The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 21. 1921.
Murray Department
i : . 1 l.t.oi nf lia I'onn1 nf Murril mil flurrflundinr Viri nit 1Ter.i 1 1 w f-i iki Innrnil T"? o rl
yotir Character
The name of
which you do business is
one of the best references you can
A checking account stands for
modern business methods, available
liquid funds.
MaKc This "BarkKVoxjir "Best Servant
Open an Account tvith 7s Today JVOW I
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Ail business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
. i . '. i ". : , i viMt'tr i :: Nc-
: .. v 1 l"r: .i ' .
:-... :,t ' '. 'i !"" rtl r h ipped 1 wo
i: , , -- .. i u i li ( n:.'isa
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Mi-- .''i'i'. i-iifl in I'lat t smoiit h
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- a-:' S '.,'.- i',. I v.-1'h
1 ' ! !. . r-' urti.-. v. -liov l
w. r. voyr.e
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
ni:vi:risK all cails
T?;c 425 PialtsmuutL EtLane
Mimsing Underwear!
Have You Used This Brand of
Union Suit?
!( ti'-t mul e your next bclcction from our block. It fits
and givcb a certain comfort and bervicc not found in or-diti-iry
Ladies' Union Suits, aizea 34 to 40, tight or lose knee,
$1 .25
L.dic Union Suits, extra sizes, 34 to 40,
tight or lose knee,
the bank with
A savings account stands for
good habits, thrift and am
bition. So not only does a bank
account yield you monetary
returns from your investment
but it returns a dividend in
good reputation.
n; a l'v miiiii(1 nviT L' S lmshcls to
1 i.t acrt .
Is i 1 1 f' on the Journal V
.ulocTiptiou li.-t? IT not. it oimln to
In . What !( yiiii say "
Charlt-s Herri n v.i'iil to J'latts
Tiiouth TiH-siiay. whi p' h !ook-il af
!tr .-on.- niati'-rs o! lm.-i n -.-- at tho
cf.irt hoiw.
.!r. ati'I Mt. Ci-ort' MatnU'. 01
Wi--;!iti atrr cr' bursts Tik-s-!a
a.' ti.e lio:;:- o! .Mrs. Ala Fcrri.-.
.of t li i piacv.
lloiiHT aniplu ll ami fainily ?
'M-fv of Mr. ami Mrs. Sari"' S. iavi
at their Maple ("iru- farm hist Sun-
lay lor flinner
Scarlr S. Imiis ami Win. Sporer
..ere aniotit thos- t lireh i 1: ir Weilin-s-!.i.
They llivereil I In ir rain to
1 io . 1 1 J I 'it man levator.
M.-silan.e.-, .1. I'. Tliurmai: ami Owen
Willi- wriil to N'etri;sKa City tlie
fore p:rt of th- eeli for a visit of
vral Mays witli relatives.
'I !o ln-st time to make ymir alver
t pay inerejiseil ilivideiols i.-.
Alien oll-ili'--- i. (lull. What . you
s.i . Mr. I".usiii'-s Man?
( W. V ir:rin of Syracuse "as in
Murray laM Tuesday looking after
dine lm-iiies. matters ami was a
.iei nf relatives hile here.
John Karri- ami familv drove to
, : ' la : i - urn"! li Sunday, where they at
h into! si ri ices at the Methodist
ihureh ami visited with friends,
j .!. W. laimonds was haulinc -ohs
I Tues.d:: . A. C Ijn having -.helled
lis !;i-t e:it corn 'Top. ullich u
I 'I' 1 ; vereii to )! Farniersi elevator.
I Mrs. Xanry Crimes, of I'nion. is
:e;n,rieil as hciiifr very .sick. I'r.
i". i:rr-mle was rallefl to see her Sun
:il;iv a'i'l iil-o later during the wc-k.
H Tutt,
Henry (.'. Long left Friday for
Heudley, where he went to look alter
the threshing of his wheat crop. 11c
expect? to be gone about three weeks.
