The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE se?
PLATTSMOTrrn semi weekly joup.nai
(loot Taste. Efficiency ami Sentiment
hnter Into Work of Graves
Registration Service.
A'ti. . lll-l i.-.l
Tli' while onuses under which I he
A. K. I', left its Ucad in lands beyond
I lie sea are far from as manv as they
11 months iisn. .Many
nuls of t li fin have disappeared
;;entle slopes of Mritain.
'1 th Rhine, as tin bodies
.. ere
t hou.s
from th
Prance ;
over which t li f crnssfs slooi! have
been I u U on up, casketed ami con vnyi d
home across flu- Atlantic to America.
I!y the express wish oi the next of
Kin in .-:!! em's .",;. O 'o bodies are to
be brought back to their native soil
(-fore the task is complete, am! some'
J".mmi n:or" i. re to re ;t forever with
in the bound.', of the ,. K. 1 Coun
try, being I!!nni'ir to tie four per
manent c iii.-k -rif.. in Prance lal
bau Wood. KiMKitte. S i r i ; ati'l
'omv. ,
The prut-ram for the return of the
."o.ioiu i; now nearly two thirds com
plete a.-.ii it is difficult to find fault
with t I.:- vav t !. iovi-rtimeiit ami it
I..IMOI ai-eits liir.x in the Work is
fund iotiil.:. 1'h'f. ha- been little. j
if any cri t ic is- m of their methods.!
iiilioiisi the living aboard ship t . . . t t .
eiew and passenger. lowai.I
mute wooden symbols f sacrifice
that prevent anything like uie eem
(Ulg levity or ifidlil'ereiii'e
Finally tli- A. K. P. dead eoiue to
jiohokej). the gateway to Ain. 1 1. a
ami home through which the multi
tude of their companions In arms
preceded them From here they ate
.-hippi-d to rilmt iim points, of
which On, aha is hut one. From Ihc
iim" if arrival in Moboketi. and evni
m-tore. the War Depart lVetit is in
touch with the relatives, unite a few
of whom travel across the continent
to meet the incoming bo.!ie.- and ai
comiianv theia on the lasr strn'i el
the homeward journey.
Another instance of the lilting
man her of their rcturr. is reflected in
the fact that
uniformed guard ac
companies each and every flag-draped
ta.-ket to its dual destination,
i Coming f' the matter of the recep
tion given the dead hy the tem-ral
public, it is ;i -ource of y, r.i t i tica t ion
to note the hoimr paid to those who
:a ' r
: urn
I v.
tua y
one i
i heir all on the alter of ilevo
ti tlag ;.!id c.-ti'i'ry. Their rc
hri nt's anew the s t i t-1 1 of I !i 1 7-aroife-:
patriot ic li-rvor and is
I, v of cm rv consideration that
he shown
ere iie.s today if! stale m t
of the ('ass county court
.1 these hodies IMv.ard
FYniii Saturday's Pally.
Frank Hansen and wife of near
Nehawka. were in the city for a
short time lodav looking alter some
business matters.
V. II. Fills and (iCorge Nickels ot
Murrav were in the city for a short
time todav attending to some mat
1 ers of husiness.
.Mrs. Rose Kennedy of Central
Citv. .Nebraska, came in last evening
lo attend the funeral services of her
sister. .Mrs. lit hecca Kennedy.
Ilenrv A. (.iiilhinann anil family of
Murdo:-k were in the city -today en
j. ying a visii :u uif nome oi .irs.
F. It. (iuthinaiin and dauuhter. Miss
Miss Margaret Alhert departed
this for Shreid;in. U'yuiii
i ii X . where slie noes t; join a parly
(1 lin-nd-. who are plannini; a trin
the west and which will includ
a tour or t.'ie ramie coast cities.
