The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Pi as nLT.ii
THUS 5.daY: JUL v5 .15:21.
rr it .
7 rW
Fay by
TIr-ic iirc no disputes about
bills when thry .tit: paid by ( iu-i L.
The fXiycf 's t ndoi scine'iit sc-i ves
.:s a recttipt.
I In- itiui vhc Ins a !!;iii!'
airoiinl .'iiu! who pays ly rim k
iili.nn fii his il'c-dit. A i;t',uil
banking coniirt lion is held i.v
hiir:ili-ss Mini lo be an .issc-i.
oim:n a chucking account
ank of
Checking Accounts
Loans, Exchange
lr. 15. I l'.rlf!i I .!' Murray w.i
c.illing mi path-nts in I ' ?. i n last
Henry Oli.miitl. m:o!e a bu-iio
trip In N'i bra-ka Citv last Ai mdav
John !. Wundt-rlich o! N ha .'. i...
was a I u-iii'-ss calii-r in I'liion hi-:
Sa t ii i da y.
J. M. laM-r-in ami : :( wriv
vi.-iting las! Sun day at iht faim.u.
Cedar irt-A r-.-ort.
William K.iion wa- i-oking ulii-r
-tune busine- matter- in I I : i : : - -lu
until las! Monday.
John l-'rans and wife of N- h:: w !;::
vvt-re visiting in I'nion for a :.oi
1 1 Hit- during the pa-i vveo!:.
I". II. lie-nick was a vi-lt r in t'i:
i ui last Monday coming in hi.- ;.!
ti look af!fi' some busine-s ht-ri'.
Ceor.t.- Thomas if Xel.ras'K.i i ' i: y
was : visiitu- in l'n;oti la-t Sat u :;)
looking .ifter some lm-ims- matters.
V. m l'.urh. e w.i.- ! -.! : .-. .:!:
.-iiie l.u--i!!ess matiers i:t (imaiia I a :
Saturday makin-c the trip in "he h i-
ThotiKl-: 4'romweil was a lnj.-iiies:
visi'or in I'liion hist Monda y a-;i ! 1 : i;
look after some ol his hind d aN. a;'-t . omi husitie. m.itier-.
lie! Irwin was lnnkili. afti l siooe IMiis !,;i Kim- li .s ace- pied ;i p.. i
liiliness matters in the (I.-is a:il Oil ti. n in the harhtr shop of ; r i I" n i;
Cash TeSSs
Besides the larre reductions which have been made
already in tires, we are iviiiLj an extivt five pe-r cent
off for cash with the purchase.
We carry a larjre stock of supplies, accessories and
-p.its; d o acetylene weMnn;' and ;! kttids ol ck-.---s
repair work.
We are here to solve your auto troubles and i"e
von the best cf service.
A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor
Willis Old Stand -:- -:- Union, Nebr.
aiiery Ssruics Station!
I am prepared to look after your battery wants,
in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of
needed parts, as well as providing you with new bat
teries. All work has my personal care and will be given
the minutest attention.
w. h. Dubois,
Cash Tells
Say, you who have been going to other towns to
make purchases, did you know that people from other
towns are coming to our store, because they can get bet
ter goods for lower prices, than in their own town.
Come and get the prices and you will see we can
serve you better than you ever dreamed of.
Shoes? Why we can beat them all in prices and
quality. A large consignment just arrived. See them.
Four cakes Crystal White Soap for 25c.
I farness which sold for $100. now are down to $60.
Our business is increasing all the time on account"bf
the low prices and good goods we are selling.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Safety Deposit Boxes
and Bonds
I lln i;i X
;uvi;;i I:
Mo!ni-i v uiorii-
::a .
