The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Evenly Matched Contestants in Each
of Four Bouts 26 Bounds of
Boxing on Program. -
The boxing: card for the American
It ny of the read of tbe
Journal knor of any social
event or Item of interest in
this Tlclnlty. and will mall
lime to this office. It will ap
pear under this headlne. Wa
want all newa lwua Esitob
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surroundifif Vicinity Kipeci-lly for the Journal Readers
Teaching yoxx
Practice makes perfect.
Schoolmasters of today as
well as yesterday constantly repeat
that truth. Pupils learn by applying
Application of that principle to cur
everyday habits proves its
practical help. We learn by
practicing, whether it be a
good habit or a bad habit.
This bank teaches you thrift
by leading you to practice it.
The lesson is easily learned
once it is begun. To become
perfect in it requires constant
practice. A savings account is
the most consistent method
of practicing thrift.
MaKc This BanK Voztr 'Best Servant
Open an Account buith V Today JVO WI
r, !- .
'- - -r .
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Quite a number from Kenosha at
tended lb? fair "Wednesday.
Gussie PulJen of Omaha was a vis
iter in Murray last Sunday.
John and Edward Peterson were
visiting In Omaha lasit week.
Win Homan. who was Injured a
week ago. is doing very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dill were visit
ing in Flattsmouth last Tuesday.
A. C. Long was looking after some
business in Plattsmouth Saturday.
G. W. McCracken and family were
visiting at the state fair Thursday.
Harold "Whlteman of Nehawka
was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday.
Prank "Vallery was looking after
some business matters in Murray
last Mondav.
G. W. McCracken and W. G. Boe
deker were visitors in Plattsmouth
Monday evening.
G. M. Minford and wife and their
6on, Will, were visiting at the state
fair last Tuesday.
Andrew Siohlman and son, Martin
of Louisville were in Murray on bus
iness last Tuesday.
John Peterson was looking after
some business matters in Platts
mouth last Tuesday.
Arthur Reed has been having a
tussle with the malaria but is now
getting along nicely.
J. H. Brown and family and Mrs.
J. V. Berber were visiting in Platts
mouth iast Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost of Mem
phis were visiting with friends in
Murray las Sunday.
i Mrs. Toney Klimm and Miss Cath-
erine MeMahan were visiting in Ne
braska City Thursday.
Robert Willis and wife of Weep
ing Water were visitors in Murray
last Tuesday afternoon.
Andy Campbell shelled corn Mon
day and delivered same to the Farm
ers' Elevator at Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Campbell
have been feeling poorly of late but
are now doing fairly well.
W. H. Puis and family departed
Wednesday for Coleridge, where
they will visit for some time.
O. A. Davis and wife and S. O.
Pitman and wife were visiting in Ne
hawka and Union last Friday.
Mrs. Jessie Corey cf Wendt, South
Dakota, who has been visiting here,
departed for her home Tuesday.
Albert Jones and family were vis
iting at Wjoming last Sunday and
were the guests of Orville Wickham.
Miss Catherine MeMahan of Om
aha has been spending her summer
vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Toney
Ed I. Wasson cf Havelock was
dewn last Sunday for a visit with
Mrs. Wasson, who have been visit
ing here.
Jacob Baker, Ralph Parr and Clyde
Burton of Sheridan. Illnois. arrived
in Murray last Monday for a visit at
the home cf the Brendel's.
L. O. "arr of Sheridan. Illnois.
and Mrs. J. W. Shelby of Lebanon,
who have been visiting with the
Brendel family, departed last Tues
day for their home.
17. R. YOUNG
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmouth Exchange
School Is
Now Open!
Are you prepared for the occasion, with the sup
plies which will be needed? Remember, we are carry
ing a stock of school supplies in the shape of pencils,
paper, slates, tablets, etc., and will make it a point to
keep just what is needed by the students.
Also keep in mind our drug department, which is
filled with everything in the medicinal and proprietory
remedies. Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Keep your eye on our space for future announce
ments of interest.
urray Drug Co.
