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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1921)
tCbe "VOL. NO. xxxvin. FLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBES 12, 1921. NO. 17 SELECT DELEGATES TQ LEGION MEETING Hugh Kearns Post No. 56 of This City Names Representatives to the Fremont Convention From Thursdays raii Last evening the members of Hugh J. Kearns post No. 56, American Le gion of this city, met at their club ( rooms to take up the matter of thet selection of the delegates to the state convention of the Department of Nebraska, which is to meet at Fremont on September 2S:h, 30th. and October 1st. In the contest for securing new members, Edward Kelly and Aubrey Duxbury were tied and on motion of Mr. Duxbury, Kelly was voted the honor of attending the convention as delegate at large. The post then proceeded with the election of the remaining four delegates and five alternates. Much interest was shown in the selection of the men who are to take part in the state meeting and the delegates elected were Au brey Duxbury. Raymond Larson, Will Shopp and Edwin A. Fricke. As al ternates to the convention Harrison Gayer. Alfred Wilson. Emil J. Hild. Thomas L. Short and John Palacek were named. The forthcoming state convention will launch a campaign for Earl M. Cline. of Nebraska City, past state commander, as a candidate for the position of national commander be fore the convention at Kansas City, and the wholehearted support of the Nebraska delegates will go to Mr. Cline. The Legion post of this city was one of the first in the state last year to urge the endorsement of Mr. Cline for the position of commander, although at that time he would not consent to the use of his name. A number of very important mat ters will be taken up at the forth coming; meeting of the Legion state convention and the selection of the strong delegation from the local post will result in this city having an im portant part in the proceedings of the meeting. SCHOOLS NOW WELL . UNOEBKEADWAY Enrollment Completed and Teaching . Force Lined up for the Corn ins Nine Months' Work The Plattsmouth public schools are . now well under way for the season of 1921 and the enrollment for the year is very satisfactory. The high school attendance is about the same as last season, 206 being en rolled and with forty non-resident students in attendance. The junior high school has an enrollment of 170 for the year. The total enrollment, of the schools of the city reaches 1,003, and the only decreases shown are in the grade3, where a number of pupils of Irst year have taken up their studies at the St. Joi n's parochial school, which is in operation this year and which therefore takes a few out of the public school. The nr.rabcr of pupils in the grades in the various buildings are as fol lows: Central building:. 305: Colum bian. 105; 1st ward. 36; East 2nd ward, 34; Wintersteen hill. 55; South Park, 39; Mercervillo. 20. Superintendent De Wolfe has the teaching force well organized for the years work and the schools have started out in fine shape to conduct the fall and winter courses of study for the young people. A large num ber of the teachers this year are rerving their first terms in this .city, but sre rapidly becoming acquainted with tho students. POLICE JUDGE HOLDS AGAINSTDEFENDANT Decides Case of the City Against' Emil Koukal in Favor of City Will be Appealed. From-Thursday's Dally. The case of the City of Plattsmouth against Emil A. Koukal. which oc cupied the attention of the police court yesterday morning, was decid ed yesterday afternoon by Judge M. Archer in favor of the city and the defendant found guilty of possession of intoxicating liquor, as charged in the -complaint. The fine will be fixed -at $100. This case will be appealed by the defendant to the district court for trial at the fall term. At the hearing in the police court there was no evidence offered by the defense and their side of the case will be more fully shown at the trial in the higher court. RETURNS FROM TRIP John Gauer and wife and John Meisinger and wife have just re cently returned from an auto trip out to Kncx county, spending the time thers with relatives and friends and enjoving the opportunity of a real good rest. Blank Books at the Journal Office. TO GRADE SOUTH FIFTH AND SIXTH STREETS The South Fifth and Sixth street hills, along which the water has cut deep ditches and now makes its way in the center far below the curb and gutter line, are to be graded up and rounded off so the water will drain into the gutter. This will be pleasing news to the autoists who have to negotiate these streets eith en longways cr crosswise. The street commissioner announces this work will be undertaken