The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 29, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    KODAY, AUGUST 29, 1821.
Nehawka "Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
J. M. Palmer was a visitor in the
county seat last Saturday.
II. F. Krcpp who lias "been sick of
late, is able to be around now and is
improving Steadily.
Mesdames E. A. Kirk pat riek and
D. C. West were visitinr with friend
in Omaha last Tuesday. j
J. S. Rough purchased a new Ford j
Sedan last Tuesday thru the agency,
of the Lurnberg Garage.
P. II. Fields of i'lattsmouth was
looking after some mat ters of busi-!
nes? in Nehawak last week.
Mrs. Joseph Eaton has been vis-1
ning at the hon e of ner siter, .Mrs.
H. L. Thomas, for the past week.
Mrs. J. I). McBride of Omaha, form
erly of Nehawka, was here enjoy
ing a visit with friends last Tues
day. Mrs. li. O. Tucker and sister. Mrs.
C D. McKinney, who have been vis
iting at Benson, returned home last
FY i day.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy of
Wyoming were visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturm over
Fred Smith, salesman for the Pol
lock Auto co. at Plattsmouth. was a
visitor in Nehawka last Friday on
Miss Iielle Boueh. who has been
taking a vacation from her work at
the Sheldon store, returned borne
last Monday.
The Sheldon Factory have been
kept pretty busy during the last few
weeks and have sold and shipped
about 200 mixers.
The Farmers' elevator has been
receiving a great deal of corn lately
keeping the two men there quite
busy in handling it.
Miss Schwartz and Mr'. J. G. Wun
derlich have been the guests for a
few days with Mrs. ('. A. Rosen-cra-ns
of Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Conley of Chi
cago were here visiting at the home
of J. J. Pollard during they stay
returning last Sunday.
Miss Lucy Keifer, who has been
The Lumberg Garage?
Our aim the best possible service in all lines. We
are carrying a full line of auto supplies and accessories, as
well as Electrical Goods and Supplies. Our repair de
partment guarantees the best service.
The Lumberg Garage,
Lester F. WundoHich,
In Basement of Auditorium, Nehawka, Nebraska
Very pleasing patterns in fancy plaids. J.
j'ard. We have just received new romper
hams in the latest designs. Come here and
Dresses and Aprons-
Another reduction on Mina Taylor drcsse and apror.s. The Mina Taylor make is one of the best
known and most eagerly sought of all the many houe dresses on the market today. Every house
wife knows what it stands for in the way ci fit and satisfactory wear. Get your Mina Taylors here.
Men's Union Suits
All over Hatch one-button union suits for men. These are fine, serviceable garments and will be
sold at 75c per suit, while thej' last. Just what you will want for the fall wear. Don't pass this op
portunity up of buying them at such a drastic reduction in price.'
Grocery Phone No.
142 rings
visiting fcr some time- at the 3d. II.
Pollard heme, returned la-t Monday
to her home at Hebron.
Julius Pitz and family were the
guests last Friday afternoon at the
home c.f C rZ. Heebner, spending the
afT.rnccn vry pleasantly. j l;;sr
Mrs. C. W. Snyder is reported n! l.i
being somewhat improved so that! and
she is aloe to be up a portion of tne
time but is still very weak.
Miss Ethel Alberts (.f Lincoln h'?s
teen visiting here for ti e past i w
davs st the home cf friends. She
formerly taught school lure,
Our attention was called to the
excellent floral display in the yard
of Mr. and Mrs. litnry l'.ehrns in Ne
hawka, making a verv beautiful
Mrs. Otto Carroll and two daugh
ter. Tiielma and Mona, of Raw ling-.
Wyoming, are fcere enjoying a i -1 1 ;
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl:
Stone. '
Misses Blanche Creamer and Doris
Maarney were in attendance at the
Methodist Sunday School pirnic last j
Friday afternoon at the grove of'
John Knabe. i
The Masonic Lod-re at their meet-
ing last Wednesday ronftrred the
third degree on Clan nee Hansen and.
t n us obtained another excellent nifin
ber of their loJre.
Lit'le Ella Louise Griffin, daugh
ter of Mr. and -Mrs. II. M. Griffin, is,
who has been slek of late is reponed !
as b ing much. iinprow-el and is ;n
the way to recovery. j
Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J.;
S. Rough and daugh'er. Mi-.- Con-;
tvra. oeparted for Oakland where:
they v ill vi-:t with their daughter. .
