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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1921)
Nebraska State Hitvtort cal Society X VOL. NO. XXXV1I1. PLATTSMOTTTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JULY 2S. 4 ! . T I FUNERAL OF JUDGE RAMSEY YESTERDAY JjiiZe Nu.iner uf tlir Old 1 riemt Aial AsM-cu-trf G; liti tc Pay ! LuM Tributes uf Keii-rt-ct ' ! From MunnuVs I'ailv , I !,,!,!.. .rr in- of the late Jii.l-.-e t:. S Uam-ev r.- mid .- i..r.i,i .-, i em.. on :,- : , ci... k it.r- l.'" on liistfi .; 1 a lit! unite lar-M-l aMetnl-,1 by ::i.- old friends a t.t h b.,rs to f-'ulT 'i:.-ir iimute of !-!' t.. iii-iiioi ..; '; I, iv .-,U-ii.::.; . ilie;, a:..l troll. I ICv. A. V. Hunter, pa-'.,.- of th- l-'i M ! I: oil i-1 church was in charge ::.!"v;r;:':;j;:;;; -:;;:L;;:;WiLL ATTEND FORT .:ini lit- (i.iii iij tiit .i;- o! ciini i.i;int 1 a v. i . f i lo- liail i n-i-u mil : Ijit'ii p.ari- alii Vm.' ! : i : t i f -: 1 lo.aor.-J li hi, ilm'v:, j, :i ! f-. ; o!i of I M- i.nv ! I : j i i n tin- -'-roi-'s two :' ta- .uk that hail ..i-i-a .rri-il ! l !i alu l. ..-a,l K'MlIy l.i:;::;" iiinl I " iii('- Witli Mi" v t i.-it ii in a i ry i.i-aii1 !ul aiat.i:--: i;. V.i- I' II I W'.-.o't. A I 'if co ii ; ii - of t i- m r i c 1 : if -i Wa- ! '.a'- :. a i-. Mill i--ic- '.: k ". !i T-i- I ' v. as )'l ' ii ;: i !i ;!,. ! ;jMil tiiiri:.! pio-. Tlu-pai! t -: r - , i 1 --.:-. 1 J rota t h- I" .rtin-r ' a oi :a r-- of ha r a.'.il lull. !. hi-iiii- .:ia!:- Ki'li'-r:.- c . Hi: : i .i Uoh.-r-.- -:, l Kol.i Ms.-. . Jan.. C.. I'r-;. u. - .lam-s 'i II I' I .-! : ti! oi: ami .1 1 1 . Ifl-fX FLATTSMOUTH ADDS TQ LIST OF VICTORIES:? ! I Kiiuitv Slice Co. of Omaha Semis Duun Bail Te?m a:J Has Tiieni Irinmied. Store 7 to 5 I ri'Mi!a v'f 1 ';i i! V rj'i-ril.iv afternona ti'.- ha-.- '.i'.'. t'.ilu i i ! i;i)m-y S'loe Co. of (l:i..c !:-i in.-: up wi:i! ear.i I ::!: w m-n !: -. j hie,! t,e K.lUles ,, ! I . . S -jt .;(.,. I ! U M.e.I -i fie c; i warn m-ii . i lo t i, ,. l to In . . - alee ,;n '. ii.ji liiieies, lit' . : r in.- m-v t-ti , :i ii.ciii- Wi.ii lie i t. alii- tanditiL' 1 t,. 1 w h. S-l'-s pr. iceeileil t,i cut i.ia.- I h ;!.e K.-l - , i w.:k- ami m.n! ' the (tnaiha slm ue. Th- fiaai -esu!' w..s a victnrv !. th" l.r.i v..r lieimmc hu; i!,.- canie! .a-- e.-!i i.--;.-r : ha'. The .-core in- i! ica I e as 1., m 1 '! I lie VICt n! . . Walt i'ii!iii.-: ..ii, : a. ; -,!:; the l'i'-.r..- wfi'l- .loha Wo!!' V:i artist hack ,.f tt hat. r i j nalh- i n T-: cam i ;ii: s.-i:. iiui.' l with Tal Iov a. t.n: a: tin- '..;.-: a.inu;.' s..T,,r,,:,v Ulti . alie. I MataiL-e: v .'ii-ii c.c. (!:. -.I The came ..!,! -a :i..-'i man. a-, v .ii, r: n i: a li"' h.-r t i am ' " ' a - 1 n.aalia iuilli !. .:- .-.-!"',.!. HARVEST RESULTS SHQWiNG UP FIN E" i . 1 Ciiintv Farm Has a Very Pieasiitf Yeai and Yield is Exceilti;t In the Grain Crrs The harvest ha- ( .... ' pi'-ieil Oil III.- eouil v tart.i West O! I ! he city and the r-n ! i-a- l.eeii in m ' ' " 11 in . - til. in sat isl'ac: :tr : . .1. 1!. T.ims. tin i li icien; supenemlen; . M '. Tarn.- lias twentv acres in whes' .1..! t w ..! v a; re- in corn, ma h I ... .,..f.-.. ,.c 1 ... ..... ;.... i i, . i .'.. . i .. .... . ' ' "in, - , : ii. oat- -a- n,.! tu-r,e. o r -.- we 1 mi' e been in. i-.ttemla nee at trie na- . . in in-1 i .. w,.i :.r m Mr a-, the wheal vie ii .tiofliil aa heriHtt. A is). Mr. Sot II- Tiieie is also forte a.m, ,,f ( t,rn ' mi the farm that is 1 ok;!ie. the best that any crop has j - ;; i . ? i u 1 - r of 'i i .. ... . ; .. ... : 1 1 i . , . ' ti.i.:i 1,1 oe s, I. I.e. 1 1H1 II i a i for thiesiiinir purposes. NEED OF GRADE SCHOOLS Amont: the thinirs that attract t In attention of .