The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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r&UT. 12
TTIUBSrA.y JULY 55; 1321.
Specials for Saturday!
10 lbs Granulated Sugar for $ .G9
Chewing Tobacco, per lb 79
Men's Heavy $2.20 Denim Overalls, per pair. . 1.39
Lad ies' Comfort Shoes, Saturday only 2.49
Percales, light and dark patterns, per yard I8V2C
LL Muslin, good quality, per yard 10
Ladies' Bungalow Aprons at 1.19
Luna Soap, G bars for 25
Pure Cider and Pickling Vinegar, per gallon. . . .39
Wt Pay the Highest Market I Vice
for Eggs.
epartment Store
FRANK J. FANGER, Proprietor
DHL i LUlf
Huh Count' Sena tor IiecoiinneinU-tl I
For Marshall, Long Leader in J
Republican Party lianks
Washington, July 2C. - State Sen
ator l-nnis II. iTonin nf O'.W-ill v. a:
ti cuiiiiiK-iiilt'il for (rnited Stales litar-.-hal
ftr Nebraska ai a in t--i i n t; oi
:! Nebraska republican t ion
in V 11 Kress lal nitt'lu in Senator
Norn's' othce. ii was announced today.
Me lias be. II Ilie editor i!" a lepub
iiean newspaper for thirty years ami
has verved six terms in ihe Senate.
Oilier ia 1 1 t iila 1 es. a moil!' whom were
.1 . I!. -N ickersoli ul' Omaha. (!eorj;e
I. Leonard of I'olumhus. ami !' L.
f'llllleV of TiMeli received sea t I el i 11 t'
Sole: at first, it is understood. I 1 1 1
I'lo.'iiii was I'eeoin mended mi all i-:il'h
inlh.1. 'I '.'lis i-: tin- list federal Ottl.e
,! a Ii V i III m i'f :t ! c- in I lie slate II. lie
1. I:l;s . ('ii.liill al present a
member nl' : lie .iiaic. !li ii.nn' i-, al
.ei!l ami lie has limn, lieen tin- ed
i r f ul" a le iu !.l i ea II Ii e A s pa per al hi.
'ii.n.e i.o-.n. lie is serving' his m-iiuhI
Ii Till ill I lie .'tale senate. Il a V i U : pro si-IVed several leillls i'l Ihe
i'. use. ill ln: !l Ilia lie:ies i! Ihe leg
islature he has lieell a Ii active wu:k-
r mi b.-mi I ;' of ma n v i m n.i I a ii t meas
ure-. D.iiiii:' Ins la-t term in I lie sell
ate e -efVeil as C h a i I' III ,'l 11 iit I lie CMIll-
l.liTtee nil apportionment ami is
louses of
Whi te Voile
I ;
! ' '
; l .
! ! .1 1
I hi l ir
I'll CM- ; ;i , J;, j . j ,i S' ; Ii,
ity about I In- ii Voile illuiiM- U(
have juM ,,a, v j, j,,.,.,..
e-I any Woman who meii- :. u.-vv
l iia I i t
Have You a Farm for flex! Year!
,:e 'ni in iimi l.;riiiin. hefaiise vim c:.nnm hmi a iaru
I" ren'. am! have m.i i-:i .11 : h capital t l.i.y ..! el' limse h:v.h
;.: i- l e.i-tt-ri! farina? Il' lnr - y 11 t'.t -n" von ha. I ;. ;ii r tarn a
1 ( i;. v". I a ii- lv iiilli. In .:;! I: e;t-t erti ' ! 1 1'a i ' . where v e have
1 1 a ! I nn..- n.' Idem i . , i r 1 . veil . ;.m v.l:;-e ij.. ir.ip, sp.:-U I'ur
I.'-..; ih.M e ;,:; al hal'-aiii price-.. .i';(i (.: nn.-f .it'
v. e 1.::. ;(( a-' ii-ini- ; v h'l'- Ihev ale liiviiir; i:..ii'e ; :i:
lai r.- i-'.i nly di H i! .ei! ti:a:. .: . lei n .el.r:. -I;a : w I :
a., v - ; I.e.-: . i! I1.1.1-. sc!, .i-J . ami rmirciic . a- ell .-.