Frank Valiiry of Plattsmouth was
looking after Komc business matters
in Murray last Tuesday and whs
trotting his many friends while
A man was n town Tuesday port
ing advertising matter of an exhibi
tion and gala day whuh is to be
given at Nebraska City in the near
future by the American Legion post
of that town.
George .Vickies is enjoying his stay
in the nest. although ho is kept
pretty busy looking after the chores
at the Young home. hi own place
and that of a neighbor v ho is av.ay
on a vacation.
Ir. II. A. (roi:icr. of Weeping
Water vs as looking after some busi
ness matter:- here Tuesday and ac
companied by T. J. l'rt ndel drove to
Tnion where tiny spent a short time
in consultation.
Dr. Howard Buchanan, who has
just completed a year as instructor
in the Northwestern medical college,
of Chicago, arrived in Murray Sun
day for a visi; at tin- home of his
mother, mrothor and sister.
C. K. Heehuer took a new thresh
ing outfit, consist ing of I'ordson trac
tor and Woods l!ros. separator thru
Murray Tuesday on his way home
from Pla 1 1 smout h w here he had pur
chased the same of the T. H. Pollock
Auto company.
Turnhig the lo-y in the do:r of the
drug store. C.W. Mccracken and fam
ily ut i itiualia Sunday and spent
the da as guests of the C. W. t'alk
ii's family, the cnt're party going to
one of tile h-autifu! parks of the me
tropolis for a picnic.
Philip Lambert, the decorator ml
painter, lias just eoniplet'-d a neat
piece of w ork in the re-iiiiiliing of
the home (.f Sam Coodman near M
nard. thf entir- exterior being re
painted while the interior was rc
linished in nm-t approved style.
Mrs. Minnie Woods, -.on Leland and
daughter N'elma. of Lincoln, visited
with friends lore last week. The
young people wh o are accoinpli.-hed
musicians. furnished special piano
am! violin music at both the Chris
tian and Presbyterian churches last
W. C. p.oeilcker. accompanied by
C Parnole of Plat tsinout h visited
in Liberty and St. Joseph. Mo., last
week, l living their car at Fa!N City
while cti route home on account of
the rain Sunday night. At Liberty
they were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. II. At wood.
Mrs. C. 1. Spancler was a visitor
in Plat t siuout h Tueslay afternoon.
b ing aceonipanied by her daughter.
Miss Margaret and the hitter's two
friends, erna MeDanieis of Nebras
ka City and Cladys Lynn, of Llm
wikvI. wlio had been vivjiing here,
but have returned home.
George Shrader. wl.o liaii liis an
kle broken some months ago. ba
be u r petiencing trouble with it
again lately. Accompanied by Ir.
P. P.rendel. he went to Omaha a
few days ago ami had several X-ray
pictures Taken from diflerent angles,
in order to determine how it should
be properlv braced to permit of an
ea t ly recovery.
A nice lot of lic stock was ship
ped from Murray to the Omaha mar
ket during th past week. Among
lb - shippers were W. J. Philpot. two
car: of cattle; J. W. Philpot. one
car of lues; Charles K. Troop, one
car of hogs and Marry Todd live cars
of cattle. In addition to the car of
bgs he shipped from here. J. W.
Philpot also consigned three cars of
cattle io the Omaha market, ship
ment being made from Weeping
Grandparents Happy
Last Saturday evening. Mrs. Jas.
Ilatchett. who has been at Ilavelock.
returned home, accompanied by her
little daughter, they having bc n to
i-it the new son that arrive? at
i Io" bono- of another daughter. .Mrs.
Vera Wason. Grandpa Ilatchett is
bearing his honors nicely ; ir
able to sit up and take some nour
ishment as well as smoke t mild
Visited at Park
A pirty of Murray people enjoyed
a pbasant evening at Prown's park
last Sunday, driving down for a
delightful outinc in the cool of the
evening. and taking their supper
along. Those going were Mrs. I!. V.
