THURSDAY. JULY 28, UVZl. PAOE TWO rLATTSMOUTK SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THAT SATISFIED SMILE It's Broadest at Harvest Time Poets rhyme about the "smiling country in the month of May." But we'd rather see that same country at harvest time, when the smiles are on the faces of the farmers af ter their well-earned crops have come in. It's he same in every business at "harvest" the time when a man gathers in the returns on his hard work. Our patrons, using to the full our many facilities and per-, j sonal service, reap better returns on their investments ot time, work and money. DEPOSITS PROTECTED BY STATE GUARANTEE FUND The Bank of Cass County Established 1881 T. H. POLLOCK, G. M. McCLEftKIH, R. F. PATTERSON, President Vice President Cashier Plattsmouth, Nebraska OLD RESIDENT HAS SERIOUS ACCIDENT George V. Shrader Well Known Over the County Breaks Collar Bone and Shoulder Blade T., ::..:ii.v l'ri :iis of (nor-c W. S :.t,U:. .! .if r!.- and well i:i.Aii :-.-!;-- or ('a-- coun'y will r.-rc! V- : v 111 s ; ; 1 tii lea "il of the t--n.;i ..r.-:.!,-n' .-ustained by Mr. Shrad-r .u S ! !i.l;y hi-t. Si:.e- his iii :i; illri'-s Mr. Saiader has been iii inin his !ih hi sun. II. Ii. Shrader and !. lnily t:-ai Murr:i and h;i- ;' late itf!) f i -1 : : i ii so much ii-.1'. tt-r !'.;.' has I n up atl.i around .i ..: tin- :!.,. a Sunday he . ji !:.! i'U" mi riiH p.nvh t!' the i; a:.l ''!! troia tile porch in the 11:1 I a r-hi'i t distance. 1 1 ric'ui ini; the nil hi r h in-' a n i I :if s:i i m Ide !" b !.!! Mr.'i' ha- been partiallv p;tr-.iI..-i! -.irt!'-- time arid at liine- t'li-- has cih-h;! him a Lp'eat deal i-:' !:"'-. -lilt ::; i-nins aio.n.d i ml i.iiiure :' th- proper i'.-a- of his af !c. '! a one ot' T au-e- of hi- -u-r.iininu the prions fall. '!"!. .t .1 v a !i i' i a.u if 'lit- patient and hi-, alr'-ady feeble condi'i'in has ..iu-.-i! i i i r;i hie uffrina to liitu and hi- family and c'10-.e fru nd- itave en sreai'v worried uver his cn:i .!:: !l. Tl.a' '! Ii..1.'- improve i tile i 'e " i - i; of t:;.- !.o-T of friend - over ihe r.nn'v ,,s Mr. S'iradef i "tie of tile lat of the old residents of this portion of Cass county and has for main years been one of the leaders in the life f the eommunity. CANADA KINDLY TO SOLDIERS (:tava. Out.. July L'f.. If Cana dian snliiier-fai iners w ere to pool 'heir holdings they would have one ulant farm of ."".. ft . acres, dor ted with -rain fields, tattle, ho-vs. paten ts of truit rrets. silos and many .-tardy hoa.-er, and farm building. I'op ;:!:i!in ot this one liiir figurative farm, according to a report on the work of the soldier sett lenient hoard would he more than l.. nt)i. estimat ing an average family of five to eacii settle.'. The actual number of ex-service men who have bet.n placed on land through government aid is -14o. Short courses have been held in idle months and all phases of mixed farm in. sr. scientific dairying and purebred cattle raising v-iven intensive study, according To the report. Kxperts have bef-n sent into many districts to pro vide continuous supervision. As a re.-ul? of the aid. financial and educational, a very hijih precent-a-u- of the nun are becoming suc cessful farmers, the report says. When baby suffers with croup, ap ply and give Dr. Thomas Kciectric Oil at once. Safe for children. A little tuts a long way. :'.i.e and ;'(. at all drug stores. Lose anything? Find anything? Thj- a Journal want-ad. SMew Auto Sales and epair Shop! J4 formerly shop foreman with T. H. Pollock Auto Co., Proprietor Dealer in Dort Cars! Accessories and Repairing for All Cars All Work Promptly Executed! Your Patronage Solicited Corner 6th and Pearl St., Plattsmouth, Heb. -TEL. 674-, FEEL CERTAIN JAPAN WILL BE IN FULL ACCORD UNOFFICIAL ASSURANCE CAUSES DISARMAMENT MOVE TO TAKE ON NEW LIFE BUSY HOW WITH THE DETAILS Date of Meeting: Becomes an Import ant Matter U. S. Would Like to Have It in November. W.