: ;n-1: h '.: ; lam! ciu-.- . ti.w.i. Y1.1, v ill he -nrpri.-.i ! 11.
; ' -1.'.'. hiii'l at siic'i iiarvaiu price-. A! -ve west a- yn ir ! !!'.!-
! 1. i i.i;.'.ii:.ti;i:ic. i:vi:i;v :ox has .v.ii: aioxk v
,. m .:;: i.ittlk i A:::ni:K xi nfvixc rnKV.'
I . v v I V.'iit" 'n.l.i I'm- .hi in- ,ie'-i''.c iiu'orm;.! i..:.. as well as pi ic.-s
am! Ii-rin- . li !I 11 - wiial waul, aa.l ahniil Imvv linr.-h yon can
:ml will lit v.ill n'lt. I'l" eive this .nl '. 11 I i- nicli I .
1 heir;
I i
it. I- Gil; !n-i:.t. Kasv.vll. Colo. G. II. Oildiiist. Mead. Nt-br.
lar.iie.'v 11"-J.. n-i hh- lor the learralu;
1111-111 1,1 1 in- M-n.iiiiii.ii nisirii-is a-;Tni. 1 1 iv nvi-i
'in-v are now i-nimi i 1 u t eil. Mis chain
I ph.nship 1.!' ihe Smitn I. read hill ilm
. iiik tile la-l s'-ssiiM! nf 1 in- lei.-la
! ill".- which he -aid was in the inter
i . . . . . ...
! rr-T 01 IMe poor pe iple. ami !lls op
'position to increasing. ?;,(. hnrden nt
; taxati.'!: I v lar'i- a joirojiria I i. ms
caused !u in to he ih,. i.,,
, pie's -;.; 111 i.i... and in- was charved
I with iiavint an eve nn 1 lie ; vern..i
I Kecntlv it was rumored ihai ih
- . 11 1; -- - n : ; I ilt-lei: a t in :i eMiccle.1 'o
c:,nci de lii Cii'i.lji'i-s -ma it Kinkaid tie
a ;.. ii'irnent ;" l'niti-4 States mar
siiall for Xehra-ka. ami thai i :ie i
l;: ssii!;-., vvniild nsine Senator t'niii
III i'or liie place.
(lii I LL H I Ul I I I Mi ll I 'i'l v-i- !.! Sunday alurm
jJ !'; at J::: at Car!:-!.! park
?.t 1 viri-: Set For S.iiiday Afternoon j All cx-n-rv ii e m.-n. army, navy am!
.t :i:20 At i.;i field Park Un- I !" e.i.,e-i,,i m ...,.i
. ,,.. .-i t 1 later ilian L' :o i.' in, uiiij.i.-m
mi .vn,,.. 01 t!w LeUp.) , (1 . ,Mt . in civilian clmh.-s :I .., ,
" oil Vine street, helv.eeli I'itlii and
'i ll - i'llllei..! .servic.s of K.luar.l C Sixth.
ICM.pie. .!r the lii-, ; 1 ! 1 -mi hi t !: m..i
. I . : I '. I '.: .1 : i. "1 i .1 I he V. -.
Srveji Inch Downpour Causes Heav
Diinajje Over Limited Terri
tory Dam Washed Out
he.-:! r t'.a-
Order 01 march from the '..imi
i;. . !;,,.-.- f.. !!:.. park ami !'!or:i t!:- par!:
1 11 da v a 1: e ie 11 mi j
i l.e Ccl:. -i '
V. I 1 1
is lnilnV:
J:i I t I.'!'! I ' I ! K.
v ii s w ! i i P.- 11 ml.-r
:' tin- I'll t s mi 1 1 1 ii ni.-
:i!l l.cioli .1: 1 lit the
U! ii.- d :i v . r. d hv 'i v j
1 e
1 1 1
The . :
a 1 1 -p .ci - 1
t ne Am :
r(..- rm..
!:. M l''M:iis-. : -1 . .r . ( the I n i.d
i:ri-r! re:: church of !v nard.
