The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 15, 1921, Image 1

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cal Ei 'Jet j
vol. no. xxxvnx
NO. 18
Owner Shy Several Hundred Pints
as Result of Mistaken Confi
dence Placed in Agent.
Prom Monday' DaTIy.
Pftr ft number tf u-pl-c tht srtirite
of the long lamented J. Barlevcorn '
have hovered over the vicinity of
Oreapolis. and while many parties of
agents and officers have operated in
that vicinity, a treasure house of real .
liquor remained buried there for some
time and its whereabouts would not
now be disclosed had it not been for
the apparent faithlessness of the man
who had been placed on guard over
the liquor.
There have been a number of start
ling stories circulated as to the dis
appearance of the liquid, but the one
that seems to bear the most truth
ful impression is that the owner of
the liquid was double crossed by his
From what can be learned it
seems that the booze originally came
from the wintery wastes along the
Canadian border and was transported
by automobile to Omaha and reach
ing that city it was decided that it
would be safer to save the liquor from
being highjacked toiave it "ditched"
in some place outside of the city of
Omaha. It was then that the de
cision to store the liquor in the vi
cinity of Oreapolis was reached and
accordingly 1.600 pints of the real
old stuff like they used to quaff be
fore the war, was brought by auto
to the scene of action and carefully
buried so that it failed the eagle eye
of all who visited that locality.
Now the gentleman placed in
charge of the supply was thought to
be deaf, dumb and blind to any
bribes or Influence to sway him from
his duty and the owner vowed he had
found the thousandth man so far as
honesty was concerned. But. alas,
he found out later that it was only
the 999th man' that he .had on the
job. The owner, would frequently
visit the cache and enjoy a few shots
of the life giving beverage and then
-Teturn to Omaha. As soon as he
was well on his way to Omaha, the
guardian would pack up a nice as
sortment of the liquor and covering
the booze with a nice array of to
matcea and. other vegetables, drive
Into Omaha and dispose dfthem to
the thirsty as well as the hungry.
This continued for some time with
out the owner of the booze or the
authorities in the big city growing
the wiser. Then one day came the
last straw, when a large truck, man
ned by some of the colored members
of the Omaha underworld came down
and loaded up the last of the liquor
and made their way into the me
tropolis in triumph and it was at
this time that the guardian made his
getaway and has not been seen since
that time.
A few days later the owner visit
ed the spot where once had reposed
his choice supply and his anger was
mighty as he saw the wreck that had
come to the treasure and his grief
was touching as he thought of the
loss in the coin of the realm involved
in 1.S00 pints of real old Canadian
Truly In these days of prohibition,
diamonds are mere chaff compared
to a good stock of liquor and require
less watching.
The personal damage suit of W.
Robert Gaod of this county against
me Jiisnun r-acuic rauroau ior me
sum of $20,000. which was filed re- tne market today. A large number
cently in the United States district 0f piaUsinouth people have had the
court at Lincoln, was dismissed Sat- opportunity of seeing one of the
urday by the attorneys for the plain- maohines "in operation and those
tiff without prejudice and does not wno have not certainly missed see
prevent the filing of another suit in? on Gf the cleverest and most
if desired. Mr. Gocd. it will be re-1 efficient pieces of machinery that
membered. was injured while driving i:as been on the market in recent
Cl ll uvn. ivau va. uwf,- - v wi anna
City, his truck being struck by a
train on the line of the defendant
railroad company near the town of
Wyoming and which resulted in the
truck being smashed up and Mr.
Good sustaining a large number of
bruises and injuries.
From Monday'! Dallv
Herbert C. Sherwood and wife re
turned home yesterday form Ro
chester, Minnesota, where they have
been for the past few weeks and
wjiere Mr. Sherwood has been, tak
ing treatment at the Mayo Broth
ers" sanitarium In ithat place. He re
turns home feeling much better and
his many friends will be pleased to
see him looking so well and trust
that he may secure permanent ben
efit from the result of the course of
On Saturday afternoon County
Judge Allen J. Beeson. Cupid's faith
fu assistant, was called upon to un
ite dn the bonds of wedlock William
Tvrdy and Miss Mary Sitern. both
of Omaha. The wedding was put on
in the usual accomplished manner
by the court and George Dovey, as
sistant cashier of the First National
Bank, and Joseph Vasik witnessed
the happy event.