-i.. -hi 11 nt on. .lulv i'i. With fail Japanese participation in the disarm-j anient conference regarded as finally , iissiirci!. American oTicials in -Li. Fall and Winter 1921-22 Fashions! W li.ivc received r. "made lo yiiiir imli measure" line of samples from Hart Scha finer & Marx Contained in this assortment is truly every pat tern desired liy any nun. If you arc ijrgiriuiuK to look around for Kail clothes; want something different, and are hard lohl,wc ask that you look thru this line. rj 1 hi I m cJhiaiclt- !. American othcials in char-H ot" the conference plans arc nin.i; ;o i;ive earnest considra' ion t.i t';e date of meetini; as the next step in the diplomatic preliminaries. Such II exchanges as liave taken place rt- I uardintr tile meeting date are under-i to have lieen informal, pending' a detinite statement of Japan's con-1 sent to enter fully into tile discus-j .-ion--. From now on. however, the. siihjti : will he fiiveti ineater prom inence with the I'nited States leanin--. ' strongly toward late fall as the most, advantageous tine. j Othcial word of .Lilian's willingness' to discus far eastern niiestions had not reached til'1 slate department to-::ij;-;tt. hut ol!icials showed much I ura 1 if ica t ion t vt r tlu news dispatch-; i ; saying such a decision had l"eii ' iiacl'.ed liy the Japanese Want Preliminaries Cleared ; I: has heen the desire here to dear away these preliminaries iaickly.' iiioith confidence lias been appar- i :;t t!:at Tokio would interpose no desireil. i Once Japan definitely has prepared' to come into tlie conference here wit lion t self-impi sed restrictions ar.d , i . servations. it is the iielitf here that , t'.ie particijiatinir powers can reach; ;'ti aiiref inent w ithout diiliculty r- j L.ardint the program of tlie se.-sinns 'I'lte date of taettiiiR. however, is a j onidei at in of some importance, which will have to t e decided before! formal invitations u i iit. American oflicials have emphasized that theyj i!eire o t;i't tile ib legates toi.'ether as Minn iis jiract icable. iho they have t:i intention of at teniptinu' to die-, tate wiiat day .-hall je selected. T ii -" J have simi;er-Ied alinitiie dav. Nov-' ember 11. j Whether that tim- will ! acc.p:a- li'.o generally to tlu- ot'ner powers is I unknown here, but news reports from , abroad have indicated (ireat Kritainj in particular mipht favor d'.layin:.' (:! meetini; until .siirinir. Mudi ilat: must lie pn pared by e;:c!i nation for u-.,. difint; the consultations here. Lit-'' T.ft inn.! lie ii iy.'i! :i ml n: any pl'ysica! arran.irements made in) addition to reaching" an a ma einen t ! on the proirratn. j Has Decided to Accept j Tokio. July 1' Tin- Japanese aliinet has de-ided to accept partici-j pation in t'ne projuised conference on; for -astern prolib'TMs. the press was informed t.uhty. It is understood the Japanese answer will be forwarded to V.i:!iini;iii!i in tlie near future. official circles toniuht were dis posed to fore.-ast detinite action by the Tapaneso cabinet in acceptance of !:-cide!i I l.i rdi ny 's situ'uest ion for a fir ens. cm cmi fei'-ncc. Apparently the talks between A m m Iiassa 'b r Shi ddiara and Secretary of Slate Hughes in Washington liavt iiic far toward iarifviim the situation. According to Japan's understand in u of the Ameri can viewpoint, as given out here. America's "idea is to make the basis of the conference a broad discussion of policies and principles, alt ho each participant would have t!u right to introduce specific subjects if they wire germane to 1 1 - principle under di.-cussion and if the powers gener ally in tlie. pact were affected. The idea is said in prevail that niiestions a II ect ing two powers should be left, wp.'