Ml s, , ice iii.-i! and memh.-i - :
:!i" in .ire t-.-. i:- i.-d t . ni". ..r
'- 11 In- I. ni, Vine -:ie.-: Pel,', i-eii
i-'ii't U -'el SiVlll -lleel.s V. ilete t
pi ., - .;..' A l. ... u,,., I ,.r,,
rv:'-e men ai i. ipi- s'e, to a!i;e
in ' I'.-' 1 n 11 : 1' 1 ii) 1 .11 1 hi' -ca -ni'
pay in;; 'It la- !n.n..r-- to t h
lali.-u ra.Je.
T'o- ' n i In meil i-.i'iiri a 1 1 m..:-. i;
I li.l- ! h.ill-e whel" Mi.- i-
1 ill?, il: : tat" ami vil!i the M-i;i!hi -
pi i.i-i . d 10 t j.. park
v ie - will P.- hf !,.
Ii !
1 . .... S ''..,,,.
- I'n'iir i.iiard--
i'irnm Miiad.
!. la i..:t 1 ;...plai i Mi..i ,i-r
".. ais-mi wit! !;,r. 'ccom-
pani'-.l hv pallt.e-i re: s.
i. '. crvice nn 11 it: this order:
1 a 1 Arin.v m-r. in uniform
1 hi Armv men in "civic. "
1 c Xa vy men.
7. V. ( . v. 1 Ma rc!i i n 1; 1
Kilativ.s in cars.
"ion Auxiliary in ears.
I ::e se,- t.lil"
'" :i-mr; l put. lie in ;ti
IM-I'M'I.A'I I(X 1!M:ss
Armv .ie'-i in unilmm . i 1 1 wear
hloilser: -lliih.-r campaign hat ci-
ov.r ,-,: cap may he w orn.
N'avv men wiil'vv-ar r.-- n hi 1 i. ..,
w hile ha I and lei;:' ins
Kv.-rv ev-servile cant, i. i. - .-. 1 1 .... .
I ----- ........I,, 111. III.
'I ... I 1. .- - . , 1
' " " niai.ii 11-0111 i::e pa t K j 01 w a-t :ei a memher of t h - i, erica n
will In- w.-r ,. Uranite street to ia-v, i,,r, or not . j. ,,rve, lo h- on hand
Mxt.i. X.-rth on Sixth to Vine and mu later than two o'clock in t!,f
1 nen -e w. :-r on Wasiiin-t. n a v-n ,i" . t n et ,,,,, tl, ,,1' ih,- postoftice r,'Hiv
:.. Loi n-; s;,-,-.'!. ..v. s: on l.ocu-t to :. i';.ti ...... .,
tr. ...... ; 1 .. . ,. .... . . . . ' '-''i. inv com
" s. '.1 1 11 111 n;ih 1 reel 11 , a mi 1
on Oak to the Ork Tlili
hence w,'
( '1 metcrv.
! I.'. Ml I
' i .'ii. n 1111 v . 1 s v. 1 ; 1 ne 1 ei 1 lie-1 - i
r to ki.-p cars or oilier vehicles of!
if l"ift!i st 1 eel in the block where
the park is Plated and also t:i re !
Train from drivinp. past the ina roll in J
colaiun enroute to and from the cern-j
e'ery. Ail those desirilK to drive to!
ihe cem -tery w ill he able to join in I
al l!i' rear ol the funeral cortas-.e.
; 1
l: or.l.-r nf the ',, -i ( nininan
d. r.
Post Adjutant.
The American Legion post a; Weep
in Water has been expect iim to at
tend the funeral services of I'vt. K.l
ward ('. Ripple. Jr which will be
l:ehl hero Sunday, but will be pre-
lln July 1'. alt over ll.e rnited . :,S ,J''V Vavt' received news
Siafs and a pretty lare handful -f , ' b ' L, vuU'm
. countries pe,,plc cast their eves V f u a , f , 1',,n" fr"Zn ,h" ,,:,f
.... the rinj; at .lersev Ci,v. Now alii t ' " , ,- 'J " ,m"t-i-
ov..r o..,..,.v- ...... rh" 'fl''tves of the late Cni. Wil
liam M. Walker have been notified
is- over. Dempsoy won. not onlv be
cause of his strength, hut because lie
never made a real mistake and re
ma iin-il ioI. talni. resourceful every
'iiinu'e of the is;lit. These are the
i;ii.;lii ies that always win. If you
will have them, you will be success
ful in every one of your enterprises.
