The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1321.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in ihs Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Thonm Msiscn was p b;:. inc s -,-itor
in Fr.ioti pst Friday.
Karl Tr.-'.-p aid Ma--- w-
vl.-itins v .til fri'-nds in Ashland ia-t J
.'arty Siottier of near Union , as i
a viPor ir. Xi-hawka at the n . i 1 1
this ve k. ;
r ran at. t on 'ill w..- a visitor in i
.s-ai-a-K i ( ity ia.-t I tiui'Msay ot! mat-'ol
ters of business.
f . il. Be and tamily were : J
i'ir;- m Omaha last week at the . -
h-me of i.-l.ttivea
lieary .f i:rtrand is vi-dt-i Ii-re for a ft w nays at the home !
,f " I
iiiiiiiui reaiaer ana s o: v.iit . 11 i
town 'i-t I'ri. lay l .:kia.-; ailer soa-v
laatter.; of hiisfnes.;.
Mi-s lit la Sv a-tz has hetn vi-it- h
in- at. he hoisie f Tray Shratl.-r' t!ie jiaT vack. i
. I?, nutl.-da- wa- IrK.kitj-.' :iitT!
sorie business matters
ti'o-sth la-t e lliesuav.
in I'latfs-j
Stewart Iuuirh
nd family, who'
a-f !een vNitlntr in the north, re-i . - -
tin re i rem" last .
, . f
Mrs. I!. (I. Kim:1 was a tao
the hoMie rif ht r frii ti .1 Mrs (;' 5 ve
Harmon near -Avor-a lat we k. Iv
See the r.-w ad of H. V. Griflin j r
n i his oijp ri earuira: the : on i
l'-'-id w'-;e;i :.!! hive to have
read, n-'.-ieh a!! have to have.
A F Itor-de'o- d l'-t "'ims-
iy f..,r the where he v. ill visit
with relatives for a time.
A. AV. !ropst a to! lialph !iv
Tnir-rt w re look'r. a: u r o'i.o mr.-tt-s
of ! asit;es.s here ht-.t Ki iday.
Mr. and Mr. O. t'itnian f
I a-- ;i. ."niifi:rnia. v. ere visit ir?; in
Neh.awka la.-t Krida v afternoon.
'.n f. rt'p-x i"i.-t witV W" :i : -
7 I. .he
,', '"'-'hiy
' ' v;: y
rar.V.' v.
O '' 1 w
Mert.a:ir.ts' I'arr.ival
Omaha la.t week fa
tut- j.t-t
t: p
Tc.tnt tr if the far:
a tl-
of Ja
Schr.oirr and has it 1 kit:a liki
I. I.
w:is a vis.rr
-j om- :y.
.aek ami v a
a 1 1 en it-
Call us for quotations on grain
and for reservations for de-1
Nehawka Farmers' Grain Go
We are also carrying all
grades cf
l c
wi fk TP
O T & esi ir-.
You Can Get Lt at the
Griffin's Restaurant
Two Loaves for 25c.
Nehawka - Nebraska
Our aim the best possible service in'all lines. We
are carrying a full line or auto supplies and accessories, as
well as Electrical Goods and Supplies. Our iepair de
partment guarantees the best service.
The Lurnberg arsge,
Nehawka, - Nebraska
Lester F. Wundertsch,
In Basement of Auditorium, Nehawka, Nebraska
j : ace a: the Merchants' Carnival j
I ti,.-r .
I Vi:i Hunter an! fs-mily of Plaits-
:n. .it h were visiting at !: h. ne of .
Jar. a::-! Mrs. Geo. S-iumnkcr l;s i
W ,ln,-alay.
Mrs. V". Snyder, v. :::) Irs been
. - it t. for r-ome lime, is r parted a-; t. -
:: v better ar.u :s aoie n we up iiio-i .
iae litre.
i). C. V, e:
ran !i 1 . ? .-. iu i! a tat , ..
la I .t.lzti.t:i w ,-i e touting an-t ;
- .me matters of bu-;ntss in LnuMn !
l::. - t Friday. j
M ry. ii. W. Grii.'u and children;
..- n vi-iting Pa Union last. . Oek
-. 1. M l!-;'T',..'. ... v. : c 1 r
..i;. :i. '
l.u: n -r and Neal Isyari. tne:
.. , , .... .- ...
two Nenn.ska ( ity auet loneers. w-ie
iu4 s't'er soTiie lutein
in -
iwk i la-t Trid.ii-.