The laidus Aid ..f t.'n l...p-;.-t
chureh had vrry - no (-.-'. 1 1 iih'.-i-
i:.g at ha men: of -:!ii:'i a ' '. I. (Ir-ui a. i ! . . k i t i
!) si-i..e !);- i n .- aiat ier iti ri.n .- I
na.ili;. uheri io a. id l.ii-ii:.- a' tm
o..n:;. rn'ir..'iie: Meade w.o a v '. i : : i : ia-;
S . fi'!i.i.i"i!"d ii lit- l.ilui!
a' the hotiie o! Mi. .hie. :i .Mlr.inar
-' ot M u rr.. ;.
t ' i l ::. i Mctjuiiiu. ..he ae.-oni jta n - I
I All . II. :. !".-: e:" lo ',.!:.;;.!,.. !.-
' " i ua.o 'o-..
" i :i! I H I - .11 A I I K i .1 I'.' .-.
('a aect lint of the -hori a - .! a-a r- 1
! I'liion lilei-e i:;is he.-n -on;t Wl't-a' I
ni.'-ii '.vi 11!;! have come :!;-. T : t : . t j
i. ..- .: :n to o'::.r lo.vns
.'"red ''.nk was !i ok:!ia ai'er"'
h'l--i:ies- !z:;i ; ' er.- i:i I'Jai Isin mi' it a t:. .
al o w.i- vi-'tia;; in Omaha where,
lie a t t ell .i ed ; ii . h: i ! l; a lilt . 1
'. V. I'l.irk t :: ii.i-t of tin- l'i:- ;:ir. .Mi .liav I'rans ah-o ace . tup. in -:or.
Hotel u-.i - ,- vi.-itur in l'!ai:s- j.-.i il,-m.
:.k u: !. hi-a M nil day afternoon l.M.i. . Tin- Kev. W. A. T.ivlor and wife
the Story!
the Story
; : 1 1 1 :.. v.'oj Ling ma kill:, good siloe
it:. (.1 his. trade.
! M!!ii.-- C. 11. Taylor ;ni.! f'lmily
; '-f Ojii;iIi:: wen- visit i n with ( h f
: ii. !n - ii' Air.--. Taylor and sister.
, m i -.s Ll.-de Taylor iiVcr .Sunday,
j Mi. Jos-ie Todd was a giit-.-.l at
iiit home of Mr-, mill Mrs. (Irmi'
' Shi !!ii ;i: Nehavvl.a last we.d;
: i mi T!:ur-!ay 'o to Saturday.
I'n : . I 1 1 1 : s t r I'.ogal'd of Avoca tt'u.i
:i visitor in 1'nion I'm- ;i short linn
! !.-? -I Sunday being driven nvtr trotn
; hi-1 ii.un to catch Hit' I rain f.r Ouia-
la-liny Alillei who some lilm sine
I .:i'ii-iii-i iiie couiraei (f ia : ii I i n a
i ? 1 1 1 1 1 ' i a ' I'i-iii ha.-' coin ilel ei I ii -'.oil.
.i lid i . iiie!ed home .'II all".
; i fiii'.
j Ml. Ihl.-elie AI. S.'r.llll i It tl I'. l.
: ; ' .t in i i. . iioi h ol lialaon. u.-re
ji'-ndili:- a few da itl the fa i III ol
'-':. Ale( iii iKie!. a- I of town last
I A i I K
; Mi. ' ( I :. flier of I ,i in-ol n . a r
i ' i aijiaei'-d lo. stum- fi ielid and A
!.. Hi ila-r of ll.iu.'i attd d a U : !l I er.
All s. .Mai Were i s i t in:- ai i'lai:.--iio.ii
t h.
Mr. I.eiui.ii i:.irii. win- f i n is ii ed
iii "-"iimiaer sfhoul Wi.lli las weel.
r a-si-li.'.;', around h-.tne and is alt t v -
:i!iL? the ear lor hi; father on c.i, in
, : v ' i i I
i AI:-- ! a.;. K. I'o-ter am! sisier.