Mtit 1 here is an indispensable condi
tion your stomach must be in good
order. Triner's Hit ter Wine is the
that his body would be shipped on
Wednesday from Moboken and arrive
in Omaha on Friday and then taken
to Water where the funeral
will be held Sunday.
It had been expected to hold th
funeral on last Sunday and all pre
paration made but some mistake in
me messages had occured and the
u Iimer , ll,bdy did not arrive in the ri
i-!ii-iiv fi.r lln! iiiirnnn tt L-uancf . . ... .. ... me . until
... ...... . .fc ..... i'- f 1
ih stomach and intestines unob
structe.I. increases the appetite, re
lieves the system of all poisonous
waste matters, and thereby puts the
entire human machine In perfect con
dition to combat the numerous ail
ments it may encounter. Your drug
gist or dealer In medicines has Trin-
er's Hitter Wine in stock. From other
excellent Triner s remedies, keep now
at home especially Triner's Liniment
for rheumatic or neuralgic pains and
for tired muscles and feet ami Trin
er's Antiputrin for throat troubles
and cleansing of wounds.
.Misses Sylvia and Laura Skalak of
this city are enjoying a week's visit
in Omaha, where they are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
lilaha. Mr. Blaha being here Sunday
and taking the little ladies back with
him for a visit.
ates until this week.
Sunday will be made memorial
here as the occasion or the funeral
of two of- the Cass cou lty hero?s
w. . " v. . iiir Liisn IOU liy lierO'sl ..ii, inn miner 1 lie coi
and both services will be verv ii.! ' cut lieir expenses 10 ner cent.
it- -i I r.rwt.i,l " I The rr... .... t o
J'..t V- . 1 ... ...
an.iua. .M-o . .liny i i he
cinps immediately north ot this place
were v;:-h"ii nin :;!;il ihe uiili dim
iie:e v.a- oarilv carrieii avav i.
cloii.!h'irsi which mnmlaie.1 t!.. 1, ,
a loll v. the I ... 1 : 1 river 111 I:.: feel
early t...a v .
'I he : i-. r al I his p..iiii v a up
: o I--,; oui:;ht ami was slill ris
i 114.
ttver seven inches ol rain fell, ac
1 .1 r. p..j : ..
I ! li.-l ive v.a-: ,.f i"c:ii elelit.
1 'I'i'il- lri. 111 nei h h. it i ii towns r,-.
V e.i t-, .
T-ie local Hunt in:; plain '.. a
forced to . i;s.i nd op.-rat ion.s at ; :i
early hour this morning, lecaiis, 1.1
the rising !!o,..l. It was dniil.i fnl
!m:it;ht w h.-i her -erv ic- c.":l! l-c
, re..;..: e,.
X.-w Vm K. .Inly l'i; -se.,:i:,t
X.'i thcliiie. who is etijov iti", t!'.e line
of ilie m. tropoiis lnr a : hcii vvhil.-Iielci-'-
re iiinin;; his I 1 1 tnv. ar.l ihe
i'ar llast. I, a-, il,,. i 1 ,-
eimi persnliave; vn ho exhibit a .-ei;s .
ol hiiinnr in .,' iscussi iu matieis ap
; rlaiiiin. in the eiv,nt'-enlh aiii. nd-im-iit
and its eiilorcemi at . Asio d :is
to kvhat in- thoiieht of prohibition, lie
said: " Tal.11 n;e I., a place while
there is prohibition ami I'll id! v.m
what I think ;;l,.,ul if."
Which r.-c.;lis what a Roumanian
prince nn a lec. iii visit in Xevv York
ask.-d: "When dnes proh i hi I ion be-uin'.'"
Ihe voile is
1 ml I hey a I 1
All si...
