The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Entered at rostofflce. riattsmouth. Ne6., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Three Generations of the Hyers Fam
ily Have Served the People of
State in Last 50 Years.
See America thirst!
Use the "ax" in tax.
Knock only knockers.
Reform only reformers.
Pedestrians look run down.
"God bless our apartment."
Harding likes bright Hughes.
So the Japs will come across.
The tax collector makes farming
Japan wants to talk our arms off
One good life saving station is the
If you want it done right, brew it
liaising railroad rates has razed
o : c
Disarmament should include tar
and feathers.
We need autos that can detour
around trains.
Worry interferes with sleep. Quit
There is a time when everything
we do is easy. '
Many heads are being reduced to
pre-war levels.
A hen in the city is worth two
in the country.
Taxation seems to be all ten
points of the law.
Another sign of a hard winter is
the price of coal.
The Panama Canal has changed to
the nation's alimentary canal.
Colleges are opening and father
will make hay while the sen shines.
If Maxim can explain relativity
we'll admit he discovered the thing.
:o: once went to a women's
head; now its settled around her
Evon Republicans admit that Wil
son is making an excellent ex-president.
The Silesian trouble is running
longer than a Broadway bedroom
Women haven't reached normalcy
of attire, but they are in the outskirts.
In thee days of shooting husbands,
women with high aims are in demand.
The return of the Cherry Sisters
to tho stage should cheer up the
hucksters. Nothing else has evoked
a smile from that direction this
n-. m iw . .
"It don't take a man long to
bag bis pants at the knees,
and to make sl finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
Rut she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing bis clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
trrrP- opposite
lojournal office
.. Jews usually., start as a peddler
with practically no capital.
He, who, by his wits would thrive
must either bust. or advertise.
. :o:
Charity begins at home but is
much improved by a trip abroad.
All kinds of work; physical or
mental, pleasant, causes fatigue.
At last the wave of depression be
gins to look like a fareweel wave.
The banana supplies are reported
plentiful with only a fair demand
To achieve disarmament, build
battleships' by popular subscription.
Our appendix may be useless to
us, but see what it does for the doc
Bobbed hair is easy to comb and
doesn't catch on a man's coat but
The American held for ransom of
only 13,000 Mexican pesos must feel
The meek may inherit the earth
but that's the only way they will
get it.
Thank goodness, all would-be
movie actresses haven't the face to
try it.
Either admit reporters to the dis
armament party or have a woman
Man may return to dust but his
wife knew he never does it around
the house.
Judging from the way some people
save for a rainy day, they expect a
40-day flood.
Two pints make a quart unless
they're home-brew, and then they
make a fight.
"Our soap goes further," says an
advertisement. With modern styles,
all soap does.
Maxim says he discovered rela
tives. . Must have been wearing one
of his silencers.
The mother of 12 toys has been
struck by lightning. Needless to say,
she will recover.
Congress decides heme brew is
all right. Congress hasn't tasted
Plattsmouth made.
Cold weather is just around the
corner. Careful buyers, take warning
and order your coal.
Bet you plumbers going to tneiri Tl V KJHTADI C
twentieth convention will forget A 111 I L I llU I A DLL
something and have to go back for it.
The recess will give the congress
men a chance to cool off. And it will
be the exact right time for the con
stituent to warm up.
: :o:
The present famine in Russia, en
dangering the lives of millions, was
predicted from some source as early
aa last May before there were any
drouth possibilities.
The fact is, that constitutional
amendment requiring at least half of
every w-orld's series to be played in
New .York never has been ratified
either in Pennsylvania or in Ohio
Africa will soon be in tune with
the rest of the world. Player pianos
are being sold there.
, . ,J
During the last ten years the num
ber of women wage earners has in
creased fifty per cent.
The trouble with America's di
vorce from European affairs is we
can't get allied monev.
Som? or the biggest fish are still
in the sea; but others are spending
their vacations elswhere.
Milk is being made from oats, pea
nuts and water. Oats and peanuts
are the new ingredients.
Next season's wedding dresses, we
understand, will include pistol pock
ets and ammunition belts.
Our idea of luck is to have Con-
, grcs3 unable to return from its va
cation because of railroad fares.
If every laugh is worth a thous
and dollars, wo are -wondering how
much a man gets for a grouch. '
No matter how simple a task may
be, a certain amount of brain work
i is required for its performance.
The sad part about these one
piece bathing suits is they arc not
big enough for winter underwear.
- cor
There were 61,859,900,000 cigar
ettes sold last .year, and still some
fellows seemed always "just out."