A real novelty, vet most useful. Made of black
imitation leather, in three sizes. Have a look at them
when you next visit our store.
25c and 39c
You Will Want One!
ffiatt &"Tutt
Legion's forthcoming show Wednes
day night, Sept. 14th, has been com
pleted and includes as good a set of
evenly matched boys as could be de
sired by any follower of fistcuffs. The
bout is scheduled to begin at 8 p. m.,
and will be held in the Airdome the
atre in Plattsmouth, which has up
wards of 1,200 choice seats, none of
which are more than forty feet from
the ringside.
The main event as previously an
nounced will be between Sailor Andy
Schmader, of Louisville and Soldier;
Jim Marples, of Chicago. Everyone
in this neck of the woods knows
Schmader. Marples is a well known
Chicago heavyweight and recently
TV.t,.. Hfslnknii- Ki a erVi finer
The Community Picnic I Italian down twice in the second
The community picnic which the ' round of their bout. The main event ;
people of -Murray held at the grove wjn go ten rounds. j
of C. A. Tjent was one which will! For the six-round semi-windup
be long remembered by the residents "Kid" Bruno and Harry Kinnear, of
of the community. There were some Omaha have been secured. These are
400 present and an excellent pro- the 124 pound boys who fought a
gram had been provided. Searl S. whirlwind four-round draw in the
Davis mad? the address of welcome Langford-Anderson show at Omaha, ;
and inaugu ration of this as one of August 5th, and anybody who saw
the annual events of the community tnat show will tell you they are go
following hich were a number of getters. I
musical numbers of special merit. Tne second preliminary will be
Mrs. VVni Laird of Plattsmouth gave between George Schmader, brother of,
a reading which pleased the entire Andv, and "Kid" Rosgoe of Omaha. j
crowd. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wescott These boys have met twice before in ;
rendered a duet in a most delightful the Bquared arena, the first bout go-;
manner. Mr. Wetroott and Miss Lat- ing t0 ROSgoe and the second result
ita lead ti.e community chorus. jng in a draw. Both are in the wel-
TTS" , terweight class and the bout is
Boad Work ! scheduled for six rounds. j
Any one interested in tbe one The first preliminary for the wel
mile .if road commencing at the terweight championship of Platts
ccrner east of the Lewiston church mouth, is to be a four round affair ,
and extending one mile west to the between Joseph Smetana and Tom-'
state ro-id. are cordially invited to my Rabb, two local glove artists. I
donate either work or cash, report The Legion committee believes that
to F. J. Lillie or G. S. Ray. Those of the four bouts and 26 rounds of
signing up to date are A. J. Han- boxing, they have been able to re-i
sen. $25; A. A." Young, $25; Glen cure evenly matched contestants and
Thompson, $2; F. J. Lillie $25; followers of the fight game will bear
out their contention that the proba
bility of a "set-up" in any bout is
meagre. i
Tickets will be placed on sale one
week before the fight in Plattsmouth,
at Baseball headquarters in Omaha,
the Bank of Commerce at Louisville,
Russell's Pharmacy at Weeping Wat
er, Schwake Drug Co., Nebraska City
and Murdock Mercantile Co., Mur
dock. Popular prices of $2.20 and $3.30
G. S. Kav. $50; Dr. Jake Brendel,
Tis work will be a benefit to any
interested in the cemetery as well
as all others traveling said road.
Bead District No. 10
All partie3 who expect their roads
graded must get their weeds and
brush off the ground soon or they will prevail and plenty of good seats
will be tut and charged to the ones are available.
Fixing np the House
Tobe Johnson and Phil Lambert
are placing the house which was
formerly occupied by the Roy Clif
rton family, in a fine condition for
Mr. Joseph Mrasek and family who
will move into the place as soon as
it is in condition.
Poland China Boars
I have a number of choice Poland
China boiri of large type ready for
service, that are for sale. They are
of Febuiry farrowing. Call at farm
five and one-quarter miles west and
one mile north of Murray.
