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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1921)
MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1921. PAGE SIX PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 9 9 a A good quality goods at a low price! SHEIK PHONE S3 54, and 144 FRIDAY IS Children's Day at Oar Store! ami we invite the children to coin? and help tlnir mothers to s-.lect their school clothes. vi - 1 j i A Souvenir to Every Child accompanied by its parent who makes n purchase.. Come early. We have a surprise for you. SIGNING OF TREATY MAY RECALL MEN ADMINISTRATION FEELS NO REA SON FOR CONTINUING EX PENSE ON GERMANY 9 Ax School Dresses! Charming and practic al are the uresses fash ioned from storm or French sere and Danish cloth combined with mil itary braid, buttons and a touch of hand embroid ery. One of the season's smartest frocks is the Jumper dress, which can be made so attractive and inexpensively; also the pleated skirt, a necessary garment to every school girl t for they all wear middies. l):Liii li poplar cloth- in for e t brown and fez screen. '.'.6 inches wide, p-r yd. 58c Storm serge in forest, brow n ami ft. green. :W, inches -.side. Per vard 79c All wool siorm serge in all colors, per yard 95c Ginghams! The Pipes o' Pan have called again. .Madam Fashion gave heed took her color card for Fall with her and Pan led her to the Gardens of the Rainbow. And so in Ginghams, we have the most beautiful combinations of col ors you could wish for. 27-inch Ginghams 25c a Yard "i 8f ; i jm mm ric mm mm k A Middies! This is the time the middy is most in demand. Loose, comfortable, yet smart and very much the thing, it is appropriate for every need except formal affairs and a ne cessity for school. v Every middy marked down. Prices from $1 to $2. Sizes 6 t o22. Pleated white skirts on waist to wear with middies. Sizes 6. S. 10. Price 51.50. Washington, Aug. 2G. Intima tions were given in high ollieial quar ters today that withdrawal of the American troops from the Rhine will be seriously considered as soon as the peace treaty signed yesterday in Berlin has ben ratified by the senate and the German reichstag, No definite prediction was made llt it licMm. bniwvll Ill-it flra ttairn m actually was established the admin istration would feel there would be no necessity of burdening Germany with the support of an army of oc cupation. Under the new treaty Germany agrees to perpet uate 'the promise she made in the treaty of Versailles to pay t he expenses of occupation, but there is no direct mention of the sub ject which, it is understood, could be interpreted as in any way affecting the present situation or binding the United States either to remain or withdraw. The Versailles agreement fixed fif- teen years as the maximum period of i occupation. jso tar as is Known mere was no consideration of the subject in the engotiati-uis leading up to the present treaty, and ollicials take t lie view here that the decision lies whol ly with this government. It is sug gested by those favoring an early withdrawal, however, that mainten ance of the forces of occupation might impose such a financial burden on Germany as to delay materially her payment of reparation. Latest availalle figures place the number of Acinerican troops in the army of occupation at 14000, whose cost of maintenance is nearly $1, RESUME OLD WORK The Burlington- storehouse employ es, who have been engaged in various fill-in positions during the time that a large number of the clerks have been at Chicago assisting in the cheeking up of the company mater ial, have now all resumed their form er positions. Chief Clerk Spear, E. II. Prady and W. II. Shopp of the local storehouse, have returned from Chicago to take up their regular work and those who have been relieving them will now take over their former jobs. Harry McCoy, who has been at Gibson for the past three months will also take up his former job here i:i the store department. INS FROM TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dodge, Who Have Been Viviting; on the Coast Return Yesterday ! I I; THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Prices! ' Runabout v ... . $539.20 Touring 586.05 Coupe 778.45 Sedan 846.15 These prices include self starter and de mountable rims delivered at Piattsmouth. Ford $625.00 m k ill i 4 -. PATTERNS In the new MeCall patterns. No. 2:;77 and No. 2351. the very latest in Jumper dresses can ie had. HANDKERCHIEFS A very special bargain for the school kiddies. G for 2 sic. HAIR BOWS In plain color and a wide variety of plaids and novelty effects. Shop early; they won't last long. 4Sc, KNITTED WAISTS Knitteil waists for boys and girls. The kind you wear the whole yi'ur round. They are so v. i-ll made and have the tapc-st-v.fd buttons that won't come off. 35C. Hosiery! Cadet spells service in stockings for the children. They fit perr fectly, hold their shape and always look well. Come in black, white and cordovan, all sizes. 