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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1921)
TlfURSrAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1921. PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH' SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Make Kinney's Your Headquarters for School Shoes! Absolutely the Biggest Sale of Children's Shoes in the history of Platts-mouth. To Show You is to Shoo You! 3 BOYS3 shsel Shoss Boys" shoes in black, gun and brown calf; welt sole?, in Eng lish and blucher styles. Very special at These Shoss are. Built for Wear! For hisses! Misses" Shoes in brown and black kid. Also in black, gun and brown calf bluchers. These s'ices arc buiit for cornfert and real hard Wear. Very special ar $2 90 and EFOR IV AYS $2.49 SALE! YOUTHS' School Shoes! Youth's Shoes in black, gun and brown bluchers; welt soles and English and blucher styles. Sale price $3.49 and $2.90 Are "Strongest" Shoes! 1 J 9 4 Little Gents' For the little fellow who is hard on shoes we have our black, gun and brown calf leath er, with welt soles. AlsoScur fers in light and dark brown. Sale price $1.98 to $2.90 Rsal Shoas SOS SE Low Priced SiiQG Store! These fire All Hew New Shoes al Low Prices! ft- 4 i. 1 1 rii i Over 100 Big Stores 6th and Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Four Big Faclori- UNIONS WANT 13, S, CONTROL OF ROADS Government Operation cf the Rail roads is the Aim of Unions Strike Vote is Explained Washintrton. Aug. 30. Govern ment operation of the Ration's rail roads is the aim of two million or ganize! railroad workers. Secretary Davison of the international associa tion of machinists frankly declared here today in an analysis of the rail road situation. The transportation law gives' the government authority to take over the railroads in case of a strik-j or other emergency, accord ing to Davison. "All railroad workers cf the coun try now are taking a strike vote," he said. "The private managers cf the roads, on their side, are trying to force a strike with the hope of mak ing the government guarantee Its se curities. It's going to be a fight to! the finish. "The union men want the roads under government operation to end economic depression and unemploy ment. H might as well come now as later.-' Government officials today claimed not to be anxious over the possibil ity of a railroad strike. The rail un ions have taken strike votes before without a walkout, they pointed out. The present strike vote, they be lieve, is intended to give union lead ers more authority in negotiations with the roads which ' they hope to bring about. ' STATE HOUSE DOME GLOSED TO VISITORS Board in Charge Issues Order in Time to Shut Off State Fair Visitors to Peak of Building, NEW PRINCIPAL HERE R. G. Campbell, the new principal of the Plattsmouth high school is now here and gtting acquainted with the school and the duties that he will assume on next Tuesday. Mr. Campbell arrived Sunday from Mc Cook, his home and is getting set tled at his work here. He is a grad uate of the University of Nebraska, j and has had several years experience in teaching and comes here very I highly recommended. Keep Money Working! t To the man who believes in keeping his money working all the timej our Certificates of Deposit will appeal. j These Certificates provide 'an exceptional, method for the investment pf temporarily idle funds. I They never fluctuate are always worth 1C0 cents on a dollar, and pay 4Jb interest. Deposits Protected by State Guarantee Fund. The Bank of Cass County Established 1881 T. H. POLLOCK, President . 6. U. McCLERKIN, Vice-President R. F. PATTERSON, Cashier The state house dome is closed to all visitors. This was the order is sued Tuesday by the board of edu cational lands and funds. The order will disappoint thousands of state fair visitors but the board deems it best to enforce the order at this time, not because of any danger of the structure tumbling down, but merely because of the danger of accidents incident to crowds trying to ascend a winding stairway. To properly care for the visitors it will be necessary to hire an extra man or keep a regu lar janitor on duty at the entrance to the dome and to limit the number of visitors at one tinje to twenty. The board believes this attempt would cause more trouble than the absolute closing of the dome. So it is absolutely closed. It will no long er be possible for visitors to go to the "peak." The opinion of head janitor Beekly that the dome leans toward the sun ny south and the blowing down of a false pillar at the bottom of the dome did not influence the board. THE LATEST NOVEL - The most pleasing novel of the year has been that of Harold Bell Wright in "Helen of the Old House." which has been published by the Appleton company and which is now on sale at the Journal office at $2.00 each Call and secure your copy of one of the most enjoyable pieces of litera ture of the present day. UNCLE JOE PLANS TO RETIRE Chicago. Aug. 30. Congressman . A. Rodenberg cf East St. Louis. while passing thru the city, informed newspaper- men that Joseph G. (Uncle Joe) Cannon would not be a candidate for renomination and re election to congress from -the Dan ville, ill. district. According to Con gressman Rodenberg the services of "Undo Joe" Cannon will terminate at his own with at the end of the present congress. Congressman Can non has been a member of congress since 1872 with the exception of two terms, being defeating in 1890 and 1912. He