not reveal the nature
if "hi a snMch.
The meeting was called in view
of the fat that shoo emDloves all
over the country have voted over-
u'hc min? v r:nnu apppmance oi
the wage cut that went into effect
July I.
Terrific Wind Reported in Vicinity of
Havelock Nearly Blows Bur
lington Train Off Track.
The Lincoln Telephone and Tele
graph company reported $75,000 to
$100,000 damage from the high wind
and rain storm Friday evening, says
the Lincoln State Journal. In Lin
coln alone 2.500 telephones were out
of commission Saturday morning and
the Lincoln suburbs reported several
The engineer on the Burlington
train from Sioux City which reaches
Lincoln at 5:30 p. m.. said that the
gale was so strong near Havelock
Friday evening that the train nearly
stopped and he feared it would be
blown from the tracks. The cab win
dows in the engine blew out. He said
that the wind was considerably
stronger there than when they
reached Lincoln.
The Lincoln Telephone company
reported eighty-five poles down on its
line between Lincoln and Omaha
This line has four cross arms and
carries a large number of circuits
The Bennett-Palmyra line, compris
ing eighty poles is also down, the
poles lying flat on the ground. Con
siderable damage is reported between
Syracuse and Dunbar.
The greatest damage to one line is
that done along the O street road,
between Lincoln and Elmwood, where
communication is completely cut off
Wires are also down in the vicinity
of Raymond.
The transcontinental line from
New .York to San Francisco, which is
owned by the American Telephone
and Telegraph company, is also down
at numerous places In Nebraska.
Organization Candidate Three
One Ahead of Nearest Rival
For Mayor Nomination
New York, Sept. 13. Early re
turns from the municipal primaries
held today gave Henry H. Curran,
organization candidate, a lead of
three to one over his nearest rival
for the republican mayoralty nom
ination. Mayor John F. Hylan was
unopposed for the democratic nom
Returns from 593 districts out t
2.733 gave Curran 18.998; William
M. Bennett, former state senator
818; Judge R. L. Haskell 5.933 and
F. P. Laguardia. 7,047.
Mr. Bennett, whose returns indi
cate would run last in the contest
sent a telegram .to Mr. Curran to
night, congratulating him on having
won the republican nomination.
Judge R. L. Haskell, who made
his campaign on the wet issue, ran
a close third, and W. Bennett, form
er state senator, was a poor fourth.
The vote with 1.223 out of 2.773
districts missing was Curran 55,576;
Bennett 2.497; Haskell 18.833; La
guardia 21,240.
The other principal coalition nom
inees Charles C. Lock wood for comp
troller and Vincent Gilroy, inde
pendent democrat, led their oppon
ents by overwhelming pluralities.
Mayor John F. .Hylan and Comp
troller Charles L. Craig were re-nominated
without opposition in the
democratic primaries.
Judge Haskell also conceded the
nomination to Mr. Curran saying
that it looked as if he had won be
yond question.
Frank M. Rice and wife departed
this morning for Glenwood where
they will visit for a short time there
locking after soma matters of busi
ness and will visit with their rela
tives and friends In that city.
Prominently Mentioned for Election'
as Judge of the International
Court of Justice.
r.pnpva Sent. 12. Elihu Root has
definitely declined to be considered,
for election as judge of the interna-j
tional court of justice. In a cable
gram to Dr. Manley O. Hudson, who
is here in the capacity of American j
observer. Mr. Root says he will be'
unable to serve on the court because
of his age. , .. . , j
The refufal of Mr. Root is;said to
increase the chance of . either John !
Basset t Moore or Prof. Roscoe .
Pound, two other Americans noini-i
nated for the court, to be elected. j
Officials of the league expressed,
belief that It was certain the names'
of both Mr. Moore and Prof. Pound!
would be placed in nomination and
that the one developing the greatest
strength after the first or second
ballot would be elected. The league
has been informed that either would
accept election, it was added.
Gustave Ador, former president of
Switzerland, was elected honorary
president of the assembly of the
league of nations today.
The meeting of the assembly dele
gates this morning took on the as
pects of a national political conven
tion in the United States, the elec
tion of judges of the international
court being a theme of universal in
terest. Leon Bourgeois of France said be
fore the assembly that there was
no reason for the league to be alarm
ed by the coming disarmament con
ference at Washington.
"The league respects national
sentiments." be said, "and recog
nizes that those who are outside jis '
wen as inose wno are liisuie ute
league have the right to occupy;
themselves with the great question'
of disarmament.
"It was not to be expected.' added;
M. Bourgeois, "that a country which j
sent 2.000,000 men across the At
lantic to f.ght for liberty, would af
terward renounce a part in future
M. Bourgeois cited the presence in
Geneva of the numerous correspond
ents of the American press as evi
dence of the interest the United
States has in the league.