C. M. ..ieCitrkin of th
I'.ai.k U",
f.i'in- at V,
;;:) aith and 1 . !
Mr-t .":i n wise visitors in
lias Fri'lr.v :il h. tnes.
! ft-
Sur-:-ris tend-r.t. of t?-. Nehawka -
oho .Is. I'n.f. Isiirlay. was in attend-
;t Tie m Utile tt::cl:'.-rs llitl-
Msi week at lM:,t;ra(,uth. ;
Time Kim
who h'.t.-
ai. c ti I
- i'ir.ur in the wt-t for s-ar.e tin:?.!
ttirn-.-d home a few days ;nce and '
repoi na vinv. ;i very 1.1:0 i tine. :
Th- -louse wia. n nenrv is
loiihli i t now neaiia" eom;-de;ioii
'ml th' otti-Ide and will sh.-ri!y )"
The .louse lieiirv tirulur is
reaav ;ar tile wora ia; iae .r.
Mr.-,. V.. I?. Dale who has hi en
:. (-iin:r very poorly of late, is in
about the sale..- state of health bat-
Is iu-ain?:: that she may sa. a lh-el
I t Per.
H. I.. Ti ..mas -..nd fam.Hy : -nd Mr.
s. Kirk pa trick ware visit
a: a aautat! .'.:a
enjayed tht
l rh .
pro ! a
! hi U 'TIS
has n doin sc
?7 o i t a v.-ka a nd
i? it ir ir.v the r it-ral ap-
V 5'
t.f tlo
raei'ty aroifia
Ki iop is rep ri'.d a
t k.-d improv' meat an i
-if o an
is a
to ; a ro'.ti-s itv is.
v y ah ! ::r.d is n v r.-aring cu".
:'t'i n it is ttire caiipp-.d with all
:. 'lom - ii"' nier.ces.
it. '!. f'tati-' -it. i ''- aad their
d. t':t 's. who ha. ve lor. to..r!" -r
t I; e w-s far t:.e pet two Week-. 1-tr.-t.
: ! :...?;:" Ii.- "V 'to - day an 1 1--;
h- vittg ss fin-' time.
"a:'.e climbinsr in'o ov- f i tii
wa-- Vinos ;-t th.- Sturm l.ttm.b-r
M. th Stoll had the mislortuae
'. . i-,, .... i..--
l. . ,'.oV!..r';'t.-,i .o "ii'vii-n- '.v :..- ;
a-, ..f e ;
-sT.--. T c. Ke:d and mother. Mrs.
J. c. Norris r.f Al am. tit. Kan -
', , h v b vhd-ing :.t the h.-
.i r.
Ik O. T;i -!
few we.-ks. de
.... . i
r.nie ot . 1. IS'. .)-, :ts ;a t .tuity.
Ti-ei- -i uighur. Stella, w as np-.-r.ited
rzx for -at p-ralicitis in Litic .ia. w hile
i a ; h is v i f i r. i t y .
A: k'tr fr.-m IT. E. ihi-t'-. who
for si n':ib-r f yea.r-. wa t le - npr
irat',1 ci thr- Neh'tv.-'it-s (i-.--cli-dated
veaools. atal who is no'-' at
V"., 1th "J. 'tatt- Hai- he like, his
. or C t
." w
1 1.
t. T .
VI -i
in 'lie a ar f nttir.
Are Tlarnr.g- Ste Pair"- Zl
G' -rf II. Sheldon of the ?h
,'ieir i-!;f.; ine- :(,-.
V.'t.i i- ( km.'in and w if ( f the;
-e -1 .; m ft rt of th--- .- s:e. wh frn-
r":- r, h-.-re. ate vi-itiru a the,0l
r'.'ar.'i'' I'l-ai ina '. (bpurt- 1 l..-tilor a s;teat laaii.- vear-. in tiashville. i
Thur-.1 for I x- - Moire A-here t'-- N.'hras,t,s. wh re he removed ;ft r '
('niraay i- f xhit-ittr.g sota if the! t j .:ving ut'i attl -..-as rjnite !