Mrs. Elizabeth Feasor.. :
Mis.-es Myrtle a nil Helen Creamer
were visiting in Lincoln las' Friday,
and on Saturday went to a frat sup-
per of the Ashland higla srlio.-l of
which Mbs Myrtle graduat-.-d. ,
The Neliawka Mills have 1 c- n
running st e.-'diiy lately with ihe -cej.'ion
of last week having r.ti:-? a
large amount of work on hand. This'
We repair all
makes of
Batteries, in fact
we conduct a
Service Station.
Free Testing!
Vafsr Service Free!
wi t, w.
ftm mi i mi I itmm iiini.
. av
7 g? L U
mm r vry
! pounds
: pi-- f
i -Mr-:.
very encouraging to the pec
the surrounding community.
Kui;er.e Xurt'man. who ha-
been at the hospital ;ii Omaha where
tli re was born unto hi r and hr
h tisbanu a little son. ret timed home
Tuesday accompanied by little j
'ji", they .are both feeling fine I
are sioppmir ai -l tie ;:ome oi ne!
ten: .
r. and Mrp. ('. I). S. John.
Making; Good
In the k
Nehawka 1
tiny h:ve
jiiti'y lair
good teams
last sevv
:a:)"s that the
ball team h:is played
-t but one. This is ;.
record, eor.sidt ring the
they have play-d.
Dr. Brer.dfi S-me Eetter
Ir. B. F. P.rer.del. who has bee r,
seriously sick for the past week tool;
; a t u vn for the be.ter la.- Friday and
; hi- temperature which ha- be.n verv
i I i ii iv;in!!i"l to normal and he wa.
'apparently re-ting easy.
Irvestmcnt in Amusement Project
Lee Bate and Janus Blake ha
rec-nily pnrcha-ed tt:e merry
ri.und whiih has betn Use pro;.
! y
f the rl ul Tie iirr-i . r.-ii
yr. P.:
T ba
ils sort
to con-
had n::i 1: ex p'-ri
n ; e wit h 1 1
f w ork a n 1 i
duct i.
v. eel i't i I ilied
Country CI iviuets
Last Wednesday ihe Country Club
h-ld a : interest ing sessian at
tht ho'ne if Frank Sehlictt nieier
and w hich v. as largely attended by
1 i.e mem bers.
t ere : i nir f rog
laitod at m-
Mi-- K.lna S:
Thev had a very
am and
:eon by t
!i was a
were e
if ho-t i
rue-t o
O'llrn Piotitcr
1 S!tlei-' 'i nir
i:; F. Hoback wa
co':ie 1
,s i;. .1
nee i-
S a -1
! a v i :
at the gai h ring.
thi count i v in "
nearly a
111 !
ig ht-re.
Horr Pi cm tlie YTest
Mr-, and Mr- R. C. Pollard and
; o i uinhiMV. Virginia and Pauiine.
ho i ave been in 'he we?t for the
pa-t few n) where they visited
ninr.y places of inter(-st. arrived lr me
in--: Monflav after having
wer T
pleasant trip to th coa-t
tin- Nonthern r-u:e :ir-d
ia the liorthern route.
sdnir Xicely
The three rew dwelling.- at
being built in Neliawka a thi- tit;
r making substantial progress ar
oon be
adv for habit
: ion.
Was Fcrne Sqitas!:
itrnsh planted in the garden
of !
R v. (
its nv
t b ene-.-
a sto; a
E M.
o a w
s tne
::e not
How tree
-.v.-.-r-rv f,
ontent. wit
he fence at:
where it :
:-t iti ihe ai
Mcthodist PicTiic a
(iioa :'
The Me'!:o-;
- u :i ; v
a picnic Ue : Fr:
7 lie grove near t
Krab", where a m
was had. They 1
lunch .-rid enjoyed
tahincr f'f their in
the grove.
at tern oon :.t
I.e lo.n.e of Otto
--t (ielightful tiiue
ad brought their
very mttch in
the cool t-had'
r. Ti"(-.i' ,v. -Seta
will b-L-ii! the
. :ih. Mis;
fall term
: Olive :
of b'-i-:
? in music.
The William Sherwood method
harmony taue'it. Telephone "Ii2.
a22-2w daw-
Certified Ks.nrel wheat. SI. 50 rer
bushel. Alvin Ratnge.
st the thincr fcr School dresses.
tli, percctlcs, light drab, gray
t us suppljr j'our needs.
S& K X SS3
t 5, ric&
Do You Need
a Well?
We are prepared to ink a well'
yea at any Time anu any piace.