25c and 35c CORSET WAISTS. Corset waists for the Miss and growing girl. Just enough support to help her sit and walk straight. $1.25. BRASSIERS Ilrassiers, like hosiery and underwear, are every day ac cessories and are things you must have if you wear" your clothes well. In pink and white at 6oc. HOSE SUPPORTERS The very best kind Old Hickory and Kant Rip. Come in all sizes at 25c. BLOOMERS In black and white sateen all sizes. 65c to 85c. A new shipment of lovely Jersey bloomers in flesh color. All sizes, 40c. x 000.000 a month. Only a small part!-an-v "l the From Saturday's Daily. Following six weeks of ideal life amid the scenes of interest on ti?e Pacific coast, Mr. and .Mrs. 'George A. Dodge returned home yesterday to this city. The trip that this estimable couple has enjoyed has taken them over the greater part of the Pacilic coast country and in fact over a larger part of the west and (hiring that time thev have traveled 9 .,000 miles and saw many interesting sights in the natural wonderland oi'j the country. They first took a trip thru the Pacific northwest, visiting at Ta coma, Seattle and Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge 'then entered1 .. California and spent some time hi h-tt c Sun Francisco and vicinity and from KAlLx'.OAJ KAKINGS there left f.r San Diego where theyj BETTER LAST G MONTHS enjoye one of the most delightful! times of their trip. At Kong Heach j Washington. Aug. 20. Railroads they attended the Nebraska .state of tlle country earned $174, CG2, ptov.ic ;:nd spent a week at ho-; An-; 127 (irinjr th(l six nionths ending geles where they enjoyed a stay with; Jun ,ls air,inst :i 1 .7 1 .70 C .1r- son 1 ractor F. O. Bs Factory. We always have all models in stock and sell for.casli or on monthly payment plan. T. . Pollock Auio Co., Authorized Ford Dealer Phone No. 1 Piattsmouth i of the maintenance bill has been met by the German government thus far, upwards of $25n. 000,000 being due and unpaid. Despite the predisposition of the administration to disengage Ameri can relations -from any unnecessary entanglements in Furope. many ques tions will enter into consideration of the question of troop withdrawal. Problems growing out of the occupa tion already have led to disagree ments among the European allies, and it is tire manifest hope of Amer ican oflicials to avoid offense to any of them in the course it adopts. SAYS RIVER CHECK ED AT BROWNVILLE DIFFERS WITH THE RAIL LABOR BOARD Pennsylvania Road Contends That it Alone Has the Authority to Deal With Employes Philadelphia. Aug. 2G. The Penn jylvania railroad's position in regard to the I'nited States railroad labor board's decision ordering new elec tions of employes to represent the men in conferences with the manage ment was defined today by W. W. Atcrburv, vice-president of the Penn sylvania, at a meeting in his offices with twenty Philadelphia and New York newspaper men. -We believe," he said, "the board has gene beyond its authority that it has extended that authority to ad iptrative matters rather than those of arbitration and we are going to them frankly and in a friendly spirit to see if we are right. In any event the public must be the final judge. "Our proposition is supported by a majority of our active employes, with representatives of whom the manage ment met Monday. We hope that the board will grant us a hearing, as we want to take our own employes be fore it and try to prove the sincereity! of our purpose. The railroad labor board has a very hard problem to solve, and I believe it ia trying to jtolve that problem earnestly and justly. We maintained and still main tain that the company alone has au thority to deal with its own employes. "We did not object to designations on the ballots showing whether the candidates for employed representa tives were organization men or not. Many of them at the last election did have such designations. "I do not believe the shopmen will strike, for there is so little for which to strike," said Mr. Atterbury. "Cer tainly not for wages, for Ihey are settled by the railroad labor board." GOES WEST TO SEEK MAN FOR FORGERY Sheriff Quinton to Secure Extradi tion of Robert Seaton, Wanted Here for Forgery From Saturday's Dally. This morning Sheriff C. D. Quin ton departed for Douglas, Wyoming, where he was called to secure Rob ert Seaton, wanted in Cass county on the charge of forgery. This young man it is claimed raised a cheque made on the Nebraska National bank of Weping Water from $2.50 to $32. 