The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
It M.or of the readers of the
Journal lcnoir of ny social
event or Item of interest rn
this vicinity, and will mall
tame to this office, it will ap
pear under this headlnjr. We
want all newsltema Eitor
Bank Will Be Closed
On account of Labor day and it being a holiday,
there will be no business transacted at the Murray State
Bank next Monday, September 5th. Take due notice
and govern yourselves accordingly.
The Murray State Bank
For Sale: Highl grade Holstein
bull calf. Albert Young.
Miss Lucy Lyle. of Elmwood at
tended the supper at Lewiston last
Miss Ktta and Nickles have
returned from a week's outing in
C. A. Uosencrans. the barber, and
lr. J. S. Livingston were visitors in
Murray Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tidd and Misses
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmouth Exchange
Mia and Barbara Gering attended
the Lewiston supper.
('has. Katcliff, of Union, spent
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young.
Julius Engelkemeier and family
visited relatives and transacted some
business in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Cogdill of Plattsmouth has
been spending the past week with
her daughter, Mrs. Perry Nickels.
Harley Massie. wife and four child
ren are here visiting at the home of
Grandpa and Grandma F. M. Massie.
Dr. Purviance, nephew of Mrs. Asch
stopped here for a few days visit on
his way to his home in Saft Fran
cisco. Amos Wright overhauled the truck
of Frank Mrasek Monday and Tues
day worked on the car of George
John West went to Nebraska City
Tuesday to purchase a load of gro
ceries at the wholesale house for use
in his cafe here.
Alfred Nickles was able to be up
town Tuesday, although he is far
from feeling well.
The supper at the Lewiston church
School Will
Open Soon!
Are you prepared for the occasion, with the sup
plies which will be needed? Remember, we are carry
ing a stock of school supplies in the shape of pencils,
paper, slates, tablets, etc., and will make it a point to
keep just what is needed by the students. "
Also keep in mind our drug department, which is
filled with everything in the medicinal and proprietory
remedies. Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Keep your eye on our space for future announce
ments of interest.
Murray Drug Co.
was well attended considering the
threatening weather and a very nice
sum, was realized for the church rnd
J. H. Brown took Rev. Buchanan
and sister to Plattsmouth Monday,
where they caught the fast Burling
ton train for their home in Mon
mouth, 111.
John W. Edmunds was a visitor in
Omaha Tuesday, going up to meet
Mrs. McCracken and daughter, Eli
zabeth, who were returning from a
visit in Iowa.
The sewing class at Lewiston is
progresing very nicely under the
direction of Miss Wilkins, the coun
ty home agent and Mrs. G. S. Ray,
who is project leader.
' Miss Fay Green, of Atchison, Kan
sas, arrived in Murray Tuesday and
will visit with her sister, Mrs. Jack
Douglass for some time, also being
a guest of her brother residing in
Otoe county.
Harold Hass, of Nolan, 111., and
Mrs. John Lloyd of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, arrived in Murray Tuesday
morning and are visiting with Mr.
anil TVTra T" TJVinrten anfl nthpr
relatives here.
Fred Patterson, county surveyor,
was down Friday and Saturday sur
veying for the graded road that will
lead from the highway to the cross
roads east of the Lewiston church.
This road, when finished, will be in
as good condition as the highway.
In passing by the Lewiston ceme
tery, one cannot help but notice how
well it is kept up. It is certainly a
pretty place and a great deal of
credit is due George Ray. who is
president of the association and with
the efforts of others leaves nothing
undone to improve it.
J. II. McCracken, wife and child
ren. Norma and Orville, drove over
from their home at Arrispe, Iowa, for
a visit at the home of Mr. McCrack
en's brother, G. W. McCracken and
family. Mrs. G. W. and daughter,
Elizabeth, had just arrived home
from a visit with relatives at Cres
ton, Iowa.
Lyle Lawton. who has been spend
ing his vacation with his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young, left
for his school Wednesday. His moth
er, Mrs. Ona Lawton. has been ap
pointed matron of the Masonic home
at Plattsmouth and Lyle will be
with her and attend the Plattsmouth
school again this year.
Mrs. Paul Peterson came down
from Omaha Friday with her son
Ed, who had been visiting there, and
on Sunday, accompanied by her sons,
John and Ed, went to Gretna, where
the family enjoyed a reunion dinner
at the home of Paul reterson. Jr., of
Omaha, being joined in the affair by
Paul Peterson, Sr., of Omaha.