Do not fear to
us .or any size
contract, or anywhere
lieliawka, IJetraska.
Phone us at!
Easfrich Lawrsnos, j
Natural Laws
seal the concrete vault, mak-:
ing it imprevious to writer.;
This is the only burial vault,!
which perfectly keeps out;
water from the cas cet. Call
iHlsr & Grubi
for service on burial vaults.
Nehawka, Nebraska
B Vma Vii Q- 1
LS V . 555 luU
We can get to your
though in a short time,
member our woik and
terials are the best.
ch Jr ZL 9
! Nehawka
V -a
Call us for quotations on grain
and for reservations for de
livery. Nehawka Farmers' Grain Co.
We are also carrying all
grades cf
iOrilln's Restaurant
Fine line of Candies, Cigars
and Soft Drinks. Ice Cream
! served in quantities.
"federal Fresh Bread"
Still foing at ISc per
;nd apron cheel
U Vi g
Dry Goods Phone
14 3 rings
1 A..S
,.,. wm Enmmell and Mrs. J. F.
Wehrbein Entertain in Honor
of Florence Eummell.
Last Thursdny afternoon the beau
tiful country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Will R immell was the scene of a
most celithifnl rat hiring when Mrs.
Rummell and llr J. H. Wthrbein
stave a miscellaneous shower in honor
of Mis Florence Rummell, whose
marriage to Mr. Harry B. Hall. as-(
si-rant cashier of the Bank of Beav
er City, wiil occur in the early fall, j
The afternoon was spent in sew-,
til. for v. hieh Mrs. Martha Bau-.
ri'ci-ter and Mrs. Theresa Halmes re-1
'eived priz".-. for the best work. Mu
sical numbers were furnished by the
Misses Minnie. Freda and Edna.
K linger. j
In honor of the occasion, the bride-:
to-be received many handsome pres- j
cuts, vhicn will be treasured by her,
during the years to come. At a suit-1
able hour dainty refreshments were;
si-rvd that added to the enjoyment
of the guests who were present.
Those in attendance at the picas-;
ant event were Mesdames II. F. Beck-'
cr. John Bauer. Jr.. J. F. Wolff. Ed
j Rummell. Adam Stoehr. Georsre Born.j
i .loan h:i eno'Tiver. Herman uranain.
(). M. Kintz. Philip Hirz. C. F. Val
lery, M. P. Fiemintr. Julius A. Pitz.
Albert Wheeler. John' Wehrbein. O.
! C. Rhodes. Martha Baumeister. John
: Rutherford. Margaret Wehrbein. Ida
;Tritsch. Cwo Klinger. Philip
j Kehne. Irt nry Nolting, Fred Guen-
tber. Louis aril Lgenoerger. jseine
Schutz d' Murdock, Emil Rikli of
Murdoch. John T. Lyon. George A.
Ka f!'i nherger, August Kaffenberger.
He-nry Hesse. Homer Black. August
Nolting. A. F. P.raun. Will Nolting.
Fritz Kehne. J. N. Halmes. Fred
Buechler, Ed Tritsch. Henry Horn.
John P. Meisinger. William llaftke
of Omaha. John Parkening. Katie
Heil. Frank Parkening and Misses
Le.'Tia Becker. Margaret Bauer.
M(-nia Annette Wolff. Mildred and
Verna Stoehr. Kathryn Hirz. Grettal
ilackenbei g, Mildred Fleming, Emma
and Elizabeth Hirz. Elizabeth Ts
cl.irren. Alberta Rboades. Grace
.- of Murilo'-k. Helen Hirz. An
na and Helen Heil. Mina E. Kafi'en
tterger of Lincoln. Anna Rys. Rose
)-r(i!r;4-;i, Norene Schulhof. Marie
Svoboda. Marie Pdack. Tillie Halmes.
Bora Nolting, Blanche, Helen and
Marjorie Braun, Elizabeth and Marie
Noli ing. Elvera P.crn. Adelia Tritsch,
. Borotby Halmes, Kathryn and Verna
Rickli of Murdock. Estelle Parkening.
?dinnie. Freda and Edna Klinger. le
lores. Bernese and Ellen Kaffenberg
er and Mes-rs. Albert Wheeler. Guy
F. Heil. John Wehrbein. Walter
Tritdi. Howard Hesse. Fritz Nois
ing. Weldon Stoehr. Arnold Buech
ler, Earl William Haffke of Omaha.
Barnard Klinger, Frederick Schutz.