Alf'l. Xe'tit S'anttm. !i:i soim time i!t;i..i:d lor the wes-. ae:.!i:
i i .i a -. i it i; I ii. ;, linn !i.-r K. K. !". ler.
i : ii ! !; (! I.oii.t- i.ts; v ei l;,
i I -1 i" I f !.ei . v ho iias le t-a
j Aori.i;;- a! tlo- I' .) . Alouv.'V fail::
I a;i- r.-oi .-d as haviMi" an attack of
' ' feer aa.l was hroiif-h: lo
,'i.Aa iiv a:.- ana:. Mrs. l-'h-jchtr.
' ':; IC'ddi wh.. came home Lis:
'at tit t.! i i i. : : i- was a ues: at i he
n:le o!" I., ii. i'oihi and wife !'o: sauiua' and went to I'laits
in hi !: in t
lit-! IlOOil 1 O Visit W
: i -1 . : . .1 ad da iii; Mli-i .
i All's. W. Ii !'..iiiiii:a.. who makes
.i.e.- hon.e i.i :i;t- farm south of I n-jit-U
i- reii-;ii! in liaVe heell Vi TV
i-alv iii lo r- home a short lime sime.
j I a: is reported ai I hi.-. I into as shovv-
, so no i :i? ft oven. en I .
Mis. I la mmersi i om and
;-:Mi -n wh
ha heen v jsi i ill;: in
III,,,,. I-
-nine lime we re joi r ed
la-! Saturday i,y .Mr. I !:t m meis; rom
in i i : - car lin-y al! deparled late Soii
il.iv for their- home in Omaha.
I-.. Vv'. Ktedv and wife, a -romp. in
:i i hv Airs !.i riia ra Ta lor wte ih-:!-
ill :!o- !o!l-- of Airs. Mary
T: ii : a I'liivt '-'t v I'laee last Sun
i; v ; i'.'V 1 1'! in iii'il koine in :he evi n-
w.-re a: W.'bush ia-t Sumlay w h t
i in -ervi'-es '..esid .- i ! Sunday
-"him! wiie c: i: d lit ' i and ai.-eiided
!;. ihe :a em he and who el, v,.i
!:i i iii- M-'"iio . o'' i ho day wish the
..:-' i I true c !i ri-1 ia lis.
A. il. All-till depai'ied .Manila v
; ft er t:. i n for dn where he :..
viiiiisi.", w::!i hi.- daughter. Airs,
('ha:-!, ! t . : l; . . . : .,', family who
,'iavt ju-i i i tu'-ned i rom a lm;u over
: . : -i triti to the ast 'tnakinu over
. I 0 i
1 1
arm. t he v v i- i!ed a s I
!.- ' e;--! :. - (jn.-I.e.
a :
lad ii mo-
M jo;, a lib- ! .'no .
The Kev. K. ( '. I '. ii ha m. pa.-'er of
:he I'nion i !ii!r:'h. v. ho preaches il-'l',-and
!i:ai:es i:s home in Omaha de
livered the morn in , vermon a!
ion and as f , - evni'. ir serv-ha- vv ;i :
a 'it:hi! service 'y.- not compelled
'.. liver !he v !: ill tr discourse. Il
.'. iih Mr. W. !!. I'or! -i- were ::;i,st -.:
tin- ir ::!.' .) . ('. for dinner.
Tu Missionary Sa-i-tv flo
Aii lie', i I. ci.ii:,"!i was held la-t week
at the chur-'h parlors and a la r;ve
liumbei- ,,f members ht iti.i',' in .Mend-ein-e.
A ploi'i'alll VV;--: iVell Whl'.'h
Aa- well worth while. Mrs. .i II.
( ros.s In in a: the b-ader. The siibjec:
n:; -Alien.-. i i I I'ri end s. " This
a a discussed very ably by Mrs.
I 'to.-:--.