-:? raniier-- in the ejty are the public huilditi-Ts. tin- i'oromulo aparttnents and the Masonic home. Mti'.ni: the tormer an- the ( aniitie, wetn a very severe operation lollow- j,,,, j,,,,, proposition oi seettrini; library, the court house, post of: ice i ;n; an attack of stomach t rouble j , (,,. tiree lots as well as tin- sewer and new hiuh school buildini;. Only and which will ni:iks if necessary extension. last week representatives were here j for u.r t remain at the hospital! Mr. Saltier arose ami stated that for a second time to ins poet thehiahjror a hmt: period. Mrs. Kd Ofe liasit XVils noT intended in any way to school. Vet. with our tine hisrh'not hem in the best of health fotvn.,Ve the new park interfere with school buildini;. we am horribly de-j some time and it was decided that;fM(. present iiark on Marble street. h j.-iit in erade school A it would be lest to have the opera- 1 pnt that each would fill its own own the -ie of I'lattsinouth f-hou Id t i, m .i-rfoi-med at this time in order purpose. haveal least t wo pood i:rad- schools, t t uive her any permanent r.-lief.j Councilman r.esior. who is also a Many towns have kept the sr:iik-! r.hv.ird f e .im! father H-nry. Ofe.p.,,.-; ho,,SIer. then moved that the school problem up ami coniini; with: were in Otnaha this morninir; anil ,,.,r;,; an,j improveinent committee lheir lusll school mans It Costs money to lutild. and just now with: Th.e many friends are hopeful that j owr,j., tpe jots desired by the city taxes sky hiuh this matter of costs Mrs. Ofe will soon be able to rally :.,nd find oat what they could lie se-i- an all important one The public from the effects of the operation and j ,.ured for. The motion was carried. iiu.oi siMciii is now cosnim appro-that uuaieiv one nan oi ine taxes we j.ay.i mi it is worth it. iind !nor' too. if- it is found necessary to lav addition-j al levies for the con . - recti. m of suit- iible grtide schools. Th" money that! "oes into !ciier:t i i i irn ... c, . - 1-.- ! of little consenuerce a few ,.. , , . , .- i e choc iZwru ' ulo J FOR SALE Two high grade lied ro:K:l bulls i eontirue t( show iniprovem-nt until ' must supply bond they for fljle. O. f. Rarnar.l, Mvn.Hrd.lshe ik able to return home to this!plv at once. On motion HC,) - tdrpbune 4022. h-itv. itor the matter was placet: ON CHAUTAUQUA CIKCU1T - - . ! i'rnnl, M. ! r 1 1 1 i si l.- -i . :',,.-iin-i ' o!' the .M i l.iiiii-: ( ii mi rli i ,-t .-. I iniw located at ';ir:-uil., it:, :t -in. ::.: rapan;;. is luipmv in- In f v. nation time I,-. an in:- ia 1,-c ! fir. h. i..r ! i;. .Mum., I chau-a.i hm. people, l.asi v pc w.i.- at ' :-t'!- d a.i.i --a... Minn- ; in'- lecture- 1. 1 ii,.- i i.m.-i ! coarse. Ihe . i :i I In-n! man I. a I ' I'axure of meetim Mr i'miiuc ' '' !!"''-' '"bile on his i,.,h- ,. u,,. '-'..-.i,;:, !orii,.u of the county ami rece ,.-. J his best wishi- .r the t.., s '' ' 'la I Ish. mi ! h At the -" oi i- .:nnii:i tour. ;,,r Ortili!;; er will le-nic hi pa: I. .rat.- :.l Carrol!, who Ii i- nin larger mnuh-r:: l.-vva 'ov.:,,. 1 1, SNELLING GAMP A'llsu.'i IlyiMi nt T'llS City One of.aia-l.s on t!..- ! Ii,i:kIs in Tl.r.v- Q..Vr.t..l t V.. Cr-i (-.....r:.l l,x II M 1 1 n i; ! ! ,.r ft... . livl. - V IV VI i j i, Cil liV Ijtfll I i in Military Training. 3 ,Ml:si: l 'I I t. oi i ti i- cil ha- 1. '!! lian.iil a: o:,i- o;' tin- is ii ri linai .Ni'.r.tsi.a to ait.-Ml i !..- citii-ii's tail 1 1 .-. I T t a : r. , ! i-a I': p I fia t v. ill p.- 1,1 at i',r' S!l":ii,'V- Miti J:-.-'"! a. ... Aii-c' 1st :.. Jm. i !.ih caa.p i I.. i:iu crra-il mi! if!,., . Jut :'s u;i ;,(-. ii the plan: oi the war (It : a rt i; - ti f,.r fh- prepa r- la'-ss pro- !-! J'"" 'Mia.,.. . '..!:. ta!..- tie tralnmu ea-: v.-ar w !1 l.e ; . u at: i ' 1 h I I a t ' h act i.a t V. O I k of irainih r la i i ; 1 a t i.:;:-l po hi'liela-ial ef:.'.l nil l.e ' - : : ; h CO! i ra -e ' ti,.- :.:, p ''' ineiv ti. tahe ' ''a o" - ;;t'xT "'"-l'- - for ? !