.vrrvg state Histori cal Socitty VOL. NO. XXXVIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, AUGUST 1. 1921. NO. 5 CONCERT PLEASES CROWD AT PARK; Well Arranged Program is Given and Unusually Large Crowd Pres ent to Enjoy It. From Thursday' DaMr. Jast evening tli' KIks band held tli -ir regular "weekly concert at the city iark ami the occasion was at tended hy an unusually large num ber who in the coolness of the park enjoyed very much the program that li:nl Ween arranged for the occasion, i The program embraced a number of the popular selections of the day as well as the high class standard numbers, among which the "Poet and Peasant overture and the descrip tive selection. "A Summer Evening in Hawaii" proved very pleasing to the music lovers. Mr. Schulhof and the members of the band had arranged a special number in honor of the memory of I'M ward t". Kiple. Jr.. taking the beautiful funeral dirge of Handel. "The Dead March in Saul" as the selection and this very beautiful ami impressive melody was given in a very pleasing manner by the band boys. In the lighter portions of the pro gram the "H'ang Wang 151 ties" and the number from "Jack O'Lantern" were received with marked approval In- the large crowd of music lovers. NEW SCHOOL HEAD ARRIVES IN CITY E. DeWolfe. Who will Have Con trol of Plattsmouth Schools Coming Year, is Here From Thursday'! Pally. This morning George K. I e Wolfe, iiewly elected superintendent of the Plattsmouth city schools, arrived in Hie city to take up the work of or ::ani.ii.g the teaching forces of the --hol for the year. .Mr. I e Wolfe is not coming here : a stranger as his previous service here in 1 VI 7-1 has given him a fa miliar acquaintance with the Platts fiio.it h schools and a gret many of the patrons of the school. That he is to head the public school system of the city has given u great deal of satisfaction to the residents of the city and particularly those who have children attending school. There have been few men in charge of the city schools who have possess ed the genuine good will and thor ough respect of the community as has Mr. I 'e Wolfe and his return will be the source of much pleasure to his host of old time friends and asso- iatcs. As soon as he is thoroughly ar ranged, Mr. DeWolfe expects to es tablish office hours at the high school where i he pat tons of the school and i he parents :i well as scholars can take Up the matter of the fall term of school and the courses of study thev desire. WILL HAVE GAME AT MANLEY SOON Plattsmouth Eagles To Journey Out There Sunday, August 7th to Take on the Fast Team The road of the base ball fans of f'ass county will lead to Manley on Sunday. August 7th. when the Eagles of Plattsmouth will journey out to our neighboring little city to mix things up on the diamond with the fast aggregation that is representing Manley this season. The previous visit of the local team to Manley on July 4th. when they played the Weeping Water team there has created a very favorable impression on the boys and they are pleased to have the chance to go back and have a try at the Manley tt am. Manager liarclay feels that this will be a real game in every sense of the word and that the fans will be -well repaid in going to Man ley, as both teams are in good form and can be depended upon to give n good account of themselves. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY From Thursday's ra!1y. The home of Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Sheldon on Wintersteen hill was the scene of a very pleasant gather ing last evening when they cele nraieu tneir third wedding anniver sary and were joined by Mr. and Mrs Charles Mason, who were celebrating their thirteenth anniversary. A very dainty supper was served to the members of the jolly party and the fun and pleasure of the oc casion continued until a late hour, when the members of the party de parted for their homes, wishing the guests of honor many happy returns of the day. Those attending the event were Mr and Mrs Mart Shel- don and family; Mrs. George Spain and little daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Iliram Sheldon and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gcuchenour and family; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lowe; Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bennett and son; Miss Jessie Gouchenour; Miss Mary Kephart and R. A. Bennett. COUNTY COURT NOTES From Friday's I'ally. j The marriage department of the county court was working overtime1 yt-trday when two couples were' united in the bonds or wedlock by i his honor. Judge Allen J. P.eeson. Krcolc Salerno of Omaha and Miss , Fern Worthen of this city were the tiist to be joined in the bonds