The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, AUGUST 1. 1921.
Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at I'ostoffice, Plattsmoutb,
R. A. BATES, Publisher
In the gloaming, oh. my darling.
When the lights arc dim and low,
That your face is powder-painted.
How am I, sweetheart, to know?
Twk-e this month I've had to bundle
Every coat that I possess
To the cleaners won't you darling.
Love me more and powder less?
Wouldn't you rather be hum fly
grateful than
away to a
era seehis to be
take-a-good look
The wool crtip may It short
these days there are plenty of
gatherer j.
. but
Only way to have a swell
at nractically no expense, is
to get
the mumps.
Four thousand bootleggers
awaiting trial
New York. Sj is
One of the saddest things
these halfnrice sales for suits
is not
having half the price.
A New Jersey man was struck bald
by lightning. He must have been sit
ting in the front row.
About the only place where there
is enough ham in a ham sandwich
is at a Sunday school picnic.
One wonders at times whether men
wear long hair because they are that
way or get that way by wearing long
Some of the doctors say that beer
is not recognized as a medicine. La re.
You've got to see a thing before you
can recognize it.
-o : o-
(Jovernnient by
Russia can't, be
the proletariat in
much worse than
government by the
in this country.
One reason why
live in Greenland
tariff timkcraria
we would like to
is that you can
gather all the
ice you want right
out of the
front yard.
The girl who used to dream of a
romantic knight mounted on a charg
er now sighs for a speed fiend who
will take her joy riding.
"What is the shape tf the earth?"
asked the school teacher of one of
her pupils. "It i iti a hell of
a shape." said little Jimmy.
It is fun for and woman to see her
neighbor driving a new car without
thinking how Miney she had to be
in order to save up the price.
Commissioner Blair warns the pub
lic against tax experts who claim to
know ways the income tax can be
evaded. Mr. Blair needn't worry. The
public lias found out that there isn't
any way.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But bhe goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when lie got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
Neb., as second-class mail matter
... j
Ilome rule for bouth Ireland means
that the North
to war next.
of Ireland will go
Very few girls like hot weather.
When they want to look sweet they
only look sweaty.
That Iudiana man who tried to
get married on a hunting license was
evidently dead
but if
to pay-
meek may inherit the earth,
they do they certainly have
the income tax.
A St. Louis gill is going to marry
a prince from Sardinia. That's also
where the sardines come from.
A sweet vounz thing writes us to
ask if the word "kiss" is a proper
noun. No, dearie, it is a conjunction.
That drop in the price of baby
carriages may mean that the indus
try is suffering from infantile paral
ysis. :o:
As the society editress puts it.
"the bride swept slowly down the
aisle to the .alter," and that's about
the last sweeping she'll ever do.
:o: .-
"The best way to escape heat is
to forget it." says a contemporary.
Why won't the same rule work in
case of a tooth-ache or an amputated
Have you ever
is more room in
that there is no
noticed tint there
your pockets now
longer any neces-
sity for
ca rrying around a cork-
Poland wants
bushels of wheat
t(V buy T. million
in the United States
which goes to confirm reports that
have been heard that Poland has
been so busy with other matters late
ly that she hasn't put in any wheat
"College graduates should avoid
useless occupations." says the heul
of one our educational institutions.
Especially should they avoid the oc
cupation of bill collector which some
of them, with their well-known opti
mism, always enter.
Treasury experts figure the new
tariff will bring in only 450 million
dollars a year, and there seems to
be some question whether that
amount will pay for the white paper
the government has used in printing
the debate on the bill.
: o :
Chairman Korduey n ay be right
in feeling that taxes era lie cut i:j
billion dollars if the government
economizes. Ami pcrhap; one of the
best ways to make the government
economize is for Congress to go ahead
aud reduce its revenue.
At last here is some testimony
from a tnau who ought to be able to
speak with authority. Ambrose J.
Hose, of Chicago, age Dl years. Iris
Just been granted a divorce from his
"Women are getting
every generation," he
I "Georgia has sent to the outside
' world 8, 500 carloads of blushing red
KIberta peaches.' proudly proclaims
! the AUauta Journal. Yes, and every
one of those peaches is blushing over
the fact that Georgia is misrepresent
ed in the United Slates .Senate by
Tom Watson.