1 ! i'ce!ie;M
ell . i, I 1,
$2.25 to $5.00
Tiie marriage of Miss Tres-'.i Wa-
io-i, a former vv.-li kun.vii ynun la,l J
"I lie. 11 Murray ami Air. Vlcioi Wirt (
no 1 .,1 .St. I'aul. ,M i lilies, ,1 a , occ'uied
Wed iie.-aia v' nii.rn 1 11 : . .
t' llo- SI. .loMjih church in (imalia
The Ilia I'liav.e files Were real hv
I'aiii.r Simon, icclor nf St. Joseph!
- : 1 I llo- impressive t'atholic rervic.
Ihe is ot I hese I Wn
Middies ---
Wi'ii a i.ii.i'i'. ii"ii;w and an .-;ia
iviii mi hand, om- is well lived for
lii'- .si'Kitni r. ior on all but lir.v ,
oc.-asioiis. the mat. !eiu. "irii.-ii
1 t 1 1 1 ' is a p.n in:-!.: ? e am! hcci .,n i n :
We .ir- si'iiv.i:;. ail white n.o ! !-
in it !. , ci 1,, .,!;.! . ,: Ii,-; .,
braid trimii'.'.i: : i-o middies in !
i' r. ! am! b'm- Whatever v,.,ir
i'i 1 1 em-.- ;. 1 a ,. 1 n o. c!a I , 1 r one
1 v lue . ..rl !; :.:..ii, a f: . r.
$1.50 to $4.00
All sizes tin to 20 Years
A Good Quality of Goods
at a Fait Price
CALL PHONES 53. 54 and 144
used In unit
'. i. II II f, p. opl
Tin- bride vvat aMend.-d b a 'i
: Ale,-, (.race Wanner as hruh
maul whiie ih,- he.-t man was C .,' t-.
'.';i;- ner, I rm h.-r of l Ii. hi ide.
'I'i;'' io id'- war. v. ,iw m-d in vvhi'.
!'Vl,i ''' I e and caiiiiil while i n.
aile tin b :i il.s ma i i wore a :r
cnarmiiiL, vdvv n of pii.l-. m or: ,':.
wiili a shower bouiiiei ni' pink ro e.
'lie e.i'ooui am! best nian ,nii laik
I. n inesS Sill's
! .:: ' le M is- . s l lli i ii"! ii i , I ' ,i
: a I. s. r v i 1 1 as i I, , iv ei : i I .-ii 1. 1 .
ceei-'i t !n- ni i'l i I p. 1 1 ! , :: ;, ii . u
iiam-e inio llo- ciiiiic.i mop- a
'-rv plea in:-, ad d i i n .n 'o ll.e -..-,1
il . ni- ci rein o n v .
! I e.u i ni- I : n ,', ed'i i c I Ii io i.l.i i
I'.' i't ' ' lie e, ,' -1 .: i a , ,.. ',,
'' ihe moiiliT o( Ihe 111 ilie. Ul', !,-
i. :..'.i 'a!.'ner with a mo-.' 1 1 1 1 .: i i I I 1 1 i
dinner. I in- cr.ioa: is rep-.rn d l.i have
lien i-'eallv worried V.heu ll.e bride
"c -t.iien hv .Ml' .i-kcl-. and other
"I . a- a maul, but was la
'er n turned In I he Win ried l-j ooiii
lae bridal couple receiv.'d a I.iiv.i
l!!ll!il of Vi-I'V Ilea 11 ! 1 1' il i and a I I ra c
ike :-i;t- i:i con, mem o! a I ii Hi o! llo
T llOs . if , I) , 1 j , ,1' el 1 V' I , , ;,
'.-'! ! l.e i l'1'l lilnll', W. r.' Mi..;: Sle
'A n i !: ol S' . I'aul. Aliniu - ol.'i. M is
I I, aim S" Il t 1 111 ' I'l" l' lit' I'l. 'Ire lr
irct ':..i.l-: of Alurrav, Mr and
1 'o! ua n a ml A I r. ami '.! is.
Wn !:.-! Al 'f om S' Paul. .Minm
liie i.ride is a diiini.ler n' Mr.
Ital'bi'a WaL-ucr am! v. a s ilarm:: trie
i!'!ilii" of I'm- faiher. Ce'iri'e War.
er. a ie ideii! of n-ar Murray bin
' a pa-t v.a: liie f unity have te
'Ii la: a il a Tin : ; . m i : a : mi
.' M .' a nl Mr l-'i , d Win nr , ,;' ;s; .