Harry Creamer has traded his farm
here to Dr. G. H. Gilmore for some
land holdings of the latter in the
western part of the state. Doubtless
both will be benefitted by the deal,
as Mr. Gilmore will have his close
by where he can look after renting
it, while Mr. Creamer will have the
advantage of a larger acreage.
Roy Clifton who has been conduct
ing a repair shop in Murray has re
moved to South Bend to engage in
the same line and in addition will
do a trucking business between South
Bend and Omaha andbetween South
Bend and Lincoln. Murril Nickles
has taken over the repair business of
Mr. Clifton and will also assist D.
C. Rhoden.
The. Library association met Tues
day evening and decided to go on
with the parcel post sale and har
vest home doings on Saturday, Octo
ber 1st. It was decided to give prizes
for the best bushel of seed corn, the
best half bushel of potatoes, half
bushel of sweet potatoes, jar of fruit,
loaf of bread and cake. If you wish
to enter any of these you can get luil
information from the president, Mrs.
Minford or from the chairman of this
committee, Mrs. II. C. Long.
others to the number of about thirty
five in all.
Looking After the Cemetery
John Faught and Mrs. Allen Crab
tree of Lincoln, accompanied by John
Thompson, of Bethany, were in Mur
ray last week looking after the con
dition of the Clement cemetery east
of town, where they have relatives
nacle, Bcckman and Henricksen, Ivan
Deles Dernier, Mrs. James Deles Der
nier, Miss Neva Latta, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Groat, Mrs. L. D. Hiatt and Mrs.
Guy Wiles.
The evening service was marked
with music and songs and was known
as a praise service, being conducted
by Miss Margie Walker, who pre
sided at the piano. In addition to
the chorus singing, special numbers
were rendered by Mrs. E. E. Eaton,
of Long Beach, California, who is
staying In Plattsmouth; Miss Neva
Latta, Miss Helen Todd, Mrs. J. V.
Pitman and Messrs. S. G. Latta, Ora
Davis and L. D. Hiatt.
A real novelty, yet most useful. Made of black
imitation leather, in three sizes. Have a look at them
when you next visit our store.
25c and 39c
You Will Want One!
iatt . Tturtt,
Noted Speaker Coming
Newton Gaines, one of the most
able platform speakers of this sec
tion of the country will talk at the
Lewiston church on September 19th,
at 8 o'clock. His subject will be
"Community Interests." The plan is
to hold the meeting on the lawn of
the church, hut if the weather is
chilly it will be held inside. Mr.
Gaines is paid by the state and there
will be no charge, neither will you
be acked to join anything. He has
a message for the boy and girl, the
man and the woman of the farm. You
can't afford to miss it. People who
have heard Gaines say they would
go twenty miles to hear him again,
so when this is brought to jour door
and all it costs is the effort to go,
you surely can't miss the opportunity
of being there.
Entertained Friends"
MissMargie Walker entertained a
number of friends Saturday after
noon. Miss Walker planned the af
fair before so many will leave for
school work the first of September'.
A most pleasant afternoon was en
joyed and at 5:30 a delicious two
course luncheon was served. Those
attending were Mesdames William
Brown. John Vantine, Flora Sans,
Harry Todd. O. A. Davis, S. O. Pitman
of .Long Beach, A. A. Young.j Searl
Davis. Glen Perry, W. S. Smith. W.
G. Boeeker, Wm. Gilmore and George
Gilmore and the Misses Neva Latta,
Helen Todd, Lydia -Todd, Lulu Bu
chanan and Beulah Sans.
Successful Supper
The social at Lewiston on Friday
evening was very successful. Despite
the storm that came up so early in
the evening, the society collected
$23.10. Saturday the ladies served
! dinner fcr the men who were sur
veying the road past the church and
Here from the East
J. O. Parr, of Sheridan, Indiana,
a brother of Mrs. B. F. Brendel, ar
rived here Sunday morning, accom
panied by his sister, Mrs. Etta Shel
by, of Lebanon, Indiana, and Mrs.
Ernest Haney, of Zionville, Indiana,
they being called here on account of
the illness of Dr. Brendel, who they
were pleased to find considerably improved.
To Tour England with Bride
Rev. John Dale Buchanan, who
has been pastor of the Presbyterian
church here for several months, has
resigned his pastorate and returned
this week to his home at Monmouth,
111., accompanied by his sister, Miss
Lulu, who has been here keeping
house for her brother. On Tuesday
he was married to Mss Helen Huey,
of Monmouth, and they departed at
once for New York, from where they
will sail in a short time for England,
going from there to Scotland, where
Rev. Buchanan will attend theologi
cal seminary during the coming year.
