The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Yes, Business is Good!
For this we are very thankful to our friends and
patrons, and we are endeavoring to merit their confi
dence by giving them the
Very Best Service!
We are carrying a large stock of supplies and acces
sories of the best kind, and especially call attention to
the excellent stock of tires which we are carrying.
Our service is the best and we are pleased to always
respond to call for all work.
A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor
Willis Old Stand -:- -:- Union, Nebr.
t.j f t church, but on
stern the fathering
un t ; 1 . We J n es d a y of
account of the
was postponed
this week.
Del Irwin and wife were visiting
in Nehawka last Monday.
L. O. Todd and family were vis
iting in Nebraska City last Sunday.
E. W. Keedy and wife and F. H.
McCarthy were visiting in Nebraska
City last Sunday.
The last quarterly conference of
the Methodist church of Union was
held last Sunday.
Fred Borne was looking after
some business matters in Nebraska
City last Monday.
Eugene Roddy was a visitor at
Nebraska City last Sunday attend
ing the ball game there.
L- V. Davis of Elm wood wa? in
Union last Monday looking after
some matters of business.
J. G. Wunderlich of Nehawka was
looking after some matters of busi
ness in Union last Saturday. ...
A. L. Becker and s:m .Henry, wore
visiting in Omaha last .Monday at
the Merchants' Carnival wiek.
Jostpr Fetzer of Plattsmout h vis
ited at the home of his daughter.
Mrs. I. M. 1'atterson. over Sunday.
Little Margaret Hoback was a vis
itor at the home of her grandparents
Mr. anl Mrs. Y. A. Taylor last Sun
day. Hans Christiansen who has been
quite sick of late, is repcr'ed as b
ing much improved and able to be
about some.
Ray Yonker. who lias been oti
from his work with tiio Missouri
Pacific for some time, has returned
to his duties.
I). C. Eallue and family, win have
been visiting at Akron, Colorado for
the past week, returned home last
Sunday morning.
i Peter Ances of Sidney, Iowa
! er'y of Union, who has been
; with friend- here
home last Sunday.
; B. F. Hohack of near Nehawka
; was visiting at the Lome of !iisl
i dauehier, Mrs. Minnie Anderson, of
; Union last Monday. j
! F. II. Resnkk of Nrhawku and
i Chris Murray of Murray were visit
j jrs in Union last Monday looking
i after some land business,
i Attc.rney C. IT. Taylor and W. L.
; Taylor and his son. Almond, all of
'Omaha were visiting with Mrs. I'.ar-
Lara Taylor last Monday.
E-lward Grimes and wife and Mi-s
1 Iltilda Dingebaeh of St. Louis, have'-
been visiting at the h;.me of grandma
! Crimes ffi- the past week,
j C. M. Schwab, who has been in
j the v-'.t for the pa.-.t few wei;s, re
' tu.rne 1 home a few days since feel
1 ing much improved inheaU.h.
Win Craig, who iias been laid Up
; on account of the accident lie was in
; while driving his car. is able to up
! and doing a little work again.
Charles Schwab and son. Frank,
j who hae been in the western por
; ti. n of the slate for the past two
weeks, returned home last Sunday.
I Jay Austin is hobbling around on
; account of rheumatism. but while
! the disease gives him much pain, he
! d- e-, no; utter a word of complaint.
; Mrs. (J. S. UpTrn, who lias been
i visiting at the h'-m of her son. Mr.
Depart Fcr Deslrier
Capt."and Mrs. Rolert Cochran of
Arapahoe, who have been stalled at
Union on 'he account of the break
down of their airplane a week ago.
visiting c.oiHr.r ir fixed departed last
departed for his ; ;rCnday for Deshler.
Here is a Social For You
The ladies of the Baptin church
will give a dog social, now just what
that is we don't know, but we do
know that if you go yon will have
the time of your life.
Fake Hold-Up at State Convention is
Not Without Danger to the
lien Carrying It Out.
I'plcn. for some time, writs
she is having u most excellent
Loses Watch
While he was loading a car of
corn the other day, J. F. Wilson ac
cidentally lost his watch which was
soon covered up with the oncoming
tin and impossible to lind when
h discovered the loss, lie lias noti
fied the destination of th" grain of
his. loss hoping they may may find
it when the grain is unloaled.
Outdoors Meeting-
Will Have
Arrangements have been complet
ed for Hie hoiding of a picnic of the
Methodist Sunday school on this
Friday -on the lawn of the Todd
home a mo-st enjoyable time
is anticipated.