Set it the Sumlay Gti me
A number of the yniiii;; 110:1 from
I' n ion a 1 1 einb-d tin- hall name a t ( (ma
ll a Sunday where a doubie header wa -
au"d. Th- bny-- didi:'t thiiil; they
;.hi.e.l any bttttr there than at l":i
10:1 :iii, from the reports they did
not put up ;i very ood brand of
base fail. Th" In nitclld Wire l'all
A!.-, riit. Ptol Chirk. II. K.
Ka i:rnnib!et and Kiilph Davis.
Ceitbiate Passing Milestone
Last Sunday l.eins the fi ft y-einli t Ii
hiilhday of Airs. laivina Comer. :i
numbt-r of her friends were satherei!
loueiher to celebrate the event in the
ni.per manner. The occasion was
arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Homer l-
i,t 1 mei ti w ntise inline i no pieasani
j event ocr-iiied. Tile day was spent
in a verv enjoyable way with social
- I cut! v ersii t ion and with iratnes by the
-- i v ..utmer ones. A nitist suinptious sup-
J per was served and did much in
; rai'inir tile occasion. Tlinso presen'
i were .Mrs. Luvina Comer, the suest
i of hoMir. Airs. Xancy 'Iriuus. .Mr.
'and Mrs. ii. W. Comer. Mr. and Mrs.
I!, lb Stine. Mr. and Mrs. David Mur
: ray. Airs. Tabitha Sniiih. May and
1 1 rs.'e St i ne. Alar.uaret Al uriiiy . I .oil -is
Murray anil I'earb'y Coiner.
The Summer Christmas Tree
j The celebration of this event is
I looked forward to by the young folks
1 of the llapiist. church with much in
terest and several of the older ones
j as well. Those who are to take part
j in the pageants have been praetic
1 iiiL; and are coming along fine.
Vivittd With Friends in South
Uonrpre l-'vercrt and familv with
their ;iutf). ;ind Cliarles Hoardman
land fiitnily returned last week from
n trip to Pittsburg;. Mo., where they
1 vvetit to visit with Mr. Claude Ever
i r tf and wife.
' Will Hold Union Services
I Tho Methodist and Baptist church
es i f I'liion are holding I'nion ser
vices on the lawn at tho Uaptist
church and at the !inic- .r V. li
F-v.i i
("itrtiir.!- AIodk Nit-clv
I Mi iii 'i" .lit? aioi wile Mini liteir
tljiiSii lei' who WfTe tit j il T 1 ill llir
atitn wrek wiieii rhey t-.t ii tiver a
Ii,.--, art- renin,", :ihii- nic. i n.vw.
Wat: u Lively tiahU: Sunday
Tin' vijiitii's in I'nion ihe te.iru of
Otot'- pltiied themselves . v.ot"nl
1. il lie li of hall players. The "a me was
so evenly fiuilesleil that nil i-MI'.l
inniiia, v;o: played. I'liion winnili!
I.v l he si ore ..f 11 lo in.
Enteitaiii Hie Guild Gitls
Misses U'ilda ami Uosehud I'h-loh-tr
eli 1 erl a i lied at the tdiiile of li-v.
and Mrs. Taylor ihe V.,rl,l Wide
Cirls last Saturday.
It Was a litiV lay
At the two eaial'e: i Suild.iV
all hand.-. Wei'e kepi hu-, ate) could
mil lilnl lime In j-el their nn-ais, as,
Iht penplt -e-iiieit lo have 110111'.
acc ide ii I s.
Wil! Accipl thi Invitation
The Kpworiii l.eaj.-in of I'latts
lieuth lots issued :m invitation to
the I'niun Leaj'.ile lo come to I'latls
mouth dui'ili"; Hie laontii of August
v. Iiell they w ill he L-iven all elller-l.tiiimt-llt.
Tin- invitation vv a ai-iep
led hv Ihe I inoli Lea: tit- and :i
! i int i.-. ;il!l icipaled.