The pleasing personality of this gen
ial minister and his sister won them
a large number of friends in Mur
ray, who were loath to see them take
their departure from our midst, but
will wish them well in the future.
Road District No. 10
All parties who expect their roads
graded must get their weeds and
brush off the ground soon or they
will be cut and charged to the ones
concerned. "
Opening of School
The regular term of the Murray
school will convene on Monday, the
12th of September. Grades up to
and including the Tenth will be
taught. Do not send beginners un
der school age as they will not be
taken. Owing to the crowded con
dition of the primary department,!
we urge parents to use judgment in
starting children too young.
For Sale New Separator
I have a new DeLaval cream sepa
rator for which I paid $130. Not
ured. Will sell for $90. Phone No.
2205, Murray, Nebraska.
Returns to Golden West
John Berger, who has been visit
ing friends here and at Nehawka the
past several months left Saturday
for his home in California. He en
joyed a most pleasant stay amidst
the surroundings of his earlier life
and. with the children who reside in
Cass county.
Arrives from the West
T. J. Brendel, who has been in the
west for some time arrived in Om
aha Sunday morning and was met by
Fred Hild, who brought him to Mur
ray, he having been summoned on
account of the serious ilness of his
father, Dr. B. F. Brendel Mr. Brendel
left his wife at Grant to return home
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crozier,
with whom the Brendels had been
touring the west, and was glad to
find his father showing marked im
provement upon his arrival here.
The many friends of this veteran
physician will be pleased to know of
his promising condition and trust
his improvement may be both rapid
and complete.
Timely Warning
Notice is hereby given to the par
ties who have been driving around in
my hay meadow, that they had bet
ter make some- arrangements for
settlement with me for damages done.
We have the number of the car and
must insist that damages done to my
meadow be settled within the next
fifteen days to avoid prosecution, so
call and see me. We also wish to
inform the parties who were there
on the night of August 29, that this
is no public road, so get your melons
some other way, if this is what you
are looking for.
High Winds and Temperatures Speed
Along Harvest Plowing for
Wheat About Finished.
Sporer Family Reunion
Last Sunday the Sporrer family
enjoyed their first reunion at the
city park in Ashland, a large num
ber of the members being present
at the gathering. An abundance of
good things to eat were provided and
the event proved so successful that
it is now planned to make it an an
nual affair. Those present included
Mrs. John Sporrer and daughter Miss
Irene, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Eagle and
family, of Valparaiso; Mr. and Mrs.
John Urish and family and Mrs. Jas.
Terryberry, of Mynard; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Urish, of Weeping Water;
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Schaeffer and
family, of Nehawka; Mrs. William
Sporrer and family, of Murray; Mr.
and Mrs. S. O. Pitman of Long Beach,
California; Mr. and Mrs. Will Fight
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mon
roe Lock wood and family, of Mynard;
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nelson and fam
ily and Miss Elsie Eagle, of Valpar
aiso; Mrs. S. H. Draper, Mrs. Elmer
Hurst, Mrs. Otis Washburn and Mrs.
George Washburn, of Wann, and Eu
gene Hurst of Valparaiso.
Nebraska corn matured very rap
idly last week and part of the crop
can stand frost without injury as
early as September 1. Plowing for
wheat is nearly completed in eastern
sections. Marketing of potatoes has
been stimulated by present high
prices. The melon crop is very good
and the market over-supplied in
some places. This is the summary of
the state and federal weekly crop re
port issued at Lincoln yesterday by
A. E. Anderson. The complete state
ment follows:
"High winds and temperatures
have matured corn very rapidly,
particularly in the south Platte ter
ritory west of Lancaster and Gage
counties. Part of the corn is well
j dented and husks dry. There has
oeen no improvement iu iiie uruuiu
section and the average yield of
Kearney, Harlan, Phelps and Buffalo
counties will be cut 50 per cent. The
crop for all states as a whole shows
considerable deterioration and some
permanent injury, according to the
mid-month crop summary.
"Much of Nebraska's winter wheat
section was plowed early this sum
mer, which is one of the most im
portant factors in wheat production.