is serving hfs -twenty-third term. HARDING DE MANDS ORDER IN VIRGINIA PRESIDENT DELIVERS ULTIMA TUM TO STRIKING MINERS TO RETURN HOME. DEMANDS A REDUC TION' OF RAIL RATES Governor of Colorado Asks Execu tives cf Sixteen Western States to Join Him Washington, Aug. 30. President Harding, in a proclamation today commanded all persons engaged in unlawful and insurrectionary pro ceedings" in the West Virgina coal fields to disperse and retire peace fully to their homes before noon on Thursday. Unless there was prompt compli ance the administration let it bo known, martial law would be de clared and Governor Morgan's ap peal for federal troops granted. Meanwhile. IJrigadicr General II. H. Uaiulholtz was ordered back to West Virginia to watch the situation and advise the war department how the proclamation was received. In a report made public yesterday. Gen eral liandholtz expressed the .opinion that the state authorities had made only "feeble attempts." to restore order. The proclamation was issued by the president after conferences with I Secretary Weeks, General Bandholtz i and Major General Harboard. assis- j tant chief of start". A West Virginia; delegation was also in conference with the president and Secretary' Weeks and strongly urged immedi-1 ate despatch of troops. The intimation was given by ad ministration officials that if troops were sent there would be an ade quate force, and that "there would be no child's play. Text of Proclamation The proclamation follows: "Whereas, it is provided in the constitution of the United States that the United State3 shall protect , each state on application of the' legislature, or of the executive,! against domestic violence; and. "Whereas. by the law of the United States in pursuance of the above it is provided that in all cases of insurrection in any state or of" obstruction to the laws thereof, it, shall be lawful for the president to call forth the militia of any other! state or states or to employ such part j of the land and navi.l fores of tho( United States as shall be judged necessary for suppressing such insur rection and caning the laws to be; dulv executed; and, I "Whereas, the legislature of West' Virginia is not now in session, and the executive of said state has made due application to me for such part of the military forces of the United States as may be necessary and ade quate to protect West Virginia and the citizens thereof against domestic violence and to enforce due execu tion of the law?, and. "Whereas, it is required that when ever it may be necessary in the judg ment of the president, to use the mil itary forces of the United States for the purpose aforesaid, he shall forth with, by proclamation command such insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective homes within a limited time; "Now, therefore, I. Warren G. Harding, president of the United States, do hereby make proclamation and I do hereby command all per sons engaged in said unlawful and insurrenctionary proceedings to dis perse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes on or before twelve o'clock noon, the. first day of Sep tember, 1921. and hereafter abandon said combinations and submit them selves to the laws and constituted authority of said state. "And I invoke the aid and co-op eration of all good citizens thereof to uphold the laws and preserve the public peace. "In witness whereof. I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed." While some disquieting reports came today from West Virginia of ficials, there was apparent a feeling among government officials that the people commanded by the president to return to tlu ir homes would do so, and that Thursday noon would see a restoration of order, which would make the presence of troops unneces sary. At the same time, however. there was a firm determination by the administration to meet any seri ous situation that might arise. Denver, Aug. 30. Oliver Shoup, ; governor of Colorado, today directed letters to sixteen western states ask ing them to join with Colorado in efforts to bring about a reduction of railroad rates. Late this week Gover nor Shoup also announced, the trans portation committee of Colorado, named last March to attempt to bring down the cost of living by a reduc tion of railroad rates, will file a com plaint with the interstate commerce commission asking the commission to re?cind its order of August 2U, 1920. which granted the railroads an increase in fares: The petition also asks that the rates in effect prior to August 26, 1920, compel the railroads in case they wish an increase in rates, here after to show that they are "hon estly and efficiently managed." The governor has asked for the governors of the following states to join with Colorado in the petition: Washington, Oregon. California. Ne vada. Idaho. Montana, Utah. Arizon. Texan. Oklahoma. New Mexico. Wy oming, North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska and Kansas. In his letters to the governors, the governor of Colorado states the rea sons that compelled him to authorize the proceedings before the interstate commerce commission in the follow ing language: "Transportation charges are so vi tal a factor in the commerce of the country that it does not seem possi-1 bio for a full resumption of normal! businsss to occur unless every impor-j tant industry is enabled to distribute! and market upon transportation! charges which the traffic can pay: and still show a profit. Our position j is that reduced rates will produce in- creased traffic and .should conse-' quently produce increased revemise." j tin THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Prices! Runabout $339.20 Touring 586.05 Coupe ;. 