The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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j '
It's Broadest at Harvest Time
Poets rh3'me about the "smiling country in the month of
May." But we'd rather see that same country at harvest
time, when the smiles are on the faces of the farmers af
ter their well-earned crops have come in.
It's the same in every business at "harvest" the time
when a man gathers in the returns on his hard work.
Our patrons, using to the full our many facilities and per
sonal service, reap better returns on their investments
time, work and money.
The Bank of Cass County
Established 1881
Vice President
of I
Do you
know why
it's toasted? ;
To seal in
the delicious
Burley flavor.
w !
.: !
Wnr! who for .i nii!nit-:"
his fiu.ii !'.!; :' loci
htuvr-Ii.-v:i bnildin::
ii -r-! in arranging t hs ve !
faciiT.v r :u:vvl ' : I: e l uiMiii-.
William l'"i;.v ;ir Fourth and Min;
:in I hi; occuyp t:ie looms in (
r f ( 'o.-impfIitan chili i
lebraTcd Kli:-:s de Fama
V v.i I
I! ' W
r arrived: The New Tables.
,t i .New liens. I win uens. .v i;:it;f- :ny-i-Jmcnt
of Dreiser.. Bugs Mattresses
;;n.l i.ed springs at great money
ir.g prices. Phone 1 4 ."j Ghrist &
i r : s t Pkittsm-nit h. Nebraska
Mrs. G. M. Minford. cf Murray, En
tertains with Luncheon in
Honor of Daughter.
' ...I i'
. 1!
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
in tii" f-rnr
.1. W
The new
per pair. 1
l i Co! i
a n l iu a r
Ford lawful
. H. Pollock
. no w
iilelil pi
1 v.
30c i
'I'!:'- i i! lnj'it i'iia I ! y one of the
c-t Mcerr ; i:I medicines in use for
wei complaints. A lew doses of it
ill curt- an ordinary attack of
i. It lias been used in n;ne
s of dsentery with perfect
ct It can always depended
The charming iuinie of Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. M in fun! at Murray was
the scene of a very pleasing luncheon
yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Min
ford entertained a number of lady
friends and at which time the cn-,u-;igi:ii(
tit of Ik r daughter. Miss Olga
to Mr. Klberi Wiles was announced.
The color appointments of the din
ing room and the tables were in pink
and white and most artistically ar
ranged for the pleasant event. The
announcement cards were arranged
with the tiny blue birds of happiness
and also served as place cards for
the ixteen guests.
A four course lunchecn was served
K. H. Schulhof,
Phone CS'J-J.
piano tuner
i :f
d&W. I .-!;
in.i-: :i "ivi- rivnmnr relief in case
i;,. .i-.t -i-., .-..,r!ni Wl en i'liu Ul" center pieces oi i ne tames
colic and Cioiera
liici! with ua'er
is pleasant to t:ike.
ou'd ke p t li is reme
and sweet eneti
Kvery faniily
lv at band.
Use Pride of Elmwood
Btinji your wheat to the mill and gel your year's
stjpply. We give 34 pounds of wheat testing 59-!bs
per bushel or better.
Every Sack Guaranteed!
We are also in the market for all kinds of grain.
- Elmwood
M. RING, Manager
were crystal baskets 01 pink sweet
peas with large bows of pink tulle
gracing the handles of the baskets
and the tiny nut cups were also of
pink and heart shaped in keeping
with the spirit of the occasion.
The following- were the invited
n.iests: Misses Margie Walker. Ann
lirown. t'atherine ISiown. iJeulah
Sans. Lydia Todd. Helen Todd. Iva
)e!eslernier. Opal "ole, Clara Lee
Young and Neva Latta and Mesdanies
K. S. Tutt. S. S. Uavis. Charles Mutz.
(Jetirge Nickels. Cllen Todd. Krnest
Mclbern. Cameron Cathey, Dick !'it
iu:mi ami A. A. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Whelan and
Daughter Home from Visit at
Points Alony; the Coast
"n ptr.
WW j - T- -v
lU i if I
' BOrr. AT4D gikls exhibits and demonstrations.!
I i-:-rNio I All ACTIO n5ff . 4ip
FiGtuia Pay When Cured
mll-l ylOT of treatment that enrem PIlM,
r!'.ul n'l other rtw-ta! I'i'fatt In a mtyyrt
"'". without a Mtr? sureiral onfration. N
(?hIoro"rrm. Kther o- other Kneral an-jthetl
fu4 A njrf mixuniffiJ In ffry ras ae.rptl for trr?ttnrn:. a"l no monry to h
l". nntll curd. Wri! fr bonk on rtrtal I.' eas?. ith nann ami t'-mmomt J
of mort thT 1. prominpnr pn who have hrcn rrrmnntly rnrert
PI. K. K. TABKV. (wtnatoriam. Trt-r Tnt Blilr- l?e B!dx. O HA HA. NKJft.