The cost of food declined threc
tejiUis, of 1 percent m June, Wash
ington advises. But further examin
ation of this report shows the reduc
tion was to "the average family,"
which explains why it wasn't gen
erally noticed, the average family be
ing a mere fiction of the statistic
Onc of the leading woman suf
fragists in Nebraska says that the
state and county offices should be di
vided fifty-fifty when we have the
next election. What are we going to
do with the lounge lizards and the
jelly beans who hauk around the
street corners, aud who seemiugly
btloug to a neutral gender?
The Governor of lllnois, againtd
whnj charges of embezzlement and
corruption in office have been made.
defies arrest and declares thai tie
I constitution gives him immunity
: from the courts. However, a session
of the UlnoU legislature is yet to
confront him, and he is not the only
Governor in this, land who views' an
approaching legislative session with
In the Distrii-t Court of the Coun
ty of Cuis. Nebraska.
John N. Berk, plaintiff. v&. James L..
Crai et al. defendant!.
To the defendants James L. Craig.
Mrs. .lames U C'ruisr. ' irj t real name
unknown; CruiK. first real name
unknown: Theodore Decker; Airs. Theo
dore Meeker, first real uaiiH' unknown; I!. tlurrisoii: Mr' Klizer H. Har
rison, first r;ti nani unknown: llora-
i: Carrtsoti: Mrs. Horae; tl. .!a rrison.
! first real name unknown: James al
j entitle; Mrs. James Valentine. first
real name unknown: James Vulleutiiie:
! Mrs. James Vallentine. first real name
'unknown; John W. Clark. Mrs. John
V Clark. first leal name unknown:
Charles W. Anderson; Mrs. Charles V.
Xndersoii, fjrst real name unknown;
Susannah--Thomas: William 1 Harris.
iui- William 1. Harris, first real name
unknown: William C. Noxon: Mrs. Vil-!
liam ' C. Noxon, first real name un-
.... 0.caI. M carter; Mrs. osear
M.i Carter, first real name uiikiiowu.
the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of James I..
Craisr; Mrs. James L,. Craig, first real
name unknown: Craijr. first real
name unknown: Theodore Iieeker: Mrs.
Theodore Peikor, first real name un
known: Klizer II. CarrisoTi: Mis. Klizer
It. ;arrison. first real name unknown:
lloraee ;. C.arrison: Mrs. Horace C
Carrison. first real name unknown;
James Valentine: Mrs. James Valen
tine, first real name unknown: James
Vallentine: Mrs. James Vallentine,
first real name unknown: John W.
Mark: Mrs. John W. Clark, tirst real
name unknown: inaries . -wuieisun
Mrs. Charles W. Anderson, tirst
name unknown: Susannah Thomas;
I William 1.. Harris; Mrs. William I.,
j Harris, first real name unknown: Wil
iliam C. Noxon; Mrs. William C. Noxon,
first real name unknown ; tisear M.
Carter; Mrs. osear M. Carter, first real
name unknown; Thomas Thomas;
Stephen r. Auctions; Jane 1 luiik,
each deceased, real names unknown:
and all persons having; or claimins: any
interest in all that part of the South
west tuiarter; SWVi the West half
(W'ljl of the Southeast quarter lSKi
and the Southwest iuarter (SW'i) of
the Northeast quarter. (NKU) lyin
south ofthe rlKht of way of the f.ur
liUKton Ac Missouri Kiver Kailroad
company In Nehraska. oi" Section thirty-two.
"::. ) Township thirteen. (13)
north. Kanfic thirteen, i:j) east of the
titli I'. M.. and also all that part of
Section thirty-one. c:i) Township thir
teen. i:: north, r.anwe thirteen. i:)
east of the 1'. M.. more particular! v
descrihed as follows: Coinmencinj; at
a point H." chains east of the quarter
section coiner on the south side of
Section thirty-one, t.';l) Township
thirteen. d;i) north. Banco thirteen.