Referring to the dissatisfaction of
Sweden with the Aland islands
award, made under the league's juris-J
diction. M. Bourgeois agreed with!
the sentiment previously expressed
by A. J. Balfour of Great Britain
that it was impossible to please both
sides in such controversies.
The holding of civil service ox
aminatioiiH for. the positions of post
master at Louisville and Elmwood
is announced by the civil service
commission at the local office. The
examinations will be held at both of
the places where -vancancies occur
or at Plattsmouth as the commission
may direct Miss Gerda Peterson, act
Ing secretary of the civil service
board will rieside at the examina
New York, Sept. 13. Thomas W
Lamont, of J. 1 Morgan and com
pany, will leave for Mexico City late
this month to discuss with Mexican
government officials the status of
that country's external obligations.
He will go it the request of the in
ternational committee of bankers on
Mexico of which he is acting chair
man. Mr. L,amont will receive sug
gestions of the Mexican .government
and report to the committee.
The committee represents British.
French. Swiss. Dutch and Belgian
interests. It was reported that the
state department was cognizant of
the proposed visit and that the gov
ernments of the various foreign in
terests involved had given hearty en
Ias Angeles, Cal., Sept. 13.
Hoscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle was drop
ped from the membership roll of the
Ivos Angeles Athletic club here last
President William Garland
said, "it was 'the unanimous belief
of the directors that such a step
should be taken."
The IjOz Angeles Athletic club is
the largest club in the city.
Miss Catherine Gorder. who last
year was engaged in teaching at Co
logne, South Dakota, returned a few
days ago to that city to take up her
work for the fall and winter. Miss
Gorder gave the greatest of satis
faction at the Dakota city . and her
return was urged by the patrons of
the school there. '"'
I! ,.)-'
Word has been receiyedf rom W.
A. Scott and family, ofJurray who
have been on an auto tour, through
Kansas and Colorado, announcing
that they are locating at Richland,
Kansas. While on their trip they
had a fine time and visited the (Jar
den of the God. Kstes park. Den
ver, Golden, Colorado Springs and
Mrs. Vincent Pilney was among
the passengers on the early morn
ing Burlington train today for Om
aha to look after soni, matters of
importance in that city. 1
Gustave K. Brubacker departed
this morning for Omaha to enter on
his courses of study at the Univer
sity of Omaha which will open this
morning for the fall term.
Office supplies of ail kinds nai
died at the Journal office.
Sept. 15th
School Tarns in All Colors
plain and embroidered tops. Genuine "Suede-Like" Duvetyn.
Our Price $1.45
The Autumn Hats for tailored and dress wear in Velvets, Duvetyn, Satin
Slay and Feather Hats must be seen to be appreciated. We invite your
attention to our display
Thursday, September 15th
Special Trains to Arrive Here Friday
Morning at Daybreak First
One in Several Years.
For the first time in a good num
ber of years a really big circus is
going to visit Plattsmouth. Among
voung and old alike this announce
m'-nt will be received with pleas
ure. The Campbell-Bailey-Hutchinson
Combined Circus and Wild West
show is the one to which we refer,
and their special circus train will
arrive here Friday morning for two
exhibitions, ;iie at 2 p. ni. and one
at S p. m. While not guaranteed
to be the largest, this is said to be
one of the best shows on the road.
and its 1921 tour has been most sue
cessf ul.
Given as the principal reason for
this is the fact that the manage
merit has spared neither money or
trouble to make their performances
the equal of any ever presented un
der a circus canvas. The regular
cirrus program is opened with a
beautiful patriotic ensemble, which
serves to introduce the, entire per
sonnel from the big dressing rooms.
Then, with blood-stirring music
from the large concert band, the
acts follow each other in bewilder
ing rapidity. Prominent among the
disnlavs are the Crillion troupe in a
series of new and daring feats in
the air and on the ground, the Dav
ennort faniilv of Riders, the Azuki
Japs, Campbell-Bailey-Hutchinson's
herd of performing elephants, Ro
chetta, the man who walks on his
head, and a score of other acts. The
clowns number 25 and include some
of the funniest jesters known. Al
most three hours of solid enojyment
is given those who attend, and this
is augmented by a thrilling Wild
West exhibition entitled "The Pass
ing of the West."
There will be the usual free street
parade at noonday. Performances
start at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open
one hour earlier.
Many geysers of the Yellowstone
National Park throw up their col
umns of water at irregular intervals.