New York is on the brink of the
lecilcus error of counting her major
league pennants before they hatch.-
Senator Lodge is right in sayin
that reduction in military or naval
expenditures by the United States is
under present conditions, perilous to
the country. His statement on this
subject coincides precisely with that
of former Secretary of the Navy Dan
iels, who, in testimony before the
Naval Committee last winter, warned
Congress that in case America re
mains outside the League of Nations,
it is ;he imperative duty of this na
tion io have the greatest navy in
the world. Senator Lodge is thus
hoisted by his own petard, compell
ed as he is now to recognize that
this madness in keeping the United
States out of the League has forced
upon the debt burdened American
people continuation and increase
present staggering burdens result
ing from necessary military and
naval armament.
The Lodge polcy has made of the
United States little less than an Ish
maelite among nations. The pending
tariff bill as well as the Emergency
tariff now in effect gives the finish
ing touch to the policy of isolation
that has increased the army of un
employed, cut down exports to for
eign countries and foreign imports
to this country und spread industrial
depression from coast to coast.
It is idle in Senator Lodge or any
of his associates who wrought this
work of assassination of the country's
industry and commerce to set up this
belated plea in defense of maintain
ing existing armament on the pro-
sent scale. Every one knows that so
long as the folly that he fathered
persists in the Washington govern
ment, the nation must have arma
ment in constantly increasing magnitude.
Paradoxical though jit may seem
this increased armament is slaying
the thing it feeds on. The more mon
ey required by this policy, the longer
will be continued the present de
pressed conditions, which Senator
Lodge, in his speech in the Senate
recently stressed.
on l'etllioii for iiiliiliiirii( of
AdmliiiMi ran or.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
t y. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Oeorge
(JrelK- deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of William C. (,re!c, praying that ad
ministration of said estate may lr
granted to Fred Druoker as administrator;
Ol d. red. That September 21. A. I .
at 'J o'clock a. m.. I assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons Interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to lie held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not he granted; and that notice of
lie pendency of said petition and the
heuring thereof be given to all per-
on. interested in said mater by pub
lishing a copy of tins order in the
I'lattsniouth Journal, a senu-weekly
newspaper printed in said county for
three successive w-eeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated this l'3th day of August, A.
). 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
CI I AS. 1-.. 3LAK11.N,
al'9-3w Attorney.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Kittle C. Roberta and Helen Kobcrts,
Plaintiffs. vs. Paul li. Roberts and
wife, Myrtle Roberts, and Newell Rob
erts, a minor, and J. J. Roberts, guar
dian of Newell Roberts, a minor. Defendants.
Notice is Herebv given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the lis-
triet Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
entered in the above entitled cause on
the 2nd day of June. .1921, and an
order of tale entered by said court on
the 22nd day of June. 1321. the un
dersigned, sole referee, will on the
7th day of September, 1921, at 10 o clock
m., at the south front door or tiic
Court House. in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for trash, the following 'described real
estate, to-wit: Lot 5 in Rlock 36; Lot
10 in Block 29: and Lots 1. 2, 3, 4 and
5 in P. lock 38. all in the Original Town
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and the
Southe.'.st quarter and the South half
of the Northeast quarter of Section 3,
Township 12, Range 13, east of the 6th
P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska.
Said sale w ill be held ' open for one
Luted this Jth day of July, 1921.
a4-5w. Referei.
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
$65. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older gilts on the
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
The record of the Hyers family i
Nebraska embraces the story of fi ft
years of service as law enforcemen
officials from Ruben W. Hyers down
to the grandson, "Hud" Hyers, vl
is just branching into this line o
work. In speaking of the matter
the Omaha Bee has the following in
teresting account of the work of this
notable family:
"Yesterday, it was Reuben Hyers
sheriff of Cass county, a horseman
who rode hard and fast after cattl
rustlers alid other criminals of th
day. Later it was Reuben Hyers
warden of the state penitentiary, dep
u ty warden and turnkey. Right now
Reuben Hyers, 79, hale and hearty
is keeping pace with men in thei
20s in guarding prisoners at the
Greenwood convict road camp.
Gus Now Leader
"More recently it has been Gus
Hyers, 47, sheriff of Lancastc
county, who, with former Chie
Rriggs of South Omaha, either shJt
or captured the gang who. under the
leadership of "Shorty" Gray, shot
their way out of the state peniten
tiary. Now it is State Sheriff Gus
Hyers, chosen by Governor McKelvie
organizer of Nebraska's state police
force, who, in powerful motor cars
chases jailbreakers and criminals.