( U: east of the 6th 1'. M.. niiuiing
thence north 27 decrees and I'. 1 min
utes west 10.7 chains to an ash tree,
thence north 7.". degrees and Co min
utes east 10 chains to an iron pin,
thence north T.6 decree- and 11 min
utes east tj.Sit chains to a point on
the west line of Lot seven (7) In the
Southeast quarter (SK'j) of said Sec
tion thirty-one. "1 :!.0S chains south
of the richt of way of the Burlincron
- Missouri Kiver railroad In Nebras
ka, thence north t-i the I'latte river,
thetu-e southeasterly alony the I'latte
river to the east line of said Section
thirty-one, (31) thence south alone
said section line to the southeast cor
ner of said Section thirty-one. 2 1 1
thence west on the south line of said
section to the place of lx-cinnim;, ex
cept ins therefrom said ris'lit of wny,
all heinc in the Count v of Cass, Ne
braska, real nanus unknown:
you and each of you are hereby
notified that John N. Beck as plain
tiff, tiled u petition and commenced an
action in the Oistrict Court ot' the
County of t'ass. Nebraska, on the Ktli
day of July, l'Jl. acainst oii and
each of yon. the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a decree
of court, quiet ini; the title to the fol
lowing described land. to-wit:
.Ml that part of the Southwest
quarter: (SW', the West half (W'3
of the Southeast quarter. (SK'i ami
the Southwest quarter (SV'.4 of the
Northeast quarter, t N K 1 1 lyiuc south
of the right of way of the 1 ",u rli 11 c t on
t- Missouri Kiver Kailroad company in
Nebraska, of Section thirty-two. r.L' 1
Township thirteen. 1 north. Kance
thirteen. (l:i east of the th 1. M.,
and also all that part of Section thirty
one. (31 Township thirteen, (131 north.
Kance thirteen. I 131 east ot the ;th
I'. M.. more particularly described us
follows: Commeiicing at a point 1
chains east of the quarter section cor
ner on the south side of Seet ion thirty-one,
31 Township thirteen, (13
north. Kange thirteen. (13 1 vast of the
jth 1. M., running thence north -7
degree.-: and 3 1 minutes west ln.7n
chains to an ash tree. thence north
7.- degrees and .".() minutes cast to
chains to an iron pin. thence north
.". degrees and 11 minutes east i'i;.:;o
chains to a point on the west line of
I.ot seven (7) in the Southeast quarter
iSK'j I of said Section thirtyone. (311
'.os chains south of the right of vfa y
of the Kurliugtoii Ai Missouri Kiver
Kailroad in Nebraska, tin nee north to
the I'latte river, thence southeasterly
along the I'latte river to the east line
of said Section thirty-one, 31) thence
south along said section line to the
southeast corner of said Section thirty-one,
(31) thence west on the south
tiro- of said section to the place of be
ginning, excepting t herefrom said
right of way. fill being in the Count
of ('ass, Nebraska, as auuinyt you and
each of you and for such other relief
as may be just and equitable.
Yon and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the L'tUh day August. IHL'I, or
the allegations therein contained will
be taken as true and u decree will be
rendered in favor of the plaintiff and
against you and eacii of you accord
ing to the prayer of said petition.
Dated this J 5th dav of July. l'JJl.
JlVLw. Atty. for I'laintilf.
3 0TICI-:
State of
TO f ItKIM lOlty,
Nebraska, Cass
ty. ss.
In the County ( ourt.
In the matter of the'i
slate of John
Schiappaeasse. deceased.
To the creditors of said
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Vlatts
mouth,' in said county, oj the 9th day
of August, l'Jl'l. and on the lth day
of November. 13u'l. at 10:00 o'clock a.
in. of each of said days to receive and
examine all claims against said estate,
with .a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The tine limited for the
presentation of claims ugainst said
estate 'is three months from the fHh
day of August, A. D. l'JJl. and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 'Jth day of August,
Kr.'L 1
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 3th day of
July, 132L
(SeaD County Judge.
Jll-tw-.' Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
Iti the matter of the ebtute of Thomai
J. McCulloiih. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate
Y'ou are hereby notified, that I will
hit at the County Court room in Platt.s
tnottth. in said countv, on the Dith day
of August. 13:'l and on the 17th day
of November, 191. at 10 o'clock u. m.
of each day, to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and ullow-
latice. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said estate
is three mouths frutu the lKth dav of
August, A. D. 19JL ami the time limit
ed for payment of debts is one vear
from said leth day of August, lidi.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 12th day of
July. m'L
(Seal) Countv- Judge.
Jlfc-lw. Attorney.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Frank Claus. plaintiff. vs. riatts
niouth Kerry company, a corporation,
et a I. defendants.