I ' a I . M ; a ii- s, a iii.I . v on i: .' mm
ii - Ii st.tiiilin;; in hi- common i .
Ilie friends i.ere ainon.". whom the
iiiia I i- numb, led extend ihi-ir
w i n e- : o I .ic n ,i pp v v on n pe .
. r -. .1 a ;;e i :.i , p ,r n. pa rl ed i Ii i
lii.' on S;i',.a. .1 1 l - a! Mm
i: v. .Vr-bra-ka . while vi-itii' ai I !u
1 1 "ii'- of her son. (lii.'-r (' Uovd.
fti ner,- l erv i - were held .'.p.ii
l- a : : i r-:' mi from the Me?'
h 1 1 1 i I: :: ' : :.i :t lei t . i.e., a . a lid :i
.. the !:c t;,i" r-i K. ,.
i !-u il l . b'.va II..- I.odv w a -..,i
ill the !:.,riielt cel,"lerv lie,
I !: old l'"i:.. .
Mr-. :':iilor .is - i ! - c. .-n .-:tr :
of ace i . i j a I v. i married I
. hu 'am!- bavin:; prcceiie.! her
in -.'" a. d her hrn man ia"..' I h.-tv
are .en n I l :' a ; u r k i v i n ;: . l i v . - r
'. I .! .! and a da uv 1, i er. M a r v . if
.Mm ni'. ; A. i!. I.! iv d of l.n:aii. Iowa
and H.-nrv l.!i.i ol I'.arilcit. I'mir
ii'l'lri'i' in' th'- s. coii.l man iam- are
a: o hi! !.. i,:.,-,ir!i i !. pi.--iiir. of h is
" I woman, m-inr: llarrv r.aih i. of
i-.ira'i. I i;i: K,. il.iiior. 1 lai't ! ;
All's, illin-l i'ln i.i-l. .Malvern. Iowa
and Mrs. I'.-ar! Hosteller ! .Murrav.
'omina in .,i:rr:: for a visit .villi
th" children iivini; there Mr:, llailo
as t: U.-n si,., ;i t tp,. j),,i,ie of h-r
da it:-hf.--. Mr- 'nsetter am! lat.-r
wn- iaki-n lo tin- I.. 'iiie of h.-r son.
'. iiele h i ile:.'h i i:-c 1 1 1 I e. I .
rlrai. i! jtf&m tfSQ xf
lulv ith . H
i S I tes 1 1
3(& Every rield Usg tMA
f'tT VfeA Does f
UrmwM Every I
mmW Job
' m m m m t
St7os RP
You can plov,disk,
harrow, harvest,
thresh, bale hay,
grind feed, fill the
silc, taw wood,
pump water, pull
stumps, do road
work or any other
power job around
the farm quicker,
easier and at less
cost toycuwith the
Ford!Xn Tractor.
i !
- I
Tventy-four hours each
day, every working day in
the year it will give maxi
mum senice. Light but
powerful it gets from job
to job quickly. Easy to
operate and control efficient.-
economical and ahnvi
Get in the power-forming frame of mind
now. Call, phone or drop ua a card for
facts. See the Fordson in practical
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.
Plattsmoutl), Nebraska.
n la i Sunday i In
!" the Si. .lo.-nh ;
j ins? of several weeks in the west vis
iting Holyoke. Denver and other
i points in Colorado as well as the
j (Jrand Canyon of the Colorado.
From WednPMia v s PaiM'
E. II. fsolnilbor. piano tuner, i FURNITURE AND RUG
III. ! l i T . .. I
in t uin i in ,m in i ii v ii .1 . -
here today for a low hours aitend-f K veryt h i ng in stock. More new
iny; to some professional matters forjoods this week - the new dressers,
a shoi t time. dressing tallies ami -vanity dressers
W. C Hoctleker of the M ii i ra v : ' s" ma it y were looking for. l'.e
I 'm nit ure Store
V.'. A. Scott or "Scottv" as he h
hitter known, ih,. popular salt drink
dealer of .Murray has disposed of his
'utsincss interests there and is now
(Heparin.; to :; to Kxcelsior Snrinirs.