of; matrimony and the court taking a : short rest when Mr. Kdwin K. Wright of North Platte and Miss Carrie M.I Fahni of Omaha visited the court lu.use and secured the necessary per mission to Lecome man and wife and the court at once performed one of his celebrated brands of marriage that are guaranteed to last until the parties tire of double harness. URGING POLLARD TO ENTER THE CONTEST Cass County Leader Asked to Submit His Claims to Governorship To Decide Later. The political pool is being gently stirred thes days, despite the dis couraging weather, says the Lincoh State Journal in discussing prospec tive candidates for governor of Ne braska in 1922. t'on inning, the capital city paper says: "Particularly is there some agita tion in the republican governorship puddle. Senator Adam McMulle'i is the only u vowed candidate. He r.Mt second to McKelvie in the primary of last year, anil naturally submits his candidacy again with the gover nor out of it. Arthur J. Weaver of Kalis City, is not an avowed can didate, but all the me licine-miM rs regard his entrance as certain. Judge Arthur O. Wray. of York, is also a certainty, although his hat is -ti!i on his head, not in the ring. There is ;i conviction that Representative Ge ). A. Williams of Fillmore county ill tends, at the right time, to beko:i to the voiers. "'The possibility exists that K. M. Pollard, of Cass county, may enter. Mr. Pollard was in the city the other day, am! held a conference with - n. friends who urged upon him the duty of making entry. He declined to make any answer at the time, but he would let the gentlemen know later. Mr. Pollard was third man in the race of 1920. It was generally expected at that time that he would finish in second place, but for some reason or another the word went out from anti-McKelvie headquarters to concentrate on McMulleii. "On the democratic side of the fence a number of democrats are in sisting that T. S. Alien be made the candidate for governor. Mr. Allen's excellent record as federal district j attorney is an n.ei that the demo-j crats would like to cash in on at the) next election, although they think j that they will win with most anyj good man. Allen talk has been uuitet pronounced for the lust week or so. Kin me onjeci oi u :isi.-ms iii.ii lit is not a candidate ;;nd will ma be a candidate. Although n brother-in-law to W. J. P.ryan. l.e has not in herited any particular animosity from the Hitchcock group, and in fact some of those boosting him are men who have fought with Gilbert and Arthur for the p.st ten years. "Democratic politicians claim there is a pot of gold at either end of their rainbow of hope. If Wray wins the nomination by the help of the non partisan league, they look for strong republican support for whoever the democrats name, and if he doesn't, general business conditions. high taxes and general dissatisfaction will bring them victory." COURT HOUSE HAPPENINGS. From Thursday's "Hatty. Yesterday afternoon County Judge Allen J. Beeson issued a license to wed to Harry C. Knight of Emer son. Iowa, and Anna I. Hurst, of Glen wood, who hastened from the courthouse to find a clergyman to join them in the bonds of wedlock. Today is the first day of the op eration of the law that raises the legal age of women from eighteen to twenty-one and the blushing bride to be who has not reached the twenty-first milestone, must have the con sent of- her parents or guardian. In the district court the divorce mift was working to equal the mar riage license department of the low er court and an action was nieu en-( titled Lillian Jordan vs. Robert Jor- dan. in which the plaintiff asked that a decree of divorce be granted! on the grounds of cruelty on the parti nf ih defendant. The names were -married nere on Apru io, un, aim - the plaintiff also asks that her maid - en name of Lillian Rouchka be re- married here on April lo, 191 and stored to her bv the court. DOING VERY NICELY The manv friends of Mrs. Edward G. Ofe will be pleased to learn thatj she is now doing very nicely at the j LiarKson nospitai in umana. wueie she was operated on a few days ago. Tne condition of the patient has been most favorable and everv prospect is for her early recovery. FOR SALE Two high grade Red Polled bulls for Bale. C. C. Barnard. M vnard. j Neb., telephone 4022. POLICE WATCH FOR WYOMING ROBBERS Joseph Kastner of Wyoming, braska. Robbed of $10 and Checks at Point of a Gun Ne- From Friday's pally. hast evening a telephone message was received here by hiel o! I'olice Jt ties from Nebraska City stating that robbers had visited the general meichandise store of Joseph Kast ner at Wyoming. Nebraska, a short distance out of Nebraska City. On teceipt of the news a watch was main tained