I To the defendant-2. I'la ttsmou t h Kerry
company, a corporation; the unknown
grantees, successors and assigns of
I Via t ts mo it th Kerry company, a corpu
Jration: K.wing S. Sharp: Mrs. Kwing
IS. Sharp. tirsi real name unknown;
Amos Hark r: .Mrs. Amos Itarher, first
real name unknown; ! recti I. cry It.
Henry: Mrs. Creciibery K. Henry;
tirst real name unknown: .1. J.
Worley, first real name unknown;
Sarrah Worley; tin- unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all otiier persons interested
111 tne estates ot j;wmg rt. j?1Ur); jirs
Kwing S. Sharp, first real name un
known: Amos Marker: Mrs. Amos
Marker, lirst real name unknown;
(Jreenbery K. Henry; Mrs. (iittenbery
K. Henry, first real name unknown;
J. J. Worley, iirst real name unknown;
Sarrah Worley and Joseph A. Connor,
each deceased: ami all persons having
or claiming any interest in Kot one
ill ami the north liltceu (!." feet of
Kot two d) in Ml-xk thirty-one, (31)
In the City of I-'lattsniouth. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown;
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Krank Chilis as plaintiff,
tiled a petition and commenced an ac
tion in the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska, on the L'lMul day
of June. 1U1M. against you and eacii
of you. the object, purpose and prayer
of which is to obtain a decree of court
quieting the title to Lot one (1) and
the north fifteen (!.") feet of Lot two
- Klock thirty-one, (.it) m the
i:ny 01 1 laiismoutii. ass county, .e
1 braska. as against you and each of
you and for such other relirf as may
ie just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you arc required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the ::nli day of August. K'ji, or
the allegations therein contained will
be taken as true and a decree will !
rendered in favor of the plaintiff and
against you and eacn of you according
to the prayer of said petition.
Dated this L'l'nd day of June, KU1.
Jls-lw. Atty. for l'iaintiif.
M. 11.
Seen fit ies
Special Master
Mblg, omaha
uMie Notice is hereby given that,
virtue of a 11 order of Sale issued
out of the Distriet Court of the I'nite!
States for the District of Nebraska.
Lincoln division, aid in pursuanee ot
the decree of said court, tendered and
tiled on October 1. Ilejn. in an action
tl-ereiti pending, tti-uil: No. 1-3 Kquity.
wherein The I'uioti Central Life Insur
ance Com pa tic, of Cincinnati. Ohio, a
corporation, is plaintiff and Lena M.
tiiauf et al. are defendants, whereby
a mortgage on t!i' property l;r in
after. tlsrihed was foreclosed. and
the undersigned wa s appointed Special
Master of this court, to sell said prop
erty and execute sai decree, uthI .
virtue of the authority in n- cste'!,
by said decree and irder of Sale. 1. 11.
H. Dunham, as such master, will, on
the I'i'nd day of Au:ust. inm. at ll:n
o'clock in th" forenoon, at the Court
House, in I'lat tsmont h, the county seat
of Cass county. Nebraska. sell al
public auction to the highest bidder
.for cash, the property on which said
1 mortgage was foreclosed, whicii said
.property is situate in the County of
jCass and State of Nebraska, ami known
I and described as follows, to-wit:
i ii- soutneast quarter or tie- souin-:-t
quarter iSi''; of SK', of section
Itigliteen. I n 1 I o w j t 1 1 j p eleven. (li
jnoilh, Kange fourteen, till east of
the SiNth j ai . and th. mo th tln:t
Ihree 33i acres of the northeast quarter-
of the northeast quarter iXK'.i of
NK'il of Section nineteen. 1 1 Town
ship eleven. (Ill north. Kange four
teen. (II) east of the Sixth 1'. M.. con
taining seventy - three (73) acres m-re
j or less;
lo satisly t he plainlilt in the sum
of three thousand, eiirht hundred and
eighty-three dollars. $ 3, v x r.on , with
inl rest at the rate of ten (n p r
tent per annum
from October I. J'.to
and to satisfy the sum of
fifty-six dol-
lars and thirty-eight cents (j.'.ii.IM
cos-tie shown on said order of sab-, and
the accruing' costs: and the surplus, if
J.ny. of the proceeds of said sale, after
pa meiit of the costs of this action,
and the amount found due the plain
tiff, with interest, to be brought into
court to await the further order of
as providt
d by said order of sale
mid ilecle
Said sale
be 1 1
pen for .111.