Lost anything found anything t
Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy
Prom Monday s Dally.
The message was received here
yesterday announcing the serious ill
ness of Col. V. S. Askwith, former
superintendent of the Nebraska Ma
sonic home here, and who is now
living at' Salt Lake City, Utah. Col.
Askwith has been down with a very
severe attack of pneumonia and his
condition has become such that his
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Harry Askwith
of Omaha, was called to Salt Lake
yesterday to assist in bis care. The
advanced age of the patient as well
as the fact that thls 18 lhe second
ailUi K- prions.
Man Tired of Work with Road Gang
Near Eagle Makes His Escape
Last of the Week.
The authorities in this ?ity were
notified at an early hiur Sunday to
be on the lookout for an escaped con
vict who had made his getaway from
the camp in the vicinity of Eagle,
where the convicts have been engag
ed for some time in road work.
The man. whose name is given as
E. C. Clayton and who was sent up
from Saline county, had evidently
grown tired of the restriction of the
prison life and longed for life in the
gTeat open spaces and accordingly
took advantage of the stormy condi
tions of Friday and Saturday to make
his getaway. However -the life out
in the cold cornfields was jiot all
that he had anticipated and after a
short stay he returned to the camp
from which he had gone A. W. O. L.
The escape caused State Sheriff Gus
Hyers and his force of agents to
swarm out from their warm and
comfortable habitations shortly af
ter 2 o'clock Sunday morning and to
remain on the job in the wet and
chilly weather until the morning
hours when the much sought con
vict returned to Eagle to resume his
prison life, satisfied that the warm
blankets and food were preferable to
the chill of the outdoors at this time
of the year on an empty stomach.
C. Sharp Company Reaching Out
with Their Line cf Up-to-Date
Machinery Many Sales
One of the best advertisements
for this city, and one that largely
covers the country, is that of the L.
C. Sharp Machine Works and its
output. Mr. Sharp as always pleased
to let his patrons know just where
the hitfh ciass mecheanieal devices
are manufactured and placed on the
A recent issue of the "Soda Dis
pencer,' one of the most widely cir
culated magazines of ice cream and
soft drink trade in the country, and
published Jn Atlanta. Georgia, car
ried a full page advertisement of
the now lanious ice cream cone ma
chine thit is manufactured by Mr.
Sharp at his plant 'here and which
has practically revolutionized the
cone business in the United States.
This machine is known as the De
Luxe Universal baking machine and
has the capacity of 3,000 cones per
hour and the methods and means of
the Sharp machine is superior to
any other machine of its kind on
However, the excellence of the ma
chine is too well known to the gen
eral public that has use of the cone
machines and the outstanding fact
of te mattLer is the strong boost
Tor the city that Mr. Sharp is mak
ing in his Advertising campaign not
only for this machine but his butter-cutting
machine the sale of
which has carried to even the old
world across the ocean and taken
with it the name of Plattsmouth as
the home of the plant that makes it
and places it on the market.
The work of Mr. Sharp as a Platts
mouth hoo?ter is to be commended
and his various articles in the ma
chinery line that are sold over the
world are a lasting monument to
the excellent'products that are turn
ed out by the manufacturing inter
ests of Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Patterson, of
this city, were very pleasantly sur
prised on Saturday afternoon when
their son, Dwight Paterson and wife
of Shreveport, Louisiana, arrived in
the city for a visit of some time in
the old home. Mr. and Mrs. Pat
terson have found much success in
their southern home and Mr. Patter
son has been identified to some tx-
tent with the work of the oil intererts
since locating there a number of!and on motion this extra help was
years ago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pat- allowed the sexton.
terson enjoy very much the climate
and conditions of the southland, but
still enjoy a visit back to the old
home town once in a while.
Frnro Tuesday's .Dally.
The session of the city dads, last
evening was one filled with interest
from -.start to finish and a full at
tendance of the membership was
prtsent at the chamber vhen May
or Johnson rapped f.u order at eight
The interior of the hall has jusi
been redecorated and placed in lirst
class shajie by the wizard-like touch
of Herb Cotton and certainly made
a most pleasing appearance and the
brishtnss of the council chamber
had the effect of expediting the city
dads in their business.