-e S-v.-iiPi Army'.,,., i.,.."., , . r..,. t,? t.. ,,..n. r t am at l-'oft .-'ii.'llmi ;.i:,- Ca i. p l'i ke. A rka, l.i T ; .'e i I a:- i a CotiT '. iiiteht wii! alt re I t h" r ir.-ininc ;; : he .t itti.'-o a army : I'" ' ! i '-'t-i..1!- c.mlulaie: v.ho i:ii"i" ; eu.'iio., o. mi' iiaii.ii::; in:,' 1. : v - : i their f.-t !. -!( ol ': i . - a . w v ' e(,.-. V .1 I I ' . h .;''. J n j " - ' ' i - oi - I I ' : T-.-li: I-; c h.-ii . If'I' - l v. a v In ca t" p. hut la t!- lo Ice llTL'e !li:i..ier e II t l 1 '. i 1 1 :..i..i"i ii i ' i . i u-. . ; vv as n.,! '!.!! iss:.,ie !,, t :..! ( ! : ; o u.o. i.' a -.. n a won. aim ai- w ho h. eornifa'.v n::i om- or two inn.i f , :I!:,!.!'V 'A li! . "", '"x -' ' : :" . 1 ; ' ;k 1"! ..HM'.-ap ni- ... ' ' ' .aii.ll!.. v.. I..,. ..... " 1.' . In- traiat!!" camp a:.l when mm h- ; :ii:u fiirt Smilinu. wiil he p!ac-.'. ; a a a-'r the n; ies a ml a-a :a ; 1 :'s !. .amp. which incitaie -trie' :;- , ;.! ilt.scij n::e a ml th'- t:"-mm-r o. L" ':--'!p wiH ! uivo:i ;h" acttta! , r-- l'i- "Mi.rif. wh- i. he ( j ?cr ar-:i ; r. i civilian cio- he .' ;:l '' ' ar ':! u'r r.-a ula I hm ( ' ! :'"'! !'"r 11 I,,-ri,,:l ': '" m n !; . . i ..;m i .. .. .. . ..- : 1 i.n " " . .i.- I : e'e .-sa L : a !;! vea a c. it: ileiisea a mi ; intensive trainsni; perio.i j I RETURIIS FROM VACATION From .Vi.ielav'jN tnttv. ! '.-! e'..'!llll! Ilell'-V C S I II 1 1 1 1 - ! jsen' miuriied home from a vacation.'"' i rip of t ! fee Wei Ks i tte I n,. i ci n;v t . i ! 1 1 r ' i wh i' h ! im had ill- pleasure of vi; itinu most of the larui Cn:!-1 lit'e.-. 1 The c'lii-r part i-i the time w spent at Sat. Pram i-co. win1 re a 11 ' til, f l.i ItllS -T.. ... ..,-.! . i 1 1 r-.i . -ir n ! ' ' . . . "t l.os Anseies. where uenry a.-, . .... , , , . lias vi "k i eell IliecTir.g there til" pas!;"" : :'e on, u-o ,h, am w.iivu While thcr. ' . 'a-t'.a. delegate Irom tin 'li i'Wll h .. I i '--11, who with his wite r. -ctisen me a number of the form r n-:'. dents of Cass county, wh" ar iviiia iti ami near l.os' Auk eh s am ' t he occasion proved. -tie of much ! I . ... 1 1 I I ... i t-i- is Im .k ir. hue ove . ' . 'ihe i -fleets of the trn and has had om- ,.f i In- t im.'.s of his life. OFERATED ON TODAY From Mnrntav's- I (ally. This mornins; at the ('larks, n hos pital in Omaha Mis. Hd Ofe iindei- re'iinined n-iTit after the onera t ion . I the time will be short until she I )s ahl- to return home to this c-y. DOING VERY NICELY ... -- . ! Miss era Moore who was opera- ""'1' 1 rulu-v :" n:e rt-ngu 11 ,tJl T - I . V. . isT m Omaha for a case of apoenUicit , in very nicely i, at present progressing as --at-1 , iMacLTiiv as coma ie uesirea. ner I many friends here and at Murray t ! v.-ill he pleased to learn that she is ' j doing so we"! and trust that she t.iay JiTY GOD tin S A VERY EUSY SESSION COMMITTEE OF FORMER MAYORS PRESENTS NEED OF NEW PARK PROJECT. J ; ,., lv- .nr, j l.a.-t i ! i li r list' i : i -1 1 In rs of the 'city council i-: i ji i 't-i I a .-rv iiilorosl :ni: niy ion n! IV . matters thai I a re a I . -a . 1 i - i t :!.-!: ii t be i . I i .-i oi' i 'ia m t-aio i t Ii a i : h (:' i n t 1 1 j j i - -I I, a I n!' the (if; . ji-i" "-it jia t'K on a.-h i if I on aM'tiio- ai.i! 1 !n- niuiiil ii'i !:: isi,.- thai v. i ! I '' to os a ' ' lo ,n! :i)i- U III I ii fa i 1 . in tin- Im.'imI proMi.-.jt ii.a tiio i:h:i: I In r - of i in- i- .;i!,-i M-n- f'iv-ti oilu!iit ol in :. i t a l-v. : .... ... .... . ... '-.-ha Tru; c,..I1.,a:.v. .n.-.-a-:- c:i-at.;. tl;- Jin--ili: l-nl.i! -M;iatlo!l .r cooatrv ami particularly tin; n,:Hir of Xi-hraska liom!- am! ,.;iti!ij;s i.:' the di !i i-ri'ii; m u a ici pa I i Mr. liil-'ilhi 1! Hi!'l of t!:.- pfi'S !:! i.rici-- of I lie li'!iil- oa the aiar ; ;,,,.! possil.ilitie- el' the !U j,,.,.. ,.;arhtt anl his a.lvic ! . coi!! cil wa t!.a' 'on.