. " Air. K. J ah n to rv. AlcdieaU Drcrtr. -
Last 'eveniny .Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Whelan and daughter. Miss Gene
vieve. ietnrne(j home from a very de
lightful trip of several weeks dura
t ion at points along the Pacific coas
and which included the larger eitie:
of that portion of the country. They
first visited at Seattle and from there
enjoyed a siuhtsee;ng tour over th
greater part !' soitlorn California
with vizi's at Los Angeles, Long
Loach. San l)iego. Coronado Peach
and Inter at IJeno. Nevada.
W hile at Los Angeles they enjoyed
a very pleasant viit with Mr. and
Mr-. Asher Clark, old residents of
this city and found Mr. Clark en
gaged once more in the grocerv bus
iness and regret to report that Mrs
Clark ha-; not been as well as form
erly in I he last few months. Vhil
at Los Angeles tie Whelan family
enjoyed the l-Tlks convention and
their son. Francis U'hohin and fam
ily were among th- Omaha members
of the Klks who attended the hi
W'hi'e thev wer: at Long peach
they were guests of Mr. and Ml
Walter Thomas and found that Ibis
old pioneer family were on I he alert
to give the right hand of good fel
lowship to anyone from the old home.
Mrs. S. L. Thomas, widow of the lal
Senator I homas. is now making her
home with her son. Y. L.
From southern California the
Whelan family journeyed to San
I-ran risen anti ()al;land as well as
Perkley. California. and spent a
short time at Keno. Nevada, where
Mr. Whelan has relatives and friends
On thejr return they Mopped for a
short jJui" at Salt Lake and also at
Denver, and Colorado Springs, and in
the latter city were guests of John
Hardy, a former Plattsmouth resi
dent. The trip as a whole was one that
will long be most, delightfully re
membered by all o: the parly.
Certified Kanred wheat,
b.istiel. Alvin Hamge.
$!..'.! per
Drs, m
ach & sV1ach,The Dentists
The largest and joA. equipped denial offices in Oman.
E-iterts in thir cf si! H'crki Ladyallsridiiit. Msd
crate Trices. Porcelain fillinga jut Lke toolli- Instru-
it t r.
ments carelully slenlized alter using.
H. W
ceship of the friends here
man is in the emplov of
Saturday's I'ally.
L. Paughinan and , family, of
ity. Iowa, are visiting at the
of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
ISaughman for a week or ten
and renewing the acquain-
Mr. Pa ugh -the
i Co.. of Omaha, who are now doing
some dredging work near Sac ( ily
in the reclamation of swainn land
i near that place and Inch has taken
wiiiH time to get under way and as
a result of which many acres of
heretofore waste land can be made
into profitable faruiS.
Rev. T. A. Truscott. Former Pastor
of the Methodist Church Now
at Montevideo in the Work
Tine following letter has been re
ceived here by F. II. Wescott from
Kev T. A. Truscott. former pastor of
the Methodist church in this city
and in. which the well beloved pas
tor reviews his church work and the
opportunities of the new country:
Calle Colonia 18:!4
Montevideo, I'ruguay
South America
Julv 1, 19 21
Mr. Hilt Wescott
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. 1 S. A.
My Dear brother Wescott :-
When I last
wrote to you I think I told you that
my son Basil and his wife and three
boys are here. My son is now pastor
of the Fnglish-speaking work in
Lomas tie Zamorn F. C. S. htienjs
Aires. Argentina. Lies hies being Pas
tor he is the Supertendeiit of a Day
school with over :00 pupils, and h;.s
to teach three hours each day. So
with his Pastoral work on Sundays,
his interviewing parents, the cor
rection of wayward children, con
trolling or advising or being advised
b teachers, the pieparing for and
taking classes, the making out and
the collection of schools accounts
and being treasurer for same, he has
enough to keep him awake all seven
days of the week when he is away
trom home; and when he gets to th
parsonage he has three healthy hoy
t;; prevent mm from feeling dull. To
leach Puenos Aires from Montevideo
one travels all night in a palatial
river steamer that sometimes carries
hundreds per night in well appoint
ed cabins fitted with the latt
tilings in luxury. The cost across
M..Mj. ueave iiere mi:iu l'. .M .- am
get to ii. at 4: no next morning
or front P. A. here the same hou
and fare.