for the robbers who were re ported to be headed this way hut they came not. Chiet Jones, Onieer Chandler as well as William Grebe, special deputy, and Frank Detlef. who was appointed yesterday as con stable by Jud.e P.eeson. were all on the watch along the streets leading through the city but the parties had evidently chosen another route and it is reported that they crossed the Missouri river at Nebraska City shortly after, midnight heading into I a w a . From the' reports received from Wyoming it seems that Mr. Kastner returned from Nebraska City early in the evening and noticed two men standing in front of the store and supposed they were customers. lie put away his car and came into the store through the reur entrance and opened the door for the 'wo men who came in and as Mr. Kastner turned his back on them t: walk be hind the counter they pulled a gun i.n him and commanded him to throw up his hands which lie did. The men rifled the cash drawer and secured $1 in money as weii as a poekethook containing several checks which they carried off with t hem. Mr. Kastner described the men as being about thirty-five year-- of age. smooth-shaven and wearing straw hats. Otie was about medium iieight and the other quite tall. ANNIVERSARY OF WAR HERO'S DEATH Edward Ripple Died racing Enemy on in Champagne Offensive Julv 28th. 1918. From Thursday Mail, Today. July 2Sth. marks the third anniversary of the death of Kdward C. Kipp!--. Jr.. whose funeral will be held on Sunday in this city. Kd ward va- a member of Co. I of th" 1 i S t h infantry and with his organi zation had participated in tic tak ing of hill No. 212 in 1 he Cham pagne offensive of the American army and on the following day was moving against l!:e Germans w ho were locat ed on the hillside opposite the Amer ican forces. In the attack during the early morning hours of July 2V. l!lv. a machine gun bullet found its mark and laid low this splendid young soldier. The other members of Co. I from this city also partici pated in the attack but were not killed or wounded in this action. From that time until a few weeks ago the body has lain buried in j French soil, hast week in company ! with many others it arrived in Ho , boken on the homeward journey. and now lies in state in the corri dor of the Cass county court house to await the holding of the final fun eral services Minday afternoon under the auspices of the local post of the American hegion. A LIFE SAVER Bravery i and a little no respector of person guy has as large a call for the heroic and this fact deeds as a big slob was demonstrated a few evenings ago in Nebraska City when one of the Plattsmouth young men appeared on the scene as a real hero. The scene of the heroic exploit was the swiming pool at Brown s nark where the young and old of Nebraska City and vicinity frisk and get all wet up. The voting man from Plattsmouth has a. weakness for the attractive young ladies of Nebraska City, whom he considers are the rarest of the peach crop in our fair state, and he had accordingly separated himself from a few dimes to procure passage : of the bus line and soon was at ! Brown's park and in the full enjny j ment of the sport of bathing. At this i same time there was a young lady in ih ;nrf in comoanv with a srentle- j ,n tr . man 1(K)k friend and the lady was fair to upon and our young friend was feasting his eyes on her when sud denly he saw that she was evidently in danger of drowning and that her escort was having great difficulty in trying to get her out of her serious situation. The lady had struggled so much that she had almost drowned her escort and in fact both of the parties were well nish exhausted when our hero with a few well plac ed strokes was at their side and in stantly seized the maiden to bear her to a place of rafety and despite the soft pressure of her embrace suc ceeded in getting her ashore while her escort waded on out of the lake. I The moral of our story is that 1 when vou intend to drown select a J shallow spot. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY From Fr11ay"s Ially. Fpon returning from swimming last evening. Mrs. Kay Henham was completely surprised ; tiud her par lor tilled with friends -Mid neighbors to help her celehraie h.-r eighteenth birthday." An enjoyable evening was s-pent in games a.d mmic. making the event one to reBiein lir. The twenty-seven guests were .Mr. and Mrs. John True. Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Stivers. Mr. and .Mrs. Hans Franke. .