The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Special Bargains
This Week!
Keep your eyes open for bargains in our ad space,
for we will furnish them. For this week we are of
fering Varnish, absolutely guaranteed, sold for $4.75
Colored Varnish, per quart, 90c.
Bed Room Paper, per single roll, 6c.
Oat Meal Paper, per single roll, 13c and 20c.
Floor Wax 50c.
i ne uusternorr onops
a guest of relatives in Great Falls,
Montana and Colorado Springs, Col
orado for some time, returned home
last Monday.
J. A. Bauer was looking after
some business matters in Lincoln
the firs of last week.
Vm. Mann of near South Bend is
among the new subscribers to the
Journal of the past week
Entertain for Friend
The Royal Neighbors of America
gathered at the home of their mem
ber. Mrs. C. E. Kupke a few days ago
Burlington Woman Feels Like She
Has New Lease on Life Since
Began Taking Tanlac. ,
"When a woman over
and tendered her a miscellaneous 'ears oi age is reneveu oi iruuuit-s
shower. A moat enjoyable afternoon that have bothered her for ten years
was spent by all. 1 cau 11 remarKaDie, anu inai is ex-
acuy wnai lamac nas uoue lur me,
declared Mrs. John Sabins, 1064 S.
Leebrick St., Burlington, Iowa.
"My principal trouble was indi-
i.inin Satnrdav pvpn ne to visit., . ,T , iv o,.j eesnon. My appeme was aDoui
over Sunday and Labor day with re!- for their Jlome at Tampa, Florida. ' fone, and I always had a heavy feel-
atives. The Guthmann family accompanied !8 in my Homacn auer ea ung ana
Messrs. ii. . Aicuonaia anu bun them as far as 0maha in their car,
Lacey and I. G. Hornbeck were in and from there they took the Xorth-
Klmwooa last w eanesaay witnessing
Depart for the South
fypiI Sissnn and wife, who have
J. Pothast and family went to been visiting at the home of Mr. and i
the ball game.
M. R. Keiser,
has been visiting
of Los Angeles,
at the home of
western for Chicago.
Making Some Changes
The school building, which
I bloated up so with gas I felt utterly
miserable. The gas almost suffocated
me at times and crowded around my
heart and caused such a throbbing it
frightened me. Many a time I be
came so nauseated I could hardly
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bornemeier the' i ne scnooi u..u.. .cu retaIn a thing,
oast several davs. i b.efn a"'l to "I0? f,onS1"' "I had awfv
past several days
V. H. Rush shelled corn for Wm.
Nielson last Friday, the grain being
delivered to the Farmers elevator
here for shipment.
The ball game at Elmwood Mon
day was witnessed by Messrs. E. V.
Thimgan. Carl Schneider. I. G. Horn-
beck and Lacey McDonald
ably in years past is being placed in"and whenever j stooped over j. feU
shape for the opening of school next ike j wou,d fereak -n twQ x alsQ
suffered awfully with rheumatism,
and often my feet would swell up
so I could hardly walk. My nerves
week. Last vear the M. E. church
building was used for a hUh school,
but this year the school building will
be used for that purpose while the
church is being remodeled to ?c-l
commodate the grades. II. R. Schmidt
Paul Pickett of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Murdock last Thursday.
llnery Inhelder took two loads of
product' to Lincoln last Thursday.
The Murdock Mercantile Co. and
G. P.auer split a car load shipment
of salt last week.
P. Idemiller and wife of O'Neill.
F. Hite fam-
at the home of Herman Kraft and
wife at Ithica, Sunday.
Homer Lawton has just completed
the task of painting the home of
Herman Schweppe.
George Merkle is taking treatment
i for an affliction of his face which
has proven troublesome of late.
Miss Eva Sorick, of Lincoln, was a
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Dusterhoff and his assistant, , 1:5 vuo
James Wutehinek have just complet-
ed painting the Callihan church and An Interesting Meeting
it now presents a greatly improved The meeting at the M. V. A. hall
nna-rnnt " i last Thursday afternoon, at which
were shattered and many a night I
couldn't sleep a wink and would get
up in the morning feeling worse
than if I hadn't gone to bed at all.