Washington. Jiih J.". -I'lan for
hiiildinr. a new tax law took more
detinite form tnday a.-. iiepa ra I ion '
were compie'ed for the actual herin
nini; tomt rrov. of revision of the rev
enue laws hy I he house ways aid
mi alls (".mmittet. Pre- ideal 1 1 a i'd ' n
heard details of what house !e.t;,-r,
iriiin.-i' lo tlo from Chairman l-'ord-iii
y of the coiiim i' ' e. and itifnrma
tit, n leaked out indit a' inu that III'
; h c ten t stamp would in' le.-orle,; ;o
ii.-. il leVtir.le pl'(.:l!i!-r. The I'l-lill"!!
j leii .'l-.eii! -Tamp '.".as under.-mod
to li.ave I in tfiscu: sd at Fhe .ia:'-:--t
lice S::t'ird;.y hetwet-a S-eretary
Aleliou and A!r. I'oi iliiev a:.d o: a-i-repuhli-an
meiulers of iht way- and
mtalls CoUi.'ilil tee. The S!Ii;!!t's! io'l
a ill he taken up with t!ie post 'ii.'.-d-pa
it iiieii I before any further m-ives
; i e made, howev.-r. it was siat ''i.
In search for ne-i l.n.I of r- 1 1 -. ii -;
around four hiiii.'l doila: a veiir
llillthefs id Ihe lOli' ill il t te 'Veil
la I ed Iii have t alii' d :! d" a -' t '.'
; oil hank check-., but that su-..s-t:tn
Wiis tinders!. ind to nave beet:
fr. v.iitd on tiy t!i-' tr'asury. )'':e'
-tamp tax propos'ls mav l:c!
co lis i delil I ii ill in I ha cilnmillee. hul
members siiid they feared :'!.- reac
tion from theiu.
Mr. .Mellon, ii v i--. aid. ha. I told
ihe committee t!:at he w;i-
I i Ihe us" of a sabs ! :i x lo si:ei.!m"
the vXcos profits levy. who h. it i
't liceded. Will lie il ha ndoa.'d. lie is
i .pre-'-a I ed as I. ei:: favorable to a
fiat tax t ti corporal in i -.
After reading :m iio-uiini of il-."
1 1 1 1 . 1 i 1 ; ' - v V i . h 1 1 , 1 Km'-i' ball L-anle of
Miniliiy, one of tne old resiaents 01
til- city and a firm base hall fan
.".:.-cly remarked that if the local
team hill puin ti ;a as liii':y 1 n -hi
ad plays ami etna-.; as the biu boys
had there would have bet-a all anvil
r'hii'h Marled :iia: could be heard
to the !' igh) u-inr-, slates. Tliese er
rors and off days arc cotntiion to :iny
hall ti-ai.i :l; players are only human
and in the ta e o! the leanucrs their
fiiults aie ova rloukt-d but the ,m:y
that phtys on Mi'tir -niiill team cef
taitil.v gels the full belief it of the
nips of the f.ii- it it tl Iiie world of
advice as to how he should play tile
game. Tin' ::ame here Sunday was
maiktd by fewer errors than that of
the Omaha game and better playing
as ;i whole and still the crowd here
was so small thai it failed to pay
expenses while at Omaha 1 L'.UUU paid
good money to see the professionals
put 011 a very bom exhibition of
base ball.
lihuik books. Journ-il olTicf-.
tie Service Cafe
I am opening. in up-to-rlate
Eating Mouse, in the room
formerly occupied by John
Frans. Will have everything,
is strict conformity to the best
Open from 4 A. M. to I A. M.
The best service and courte
ous treatment to all.
EDWARD il. SHAW, Prop.
Union, Nebraska
-Worthwhile Bargains!-
.'! Xo. size cans of high
gral i peaches for $1.00
Or we will sell yon a full
case of 24 cans for $7.90
All kinds of Fruits sold at Bargain
Prices Quality Guaranteed
-:- -:- NEBR.