"Tomorrow, it will be Bud Hyers
now 21, grandson and son, respec
tively of the former two. who, pos
sibly, in an airplane, will do his bit
to catch the convicted criminals. For
Bud is proving that police officers
iike poets, artists and other masters
of arts and sciences, are born and
not made.
Wants Bud to Farm
"Gus likes hair-raising experiences
but he doesn't think much of a
repetition of them by Bud. For four
years Gus has dug down in his
nockets and produced the coin which
in another year will make Bud
graduated farmer from the state ag
ricultural college.
" 'It's a of a jol) making a
farmer out of that boy,' Gus said the
other day.
"Not that Bud is antagonistic to
the cows, chickens and swaying fields
jf golden grain. Bud loves all those
things if he can pass them in a
speedy motor car, in a chase after
jonvicts, at the rate of 60 to 70 miles
in hour. But when it comes to an
intensive study of such things. Bud,
to quote his father, 'isn't a success.'
Always on the Job
"Funme.-t thing about that boy."
Gus said. 'Never can find him when
there are lessons to learn, but if there
is any excitement or long drives to
make, there's Bud out in the car
" 'Wnere to, dad?
"Furthermore, Bud always weath
ers the verbal storm bis presence
elicits, and he goes.
"When Gus was gone a couple, of
weeks ago looking for former Banker
Claridge, two convicts escaped. It
was Bud who led the chase after
hem, Roing at from 60 to 70 miles
an hour. It was Hans Nielson, head
of the state Bertillion system and
veteran Omaha police officer, who
in another car was trying to keep up
with Bud. Nielson lost control of his
machine and went over a 15-foot
embankment. He is walking with
a cane as a result.
Airplane Offer Unsettled
"It is Bud who wants to take ad
vantage of the offer of W. B. Hughes,
secretary of the Nebraska State
Bankers' association, to give Gus an
airplane. Gus is dubious about ac
cepting the ofTcr; Bud insists upon
accepting it.
"The controversy over the use of
an airplane for state police duty is
still on in the Hyers family."
Albert Youn g,
Lois Reese came home Sunday
evening for a short while.
Rev. Mitchell took dinner at the
Albert Pool home Sunday.
John Wood the garage man has
sold out to Glenn Atchison.
Several from here are attending
the Chautauqua in Elmwood.
L. R. Stanley and daughter, Mil
dred autoed to Lincoln Friday.
Mary Jacktuan spent Sunday
with her friend Ella Gerbeling.
Will Wilson and Walter Lane mo
tored to Lincoln Friday morning.
F. A. Wilson and family spent
Sunday with relatives in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glaubitz were
callers in town Thursday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Little and
two daughters' autoed to Lincoln on
Mrs. May Maires was looking af
ter business in town Thursday af
ternoon. Grandma Wilson returned home
Sunday from a visit in Omaha and
Weeping Water.
Mr. an-1 Mrs. John Colbert were
Sunday afternoon guests of friends
and relatives here.
Miss Edna Wood, Miss Mary and
Anna Stacla Smith were callers in
town Thursday afternoon.
Theodore and Pauline Miller spent
their vacation with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Miller.
Edward Greenfield and daughter of
Kansas is visiting with his nephew,
N. E. McDonald and family.
L. R. Stanley was a business visi
tor In , Lincoln Tuesday, being ac
companied by Warren Richards.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins spent Sun
day with their daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. I
i 1 r a n
ae ror men
are ma
Think for Themselves
Such folks know real quality and DEMAND it.
They prefer Camels because Camels give them the
smoothest, mellowest smoke they can buy because
they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos,
perfectly blended and because Camels leave NO
Like every man who does his own thinking, you
want fine tobacco in your cigarettes. You'll find it
in Camels.
And, mind you, no flashy package just for show.
No extra wrappers! No costly frills! These things
don't improve the smoke any more than premiums
or coupons.'
But QUALITY! Listen! That's CAMELS!
I In. $4
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hulfish and
Mrs. Hullish's father and Mr. and
Mrs. Ueming, of Lincoln, were call-
ng on friends here.
Mrs. Happy Robinson and ehil-
ren came Thursday evening to spend
a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Will Wilson and family.
Mr. and, Mrs. Will Ottie and their
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
lichard spent Sunday afternoon at
he W. T. Richard home.
Creda and Freda Baker spent the
atter part of last week with Alice
and Alcie Gerbeling, the two latter
returning home with them.
A fast game of ball was played on
he home ground between our team
and the Unadilla team a few days
ago, in which the visitors carried
carried away the honors.
number from here attended the
ball game in Eagle Thursday after
noon. The game was between Eagle
nd Weeping Water and the score
was 12 to S in favor of Weeping
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson and
son Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Little
nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Van
Every and son Russel, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Colbert and family autoed to
ipitol Beach Sunday and had a
fine picnic dinner.