Gilbert Hirz. Ralph. Frederick and
Franklin Wehrbein.
Ladies gold wrist watch and brace
let, on Old Settlers Reunion grounds.
Finder please notify Mrs. Rue H.
Frans. Union, and receive reward.
Hyde Park. Vt.. Aug. 2 6. A half
century of public service entitles a
mzn to a rest. I'nited States Senator
Carroll S. Page said today in an
nouncing that upon completion of
his present term in March 1923. he
would not be a candidate for re-election.
He felt, he said, that he had
done his full duty, addmg that he
was the oldest member of the senate
and that when his term expired he
wi uld have entered upon his eighty
first year.
Yonr ad will carry punch if you
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exaggerations.
Benefits for
Every Farm
X RIGHT light for houses;
economical power for
farm machinery and house
hold appliances all this made
possible by Willys Light.
A practical" electric plant
run by the famous Willys
Knight sleeve-valve motor,
air cooled and burns kerosene.
Automatic starting and
stopping. Improves with use.
Call to see this plant. We
will gladly demonstrate.
Nehawka, Nebr.
Glen York visited with friends in
Plattsmouth the first of last w-xk.
Herman lail was nnKing a i er j
some bus-tr.c-: s mattt-rs in oniaua on
M'.n day.
Miss. Louise Bourke of York -waited
several day last v;c k at the lionie
(jf l)an Bourke.
A. Stcinkamp was looking a ftr
some l::si:isr matt rs in V,; ejdn.
Wa'tT Wedio.-'hiy.
airs. J. C. Raath returned home on
Thursday evening from a visit with
a sister residing in Iowa.
Mike OLcary. the ball player,
was lookfng after some bu.-ines mat
ters in Omaha Thursday.
Frank Hetlif. county co- ; -ibl
was in -vi an ley last i nursiiay t anking
after some b";al matter.--.
Peter Vogler and Herman Ball I
were called to Lincoln Wednesday to
look after some bu-iness mutters.
Mrs. J. L. Burns was in Omaha
last Tuesday :i:-.d Wednesday, pur
chasing Iter fall slock of millitjery.
Her bert Thacker w ho h,.s be- ti do
ing track work for the Missouri Pa
citic. is taking it lay-of; in ord r to
put up his hay.
Tbeo. Harms was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
Thursday, making the trip via the
Missouri Pacific.
Herman Rauth was assisting the
Weeping Water team to win from
Eagle last Thursday, the aan.e being
played aT Eagle.
Charles Craig and wife and E. A.
Burns end family, of Plattsmouth.
were visiting at the homo f J. L.
Burns and wife on last Wednesday
Mrs. Evans and daugh'er. Wilma.
who have been visiting here for some
time past, went to Omaha last week
to visit at the home of a brother of
Mrs. Evans.
Mrs. R. Eerginr n and little daugh
ter were visiting lor sistir. Mrs. Sain
Nift singer and l.usban,t. at
w lie re Mr. Nift singer is agent for the
Missouri Pacific.
M. Neihart and wife left a few
days ago on a vacation trip of two
weeks. Buring their absence, pert
Mason of Weeping Water will h in
charge of the section work here.
John Fleischman has completed
some carpenter work at the home of
Frank Bergman, and will build a
corn crib on the August Pautsch
farm to accommodate the large crop
being raised there by Oris Schliefert.
The Weeping Water baseball team,
comprising a number of Manley play
ers, has entered the state tournann 'it
to le played at Lincoln during state
fair week and we look for the boys to
give a good account of themselves.
The only other Cass county team
entered is that from Greenwood.
One of the hardest fought games
of baseball played here this season,
was that between Manley and the
M. E. Smith team of Omaha a week
ago Sunday. The final tally was S
j. S. Case
I am making some very attractive prices on J. I.
CASE farming machinery. Grain prices cannot go so
lew but what you wiil find our goods in line. We are
making a specialty of furnishing repairs fcr any and
all kinds of farming machinery. Call and see us.
Weeping Water and Greenwood Hzll
Teams to Compete in State
Tournament There.
Sixteen teams are entered in the
state baseball tournament to be held
at Lincoln during the state fair, ami
the success of the venture is practic
ally assured, says the Lincoln State
Journal. In addition to seven teams
of the Lincoln city league there are
entered Wilber, Beatrice, Greenwood,
Ceresco. Hickman, I'.urr, Weeping
Water, Fort Crook Soldiers and the
Ilavelock LSoilermakers.