778.45 Sedan ...... 846.15 These' prices include self starter and de mountable rims delivered at PJattsmoutli. Fordson Tractor $625.00 F. O. B, Factory. We always have all models in stock and sell for cash or on monthly payment plan. T. ;1 Pollock auto Go., Authorized Ford Dealer Phone No. 1 - Plattsmouth HAS SOME CP. OP Those who believe that the fruit crop in Nebraska is a failure should take a look at the peacli trees that stand in front of the offices of Drs. T. I', and J.' S. Livingston on Main Mtret-t. It can be remembered that! was a tiny seedling and now it is well laiden with some fine looking peaches and Dr. Stewart is looking each day to see if it is time to gath er the crop. The tree has a large yield of peaches and is one of the; few of its kind in the state ;;s most! of tho msufi'cred from the fronts in i March. exhibit made by the Salvation Army, and which will be located near that of the American Red Cross. This ex hibit will consist of showings of the sixteen major activities of the or ganization and will give the public a clear insight into the wonderful work that this great organization is now doing and have accomplished in the past in the social uplifting of the persons who ned it most. The exhibit is now at the Iowa state fair at Des Moines and will be brought to Lincoln next week for showing. When you are at the state fair do not fail to attend the big exhibit. K0W TAKING TREATMENT FOR SALE Forty-five acres two and one-half miles from Plattsmouth. One-third crop, four cows, two just fresh, one horse, implements, etc., go with the place. Terms part cash. Address Itu Rudolph Spahni, Plattsmouth, Nebr. For Sale! FORD USED CARS WILL HAVE EXHIBIT One of the points of interest at the Nebraska State Fair will be the Mrs. August Cloidt of this city is now at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha, where she is receiving treat men for a very severe gathering in the head that has been giving her a great deal of trouble of late. This afternoon Mrs. Adah Moore, mother of Mrs. Cloidt, .Mrs. Paul Wohlfarth and little Nadinc Cloidt were in Om aha to visit for a few hours with Mrs. Cloidt. 1914 Touring $100 1916 Coupe 315 1917 Touring 165 1919 Touring with Kelsey body 275 1919 Touring with starter 345 Ford ton truck 250 New Republic truck Bargain T. H. Pollock Garage 1 WANT TO BRING KOREA BEFORE CONFERENCE Washington, Aug. 29. Efforts will be made to have the case of Korea considered as "one of the most vital matters to be adjusted" by the, disarmament conference according to" Doctor S. Ithee, head of the Korean mission, who returned today after a year in the orient. "I have'returned because the Kor ean case will necessarily be consid ered at the conference," he said in a statement tonight. "If far eastern question are to be settled before dis armament, then the Korean question is one of the most vital matters to be adjusted. It is international. "Freedom, independence and the 'open door' in Asia, for Korea is the breakwater against the tide of Ja panese imperialism and autocracy." Exceptional Values for Saturday! MAKES PROMPT PAYMENT The local treasurer of the Royal Arcanum order. O. G. Pricke. today received a check from the national I headquarters for the sum of $1. 024.80, in payment of the policy held in the order b ythe late Judge Basil j S Ramsey. The draft will be turned over-at once o the widow and son who are the beneficiaries named in the policy. When you secure your school sup plies, call at the Journal office first and examine our line of pencils, tab lets and general school supplies. I If it's in the card line. calJ at DRY OODS! 36-inch outing flannel, dandy patterns to choose from, per yd 21c 32-inch dress ginghams, regular price 50c, special price per yd .25c Toweling, unbleached,1 while it lasts, 2 yards for 25c J. P. Coats thread, white and black, all numbers, 3 spools for 20c Pearl buttons, special, per dozen " -5c 18x36 Turkish towels, good weight, at 21 C Ladies hose, black and brown, per pair 19c SCHOOL WEAR! Children's black hose, sizes 5 to 9J. Price, per pair 15c Boj's blouses, sizes 6 to 15. Special at , 50c Boys'' knee pants, all sizes, 5 to 1 7 75c up Girls' tarns and middies, specially priced at ' $1.00 Girls' gingham dresses, made of exceptionally fine ginghams 75c to $2.95 Boys' caps, exceptional values at ,.69c FOR iV3EF3! Union made overalls, 220 denim, per pair $1.45 Men's khaki work shirts, sizes 142 to 17, each 89c Men's work sox, 3 pair for e Men's work shoes, guaranteed all leather, at per pair $2.95 DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR NEW LINE OF DRESS PANTS GROCERIES! 0 lbs. pubre granulated sugar for . 7 69c Rice, fancy Blue Rose, 3 lbs. for 25c Velvet, Tuxedo and Prince Albert smoking tobacco, per can. r 14c Chewing tobacco, per lb ' 79c Camel cigarettes, per pkg.. . . . 18c Arbuckle'scoffee, 3 lbs. for. . . ; 1 . . .$1.00 Sealing wax, per J -lb. pkg. . . .; .5c Pork and beans, extra good quality, per can, only 12c Blueing, 3 bottles for. 25c Don't fail to inspect our shoes before you buy. We carry a line of shoes that are guaranteed to give satisfaction and good wear at less than mail order prices. Fanger's Department Store FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA ' They are the best on the market. ' the Journal of&ce.