"But thanks to Tanlac, I feel today
like I had been given a new lease on
life. I have taken just a few bot
tles of Tanlac and now have a splen-
Miss Selma Brauchle, who was in-was present Miss iaa waiKins, couu-.jjj appetite and am never troubled
attendance at the convention at Mil- ty home agent, was attended by a particle with indigestion. All those
ford last week, on her return resum- goodly numner oi .uutuock iiuira.
ed her work for the Murdock Mer- Miss Watkins talked to the ladies on
cantile company. I the subject oi nome ofk ami urSeu mit;ery in my back are things of the
A most pleasant time was had attiiem to enier exniuut. oi mur ui.. t j am free
disagreeable feelings after eating
and those rheumatic pains and the
September 13 to 24
from nervousness.
the reception and dance given at the in various lines at the Cass county d j Hkc child at night i
Modern Woodman hall last Tnursuay iair ai ncepius "' ie
v. ere guests of the C.
ilv here last week.
G. Bauer and two nieces. Misses : James Mills during the past week
Hattie and Minnie Bauer were guests Mrs. H. E. Lawton, who has been
Fall Plowing Now!
The harvest is over and thrashing done now for
the Fail plowing. We have the facilities for this task
plows, tractors and also seasonable farming machinery.
See us for the things you are needing. You will be sur
prised at what we can show you.
also the Hullo-Motor Washer!
Oils and Gasoline!
The Implement Man
Why Suffer the Loss
which always comes when the machinery
is not given the best of oil?
Best Motor Oil, per gallon 90c
Best Tractor Oil, per gallon 75c
We can deliver the new car any time you desire.
Buick, Dodge Bros., and the Ford.
The best service possible in our repair shop.
The Automobile Man
9-4 Bleached Sheeting, per yard 37c
Men's Heavy Striped Overalls
Yard wide Percales, heaviest, fast colors, darks
and lights, per yard 20c
- iurdock mercantile Co., -
. .1 T nmntll
evening. A large numoer oi young ua ui imo
folks were present. ;
Herman Schmidt and wife and Visiting Friends Here
Louis Schmidt, wife and little daugh-! nov. H. S. Tool, who is an Evan-
ter. Geraldine, were guests at the K(.ncal association paster in the west,!
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kraft i,as been visiting here and at Lin-!
at Ithica Sunday. jcoln and Weeping Water during the
Leo Itikli who underwent an op-lp;lst week. While here he was a
eration for appedicitis at his home puest at the homes of his brothers,
near here one day last week, isA. J. and H. W. Tool and families,
making pood improvement and hopes' an,j 0f his mother, Mrs. E. C. Tool.
soon to be up and about. I Before going west he was presiding
George Eveland of Loveland, O.. ; eider of the Evangelical association
visited here a couple of days last.,vjta headquarters at Lincoln
week at the home or his brother ami
sister while en route home from a
trip to Yellowstone National park..
Jerrv McHunh and wife were in
Omaha last week attending thei
Seeing America First
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fisher and
children. Arthur, Margaret and Mil
dred, of Chadron, are visiting at the
have gained several pounds in weight
and the difference in my condition is
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray lrug company
and the leading
SEPTEMBER 13-14-15-16
Sunday, SEPTEMBER 18
SEPTEMBER 19-20-21
Every Afternoon and Evening
druggist in every
Glenn Hawktnbury. who has been
making his home at Minneapolis for
some .irae past, lame in yesterday to
spend i-ome time here at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
H a v k en bu r y .
Books! Books 1 Books! Wc have
them till you can't lest, at the Jour
nal OSce.
merchants' week festivities and also I of Mr and Mrs A j Too, MrP
ftsw lvll. ifWUlJ 111 'lit 1 rC . ... ..
lokine; after some business matters
for the Murdock Mercantile com
pany's store.
Hay Veach and wife of Lincoln
were guests at the home of August
Bornemeier last Sunday, coming over
to see Mrs. Bornemeier, who has been
very poorly, but is now reported as
being greatly improved.
Fred Meyerjurgen and family, of
Bethany, visited in Murdock several
days last week. On Thursday Mr.
Meyerjurgen and William Nielson
drove to Elmwood to visit friends and
look after some business matters.
Miss Catherine Tool, who taught
Fisher and Mrs. Tool being sisters.
They have just returned frin a trip
through the east, where they attend
ed the celebration incident to the
"(Kith anniversary of the landing of
the Pilgrims, and enjoyed their out-
ling very much. They now contem
Iplato a trip to the west coast, but
'are undecided as to just when they
will go.