at an early date. ENJOYS VISIT WITH AN OLD TIME FRIEND Edward Donat Has Call from Neigh bor with Whom He Made Trip from Europe in 1890. From Thursday's Daily. Yesterday Edward Donat received a most pleasant surprise when there arrived in this city for a visit with him, his traveling companion from the shores of Europe thirty years ago. and whom he had not seen for a like period of years. Time has brought many changes not only to Edward but his friend as well and jt was with difficulty that the two friends recognized each other after the lapse of more than a quarter of a century. This friend. Louis Fusick. was a native of Rouchovany, Moravia, while a few miles distant in the village of Dresovic. Mr. Donat was reared, and the two boys became acquainted with each other through their church and when in the year 1890 they decided to seek their fortune in- the new world they were both passengers on the "Karls Ruhl" and landed in the United States together. At Chicago their paths separated as Mr. Donat came on to Plattsmouth and Mr. Fusick went on to the wert coast. A year later he came to Chicago to visit and stopped here to see Mr. Do nat, which "was the occasion of their last visit together. For a number of years, Mr. Fu cick resided on the Pacific coast and finally drifted to Alaska, where he has made his home for the past 22 years. He is now enroute to Europe, the third trip since going to Alaska aid5e' reels thafne 'will probably decide to locate there and spend his declining years in the new republic of the old world. During his stay in Alaska he has been at Fairbanks and Nome during the gold excitements and worked ten and twelve hours in the mines, later going to Seward, where he located in the bakery business until about a j-ear ago. He has had many thrilling experi ences in the life in the northland and the spirit of adventure is still calling him as he is contemplating a trip to Siberia in case he is not satisfied with life in the old home in Moravia. GIVES SHOWER FOR MISS EDNA PETERSEN Miss Mathilde Soennichsen Hostess in Honor of Bride-to-Be Re ceives -Many Gifts. From Thursday's Dally. The hospitable Soennichsen home was the scene last evening of a most delightful gathering, when Miss Ma thilde Soennichsen entertained a number of ladies at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Edna Peter sen, whose marriage to Mr. John Scbutz is to occur in the near fu ture. The home was very prettily ar ranged with decorations of the late summer asters and garden flowers and made a very pretty setting for the Jolly party of young people. The bride-to-be received a large number of very beautiful gifts from the friends which will be cherished dur ing the years to come. Music was one of the chief fea tures of the evening and much en joyment was derived in the numbers given by the members of the party until a late hour when the guests departed wishing Miss Edna much happiness in the future years. HOLDS FINE MEETING The Home chapter Eastern Star of this city enjoyed one of the most de lightful meetings of the fall at their lodge rooms on Tuesday evening ou the occasion of receiving into the order a number of new members. The beautiful work of the order was conferred on Rev. W. A. Taylor and wife, John Lidgett, Union; Misses' Mable Lee Copenhaver and Marjorie Brinklow of this city. Following the session of the lodge the member3 were invited to the banquet hall where a fine repast had been prepared by the ladies and here the members spent the closing botfrs of the evening. Rev. Taylor gave a very elequent address on the work of the O. E. S. and responses were also made by a number of oth ers of the members. Advertising is printed salesman ship generalized sufficiently to carry appeal to the varied class of readers. Does your ad come within these requirements? VETERAN EMPLOYES AT BANQUET BOARD r Old Time Burlington Railroad Men Band Together Two Score of Eligible in Shops Here. Veteran employes of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad com pany and their ladies partook of their first annual banquet at the Masonic temple in Havelock Monday evening. Approximately two hundred were in attendance and besides indulging in an elaborate spread, they heard fe licitous talks by W. F. Thiehoff. gen eral manager of the lines west; J. N. Redfern, superintendent of the relief and employment department; Thomas Roop, superintendent of mo tive power and W. F. Ackerman, su perintendent of the Havelock shop3. The veterans' organization of the Burlington came into existence a year ago and is made up of employes who have been with the company for twenty years or longer. It was or ganized at Havelock and has ap proximately 400 members, scattered all over the