Union. Sen-ices Sunday Evening;
There will be union services at
the Baptist church on next Sunday
(veiling. The Bev. Samuel Miller
will deliver the sermon. Everybody
is cordially invited to attend.
Every Day in the Year'
We are selling goods every day in the year at
prices that will save you money.
In a great variety, and the brt po.-:-iMi make. Pleasing in
design and excellent in wearing quality. As low as S!:7. and up.
Dress shoes, oxfords, pumps, and work shoes for the children,
the ladies, the boys and the men. at prices all can afford to pay.
"Letter Roll." "Pride of Elmwood" and "Golden Gate" four ?2.2f.
"Gooch's Best" flour, per sack
No. 2 can apples for
Pink salmon, per can, 15c; 2 cans for
Delicious Gallon Fruits
"Full Ripe" brand apricots SOc Peaches..
Aluminum Cooking Sets at wholesale prices
every purchase of $5 worth of gooHs at this store.
t i'
Farmers' ftlorcanfils Company
"'Sonnie" Giifbn. grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Oslvorne. w ho has
l.ten visiting tbtni for the past week
leturr.ed to his home in Nehawka
this week.
Rev. W. A. Tavlor and mother.
; Mrs. ilmry Taylor, made a trip over
j pir: of the county last Thursday, vis
I 'tint: Nehawka, Nebraska City and
; Plattsm'uith.
! The Women's Missionary Soriety
; of the FtapTist church met at the-:
j 1 ome f f Mrs. Wm Marks last Tliur
I Jav where thev enjo'-ed a most !
iota: ant time.
Mr. Ellis Daniels and children of
Diiler were visi'ing at the home of
Mr. ,;',! Mr-. ". F. Harris of Un
ion from last Friday until Wedno
day of this vek.
Th' ball game whi.Mi was staged
last Sunday between atid Ea
gle w..s an interesting one and iv
siutvd in victory for the home team
1 v s'-ore of C, to 4.
The World Wide Girls held a
:n "ting at the home of Charlea Gar-i
i.'.rv, la -a Saturday afternoon ard
v. . : e '-r tertain-d in a vt ry plea.-ingi
manner by Mrs. Garrison.
M is Mary Iit-'-kor. who h :;s been I
in the west for some time, returned!
'.K-nie last Thursday after having, a j
rir-.e timo visiting the many place
t :' intc-re-t the west affords. j
V.. V. .M. o:e parted fo- Marys-1
ville. Mo. la-! Thursday, where his;
ft5 Us rave been visiting for the p.i.-t,
Spending1 Vacation in East
Mr. Mid Mrs. II. 1. Swanson and
little (-ne are spending their two
weeks vacation in .the east at the
home tit Mr. Swanson's parents at
Uvtshocton. Ohio, wher-' they will
vi.-it for some time.
Armouncir. Excnrnon Rates
Yv'hlle 1 1; e Missouri Pacific and
ether roads are complaining that
tlit-y cannot atf-rd to it-duce rates.
-. h.ev are a' this time ottering one
and om-half fair rates f -r a round
trip tick': to Kansas City beginning
August 27th and extending to Sep
tember f.tli. Thev are a'.-o offering
the -an;e rates to the Ak-Sar-IJen
ti-.-.m SiM.'ii'.i).r 17th to 24th inclus
"he count v
T. U. .va:
the Convention
convent ion of the W.
held la-: Friday at
at which a number of
Union people
G. Todd ard wife. Mrs. W. V.
nillg. Mis-t Jes-ie Todd and Mrs.
were in attendance. Li
r were among t!.o-e present.
The of!:cers for the f. lowing year
vor? Mrs. W. 15. president.
Union: Mrs. John Cordvr, vic-e-prtsi-d.-nt.
i'h-tt.-tnouth: Mrs. Oliver llar-
ri'on. secretary. Avoca : Mrs. Irene
McFif!!, 'rea.-urer. Kas:!-?.
Interesting Meeting at Scctia :i la-t Sunday an:. Sunday ev-
?ning there were held c.iurch ser-
ar.d r t i-ne.l
bringinc the
the fir-1
folks with I
Meats OaiiyS
We are serving the choicest cuts of fresh meats
Beef and Pork, besides cured meats, and are selling them
at a figure which enables all to enjoy them.
Jack Spratt Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apple, Berries of
all kinds. Selling three 7z size cans fcr a $1.00. Del
Monte Peaches and Apricots four No. 2 size can for 98c.
f ' week-
r f the week
f -1 n .