Only the Old Faithful throws up a
column of hot water 2 feet in diam
eter to a height of ISO feet at regu
lar intervals of 65-70 minutes. Trail
er's Bitter Wine is a remedy which
desf-rves the same name. It is the
old faithful preparation which thor
oughly , cleans the bowels in a few
hours, removes gases from the intes
tines and restores the normal func
tions &i the body. It is a home rem
edy in the noblest sense of the word,
"semper fidelis," always faithful, as
the Latin phrase sa3'S. Here is one
of the testimonials showing the feel
ings of our customers: "Virden. 111.
Please hasten on the execution of my
order as much as possible. I do not
want to : fjo without this excellent
remedy "which all my family is using
for many -years. I am a great friend
of Trinrs Bitter Wine, which is a
necessity for, every family. Joseph
Jurak." Your-druggist or dealer in
medicines has all Triner's remedies
iu stock.
Attorney O. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was in the city for a few
'.hours attending to eome matters at
-Our Autumn
of Correct Styles in Millinery!
Prices for this season are noticeable lower than last season
and while many dealers are still asking the old prices, you will
find ours decidedly less. 1
Hats for the Little Miss
Ages from 6 to 12 Years
We are showing New Felt Hats, Durable Velours, Velvets and Beavers, in Roll
Brim, Poke effect and Plain Sailors, at from
Stock Show and Agricultural Expo
sition to be Held There Last
Three Days of Month
We wonder how many people rea
lize Cass county is to have a real
county fair this year? Last year a
stock show was held as a starter, and
a mighty good starter it was. This
ve:ir it has been broadened out into
a real fair.
Following are the classes of ex
hibits that will be shown:
Horses and mules. Class A.
Cattle, beef and dairy breeds. Class
Swine, Class C.
Sheep, Class D.
Poultry. Class E.
Agriculture products. Class F.
Fruits. Class G.
Domestic products. Class II.
Woman's department and Needle
work. Class I.
Educationel department. Class J.
Boys' and Girls club. Class K.
Baby health. Class L.
Bees and Honey, Class M.
Dairy products. Class N.
The fair takes place the last three
days of September, the 28th. 29th
and 30th, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, at Weeping Water.
So fast has the fair idea grown
and developed that no permanent
fair grounds or buildings have been
secured as yet. but never-the-lesB
all exhibits will be well housed, the
committee announces. Dunn's pavil
ion. Chadderdon hall, the Methodist
church basement and a large -tent
will be the housing quarters this
As a happy contrast to some other
fairs, the admission fee is nothing to
complain about it's FREE. There
are no entry fees either and likewise
no charge for pens or stalls.
Help boost the county fair. En
ter some exhibits yourself, to add
to the showing for Cass county.
Attend as many days as you can.
The grounds will be well lighted
with electricity and visitors will be
welcome at night.
The last day of the fair a big pub
lic auction of pure bred cattle and
hogs is to be held in connsction with
the fair. Among the afternoon at
tractions will be some good ball
Rose May Belohlavy departed for
Lincoln this afternoon to continue
he,r studies in the University of Ne
braska. She is registered in the Arts
and Science course and in addition
the work of this college is special
izing in a fiine arts college subject.
She prefers to remain in the college
in which she is registered because
it offers a broader education .than
the fine art3 college the latter be
ing limited only to Aesthetics. Rose
seems to be greatly enthused over
her studies and speaks very highly
of Nebraska's educational center.
B. H. Danniher came down this
morning from Omaha where he is
now making his home and visited
with a few of the old friends, in
cluding William Starkjohn and Her
man Spies.
Mrs. U E. Vroman was a visitor
in Omaha today fcr a few hours, go
ing to that city on the afternoon
Burlington train.
3 )C
$1.95 to $3.50
Coming to Plattsmouth
Eagles Hall
Tuesday, Sept. 20th
Formerly " West's Ballroom Boys'9
of Galesburg, III.
The Boys who have pleased large crowds at
Brown's Park, Nebraska City, this season.
Ask Anybody Who's
Heard Them!
Spectators 35c
Subscribe for
Auto Electrical Service
Generators, Starters and Ignition Systems
-Storage Battery Service! -
Located With Ceo. E. Weidman Tire Shop
Chloroform. Eth.r or other (.narmi anetbU
euro ruvaj3ted in ererr eae accected for trea.ttr.ent. mi no mnnv tn ha
p&id ttntil cured. Writ, for boo It on E.ctaJ DUtuei, with names and WmT'ilB
of more tluva 1.000 promin.p.t popIa who ba-r. been eurd.
Ua. JE. ML. TiltKl, banatwttni, retrs
Sept. 1 5th
The Journal
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild Tt.m of that mm Pit.
Flats la, imI otb.r RactaJ .DIwimi In a, abort
tlm. without a aurirlcai OMr.ttan. Urn
Trust Bid. Be Bid.). OMAHA.
s i