The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
I PLATTSMOUTR StMlrWEESXY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 21, lb'2l. 20 Off ON ALL DRESS Straw Hats riii M f f T RELEASE BRIBE GIVEN FOR OF BERGDOLL MOTHER OF NOTORIOUS SLACKER TELLS OF PAYMENT OF SUM OF $5,000. SUN YAT-SEN IS MADE PRESIDENT Chief of Southern China Was D stroyer of Manchus. MAJOR IS GALLED TO TESTIFY Speculations in Stocks and Bonds at Time of the Alleged Payment Supports Statement. METHODIST YOUNG LADIES HOLD PICNIC Gather at Grove Near E. J. Eichey Heme in Delightful Outing and Suppfr at Clcse of Day BODY OF EDWARD RIPPLE RETURNING Casket Left Jersey City This Morn-inj- at 10 O'Clcck on the Lonjj Jouniej to Rest at Home I mint; woman . the ::ili.-t church. On"-ii l-'he-r !! it ! i ij: 1 ( : ii ! picnic party ni.rr.'i c.f the- E. .1. Kichey and xvhieii V -! 1 1 Was ilii .'i : ii-mb-d hy the young . ladie -vt-n ! h:nl b-e-n arranged feSIUC-nce I largely l.v Ui-.- I l! Mis. J !i ri Lyon and M ! i-r.-'l i-i n :iinl the .'iiciM partx were rt-:i!-il id :i Di ; ii. -it v will tin! long woodland X. Ima E'ii Mi--; l-Y.-da ! r-' iif I in good l i.'iie forge?. I:i Itic pica-ant the itir-n ic simper was se-rved and l.-ulit's proved th:it ;i .- pro viders of dainties to temp: the appeti'e they had Iiii equal and the- fc-;isl wa.-" iiiii ! hi n mi i-- h ! y -1 1 .y fil ly of the in-rry party. .M I In- conclusion ii' tin supper !l;c- in -iti hers if iiu- parly re turned lo the city ami enjoyed a thc-alre parly a! l!:i- I'arnie-Ie ti willies- Mary l'ick!'rd in iu-r latest con tribution in the silciii drama. Washington. July 1ft.- The direct chart;' thai $..(ijo was pai.l in Major Mruce II. Campbell, an officer of I he army, for use- among Hie "higher ups" fo 1. 1, lain i In- release of drover c. Ur-redoll. her slacker son. was iiiadi- loilay ly Mrs. Kmina ('. iserg iloll. ol Philadelphia, lo a house 111-vf-si igat inir com mil lee. The commit tee developed Dial on Ecbruary 10 l!l'u. alioiM t ii days after Mrs. I'.crg- (n-11 swore Ilu money was pit id Campbell deposited $4. ..00 witli Was herman Urol hers. members of the t.N'ew York sioc-k exchange. ainl two Ihnusand more on March all of which and more was wiped out hy the end of .1 ii no in marker trading. i The- money was clcpo.sited lo the joint account of the major and I .a ura I'. 'aiiiphcll. supposedly his wife. Major Campbell, who served oxer- seas xith I he Jtainbow division, and xv ho was Itergdcill's counsel in court- martial proceedings. was not present Hi- previously had testified that In did not gel one dollar of I'.ergiloll money. Ai the direction of the com 'mil tee the war department has or de-red him here from Camp I'ilo Ark., lo answer the charge-s. I Called hack lo testily alter gove rn- f un lit agents hiid pic-ked up the Camp hell clue in a n-nexved effort to lix i resporisiiiility tor i:ergiiolrs escape while 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 i 1 1 ia for a huried tub of gold. Mrs. He-rgdoll sicmhI lirnily on j her const itut ioual rights and refused i! is expected to have the bod v , 1 answ'r questions, ism xvlien as lie in state prohahlv the dav before J 'ired of immunity from prosecution, the funeral xvhieh xvill be held on s'"' began her story, declaring Catnp Snnd.iv. Jnlv ::isi. the location of ht H rst ileiuanded $100,000. nuxiliary of I message was received here this formerly i in- j ;i crnoon by Edward Uipple announe-lie-ld a most i,1K tti.-i! ilii. body ol his son. Kdxvard i! i he nivc tMimle Jr.. who xvas killed in battle in I'raiHe- lu;il lieen sliipiied from .Jir-.iv City a I 10 o'clock liii; Uioill ic.u and vouM iirrive- in Ornaha the la--t ot I he week. The body of Mr. Uipple xvill prob ably reach here- cither Saturday or Sunday and xvill 1 . taken to Ihe iin di i taking rooms of John 1. Saltier io remain nn'il I he time for the fun- scene;, r;,! Hi Th ih' se rvice ha vini; noi its yet bee-n decidi d upon. I lie services xvill lie or ii i military nature- and xvill l.e under the allspices of Hugh Ke ai'ns I'ost of I he American Legion of this city and Ihe bodv xvill be-. laid to rest in Oak Mill ! reineterv. FORMER SERVICE MEN ! " ARE FOR DISARMAMENT! 100 PER CENT AMERICANS Ot lawa. Out.. July I S. thai the views of Ihe 7, ni-r soldier:- and sailors A proposal : imim.immi fur- New of I he Hrit- 1 a c rew COMPRISE WHOLE CREW! i.