One v-t the first matters to come
before the council was the petition
of .W. H. Ofe and some 120 other
citizens asking that a scale be effect
ed by the city not less than two
dozen blocks from the Burlington
tracks and which would be capable
of weighing ten ton. On motion
Mayor Johiison was authorized to ap
point a committee to get busy and
see about the scales.
A. O. Mcore of the Parmele The
ater Co., presented a petition stat
ing that the traffic in front of the
theater and the Hotel Wagner at
times had become congested and ask
ed that parking on the sides of the.
street instead of the center be per
mitted and this matter was sent to
the streets, alleys and bridges com
mittee to look into as was also the
petition of C. E. Whittaoker for
grade for a sidewalk in front of his
property of Gold street.
L. 0. Sharp presented a petition
to the city dads asking that Pearl
street from Fourth to Sixth street
be placed at the same grade as Main
street r.nd pointing out the advan
tages that would arise from this
change and the traffic that could be
diverted onto this street and off cf
the in -tin street, but the council
viewed the prjesition as too costly
and out of question at this time and
1t wr.s accordingly placed "on file. "
Chief of Police Jones reported
that for the month of August the
sum of $41:6 in fines and $33 in
costs, a total of $459 had been col
lected. City Clerk Duxbury had been busy
for the month just closed as he re
ported .he sum of $S0.r.CS collected
and turned into the city strong box.
Police Judge Arcerh in his report
to the city legislators stated that
$3G5 in fines and $2' an costs had
been collected in his office and turn
ed into the city treasury.
Chairman Ptacek of the streets,
alleys :nd bridges committee re
ported that in regard to the peti
tion of J. C. Kuykendall for grade
for sidewalk that the request be
granted and the1 work done as soon
as Mr. Kuvkendall had certain ob
structions removed from the way of
the workmen.
In regard to the paving of Main
street, Mr. Ptacek presented the re
port of his committee in which it
was recommended that an ordinance
be prepared creating the paving dis
trict in which Main street should be
included in order to get the work
started ?s early as possible in 1922.
This would also give the water and
gas companies time to get their
mains in shape for the relaying of
the paving. This report was adopted
by a rousing vote of the dads.
The fire and water committee
through Chairman McCarthy report
ed that they had looked into the mat
ter of the application of the reai
dtnts In the south part of the city
for exnsion of the water mains for
2.500 feet and with five additional
firo hydrants, and that they recom
mended .that, the water company be
notified to get busy at once and
make ihe extension as ordered. Mr.
McCarthy stated that the people
there had waited some twenty years
to have the work done and it was
high time they had some recogni
tion. Mayor Johnson stated that the
residents of that portion of the city
had paid tixes for years and receiv
ed very little return therefrom and
that he too thought that they should
save tionie service tin the way of pub
lic utilities. The new hydrants were
ordered put in and the extension
made without delay. " ;
Mr. McCarthy presented tht 'com
mittee recommendation of the"0X
tension of 1.500 feet of water main
of West Oak street, leading .to the
cemetery and which will give the res
idents tnere three additional fire hy
drants is th franchise of the water
company provided for a hydrant for
each 500 feet of main laid. This mat
ter was given the hearty approval
of the council as was the Lincoln
avenue proposition.
Chairman Brittain of the ceme
tery committee reported that he had
looked over the roads In the Oak
Hill cemetery and that they were in
very b.ii shape and that the sexton
had stated that if he were allowed
one man he would he able to get
them graded up in very fair shape
Chairman Howe of the police com
mittee reported that the claim of the
Rnssell restaurant for $6.95 for
meals to city prisoners was all cor-
rect and the clerk authorized to is
sue the necessary . warrants for the
payment of the saiie.
When the council, was apparently
going nicely along Councilman
Maurer brought up the matter of
the reduction of the salary of the
sexton at the cemetery from $30 to
$20 per month and after a short
discussion the wagef. was ordered
commencing on-October 1st, all of
the councilmen with the exception
of Councilman Brittain voting for
the change in the wage schedule.
The engineers partial estimate in
paving district No. 21 was then
read showing that the contractor,
Bert Coleman was entitled to the
sum of $15, 011. CO and also engin
eers fes for $454.90 and on motion
this sum was ordered paid to the
contractors, the city retaining the
customary five per cent for security.