-'-r lerui - i iif.Ties l.e i:,S ;ei ;. ij a- .-ooli as pos.-ilile i!:.,i a reai! saarlo-t iniuht ,. ).,.,,;,; ,!,,;. v; , j, ; ,. , ., v, p . I k v, : .1. s.-;i ; I SOU! 111 a I. v ;i coai- i i - o i - i i i . 1 1 : ,.i i 1 1 s l o i . , . . i a i . i . .. i ... . , .. -....... I' s-, .,,,,1 u ,,,, ;,),.,. a", j in whi'.-l. ti.e c mm;! tee sta'-'.l CITY COUNCIL HA ,v -I 'A!::,i.a! in p'.trsna no.' v i h !!." red nest , ; ;.; , ,,,;,,i,er ,,- t iM. ;-esiilell!- of i ie c:tv Ice . ha:i:!..-'- o! C, .1-1 nierc ifolmallv to ihe council ami 1 lint 'he i . I letnei; had ':..-:. .Irailnl as 'l:.t co;.it :i: !., ,i , ;-,.-,-::! the -,;,!:. ir cil.-r the siiiiaiiou ''''' ' imrinaa.f'x in his len.arks in . j,..' c..incil. statins; thai it was l.e- . ,. .,,.P,. ..-ii .-oh . :iv th;.t iin-!,,,. I..,,! ii,,. . ,;...,! ,, ., ,:. ; . v , , r . : n :-: I ) s i s c. c: hi l'a !:: p a,'a::il r-i wh"n comir.a throttub tin ";ity. Tiiesc tcuri's - mii i u ir throimh ".everv "a v lroin all pa rt ? f f the couti- t rv ;i-e ureal ;n I Vc r t 1 -em e T t s p.r the t it v it trea'eil rit:h. sa hi Mr. Satiler. , (, ls :s er..;iT opportunity o! - ill)V. j ,,e ,-joi;, spirit hy'provi.i- .!::.:: a piact- v. h-re t !. y may camp i:i co'nJi-rt. Another puas. the a:aT- t'-r is th. at of a ch ii,!r!is playirotin i ;., Hire, -the t . t inn to this j j. rmvr city execniive :rc'.v i'ii!e - t ;i ; . i"u f . tiritini; t hat a piac ,r t nc , tti,ir, n ,, Piay he!. an.) ,',1-s r- m them from tin- iai::;e:v ,,..,1 ;,,:r iut,y. tl at surroa;:,! v ,,.n they are M:!it)e'.!efl to j,;., v , ,., , s. P,.t.. . ,,r ju places v. !:ere , i ,.r,. su .ei-v i - io-i of their ac- , n ,,, The t'se of a park tor picMc . . . . . -r. ci m Is v. here i pe la : mr u n ion cm in j, ,i, j :, i:- aaitia! pici ' ; welt : ot her civic ;at!. riras was t. resent- 1 hy Mr. ..: tier ami also the swim- lH'"1 ,r,,,,,!,i',n ,:ii;,'n lIlM'US.-MI. Mr. S..ttler s!at.! that there arc three ioT.s in th" northwest corner T:'a,"; ,llat m'v -hotild s. cur' a-; c:i as i ne o::i liauie ; (leuce vviiich st amis t;ear the park ami just w est of th.e O. K . .araae. v-hem the to the park v.ili he n ad. It was also shown that the extension of th.e sewer should he 1 1 i i 1 1 ii I li i i i 1 1 1 in ci iin I lid I lilt s e ,-?. 1 1 1 s 1 1 i r T i 1 1 T u'rinli! 1 Cii pii . , . , , ' 1 T-om t ti e mirk ci u I ! lip iise.1 as T i .i;.. .,. .... llif N M' 111 "r (MI I 1 1 tl II It'll it) ilii Uf' t!u' sivt'r. I o siu'-f-':-lully '(imjvif't' n-i-lllif work at the park to the l.est . .. , 'tiossihC ai vantaee the sewer should ... ..... be exttndeii tor a Mock this season. , Mr Salt ler urped. i 1 The remarks of Mr. Schneider were miliar to muse o. .v, 1 i ici i.mi llie iinpiiiiaiiie l'i siiiiiiuii .lie .iir ,.r,.,.ertv .. t tU ,e.,L ,iP ,.. .... ... .... ....... , to the work ol extendi!'."; the sewer was tiffed and also the placing of the new sewer extension. .Mayor Johnson was also of the cpinion that some use should be made of tiie park grounds and that this is a miutl time to take action on the matter and have a eoir.tni.ttee l.,. i,-.,,, rw,n-..P w. ihu ....nk,.-1 fhr application of the First Xa ...on o ,e r.iM .. - to be designated as a y was read and the ap- ti,MiaI bank to ! ( ity depository Plit':-. oiaS """"'"J', ,1,PT . Vy,. f bn,!'as water for the use of the touris tor SaO.Ooo with the Itdelity and:(inri their 1 nniv.nn. y-s f It T n n .1 .... -..isuniv i.mi...ii, oi ....i, ..s ;. v ".'": Clieliril I" I 111 Tlllll II1T1 1)1 I lllllPl 7Ti ' il i-e-ior inv oppiu-jium was uraiitcu and the bond approved. , f5!. r?, f ?kJJ? .nc- m v uu,. mauc application tor designation as city depositories and stated that if the city attorney held that state banks would com- of Mr. Hes - 1 on ftlo and (as sooii a- the opiaioa uf the cii latiorm-y is r-cchi'i! the hanks witi he iven their (lisimiat ion ( 'on nci 1 ma n liiii'i' inovei! that t lie streets, alleys al;(! I.tidtes coa.Iiiil t ei t'et in loach vsiili the hoanl of cnua ! comhiissioinTs aiai see hal coi'.h: he secure, I in ;!.' va of Ihe re p lac iiit- nl Ihe nri!:ys i ll Wa-hin- In!, av.