;t! .'? s a- the s;ite fair tio r.-. Ipivj-Mtive in the life of that comrauni'y:
Kl i'tr- a - is in Pine In Pu.kirtg aftt , P r a 'it tit many year--,
th t::'t:,.:it their. j The ?b .-cased va.s im tried in t P i s j
I 1 1 y in the' year 1S t Mrs. P u! s:i
'.:ui."3 2Tew Location
r N.haW i.'a Po-'Td of Trad.1, who;
be n iioiding their meeting in
We repair all
makes of
Batteries, in fact
we conduct a
Service m Station.
Free Tcsfing!
Water Scrvisa Free!
t iron: of the .7r.isine.-? place of;
Jt an T. I ; it . l:n e ehanitrd ; heir ,
. -ration tc the r ar of th- gr.ra'-'e t.Z !
olea Wimt man, waere they l.el.l a
m e. tin; Fiidav a:t'rn:.on.
Dr-.rtce Very TIu;h Enjoyed
The ia' la! a-rs of the Dtareo (t
lienor -fier i . ?r ineet'n- la-.i The-
! tiay.
lad an e:d-fa.-h iotied d: in e
vhi .:i: the old-time ma-ac v.:i
;.;uved aad enjoy t d bv everyone,
Gettinir Jor. Nicclv Nov?
While arivti)"; liouic froia the pas- j
tare. MLtrt AmU-rson had thv h. -r:e.
wa- ridin.? i-lip aad fall !
, .,,,,,, ;
has (th'! pe: leu nit. i to !a arouiol.
, , .. ; . . . ,. .,,., .,, ;
nice! v.
lack of Material Delays Wcrk j
On aveount of tlo- arrival of tl:e:
;tnes i-tii.; late the workmen on j
is - i' nou-e oi -a. i rriurui wco- owi-j
pi.eti to ia on i tie jneater pan u (
vv-eu nui o. iae.1 .nni.ii uh-
meti at oare started to work. j
iaii Game cuiSday
The Nehawka te.rai playe I nn nz-
j:i - .a' 'on weei eciapu.-eu c
ih:v,ls fr.ja ( ) loo (u;n t y . J'he can
Ravels fr .ja O:oo - aunty. J he jrame
v,aono worth while and the Nehaw-
ka ie. m Mtoee'-ded in heatius;- the
v ; ; r- i v l
of 17 to
nampsane iJoars xor ciie i
i'n:- tht month of S't temltr o::ly
we v. ill .-ell 1"-KK IliCIll) !IAM1'-,
SiilRE bOAKS fai rowed last March. ;
Jo anv rti.Ient td' Cass or O'oe eotin-j
'Jhest boars wel;ah a'a.-at 175;
poutnis l'.ic- K. C i'o!-'
.a! ;:-.. ai;i v. Ka, a. ":a aiva.
liteir j.'
1 ' ' ', ' : ' ,,1", '"
,..; t y--,-reuad club met v edr.t-
' -!t ii-'i-i".' ::n'- -:lr
t,.;.. ...ui.-: -' iy--. '-." "V"
a -le a t terroon. 1 .ie lo. la i
afi.-f the b-.J-tnt sa ot t hesr sti-'v
whieh is :ai.;.ion.iry in charac-t. r a
tht n . tirrit ci the gatli.-riag
: '' '-u aa.i i-.t-i. i..t- u I.- ii
Have Many line Poikcrs
Whi! men i ion v.. is te.aue in the
rr " the ."int y f the trip of J
th- i.o u r- o! t h e a-- county i.i .r
:t. 'king oh! ve see of t!ie hogs that ;
w t re fs-o-n Ne'-awka. It. C. I'a-hird.
a t
a .
,i .111 I'
hogs which h .ve s-dd ia many iti
-mices as high as a t hou.-and d.d
'ars for i r.e indi vi.'.ual hog. II. ii
iual nug. K. it.
Stone is a breeder
,f P. hiad Ch.ita:
aad has h;.d g.-r at si t-.-s- with th.em.