system. Headquarters are to be maintained at Havelock and it is proposed to organize local branches in all places where there are a sufficient number of employes. There are some forty members of the association in Plattsmouth and it is probable that within a short time a branch will be established here and the next annual gathering held in this city, where the greater part of the veterans on lines west first enter ed the railroad work. The banquet at Havelock was at tended by William Ballance and John H. Hallstrom of the local shops. The motto of the organization is "Friendship, efficiency, -loyalty and progress." and all of the speeches, which were impromptu, had to do these qualities. In his annual ad dress. President Schirk strongly ad vovocated the Institution of a pension rystem. declaring that one who has put in the best part of his life with an employer is entitled to be taken care of in his old age, not as a matter of charity but as a matter of right. He thought that something of this kind would tend to increase loyalty an4 do away with labor troubles. - s General Manger Thiehoff congrat ulated the employes upon their or ganization, which was endorsed as a good thing for everyone. He as serted that the company is interested in keeping its old workmen, who are its very best asset. Redfern spoke along the same line and stated that the reason the Burlington is able o make its securities is that the men who have money to invest know that this road has an organization and a body of workmen whose loyalty can not be questioned and who can al ways be depended upon. Superinten dent Roop spoke on "Safety First." and declared that this motto is ever in the minds of Burlington men and as a result no road in the country has fewer accidents. During the banquet music was fur nished by the Havelock orchestra, under the direction of R. E. Ashman. Several numbers were also given by a male quartette under the leadership of L. C. Brown. Officers of the veterans organiza tion all of whom reside in Havelock are Michael Schirk, president; Geo. C. Hawkins, vice president; H. B. Kepner, secretary and George Ander son, treasurer. COMPLAIN OF COST A number of the residents of this locality who have visited the state fair at Lincoln this year are rather outspoken in regard to the matter of charges made for admission to the groucls and the general costliness (of the fair as a whole. They say that the person owning a car is compelled to pay 75c admission for the car, and 75c for each person oc cupying the car and that the only advantage of the admission is that it gives a further opportunity to be milched of their coin. An extra ad mission is charged for the races and all of the concessions are heavy mon ey grabbers altho of course it is up to the visitor whether or not they want to patronize the concessions. The admission ito the fair grounds the chief object of criticism as Kansas and a number of other state fairs have abolished the paid ad mission to the . fair grounds while here the charge is. .higher this year than any time before in the history of the fair association. SLUMBERARTY . Misses Edith and Margaret Stan der entertained a number of young ladies at thfir home on Wednesday night of la-. week at a slumber par ty. They ;pcnt a merry evening to gether and enjoyed a delightful breakfast at the lage north of town the next morning. The guests were Misse3 Marguerite Wiles of Plattsmouth; Miss Edith Fiddock of Elsie; Clara and Esther Noyes, Gertrude Phelps and Nola Noyes. Miss Fiddock has accepted a school near Elmwood in the district where the C. C. Jackman family re side and will probably board -with them during the school year. Louis ville Courier. Lost anything fouid anything- i Try a Journal ad, "They satisfy." LIKE SITUATION FINE The Journal is in receipt of a let ter from Miss Grace H. Nolting of this city, ordering the Journal cent to her at South Sioux City, where she is now teaching and where her sister. Miss Ellen, is also employed as a teacher in the public schools there. , Miss Nolting states that A. O. Eggenberger, formr principal of th? high school here is. living near where the Misses Nolting are staying and that Mr. Eggenberger is now engag ed in newspaper work.alihough he has been superintendent of schools there for the greater part of the time since leaving Plattsmouth. GIVE FAREWELL FOR DEPARTING MEMBER Boys' Class of Presbyterian Church Meet Last Night at the Home of Their , Teacher From Friday's Daily. The hoir. of Mr, and Mrs. George L. Farley was the scene of a most de lightful gathering las: evening when the young lads comprising the Sunday school cla?s of Mr. Farley gathered to Render a farewell to Robert Haseneyager, one of their number who is to soon