.Mi-'s Alhert expects to he ah-elll un
til Septellthcr.
iinusH, .iiiiv .-. tiovernor l.en
hiiiall remained in refuire here to.l:.v
Afler twenty hours of hide and seek
with newspapermen. the indicted
"hief executive of Illinois was located
in conlerence here with his niton, ..v .-
ind political allies.
either ii! e.Vliiihii
paring them for
iiiK tl.'iu at li
them to the do--io-huriim
isi la ted cases, as
M Wll 1 . re llili-il i
d led . I hi-rc ha o
hitches ill Mo- p
Th curt -ospomP
Kut land t Kn
ni; the
Im'Ki li.
rc-l lii'
Tllie. is inevi
rs are
ra m.
in of t ht
iio.iios. pre-
ii t. oonvoy
forw ardini;
urrnat mi;
U some lew
ilal !e w h-ee
to ! han-
sollle sli;:ht
Si a m ford f
vvs. after
le CC
il Ml'
. Kip
;d -. i i I 4 "ass county m;.n lo tall
a : :i it inn tin- tuneial of Sinel.iv af-
'ei.iHill. When 1'l.lU- I'loUl It peOfdl
trthtite lo the Iliehlli.-V ol
olM- the weathered whit
lo ti:i
j . i! ! p-v
' worthy
j Otto hy
CI os-e ; of
, way as I h
t he i-st field
fiei: i i ra I in;i
di -iiiioi ii, nl
a - I o 1 1 o w s :
"The uork
Most i -, .-ri ! I
parly i.l Ai.k-
opi rat ions of the (irave..
Service ill the solilii ol
lid l',ave his ililjil'i -sio!!.-
il.-ides are irivin
re hein- removed
lilt l-t.1 lll-ll f.h 11.1. I f...l Cl.ll.... ....
Il'i I I I III II ll II. I 111 I III .-..111.- I'l
(rehuria! in the permanent French
o!iieieri.-s. and through it all one
cannot help hut marvel at the effioi-
, enr manner in wnie!i the work is
proceed nr.: and I lie pride and :i!lec
lioll exhihited hy the general puhlic
toward those mule lest imohials of
a Mil lie Well pel formed.
was c.ii'rii
maiiiior I
:c;'ii men.
olll 111
I ireC jl,a of I I,( I
tary authorities.
el,!. !! ll 111! ii ers.
" I ha I pi.ri ion of e
intern. el-! s took j.lace
w'.'as e; , . l..,l f
view, and the pul.lie
li: i 1 f l d to the Cl-liie! IT .
nil f I
v. ho
ii mli
Si ale:
v en
d's cre
I during;
III li'"
w I
1 1 !
t !:
pel la I
-r the
- mili-
1 1 pr
w here
1 : 1 s i
pal. lie
i 1-
Washington. July 'S. 'ha i rina n
Johnson placed today in the records
of the Ionise immigration commit fee
iioariii'-'r in conned ion w ith pro
posals that Chinese lahor lie permit
ted to enter the Hawaiian islands
tiiiil- r restrictions hi meet the lahor
siiuatiou then-, a telegram from .John
1'. Irish of San Francisco, sent in re
ply to state-iients recent y t lej;rapli-
eo ine commiiiee uy . s,. .ic( all ch v
I il !
!:o. .J.!
vole ill" atle'i!!,
to I 1 y ei I u.-i.Ul '
im-lmliiii; ili(. j
returned aeaili'-f
' rat liin
as r;,i
means i
f . I ii i 11 o
wore in progress. Kacli -ot';in
ei frotn its re;tin; place hy
I" ropes. Tlieri the lid was
:'. and the ImhIv. after heim;
(fi-ili!ecleii. w;:- carefllllv wrapjied in
;i khaki sheet aiid lilted inio a .inc,
ami -o;.per lined shell. A disc ln-ir-i
iii.u ill'- name of the departed soldier:
i,S pilllleij . t.e -heet. afl'1 l!o-
wiioo- v. as utaff-; .iti w.'iiie ma
terial. A de-nod metal lid was then
I'l.ii'-'l.ini tie- .-K-ll and herii;et i,-., i
: eali-il do w n .
"Kaeh -he was a f I or w a id- in-
hi-.-.A, a i.-ut
I t ea: nr-r.
There was
ii !d f-i ii i a
I. W lo-re
f"i- his artosf.
V. cut the peopl
!ssui-..(,-- said
I will net . iejd
-!'. Governor I-n
today he would de
li 1 s I a I !mis i n ess
r :i!l oi her matters.
adicl ilil-lits rro'lil 1
hiii char-iim em-
'. i
I a Ills
, nat io
i aut hority
ill! en - J s
I a ri'r
i-idi at ion w hen In
he in pit ol at Sjri nn
sherill" hold- war-
in mv
Illinois to
"nl ernor.
li lo-d coffin
tout woo-tell
r 1 1 an-ship-
sl nod
m! i::1
oil the
closed i'l a he t if::!l I
V. h ieli u a - il:teed ,i a
packili", case read f
(ilol ,
"A lar'-e motor lorry
drive dose a' !::!!. ::
;,!; ,-as. wa l.fted am) the vehicle
thou jefr direit tor Southampton,
from which port the cotfins are he
in.u shipped. (ui arrival the coffins
v. ill he ready for i 'iim' d iat e reiiuria I ."