SirftllirO ftTlSIO fir
r. C I if t V : 'A ? T A SCC"
Mt ATM ft ri TiMCP
x Etcher. Fasses Away at nontc
n San D:f-o. CanTcm-a. A eek j
.cto AccOidittrr to j.etter
, .
Kren. Satn Jay's I'nltv.
This mcrning P. J. Vallery o
city received a b-tter ar.nonncing t!ie
J:-...d nut a rf tiie d-,.ia en Ais-;ist -7
at his hen e it) jan Die:: -. California,
i of S.,;.)t:rn V. Pitcher, a f omit r res-
. id. tit :' tuts Ci-y atus we.I known to
ia. ay ..-f the older resident.- of this
1 cemmun :tv.
Mr. pit edit r was m di tgats-.-s at!
t ac tin:'"
a '
i :.
ii. ath tir.i! Itas resi;
i a
Pr.ehr. a sist.r .f P. J. and C. F.I
:. lie-y of ih's ei'y, rrd fi.r a nuni-'e-r
. f . t'.rs tio- ;"i'.i;:y coi'tinned to
make their inTa" : ere nr. til going to
he wa-st'-rn pert ".'n of the statca Ti.e
.v'do".' : ra! one .h"ight"r. Mrs. Flo--
en---' Ar.dersin : f St.n Diego, a re left
-a moarn th.e desith of Mr. Pitcher.
M A. AV. Smith of the T. U. P..!lo.-k ;
. Tiling station, who hats been enjoy-
I ' ir.g a short trip out inithe sttite.'
j on bis return stopped iit Lincoln and!
i chased a fine modern ho-oa for
the sum of -r..M. Mr. Smith tie-!
' tided that he woold itot care to oc-'
i , attpy the hep.e at once aV accord-'
ir.gly rented it for $".0 si laonth mi-1
til the spring season.
Vt'ork at the Airdonie theatre on
; Sou t h Fifth street, where the Amer-
Jjiean Legicn will holds its tig ath-
let'e show 'Wednesday night, Sept.
14tb, reveal.; the fact that 11:00 peo
I pie can be comfortably seated with-
in t lie enclosure, without anyone sit
tinslnuch over CO feet from tho
ringside. The seating arrangement
is good and everyotte will be able to
ree to every corner of the ring from
any position le may ocenpy.
Forty-five acres two and one-half
miles from Plattsmouth. One-third
crp. four cows, two just fresh, one
horse, implements, etc., go with the
place. Terms part cash. Address Ilu
Kudolph Spahui, Plattsmouth, Nebr
I William Harris and little grand
son tf Stella. Nebraska, were here
,to(hay for a few hours, visiting atd
! the homo of Haywood Elledge. go-j
ing to Omaha tiiis afternoon to have!
the little one given treatment. :
V fiw --s- Ve TI
tobacco makes 50
good cigarettes for
We want you to have the
best paper for "BULL."
So now you can receive
with each package a book
of 24 leaves of BILlAVfc
the very finest cigarette
paper in the world.
. j
School days mean school supplies. '
T, , iTr. nf
ihe lias a ne oi pen
cils, tablets, pens and ail r.ecessanes
for the students. All prices. Call
and look them over.
r ,
U i w W i '
515 ;
1 :
We are prepared to sink a well
T-i- vnt f, roii rs --a
-)3 i.ot fear o call us l,r ny su.
contract, or anywhere. Phone us at
Nehavka. Nebraska.
,T . .
Natural Laws
crr,l tli rnnrrofp vault mal-
ing it impreVlOUS to water.;
ti ,l j. i
I lilS 15 te Only burial vault,
.u l 0,for.-t .!
r-J "v'
'water from the casket. Call
mmr & nh
& i I . r. M. Fam..lU.k,
c i i i. i
tor service on burial vaults.:
hehaVka, Nebraska
Busv? Yes, You Bel!
Ve can get to your job,
though in a chert time. Re
member our .work and ma-
iterials are the best.
Don't delay.
Nehawka -:- Nebraska
Benefits for
Every Farm
. j . - . 1 -cac. 1
. r
TRIGHT light for houses;
economical power for
farm machinery and house
hold appliances all this made
possible by Willys Light.
