The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921.
'Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Entered at rostofflce. Plattsmouth. Neb., aa second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Many " bootleggers go to Jail for
their convictions.
Another figure worth improving is
a bank baliance.
Love may be blind, but it can see
an expensive car.
Alleged prohibition is the cause
of alleyed liquor.
The nation's greatest running ex
pense are autos.
Butchers don't have any trouble
making eni's meat.
Iligh prices are beginning to feel
the cutting remarks.
: :o:
There isn't any "mystery" about
why we don't "ship."
Falling in love and in debt are
about the same thing.
:o: -
Cheek to cheek dancing changes
the complexion of things. "
A girl with a dimple in her. knee
ie usually a high stepper.
- :o:
Wish it took as long to start a
war as it did to end one!
Some people save money; others
have a daughter in college.
We ire cn the brink of a new
era needing a little push!
One weather report that strikes
us uncalled for is lightning.
Everyone would want our wooden
ships if Ford tried to buy them.
Some people live to a ripe old age;
Jothers get oft street'cars backward.
When you see a man look at the
calendar and grin he's a coal dealer.
Thirst in war; thirst in peace;
thirst in the throats of our country
men. -
The Girl Next Door says beauty i
was once skin deep but now its knee!
A man with something in his cellar
doesn't let strangers in on the ground
"Save your tin cans," says an
economist. Yes, and start a Jazz or
chestra. :o:
The only thing that makes some
husbands worth killing is their in
surance. :o:
One auto is sold each minute. Keep
ing up with the justly celebrated
One half of the world doesn't
know how the other half pays its
taxes, and frequently suspects that
it doesn't pay them at all.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services 13 keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
Grate troubles loom.
Congress left at lagerheads.
The Russian Red feels blue.
Now it's "Watch your pp."
Lowering taxes .raises hopes.
Cranks just lack self-starters.
Idle curiosity works overtime
High and dry that's America.
A friend in need leaves you broke.
A man's castle is his home still.
Only three months to pay Christ
mas debts.
Fishing hasn't the kick In it that
it used to rave.
"Warden Captures Jail Birds"
headline. A game warden.
Don't be driven -to drink! You'll
need money to ride home.
Many a man is fenced off from
success by his own railing.
Tariff may raise .the price of sau
sage. The wurst ihas come!
"Music is the sunshine of the
soul;" Jazz, the moonshine.
Might as well put a luxury tax on
jobs; Ihatt. what they are.
- :o:
"When many a man steps into his
car he is getting into debt.
When opportunity knocks many a
man is out buying his hope.
The prodigal son is at the beach
turning fatted calves brown.
Modern bad men count victims by
the notches on 4.heir fenders.
Dancers look like they're trying
td -reduce Instead of reform.
The French are pretending they
are rich by not having any kids.
One thing about a woman with
gray hair is you know it's natural.
The airplanes arn't as dead
ly as the battleships
-to the tax-
Many a bride opening the fruit
she canned this summer will get an
awful jar. '
Don't expect to find a groom like
the collar ads or a bride like the
corset ads!
If wore, comes to worst they'll
still wear aa apron to tie husband
to the strings.
The American Legion consisted of
nearly ten thousand posts at the be
ginning of this year.
In 1920 there were from one and
a half to two million less cattle
slaughtered than in 1919.
It is the exceptional family that
hasn't a south section forever at
war with the Ulster section.
The Leavenworth Post fears a lot
of motorists believe the "Stop, Look
and Listen" sign at railway cross
ings are for the engineers.
The more strick laws the govern
ment of Zion City adopts, the more
people from a veritable heaven-
and the more people from outside
who lose all desire to go there.
Wilbur Glenn Volira, overseer of
Zion City, says that a bald head is
an evidence of both brains and char
acter. Too bad the bald-headed row
can't think of some trade last for
Wilbur Glenn.
, :o:
The theatrical depression has hit
hard in ' New York, says a report
and the chorus girls are "going "back
to the farm." Wouldn't a member
of the milkmaid' chorus look funny
trying to milk a cow?
i lest You Forget
Let us remind you that Chamber
lain's Tablets not only cause a gen
tle movement of the bowels but im
prove the appetite and strengthen
the digestion.
Eoad District No. 10
All partiea who expect their roads
graded inui?l get their weeds, and
brush off the ground soon or they
will be cut and charged to the ones
Chicago tteavywei&nt oimuiw jv..