'J'iiis iii.-ri-. jiomli-tit is put alone in
his favorahle ni: pre.,.- ion of the wav
ill whih the work on t ho ot hT side
is Numerous reports from
repre.-entativ-s of ii." American K d
t'ro.-:. iae American I.eion, the
War D' .ari meiii ai d man private
dot i-rm i-
oerc!.-e my const i i u I miia I
to permit no set of men (r
to interfere ill 1 In' lii-rl'iirni.
jaaoe of mv tlutv. I win invoke everv
IpOW.I Of the ,,, .a f).iV t();.
Morrupt and sciiomin- ai;ehis of iho-..
in wiio wa I stand."
of Sacramento. .Mr. Irish sisserie
Mr. .McCaltchy had sent li.i;ures as t
.lapaiies,. irriareu i.-inu in
California which were not -orrec
nd added:
tin-; sort misrepresentation
is M. t en ili-il to deceive coii".res,s and
poison eastern puhlic opinion Tin
Japanese, hv hard work. have n
i . . . . . i . ... i . . .. .....
i.iiineu io proiiticiivc lerillltv lllori
h.irtoii land than thev have secured
"I heir a-o war nod .McCa Itchy am
his conspirators aL'aimt i lit eriia t ioii-
1 peace lie it flieir lalse ami viluper-
Hive attacks on the .Japanese would
ha. I to moh violence. This re?, nil
i. as coiiie in i ue liiceliiliai y mirnint;
of live houses of J ipaaese ill Fresno
ami ll.e kidnapping of Japanese ami
Hi i-eats against their live;.
"It niiuht in.'i,.st ti,,. committc
to kn.iA who is iiileroslo-l in the di
piessioii oi siock in Hawaiian suj-ar
plantat inns and what will he the f
feci of exiondinLV the California con
: piracy to thai territory."
Wash i n i: i on
pi.piilal i':i is
horn of A. in
per i j-nt lorei
July 2'J.- - Kansas'
7'i.i; per cent American
ricaii parents and H".-l
n horn or native linrt:
.linv J
'.'d ;a
w ij.ed
fo: r;e
1 A o pe; -a
( ioud hii rs:.
oill Keliiail.
II miles vs
;srly t
acii i ii ".
vlay a--Oma!ia
individuals fiillv h
There are many.
111-.-, to the i t T i 1 1 ii i n w hie!, the :
l.lll.ill the ie.,d h:i
w h i ! a . a it i Ui5 .-hi os
ol her ide. w hot h-r
laverjiool. Antwerp. Kresi. st. Na
zaire or any otln-r. The nu n on hoard
th" Iran, ports convoying shipments
of tin- ip ad across ihe ocean. te us
that the iiin.-t scrupulous care is
taken i-i the handling of the hoxes;
tha' thev are never left without the
proier KH.inl and that there is
ci rtain feelini: of pride and fleet i
. V i
son- wet,-, diov.
iiia: pract icillv
Wyi... a villa-."-
oi Spearfi.-ii. S.
crdiui; ,o advi
i ii i ; a ! r riioon.
Tie- known d-a-l are M Win
l'.o.vor. .Mi-s'.uri Valley, la., and Jo.'in
Imwer, !i-r rjiinl-i.ii, C:iadro:i. N-h.
'I!.- two were memhers of a tourist
party hound for VeH.nvst :,nc park
had e l , ( i - n ii.., I r,.w ti...
t ot his tes:.-i: : .'"r.1" 111
- . i . . . i unti li t I i.tifti'
'ion ,), t ie d,-at!i of his'i
, .-oi lecoivou if.uav I v r. I.oiov
Mow. r of Ciiadron. The i,dy of the
II ,t he, :i i l-,ielci. A relief
' Chadroii this ..fioriioon ov
I' and N'ort h wciern
en with supplies for the vistims.
will he several dav s l...f .i-.. .,-!....
.-omiiiui'ications can lie estahlislu-d,
it is r.-poited. Stragglers' entering
Sjiearlisli told of destruction hv final
Which wiped out in act io-. 1 1 .