Noujiailisaii Aciion Also Assure- Voir
oil Ihrce Other Measures--Howell
l'luUes Move
Lincoln. Xeb.. July z'i. i'einioii-
circulai-d by tin .'oii pa it isii 11 l.eagti--.
containing sirnaiures of Mi.tintl Ne
braska VO.ers. V.'el'e fiiei this lilorll
in.a; with Secretary of Stale Ansht-r
ry, assuring that four laws passed by
the la.-i session of the 1 g b I il t U If will
he vviihiield fi-om ojieraiion until Un
people by v.'i'e at the polls npprov.-
r disapprove them.
Tile f,: ir hi 'is, ::"ai.'e' vviiiiii 1.
ptiitions ar- directed are: The rural
". titers' registration law. making' ii
necessary for all is in Ihe slate,
i-v't-n iii rural districts, 10 register
before they W i 1 1 he allowed to Vol
111 an.v primary election; bank in-.
hiw, eivilif the slit le ilep.l rl lilt-ll I of
'ratle ami coinmei'cr- d iscrei iona r v
jitiwer in refusing to grain charters
in new banks; Iiie new primary law,
providing for the election d' deb
gales lo parly rniiiMitiulis by can
cu.-es instead of by primary vote, and
the a n i i-picket i ng bill.
K. I:. Unwell tif Oiiiiilia. r t-j 1 1 1 Ti 1 ica u
mtlional commit leeuiall. Arthur h
W'rav o!' N'orli. caintidiite for govei
nor; A. c. o-lorne of Omaha, presj
deiit of tin Nebraska Ka liners' un
ion; A. S. I'.igelow. atlorney for the
Central Labor union of Omaha: A.
Al. Norttiii. chairman '. th legi.-l.'-liv
e commit lee of ihe- Nebraska Ihii iu
bureau federation; I'mfessnr J. II.
I'ra.ndseu of S-nalor Capper's Ne
braska Farm Journal, and Airs. It.
W. Currty of Li I ch field, delivered ioi-ilri-'is
in hehiilf of the referendum.
Says Passed In Hurry
"1 deem il a privilege." Mr. Ilow
i!l said in comment ing on the refer
endum on the primary law. "for this
oppo.' t tin iiy to felicitate tko..e w ho
have today rendered certain a refer
endum on lb, use (toll i;, tllilt enact
ment of the las! legislature, vitiating'
tin direct primary law. I wish to
congratulate those -Jt-n I leiueu on
whal 1 believe to be the performance
of :i public service, a service in the
sense of and for tiie per pet ua lion of
iliitt new "bill of rights." granted
Ihe people of Nebraska by the legis
lature of lh'iT the direct primary."
Air. Howell staled that he believed
passage of the law was due to Ihe
fiici Ilia! it was not considered until
the hurry of the closing hours ot
tju- session.
"Ol hervv ise." he asked, would a
majority of the members have voted
to repeal a provision of the present
law specially providing for women
members of county central committees-.
Otherwise, would a majority .:'
the members have voted to repeal a
pn vision of the present law provid
ing for the regular election of dele
gates lo county convent ions by pre
cinct electors"' Otherwise would a
majority of the members have vot.-d
for a return of the add back-room
..auciis method of choosing Conniv
con v ell I ion delega t es?
31anie Business Interests
"()! hci i-c would ii maioiilv of
the members have voted to take from
the people the right of choosing lei. -gates
lo national conventions and instructing-
'.hem hi.v. to vote and turn
this service over lo -tale conventions
based on the oh! ca u'lis-choseii dele
gates system vviiii all the possibili
ties of recrudescence of mat!', i ne
pol it ics "
Mr. Howell credited the open pri
mary law with Ihe achievement '"
municipally owned water, gas and
ice plants in Omaha, of which he is
Iiie manager.
Congressman Reavis of First Nebras
ka District Would Investigate
Thomas Matters' Case.
Washington. July 2. A resolu
tion was introduced in the house to
day by Representative Hen vis auth
orizing the judiciary committee to
investis-ato the pardoning of Thomas
II. Matters, on duly S. sifter he had
served forty-four days of a five year
sentence for aiding and abetting' the
unlawful issuance of certificates of
deposit of the First National bank
of Sill ton. Xeb.