A practical electric plant
run by the famous Willys
Knight sleeve-valve motor,
air cooled and burns kerosene.
Automatic starting and
stopping. Improves with use.
Call to see this plant. We
will gladly demonstrate.
Nehawka, Nebr.
Kill I
Use of Infiamable Cleaning Fluids
In the Home Cause Many
Fires, Says Sandin
Calling attention to the dangerous
condition that has arisen from the
wide sale of infiamable cleaning li
(uod.s, Fire Chief Dr. O. Sandin to
day cautioned the housewives o;
Plattsniouth 'o exercise the greates.
care in purchasing such cleaners
and issued a warning to local drug
Mists and others against -.ling sucl
i;i.artlous compounds.
"Reports that I have i eceived,
mid Cliief Sandin. "indicate tha"
many drug stores are putting solu
tians of carbon l.i-sulphide, whicl
they otTer to the public as safe pre
parations for the removal of spot,
and stains from clothing and othe:
materials, although this chemical i
more explosive than gasoline becaus.
of its greater volatility. Its vapor;
will ignite at comparatively lov
temperatures without either spark oi
flame being present. The heat of .
s-teampipe, for example, is sufficient
"As a matter of fact, carbon bi
rulphide is classified as the most haz
ardous of infiamable liquids. It i.
thus apparent t-hat its promiscou
sale for home cleaning purposes 1
likely to result in loss of life, par
ticularly among women and child
ren. In some instances, the carboi
bi-Fulphide is combined with ethe:
which makes it still more deadly.
"The efficiency of gasoline as
solvent has made its use in homt
-fleams an every aay occurrec
whichi unfortunately, is often j
tended by injury and loss of li
'"Not long ago. a Massachusetts wo
I man siarieu cleaning i im i:
a bowl of gasoline and when sh
rubbed the silk between her hands
ihe friction nrorincen a SDark whicl
i. ..... . . ,
lgnueu ine gasoline mines ana taut
ed an explosion that fatally burnet
the woman and wrecked her home
More otten the cause of ignition v.
la match, a lighted stove, or othe1
open flame. There was a Californh
woman, for example, who begui
line in her kitchen, while a nearb:
cas slove was ligntt(1. The vapo-
fled across the intervening space
, and she lived just twenty minute:
"Gasoline vapor is heavier thai
air and accumulates clos to th
,Tin Tht. vnnor from one p-nllon o'
gasoline, when properly mixed witl
air, has an explosive power equal tc
i that of eighty-three pounds of dyn
I amite. and the fumes upon ignitioi
i have been known to flash a distanct
.of 100 feet. This will give som
! idea of the danger involved. It is le&
I hazardous to use gasoline in th
I onen air than indoors, hut it is bet
ter to banish it from the premises
Chief Sandin went on to say tha
the fire hazards of cleaning fluids
differ considerably. and buyen
s.honbl ascertain if thev have beer
examined and passed upon by the
. Underwriters' Laboratories. Cleaning
'.preparations consisting wholly ot
carbon tetrachloride are safe from z
1 li C aiiii'i'iit uiivi .4 1 v (iv i uaii i d i
uabie in extinguishing small fires ir.
confined spaces.
Ut. ' Tft nftV OmT 4 il 4-
14- IU uUA tin, W .j
t .J
Who will meet Soldier Jim Marples
of Chicago in the Legion's
show at Plattsmouth
From Saturday's l.atly.
Mrs. J. F. Sindelar of Omaha is in
the citv for a few days visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Prcpst. Mr. and Mrs. Sindelar have
been living in Omaha for a number
of years, but are now moving; to Al
liance. Nebraska, where they will
make their home, which will no
doubt lessen the frequency of their
visits back to the old home.
Mrs. Herman Fields came down
this afternoon from, her home at I
Council Bluffs for a brief visit with
relatives and friends. . Mrs. Fields
has just recently enjoyed a visit'
I from her sister-in-law, Mrs. James j
Kinnamon, wnom sne naa nox seen
for twenty-five years. Mrs. Kinna
mon was also here for a short time
with the family. During the world
war she lost two sons killed In ac
tion. ,
Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt vi-ited
ier parents in Omaha one day last
Herman Dall was looking after
ome businers matters in Omaha
ast week.