!se consist intr of a hoot
-. loss m livestock
the Spearfisi:
reports stated.
ol foreir-n parents, the census hiiteau
ai.noutice.l today. .Hurint-r the last
decade the m -ro population increas
ed T.J per ( em. ae.aiust .i; per cf nl
i'lti-.-ee i- l!n- liit.s. Tie Mate
' i.i::ain- j ; , i, iiiiliaiis
Has 2Iever Seen Their Equal
Chicauo. July js. Where is Ken
Small? The indicted Illinois oV,..-.
nor who star, ds chaiiMed with eni-
he..linn huue sums of Mate inoiiov
had droiiped from sinht lodav
After speiuhn;., Wednesday in Chi-
cao in constiltat ion with his poli
tical menus ami lepal advisers. Ho
governor was sumioxod to h:ive hfi
ior ins mmie at Kankakee last nii ln
I tie tram Small is supposed to hav
Kiivt-u. on aiiivini; ai iaiiKaKee. was
met hy his wife and other memhers
ot his 1 ;i In 1 1 v. The "dvermir ili.l .,.i
appear. Mrs. Small, apparently much
worried, was meeiine, every train to
day, hut the governor has l':,il...l to
i r rive.
.Mrs. Small said Ihe governor was
not in Kankakee and said she did ium
know where h" was.
Friends and advisers of the -over-lior
liere said he had .".one either to
Kankakee or Springfield. The execu
live Had no' arrived at the slate
All Chicago newspapers who l,ad
squads of men trailiu:; the governor
while he was here, admittedly lost
track of the executive follow in" I he
eoiiclilsioll ol his conference at tin
Congress hoi el vesterdav.
Ill ;Uile quarters 11 was helieveil
inai i ne strain and worry ol events
of the past few davs had can-ei
mends ol the governor to advi -e him
to seek some secluded sla.t for :i fni
lavs' rest hefore l a I. ini; hir; next slop
o iiuht ihe court order of hi arn-.-i.
Th" j.-ovi-rnof has made no .Mate.
Hie. oi IIIS OOSIMoll SlllCe IIS olti-l-
surrender himself to Shorin' Ilenrv
.Me-t.-r of S.i 11 c.a moil coiiutv in Cl-i-
i.s o. Since ihe s!:eri;f turned down
this proposal throiu;li i.-ar the l-ov
rnor would hrinu halx'as corpus pro
eedinj; hefore a "friendly" jnd"e ia
'hica.Lio and escape ihe indictments.
neither the executive or his attor
neys have indicated what their i.evi
p will he.
Sheriff .Most or at Spriti-tlield i -
lealed today that he will await the
governors reiiini to Surinir'ield
it he ii t w o da v s or i w o
hefole (,.- vvill alt.-aipt to
tail Lie:::: on cars
' -j -i-;::-Is--:----f4v?,.4..-.v,A
, f Repnliiican
j ---S j;-A-fc4Mi!.
Fit st Complaiiit is Filed ami All wil
be Compelled to Observe This
Part of Law in Future.
force com
w it h
The strict enforcement uf th
Hon of the law reKardin- the
on the rear of automobiles was
td last evenini;- hy t ),,. p,,lj,.,.
ol the citv ami iu-rv in i..
ptdled in the future to comolv
the law in this m-nier
representative of the stat
enforcement depart mem w .s
vesieruay and stated that.
' o see l fiat I ns m, ri ,r i
.'itf.rced would he made and that
veryone who drives a cur u-onl.l
have to see that thev
or siill.-r the eotiseq ueiice.
C. A. Johnson has iliMrnel-
I the police to see that this is strict-'
' enforced and the police officers i
til haul in anyone in the future
wiui violates t lie III es :,s
ivhtS. A 111 tile warn in-. 1
I veil of Hie ma i ITt and Ihos,
.McXiirlin were
Tlirsdav niorn-
serious illness
' son. Charley,
that she was
e 1 a vv
law was
e law
.Ma vol
to the
las been
lail to comply ami ::et pinched can
have only themselves to blame as the
oilicers have the law to enforce and
'' it re.uardhss of whom the
persons violaliim the law may be.
Mr. ami .Mrs. Arthur Hoffman
dime over to I'lattsmouth Sunday
to take home .Mr. Hoffman's mother,
-Mrs. Andrew Hoffman, who had been
spending a week hero.
-Mr. and .Mrs. li. I).