-l'il'e with I h F I il'i.! seutr project aii'l lo report at ihe l;el inevi i a l: . The matter the e.l ell.ii.ll of i-iit h ami L'Uiic:' aloiii". itoci; si tee! ttoia Chic.iil) aM-!ile to '.Hi Mree!. as ht oi: : ht up i ( 'mi I: ci ! n,a a of ihe sireeis. alles ami hriilj'.es coiaiailtee ami a.- ii si-.-iiit-il that a mahilM-r of the resiiiciMs there v, i rr it; I'uvi.r of s-.iiiie i ia pro k''i!iii t . it v as urt'eil that m-i inn he taken in the a. alter. V h ft n-r t!:- e .iilei.t s v oii, ' .refer ihe ct:: i. ami lanii-r or .'.i. uiil rathti- iia- a mi a i orceil cnii ciele pavina there will he place. I he fore then: ly t!:i- coiiucilaicri. Mavor Johnson l.r,m;;hi up I he i.iui ter of the v.a'is of tie eiaphyes ot the city staiiK.a '!;ai ihe present si ale is it: excess of 'hat pa hi hy pri l.ili' em ; loves of i.' i.vr the city ami while as ;. hihoriaa man he ili l not approve of makim, any unneces sary cut. he iv It t hat the taxpayers had ;. til;:., to i"Ce:ve the same hene- li as i .he private employer of laoor il'!..,,,! ,!h; i..t (Vet that ! ti e ci'v shi.iihl pay ."..".( when others wa re paying 4.".c l. r !:our for ihe same class of lahor. On t.ioi io: t he matter war- referred to the streets. alh-Vs am! hrinsjes commit t". for mmI'i- di finite liruri-s alh! rei" mi nu l.iia t ion i.r the next meeiihc of ;i:c couaiii. Tlie city ie a:. ! also that :i the .A'etior of ihe ci; v hall was pm-:.-i!li::.a such a mat appearance it is hii;h time the interior is civets the once over with pr.iat ami new paper, ami accoi d i lif; ! tin- c;:y will ask for hids fur the work. Th.e horn! of !!-r; Cilejuan. con tractor on the new paving work was read and on motion the same was a ppro v i-'.i . Tim hiiince committee of the council then reported the fol low i n; . l.iiins a.- coi reel am! warrants were ordered drawn their payment. II. Coc.cheiioi: r. sj.ri a k ! i a a JIM. 7". . I v i ii .loa--s. sa . irv . J-'ranl: 1 I let. sai trv. H. .1. l ha mi I. -r. a.a' .v i'iau.s I'.o.'-.el. lutryiati do"s . ". i . . i i i i .".(ion 1 .:'.) 1 .".en j :. to. IM (' r..ii r. .in 4 . ; '2.1 S 1 7.'.( 1 4 . S -". :..a " 1 !.. . an t" ".!' .4 r.::.!H s7.". 11 D. K. Khcrsoh. drlvH..; fir. - micaf taan: afu truck K. J. Wevricn. ci-etiiical man C I'.oetel. freiaht. drayii: .las. Kotiertson. cos's W'e.-'erii Stamp Co.. stamp to clerk F. C.. Pricl;e Co.. mdse A. H. Imxhttry. s'atnps and Omaha trip C. M. Parker, sand :"red Vailerv. street work 17 I.ocis Tayicr. satne W'i'iiiam Has!er. repairs .1. W. m !.t. pavins hrick J atms Wyi.n. siree: wcrk Carl Kteahemer. ;ame I .) . . l-.:;ia! t . t. co:n .lo'in Maurer. street work John Zitka. same o 1.. York, sati.e . I.. Thorhurn. same TAIL LIGHTS MUST BE LIT, SAY POLICE Failure to Have the Rear Lights Go ing will Lead the Violators into Serious Trouble. Th.e ordir.aitci coverinu the liaht ; on autos will he strictly enforced in th.e future. Mayor Johnson has an nounced to the members of th.e police force and especially that section that provides for the hurnina of tail lights on automobiles and which is quite often overlooked or neslerted hy the drivers and owners of cars. The head of the city .eovernment has informed the police that this must be strictly adhered to and in the future the driver of an automo bile on the streets of the city who does not have the tail licht on his car lit up will have to suffer the eonscMiue'ice. which means a fine as it is in direct violation of the city ordinance and also