Frank Rau of Utica was a visitor
t the home of his brother, W. J.
tau last Tuesday.
Will Ileebner and wife have just
noved into the home of Win. Honor,
vhere they will live.
James O Leary went, to Omaha one
lay last week to witness a ball game
letween Tulsa and Omalia.
W. A. Bouten, residing west of
own, was looking after business
natters in Omaha Thursday.
Miss Lena Stander of Omaha was
i visitor su i lie it; ome. oi air. aim
.Irs. Walter O'Leary during the past
Miss Rena Christiansen, of Omaha,
vas a visitor at the home of Mr.
nd Mrs. Herman Ruth during the
ast week.'
Rev. Higgins and mother, Mrs.
A". D. Higgins, were guests at the
lome of Rev. I'orcoran of Elmwoeid
ast Sunday.
Rev. Higgins. Dan Bourke and
Tames O'Leary visited J. H. Ash at
he St. Jtisepii hospital in Omaha
ast Tuesday.
Charles Murphy continues in about
he same condition of health, some
lays feeling improved while others
ie is net so well.
Herman Rauth and wife and Mr.
nd Mrs. W . J. Rau were visiting in
maha last sunaay anu atteneieu inc
.all games while there.
Mrs. Ellen Smith, of near Elm
vood, was a visitor in Mauley, at
ending the funeral of her hrother-n-law.
Mr. J. H. Ash.
Wm. Bourke was a visitor in Man
ey from his home near Wabash last
veek, also coming over again Sun
lay to a.ttend the ball game.
Robert Maffet. of Madison. Wis.,
irrived in Manley last week and vis
ted for some time at the hemie of
Jrs. Margaret B. O'Leary for a few
lays. Miss Sue Mockenhaupt spent a
(ortion eif last week visiting at the
lome of her brother. Valentine Cur
ey) Mockenhaupt and wife, of near
Mrs. John Bergman. son John
mil daughter. Lizzie, of near Mynard,
-isited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
rank Bergman west of town last
J. C. Rauth had a valuable horse
ut in a wire fence during the past
veek. The condition ef the animal
s such that it is feared it will have
o be killed.
Humphrey Murphy, a fireman fori
he L'nion Pacific running out of
orth Platte, visited his father, Chas.
Murphy here last week, returning
lome Thursday.
Henry A. Guthman and family
Aere guests of Rev. Higgins and
nother. Mrs. W. D. Higgins, Thurs
lay evening, driving over from Mur
lock in their car.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stander. of
tear Greenwood, visited a short time
ast week at the C. E. Mockenhaupt
lome. and with them went to Platts
nouth Tuesday to look after some
ausiness matters.
Paul Tighe and family, of Her
man. Nebr.. were guests at the home
it Walter Mockenhaupt and family
i few days during the past week,
Mr. Tighe being a brother of Mrs.
John Fleischman and family and
F"red Fleischman and mother were
n attendance at a family re-union,
which was held at Walton near Lin
coln last Sunday. There were a
lar-je number of the members of the
'amily present and a most enjoyable
ime was had.
The Manley schools will open for
the year on Tuesday, September fith.
The teachers, Mrs. A. H. Humble
and Miss Clara Trihy. who are well
known and very popular with both
the patrons and scholars, will have
charge of the school work here again
this year.
Charles Gerlach and family will in
the near future remove to BensVn,
where they have succeeded in se
curing a house that win meet witn
their needs.
Manley regrets to lose!
this estimable family from its midst,
and the many friends here trust they
will be most successful in their new
place of abode.
Schmader to Box at Plattsmouth
Andy Schmader, the popular Louis
ville boxer is to battle Jim Marples
in a ten -round decision contest at
the American Legion athletic show
in Plattsmouth Wednesday evening.
September 14th. Marples hails f rom ;
Chicago and is one of the tough boys!
of the windy city, he having recently i
flored Tony Melchoir, the fighting
Italian, twice during the second
round of their scheduled ten-round
bout. Kinnear'and Bruno, the fast
Omaha bovs who hold a draw will
J. I. Case Machinery!
I am making some very attractive prices on J. I.