(Called to Omaha this
isiS" on account of t In
of the wife of their
.The message stated
not expected to live.
I (iciii'Ke Sraats, at one time a Weep
ine. Water boy. but a resident of
I'lattsmouth for 4 0 years, called on
his cousin. .Mrs. Kd Jewell, Saturday,
and was shaking hands with old time
acquaintances in town while passing
i ii i oil..; 11 I'll roil I e io I'.airie in Com
pany with .M. S. UriMKs."
John .McKay returned Tuesday
eveuiii", lrom Kmibali county, where
he had been looking after harvesting
ami i i.rcsniii", ot it. c. Fry's K'.O
acres or wheat w hich he ot harvest
ed, threshed and delivered to the el
evator in a week's time. The rain
was taken from the header to the
threshinir machine. The yield was
about I'd bushels. John said he met
a number of eastern Nebraska people
w bile out t here.
'lite stone wails that inclose the
walled cities of China have nothing
on th- Mono barracades that now
surround WVepinjr Water on the
oiith and east. The stone barracades
n qu Miou are the stony roads on the
For Sale!
1913 Ford Touring $100
1916 Ford Touring 135
1916 Ford Coupe 315
1917 Ford Touring 175
1920 Ford Touring (starter) 375
5 passenger Buick 350
Cadillac, 7 passenger, fine con
dition, good tires, extra tires. 475
T. H. Pollock Auio Co.
I'eter l-tirid and Hoyle hills south of
town and on the Lefler liill east of
town. The Miller hill southeast was
also had, but has been repaired some
hy farmers of the vicinity. It is cer
tainly fierce that such roads have to
lie put up with in these civilized
times. If we had enemies we had to
keep out they might he a good thing,
for they sure would be effective.
Here's hoping the county commis
sioners will see to fixing these places
mighty soon.
Miss Marion Manzy was among
those going to Omaha this afternoon
to visit for a few hours there with
Between Forty and Fil'tv from Tin
coin Will Come Down Tomor
row on a Stnry Trip.
liel her
VV eeks.
Ve th
I '.el Wo
from Ihe f
Lincoln are
villi tomorrow
eiahle. for a
lorlv and filly students
iiiversily of Nebraska at
evpeetiti.e, to visit Louis-
1 1 the w i-:i t her is fa v -
t lid y of ueoL-ra oh ic
form- and of the different imhis
ol which our neighboring town
boasts. The trip will be made b
auto, and will be under the super
vision of .Mi.,, ip-r Anderson of the
department of goo.". ph v of the uni-
er-il .
A sfud.v of the Salt Creek vall.-y
from l.iueoln io Ashland, and of tin
i'iaii" valley from there to Louis -vill
- will I,,, made. The sand dredges,
-tone quarries and sand -lone caves
v. ill l.e inspec ted. I'l.lCi s of interest
lii be visile. I include the piite-y
plan' ai Louisville and tin- state lish
hatcheries. Studios will lie made of
the tlood plains and terraces of Salt
ere! k and the I'latt" river, outcrops
Ol S'one Mi the I'kltle vllev II...
lull land, the loess bllllVs. I lie loess
Hps. Ihe crop conditions and ihe in
111. t lie..
too. to bear wit
. .... I -.1 I
a on o: ui-r i v man- t
oeiI cot: :s t oil- i
v o h. en ca red tor 1 1 ; ,,
port s on t lo- ,.r , ;
u;:i -
a nd
i ii
"1 1:
ii u-eii i tiamtx r lam s lab cr
r Mom.u-n trouble, biliousness ;iin
mst i pa i jot! off and 0:1 for th" past
iK-; or seen t pi i r
tr nt honed mv
ton yiiir... I hitvi
equal yet. Thev
dlva-stion. relieved me of
. .. . I l.l .. . . . : 1 .1 .1
..101 1 .hi a i:mn pleasant action on
.....I t r.i
n;. i.-otei-. i iaie pleasure in recoil, -
mending them." writes II. I . I
III' lifer. ( ride-sville. Ohio.
W iiivtoi,
live woiiif.. 1
t'gei!, Jlilnini'd
Ue room
I 1 ve John-
age 01 a bill
a r-
IS 'NEARLY .$300,000,000
smokin; by
Alter Johnson
hours in support
ejidum was ;:!:
of the ivvoiitv
av.iiinsf the tiill.
The congressman
hoped to make the
bill nationwide.