Mrs. Gcv-ge Midkiff of Home, and;
Mi-s Mable Pre -n of Friend, who!
b-ave b.'n visiting a: tlie Ji'.me of!
M-. ar.d Mrs. Lee Hut ba way for the'
pas' week, departed for their homes ;
dii'inj: th" week. I
The Kpwor; ! League of Union j
was royally rnt-rrained by the -amoi
socic-ty of riattsm-iiith a Plaits-
r.iouth last All ti e members!
were loud in their praise of the so-j
cierv at Plattsmonth. j
Mr. H. II IJeeker jas set the .awj
rr 511 v: for the wir.ttr'o sawinr: aodj
is now ready at any time fo" tit
rer-en'on ot iocs ,-;ni ttie work o
con vert in sr tbeva
it Scotht school.
meet mps
A. Tay-
Peath Calls Brother
La-t Tliurilay County rommi.
iner C. I-'. Harris received a me.-:-aue
Kliing cf the death of hi:
r. rrarK Harris at ic-i
Yir-tinia, where he has been
v.-.::. in t ii ; tuerca utile and bank-
r.g bu.-Ine-.-. Mr. Harris was unable
o citch tiie train that would have
a ken him to the c-ux in time fo
r; a
JIary Hear
is: Sur. -lay v
Tri-Citr Band
a s
he last of
o lr.irber will be-
;s some work ahead ba
be n received .
Mr. S. Ro-.v- -xc
v and for..? fr: m
Mi-scori came in tl
vife anl dan;h
ncar Shtridan.
fcir ear to visit
! ocn ens g
' . moo rd
SOit v. All!
j band bad
i '.urn ar.d
i rdav;d i:t
iven by tiie tri-c:ty ban!
rt: th.' baniis ot .NL-;ir.icK;i
urn ard i:-ra:ii-'.-h. 1 ne
heret(fore placed at A
Tecumseh and Sunday
Nebraska f'ity at which
The state convention of the as'-o-ciation
pf county Fherib?, which was
held at Xorth Platte last week and
over which Sheriff C. I). Quinton of
is citv presided, was not without
with relatives here. While here t'ney
tn.-.k with them Mrr. S. M. Taylor
.rot vo'teri a number of places
1 Hion
were in atttnd-
Un ion
a n cl N
lui reiurr.i
stayed ovo
tnd left Monday for tl
Wh i !c
II t a
1 racrk-t.
riven fi
Wris V7rch lest
a? the Oil Settlers Picnic
gold wrist watch with a
A suitable reward will be
r the return of 'he s-ane.
irg plant in fir.-t
4tw-7td G.
Delco farm light
class condition.
es Two Tiactcrs
During the pas' week the firm of!
Proj'-t :nd Purbee disposed of twoi
iraetors. they being purchased by
)ri: y P, ram b 1 o 1 1 and Klemmj
brot h'-rs.
T mm Wednesrtay'r. Dully.
Yesterday alternoon Mrs. Frank L.
Ci'.mmins and Mr?. Carl G. Fricke
otertained very charmingly at
V.-Ot.. -it i'.q Ih.j 11 1 -t f lO r.-nmili
1 home on Pearl stren in honor of
I Mrs. F. F. Yoodward of Davenport,
j iowa, who is here for a visit at the
I home of her mother, Mrs. William
IT. Cole.
The beauty of the home was en
ihancel by the color scheme of lav
lendcr with green, the thistles form
ing a very unique and attractive
j fr-'iure of the decorative plan. S'x
i tables were occupied in the delights
j -.f britlsre and the highest scores were
!;ecurd by Mrs. II. II. Hetts, who
was awarded first prize and Miss
: Yerna Leonard secured the consola
tion prize.
Dainty refreshments served to
u igUtec the pleasures of the ladies
30,000 Acres
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many inctances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11 - - - Un!on Nebr-
Ran Spoils the Fan
It was announced la-t week that
'he Epworth League of the Mctho
1it church would entertain the
Young Peoples' society of the Bap-
nnd in completing a most
lernonr; ir. ever- way.
ideal af-
its dangers and tribulations to
trio of law enforcers who staged the
chief entertainment feature of the
meeting. i
The full story of the daring ex
ploit of the three sberifis is told in
the following special from Alliance
to the Omaha tee:
Sheriffs Jim Miller of Alliance.