-b x i-r I he nee was made !!! -e ! 1 1 111 11 II 1 1 l eiripir" mi i he al ilis.iriii.iiueiii pi-i" posed Wa if vt loll I be placed liington conl'i r- I mlay by the doiniu f the Oreat War Vct- tint- : of '.vhom fore Vork. July of loo per 1 s.- c-eni Manned by American.--. ur ei alls' aso i;!l nli. Tin- sunest ion x';is lii-ide t ! I Tie-lii Marshal Karl Haig. president of Ilu- r.ritish l!nipire Service league. hollld Clearly place before the' l'.rit repre-sentat ix at Ihe Washing ton conference the fact that the- foi iinr sv-rvic-e iiien generally are in favor of disarmament consistent with the provi empire. ion:; fur the iP'fellSC- of Ihe SOME FINE BIRDS lid Sullirtoii and Hong MoCrarx have added ;: ne-xv le-aturc- to their barber shop thai xvill help entertain ihe patrons and ihis is a cage of pn iiy canary birds xvliose- sxvee-i mu sic will vie with the singing of Kd and Ooug. not to mention the custo mers who patronize the shop. Tin birds an- ihe- property of Mr. Fuller ton and he expects later to have i hem liike-n to his home. iiirtre than h nii-niiie-rs of tin organiiii ion xv inch she is named, ihe nexv ship ping board passenger lines Ameri can Legion has arrived to load for be-r maiden voyage in the South Am;rii'i!ii service. The noxv ship, one of the fool, is. 000 ton ves sels, built by the government for army trnn.-port service, but xv ith I Inclose- of the war changed into first class passenger liners, is one of the largest ships now sailing under the American flag. She xvill leave hen- next Saturday for liio ele Janeiro and liuetios A i re-s. As the nexv ship came up the har bor dre.sse-d xvith the 1'niled Stales, South American and allied flag", she xvas noisily Kreeted xvith whistles by passing river and harbor craft and outbound sieann-rs "I told him to go to hell!" she ex claimed, "lie had tortured me into blieviug that my. boy xvould be shot unless ihe higherups wen paid." Questioned by John II. Sherburne, of lloston. committee counse' " lb-rgdoM told how she had the money ti (Governor's isi.ind. turned it ove-r to drover. who met the major and delivered it. Later, she swore Campbell told her he had re- ceived the money, but that under tin' I law he could keep no part of ii for himself, and had given it to an offi-jce-r whose name she coulel not ro- niflriber !l v:i: !rr irri! lor I .. . fi,.. .1,... :, I .-lir l e .- i l 1 1 e-l , 11 .t lit f;il eell- jlually to a member of tin- court try ing l.e-r son for evading ihe draft. MARRIED IN OMAHA ODD FELLOWS INSTALL ENTERTAINS CUSTOMERS The Ladies Toggery. which was doing a great business today during the special bargain day offerings, had as an entertainment feature one of the L'dison musical instruments, and the wonderful instrumental ami vocal dictions xvhicli are ri-conled for Ihe lldisonxve-re heard with much pleas ure by the large- crowd of cust omers. Last evening I'latte lodge N'.i. 7 I. O. O. ! held their senii-annu il installiation of officers at their haM i n lower Mai'i street and be occas ion xvas attended ey a laree number of ihe membership. J;mi P. Saltier, John Cory and Joseph C. Warga pas; noble grands officiated as the in-calling officers in tli" absence of Dis trict Deputy Ciilinore of Louisville. The officers installed were James Henderson, noble grand and F.zr.i Lynch, vice grand. We can furnish you Llank books most any kind at Journal office. The High Cost of Carrying Cash! Have you ever stopped to think how much it costs you to carry a bill roll instead of a check book? It is estimated that the people of the United States have in their pocketbooks, their bureaus, their mattres ses and tea pots Three Billion Dollars. The interest on this for one year at three per cent amounts to Ninety Million dollars. Make your money work. Open an account with us today. DEPOSITS PROTECTED BY STATE GUARANTEE FUND I I I! i The Bank of Cass County Established 1881 T. II. POLLOCK, G. M. McCLERKM, R. F. PATTERSON, Presideni Vice President Cashier Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The marriage license record in Omaha discloses the fact of the mar riage of Horace 11. Uullner, former Plattsmouth boy to Miss lluiily lly ron. also of Omaha. Mr. Uuffner is ihe youngest son of P. K. Uuffner, pioneer resident of Cass County, and xvhi) is now making his home xvith his sous in the metropolis, and also a brother of