of the state law. It will lie well for the auto drivers to take th.e matter in consideration and see that they watch their step in regard to the lights on their cars after the hour specified by law for liplvtinf; up. IMPROVISED PARK Th:it this city needs a suitable park where auto tourists may camp over night is daily prowinp more and j more evident. Last eveninu therei were four a a to parties quartered on the law in front of the oid German home, where they spent the night resting, preparatory to continuing their journey this morning. It would not require a great ef- for, to have suitable place pre- , , (.ouU, hp , ,d wjt h ,,, fuiH,ic w-ti ( Ther.. !ire ., laroe number of auto t on ri.-ts coming through here every . ,., ,i,v ri! i i Vir s ; to' a ' place o si op and t and a suitable parking place ...,,, tn An,ijH h ,-prt ispnu n t fo t,)e c;tv ar , ,,.ar,. jt ,IS a ' r.t' roer's; ' I - J ! Lost anything torn A anything', Try a Journal ud. "Thry satisfy." PARK PROPOSITION HAS MANY BOOSTERS Ci',iL-hs iti General Peei that City Has Cniiiy; licect i'ut NVw Park This Suiaaitr. Knm TiifMlii v's I:il!v. The Lem-ral le.-iinL' o r '. ue ci'v se'-ms to h" taal now i- t lie lime fol tin- city in -a art aclive work on uiak int' a rei! I pari, out of its property on Washinctoi. avenue, and -ciii", that t.;c sewer i . 1 luisinn is made so that it will l.i p'lssihi,- to :: ! everv thiiia lice,) u p tin a real p.. rl. ia 'every i Us" o! t he ! i i in. The present city park i n l-'il'ih Sine' hill sin-, lid ho! he I c.ii '.v-i!, hu! the city is Jar;.!' enniiL'h to ha.i the two place.-; am! the W'a- h i ri ' i on avenue local hit: has advantages ilia! a i'e l:o! posse.; -nil h.. Ihe ;.-a)i. oil lie hil! and o:ie of these is the fact thai i' is located .,n ..ue of the principal driveways of the cii ami ot easy ac cess to every t i : e am! also only a i-hort distance from tin- h isimss sect ion of tm city. As a toiiri.-t i',itnp r.niThd ;.t:d general recreation spot for the citi zens it con!: not he en:, ailed ami will he very attractive ma only for the little folks to use a.- a piay ground h'-.t fir the older om s as v. ell to i-nj.iv the pleasant hree'es of sum mer away from the hot ami -iniT;. hulldin-'s am; strces. The eXJ.eiise nf completitm Ilif ark is not ami'a to he a treat deal ami it will help a hu in mnkina. a real advertisement for the city with those v.ho pass throuah here. CLEAN UP STREETS R NEXT arc the Cirizens Ui-grd to Ste That Weeds ate Cut Alon Poar1. tc the CemeteiT From Mornlayj I.altr. Th.e city officials ait v-:;y iie.-,r-ous that I'll the res-Men-; s ,,f th.e l streets leading from the main portion ,r he city ra the Oak Hill Cemetery pv! the same ir. th.e hesT -p,s-s:!!e shape by next Sunday wlmn the fun eral of Edward Hippie, firs; 1'laits mcuth hoy killed in the world war will he held. The wmds in a number -f ph.-.'es alor.i: th" street ;uv in ne-d of et-.t-ia:: and the citizens who own pro perty al'T.c. these streets are r. rued to -' that the weeds and other de bris is removed at once and the route over ''.hi-'h t tie fnm-ral process; an nn ves is placed in the best of shape. Also it is uresd ;ha; he streets in th business secticn he cieantd up in proper shape for tiie ever.: as there will he several hr.r.derd from cm of tin- city pre.