Was His Busy Day
Last Thursday was indeed a busy
day at the Hock Island station here
as the auditor for the railroad and
. mml,,r nf thP fPitv ti.i ro.n-;oth dropped off the same train for
ing yrar, has just returned from
Nehawka. where she visited a short
time at the home of her friend, Miss
Alma Ost.
Miss Huth Miller, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Miller residing north
of town, visited last week at the home
of her grandparents. C. Guerr and
wife and also with her friend. Hilda
Schmidt. While here she celebrated
her eleventh birthday.
Albert Streich, wife and son. Will;
Mrs. Albert Zaubel, of Lincoln
the purpose of checking up the busi
ness here. This, coupled with the
ordinary business of the da. kept our
genial station agent, I. G. Hornbeck,
pretty busy. The result of the check
ups was the finding of everything in
excellent shape.
First Under New Law
The first boxing match in Cass
county under the new state boxing
law which went into effect July 2S,'
is to be held at Plattsmouth on Wed- i
nesday evening, September 14th. !
Andy Schmader the popular Louis-j
ville boxer will meet Soldier Jim :
Marples, the fast Chicago heavy-,
weight in the ten round main event.'
The semi-windup will be between'
Harry Kinnear and Young Bruno, of j
Omaha, who faught a draw in the ,
Langford-Alexander show at Omaha'
August, 5th. This will go six rounds. '
George Schmader, younger brother of,
Andy's will fight in one of the pre
liminaries and two Plattsmouth wel
terweights will mix things up in the
other. Among the list of licensed
officials to have charge of the bout,
we note the name of Edward Kelly,
who is .to be official timekeeper.
Andy Schmader has a large fol
lowing in the vicinity of Murdotk
and if the weather and roads are fa
vorable many of them will be on
hand to see him mix with Marples,
who is declared to be a tough cus
tomer around the Windy city, where
he has scored a long string of KOs
and decision victories.
Will Hunt the Festive Duck
Messrs. J. E. McHugh. Louis Horn
beck. Lacey McDonald. Gus Gake
meier and Harry Gillespie will go to
who: the northern part of the state in the
has been visiting here and Mrs. Hobt.inear future, where they will put in
Stock left last week via the auto several days hunting ducks and other
route for Imperial, where they will ' game. It is said the ducks are very
visit with friends and relatives. They . plentiful up there. They expect to
expected to be gone about ten days, 'be gone some ten days to two weeks.
Mrs. C. P. Hite and sons. Louis of
This Bs a Shot for You!
We are going to give bargains on Wednesday,
and you can look for it every week.
For this coming Wednesday (July 24) we are
going to sell any spark plug, no matter how much they
cost regularly, for
Auto top renewer, which sold at $2.25, now. . .$ 1.50
Special heavy spring bumpers, were $20, now. . 14.00
If we are out of any of these goods when
you come we will get them for you.
The Garage Man
Lincoln and Floyd of this place, re
turned home Monday from a visit
Hold Family Reunion
The Oehlerking family held their
vun relatives ai uawiana ana w esi first annual familv reunion Tuesday.
Point. Louis Hite and wife return-. . omi, 9 tva y nf ttenrv
ed Tuesday to their home at Lin
L. B. Goerthy. who has been busy
during the summer with his truck
ing business will at the beginning
of school have charge of one of the
busses used to convey the children of
iMtnm ur-oi iu i;tint- ,i utr ilium t-u ui those nreent '
the consolidated district to and from ' , in Ri
th(;rrl;:'orTk; . . Jer relatives en joy
Oehlerking. three miles east of Mur
dock and there were gathered to
gether a very large number of the
relatives to celebrate the event. A
fine program was arranged and a
most enojyable time was had by all
The vounger ones
games while the old-
ed reminiscenses of
i i i i.nniaiiii and the earlv days. In the sport line,
three children drove to Manley last I c ct ;vas the most popuiar.
Thursday evening for a visit at the Those presont included Mrs. M.
home of Hev. Higgins and his moth-. oehlerking. her daughter. Mrs. E.
er. airs, v y ii SK.ns, i i.eing me RosenoW( and four sons, George, Au
occassion of the 11th wedding anni- t Henry and john and their
versary of the Guthmann's I families. Grandma Oehlerking came
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse tn Aim.rica with her family in June.