The council then took adjourment
while the streets, alleys and bridges
committee considered the bids "on the
curb and guttering district No. 20
on Itock street and the paving in
district No. 21 at the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home. There were two
bids received, that of the Modern
Constructor Co. and Bert Coleman,
both local firms. The committee re
tired and checked up the bids with
the result that the recommended
the ac33ptance of the bids of Mr.
Coleman as being much the lowest
of the two both in the curb and gut
ter and the brick paving.
The report of the committee re
commending the acceptance of the
bid led to a spirited discussion and
which finally resulted in a badly
mixel up aii'air. A Hrge number of
the residents along Rock street had
since the broaching of the matter of
curb and gutter -decided that they
would rathei have the street paved
and wanted the matter of the work
in their district laid over until the
next spring for action. Councilman
Howe presented the objections of
his constituents to the curb and gut
ter at this time and in which he was
support.?! by Councilman Knorr and
Councilman McCarthy. Councilman
Ptacek. Bestor and Maurer thought
as the people had requested the
curb and gutter and the city had
gone to the -tame of getting the esti
mates and bids they should go ahead
and then uo the paving later if it
was desired. The discussion over this
matter grew so spirited that the
matter of the paving, at the Nebras
ka Masonic Heme which was also
included in the report was rather
lost sig&Lof . ajid ::n the matter
of the adoption of the motion Coun
cilman Ptacek for the adoption of
the committee report was put to a
vote it losi and with it the paving
contract at the Masonic Home which
has been anxiously awaited for some
time. Bestor. Schulhof and Maurer
voted to accept the committee re
port and McCarthy, Lindeman, Howe.
Knorr. Brittain and Sebatka voting
agnin?t being six to four and the re
port was laid on the table. The ques
tion was then brought up of recon
sidering th? vote as all of the mem
bers were anxious apparently to allow-
the. work at the Masonic Home
to proceed but Mayor Johnson ruled
that it was unnecessary to wait two
weeks before the vote could be re
considered. In regard to the very poor condi
tion of the city streets as the result
of the recent heavy rains, the streets
alleys and btidges committee was au
thorized to go ahead and do all the
grading possible on the streets in
the next two weeks.
Councilman Bestor called the atten
tion of the need of a fire bell to call
the members of the department to-i
gether and also for the repair to the
hose drying rncks and these mat
ters were turned over to the fire and
water committee for action.
Councilman Ptacek called the at
tention of the council to the fact
that there had been no reduction of
the lighting rates here and asked
that something be tired up in re
gard to the present high rates and
Chairman Schulhof promised that
the committee would probably have
something good for consideration of
the council at their next session.
Before the adjournment the fol
lowing claims were allowed by the
finance committee of the council:
Carl Zavgren. 'inspector pav
ing $103.00
Bruce . Group, sun-eying and
setting stakes 5G.00
S. L. Collins oil to fire dept 1.9S
Joseph Zitka. stre?t work 56.25
Platts. Water Co., water to
paving dist. 21 11.30
Nebraska Gas & Elect. Co.,
street lights -215.30
Lincoln Tele. Co. crrvice 6.00
Nebraska Gas & Elect. Co..
Idgth city hall 3.7S
Jt. C. Lawrence. history
bond case 4.00
H. H. Cotton. painting city.
hall 158.00
iO. . L. York, etreet work.t 121. 15
Carl Egenberger, fame 116.10
John Maurer. Sr., street, wottc 04.80
Prank Boetel. same 58.93
Bruce & Group, surveying
Masonic Home 25.00
Walter Goucheneur. street
sprinkling 114.70
Ed Bu.'ton. taxi to police
Li. F. Terr-berry, taxi to po
lice .00
9 Oil
I i!oo
Frank Detlef, .taxi to poHoe
Alvin Jrmes. salary ujj
Claus Boetel ' burying two
Henry Chandler, salary 50.00
Phone the journal office when you
are in need of job printing of any
"kind. Best equipped shop in south
S eastern Nebraska.
Harvey Heneger, of This City, Among
the Successful Applicants in
Torrington Lottery.
The Journal was in error Satur
day when it stated that no Platts
mouth man had been lucky in the
land drawing at Torrington, Wyom
ing. Friday. The mistake was made
due to the fact that the published
list of winners, gave the address of
Plattsmouth's lucky applicant Har
vey J. Heneger as Torrington, and
also had the initials mixed up.