-eever possjid,., to the powers concerned. JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB! To First Six Buyers of Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfits For Farms tnd Country Homes, Offices, Stores, Schools, Factories, etc. r-v :dm PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY FOR USE REGULAR PRICE CLUB PRICE For 3 room house; Areola and 2 Radiators $181.50 $171.00 For 4 room house; Areola 'and 3 Radiators 254.50 240.00 For 5 room house; Areola and 4 Radiators 301.50 284.00 For 6 room house; Areola and 5 Radiators 358.50 338.00 l' Larger Sizes for Larger Homes The Idcal-ARCOLA I lot Water Heating Outfit gives Healthful Heating, Fuel Saving, Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction. You make a grave mistake if you do not at once take advantage of this exceptional offer and Le FRLFARFD FOR WINTER! The Idcal-ARCOLA is the Latest and Greatest I Icating Invention of the Age. We guarantee entire SATISFACTION! Come in and get our prices on heating your home with the wonderful Ideal-ARCOLA. Plattsmouth, Nebraska iTin twmm im um DEATH OF FORMER GASS COUNTY LADY lilts. George Craig. For Many Years a Resident of Murray Dies at Heme Near Sioux City Kioto WeilnosiJiiy's tml. J'iH' dra:h l' .Mrs. (It-nrKi' ('r;ti, t'uriiMT wcl! known rt-sidrn; oi iiv;ir Muria.i ih ciii'ciI on Friday eviiiin. at !i r homo at Sioux t'ity, Iowa. Til d i i-a.-i'd lady was in her childhood r.'ki-n by Mr. ar.d Mrs. Karncst Kich icr and by thcin raised t wonian tiood and niadf lu-r lioinc in their !( u.-tliold until her ma r ri.i.uc a nuni-li-r of years ai;o io Mr. fraiir. The Iamily some fifteen years alio dc j:. ii ted for Iowa and have since made their home there. For the past twelve years Mrs. Cr.iii; lias been suffering from the effects ot" a paralytic stroke Hiid this has gradually grown worse until death came t relieve her oi her .suffering At the time of deatli the deceased was fifty years of ae and leaves to mourn her loss the hus band as well as the foster father Karne.-i Uichter of .Afurray. Mr. Kicliter. Frank Marasek and wife and Wesley Hill and wife all of near M array were in Sioux City Sunday to attend the funeral services of their b.-loved friend and lonj; time asoc ia t e. HOLD VERY INTER ESTING MEETING Carr. Chapter of the Order of Pc Mo lay Met Last Evening and Con fcrre'l Work of First Decree I' I "in U o'liici .lHy'.s I tally. I .a si i'iiins lb'- iiiiii lii'is of ('ass 'banter. Order of )c Molay held a very irten-si jiii; session at their hall hi the Allies building and which was Miiite lar'ly at'ciideil by the meiii 1m r.-hip. The princijial work of the evening was tlie conferring of the initatory decree on one of thi candidates and which was conducted very impres sively by the ofheers of the or.gan i.a t ion. The chapter will have permanent' luarters in ihe Arries building ami are expect inn shortly to complete I he arranciiiK of the front rooms that uill lie used as club rooms while the larue hall in the rear portion of the ! I uildini; will be made into the meet ing place of the order. The tiiein lursh i p which is just tlitiK under way in the new order is showing a keen interest in th' work that is sra tif yinu to the spons ors of tlie organization ami this order for th youth f the ri'iiiiiiiiiiil y will in the ii"t few months t.,e able to -i'i'iu'i' a larize iucifasc in its liiem-bt-rsiit-. I bleediuy. pru'rudiu? or blind piles have yielded to Doaii's Ointment. t;oc at all drui; stores. ELMWOOD DOCTOR SUED FOR ACCIDENT PAVING WORK PRO GRESSING NICELY Contractor Bert Coleman Will Pour First Concrete on Hill Job Tomorrow Morning K; e.i V dri'-sttiiV'.s I 'ally If the weather conditions contin ue favorable the first actual paving in the inwly created pavi-nj; district will be started tomorrow iiimnins at I nth and Main street w hen the first concrete will be poured and the ac tual work launched that will close only when tiie entire district is com plete. The high school job is taken as the first in order to have it all com plete and the street in jsood shape by the time school starts in the fall. This will fill a Ions felt want as hih school hill has always been the source of a sreat deal of labor to the city in attempting to keep it in first class shape owins to the washing of the dirt after each rain storm, and the new paving will make this a thing of