CASE farming machinery. Grain prices cannot go so
low but what you will find our goods in line. We are
making a specialty of furnishing repairs for any and
all kinds of farming machinery. Call and see us.
appear in the six round setni-w indup
rnd Andy's brother George will ap
pear in one of the preliminaries. Ed
Kelly, well known here, is to be of
ficial timekeeper, he having been li
censed to work in that capacity by
the slate department la.-t wetk.
i Two Good Eall Games
Manley played ball a week ago
Sunday with Have lock and captured
!the game by a score of seven to six.
but not until after fourten innings
j of fact and furious play. Wednesday
;the Weeping Water team, on which
1 si num":"r of Manleyites perform,
j crossed bat with David City at the
latter place. This, to was a close
'contest, being won by the same scere
,e,f seven to six. only the seven was
jin favor e.f David City. Mr. and
(Mrs. W. H. Frost and daughter were
present to wis n ess the -game and
I Herman Rauth w sis on acthe duty
jin the fit Id for Weeping Water. The
I Weeping Water team is entered to in the state tournament at L
Iced n this week.
Do Not Appreciate the Law
The new law which allows a
married man $2, ",00 exemption fremi
income tax is ne.t appreciated by the
Brotherhood of Bachelors e.f Man
ley, and after a prolonged discussion,
resedut ions w ere adopted favoring a
more lenient interpretation of the
law relative to the- unmarried. The
i resolut h n.s were
offered by Edward
of the brotherhood.
Kelly, treasurer
and warmly supported by Joseph
Wolpert, who is secretary. The
adoption of the resolutions was bit
terly oppeised by the worthy presi
dent, Dan Bourke. who held that one
unmarried fhould be amply able tei
meet all demands in regard to the
income t;tx. It is expected the mat
ter will be taken up at the next meet
ing for further considerat ie-n.
Rauth Family Reunion.
Last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Grauf. a few miles
esist ef Murray, occurred a family
reunion of the Rauth family, which
was attended by a large number of
the relatives. Mrs. Grauf is a si.-ter
e.f J. C. Rs-uth and Mrs. Rose Kelly.
Those present from Manley and vi
cinity were J. C. Rauth. wife and
daughter Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Earhart; Get.rge Stall and wife; Mrs.
Ro-e Kelly; Aaron Rauth. wife and
son John; Wm. Glaubitz and- fam
ily, e.f near Elm wood; Frsmk Clau
bitz and family e.f near I'nion; Gus
Splitt and family; Fred Boardnian
and family; Frank Grauf and fam
ily; Gus Grauf and wife and Messrs
Roy Campbell and Edward Kehrill
and their families of near Murray.
A ineist enjoyable time was had by
all present.
Entertained Their Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carper last Sun
day en'.Ttained sv number e.f their
friends and relatives at a picnic din
ner at their home. Musie- was enjay
btfore the dinner and fater which
they went to the Peters m pasture
where they enjoyed si game e.f base
ball. Upon returning Iron the game
they were treated to a watermelon
fesist. Those in attendance were Mr.
and Mrs. Will Carper and family.
Ed Murphy and family. John Carper
and family. Ralph Keckler and wife.
Lester Shrader and family. Herman
Hillmsin an dson Glen and Russell
I !t)bson.
For Sale New Separator
I have a new DeLaval cream sepa
rates for which I paid $1.10. Not
Will sell feir $90. Phone No.
Murray, Nebraska.
Buried at College Hill
last Saturday morning at the
Catholic church at. Manley the last
sad rites were said over the remains
of J. II. Ash, who died in a hospital
at Omihs last week. Rev. Higgins
conelucP'd the services and the inter
ment was at the ccmetpry west of
town. Mrs. Carl Reckwell and Mrs.
Wm. Smith of Hubbard were present
I at the funeral.
they being dangh-
tcrs cf Mr. Ash.
The most pleasing novel of the year
has been that of Harold Bell Wright
in "Helen of the Old House," which
has been published by the Apple'on
company and which is now em sale
at the Journal oflice at $2.00 each.
Call and secure your copy e.f one cf
the most enjoyable pieces of litera
ture of the present day.
J. H. Tains was a passenger this
afternoon for Omaha where lie will
spend a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
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