Landholm was the scene of a most 18-0 which is nlore (han a half
enjoyable kid party last Monday, century aRO and they have resided
when the parents entertained in lion- , Cass countv ever since,
or of the second birthday of little j A bountiflll dinner, prepared by
.m.,s erf ma. i ne ci niaran nan a;the dauKn.ters nf Henry Oehlerking
mosi pieasani time anu win wok ior- was cnJoved as wen as the more than
ward to the passing of another mile- twentv iarpe watermelons that were
stone in their little playmate s life. ! ,lispa,ched bv the assembled guests.
Misses Lois Jackman of near Kim- Those from a distance were Miss El
wood: Martha and Llla Gakemeier ' f,., t i n.i T TI
:and Margaret Amgwert of Murdock oehlerking and family of Clay Cen
j werc among those attending the . er, Nebrabska.
, teachers' institute at Plattsmouth ,
the last part of the week. Miss Jack
man, who taught here two years ago,
will teach four miles east of Elm
wood this year, while Miss Ella Gak
emeier and Margaret Amgwert will
teach in the Murdock schools.
G. W. Norton, who is employed in
Omaha visited at the home of his
parents in Weeping Water last week
and accompanied by his mother drove
through here on his way back to the
i metropolis. Mrs. Norton remained
for a visit with her husband who is
the meat market man and is kept on
the go pretty much of the time. The
Nortons are looking for a home in
Murdock, but on account of inability
to find one are continuing their res
idence in Weeping Water for the
For Sale
A few English call ducks. See
Louis Hornbeck, Murdock, Nebr.
Waste and Decay!
Kanred Wheat for Sale
I have some excellent Kanred seed
wheat for sale. This has yielded
good on my farm this year and is
worth while sowing.
Murdock, Nebr.
are bound to follow neglect
of your property. Better
have it painted This is
insurance. See me for prices
on all kind of painting
interior or exterior.
Since the new law went into effect
July 26. raising the age of majority
of a girl from eighteen to twenty
one years there have been a number
of instances of confusion in the state
ever the technical application of the
law as to a girl's marriage without
her parent's consent. A case arose a
few days ago in Hitchcock county
when a young lady who was eight
een before the new law went into
effect appeared before the county
judge as one of the principals ask
ing for a marriage license. The ques
tion at once arose as to the necessity
of parental consent. Assistant Attor-,
ney General C. J. Dort 'ruled that
she did not need the parental con-;
sent for since she was eighteen be-'
fore the new law was effective she ;
is of legal age now and cannot be
put back by a new law and made
to serve another three years ap
prenticeship as a minor.
A Grateful Letter
It is in trying conditions like that
related below by Mrs. Geo. L. North
of Naples, N. Y., that proves the;
worth of Chamberlain's Colic and I
Diarrhoea Remedy. "Two years ago)
last summer," she says, "our little
boy had dysentary. At that time we
were living in the country eight miles
from a doctor. Our son was taken ill
suddenly and was about the sickest
child I ever saw. He was in terrible
pain all the time and passed from one
convulsion into another. I sent my
husband for a doctor and after he
was gone thought of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him
some of it and he began to improve
at once. By the time the doctor ar
rived, he was out of danger."
Eight-room house with furnace, 3
acres of ground, good barn and out
buildings, grapes and other fruits on
the pli:. Will take team, cow and
machinery on part pay, and price
will be right. Also two small places
with price and terms to suit pur
chaser. M. E. MANSPEAKEH
Keep Well and Be Happy
If you would be happy you must
keep your bowels regular. One or
two of Chamberlain's Tablets taken
immediately after supper will cause
a gentle movement of the bowels on
the following morning. Try it.
Call Ducks for Sale
I have a few call ducks for sale.
Louis Hornbeck, Murdock. 2w.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Crib and Granary!
pays for all the material which is
used in a double crib and gran-
Tl 1 11 ! .t
ary. 1 his is a double cnu, witn
driveway and granary above, with tight bins. This in
cludes the lumber, sand and cement for the same. The
building is 26x28 feet, with good shingle roof.
pays for double crib, similar to above,
not having granary above, but provid
ing for driveway and crib room on
each side.
pays for a self feeding ctib, caring for
he grain and at the same time feeding.
See us fof specifications and how the
same is constructed. We have the plans.
Tooi, F3aurnam & lYaiirtoy,
MURDOCK . -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
How is Your Battery?
We are doing battery charging and repairing. If
your battery is not doing its work, bring it to us and we
will remedy the evil.
We carry Mitchell and Oldsmobile parts, and are
equipped to furnish the best repair services on all makco
of cars at reasonable prices.
All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory
Landholm Aisto