Few Bounds Here To Flnun
Training in Omaha.-
Soldier Jim Marples, the Chicago j
heavyweight, arrived in Plattsmouth ;
Sunday morning, and after conferingj
briefly with the Legion committee in:
charge of Wednesday night's bout.
continued to Omaha in the afternoon,
where he will. spend the next couple:
of days wpf king, out at tne. iueens-(
bury athlefWiCiUD. xviarpies was ac
companied by a second fronj the
windy , city,, and , his manager Jim
Mullen,,WiU arrive in Omaha Tues
day morning frpni the east. Wed-,
nesday f orenopft the party will come
to Plattsmouth.
Durins: his stay here, Marples aia
a little shadow boxing at the Eagles
hall, and would have put on tne
gloves, but for inability to find a
local boxer to work with mm.
Th workout was witnessed by a
eood number of local fight fans who
declare Marples looks to be in good
condition for Wednesday night s
ten round mill.
Andv Schmader is working out
daily at his home in Louisville and
was never in better condition berore.
He, too, will arrive here Wednesday
forenoon, accompanied by his broth-
m A 1
er, ueorge, wno is on ior one oi ui
preliminaries, and a large delegation
of Louisville fight fans.
If the roads continue good, in
dications point to a capacity house,
and for this reason the Legion asks
the Plattsmouth people to buy their
seats early, instead of at the last
minute, so that provision can be
made to seat an additional 200 if the'
interest warrants.
The preliminary men have posted
forfeits for their appearance and it
looks as though the entire show will
be put over without a single disap
pointment. i-l 1 1 1 !' 1 I I I I M " I M ? M 11 H
M I a I a i ! i"l I i igi ii igi igi i i i i
Pig Club Members
The following club members show
ed at the state fair: Sterling and
Harry Ingwerson, Isador Stone, Har
ry Knaoe, uonaia &cniicinemeier,
Frank and Ernest Pollard, Merrill
Sheldon. Fred Koehler, of Nehawka;
Rehoa, Harold and Willard Timblin,
of Alvo. The above club members
had a total of 57 pigs at the fair.
Co. Pig Clubs Win Many Prizes
Spotted Poland China gilts Stone
sisters won first and third; Harry I.
Ingwerson and Willard Timblin, fifty.
Boars Stone sisters second and
Harry Ingwerson, third.
Little Class Stone sisters, first;
Ingwerson Bros., second and Timblin
Bros., third.
Open class 50 Spring Boars Ing
werson Bros., fifth.
Hampshire Guilts Merrill Shel
don, second and fifth; Frank and
Ernest Pollard, fourth.
Boars Harry Knabe, first and
Ronald Scfilichtemeier, second.
Durocs Fred Koehler, third.
The total premium money for the
Cass county clubs was SI 25, appor
tioned as follows: Stone sisters, $37;
Harry Knabe, S31; Ingwerson Bros.,
$21; Timblin Bros., $11; Merrill
Sheldon, $11; Ronald Schlichtemeier,
$10; Pollard Bros., $4.
. Baby Health Department
The objects of the Better Baby
contest are:
1 To arouse interest in child
study and call attention to the im
portance of childhood, especially the
physical and mental welfare of the
2 To secure accurate information
which will assist parents to correct ,
defects and improve child develop-;
Children between the ages of 18
and 36 months are eligible to enter
this contest. No entrance fee is re
quired in this department. Notice
of time of appointment will be mail
ed. No child suffering from any
acute or constitutional disease may
be entered.
The examination will be given on
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1921.
Send all communications to Supt.
Mrs. J. W. Carter, Weeping Water,
or Secretary O. V. Boone, Weeping
Water. First, second and third prize
winners will receive prize ribbons.
Mrs. J. W. Carter, who has charge
of this department this year, is mak
ing a special effort to get as many
babies in the contest as possible, and
expects the number to overstep the
one hundred mark. She asks every
one to enter their babies early. All
the doctors of the, county have al
ready offered their services.