1 aforesaid.
July. A. D.
hour at
I luted
this 11th day t)f
M. H.
Special Mfister
States liistrict
of the fnited
t'ciirt for the
1 list ri
col n.
id' Nebraska,
j 1 i-i;w
.miiici: in
11 nuts
The State of N
-braska, Cus.-j
eon 11-
t . ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the cstat
-f Kli.t-
bell. Doughty, de. eased.
'rn the creditors of said estate:
You ate herein- notified. That I will
sit at the County I'.mrt loom in I'latts
moutli. in said county, on the !M h day
of August, lH'.'l. ami on the !'lh da
.r November. K'l. at 1i:(m o'clock a
in. of each of said davs to receive am!
examine all claim- auainst said estate,
with u view to tleir adjustment and
aliowance. The time limited lor the
preset! tat ion
of claims against said
e months from tb 9th
state is three
lay of August
time limited ft
oio- year from :
A. D. 19J1. and the
Pavmeiit Of debts is
9th day of August,
Witness my Land
said County Court
July, 191'1.
(SeaD Jll-lw.
St h
s. al
da y
rounty Judg'.
Mi l U K ok ui:kkhi;k's sai.k.
Iii te Iqstriei court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Kittte C. Huberts and Helen Koberts,
I'laintiffs, vs. Vaul H. Koberts and
wife. Myrtle Koberts, and Newell Kob
erts, a minor, and J. J. Koberts. guar
dian of Newell Kof,..rts, a minor, De
tciola tits.
Notice is horebv given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass countv. NebrasKn.
entered in the above entitled cause on
the L'nd day of June, 19LM, ami an
order of sale entered by said court on
the L'Jud day of June, 19.1. the un
det sic ned.- sole referee, will on the
lath day of August, IDL'l.'at 10 o'clock
a tit., at the south front door of the
Court House, in tin- City of Vlatts
moutli, Cass county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to 'the highest bidder
for cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit: Lot " in Block 36: Lot
10 In IJlock 29: and Lots 1. 2, 3. 4 and
Z in Block :;S, till in the. Original Town
of Vlattsmouth, Nebraska, and the
Hotitheast quarter and the South half
of the Northeast quarter of Section 3,
Township 12, Kange 13, east of the 6th
V. M., in the Countv of Cass. Nebraska.
Said, sale will be held open for oiuj
hour. .
Dated this 9th dav of July. 1921.
JIl-5w. Kefetee.
Two-year old spotted steer, animal
lias large amount of white on hide,
weight from 90J to 1.000 pounds.
Kinder please notify'John Bergman,
phone 3603. Myuard, Nebraska, d&w
Advcrtisinj; is. printed salesman
ship generalized sufficiently to carry
appeal to the varied class of.readers.
Does your ad come within these re
quirements ?
1). Ganz visited the home folks
at Dunbar Wednesday.
Horn. July 25. 1921. to Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Kellar, a son.
Mrs. I,oie Uriggs and little son
rue spending a mujith at Elmira, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. George Braun re
turned from Lincoln on No. 3S last
Rev. M. i:. SDtir was in Tlatts
inuuth on business the latter part of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Muir. of Milford,
visited their run. Dr. L. Muir and
family Sunday.
Mrs. ('. l- Kosenow spent the week
end with her daughter, Mrs. Hay
Clark and family.
Douglas Stevens. James Vilkinp;
ton and J. A. SchaiTer autoed to South
Bend Friday afternoon.
Miss Irene Friend spent the week
end in Lincoln with her cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Dickerson.
The Jolly Xeii'libors hold their
kensinton WednesiHiy afternoon at
the homo of Mrs. Helen Kitzel.
Miss KUa Vincent returned home
Saturday niybt from Peru where she
attended Normal summer school.
Miss Aurel Foreman al tended a
party in Lincoln Wednesday night,
rei uriiiuj; home Thursday evening.
The Ta-Ta-Vochcn Camp Fire girls
hold their Council Firo meeting; at
Boyles grove last Tuesday evening.
IM Kosenow and children autoed
over from Klmwood Sunday, visiting
briefly with his brother. C. F.