K. (J. Uuffner. one of ihe progressive young farmers south of this city. Tire bride has been employed in Omaha as licit illion expert of ihe olice department and is a young lady c.f more than usual charm of personality. The groom has made his home in Omaha for a number of years and during the war was with tne A. i-.. r . ror several mouths ser vice both in France and with the army of occupation in derma ny. The young- people stole a march on their friends by being very quiet ly married on hist Saturday after noon in the metropolis. Peaches for canning about August 15th. Leave your orders with us at once. Hatt & Son. lite SHIRTS Here's a New One! Variety Stripes Detached Collars Positively the First Showing! 2 WESCOTT'S sons Story of His Great Conspiracy, Which He Kept Alive While a Refugee in America, England and Japan, Fi. rally Establishing the Chinese Re public How the French Consul at Hankow Persuaded His Colleagues Not to Interfere With the Move ment. Sun Ynt-Sen who lias been elected presiiieiit of southern Chirm, is tilled hi some ihe "r'Hther of. the Cliine-e Uepliblic." bv others The "Mlizzlld of China." More than ny other, lie de serves the hatred of the Munchus ,uc- conling to an mtiele by Henry V. Uiinn in the New Veik l'ot. Without LllU there xxcdjld not buX licru H fXu- lutie.n in 1M1. He xvas born in ltW in tha province f K wj'r.g-rung. He xvu educated in the Ainilie.-m mission school, in the Hawaii college t Honolulu, and ttt (Jueen'.s college, Hongkong. Later, be studied medicine, but lie does not ap- iie-ar to btixe practiced. He entered on hist political career early. He at oim-i begun organizing secret societies and planned ihe deem o the Mmi' lui. Fled a Massacre, After seeing many of his co-eorip!r- ntors beheaded, be lied to the l.'nite-d Slater and later to London, hatebiii; eonsrilriic-v a t be xxiute. in l xxtnie j ii Loii, Ion, be xxas knlnflpeil by the Ctii'u-se letalioii. Hut be iiiaiiave d lo ge! wor.l to. friend and the Ibitish government bad him reiend. In '.)' e ti:.d l.iru in Tokyo. l!y tbic lime. fbriui-'h Paiie-nt eontriviince he bud eliiboiuie-.J a far-rtun and xx e-ll-e-.i-or- dinaied organlation. He bad c-..n- e-eixed Ihe in I li i: test of tlie coiil- imr revcili'.iion ntS bad instriictect Ins chosen in their part The iiol-,- e-itv Wii-chang. center of the Taiping rebellion and of the e.t- nloits of Chinese' (lordoii. xvas a:iui honored as a rexoiuticniary cradle. In 1M11. xv In n Sun Yat-Sen xxas at h!s usual work of propagandist!! in Aiiieri- a. he rei.e-ived a c-atde mes.-ac? from Wii-c-hang. te-lling him that a' xva re:idv: that thev xxere xvaitmg his word to strike. IVl'nie he could c-ftble bac k they bad struck. The -ov eminent trot v incl of sometliiiig and exeeiited So-ne suspects, whereupon ihe revoliitionarv troor-'. collected at Wuchang, struck of their oxvn mo tion. Had "a Friend in Court." The Manchu :' roV lied to Hankow and called up the consuls of the for- elirn powei-i lo intervene on account of xxb.-i! lie vns pleased to call the 'anti-fi'iiin" nature of i lie inuve?- iiie-n!. j;ut tlie r rencli consul xvas a frieml and admirer of Sun and Unexv the viceroy was lying. He peke up to his eori-uiar I retlueii in favor of Sun h:h1 i In" re ol'.itlou and cnnvinreej I tie-in. Tlie vi-croy lied lo Shanghai. Sun hurried to London and obtained assurances from leading r.ritish sratesnien that no loan? would be granted the Mam-bin and that Oreat liritaiti would not permit Japan to intervene in ibe-ir favor. Then be sailed for Shanghai and went on to Nanking, xx here the republican govern ment had established irself. This gov ernment elected biiM president of the Chinese republic. He accepted, but as soon as i In- Maii'-hus abdicated he resigned in favor of Yuan Shih-Kai. When Yuan proposed to make him self emperor. Sun opposed him, and Vuan's ambition failed, j When Tunn Chl-.Fui. premier, uncon stitutionally dissolved the parliament. Sun came to the front once more. lie went to Canton, drawing thither to his support the Chinese navy, and estab lished the military government of Can- ton., of which he wa elected general issimo. P.ut as soon as parliament xvas convened and the government safely started be once more resigned lo carry on his great work of prepar ing the Chinese people of true de mocracy. None of I'lutarch's men were more disinterested than Is Doc tor Sun. Name, fume, wealth aoct honors have no attraction for hlra China alone and her destiny. Detor Sun, though compelled to conspiracy mid Indirection, is by nature open, generous and frank. He hates se cret diplomacy. He is a man o f i-harming and delightfully-simple manners. man tr-i. uvmMv-w m m mt ur Tan r r - - " ! 