The plans are being materialized
for the formation in this city of a
voiture of the "Nationale La Societe
des 10 Hommes et S Chevaux,"
which has in the last few months
been gaining in popularity among
the members of the American Legion.
This organization is composed of
men who are also members of the
Americian Legion and the title is
clearly understood by the service
men who have had experience in
France or any part of Europe during
the late war.
It is the playground of the service
men and here they find the spirit of
good humor and pleasure exemplified
to its fullest. It has no dull moments
and the initatory ceremonies are
such as to creat the greatest of in
terest both for the initated and those
who are eye witnesses of the event.
It is necessary to secure fiften of
the legion men to secure the charter
and those who desire to recall mem
ories of the chemin de fer have only
to secure an application blank, fill
it out and prepare to have one of
the times of their lives.
Raymond Larson is officiating as
the chef de gare in getting the or
ganization launched and will be glad
to put anyone wise as to the order.
and poles. Call M. G. Stava, phone
If it's in the stationery line, call
at the Journal office.
Coates Block Second Floor 4
144 at Family Re-union
On Wednesday the Bornemcier,
Oehlerking, Kttnz and Rueter famil-
cs gathered at the Henry Rueter
grove two and a half miles west of
Manley. 144 representatives of the
above named families were present
and enjoyed a jolly time together.
Many were the events, chief among
hem being the game of horseshoe
which furnished much fun and
amusement for all. "Eats" there
was everything besides watermelons
nd ice cream in great abundance.
The dav was so successful and all
hail such a sood time that it was de-
id ed to make these gatherings an
nual affair. Those present were as
Mrs. Magdeline Oehlerking. Mrs.
Margretlo Bornemeier, Mrs. Simon
Jornemeier and family, Aug Borne
meier and family, Wm Bornemeier
nd familv, Jno Bornemeier and fam
ily, Louis Bornemeier and family, Ed
Brrnemeier and family. Emil Borne
meier anc" family, Carl Rickert and
family, Aug. Oehlerking and family,
Henry Oehlerkng and family, Jno.
Oehlerking and family. Ed Rosenow
and familv. Dave Kunz and family.
Louia Kunz and family, Reinhar.f
Panska and family, Dan Runielin and
family, Geo. I'enterman and family,
Dan Rueter and family, Wm Rueter
and family. Fred Rueter and family,
Henry Rueter and family, Ray Kiss
inger and family. Grandma Rosenow,
Aug. Bast and family, Fred Nolting
and family. Miss Doris Nolting, Will
Nolting and wife, Mrs. Adam Kaft'en
berger. Mr. and Mrs. II. Schewppe,
Mr. Jno. Stoltz. Miss Helen StolU,
Willard Kissinger, Feed Lutcheus
sind family. Miss Margarite Stoltz,
Mrs. Jn. Lutcheus. Elmwood Lead
Mrs. Jno. Lutcheus. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
Your ad will carry punch if you
p.irs. it. h. Lawton returneu nomc; .. ., . i - ii,'i
Thursday morning. Her grand-. "
dauehter. Vireinia Green, came home stead of trying to luss it up with
Extra Specials!
Genuine VALDURA Asphalt Black Paint
Per Gallon, $1.25
There is nothing to equal this paint for Bridges, Tanks, Silos,
Agricultural Implements. Damp Proofing, Boat Bottoms, Wood
Preservation, Smoke Stacks, Cloth and Paper and Acid Resistance.
In fact, a liberal use of this paint is not only conducive to making
muscle, but is actually cheaper than going to the movies.
Genuine RED CEDAR Barn and Shed Poles
5-inch tops, free from bark and straight as the proverbial
arrow. Will measure about 12 to 15 inches across the butt. This
is an exceptionally tine line of poles and we tender our sincere
apologies for such ridiculously LOW PRICES.
10-foot length, each $1.10
12-foot length, each 1.30
14-foot length, each 1.60
16-foot length, each 2.00
rtCT Just a few left of Tennessee Red Cedar Posts. Extra No. 1,
Split, 6i2 feet long, at each, 38c.
CYPRESS PICKETS, 1 xl i4"x4'
We have about 500 of these pickets left and while they last
we will price them at each, 6- cents.
Fine stock, all lengths. Twin sister to the old reliable white pine.
Price, per 1000 feet $37.00
Less than 1000 feet, per 1000 40.00
A Thought for the Day 1
The reason people who mind their own business succeed is
because they have so little competition.
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
NEBEASKA With her. frills and exagerations.