Word from Mr. Heneger states he
drew unit No. 243, on which he
filed the first day of the opening, and
which is one of the choice farms of
the 221 opened to homestead entry
at this time. It consists of 160 acres.
about half of which is irrigable and
the remainder excellent for the dry
farming that is also practiced quite
extensively in that country.
Mr. Heneger made a trip out there
last spring, at which time he picked
the unit on which he intended- to
file, after careful examination of the
countryside for several miles around.
Receipt of the reclamation map is
sued before the present drawing brot
disappointment to Mr. Heneger's plan
however, as the unit he had chosen
was reserved for a townsite on the
new Union Pacific line. He according
ly chose a quarter section adoinijng
the embyroic townsite and his many
friends here will be pleased to know
of his success.
Mr. Heneger's farm is located but
little more than a mile from that of
Harold Daley, another Plattsmouth
ex-service man. who secured a claim
there in the last drawing.
Miss Hazel Lockwood and Mr. Ed
wax d Fullerton to be Married
at Otoe County City
From Monday's Dally.
This afternoon Edward W. Fuller
ton motored to Nebraska City ac
companied ly Miss Hazel Lockwood
and Mrviroe Fullerton, of Buffalo,
Missouri, father of Edward. The mis
sion, of the young people is more
than sightseeing, as ithey are to be
united in marriage in that place
this afternoon and the elder Mr.
Fullerton v. ill witness the ceremony.
Both the bride and groom are well
known ler3 where the bride has been
reared to womanhood and where the
groom fias been located fcr the past
two years. Mr. Fullerton is at pre
sent engaged in business here in
the barber sl op of Fullerton & Mc
crary and his host of friends will
be pleased to learn of the new found
happiness that has come to the
young people.
From Monday's Dally.
Ypstprdav morning R. M. Shlaes.
forniprlv- the manajrer of the Parm
ele and Gem theatres, motored down
from Omehe in company witn J. K.
iTinmn mar.aerer of the Consumers'
Co-Operative league, and spent a
few hours here ana uuring wiwcn
time Mr. Ulinan made arrangements
for the introduction of the league
among the business houses of this
city. It is the intention of Mr. Ul
inan to take the matter up more ful
ly with the merchants oi tne city
n'nri nl.i.p it before them 'in order
that the business men as well as the
ultimate consumer can each derive
some benefit from the work or the
Ipae-ne. The matter will be taken ud
more fully later in the Journal.
From Monday' Dally.
This afternoon, C. E. Cook, one of
the prominent residents of near this
city, was in town to look after some
trading and had a really just com
plaint to make concerning the fact
that he could not find any place
where he could hitch his team.
This called attention to a fact that
has existed for some time and which
is not in the least agreeable to the
residents of the country district who
drive in with their teams and wagons
or buggies, especially during the wet
or stormy weather. While the great
er part of the travel nowdays is by
automobile,, there is still occasional
ly a demand for the old fashioned
horse j and wagon and then is when
the 'hitching post is needed.
: i,' i
The estate of the late Mrs. Lena
Hass, of Lincoln, mother of Alfred
B. Hass of this city, has been filed
for probate in the county court of
Lancaster county. The deceased left
quite a large estate consisting of
$70,000 personal property and $20.
000 real estate. The estate is divid
ed equally between the son of this
city and the daughter at Lincoln.
Advertising is printed salesman
ship generalized sufficiently to carry
appeal to the varied class of readers.
Does your ad come within there re
quirements T
From Monday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the Platts
mouth Cubs journeyed over to our
neighboring city of Glenwood and
proceeded to do many things to the
Mills county boys in the base ball
line, the Cubs winning by a score of
33 to 1. The locals were represent
ed on the mound by Joe McCarthy,
while Eddie Gradoville did the catch
ing and the work of the battery was
augmented in fine shape by the rest
of the team, with the result that at
no time were the Iowa players in
position to even make things inter
esting lor the Cubs. Five of the
Glenwood pitchers were routed by
the sluggers of the Plattsmouth
Cass Chapter of This City Initates
Six New Members into Order
In Impressive Ceremony
From "Wednesdays Dally.
Last evening Cass Chapter, Order
of De Molav of this city, held their
first initation at the lodge rooms in
the Masonic temple and six of the
young men of the community were
inducted into the great branch of
the Masonic fraternity prepared es
pecially for the youth of the land.