The first district congressman is
sued the following statement:
"I assume thai tin pardon was
perfectly legitimate. but inasmuch
as it does not seem to have been
based upon facts or evidence addi
tional to those submitted to the
courts. I believe that the people
whose confidence in t lie due enforce
ment of law is so essential to the
peace and order of organized society,
should know whatever of inside his
tory the case contains.
"Any one familiar with Washing
ton will readily perceive the almost
insurmountable difficulties the reso
lution will encounter, and I can tiller
assurance only of my best efforts to
secure its adoption."
ltepresentat ive Ilea vis is one of
the older members of the judiciary
committee and the investigation, if
authorized. would undoubtedly be
delegated to his subcommittee. He
has a reputation in congress, gained
as a member of 'numerous in vest i-
giiting committees, as a verv able!
cross examiner.
The resolution is the usual one
authorizing an investigation, giving j
authority to compel the attendance
of witnesses, administer oaths and!
send for papers. I
0x12 fibre rugs $S.4.r
tlx 12 Axminster rugs $32 to $4St
ll-"xl2 Axminster rugrs $39.50 J
Smaller rugs 51.0S to $27. aO.
Phone n4.r Furniture Store;
Advertising; is the life of trade. 1
i 1 1 i o
Words Up
Its Sleeve
1 l.e bynibol ut
perttrct ".vrit-
I !, 1 lit- II, Jl .
a t. v 1 1 n 1 1
fo.. il - i. 4
'4 nut.!! t-t.
The Perfect Pointed Pencil
Built with jeweler precision and beauty throughout.
A mechanical marvel and writing wonder combined.
Holder contains eighteen inches of lead. Lead ob
tainable in various degrees of hardness. -
The Eversharp is a fitting mate to the Tempoint
Pen, made by the same concern. Made for
pocket, chain, or lady's bag. Prices, $1 and up.
Come and pick your Kvcrshurp. Have your name
engraved on it.
For Sale at The
Ptaceful Termination Before House
Committee Camnhell Tartly
Exonerated of Charges
Washington. July The llerg-
do!l i n ve:- ligation i-ndt-d finally today
and ended peacefully. There v:is
no statement from t h . commifice.
directed to hx responsibility for th'-
escape of (JroviT ih'i'g.hill. dialler
evader, while hunting last year I n ;
a buried tllli of gold, or as to di:-;'.:-:'.
i-n of th" -'a-c o1' Major !!rii"-'
li. a m piiei i. an aiuiv oiiiiti .Kiu-t.i
hv .vlr--. l-.'ntma terghrM ot accept in 1
$r..lM)0 to help her soli out of the
clinches of the law. lami". I' Ca!.. .la I.v -' Hell
An unexpected turn a! the lal I .oti;:.-o;i. aviator, ali -lite, I on a paved
moment was a demand by Kepi . m-Min i here ; -i:la . lo-n e:,j. ii,e i r.-u
alive lailiring' of Indiana, republican j Ide made a iaudiu", i ' i v
mi tuber, that alien property cu-dod- lie i epa irel t'o' t.i h : a ". Mtiol
inn be tideta-d lo recover one bun- to i i !,. oil on :. ii :t ..'erade. S .me
died and live thousand dollars in ' -b et ic vi:-'.' m.-'iat. i him. aoh be
gold taken from the treasury a yearjiic un-iile io ri a!ive iheni. be
or more ago and alleged to have , uioitr them i! i'o;e he emiM
lieell buried, ile 1 II ,-i s t e.l that Ihe e i - : i ise the lauding, ,' of bi plain'
delice developed indicated tin
gold was oil) ai tied from government I Houier I'.ancr. -!'i u I'a -adeiia. in
vaults" for bribery purposes and thai I which a von obi t hihl was r. aled.
if !ill buried. a-the woman assei I s. i Tin lo-i o! ihe a ol ...i obib- vv a . lorn
it ought lo be dug up and put lath Javav vv lien : pet
ill government hands. The c omm it - : t a t 'a-.-, ru he i lo ihe iintonio'iib tlo-v
lee def-rreil aciion on Ihe gold ijiM's'- foand the child uiih'lll
tion until its tepori iy presented to
the house iti abou! ten days.