J 1; ly jT ' Tv. i ni v -:
.0111114 and middle
into a house coiiiniit-
tml.i v to hear ils'presi ii: a
011, .Mississippi, urue pas
prohibiting cinar
women in the nation
had spoken tor two
of his bill, a refer-
Tvvent y-four 011
women vot'-i
admit ted
that In
of tin
t he en tort villa
!' inhabitant.-
ra ncht
vv 1 !
II1.V Oil
Bring Your Ford Gars
to us for repairs and you will be sure
you will always get
Genuine Ford Paris and Ford
Service at Ford Prices!
We employ high-class Ford mechanics
and have a shop fully equipped with ap
proved modern machinery and guaran
tee all our work. We are interested in
having every Ford owner a satisfied
T. !2. Pollock Auto Co.,
Authorized Ford Dealer
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth
1 1 I. . .
vv iisu Minion, .liny v (lorinany
ov.oii me l nited States nil fo April
.'!(, last, i z 1 0.7 ?..". 1 I for mainte
nance oi .America ii troops on tin
nnilie. s,, oretary Weeks sent the
I". .1.
urines in i ii i senate louay in an-
svvoi io a resolution IV Sell.-.lnr
Horah. republican. Idaho.
ti... i . i
ue n.iui eosi oi me .American oc
cupation forces from December is.
i:m.n. to .April ::. the last ilate for
which accounts were available w:
O" til -Oft .it --. ' i i r..i
j........ .ii i...... t.i,i .
i tiere are now .00 otticers. 1 :: j 4 i ... 1 1 g-r... ' """ .
...t.i in. 11 aim uiiy-iour nurses ill
(Jerinan territory. Secretary Weeks
1 ne lesoniiioii was understood to
te preliimiiary to agitation for re
turn ol the troops.
1 tie nome 1 i-monst ra 1 1011 Acent
Miss Ida Williams will hold the meet
tig at i.evvisioM church east of Mur
ray on 1 itursii.i v. Aui:ust 1 1 1 1. .111,1
t wliich title she will he glad t
answer any questions coverintr th
farm work and -uch matters as can
unii,. i.i.iiiiiv s 1 e. sewimr inter
ior decorating. .Mr. I.. K. Snipes.
county farm an n t w ill also be pre
sent to assist in the meetinsr
We still have a few cots left that
go at ?l'.4.i while thev last. Phone
Ma (Jhrist & Christ Platrsniouth
...i.. .....I... 1.
.t.i.iv .-T-nmauer s irailiing c.iiii
ove- in.- tourist parage has a new
Mi-'ii 2-2 feet. Ihe work of W
vv 1 .. 1 1 . . . . ...
... ..:. .1 inr 1 anisr aiirtcit; i..ii..
' - I -
in-: Hirougii town are reminded that
1 ii i.. ; 1 1, .. 1 . . .
........ 1 inline 01 i ne navy boxer
ami many of them stop to have a look
at the young man who has met some
"' s' men in . the game. Andv
"S"1 ii.iiunig 10 Keep 111
su.ipe ior ins coming match on Labor
.. vvnii iony Aif icmur at the )ina-
f:a bail fiark.
ii. -a. Aiittiony. of t'raiu. arrived
!ifrp.Moii.lay for a week's training
inn instruction under Schmader. An
thony weighs 17d pounds ami prom
ises to become a fast one with a little
more training. He is to meet Marrv
'arler. or Ulair. 011 August 1st at
i. .1. . .. 1 . '
.....11.1. .M-urasKa. a simiii town north
01 v raig. - i.ouisville Courier.
Mrs. Joseph Sindelar. Misses Adelle
.an .vinureii Sleeker, Mrs. Will Ilaz-
.-0011 .inn son. iiiiiy. Mrs. Warwick
-aiiuuers and son. UiTy, of
Mrs. Ii. 1,. Propst Mislnd
irs. will Kichanls;.
cron rat hey and
Peaches for carmine about August
15th. Leave your orders with us at
once. Hatt & Son.
Computed on th One-Fif th V-li.ii
of the Past Was 10.3 Mills
in 1320 New Law.
1 ;.
stale levy
mills, il
ttite board
!.ine,)i,i. July j!i.
for this year will I.
was decided today bv
t ion.
'ihe levy last year was lb.:: mills.