.iissouri, I'm- a short slay and from
there will return for a camping trip
at ( i ( r. k and hence go wel
to Coh. radn. The business of Mr.
Scott has been purchased :v Jack
West and Mrs. West is now taking
over Ihe active conduct of the : tore
until Mr. West can complete his farm
Lincoln. July ifi. The regents of
the state university have entered the
lists with the other constitutional
officers who are chafing against the
newiy acquired power of the gover
nor to superintend the exneiiditnie
of money in all departments of tin
state government.
The governor has ordered Mil ..r
the departments under the code to
I I . U T1 1 , nr ... . , . . . .
j ....-. ...wining vuiisiiau v . v iarK !
ol Unicn was brought to this city BOX CAR SHORTAGE IN
iv. rAuuiiiiru us iu a c nun Hint
i neti witn tlie county board of insan
The regents never wor.. iTo'iitv
pleased with their allowance. Now
comes the governor and tries to
make them cut it 10 per cent.
A lil'.st pleasant time was enjoyed
Sunday, July L'linl when members of
'li. Sherwood family gal tiered for
a family riiniloii at the home of !..
M. .Me Vay southeast of N'ciia vv k a .
Those to ei, joy ihe o.-tasiou in
cluded the hnsi and hostess-. ;,,,,
Mrs. I.. M. M.-Vay. Mr. and Mrs. jr
gil Rose of Coleridge cbr., Mr. aim
Mrs. Crank Single and family ;f
Rock liluff--. Mr. ami Mrs. Ralph
I. tuner and son of 1 'la 1 1 sim.u 1 1; . Mr.
and Mrs. Fian'i Sherwood and fam
ily of Avixa. M . and Mrs. John Hob
scheidt and family of Murray. Janfe:;
and Harry McVay and Miss Mvrtle
Rice of N'ehawka.
v ice-il i l ector
. . : f . t i. l,.i-
l.. . . l: .. , , .. . . . .,- . I
i.ix.i.i- i.l.i I1..I- ,:i; .... -i-T.-i'i
ii - aita. -. i 1 1 1 down Com iimaha ni, si.iii! nani; was in ilie city today tor among i nose ro snap up !tuve
sp. :;d lii,- day lure and was also a l'vv hours. I. ml; i i. g a f t er some mat- bargains.
aci i-in pa ii i.-d !ty on.- of the iiospital I 'rs of business and visiting with, CHRIST Al- CHRIS'I
a!i ats who is no.v recovering f roiu , ' ' ind . Rhone ill.".
a s,.,-,1)U; iiiiM-s. The visitors come j Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughters.; -
on I'm- Miss,tu:-i I'acjfjc train and'c. II. Cilniore and Miss Margie mo-' FORD TOIIRINP PAR
1"'" the day at the Holy Rosa ry j ,,. red up this -morning from their
r. ctci v. Tti" kind neighbors of Cath-i home at Murray to look after .some;
Sues-cr assNted in entertaining i business matters. i
the i:u. sts. Mr. l-'ratik Wi osier, meet- t,... w :,, i m ...
. . I ... il. I 1 I .II cl II 1 1 II1 . 1 .1 I
im-, no. vi-:i..--s at ihe station wi!hj shnll ( ,- idiraska Citv. were here
...s car ami taking them to their des-, N,.st,.r(lav visitin:r ., t th hnme of Mr
iiiiarmi. at the rcriary. Tlie mem! . is j .,,, vIrrt K ,, Vescott. returning
oi me p.iriv visiuu very inticii t na t i p ,., last evening.
iiie ni nn iiieiiiners oi ine mil i' ai ., . L, , ...
,,- . ... ,, I Ceorge . Snyder came in this
tun.ty .'.. ". njoymg the ,l,v at this' ,u ,nin-; fl" Hfarni home and
ii. i m nil i ue tai ij iiioiuiiii iui -
lington train for Omaha to look after
some matters of business.
rvrnncixm iaiv' -M'ss l,'u;, Ii"SUT oi weeping
i-iuuiu'imu uiixu mov ( ;,ter was in the city today and while
here had her tonsils and adnoids re- oin. Julv Omaha bakers moved by Dr. H. C. Leopold, and the
this a i'l ernooii won-tko lirst round of j i pera t iorrproved very successful,
the lasl stag.' of the batlb- agaili-.l i i -p ii.ii,1. ...wt ii.m o..r
II. Jr. returned this morning from
1'ekiu. Illinois, where they have been
in aci-f i: I little place
the Smith .tamh'.rd weight bread lull
p e -ed al the last session of the legis
!a t ii re.