It was first planneel to have the
tournament start on Labor day. but
the committee has now decided to
stage the opening contests of Sunday,
September 4th. Two of the fast out-of-town
teams will battle with two
of Lincoln's best teams on that day,
it is announced. The final games are
to be played on Saturday, the last
day of the state fair.
The Lincoln Amateur baseball as
sociation is sponsoring the tourna
ment and all profits made, if any,
will revert to the treasury of the as
sociation to aid in paying off the debt
incurred in building Kock Island
Duroc Jersey yearling boar, $2Z.
John Deere sulkj- plow. $15. Also 3
head of work horses.. Phone 291C.
Clifford Roberts.
a23-6d, 2w
FOR.SALE 5-room house. 1 block
from high school. Chas. W. Hula,
phone 12G-W tfd
Blank books, Journal office.
to 7 in faor of Man ley, but there
.-' r.o time during tjo game vdn-ti
it cor. M b" saf'-lv said tit Iter team
-,v:; : .t-e: e of w i i: : i :: 'V.
Hakes C:ar.g-e in Business
Walt'-r F. Fro - t. 1 he ni :1 and
ero-raitie yoing bo-in--.-; Man, who
has made so h a rocee--- of th" luni-
r an 1 hardware biisiue.-s in Man
1 v. !".s sobl bis in t ere: i to hi- form
er ; :riiiets. George f'iryca anil John
.lurte-, r.f Alvo. Cliniu-''' Curve. i
of Alvo. and John Crane, ef Sutton.
who is to be tie new If. 1! a 'J e , Were
in M, ah y Tborsday taking in-.entory
of i.'-.e lorl;. and Mr. crat e remained
1 to. aftrr the lot'-Miess.
Mr. Fro-t i- undecided jo-' what
I : wi!! do. although he intends t i
;i-uae i n. '!.!- lir.e oi bll ile'- -; in
i he ie... i f.-,. months. His d'"-iioii
to r' le.e.c frctn this vicinity v ill to t
1 jba-ir.a- to the many friends be
l.a- Ioto. but w lo r', vr i:e m-t-t.
i. th-- (,,.. v. isl:es of the;.- friends
v ill follow him.
Mr. Crane, tie new manager, appear-,
to be :i very likeable young
roan a:- 3 epo-s to maintain 1 he
hiah service of the institution.
Are Seeing: the West
Messrs and Mesdames Au-' isl and
Frank Stander i"lt Thursday via the
auto route for the Golden V.e.-t, an, I
expeejed to camp along the v, ay and
see Ihe country a la back to nature.
They vill be lone about two -weeks,
and tin ir trip will take- t!ie:n into
.1-e leoun'ains. with :!opi- at E'-te--:
Park. O'Tivcr. Colorado Spri.igs and
ot her points of interest.
Bid Not Ceet the Helens
A number of young people hereabout-
ihou-hl to make' a raid on
t'o- wate-rme, !o;i pate h of All:'Ust Stan
ier '"i'rc.s,l,iv i. i l: t . but when they
had go'ten into the patch, a gruff
vol, re said. "Rands up," and with one
accord they pointed toward the stars,
which we're- dimly visible through
t be hazy darkness. We' d'd not in
quire v ho lle-v were arid maybe- we
v. ould not 1 n itifotme'd if v. e
had, but it is '.aid all changed color
so r, aiplet ly that no li t was re
qnired to see their faces in the- pitch
aaikiie;s of night. No one lost bis
if, neither dlei anyone j-.-t a melon.
Shipping Much Grain
The shell; n tr of ho t j oar's corn
crop has occupied the- enter of the
stage .luring the past ten days and
some- fifteen cars were shipped last
we-. l; from Mai-ley. live being s--nt out
Thursday. Manley bus always borne
the reputation of being a good town
for the selling of grain, and from
the wny the corn has been p.iuring in
it looks like it is losing none of its
importance" as a grain shipping ccii
l( r.
Woman for general housework.
Steady work for riht party. Mrs.
Frank M. Hester. daw-tf.
Lose anything? Fini anything?
j Try a Journal want-ad.
j . , .
Pouitry Wanted!
A car. load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car mar
the r.urlington freight house, I'latts
m;uth, on Thursday. Sept. 1, for
day only, for which we will pay the
Hens, per lb -19c
Springs, per lb 19c
Old Cox, per lb -Cc
Ducks, per lb 17c
Turkeys, per lb 24c
Remember the date. We will be
on hand rain or diine and take care
of all poultry offered for sale.