Our work here has made wonde
mi progress, lieu .seems to i:ave tiles
ed every thing we have toucht
Mrs. Truscott and I are overwhelm
d with the goodness and grace of
G.'d in regard to this work. PeopI
are wondering out loud if the fact
are really so. The Uishop. and w
ourselves are ijui'e sure, that our
coming to Montevideo was the ap
pcintment of God. For hindrances
have been swept awav. God laid us
a free hand to build His Kingdom
Never since this church was first es
tahlished. ol vears ago. has there
In en such interest, such congrega
tions. such a church membership
such finances.
When the Pishop told Mrs. Tru
coit and I he wanted us to go to the
Fnglish-speaking work in Montevid
eo we felt keenly disappointed. We
had requested to be sent into the
Spanish work, indeed had picked out
our own place. Put the Pishop said
i was laid on his heart to send u
To Montevideo, to the English work
and lie Hoped we would go. this was
about a month before Conference
Hell; we were appointed. I hat is
new eighteen months ago. We came
here and the retiring Pastor told us
that if we wanted a congregation we
had to get the choir down, and there
were only three in the choir! And it
was nearly as had as that: 1 on can
imagine what that "little handful
as the Pishop called it. looked like
in a great church that can seat be
tween TOO and Sno people, u place
that looks like a great cathedral
Put thank God all that is changed
now. In the past the Missionary
Po.ird felt that it was well to keep
this charge going f;,r it ministered
10 a very choice spirits that have
ligurcd in the politics, the commerce
and the social life of this fine city
and too they have been faithful to
our church and cause and have rep
iesented South America in the Gen- Conference. So the church lias-
had some big men as Pastors of th
charge, with the Missionary Hoard
paying th'! salary and the houst
rent for the Pastor. For 1 year.
ibis has been going 011 and now it
is all changed!
Kvervone her'- acknowledges that
it is ia hard proposition to get hold
of the Knglish and the Americans
rliev golf, tennis, go rowing, go
hunting, go swimming or go to pie-
lure yhows on Sundays but show Mi
ll" interest in religion and yet. mo
of them admit they were hrougm up
in the Sunday school. The children
that are turned out into the street
or sent home, or called home by un
thinking parents (instead of being
taught the church service; and that
Sunday school is not church) gen
erally have no church habit. Some
parents that excuse their children
from church can whip or coax them
into it when they are older, but the
cases are rare. Now with such a con
dition hens it is the surprise of all
and of those affected in particular
that there are English and Ameri
can families that have turned from
darkness to night, from their idols
to God. from the wy of the Sabbath
breaker to the ways of Hie saints.
Some who had not crossed the thrcsh
hold of a church for years are now
active members. Oh my, what God
tan do!
The facts stated in a few words
and in definite form are Just these.
Our church in all the years never
seemed to get any bigger or smaller.
the membership always about the
same, the attendance about the same,
except tin some "high" day. The in
come was a hour, the same so that ev
erybody just knew the Missionary
Board had to make good. Within IS
months the membership bits increas
ed 500 per cent! unbelieveable! The
income has increased more than 0O
per cent. We used to have an income
el SiijO per annum l;v subscription.
now our income is over ",000. v e
used to take up 111 the hu inlay col
lection ?l or $5. now we take up
not less thun $20 or ?o0 and some
times over $ i. On a recent Sunday
we had JSLDG in the collection. All
of this of course has had a convert
ing effect upon my official board.
We wrote tu the Mission Board and
Protection or Pills?
A ljttle protection saves a lot of pills. What's the use of
getting soaked through 3 or 4 times before you protect your
health and your clothes with a good rain coat.
We start them at $3.95 for men and up to $20 for the best.
Ladies Coats $4.95, $7.95 and $10.00.
Boys Coats $3.75, $4.50 and $5.50.
Alligator Slickers-the best made, $4 and $5. Others $3 and $3.75.
Umbrellas $2 and better.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Routines of God we hope to lift by
Love to all
We rejoice in
the Plattsmouth folk,
your success also.
T. A. Truscott
told them we did not need any more
help, "thank you, that we would
pay our pastor and pay his house
rent, and that we would increase the
Pastor's sadary $500. This saving to
the Poard was further augmented by !
the Benevolences that being paid in.;
The Pastor will take to Conference .
next year four times: more than this!
Charge could ever pay towards sav-i
ing the world from sin and lifting
it up to God.
If you have been watching the
money market ymi will be surprised ; Held at Mviiard and the Eody of
at the roregoing for you must know
that Cruguayan merchants never suf
leted more keenly the reverse in bus
iness than they are doing just now.!