Miss Lc!a Shelton returned Sitn
day from Fremont. wlirre she has
he?n spending a lew weeks with rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. Vori Lincli return
ed to their home at University Place
Monday evening alter visiting rela
tives here.
Mrs. K. L. I'ptegrave returned:
borne Saturday ever. ine; from a visit
with relatives in Council Bluffs and
Portsmouth. Iowa.
Levi Park, of Sterling, Colo., came
in Wcdnosdav night for a few days'
vi-it here witlt Mrs. Mary Skinner
:it!il otiier relatives.
Mrs. M. C. Keeier and son Don
visited in Murdock Woilnesday af
ternoon at the Clnis. Schafer and
George Rkiles homes.
Miss Merle elites returned to Iter
lu nie at Fremont Sunday after spend
ing the past mouth here and at Flm
woofi visiting relatives.
Mrs. August Kosenow. of Lincoln,
spent a few days this week with iter
sider. Mrs. Karl Bennett and other
relatives, returning home Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Bird and daugh
ters. Iva and F.nla. spent Saturday
evening with Mrs. Bird's sister, Mrs.
Robert Ditnick and family at Uni
versity Place.
Sunday guests at (lie (;. P. Fore
'i';i:i home were Mrs. Magee ar.d
Dear Mr. Grain Grower!
I have purchased the elevator and good will of
the Farmers Co-operative association of Alvo. See
us, or call phone 2420 before selling your grain.
Elbert Taylor,
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
e Fair to
Do you realize that these days are rather warm
and tq stand over a hot cook stove is worse than the
harvest field for there you can get a breath of fresh air.
viipor oil stove for the cooking during the excessively
hot weather? The patient wife, who is ever ready with
the meals will appreciate this stove, which will not make
the house so warm it is unhabitable.
Come, see the selection we carry.
lOBfman Hardware Company,
children, Harold. Helen and Wood
row and Mrs. Ethel Foreman and
son Richard of Lincoln.
Miss Lillian Curyea is spending
a two weeks vacation at the homo of
her grandfather. John Wood, aud
aunt. Miss Grace Wood and is enjoy
ing farm life immensely.
Perry Cook went to Lincoln Fri
day morning to visit his daughter.
Miss Opal, who was recently operated
on for appendicitis. She is reported
us doing tine and expects to be home
within a week or so. Her friends
hope for her speedy recovery.
Win. A. Knicely and family autoed
down Monday from Council Bluffs to
spend the day with Mrs. Knicely's
sister, Mrs. Dr. Muir and family,
who accompanied them on their re
turn home as far as Louisville, where
they enjoyed a picnic supper in the
Letter from C. H. Kirkpatrick
Plainview. Tex.. July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer:
1 tlibk I promised you when I left
Alvo I would drop you a few lines.
Maybe it would interest some of my
friends as well.
To begin, will say we had a very
pleasant trip down here. Thanks to
Mr. Moore, for routing us the way he
did. My better half said it beat any
time she had ever made in coming
down here by over five hours, set we
landed in Plainview June 1st at 10
a. m. That was tolerably early but
nevertheless C. L. Barrett ami wife
were there to meet us and took us
out to their home ten mflcs in the
country. We stayed there over night
and they brought us back to our
home in town the next morning.
The weather had been quite dry
here when we arrived but it rained
over ten inches in June. This is a
great country lor wheat. They have
been harvesting now for over a
month and are not through yet. The
combined harvester and thresher
seems to be the proper thing to har
vest wheat with in this country. I
was out in the harvest field yesterday
and saw one of the larger ones in
operation. It was cutting a 24-foot
swath and cost ?G,000. I have also
oon one of the 12-foot machines in
operation and I think they are the
more practical. They cost about
r2.00(). Wheat is yielding from four
to fifteen bushels an acre and is sell
ing at from 90 cents to $1.10 per
bushel. Some of the late cutting is
damaged considerably. They also
raise quite a bit of milomaize and
kafir corn here, but they do not raise
any field corn. There is quite a bit
of alfalfa, but I am told they can not
grow red clover in the state of Texas.
Potatoes are not raised very exten
sively. This is a very level country al
most too level. One can see as far
as the eye can reach. I have not
HELL, Owner
Resident Mgr.
the Wife!