The initation ceremonies were
conducted by the officers of the chap
ter with great impressiveness and
to the newly elected members the
lessons of the order were deeply im
pressed on their minds as they join
ed the ranks of those who are a
part of this splendid organization.
The candidates taken in were Rich
ard Beverage, Edgar Peterson. Carl
Ofe. William Matchlatt, Andrew
Snyder ami Glen Henry.
The local chapter of the De Molay
has made excellent progress since its
establishmest in June when It was
installed by the members of Omaha
chapter No. 2 and It is now one cf
the live chapters of the order in the
state. The chapter is sponsored by
Nebraska chapter No 3, R. A. M.
and the membership comprises some
of the best young manhood of the
city and who find in the work an
inspiration to the higher ideals of
manhood. ,
At the meeting last evening a
large number of the members of the
Masonic fraternity were present and
enjoyed very much the impressive
way in which the ceremonies were
carried out and addressed many
words of commendation for the new
order. Masn Wescott, one of the
charter members of the order here,
who is soon to leave for his school
work, also gave a short talk to hts
lodge friends as to the order and its
helpfulness end high ideals.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon near the clos
ing hour at the court house, Brooke
Titsworth and Miss Ophelia Adair,
both of Omaha, approached his hon
or. Judge Allen J. Beeson and re
quested that they be granted permit
to wed and which the judge at once
granted. The young people were so
impressed with the genial Judge that
they requested his services in pro
nouncing the words that were to
unite them for better or worse.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
I 1
Your Part Towards
Better Times!
One reason business is slow is because too
much money is tied up in slow-moving goods,
book accounts and unpaid notes.
Business will improve when everyone
pays his debts, quits unnecessary borrowing
and makes' a sensible adjustment between in
come and expenditures.
If you discharge your obligations, others
can discharge theirs. Money will circulate
more freely. Business will improve. Co-operate
with us toward this end.
The First national Bank
The School Boys of The City Greatly
Interested in Oqer of C. E.
Wescott's Sons of Prizes
The boys of the'publis schools are
seemingly very busy at their studies
but a great many of them are not w
much engrossed in the book as tliey
are in the prize contest that the
firm of C. K. Wescott's Sons have
announced for the next week. Tin
contest is open to all of the school
boys of the city and it consists of
awards to the boys who can devise
the largest number of words from
the letters appearing in the name C.
E. Wescott's Sons and from the pre
sent indications there are going to
be a great many entries and tli
number of words that can he secur
ed from these letters will surprise
the general public. The interest has
been keen and even Xoah Webster
would be surprised at the skill of
the Plattsmouth boys in securing
words from these letters.
There are twenty prizes offered,
the first prize being a flO sweater,
two prizes of fine caps, three prizes
of swell neckties and fourteen oth
er prizes A serviceable articles.
It is not necessary to use every
letter in the firm name in every
word but tha contestants cannot use
a letter more times than it appears
in the firm name. The rules of the
contest given out are as follows:
Print your name, address and ape
clearly at the top of first page, also
giving the number of words in your
list. Draw a line after every ten
words to make counting easier. Have
your list in before September 27th.
6 o'clock p. m. Rewards will be
made at on store on Friday, Sep
tember 30th at 4 p. m.
Saturdav afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A V. Wallace in
Omaha occurred the marriage of
George Jackson ot this city and
Miss Cl-ira Haddon, daughter of Jlr..
Clara Haddon of Louisville. Tne
wedding was not unexpected to the
many tiiendt. of the young people as
their venture in the field of matii
mony lias been expected for some
time by those intimately associated
with them. The wedding wan very
simple and the bridal couple re
turned home yesterday afternoon to
this city where they will make their
borne for the next three weeks and
then will leave for Los Angeles
where they will reside for the win
ter. The bride has been rearel to
womanhood in Gaas county and has
resided for the greater part of the
time at Louisville where her moth
er makes Ler home. The groom lias
been iie: for the past few months
in the employ of H. H. Cotton as a
Iainter and decorator anu during
his residence here has made a great
many warm friends who will join in
wishing the newly weds all the suc
cess and happiness that they so well
Road District No. 10
All partie3 who expect their roads
graded must get their weeds and
brush off the ground soon or they
will be cut and charged to the ones
Blank Books at the Journal Office,