-en on th.e occa sion and it should mt he necessary to make a f 'art her appeal to have the streets cleaned up. MANY ATTEND GAMES Prorn Mnnbvs Tcitlv The double header at the I'.urcl; Rods park in Omaha yesterday be tween Omaha and Wichita for the leadership of the Western l.eaatte fists- race, attracted the greater part of th.e base bail fans in tins local ity ami one of the greatest c-ovvds ever came ihrough 'he gates was present. It is estimated that upwards of 12-i'On persons were ::i attendance and almost an hcor he fore th.e frst game was called The grands; and was comfortably filled and the stand as well as th.e bleach ers were packed long before the game. Th.e crowd overflowed into the held and extended around the entire lot. making the work of the players very difficult at times and ground rules were adopted that a hit into the crowd was good for two bases. The first game was won by Wichita by a score of 7 to 2, errors by the Omaha players contributing prac-j tically overy one of the visitors' tallies. In the second battle, the Omaha team made a monkey of their opponents and won by the score of '20 to S. tliis game going seven in nings by agreement. The visiting air-j gregation was completely at sea in the second game and some six pitch ers were tried out to stop the Omaha rush, but without success. .Toplin is to open in Otnaha today, while the Wichita team, which continues to hold the lead by a small margin, goes to St. Joe ANOTHEE FTEE ALARM From MonOay'p Daily. This afternoon th.e fire department was called out to the residence of William Kief east of the Columbian j schoo w h t-oered to ere a small shed was dis be on fire hut long before the arrival of the department the fire was subdued and ih fire hoys had their efforts for no. purpose. The department made good time in getting tinder way and a verv miutes after ! " , of Jt ' Hm given at the scene FOR RENT OR TRADE Two and a half acre-. ' PI n 1 1 smnnl b rm south Corel lio.o-.p I i P.oot ' pasture. See c;-or. Hild or! Frank Vallet y. J7-Sv. OLD LANDMARK GOES 1- ; "is ! uesea v ; i a 1 1 v 'Ihe ! e - 1. 1 :i .- p 1, . p. i on i - : U i .:. i nil! laa: v..- i .r so many y.-ar- oi 1 1 , i ! ( v I . , A : w . ., . 1 lain ! '. a- a j .-iden.-e a.;-, pa-se-.i a w a . an.. 'on ': : e ! ;il!'."- th.- !..,-; ,i- i.i.- v. or I o . ! 1 1-a ;-; j, e 1 1 v. 1 1 in,- o 1 .1 ! : 1 1 c u . v. a - comple! eii I hi-- .a . ,-n : li - and on -i v th-1 !' a ada ! in:; ma!'!.- vv ii .-re t.m-e Ilils on' home s;,,ou ihe si:.- ,.! Iniiniina. v, ! i i he ncc'ipmil !y !::, i:--v ri'.-i.i-hci- of Mt K .; t ie 'ii!i;mit: Uiil : work on u ;n("! will he -:-.!; ed a! otic al.c wiiic-i i' is ii' i.e. ii:i Ve ; o'ii pl ed : '.; ; ; ami r- a d y . s 'C'lp-.tiey Til.- !: -A i'n!:i- i ' I : - Ko'ierts w i.l ie- -! t ly :u;.i;,-rii .;: tv,:y i .-spe ; ami w..! ne a lim an lii! ho; : . ;:: ,-ry .. ' ' ra ! , v.- ::..u ol' ! ii .i ! f .ca ! . ' '- LINCOLN YOUNG MAK IN SERIOUS TROUBLE Cimited With Ptihtr Father of Child And Under Law Must Av.ait Trial in District Coint f-'rnn Tuesday's Ia!5y. The Time of tin- county court v ,-s- 1 e. day a ; ; i r;; i ! w . i .- ; a k . :i i: ; : n h.ea ri :: u t a . e v in nee of tin- stale i !:: case of t ne State of Neb a-k,i ai-ains! ii y o i: n iT a. an w ho. - !' - : - diiice is a- h:ti, i.i'i and who was (harped witi' h.-i'ip t he fat her of ' chila . :' a younp lady who is no v tmikinu. In!- h',i:,e her.-. ''he case il ' ! !'a.'-; eii some li'lle a ' - ti nt ion from t he curious spectator- and under the law coverin.-: t he ca olllv ! lie evidence of ! he c .1 i v. in-i wvi.'.'ss was T:i!. "ii as ;.!-' defend- ovt the t.i;it.v nne i. p.- ..i 1 ;. am w..s iin allowed to pive his cvi- ,- f,,r .;,:;. ami -heir orciini; i'i.-s dem e utitil the trial in the d'.s'ri-oi t),.- trip w.-.s- ,.t... ,,f cr.-M - n , -". iH.urt. !..,- r.t ami tie .- I.-. . lie, -,;.r . .- The (s.ur; after h-'ai'i!ii: The e v i-' ( i ,., ,.r ;, ,i ..r:i:.-.l a- 'he o. - ; . I th nee nf t he y.u-.iii: iady imiml t he . ijj t ;e pa.'-' ami 1 t : t . c.'.i.;:.- - n.. defendant over to the di-M-lc; court . v t... l.i:. li m . . ; . and fixed the i. n.i at 1 .'i "I v.-;.h -. : , . i t u , ., , !. .-. ,.i.-.v . was aiven and t he yiuit.a nui n 1(;p, ,.