I been out over ten miles from town.
however, and am not attemptiuo i
tell vou much about Texas.
I will tell you a few things about
riainview. They claim a population
of 5,000. Quite a fine town, the
county seat of Hale county and a real
business place with a large territory
to draw from. There are three banks,
ten churches, a Baptist college, high
school, four ward schools, a busi
college, six elevators, one of 250, Q00
bushel capacity, flour mm, creamerj,
J ice plant, laundry, four department
stores, ten grocery stores, two men's
furnishings stores, two show houses,
j two bakeries, five barber shops, three
meat markets, filling stations and
' garages too numerous to count, threo
jewelry stores, five lumber yards,
three feed barns, two poultry nouses,
two green houses, two wholesale gro
cery houses, a live Chamber of Com
merce, ten or more doctors, four
large hotels, several restaurants and
most every class of professional men
! to make up a good town. There are
1 lots of sidewalks. Farmers here live
in town and farm. I think there are
more real estate men here than any
other profession, although there are
lots of preachers and doctors and
lawyers and "Judges" and "Colon
els." The nights are quite cool and lino
for sleeping. The hottest I have no
ticed was 88 in the afternoon. I
suppose you are getting tired reading
this lingo. I will trv and bring my
letter to a close in the morning.
I July 21.
I Had a shower last night. I was
interviewing J. B. Wallace, federal
grain inspector. He told me he had
inspected 00o cars of wheat and that,
there had been 225 cars of wheat
shipped out of Plainview to date.
I suppose you will wonder how I
like it here. This is a good country
and we have a fine home and good
neighbors. The people all seem to be
very kind and tiie town is a very
orderly one. We have had lots of
auto rides, but I don't think I will
change my voting place.
I Will close. Hope you are all well.
Kindest regards to all.
Cured of Stomach Trouble and
Rachel Cribley. of Beaver Dam,
Ohio, was sick for two years with
stomach trouble and constipation,
taking one medicine after another
with only temporary relief. "My
neighbor spoke so enthusiastically of
Chamberlain's Tablets." she says,
"that I procured a bottle of them at
our drug store to try. A few days'
treatment convinced me that they
were jut what I needed. I continued
their use for several weeks and they
cured me.
From Thursday's Uaily.
W. K. Goodman and wife of Gilt
ner, Nebraska, who were here to at
tend the funeral of the mother of
Mr. Goodman, Mrs. Nancy Goodman,
returned this morning to their home.
Mrs. Frank E. Hawkenbery aud
daughter, Dorothy, departed this af
ternoon for Tacoma, Washington,
where they will enjoy a visit of sev
eral weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Smith. Mrs. Smith being
the eldest daughter of Mrs. Hawken
bery. From Friday's Dally. i
William D. Wheeler came in this
morning from his farm home to look
after u few- matters of business.
C. A. G-auer of near Cedar Creek
was in the city for a few hours to
day looking after some matters of
John G. Wunderlich of Nchawka
was in the city today for a few hours
attending to some matters of import
ance in the county court.
Miss Marie Kackmeister of Ains
worth, Nebraska, who has been here
as a guest of Mrs. K. R. Queen for
a short time, returned home this af
ternoon. John Fight departed this morning
for Omaha where he will visit with
his daughter, Mrs. Fhilip Horn, who
is at the St. Joseph hospital taking
treatment and will remain there for
some time.
Mike Lutz aud wife departed thin
afternoon for Miller, South Dakota,
where they will visit for a short time
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zuckweiler
and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
'. Li. Freese, wife aud family ot
Scottsbluff, are here for a visit with
the relatives and friends and this
morning Mrs. Freese nd Mrs. L. V.
Copenhaver were among those goi"S
to Omaha for the day.
Mrs. Augusta Anderson, formerly
a resident of this city, who for thj
past four years lias been making her
home with her daughter in Florence,
Kansas, arrived in the city yesterday
for a few days' visit with old friends.
She will leave Saturday for Sidney,
Neb., for a five .or six weeks' visit
with her sister and niece, after which
she will return to her home in Kan
sas with her daughter.
9x12 fibre rugs $S.4r
9x12 Axminster rugs $32 to $4S
11-3x12 Axminster rugs $39.50
Smaller rugs $1.98 to $27.50
Phone G45 Furniture Store
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
$65. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older gilts -on the
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
Albert Young,