The difference in exchange is so. The funeral services of the lale
great that it is (juite a question if Mrs. Nancy Goodman was held on
some of the importers can keep tleirl Wednesday afternoon at the home of
feet. Big business nun find their ini- J hereon. Samuel Goodman, near Myn
port business reduced to nil. The peo-l ard, where she has made he rhome
pie cannot buv at tne prices and if ; tor the last few years, the service
Held at Mynard and the Eody
This Splendid Lady is Laid to
Rest in Glendale Cemeteiy
the people cannot buy the merchants
cannot import. There are deep lines
on the faces of the honest merchants
as a result of a great commercial cri
sis. Yet another result of the life in
the dry bones, the shaking of the
ruts, is the demand for a new church.
You ask how that is since we .have
such a beautiful well appointed
building. Well these, are the reasons:
The two city congregations of Meth
odists, the English-speaking and the
Spanish-speaking built this church
as a joint property, but now the
Spanish people feel that we are tak
ing up too much room and we feel
they and ourselves need more, so
our English-speaking people have re
solved to draw out and build a
church. It was the wish of the Bish
op that we should uo this is possinie.
Twelve months ago it looked impos
sible. But on the lull of April we
bought a property next to the Uni
versity of Montevideo, for $;'0.000.
seems like a fairy tale, so wonder
fully -did the Lord help us. On the
day that we had to pay for the deeds
we gathered in cash $20,000 and I
had to borrow $10,000 to meet the
rest. How God .ent a man along to
lend us that $10,000 is still another
story of wonderful providence. .Last
Sunday morning sifter the service, a
lady put $500 into my hand and a
note saying: "A thank offering to
our Heavenly at iter lor ins nies-
sings to us in the past l- months.
And another lady is going to give
us o')) todav, so ?:i.unn win he leu
instead of $10,000. and this by the
Uxl2 Fibre Bugs
Other Bugs ol all sizes
ductions. Phone f,I5 G!i
Plattsmouth. Nebraska .
at great re & Ghrist
We appreciate your co-operation
in helping: us to publish all the live
news of the community. Call Ho. G,
3 rings.
The r.ev.- Ford lawful lens, 50c
per pair. T. H. Pollock
was conducted by the Rev. E. H. Pon
tius, pastor of the l.'iuted Brthren
church of Mynard and was very im
pressive as the minister spoke to the
sorrowing family and friends of the
beautiful christian life of the depart
ed. The choir of the congregation of
the church composed of Rev. Pon
tius. Wlil T. Rishardson. Helen Pon
tius and Mary Wetenkamp sang two
of the old and well loved hyjns.
"Jesus Savior Pilot .Me" and "Jesus I
Lover of My Soul." Mrs. H. J. Liv-j
ingston also sang very sweetly "Does
Jesus Care." Following the services
at the home the body was taken to
the Glendale cemetery near Manley
where the interment was made.
Mrs. Goodman was born in Colum
bus Grove. Ohio. May 4. 1S44 and
was reared to womanhood in that
state and there married Kinney
I Goodman, December 11, 1S00. and in
18S5 the family came to Nebraska
and have since made their home in
this state.
To mourn the death of this good !
woman there remain the aged hus
band who has been making his home I
with a daughter at Budwell iind the J
following children: Samuel Goodman
of Mynard. Mrs. Ellen DeFresse.
Lincoln. Mrs. Cora Buskirk, North!
Platte. Mrs. Elizabeth Steinkanip of
Mauley. Frank B. Goodman of Weep
ing Water and Will Goodman of
Giltner. There are also twenty-two
grand children and twelve great
grandchildren to mourn the passing
of then beloved one.
The Reward of Good Vision
in Your Declining Years.
Have Your Eyes
examined and glasses correct
ly fitted in time. Consult
If it's in
the Journal
the card
line, call at
L R. Herterl, Op. D.
The Eyesight Specialist,
of Omaha
Graduate of the LosAngclcs
! Medical School of Ophthal
Jmology and Optometry
Every Wednesday
FROM 10:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M.
at the B. A. McElwain Jewelry
Store, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Headaches Cured With Glasses!
Pre-war Prices!
TO our men and young men customers, we
very much pleased to announce the arrival
of the first shipment of Fall suits. As this
no doubt will be an early season for Fall suit
buying, you boys who have been asking, "are
they in yet?" may now take your pick.
There are just 25 suits in the bunch, all good
wool worsteds, finished and unfinished.
Every one a hand tailored garment, from
the shops of
Kuppenlieimer and
They arc in sizes 37-38-39-40. Mostly 37
and 38 stripes and checks, are the thing.
They are not much cheaper than Spring
line. But we are back to pre-war quality and tailoring.
If you are needing a new Fall suit and are looking for
something high-class, wc would advise you to "Do Your
Christmas Shopping Early."
The Private and Exclusive Residence of Kuppenheirner and
Hart Schaffner & Marx in Plattsmouth.