(t ..... j.. ,; .. -( jj e.l an:! the trial in the u i-' r o t ; p;:s-: ,, , v : 1 i '-id i o :, sd i-.m ('' ,;l '- I t ho t Mi.aha ' '' p .. ' i i - d.-si ! i i .- : rrum the statements of the at '..r- ;i!,n-h ,ii.i.. ;' r .,s e-orts t.. i. . ! heys and the I n stlolts put to the , ,t. sph-nliu slices- :!:a! complaining' ihn it is evident j ;t ;,.llV,,,; tl, p.. tliai there will be a contest of the j ' case ia t he higher courts at the fail. , l ertn. PEACHES WEST SAFELY word mis l.eetl received il' lr hv friends of the safe arrivay of Ktv.(Tnah A. C H'.'llowei! iind fairiiy a: Cil- ; t - h ie i e. v v y o : i i i ii t; . i roni nit-ir a .. . i i : : p i ney reacii-.-c. im-ir nomes;e;oi .mitlie ciiv ipi-i-i July -1st and have had a fin. iifter leavin-r Kearney wh' r - t 'i-v f Mr- s and were de-ay". 1 hy th" ilim-s II"! In well sisrer for a few they inj'.y-ed t!ie trip ver They will spet.rl some time homesTead before m t it rain " tiiis citv. ,,:1 1 1 . a ' the. me to ' IN TENIS T0UENA3IENT Frorn Tuesday's r.'iily. t? ii . ol A I T .if,.e ,!' tl.i. I who is one of the most enthusiastic tein, is sharks in this neck of the! woods, pfoved a winner over 1.. Klapp of Omaha in the first round of the men's singles opened in that cit y , yesterday. Another round will ie! :VtU1?y,?"' Rit'n,!,ers,;a,k-i ing part m the tournament will he entertained this evening at the tie.; club at dinner. I- l': -75.p WW Sensible Is Bo! in 3 I If you have a sum of rrtoney whi It you are nol likely to need for six or twelve montlis, the sensible plan is to make a T iim Deposit at the First National Bank and earn 4' in terest on it. In this way you will kr'p -. our money earning a iiberai rate anei yet in case of etner :?ncy. it is at all times avail. o!e. Can on make a Time Deposit now? hi Tr 1 1; Fm&T Kmoyixh Ban i THE BANK WHERt IT ij. -T:L' ' -r KING hi ENTER TASK'S HIS GUESTS ,:!ia i.iM. E. Ttahl. ';.:. ami Ulni (.'ni.a'N (!l!(t;, Picsccl to Wilh " f-.h e ohuvv I.. 1 1 1 i lo i is I- i I h ! ! 1 ' . ha ; If. .'..if.' . -n . . iri -s oi il! !,..: a co ! 1 . !l '. I' ! i ' ! 1 r. -!i .'l'i : ! t I l ' loll .i I i , 1 r C r ( i ! 1.. ! ! ! I . I ' I ' ! ; n ' .oi .--.a r: . m; I si I : , r ; s . . : . I o : . s i i i no . !; , r '. ! - i ii, . : ! ' .i - i '!i, CIS i-i ' ! s (."! !.v ; '. i a i, tt ;,.,,,;,; , r, '.; -...', .. : ! r. .: - ' ; - t ! ca i ie i to t !, in. nn s: ac- , f .-r ';.:. - : t !.-!i ,,: ;; j.rit v t j ) i . ; . ; s : i l.-ph ,::e ; Miorm-v jiitv had i.e.-n pi for a r p. ech h"i' - pros p; and .1. li '., !.- he i.. a -V . i . - .. i- "d :,a' iap !:., i i l.- oh .- i . 1 i ,.. li!'.-!-.. (..-rih.j .,; Mi o d on t l:- p-o ! :.m wa- .nal.i. !,. p. h ' i w;t- . -ii ; ! ' i if. i.l p. mh 'oi ::.. tn ,,, in,. ,, ii n .! i: an ;: loc hit tin- K a : . h : j . - I Fmin Tin-srlay Iallv. Tin- t-; : w;is v.-w foft :i ; i : havir.LT ; t heir council meet int. i i - evelll '-. r. h -; ! I .'!. Ilushm Ct ! ..:' 0:m,:.a. -: --.J-'-t"- : ' :.. a. 11 pointed ot). o r- f I;.. f;, --t ;:.:. ; in' ! 'U..I I i ' i p, i i - . ; i ; i ;u s ! is ii -i ...ii : : n.e i, . -'o' lo pi e p.. : , , ; ,. J fuml the ?t'C .: city Inn,!- m stead of ...15:1 .rt : n t!o- ; im p.: :. m to f .1 1 ! du- at.d :!- in l-suin-- . !!-! line !..(.:-. i. 1 - a rj To n- l;i ; p.-, r.-i unditia t t !: iwiiil m :- v. ill have ... yea' in- : : ' v iP'um !..r 'Se ami Tliis 1 1 1 p- il ' e 1 i !; 1 v i 'i: r w hi lie- the 1 ' n u 'in,.' ! m . - vv i , ; take this away i 1 : ye:i r ami - .v. the c:'y tin :p- ii d : rur" of seV..r;,i ;h iii-ind d'l'lar.s tor hand pr m ; nm FOR FvEI-TT PF.AIRIE KAY LAND. Hay ground joining Oreapo;.- .u the s-mth. Cuts twice ;. year See (o -.rge Hil t or Frank Valb-ry. 7 v An extensive line of hi-h dam; . Stationery on hand at all times at the Journal office. ... -r-mui. hing YCU FEtL it MO'VXr- I ) " - i u f -' -I NFFiHASJiA ! "