leave for Hastings to take up his school work in that city. The time was ?pent pleasantly in games cf all kinds .and at which the young people enjoyed themselves to the utmost and the opportunity of visiting wth Robert was taken ad vantage of to the fullest extent. The guest cf toonor was presented with a very hardseme token of the es teeem and effeetion with which he has teea held by his associates dur ing the couise of the evening. At a euitible hour dainty refresh ments served to add to the delights of the members o the party and it wa3 a late hour when they departed homeward wishing their young friends much succes in his school work. Thus in attendance at the gathering were: George Schmidtman, Charle3 Hartford, George Persinger, Harold Smith, Donald Dickson, Ray mend Meisinger, Karl Wurl. Will Matschnlatt. Robert Haseneyager, GJen Henr-.'OttTrHty, Fred Tril ety. Elmer Johnso:!. George Eber sole, Earl Troop, and the teacher, Mr. G. L. Farley. The young men felt that the event was one of the greatest of pleasures and ar very grateful 1o Mrs. Far ley an slaughters, Edith and Helen who a3iJted in seeing that they were royally entertained. CONFLICTING STOR IES AS TO IDENTITY Woman Injured at Payne, Insists That Companion is Harry Smith cf St. Joseph, Ko. The rendition of the man and wo man found in a box car here last Sunday and who were injured by a beating, continues about the same, the reoorts from Omaha state. The woman in the case still clings to her storv that her companion is Harry Smith of St. Joeeph, Miss ouri, and that he is her husband, al tho at other times she insists her name i.- Ada Jones. The condition of the woman is still serious and in her hazy state of mind it is difficult to get a real clear statement as to he case from her at this time, the beating given by the tramps seemingly to have af fected her mind to a greater or less extent and ther is a possibility that the two parties may be man and wife and out on their honeymoon. Mrs. W. H. Martin of Omaha has identi5ed the injured man as a form er resident of St. Joseph. Missouri, and that his name was Smith. Previ ous reports had given the man's name as Hicks and his residence as Omaha. LOUISVILLE YOUNG MAN WEDS. Another young man from the old home town stepped out from the ranks of the bachelors and joined the Benedicts last Saturday, when Thomas Stander, of Louisville and Miss Myrtle Murray of Omaha were married by Rev. John Calvert, of the Benson M. E. church, at the parson age. Rev. Calvert is an old friend of the Stander family and at one time was pastor of the M. E. church at Louisville. The bride is a very sweet and charming young lady and is well known to a number of our young people. The groom Is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stander, a pio neer family of influence and promi nence in this vicinity. He is em ployed by the Nebraska Tire company and the young couple will make their home in Omaha. The Courier ! Joins with the many friends in ex tending congratulations and best wishes. Louisville Courier. Adam Meisinger of near Cedar Creek was in the city today for a niiu ill? uiciv-uauia. If yon want good printing let as do your rork. Best eauipped job shop in southeastern Nebraska, YOUNG PEOPLE ARE UNITED IN WEDLOCK Hiss Margaret E. Rishel and Mr. Adam KafFenberger Married Here Last Evening. from Friday's Dallr. Last evening at 7 o'clock at the parsonage of tho First Methodist church occurred the marriage of two of the well known young people of this community, Miss Margaret E. Rishel and Mr. Adam H. Kaffenberg er. The wedding was quite simple, the young people being accompanied by Miss Freda Otterstein and Mr. Marvin Stiles as bridesmaid and groomsman, and the impressive mar riage service was read by the Rev. A. V. Hunter, pastor of the church, of which the bride has been a life long member. The bride was attired in a very at tractive traveling suit and wore a hat to match the costume. The groom was garbed in the conventional dark suit. Following the wedding cere mony the bridal couple motored to Omaha, where they will be guests of relatives for a short time and from there go to South Dakota to visit with friends and enjoy a short honey moon after which they will return to this city and be at home to their friends on the farm of the groom, where they expect to reside in the future. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rishel and has spent her lifetime in this city, where she possesses a large circle of warm friends who will be pleased to learn of her new happiness and join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Kaffenberger the greatest of happiness in the years to come. The groom is one of the enterprising young farmers of this community and a son of Mrs. Adam Kaffenberger and a member of one of the leading families of Cas3 county. CLAUDE SETTER TO BUN BUFFALO VALLEY FARM Claude Seiver is now realizing the ambition, of his life, the opportunit to breed and raise live stock and at the same time produce the grain, hay and pasture to feed them and put them in condition for market. For a number of years Claude has been delivering oil and gasoline for the Standard Oil Co. over this ter ritory and at the same time has kept a pen of thoroughbred Poland China hogs, some pure bred chickens and a Jersey cow or two right here in town and they have made him mon ey. At last the time arrived for him to launch out more extensively. He rented the Buffalo Valley farm in Dawson county of Walter BIske and is now busy putting in his fall wheat and perfecting arrangements for mov ing his family. He writes that he is delighted with the outlook and says the farm just suits him. "Buffalo Valley Farm" is located in the famous Buffalo valley, joining the townsrite of Buffalo. It consists of 320 acres. 200 acres are in cul tivation and the balance is in hay and pasture land. A good house and all kinds of out buildings make it just the kind of a "layout" that our friend Claude has been dreaming of for a long time and the Courier is glad to know that he is so well pleas ed. We are sure that he will make good and with his love for this class of work it will be but a short time before we hear of him shipping stock to the Omaha market. Louis ville Courier. DARKNESS STOPS GAME From Friday's tally. Last evening the Boilermakers and Machinists team of the local shops and the Cribs, one of the local hall teams tangled cn the Eagles' diamond in what resulted in an 8 to S score. The Boilermakers had "Liz" Luschinsky on the mound for the opening portion of .the game but he was later relieved and Harry New man substituted but by this time the Cub? were hitting a fast clip and it was Impossible for the shop team to win out. The Boilermakers had a six to two score in their favor up to the fifth inning and in this fa tal frame the Cubs sent 5 runs over the plate and in the sixth succeeded in tyissr up the score. Darkness fast approaching the game was called and will be played off . at a future date when conditions are mere fav orable. Joe McCarthy ,didt the tossing for the Cubs. V ' . BBEAKS TALEG Nick and Walter Peterson and their families and their mother, Mrs. George W. Peterson, visited relative at Palmrya Tuesday. In the evening as they were about to start home the elder Mrs. Peterson fell from the sidewalk and broke her ankle. In the darkness she was unable to see the dangerous hole in the corner just where the cross-walk joins the sidewalk and missed stepped. She was brought home at once, where, as per telegram instructions. Dr. Longaere was awaiting her arrival. At this writing s'he is getting along very nicely and suffering no more pain than is usual in 6uch cases. Eagle Beacon. The Journal office desires to pur chase a quamtitr of elean rajs. Bring them to the effice. HAS SMALL WRECK From Friday's 1ally. Yesterday afternoon the Missouri Pacific had a small wreck on their Omaha-Weeping Water line, just at the edge of the Manley yards. The sand train south bound from Louis ville to Weeping Water was just pulling into the Manley yards when the engineer discovered that a gaso line propelled section car, carrying the section crew was on the track i just ahead of the approaching train.) The section crew, consisting of M. E. Neihart, foreman. Herbert Thacker and George Schaffer also discovered the approaching train about the same time and proceeded to make a! hurried getaway without injury, but the car suffered severe damage when the locomotive hit it. YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE UP SCHOOLING Great Many of Those Graduating Here This Year to Matriculate in Other Institutions The fall season brings to many of those who graduated last spring from the local high school an op-portunitj- of continuing their stud ies at one of the larger schools of higher education, while others, and especially the young ladies are tak ing up teaching as their profession and have already started in on their school work. The students who were at-Lincoln last year attending the state univer sity will almost all resume their studies and among these are Misses Mary Rosencrans, Eleanor Burnie, Nora Livingston, Mariel Streight and Verla Becker. Miss Helen Roberts, who was at Lincoln last year, will attend schcol at Vincennes, Indiana. Mason Wescott, one of the class of 1921, will enter Northwestern uni versity at Chicago, while Misses Al ice Pollock and Fay Chase will at tend the seminary at Rockford, Il linois. John Sattler, Jr. and