the past and prove a gnat boon to the residents in that portion of the city. As soon as the high school hill job is completed Mr. Coleman will turn his efforts to the other sections of the district and wind up the work as fast as possible. SUFFERS PAINFUL ACCIDENT A very painful accident is reported from the vicinity of Murray where Klnier. five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrn. A. J. Wilson a few days ago sustained a severe fracture of the left arm. It seems that the little boy had been climbing in an apple tree at the farm home a ft w miles south east of Murray and losing his hold in the tree fell to the ground, quite a distance and h id the arm fractured. Medical assistance was sustained and the little lad made as coinfort ahle as possible under the circuni st naces. The best results are obtained from the carefully written ad placed in the printer's hands in time to permit of artistro "Get-up." Don't neglect your advertising or compose il hur riedly if you would get the greatest value for the money you expend. Blank Books at the Journal Ofikc I , R A N K I N i Portion nrr plrnlifrt for llionr v!io re 1ra:rcd! Sludfnt n.iy wink lor board. Tuit'on low. Asii for calnlng C. BOYLF5 KUStNESS COI.l ECU. Omaha, Nebraska. P 51 Poles Fistula-Fay When Cured Blank Books at the Journal Office. of nor thun DEL C K. T A Kit V A mild frfm of IrHtmtnl that curr r1t. Ftvtula and other Rectal I 'lsoa.e In !"'r time, without a never- Mirsiral opiration. N Chloroform. Klhpr or oth.r C'tierM nn'""1""" inoriiBifl A rure ruaxant-ed in Mrr es v-eptnrl for treatment, ami no mon. v ntil cure-d. Wrte for hook on Kertal lf.. witn nan., i nn.1 trstur 1.000 prominent people rTe nrrn r"msr,-m j . Kit V. SiintUoriom, rrtem Trn.l . " llrfs). OMAHA. nKB, V. K. S. JullDllan. UwUmi inrerwr. Drs. Rfiach & IWach, The Dentists Tlie IoTjzrjt and best equipped dental offices m UmatiA. Experts in cliarpc of all wotk. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like loolli. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA Randolph Johnson of Lincoln Files Suit Against Dr. John Deering As Result of Accident An action litis been filed in Ihe co'inty court here as the result of an iiiti .mobile accident that ocenred on .Inly ltth at Lincoln and in which plain!!!!. Randolph .Johnson, the 1 1- ib iendant. Dr. Deerin and a man n. mied I5yrne were involved. The Detition ot" the nl;iititilT states that on the d:ite above mentioned the) pl.iU.iilt was drivins his Dort :-ar liortili on :;:ird street in Iincoln at tin same time that the man namrd ISytne was driving west on O strett and the defendant, driving cast on the same street. It is alleged that t he ib fenilant. Deetin was coming; at a hiuh rate -f sped and struck the car of Myrne throwintr it. across the intersection and striking the car )f Johnson with the result that the carl of Mr. Johnson's was badly damaged. I I lie planum asks that judgement in the sum of $rt0'l be ;;ivcn against the defendant. The defendant, has not as yet filed his answer to the allegations of the plaintiff. FJK.rT!iTJ KAYNEE Play Togs, Under Togs, Wash Suits, Blouses and Nilcwcar! gs Am CB iKAYNEE mm lor regular aciion C the bowels; easy, natural movements, relief of con-t ipat ion. try Dunn's Kegulels. :: at all stores. IN SERIOUS CONDITION (It'iirsi1 W. Klioijep who was called to W'auUeet'iy. Kansas, a few days aco by Ihe illnes of his brother. W. A. Rhoden. writes back to the rela lives here lhat the condilion of Mr. It hod' n is very serious aud that hopes of his recovery have been prac tically abandoned and I lie end is not fur oil for the brother. A. Ilhodeu lias beeu tick for some time suffer ing from uremic poisouiug aud has gradually grown weaker uutil the hopes for recovery of the patieut has become very slight. They're a Joy to Ihe Mother of Every Girl and Boy! - Ml .m W l i i i i A'YWKF Sun Proof, Tub Proof. Every Garment Guaranteed! Let Us Show You. o. w v mi WESGOTTS SONS "EVEHYBOQY'tJ STORE' mm im& u 3S2 i I f V