4Kltbi 4. tat MATVartk lM.t.f i i ORGANIZER OF REVOLUTION LEFT MONEY TO COLLEGES Several Institutions Receive Bequests Under Will of T. N. Vail. The appraisal of the estate of Theo dore N. VaiJ, former chairman of the board of directors of the American Telephone and Telegraph, company. was filed recently in New York. He left a personal estate of $2,720,440. Under the will Vail house In Mor- rlstown, N. J.; the Presbyterian church of I'arslphany, N. J. ; Dart mouth college and Princeton univer sity, Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. MIddlebury college, Vermont college and Phillip Exeter academy receive ?o0,000 each. Mr. Vail's xvldow. Mrs. Mabel San derson Vail of Lyndonvllle, vt., re ceives a life estate in $167,980, and his adopted daughter, Mrs. Katherine Vail Marsiesrs of Morristown, N. J., life estate of " $?oo.7VX, personalty worth S38.237 and $rnur00O outright. STRIPED LIZARDS. "I've always been glad," said the Striped Lizard, "that 1 was not bom an ordinary lizard. Though had 1 lieen an onlinary lizard 1 would baxe made the be-t of It. That is. 1 xvould have done so, unless I had found I bad been able to run axvay from myself and change myself into a Striped Liz anl." "You 'wouldn't have been able to do that." said the striped LIzmi-.Is uncle. "I suppose not," said the Striped Lizard, "but I am elad 1 was burn a striped lizard. "Of course I run so easily and so quickly that I always think that If anything happens at all 1 will be al.l,. to run away from it if I don't like it." "Your talk sounds strange," said the Striped Lizard's uncle, "but, then, xmi aren't to blame." "1 real 1 7 don't think I nn." said the Striped Lizard. "I have- been ne ver to school, iie-ver, never, inner. If 1 xv ere ever taken ti school 1 would doubtless run axvay. "Without a doubt I would do that. And then I xvould I- called a truant or something like that. I wouldn't mind being called a truant. H would b. boiler ilinn silting up in school and trying to learn about things xx hii-h would never, never Interest a lizard." "1 xvas ashamed at the xvay you al ways think of runniiig avvav front miv- e TT'TTTB I iftP !lr' - RACTO r . -m c JB o r- " o - X.V i F. O. C. Uet oU v ( 1 f Lenrv Ford Was Bight Wiien He Said: How Are Your Stripes?'' like-. lid th t lieli. strip.-.! thai is thing you don l.izurd' uncle'. 'Lur. xour lamilv 1 raining. We're t'.-iiiious for good runners. We run so fast thai we can hardly U- See-n as we run. "And it is well that it is that Way. oo. I'or running has always been our me.-'lis ot p;-ot ect loll. "When claiigei was near xve r.iii. liot because We XXc-l-eli I brave ell'iit. ll. but beea use e- knew We couldn't pli lecl oai'M-ives in uiv oilier wnv. "And so yon are always talking of running away Jrom anything you !n t like, which is se'iisible." "1 look very much like you, ilon't I. Cnde;" a.-kc-d the Striped I.iatd. "Very much indeed." -aid the Striped Lizard's uncle. "You haxe a poinie-d head, as 1 have, and a long, thin tail. and you are' graceful -ind love-lv to look upon." "You don't tlatler yourself, do you. I'ncleV" buckled ihe Striped Li.aid. "What iiu jou mean by that?" y-ked the Lizard's uncle. "Well, oii see," said the Striped Lizard, "you that i looked like you. And then you went mi lo say that 1 had the same sort of a long thin tail and the same kind of a pointed head. "Then you udded that 1 was lovely and graceful to look upon. So that is what you think of yourself, too." "It Is what I think of myself, most assuredly," said the Striped Lizards uncle. "And xvbv not; it is the truth!" "P.ut most creatures don't think of themselves as being beautiful xv In n they are," said the Striped I.Izard. "l-'Oolish," said the Striped Lizard's uncle. "Hut what did you mean by telling nie that I didn't Matter mv- self? It seems to me that I did, though one could hardly call u nailery xviien it was the truth." "Oh, I meant that in Joke." said the Striped Lizard. "I meant that you really flatter yourself, but 1 said it the other wnv as a joke. 