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kehnie. Messrs. Jack True. Frit. True. Chris True, Harry Jordan. Raymond Lohn es. Gerald Kehnie. Willard Stivers. Misses Mabb- True, Grac e I )u it , Es ther Lohnes. Verena True. Clara True. Fern Stivers. Erna Stivers. Lu cile Stivers. Lelia Huff and Mary Schroeiier. Several birthday gifts were given Mrs. Iienham and the best wishes of all were extended tor many more happy birthdays to come. BURIAL GROUNDS Louie Koukal While Plowing- Strikes Grave of Tht Red Settlers of This Locality in the Past Louie Koukal while plowing on the farm of his father. John Koukal. northwest of the city a few days ago. unearthed what was evidently the last resting place or ne of the early residents of this portion of Cass coun ty. The plow entere 1 t'ie rocT-ty form ed grave and tiie young man at once saw that it was evidently a grave of some jort end a little furth er investigation di.-clased That it was the last earthly resting place of two forms. The two bodies had evidently been buried for ninny years as the bones were alums crumbled into UUst a age. The nd had a! ih. of feat t wo skelet :r were lying to evidently that at : h " a nd vine w; of a child o stature whil a person of very smali til .'.til o . - 1 lilt. . . I 1 Vt VI- dence from the tee; a that it in the skull of being that of From li'.i nrnia t ion of tae taa : tie; a man -kull i was thought tiiat t :rv .bod ies h;:d been tiiose of iiidiat.s no haU in early du.s resided alivv the hunting grounds of the Platte river. The hill where the graves were found has been known as Indian hill for nianv years and members of the Koukal family report that they have frequently found beads and other 'rinktts of Indian workmanship and in the past a number f other s: raves were unearthed theie. The Omaha and Otoe Indians were both numerous in this section of Ne 1 r.irka a an eariv day and as lae as the first of the seventies the old r r-ettiers report mere were ireiueni visits by the red men back to the old hunting grounds. It is thought that the grave just unearthed had at one time ueen grounds of Indians. a part one of the e tri burial bes of the AVOCA SUFFERS A Postoffice and Marquardt Store Suf fer Snail Losses from the Unwelcome Visitors. From Friday's rallj. The town of Avoca in the south portion of the county seems to have been added lo the list of places suf fering from the visitation of burg lars and another chapter added to the long list of robberies that have occurred in the different the count y. The building occupied S. postoffice was one of selected for the visitation towns of by the V. the spots of the un- welcome callers and from the safe in the postoffice the sum of 52 in sil ver was secured. Entrance to the building was made by unlocking the door and after getting in the robbers had little difficulty in securing ac cess to the safe and its contents. -; The general store of P.. C. Mar quardt & Co. was the second place to be visited and here a little larger sum was secured as $7 in silver and small change had been left in the cash register. At store the entrance a cellar window. No trace of the the Marquardt was gained thru party or parties committing the act could be found and the general opinion is that who ever pulled off the robbery their successful getaway. made LEGION TELLS HARDING WILL FIGHT FOR BONUS Washington. D. C. July 27. The American Legion served notice on President Harding today that the campaign for adjusted compensation for veterans "cannot be downed." the message being delivered in per son by Gilbert Dettman. chairman of the national legislative committee of the organization. FOR RENT rRAIRIE HAY LAND. Hay ground joining Oreapolis on the south. Cuts twice a year. See George Mild or Frank VaUery. 7-aw Blank Books at the Journal Office. PLANNING ON BIG II in in Merchants Will Hold General Picnic In the City on One Cay in Au- gust Accoiaiiig to "Ian;; The matter ; a ; staged by the biisines city and their employe: ;eiieral picnic - men of the is now being urged in this community and from the very avcraMe manner in which the suggestion lias been received there is little dou't that it will be put across iu fine shape. It is now planned to have the event take place immediately after the next community bargain day and it is planned now to have each business house of the city close up on that day and tht boss and all the em ployes pack their baskets witti good things to eat and hit for the great outdoors for one big day of frolic and fun. The exact location of the pienic grounds has not been fixed upon bu it is hoped to have them close in so that all who desire can attend. It is the present plans that the general public who desires to attend may do i(" and all l hew have to do is to pack up their dinners and come to the picnic grounds. The business men ployts seldom get themselves out in th and it is hoped that and t heir em i real day u great outdoors this event will 'ne