Selling Best Nursery Stock
Andrew Stohlman, the veteran
nursery toc:k salesman from Louis
ville, was in the city this morning
and in conversation with the Journ
al man had to say that he is taking
orders for the Marshall Bros. Nurs
ery of Vrlington which has for the
past thirty years has handled the
most reliable nursery stock grown
In the .itate. He is looking after re
placing and selling new orchards. He
also staced that the price bad been
reduced. Anyone wishing anything
in this line would do well to drop
him a card rnd be will call at your
For Sale New Separator
I have a new DeLaval cream sepa
rator for which I paid $130. Not
used. Will sell for $90. Phone No.
2205, Murray, Nebraska.
Rejoicing its a Girl
At the home of Galen Rhoden hap
piness reigns supreme on account of
the arrival of a pretty smiling blue
eyed girl. Grandpa Geoge Rhoden is
also rejoicing over the event.
Sans Beunion
A reunion of the Sans family was
held at the home of R. N. Frans
last Sun.lay at which there was in
attendance a large part of this popu
lar family. The day was spent in
merriment end the recounting of
old times and a most sumptious
dinner as enjoyed by all.
Departs For Home
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Rhea and fam
ily, who have been visiting in Mur
ray for the past week at the home
of relatives, departed for their home
at Yates Center, Kansas, Tuesday.
Murray School Will Open Next Week
The complement of teachers for
the Murray school being completed
the school will open next week. The
school house has been renovated and
'placed in an excellent condition.
Have Interesting Meet
The Prt-febyterian church Mission
ary society met last Friday at tbe
church and enjoyed a most splendid
meeting. Refreshments were served
on the lawn after the business meet
Ing was completed which was very
ituorouuiy enjoyed ry the large
number ptetent.
Omaha Police Force Nail Gang That
Resilts in Uncovering Story
of Stealing Insmred Cars
The arrest on last Saturday night
at Onuiha of Frank Long, William
Markoritz, Louis Clare, Emmett
Long and several other parties, has
disclosed the existence of a ring in
American legion Squad Starts Prac
tice and Large Number of
Fast Men Available
The outlook for football for the
season of 1921 seems the best for
the past few years and the young
men of the community are availing
themselves of the opportunity of en
joying this excellent sport.
This year the team that the Amer
the metropolis which had made the . ican Legion js to launch will have
practice of getiing rid of insured! tne advantage of the work of the
cars for the owners and no questions team last yeart as aimost all of the
asked. ' eam are here to aid in the work.
For pome time the pclice of Omaha onlv two fcaving removed during the
have been very suspicious of the ex- summr in Pddition to the old mem
istence of the ring in the underworld j her3 of lhfc team there has been sev
where the insured cars were taken eral verv fast men secured that will
to be disposed of. for some time and I ad1 sp3ed as well as beef to the line
la?t Saturday night a "plant" by and strengthen the team in every
the police 'it the end of the Douglas ; wa-.
street bridge resulted in the party! The manaerer and coach of the
of men being rounded up. team wiil be Clarence Beal. who put
The trail of the auto thefts seems jln a number cf years on Jhe grid
to have reached into Cass county asjiron aD!j hose work assists mater
one of the cars supposed to have been j iau the boys in rounding into shape
"stolen" has been identified as tkatln(1 in nrirlitinn therp are several x-
or a resident or mis county ana in i perienced men in
iact on or tne umana parties nas:jenj their efforts
given the authorities a very straight
tip as to the facts in the case and
it is not improbable that the chap
ter of the story in this county will
prove very interesting before the
matter is closed up.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Thomas O'
Keefe, giving his residence as Omaha
was in county court to answer to
the charges of being drunk. The
young man. was arrested a few days
ago near Greenwood and brought to
this city Saturday evening and plac
ed in the custody of Sheriff Quinton
he having been arrested by officers
of the Ftate law enforcement. The
j-oung man entered a plea of guilty
to the charge and was given a fine
of $50 by the court which he will
spend as the guest of the sheriff.