Members of the committee refused
to say whether they would reconi -
mend tliat tne i ainpneii ciK.rges nr
dismissed or turned over to the war
department for siu-h in vest igi tion as
the iiispK-ttu- general genera! might
In view of the clash Saturday be
tween Representative Johnson, demo
crat. Kentucky, and Cliarles A Hrann.
brother of Crover Ib.-rgdoll. a higierdav according to reports received
crowd gathered today, most of the! here and taunted federal prohibition
spectators being women. Only pass-1 agents by breaking mil p'-n i;a nt s s:- v
ing reference was made to i:ratin"s j ing : "Lay down vtur tnoiiev Mel
testimony. John 11. Sherhurti" of Ihih-'come ami get it." The tramp slippe.l
ton. committee counsel, asserting; away as night came.
that there was no truth in his state-) -
mcnt that he. Sherburne, had m a dei ---.. ...
suggestions to Mrs. I'.ergdo'l except )
lh:il if sin. w:is "beset b v irra I t r " I
as she charged, that she go to the
president of her hank for advice about
hiring lawyers.
Major Campbell, si vein y-year-ob;
father of William Cambell of Lex -
ington. Ky.. corroborated the son's
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvesletl an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crcp
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and a.1 a pries;
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
.. .r
The pencil
,' viththebieee--t
vocabulary in the
v.'orld and a real
point for every vcrd.
That is theEvtrsharp,
the pencil that Liin3
you lulltrct ineasuic of
pencil-writing joy.
is ,J
Always sharp never sharp
encd. A quarter rcidcni-ihca
the had supply ten thoujaibi
for one cent!
a handy eraser under cov
er, and a built-in pocket clip that
makes the Eversharp a bosom com
panion Tor life, f
Journal Office
:.! a : i men t !ii:il .i "-." n I fund pt.iet-.l
with th'- late .Milton Young ol l.e.
ington. in lhl.". grf.v hi e;. r--to
.;. una and thai tne ttiollev with
, an a vv o: d oi' explanation. v a ;
turned over lo the elbcer. Major
Campbell reiterated this . 1 1 1 1
money, -.ouie of whieb uas in tlioii
and tloiiar IniU. v. a ib-iio-ited v. i : h
a Wa. II Slieet firm la-' year abmi!
tin- lime Airs, r.eri'.bdl wme ..!f
I had : t v . 1 1 him I.iomi.
" W hat sol ! it' a d"a I A a . m i ne
with fining "" M.ij'.i Campbell a he. I
bis father.
" I'"i ieM.i-!i i p '.-; ; i i 1 1 1 1 1 ! v." Ml. "'amp
li.-l! rejilhil, .i.l'l in:.', that iu tinning
'over the iniU'ev tin
-li I ol il Noil'
hived an. I -I, -
I !
o a ; I. if a
. t t a moon
turn' at i.orjfi in.ACH
a 11
1 1 t o 1 1 ! o i l i I e I , t 1 o 1 1 1: ill
I, I
The a v ia tor :- v. u n oiii o r I '
ocean, di'.i'ov er-'d ihe automobile ;,
swingiu-- If, n i: l:i-;; -.'ear. re
! i Urtu d lo liml an I lropi.e, the dp.
,, afterward-, latnb-tl satt iv
New York. July lit;. A I ramp
steamer cruised saucily outside t be
three-mile limit of.' Atlantic City yes
Co'ates Block Sccou'l Floor or imi.icv lit 'n:i.
jVWW.V Wi-.'VVi-.-i V..'