Peter W. Duffy of Holt county, Fd
Flit era ft of Red Willow county and
a deputv snerin irom rortn piatie
have been identified as the bandits
who, wi-aring masks, and at the point
of revolvers, held up and robbed the
iinton jewelry .store at North Platte
of $50 in cash and several hundred
dollars worth of jewelry late Friday
The bandits were captured half an
hour after the robbery by a posse of
citizens led bv Sheriff Salisbury of
North Platte, following a chase of
cveral miles in automobiles, near
the Codv ranch. At the point near
which the capture took place, the
oosse lound the nandits car anan
doned in the road, with the taxi
driver whom they had hired bound
and gagr-ed in the front seat.
The enino of the car bad stalled
and the bandits bad juiiped from the
cor and started to run across a mea
dow on the Cody ranch. Realizing
that they were outnumbered and
with no escape but on foot, the four
men stopped at a command to halt
and threw their hands up. while the
posse with drawn rifles and revolvers
closed in and effected their capture.
Bush Jewelry Store
The four bandits, wearing red ban-:
dar.a handkerchiefs over their faces, I
literall rushed t lie Clinton jewelry,
tore from front and rear and draw-,
ing their revolvers, ordered the pro-j
prietor. Jimmy Clinton, several!
clerks and live customers to "put :
'em up." They did. One of the men,
walked up to the show case, dumped
all of the watches, rings and other j
jewelry into a gunny sack, emptied,
the ca'h register of about $500 in,
cash and then started for the door, j
The other three, their guns still j
held on tl.e persons in the store,'
started to back out while the man!
with the sack threw it into their carl
which was standing at the curb and:
climbed aboard. The motor bad;
been left running and with guns in j
their hands, the three bandits made:
a ctasn tor tne uoor, leapeu iuio uir
car and made off at high speed. In
a flash the car had disappeared from
Posse Gives Chase
Sheriff Salisbury was notified. At
the time, he and 75 other sheriffs
who were attending the convention
of the State Sheriffs' association
were preparing to go out to the
Cody ranch for a jubilee. They, to-n.-ther,
with more than i0 armed cit
izens, sprang into automobiles and
cave d:a?? to the robbers. Trailing
thorn in the direction of the Cody
ranch, the pursuers came upon the
bandits' abandoned car standing be
side the road near the ranch. A few
minutes later the bandits were cap
tured in a meadow without resist
ance, after 50 or more guns in the
hands of the posse had been leveled
upon them and they saw escape was
From the desperate actions of the
bandits, the sheriffs and citizens
thought they had captured a gang
of professional-robbers. Put when
their captors tore the maks trom
the bandits' faces, they discovered
they had captured three well
known Nebraska sheriffs and one
deputy sheriff.
Sheriff Explains It All
The captors bad a strange feeling
and were in the act of pinching
themselves to see whether or not
they were dreaming, when Sheriff
Salisbury explained that it was adl a
part of the program of the state con
vention and had been conceived with
premeditation and much forethiught.
The four robbers who perpetrated
the "robbery" concocted the fake
holdup following an argument among
the convention delegates as to the
case with which a robbery could be
staged. Most of them thought it
wasn't an easy stunt, while the brave
lour argued that a holdup was easy
as pie.
Without letting anyone except
Sheriff Salisbury and two or three
others know their plans, they con
ceived and executed the "robbery"
to prove their point. Neither the pro
prietor of the jewelry store, his
clerks, customers or members of the
citizens' posse knew but what it was
a genuine holdup until Sheriff Sal
isbury explained.
The officers admitted that they
took a long chance of getting shot,
but then what does an officer amount
to who hasn't a lot of nerve?
-Worthwhile Bargains-:?
and Musical Theory
3 No. 3 size cans of high
grade peaches for $1.00
Or we will sell you a full
case of 24 cans for $7.90
Tupil of W. II. Sherwood
Res. with John Waterman
Corner Sth and Locust
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate easily,
without fr ir in n n ft wittiniit hart
jbAl Kinds 01 iraits SOia Et .Bargain after effects. C0c at all drugstores.
-Quality Guaranteed
UKI0N -:- -:- NEBS.
Wilhelmina. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. V.". Heinrichsen, was operated
on for the removal of her tonsils
and adnoids Thursday at the Wise
Memorial hospital in Omaha. She re
turned home Saturday feeling no ill
effects from the operation.
Hurry Pat,
Wash your face,
And feed the cat
And run to school,
Or you!! be late.
See there, 'tis almost
Half past eight!
Which should be a reminder to every mother that
she must hurry if she intends to have all the kiddies
ready when school begins.- -This school sale is the result
of painstaking tffort to offer you the very best quality of
wanted goods at the smallest possible price. You will
find very wonderful values. It is indeed, a real economy
M '' i-
Little Girls' Dresses Practical pretty models in
neat patterned Ginghams; 4, 6, 10 and 14 years only. A
few of each size left. Will sell at a great reduction.