50, some time ago and made his geta way for the west. On the return of Sheriff Quinton from the convention at North Plate he started the search for the young man who was located at Douglas, Wyoming, and the authorities there notified to be on the lookout' for him and the result was that be was ap prehended and placed under arrest. Sheriff Qninton was notified that it would probably be necessary to have papers -issued1 to insure the return of the young man from the west and enroute to Wyoming he will stop at Lincoln to have the necessary extra dition papers made out by the gov ernor cf Nebraska. Advices from Douglas indicate that the young man would like to settle the case if possible as he has a contract to drive in the races next week which would net him several hundred dollars and which he will lose if he is compelled to return to Nebraska. RETURNS FROM OMAHA From Saturday's 1-ally. Mrs. J. B. Iligley returned home yesterday afternoon from Omaha where she has been for the past sev eral days at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. I. J. Iloman, who was in jured in an auto accident several days ago. Mrs. Homan was riding in a car and her son-in-law, Gene Hew itt, was riding on the running board of the machine returning from a trip out toward Carter Lake when another car crashed into 'the machine that they were riding and as a re sult Mr. Hewitt was very severely injured. He was taken to the Swed ish Mission hospital where it was found that he had both legs badly injured and one of them fractured. Mrs. Homan suffered only minor in juries and while still feeling the ef fects of the accident. Is not In seri ous condition. Fred Lutz, wife and family of near) Nebraska City News Denies Report that Efforts to Stop Cutting were Unsuccessful. residents who old are time IMa' tsmout h life as ing the same period last 5ear. ac- enjoymg ni very j iin;r t:, fia-,, ,.,., T,1:1,i,, 7.iihlir lv- mtich in that portion of the globe. ' tho interstate' commerce rommiinn carriers for On their return heme they slopprd; Tho total revenues of the n u w uays at halt i,aKe (. lty aii fnr t.i:.,,i ,i.ivn.i v-,r. o,..,f a week at Colorado Springs and D'.'n- (Ill,ir ro:us was 1 270.41)7. 225, as ver but w hile the trio was mos oe- j against $2,741,5S7,192 for the same hghtful they were more t.ian pierced to get back in the old home a nd i snatch a little real rest after a n:ost! strenuous trip. During the trip Mr. and ?lrs. Dodge were out of the lr. S. twice, once in I!riti.-h Columbia and O! J Mexico. period last year. The expenses en tailed in operating the roads for 'the six months was $2,305,747,874 as against $2, 575, 186. 302 for the year before. The operating expenses of the carriers for the period was SS. :?y per cent of the operating reven ues as against 93.93 for the six months period last year. Henry Stull came down this morn ing from Cedar Creek to spend a few hours in this city visiting with friends and looking after some mat ters of business. MRS. O'HARE GIVES TALK In spite of reports to the contrary by state papers, the ravages of the Missouri river at Urownville have been stopped to a great extent, al though some of the rip-rapping work which had been done there has been undone during the past few- days. This report was brought back from Urownville today by a man who visited the scene of the cutting. Had the efforts of the workers on the bank been entirely unavailing, he declared, the entire bank and tracks of the I'.urlington would have been swallowed by this time. The cutting has been deflected farther down the river and the Bur lington tracks now seem safe, al though the signal to proceed slowly along that part of the run is given each time the trains near Urownville. The Wood brothers, of Lincoln, realize, however, that they have a hard job ahead of them. Their big boat is still on the job laying the rip-rap work. Several car loads of coal were unloaded at that point Monday for use on the boat. After the heavy rains of the past few days, the river carried away part of the rip-rapping. It is doing some cutting south of the village now. It will be some time before the river's antics are entirely stopped, but work ers feel confident that in the end they will be entirely successful. People continue to motor to Urown ville in largo numbers to watch the Muddy's capers. Neb. City News. CELEBRATES ANNIVEHSARY From Patur Jay's Dally. Yesterday was the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Seybert of this city and in 1 onor of the occasion there was a most delightful family d'r.ner held last evening at 6 o'clock at the home on Granite street.The dining table was very prettily arranged with the decorations of flowers of the late Grand Island, Aug. 2tl. Mrs. Kate: O'llare has come to this city, made; her address, and gone and little ado has beon made about it. Only a snmlr audience of about 300 attended in an auditorium that would seat four times as many. Not even a single case of heckling took place. -As a result of this fact, those who are familiar! with a conference that was held four; or five days before her appearance j here, are congratulating the Ameri-i can Legion and the city in general,! over the better counsel that finally prevailed,' namely that Mrs. O'llare j was permitted to have'her