. Garment Workers
Three of the Garment clubs from
Cass county exhibited at the state
fair, as follows: Happy Workers, of
Alvo; (Mrs. W. C. Timblin, leader)
Mount Pleasant, of Nehawka; (Miss
Myrtle Chappelle, leader) and Maple
Grove, of Nehawka (Miss Evelyn
All of the. work shown was very
commendable, and. some prizes, were
received, which, speaks well fqr;Cass
county. ir (
The aGrment-i clubs over Nebraska
had' an unusually large display at
the fair this year and some very fine
demonstrations were given, not alone
in the garment line, but cooking and
baking as well. Of special interest
were the poultry teams from Dakota
and Clay counties. These two teams
certainly have the club spirit and
know how to put things across.
The Garment clubs are working to
prepare the team demonstrations for
the county fair. This will be!'a fine
opportunity to show what the clubs
are doing.
Demonstration teams will give
demonstrations Wednesday, Septem
ber 28, 1921. .
Co. Home Agent
Co. Agr. Agent.
T 4 I 11 l 4 4 4 4 4 4"i
J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Guy Hinds and Will Wilson autoed
to Lincoln Monday.
Park Otte was a passenger to Lin-
coin Tuesday morning.
jjm Bosworth was a Weeping
Water passenger Saturday.
f. H. Richard came down from
Lincoln Thursday morning,
h. II. Gerbeling and family autoed
to Bethany Thursday afternoon,
Mrg Theodore Miller was a Das-
senger to Lincoln Tuesday morning.
John Wood and Glenn Aitchson
autoed to Omaha Tuesday afternoon.
Grover Otte was in town Thursday
morning. He is driving a Dodge
Mrs. A. M. VanEvery was a pas
senger to Nehawka Thursday morn
ing. , '
O. O. Thomas was looking after
business in town Thursday and Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Obernolte
were Weeping Water visitors Thurs-
A number from here attended the
Ringling Bros, show in Lincoln Sat
urday. Mrs. Clarence Ohm has been quite
sick, but at this writing she is some
H. P. Hinds, son Guy and Albert
Sylvester autoed to Ashland Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and
family returned home Tuesday noon
from Rising City.
Gilbert Odell. of Wahoo, a brother
of Mrs. Kear, has been 'visiting her
during the past week.
Mrs. Albert Pool and family and
I Miss Maeeie Weichman were WeeD-
ing Water passengers one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Emme and family
of Davey spent a few days with
friends. They returned home Mon
day afternoon.
S. A. Jackman left Friday by auto
for Rising City, Warren Richard and
Albert Sylvester, accompanied him
as far as Seward.
The Weeping Water high school
opened Monday for the year. There
are three enrolled from here, Rernice
Colbert, Beulah Little and Otis Wil
son. Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Every and
son Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Han
son and son Ray and Mrs. Maddox
spent Sunday at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. S. A. Jacobson of Nehawka.
oitriKit of m:iti.o
ou I'rlltiun Cur A)iiilnliiii'iit of
A al in I nix I r or.
The State of Netraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In tlip matter of the estate of Georpe
Grehe, leooasoil.
On rHlinir anl filing the petition
of William C. tJreho. praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
prrantert to Fred Drucker as adminis
trator; Ordered. That September 11. A. I.
19:11, at 9 O'clock a. m.. Is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer , of petitioner should
not be pranted; and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested In said mater by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
I'lattsmoutli Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Iated this iloth day of August, A.
D. 1921.
(Seal) Count Judge.
a29-3w Attorney.
J v
Ait ?
V V ' i V
-' I
' : . ;
K. hrt Of (11 )A Seats on sale at Dunbar's and Aries' Billiard Parlors, Plattsmouth;
. 1 All -ill Bank of Commerce, Louisville; Russell's Drug Store. Weeoinc
J pllU l . d V Watsr; Base Ball Headquarters, Omaha. ' Weeping
Those starting the fall term in
the Elmwood high school Monday
morning were Maurice McCrory, Lois
Reese, Franice Dorr, Marie Golden,
Esther Muth and Ella and Orval Ger
beling. Mrs. Kear and daughter of Elm
wood, Mr. and Mrs. John Kear and
Two sons of Plainview, Nebr., and
Mrs. Caygill took dinner and sup
per with Mr. and Mrs.- Kear last
Those attending the fair at Lin
coln Monday were Wm. McBride and
boys, Theodore Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Stanley and family, Mr. and
Mrs. O. H. Wilson and son, Otis, and
Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Wilson.