Middy Dresses In pink, blue and white. Every
girl needs one of these practical school dresses. They
are hand embroidered in accordance with naval regula
tions and have been greatly reduced to $8.98. Sizes 1 4
to 20 years.
Muslins and Embroideries for the petticoats and
Muslin, per yard 15c
Embroideries, per yard 9c
Black Sateen for bloomers and boys' waists. This
is a big feature of the economy sale. 36-in wide 38c and
50c per yard.
Watch our add as we will have something special to
offer you every day this week in school accessories.
A Good
Quality Goods
A Low Price!
Phone Calls
No. 53.
Scranton. Pa., A up. 2?,.
Roundhouse and shop em
ployes of the Delaware, Laca
wanna and Western Railroad
were advised to ssave their
money and lay in Ft ores of
food iy T. J. Maloney, general
chairman of the Lacawanna
system federation at a mass
meeting today. lie declared
a strike was sure to come, and
he wanted the men prepared.
From Wednesday's Dairy.
The many friends over the state
cf William Barclay, state president
of the Eagles, will be pleased to
learn that he is now feeling better
and has rallied very nicely from Lis
sever r.ttack of what now seems to
have been a touch of gall stones. Mr.
Barclay was able to be up a short
time last evening and rested verr
nicely during the nigbt and today is
reported as feeling better although
he is still quite weak and feels very
much the result of his very painful
Ladies pold wrist watch and brace
let, on Old Settlers Reunion grounds.
Finder please notify Mrs. Rue H.
Frans, Union, and receive reward.
Cleveland. Aup. 2S. Strike bal-
jlots on the acceptance or rejection
of the recent ?400,000,000 re
duction ordered by the railroad labor
board were mailed tonight to the
409,000 members of the "big four"
brotherhoods and the switchings
union of Xorth America. The bal
lots revealed a difference of opinion
among the chief executives of the
organizations, the brotherhood of
locomotive engineers, brotherhood of
locomotive firemen and engincmen,
order of railroad conductors and the
switchmen using a joint ballot, while
the brotherhood of railroad trainmen
!sent out a separate ballot.
The trainmen's ballot stated that
it had been the intention of all or
ganizations to use a joint ballot, but
that this was impossible because the
.ballot adopted by the other organiza
tions "Aid not, in our opinion, con
tain an impartial and unbiased re
cital of all involved, nor did it con
vey the assurance that the wishes of
the men, if against working for re
duced wages, would determine the
question, and they would be permit
ted to leave the service."
The joint ballot declared that if
the membership was to reject the
wage reductions, which became ef
fective July 1, it is to be understood
that the men will be permitted to
withdraw from the service unless a
sati; fact ory settlement e.-'n lie reach
t 1 tinder the laws of the organiza
t ion?."
"The proposition which confronts
our members and others," raid thf'
trainmen's ballot, "carries with it an
i' t tempt to reverse the decision of th
railroad labor board on the wage r -ducUon
now in effect since July 1.
or else persuade or compel railroad
companies to reinstitute wage ci't.i
that the labor board decided should
he reduced.
"All members and others are here
by notified that if the membership
vote is in majority to leave the ser
vice, they will on any or all line.--,
where such vote is secured (with the
sanction of the general grievance
committee t be given necessary au
thority l;y the piesiucnt of the grand
Jjodr.e. The president of the grand
lodge will not undertake to prevent
the wishes of the ineU. as expressed
in their ballot, from being adhered
The number of the active members
of the organization to whom 1 (al
lots were mailed was estimated at
1 r0, 000 trainmen, 115.000 firemen.
0,j00 engineers. 50.000 conductors
and 14.000 switchmen. In addition
the wage reduction had been pre
viously voted on by the six shop
crafts under the railway employes'
department of the American federa
tion of labor. The result has been
understood to be largely agafnst the
acceptance of the reductions.
Dining room table, six chairs, a
buffet, box couch, davenport, floor'
lamp, two rocking chairs, rugs, bed
room suite, consisting of bed, dress
ing table, dressing table chair ami
chiffonier. Other articles too nu
merous to mention. See any of t lie
above at the home of Earl Irelan,
12th and Pearl streets.
"Woman for general housework.
Steady work for right party. Mrs.
Frank M. Bestor. daw-tf.
Advertising is printed salesman
ship generalized sufficiently to carry
appeal to the varied class of readers.
Does your ad come within these re
quirements ?