Ii.-lrict Judge .Morning of the Lan
caster county district court grante I
the reioiest of the bakers for an in
junction restraining (lovirnor Mi
e i .m-ii.iwku. jiiuciiou resi raining liovi rnor .vic-
A1I ileparted in t he even ir.g r- Kel v ie and the slate den.-i rt men t of
ng they had. had : most h, unit ifn! agricull ure from enforcing Hie law
dinner and a wonderful day. on the ground thai it ir. iineonst it u
vniir: suuiuies oi an Kimis linn-
died at the Journal office. RETURNS FROM CONVENTION
In good condition. $200 or
10 off for all cash. Phone
645. Ghrist & Christ.
Two dozen so at $2. AT, while they
last. Christ & Christ Furniture
Store. Rhone t;4a.
for some time past enjoying a visit
there with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Kverett Xohle. .Misses Golda
On Saturday evening- there will be
a dance given at the K. S. jai k and
the "Little Five Rag-0-Pators will
furnish their usual pleasing- dance
music ol the latest hits in the line of
popular toe tickling- melodies. Come
out in the cool and enjoy yourself.
and Pern Noble are enjoying an out-' Spectators 25c dancers 75
For Sale!
This morning on No. I'l over the
ltnriingtou Jess F. Warga and wife.
Miss Anna Warga and Miss Ftwda
Satlhr returned home from their vis
it to the Pacific coast that has cov
eted several weeks. Mr. Warga was
the delegate fri m the l'lat tsmouth
lodge No. 7:'.!t to the Llks grand
ledge held at Los Angeles and the
Fordsorr Tractor
members of the party made the trip
1913 Ford Tourine SlOOi !;! nYi !:;u a " V" . ' . "m.n'
STATE IS MORE SERIOUS 1916 Fr(1 Touring; 135 died of the members of the antel-
li-wisi 1 ered herd ami their ladies coinnrised
- . . . ft'm.r.A 'IOi
uy as to nis being addicted to the Lincoln Julv r. ti,0 , I vuul'c t!ie party thnt made the trip.
drag-habit. After taking the evidsnce'age in Nebraska' cont T to L'r.rv" ! 1917 Ford Touring 175 The grand lodge session was one
in the case the board decided that in the office of the state railway 1 1920 Ford Tonririr fstarteri lT5'of s,e;'u,s' in '" history of the
it was sufficient and the patient was! commission The Missouri PaciPc is ' ml TounnS (starter) 375. Klks an,, re,)orts iiulicate
ordered to the sate hosDital for front, n.. . . atu'c 1S.5 nassenper "RmVV the west coast citv did themselves
ment. J The Rnrtin.J..:,. f t.,,i. ,.Jn-jai c I proud in the entertaining of the vis-
nrPn i U ""'""..'".T. ' "tssengcr, juic con- jtin Elks and thpir friends. ;
own except on the Wymore division.) dition pood tireis pytni tire5 47"
where it was more than 100 carJ ' Sa UTC5' CXTra lXreS" 4D
want to buy, don't overlook a want-. 6h" to.d.ay:. I :
ad in the Daily Journal. .h" is m .he ,i T l DMf. A5Ifn.Rft.
Although Journal want-ad9 coel
but little th resnlis fliey bring ar
i!! ful. Try them.
The T. H. Pollock Auto Co, are now ready to dem
onstrate the Fordson Tractor and will plow one day for
any farmer who is thinking of buying a Tractor for Fall
plowing. One Fordson will plow as many acres in one
day as two men with eight horses. Save expense, save
your horses this hot weather and farm with a Fordson
Phone jor call on us for a demonstration. First calls
will be served first.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.
Phone No. 1. xt-l '
.iiuuui) 1 1 CD.