attended by everyone who is in anyway connected with the stores and business houses of the city. This proposition will be pushed by the committee having the matter in Charge and more can be cxperted to tie heard from it in the mar future. WEEPING WATER IS FOR DISARMAMENT Mass Meeting: of Citizens Endorses Resolution Calling on U. to Take the Lead. S. At a mass meeting ( f the citizens he'.ii at the f W p:ng Water. j ('ir. jan riiurch Monduv niaht. Juiy ".". the following resolution was auopl ei ; "Resolved. That it is tiie sentiment of those present, that ail nations thould discontinue the building of battleships, cannon, and other muni tions of war: "That the United States of Amer ica should initiate the process of practical, in't l nai ional disarmament; "Tnat tiie moral influence of our Government and of our people should be consecrated to the ministry of sub- IvtitiiTin :i rtiir rm ini! for war in ie- ermtr.ii'g the rights and privileges of men and nations: "That all of Nebraska's represen tatives in the National Senate and Congress are urged to do all in their power to incorporate into American and International Law. the spirit cf these hesolutions." Speeches on the subject were made by Mayor T. L. Havis. by Rev. W. 11. Kilcv and by Geo. W. Robb. WILL VISIT ENGLAND William Morley. of Avoca. was in town Saturday attending to some business matters preparatory to leav ing for a trip to his native country. Fngland. He and Mrs. Morley leave home this week for their trip and will sail from New York August on the White Star liner, Adriatic, relatives of Mr. They will visit Morley in En gland fields and points France. They will also the battle of interest in attempt to look up some of the graves of Cass coun ty soldiers in France and while here Saturday. Mr. Morley obtained in formation of Mr. A. L. Marshall as to the location of the grave of Harold Dare Marshall. Mr. Morley was born at Heachaoi. Norfolk county, England, and came to America forty years ago last May. being ten years of age. He has been a resident of Cass county for .the past thirty-seven years. lp until a few months ago when he sold out, he was active in business at Avoca. Weeping Water Republican. DENOUNCES INJUNCTION ON REED-NORVEL BILL Lincoln, Neb.. July 27. Attorney General Davis toady denounced the action of Judge F. W. Button in granting a temporary injunction re straining the enforcement of the Keed-Norval language law as a high handed shackling of the law enforce ment authority of the state. Judge Button granted the injunction which holds good until the regular term I of court in September, and prevents the new language law frmn going into effect. PARADE TO BE FEATURE OF STATE LEGION MEET Fremont, Neb., July 27. It is ex pected that 1.T.00 ex-service men and women will participate in the i American Legion parade, w hich will I be given as a feature of the annual 'state convention in Fremont. Posts over the state are advised in an of ficial letter that all delegates must bring a regulation uniform. The Woman's auxiliary will con--vene in Fremont at the same time. .x JURED IN CAR ACCIDENT Papilliou. Neb.. July 21. Thomas Nelson. of Weeping Water. drove WEEPING WATER MAN IN his car off a bridge west of here at an early hour yesterday. The car Tj j p Merrily For Scv plunged to the creek bed. Nelsun Miftered a fracture of three ribs and cial "OUis and Finnhy I'.e- his collarbone. He was picked up Suits i:i LlackbiT.itL Win by passe rsby several hours alter the accident and brought here lir med- Krein iiMivs Im:Iv ica! treatment. The livairy of th-- !'o: . es id' the . I liuriii.gioa Placksi.iit !i shop and tli.it WILL LEVY REVENUE TAX ON LIQUORS Inteinal Revenue Officer Here to See' That Makers of "Hootch" Pay Uncle Sam Fees For I; From Thursday's r:ii!y. More trouble is in .store for tho.-e who have been engaged in f h : manu facttire of the famous h(di,c- ..ri le li-, ..nor ami t.art icu'a? 1 v iu c.ses where! i ...... i - - - - . ... .... t j e parties have been convicted of the manufacturing of the air.'sail liquor. i This morning a representative of the internal revenue collectors cilice at Omaha was here and 'necking up tiie various parties who had been! found guilty cf manufacturing liquor and with tiie purpose of levying a tax for the federal government on the same. The tax is a heavy one and will make the fine in the state court seem a mere drop in the bucket in most of the cases where any quan-i ity of the liquor was found or still ( ( nf ist ica t ed and will make mo-' of the amatuer distillers hustle to pay the revenue tax. The government has it on the other authorities as they have the powt r to levy on the land or property of the persons owing the revenue tax and if the lax is not paid the land is sold. Se era Teases of this kind have (K-cured ov-r the countrv and i-pec- ia! officer Hanks who w; !h-i e a ft months 'j ', had a great oe.il !' ex jtiience in this line as he h-1 iirtu .ii t to .