'Creatures often jike like that, you knoxv." 'I see," said the Striped Lizard's uncle. . "Well, pray tell me, how are your stripes.' 'Nicely, thank you, Cnele, Striped Lizard. 'You see, when you grow older you will lose your stripes and will wear spots Instead. Spots are more suit able for an older lizard. I'm not quite old enough as yet to have so many , spots, but my stripes still show. 'Still, yours are more clearly marked. You hax-e a nice brownisp suit and fine yellow stripes, such tine yellow stripes." They are nice," said the Striped Lizard. "I'm very fond of them my- self. Oh, yes, Uncle, more and more , I'm so thankful that I wasn't born an j ordinary lizard, but that I belong to an interesting lizard-family. 'The Tractor will enable the farmer to work fewer hours in the day, giving him mere time to enjoy life. I believe the trac tor will make farming what it ought to be the most pleasant, the most healthful, the most profitable business on earth'." This tractor has done much very much in bringing true Mr. Ford's prophecy; for in it is a machine which has harnessed one of the most dependable, efficient, adaptable, economical sources of power in the world a machine that saves from thirty to fifty per cent of the farmer's time a machine which many farmers claim plows, harrows or drills as much ground in the same time as four, six or even eight horses. And more a machine that takes care of every power job on the farm. Call and let's talk it over, or telephone or drop us a card and we will bring the facts to you. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO GO. PERSHING GIVES PLAN OF SINGLE ARMY UNIT General to Weld Regulars. Guard and Kesuves Into One Great Whole ' Washington. I). ('.. July 17. Ocn-e-ral I'er.-hing's policy for xvelding the regular army, national ftuard and the organized reserves into one whole ready lo meet any emergency, was set forth today in a letter written l.y 1 : i in to corps area and depart mental commander.-. The policy wil! be inaugurated immediately. Tinier the general terms of the law." the- letter said, "the corps area commanders are responsible xvithin the limits of their respective com mands for success of this great na tional undertaking, and the most im portant mission of regular army of ficers in time of peace, next after assuring a highly effeeient and well trained regular army, is the devel opment of the national guard and the org.i nized reserves. "All citizen soldiers who are free to meet the special requirements im posed on members of the national guard should be encouraged to enter the force." the letter continued. "All young men after their voluntary mil itary training in the reserve officers' training corps or training camps should be encouraged to join a unit either of the national guard or the organized reserves. There should be no rivalry between the two forces but rather an interchange of cervice between them. "It is my desire that the officers detailed for service in the organisa tion and training of the national guard and the reserves should be se lected from the most efficient offi cers in our army. The corps area commander and all officers of this organization xvill he expected to takex an active interest in these forfes." NATIVE SON HERE This morning Charles Duke and son of Chicago arrived her for a day's visit in this city xvith old .ime friends and looking over the city where he xvas born and spent his boyhood days. Mr. Duke is a son of E. T. Duke, a pioneer here, and wa.. better knoxvn in his boyhood aJ "Omaha Charley" to distinguish him also named Charles was born in Platts and has for many home in the windy from his cousin. Duke. Mr. Duke mouth in 18 64 years made his citx. aid the Washington's Difficulty. r "Do you remember my telling you J of the great difficulty George u a&n- j Ington had to contend with?" said the j teacher. 'Yes, ma'am,' said a little boy. "He couldn't tell a He." New hevrolef Prices! Effective JULY 15, 1921, the following prices will apply on CHEVROLET cars Model "FOUR NINETY" Old price New price Tourinr $ 820.00 $ 625.00 Roadster 795.00 625.00 Sedan . 1,325.00 975.00 L,oupe 1,375.00 975.00 Model "F. B." Old price New price Touring $1,345.00 $ 975.00 Roadster 1,320.00 975.00 Sedan 2,075.00 1,575.00 Coupe 2,075.00 1,575.00 Pit ICES R O. It.. EL INT. MICHIGAN' U. U. UflSLEY 5TLowest priced and best fully equipped car now sold K