George F. Dovey will attend the university of Nebraska, at Lincoln and will leave for that place in a short time. Ralph Holme3 will also resume his work at the Nebraska university as a member of the engineering college, while Robert Kroehler takes uT his third year in the medical college of the university, and according to the laid out medic course, will take the remainder of his studies at Omaha. Gustav Brubacker and Miss Clara Mae Morgan, both of the class of 1921, will be enrolled in the Uni versity of Omaha for the year, while Miss Mary Catherine Parmele will also take up her school work in Omaha. Claire Hudson will leave at once to enter the Still college at Kirksville, Missouri, to take up his course of study to fit himself as an osteopath. Miss Kathryn Waddick will leave in a few days for Daven port, Iowa, where she is to act as instructor in music at the St. Cather ine's school, an exclusive young lsdies college conducted bj the Epis copal church. HAS TONSILS BEHOVED This morning Dr. H. C. Leopold of this city operated on John, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek for the removal of his tonsils and adnoids and as a result of the operation the young man Is feeiiDg very much improved. rippled 11 mm 1 1 ' SI Farmers and business houses operate largely on bank credit. Stop bank credit and you stop business. Bank credit is made possible by the de posits of the people yours and your neigh bors. People who act as their own bankers cripple credit and slow up business. Bank your money. Help make credit for your home community. Plenty of credit means plenty of business. You will profit by it. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME PIATTSMOUTH ff!MMMMMWIIJ'l''l"l'I.L11 F'Jj ' n. I III II EFFORT TO RELEASE BOOZE CAR FAILS Judge Beglty Dismisses Action Brot ;?int Sheriff .Quinton and Dissolve- Injunction From Friday's Iailv. Yesterday the district court took up the matter of the application ;f Henry Lincoln and the Lincoln Mo tor Co. for a re. training order to prevent Sheriff ('. I). Quinton from disposing at public auction of the Paige touring car taken here tome time ag while conveying liquor. At the tim-3 tho car was captured it was in the possession of two Italians from Omaha and later an action was filed in the dis-trfct court by Mr. Lincoln representing that the car had been purcasenl from his company and that lie held a mortgage on the car and that tho purchaser cf the car had not been aware of the intention of the two Italians to take the car and that it had been used without the knowledge and consent of the owner. The court after reviewing the evidence in the case and the ar gument of the attorneys decided in favor of the defendant. Sheriff C. D. Quinton and dissolved the tempor ary restraining order that had been issued to stop the sale of the car and as a result the matter will take it course unless the plaintiffs decide to appeal :he matter to a higgler court. In the application of the city of Plattsmouth for a permanent Injunc tion against the C. B. & Q. to pre vent the garbage cars from being left on the side tracks of the de fendants in the corporative limits of the cit. the court found for the city and the injunction was made permanent and the odors of the gar bage will no more assail the nostrils of the residents of the vicinity of the tricks of the Burlington in the east portion of the city. Judga Begley also heard the case of Clarenca F. Price vs Blanche E. Price and the evidence of the plain tic and the decree of divorce granted as prayed for. ST. MABY'S GUILD MEETS The l.idits of the St. Mary's Guild enjoyed a very pleasant meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the ham.e..o Mrs. John A. Donelan on north Sixth street. This was the first meet ing of the fall season and the ladies enjoyed the opportunity to the ut most of getting together and begin ning the work of the season. The plans for the Christmas shop were discussed and the work on the many dainty articles will be pushed by the guild ladies to a rapid conclus ion in order that there may be an ample f-upply of the dainty needle work for this annual event which has been looked forward too with interest by the Christmas shopper. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess at a suitable hour dur ing the afternoon and which, allied in making the occasion a mcst de lightful one. E0 DTP VEEY WELL The reports received here from the St. Catherine's hospital in Om aha state that the man Hicks and his companion, who were so badly beaten up at Payne, Iowa, on Sun day night, are now getting along as well as could possibly be expected and no fatal results are looked for from the result of the beating. Credit! :I 4 St I "NEBRASKA.