Those who elayed plowing are meet
ing considerable difficulty due to
hard, dry soil. Plenty of moisture
i now to pack the plowed land would
Is Kept Busy in the West
Letters from Col. W. R. Young,
who is in the western part of the
state, at Grant, tell of his being very
busy. He has a number of sales to
cry and will also sell the stock at the
Perkins county fair. During his
spare time he is putting in 200 acres
of winter wheat. Withal, he expects
to return home in time for the Cass
county fair at Weeping Water and
will be one of the exhibitors there.
For Sale New Separator
I have a new DeLaval cream sepa
rator for which I paid $130. Not
used. Will sell for $90. Phone No.
2205, Murray, Nebraska.
Entertained at Dinner Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles en
tertained for dinner last Sunday at
their beautiful home here Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Wurtman and son, of
Leigh; Lee and Miss Etta Nickles,
Messrs and Mesdames Wm. Nickles
and H. C. Lang of Murray and Miss
Eldorine Shrader of Omaha.
Excellent Church Services
Last Sunday two excellent services
were held at the Presbyterian church.
The morning service was in charge
of the pastor, Rev. J. D. Buchanan,
and included the communion service
of the church. At this time there
jwere received into the church teu
members, four by confession and six
by letter. They were Misses Rein-
make the soil conditions favorable
for seeding that begins next month.
Complete world statistics of 1921
wheat are not yet obtainable, but
as far as can be determine from
counties producing 50 per cent of
the crop, there will be very little
change over last year.
"In general the reports of oats
from all states are very disappoint
ing, but so far this does not seem to
have raised the price. Oats are sell
ing extremely low in this state.
"Potatoes that are mature are mov
ing rapidly to market and this seems
to be the wise move as the prices are
very good, and the mid-month re
ports of the late potato crop show
some improvement, although the
total crop will yet be below the
average, and prices will be as high
as the economic conditions will war
rant. The sweet potato crop of the
southern states is promising.
"Wild hay quality will be bettre
than last year as the grass did not
grow as rank. Considerable of the
alfalfa was left for seed and outside
of the regions of severe drouth, the
condition is promising.
"Melons are very plentiful and at
some Platte river points the market
is over-supplied. One grower, north
of Grand Island, is feeding his melon
crop to the swine, while Lincoln con
sumers are paying two cents a pound
for melons."
New York, Aug. 28. The General
Electric Co. has issued a "circular to
shareholders dealing with the ques-1
;tion of its stock dividends policy
and with general business and fin
ancial aspects.
Regarding stock dividends it pro
poses, fcr the better protection of its
small shareholders, a dividend of $5
a share, payable annually in place
of the two semi-annual dividends.
According to the circular, the bus
iness of the company is being well
maintained and orders are being ex
ecuted at a rate In excess of any
year prior to the year 1917.
They claim to have more than
$40,000,000 cash on hand and no
current liabilities other than ordin
ary monthly accounts and federal
Would You Save
On Coal?
We have a number of cars of coal in transit which
are due to arrive in a short time, and we are making a
very close price on same, especially when taken from
the car. Just what the situation will be later on, wc are
unable to tell. With the prospect of a rail strike, the
coal situation would ' rapidly become serious. Better
save your money by buying some of this coal, and at
the same time be assured of having it when you need it.
Banning IF tickles,
day Specials!
Syrup, 10 lbs. light 59c
Pineapple, No. 2 can, 3 for .$1.00
Peaches, No. 2 can, 3 for '. . . .69c
Salmon, per can 14c
Red salmon, per can 29c
Cane sugar, per 1 00 lb. sack $7.00
Also an Abundance of Other Bargains, but at
Special Prices No Charges will be Made
To Those Who Know
themselves indebted to me, and who have not adujsted
their account, I will be at the hardware store for a short
time and desire you call and make settlement as soon
as possible, either by the payment of the account or
with a note which shall be approved. I am out of
business and must make settlement.
Jack's Placet
I have purchased the business of W. A. Scott and
will carry Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Confections and
Light Lunch.
We shall keep the service here at the same high
level which the former proprietors have ever main
tained. We invite the trade in our line -and shall ap
preciate the same.
Jack West,
The Corn is Ripening
Are you ready for it's gathering? Do you need an
Elevator for the handling of the crop. Come see us and
we will make you a very attractive price on what you
need. Do not wait to long for we will need some time
to secure the elevator. Are you needing a press drill for
your fall seeding? We are carrying the popular lines.
Save Some Money Here!
You can buy an , . ,
-S85.00 Mower How for $70.00-
Which will save you $15.00. Better think of this!
Peterson Hardware Co.
J. V. Peterson, Manager
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