say unmo-i lested and was in fact deprived of; the advertising any unusual inter-; ference with public speaking invari-' ably affords. For at this conference it was suggested that efforts be taken to prevent the woman from speaking. It was only a conference of five or, six leading members of the Legion,1 the majority of whom, after some de-J liberation, were of the conviction j that non-interference was the best, policy. T.he speaker dwelt almost en- i tirely cn the subject of prison and. prison rctorms. MURRAY Community Picnic at the John Farris Grove, of a mile east of Murray, THURSDAY. Septesnber 1st Come and enjoy a big time with friends and neighbors. Big Picnic Dinner at Noon! Business Houses of Murray Will All Close at Noon. THE LATEST NOVEL The mcst pleasing novel of the year; has been that of Harold Uell Wright' in iieien ot tne uia House, wnicn lias bscn published by the Appleton company and which is now on sale at the Journal office at $2.00 each. Call and secure your copy of one of the most enjoyable pieces of litera ture of the present day. HOME BREW DID IT. Somebody sent the editor of the Gretna Ureeze a few bottles of home brew. The same day he received for publication a wedding announcement and a notice of an auction sale. Here are the results: "Wm. Smith and Miss Lucy An derson were disposed of at public auction at my farm one mile east of a beautiful cluster of roses on her breast and two white calves, be fore a background of farm imple ments too numerous to mention in the presence of about seventy guests, including two milch cows, six mules and one bob sled. Rev. Jackson tied the nuptial knot with 200 feet of hay rope and the bnday couple lelt on summer "while around the festal onex good John Deere gang plow for board the happy family group gath-jan extended trip with terms to suit ered. As remembrances of the event Mr. and Mrs. Seybert received a num ber of gifts of silver from the rela tives. The date was also the twelfth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thomsen, and the joint cele bration proved one of the greatest de light to the members of the rarty. Those to attend the occasion were: Messrs and Mesdames George R. Sayles and family, Andrew Thomsen and family, A. F. Seybert. John Mc Nurlin, Mrs. George E. Sayles. E. G. purchaser. They will be at borne to their friends with one good baby buggy and a few kitchen utensils af ter ten months from date of sale to responsible parties and some fifty chickens." Louisville Courier. From Saturday's Dally. W. A. Stoll and F. A. Hansen of near Nehawka were here today in company with ex-county commission er. Charley Ileebner, and while in the city were callers at the Journal Cooley of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. W. ' office. H. Seybert and family Mrs. Seybert departed today for Chicago accompany her daugh ter. Mr3. C. A. Marshall. Jr.. and called by the serious illness of her son, Jennings, that far on their . brother, Carl Herman, who has been Airs Josenh War era departed this her journey to Dayton. Ohio. quite sick for the past two weeks. Former County Commissioner C. E. Ileebner of near Nehawka was here Mrs. Ben Muenchau and three Murray were in the city for a short 1 children, of aele. who have been time yesterday attending to some here visiting at the home of Mrs. ' today for a few hours looking after matters of business. I Muenchau's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I some matters of business and inci- Jw. T. Smith, will return home Sun-'dently shaking hands with his host Subscribe for the Journal today. day. ' of friends in this city. Extra Specials! Genuine VALDURA Asphalt Black Paint Per Gallon, $1.25 There is nothing to equal this paint for Bridges, Tanks, Silos, Agricultural Implements, Damp Proofing, Boat Bottoms, Wood Preservation, Smoke Stacks. Cloth and Paper and Acid Resistance. In fact, a liberal use of this paint is not only conducive to making muscle,' but is actually cheaper than going to the movies. Genuine RED CEDAR Barn and Shed Poles 5-inch tops, free from bark and straight as the proverbial arrow. Will measure about 12 to 15 inches across the butt. This is an exceptionally fine line of poles and we tender our sincere apologies for such" ridiculously LOW PRICES. 10-fcot length, each $1.10 12-foot leng-th, each 1.30 14-foot length, each 1.60 16-foot length, each 2.00 Just a few left of Tennessee Red Cedar Posts. Extra No. 1, Split, 6V2 eet long at each 38c CYPRESS PICKETS, lxl"x4' , We have about 500 of these pickets left and while they last we will price them at each, 6V2 cents.' NO. 1 SPRUCE SHIPLAP, 8 inch Fine stock, all lengths. Twin sister to the old reliable white pine. Price, per 1000 feet $37.00 Less than 1000 feet, per 1000 40.00 A Thought for the Day The reason people who mind their own business succeed,, is because they have so little competition. Cedar Creek Lumber Co. Cedar Creek, Nebraska