-cverai places in Mirre-ot -. nit Ihiko'iis and Washingon to Ie y on the propetry of the distillers and brewers and his stories of the v.,ri- levies made certainlv indica4 that it is a hard ja!- to satisfy t '; : revlf-nue tiepar: .riet'i The cost of manufacturing even a siiu'.il qnani'y of i ie liqour can ea -ilv run into thousands of dollars and makes it difficult for the party in - volved to the same settled. T0 CIRCUMVENT HEAT EFFECTS. Cleveland. O.. Julv 27. Elimina tion of noon lunches and practically ; and from there 'he girls tr;,Veled to all meats and sugar foods is the best , their respective d-st inat ions. Miss mean;: of serving the hot weather.' Vai returned to Ptittal.' and then to Dr. Rebecca P. Mayors, of Oct rot t . ( 'lev ela nd. Chica go. St. Louis Kansas declared in an address before the "ity and Omaha. . will lea ve for .'wenty-fifih annual convention of her home next Tue-'iay and goes li the American osteopathia associa-' wa-v louver an;! Salt Lake and tion here todav. .then to California. It has been a Dr. George Laughlin of Kirksville. j most wonderful trip lor her. Mo., also condemned the use of sugar i " as a food. Over-indulgence in sugar POR RENT OR TRADE creates auto-intoxication, he said. The ostepaths selected Los An-' Two and n half acres adjoining geles as next year's meeting place, j Plattsmouth on soul!. Good bouse. The American oesteopat hie bos-1 good pasture. See George Hild or pital association. meeting in con- Frank VaUery. JT-'Jiv. junction with the oesteopat hs. elect- ed Dr. George W. Perrin. Denver. Y(mr pd c ch if ou president, and . Curtis Prigham, . . , ,, . ,, ., . Los Angeles, secretary-treasurer. "WTlte jt as a Plain selling taU in Blank Books at the Journal OfEce & i f ' The Federal Reserve System! Almost TEN THOUSAND banks all over the United States are members of the Federal Reserve Sj'stem. The twelve Federal Reserve Banks main tained by these member banks, under the di rect supervision of the United States govern ment, act as our second line of defence in time of money stringency. This bank is a member of the Federal Re serve System. When you bank here you share all the advantages of the strongest financial system in the world. The Fi retentional Bank THE BANK Vi HEPi PLATTSMOUTH P.. WHEN BLACKSMITHS MEET BOILERMAKERS 'of the maeaii.is..- j.nd boilerniakers i mi tiie h;'st !;. ! ! diamond i:as long I I ee :i ..ecu and in the gi.od old das i man- a hard '.".-' tit gaiae of ball was -taged wj:;i a foa g trophy as the ictors share of Mi" sposN. Las? ee::ing t he two teams ,u- -!'-"'! ' r1'"1" t!l' u"'-"" oi I ;e supremacy, o: ; ac ii:aiuoi:.i mi' of eourse minus the foaming flagon. The men employed in these oepart m. ::!-. of the 'hops were oil hand tarlv to enjoy t;i.- e li i i. : ' ion of the national pastime ami many thrilling iplavs were .recorded by the score K" !,eI ;,"u, ""- " - !'"' - ' record of the ti.tlo'i. The most br at htaking feat dfe .f f he game wa the eatch made hv .lo I'. I'- whom IS claimed 11 do in wici and finally nailed M. Pall a r.d sa ed a score from eoiiuiing against his team 1. r i;:- bh:eK m i t 'is Anion Hula did th" throwing and the ve'eian hammer yield, r sei nmd 'o be in olu tiaie firm judging from the score that the blacksmith.-- were able to n il up a.-air.s' tht i r foes. Tom Grad oville did the rei . i iug for th" black smiths and the bat wry wot k of t he hammer artists wa- the chief cotitti luting cau-v of victory of the team. For (lie c mbineii boi b-rma kers and machinit- Otto Lu !i in-Ky and Tom Uolib did the ba'lery v. r k ami wiiib fighting ma nluiiy l' r t heir team 1 hey failed to get over t hi' hump. The game has creat- il so mio-h i:.- er-st th..t ano'her contest may hv staged in tin- near fti ne ENJOY VISIT HERE From Fi irti. y s t-i;1iv Caht-rint and Koiatoi Ahl depart ed todav for their home in Omaha after having -p-ut '. w. weeks a; I he home of their uncie at:;i aunt. Mr. u Mrs. nn:v Lorn. Mi.-..-. Ldn.i Su.;! a!ul .tj.s Fiances AM of Cal- :re aiso vis: ing at the Porn j . onl wiss J ranees .Mil let! .a i I o: !i ra June H'th and in con pan y with five other young ladies traveled .as far mj as w rf - 1 1112 n ;:nd stien: ime j,i:ne ,,lf.re luiini: j ,,,. sights of ithc national capital lm-iioling the (white House the .-ession- of c.,n- ! gt ess and from ther- tnt to Cana da via Niagara Fall . Later she vis- ted Hostoi Albany and New York. stead oi trying; to luss it uj wih ' frills and exagerations. YOU FEEL AT HOME NEBRASKA r t