This is basid on a one-tiff h taxable
valuation. I reltr the new law th"
taxes an to bo collected this year,
however, 011 the actual valuation,
makiiie the lew actually placed :: ::
The total amount to lie raised hv
direct taxation for the two year per
iod is . 1 t;.''Vt.7is .. For 'ihe vear
IJ'L' 1. ?!..-HI. ISi'.lT must be raised
The estimated Value of the stale is
i.."i7.".!'.,ii according to figures
compiled today by Tax Commission
er W. II. Osborne.
5625 IrSlfc
M!l M LJ f J. IBM VH
Water g
'Grinds .J
a 1 1 1
from Saturi.iy's r.iiiv
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall. Jr.
of Dayton. Ohio arrived home vester
dav morning for a few days visit at
the home of Dr. anil Mrs. C. A. Mar
shall, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Sey
bert. parents of Mis. Marshall, al.-o
with 1 heir many friends in the old
home. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall have
been living in Dayton for some time,
where '.June" as he is better known
by everyb -dv at honi". has an excel
nt position with National Cash Re
ister Co.. one that he is well pleas
d with, and is eliiavin life in tin
J fullest sell-o if 'the term.
' t
Poultry Wanted!
" .-r. .vi rs. ( arr.-
children. Miss o
i ropst and M iss Kim,,.,
.. .1 ,
.iiusimi moioreu to Avocji to
1 ne uay with Mrs. J. IZ. Jal
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Purlington freight house. Platts
mouth. 011 Thursday. August 4. one
day only, for which we will nav (l.e
Hens, per lb 22c
Springs, per lb 22c
Child Of Flovil (lulmrn 'Old f!nv
Ti,, l.l ; .ri-. " ... iv , -- f- OL
. i.u..v 01 iniugannon. va.. was taken i TWVc -nr IK
, w. v
st roni.
Child Cured of Bowel Trouble
iiu uowei trouble. Mr. Osborn cave
Wymoie. N'ebr.. July I'll. -Additional
interest has been awakened in
the ten-round boxing match ia Wy
inore. August l'.i, between Whitey
I iilli 11 and Johnny Siidenbiirg of
Omaha, by the arrival of Whitey's
big brother. Fred Fulton of Minne
apolis, who will train Whitey for the
ma tch.
You can plow, disk,
harrow, harvest,
thresh, bale hay,
grind feed, fill the
silo, saw wood,
pump water, pull
stumps, do road
work or any other
power job around
the farm quicker,
easier and at less
cost toy ouwith the
Fordson Tractor.
Twenty-four hours each
day, every working day in
the year it will give maxi
mum service. Light but
powerful it gets from job
to job quickly. Easy to
operate and control effi
cient, economical and above
Get in the power-forming frame of mind
now. Call, phone or drop us a card for
facts. See the Fordson in practical
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Prom Saturday' l:iMy.
I.. If. Pill.-', and family, who are
now located on a larm near drain.
Nebraska, are enjoying a visit in old
'ass county with the relatives and
frit-mis at Murray and came up last
vening to spend a short, time here
111 Plat tsinout h. Mr. Puis states tnar
he is iireita rinir to nut out 400 (acres
in wheat this season and that the
Top conditions in Perkins county
ire the best and that the indications
ire for one of the best crops 01 yyais.
Mr. Puis and 1'amilv are expecting
hortly to leave for a auto trip thru
( 'olorailo and which vvill include Den
ver and the resorts of the Rooky
mountains. 1
it Chamberlain-. Colie and Diarrhea ' '
ivemeuv ntiii 11- .111O.1.-1., 1 t " iam
. . j . v. n i , iciutcini. in
speaking of this remedv h. i
is the best I ever used." ' ' J
c .juicKiy recovered. ln-f " :
... .... iiviiiii 1 ouereu ior saie.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thimgan. Mrs.
here today
for a few hours, attending to some
matters in the county court in which
they were interested.
the date. We will be Charles I-ong and Henry
or sbinp ami tnko fnre of near Murdock. were
Fordson Tractor
The T. H. Pollock Auto Co, are now ready to dem
onstrate the Fordson Tractor and will plow one day for
any farmer who is thinking of buying a Tractor for Fall
plowing. One Fordson will plow as many acres in one
day as two men with eight horses. Save expense, save
your horses this hot weather and farm with a-Fordson
Phone or call on us for a demonstration. First calls
will be served first.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.,
Phone No. 1. . Plattsmouth, Neb.
f f