I Mrs. Ray Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Copple and Mr.. and Mrs. H. P. Hinds
went to Missouri ..Valley, Iowa, last
week and visited t with Mr. Hind's
brother, Frank. From there they
went to Decatur, ; Nebraska and vis
ited friends and relatives. Mrs. Mor
ris, Mr. and Mrs. Copple and Mr.
Hinds stayed two weeks longer. She
returned home last Friday accompan
ied by her cousin, Mrs. Maggie Wat
son, of Decatur. A day or so be
fore Mrs. Hinds came home, her
cousin, Mrs. Watson, invited a num
ber of Mrs. Hinds' old school mates
and relatives of her own age in for
a party. A very nice time was en
joyed and it was a day long to be
remembered by all present.
The Colbert families lo the num
ber of thirty-two gathered for a pic
nic supper at the home of T. E. Col
bert on Wednesday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colbert of
Wauneta. Nebraska. The supper was
served cafeteria style and was fol
lowed by a watermelon feed, after
which music was enjoyed. The fam
ilies then departed for home, feel
ing that they had enjoyed a pleasant
evening together. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colbert and
son of Wauneta, Nebraska; Mrs. H.
H. Stickland of Omaha; Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Colbert and family; Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Pool and family; Mr.
and Mrs. S. E. Colbert and family;
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Colbert and fam
ily of Weeping Water; Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Colbert and family of Elm
From Thursday's Dally.
Ben Beckman and son-in-law,
Louis Rhiin hackle, of near Murray,
were in the city today attending to
some matter- of business.
M. F. McLaren, superintendent of
the McCook division of the Burling
ton, was here for a short time to
day, bringing .his private car here
to undergo feme repairs at the local
Mrs. W. J. Iotz of Iowa City, la.,
and son, Clifford, who have been vis
iting for the past six weeks at Yel
lowstone park and other points in
the west r.nd who stopped here for a
visit at the heme of Mrs. L. B. Egen
herger, departed for their home.
Mrs. Hotz is a sister of Mrs. Egen
berger. From Friday's Dally.
L. D. Hiatt, the Murray merchant,
was among those visiting in the city
today to. enjoy a visit with old time
friends and look after some business
Mrs. Louis Frederich of near Ce
dar Creek and Miss Amelia Frederich
were among those going to the me
tropolis this morning, where they
will enjoy the day visiting with
Jj lV,r-A Btrelit Opr Cap7 "J2' )
OTMi Mi.'. Bri. Toic mmi Hi RE-CRATTON
) Ir vc -Mr frtuB i M-tid." f
TDRING or send the coupon. Begin to use music in the
' remarkable new way developed by Mr. Edison.
Everybody admits music's power to banish, unpleasant
moods, relieve fatigue, bring peace and joy. But no one
has been able to tell you which selections to play when
tired, which when depressed, etc. Famous psychologists,
associated with Mr. Edison, have been working on this
problem for two years. They found certain Edison RE
CREATIONS which brought all these wonderful benefits of
music These they arranged under headings such as "To
Make You Joyous", "For More Energy", etc Get your
copy of "Mood Music" at once. Bring or send the coupon.
Ifycro don't own a New
Edison, well provide
you with 3 days of
Mood Music free bo
that you can discover
what it cn do for you.
Check the coupon.
William Stohlman, one of the
leading merchants of Louisville, was
in the city for a few hours today
attending to some matters of busi
ness and calling on his many friends
in the county seat.
Charles L. Graves, the Union at
torney,, was in the city today for a
few hours attending to some matters
Four All-Star Bouts! 26 Rounds of Boxing!
Airdome Theatre, Plaffsmoufh
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1921
Schmader vs Marples
Navv Champion HEAVYWEIGHTS - Who Floored Tony Mulchoir
"Kid" Bruno vs Harry Kinnear
The Omaha boys who fought a whirlwind draw.
George Schmader vs "Kid" Rosgoe
Schmader Lost First; Second a Draw (?)
Joe Smetana vs Tommy Rabb ,
For the Welterweight Championship of Plattsmouth.
Name ,
A TlucoapooestiuVtvant (re espy afMaaJ M
li jo wuk thru dj ai ftkW Mask
f rw, cl rc k k r
in the county court and while here
stopped at the Journal for a short
call. Charley has been feeling poor
ly for the past week, but is now
feeling somewhat better.
Office supplies oi ail kinds han
died at the Journal office.
L E 0 I 0 M-
P. M.