The best results are obtained from
the carefully -written ad placed in
the printer's hands in time to permit
of artistic "set-up." Don't "neglect
your advertising or compose it hur
riedly if you would get the greatest
value for the money you expend.
For Sale
Four red coming 3 year old heif
ers, weighing around 800 lbs.
E. H. Schulaot, piano tuner.
Phone 389-J. d&w.
For Sale!
the squad that
toward making
this one of the best teams that has
ever represented Plattsmouth on
the gridiron.
Practice n held each afternoon at
5 o'clock and everyone who feels
that they would like -to play football
whether they are members of the Le
gion or not, are invited to be pre
sent and work out as all the good
football material in the city will be
given a tryout if they desire. The
cooling weather will mean that the
season will soon be underway and
the lovers of this sport can rest as
surred that they are going to see
some fast games here the coming
From Wednesdays w'atly.
Last evening Rev, A. G. Hollo
well and family returned home from
a trip of two months duration and
which carried them into the moun
tain regions of Wyoming. The great
er part of the time was spent at
Gillette, where a most pleasant time
was enjoyed during. the extremely
not months.
They left Gillette on Monday, Sep
tember 29th for home and had a
most pleasant time, the only trouble
encountered being some car difficulty
incident to puch a long trip and all
the family enjojed the life in the
open verj- much.
The congregation of the church
here and the many friends will be
delighted to learn that Rev. Howo
well and family are once more home
and ready for the work of the com
ing sea3on in the church activities.
Two lots and modern 6 -room home,
f . 1 1 Ti.joimianf Koct Innatlnn in tnwn
7'PaSSenger Cadillac in good Call telephone 598 or write P. o.
o . i box 2G. lw-d&w
condition; 3 extra tires, al-
1 After a hearty meal take Doan's
Regulets and assitt your stomach,
liver and bowels. Regulets are a
mild laxative. 30c at all stores.
most new. Price $500.00.
T. II. Pollock Garage
Would You Save
On Coal?
We have a number of cars of coal in transit which
are due to arrive in a short time, and we are making a
very close price on same, especially when taken from
the car. Just what the situation will be later on, we are
unable to tell. With the prospect of a rail strike, the
coal situation would rapidly become serious. Better
save your money by buying some of this coal, and at
the same time be assured of having it when you need it.
Banning &l tickles,
'Saturday Specials!
Syrup, 10 lbs. light 59c
Pineapple, No. 2 can, 3 for $1.00
Salmon, per can 14c
Red salmon, per can 29c
Cane sugar, per 100 lb. sack. $7.00
Also an Abundance of Other Bargains, but .t
Special Prices No Charges will be Made
7b Those Who Know---
themselves indebted to me, and who have not adujsted
their account, I will be at the hardware store for a short
time and desire you call and make settlement as soon
as possible, either by the payment of the account or
with a note which shall be approved. I am out of
business and must make settlement.
Must Settle Accounts!
The book accounts of the Hardware and Imple
ment business contracted while conducted by W. H.
Puis, and later by Mr. Puis for August Meyers, mur.t
be adjusted at once. The books of both firms are at the
Vallery Garage, where Mr. Puis will look after making
settlement and closing up all accounts. All those who
know themselves indebted to either firm are notified to
come in without delay. We have waited patiently thus
far, but these accounts must be settled at once.
The Corn is Ripening !
Are you ready for it's gathering? Do you need an
Elevator for the handling of the crop. Come see us and
we will make you a very attractive price on what you
need. Do not wait to long for we will need some time
to secure the elevator. Are you needing a press drill for
your fall seeding? We are carrying the popular lines.
Save Some Money Here!
You can buy an
-$85.00 Mower How for S70.C0-
Which will save you $15.00. Better think of this!
Peterson Hardware Co.
J. V. Peterson, Manager
MURRAY -:- -:- -:- - NEBRASKA
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