P.rendel. r. J. F. Premh l wire nl
son Kicliard; T. J. Prendel and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Seyboldt and Dr.
and Mrs. II. K. Cro.ier of Weeping
Enjoyable House Tarty
Miss Margaret Spangb-r was hos-tes.-
at a parly hejij at the
j home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
' C. 1. Spangb r. north of tow n, dur
' ing ihe past week. Those present
iwere Miss Mice pollock, of Platts
' mouth; Miss V lma Wood and Leland
Wood, of Lincoln; Miss Gladys Lynu.
of Kl in wood and .Miss Ycma MclKin
ul'l. of Nebraska City.
Two Misses Arrive Monday
Two young ladies arrived iti the
vicinity of I'nion last Monday, com
ing from Fairjland and looking for
good homes, which they were both
j successful in finding, one w ith Mr.
land Mrs. Kaymond Creamer and the
Jot her with Mr. and Mrs. John Chris-
I tiii.i.-i llntli fainilicK -ire ilel i ; h I wil
wiih the new arrivals and fortunate
indeed are the little strangers to
have found such excellent hoiues.
Purchases Automobile
Miss Etta Nickles has purchased
"1 l
IT wycf tb rdrs of th
Journal keor of ny Bocli.1
event or item of 1ewtm in
this Ticiuity. and will nan
imf to this ofBee. it will ap
pear under this headier. Wl
want all nawalMina Ebitob
a new Chalmers car through a Lin
coln atreucv and is looking forward!
to many pleasant days with it, asi
the season is not yet far advanced
and all outdoors beckons to the mo
torist at this time of year.
Mrs. Barrows Doing Nicely
T. S. P.arrows visited in Omaha
Sunday with Mrs. Harrows, who is at
the hospital recovering from a re
cent operation for appendicitis. If
she continues to improve as she has
ince the operation, she will be able
to return home within a week or
ten days at the most.
Shower at Frank Ronne Home
j Friends and neighbors of the new-
ly married couple. Lee Heneper ami
I Miss Mary Allen, w hose wedding oc
jcurred about a weeks nco. gathered
I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
j Konne Tuesday night for an evening
of pleasure and a miscellaneous
I shower for the ncwlyweds. The oc
casion was one of much merriment,
and Mr. and Mrs. llcneger were the
recipients ot many useful gifts. In de
parting, the guests extended wishes
;of a long and happy life and declar
ed the. evenings enjoyment was one
they would mt soon forget. Among
those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Wright and children of Mur
ray. Much Grain Moving
Marion Worthuian. J. H. Ilrowr.
am! Frank Ileed shelled and delivered
corn to the Farmers Elevator com
pany hist week. There is consider
able grain, both corn and vheat. be-
in:: .sold at this time. During the past
week the Farmers elevator received.
I'.imiu hushcls of wheat, while on!
Tuesday alone there was delivered at,
the same institution ;. bushels
of corn. With the amount of grain!
going in market and the stock ship-j
ni( nts. there should b" a noticeable'
improvement in the money situation.:
True, there is much to be paid, and!
there will lie none too much left af
ter the overhead expenses- are paid,
but still business cannot help but be
in nroved as a result.
Spent Day at Riverview Park
John Merger, who lias been visiting:
in N'ehav.ka with his brother. Nel
son, their mother and two sist.Ts.
i!roc over for a visit in Murray and
veio joined by Henry Ost and wife,
of near Memphis. .1. 11. P.rown and
l.i'.'ily. Mrs. K. M. Steiner and her
daughter. Mildred and Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Merger and the entire party)
w ( nt to Omaha Sunday for a picnic
at lliverview park, where a most en-1
joyahle time was had. From Omaha-.F-ill
n Merger accompanied his daugh
ter. Mrs. Henry Ost and husband, to
their home near Memphis tor a
week's visit.
Special Home Demonstration
The Home Demonstration agent
working in connection with County
Agent L. It. Snipes, will be at the
Lewiston church Thursday. July i'S.
when she will answer (piestions or
demonstrate anything pertaining to
the home, such as canning, poultry
raising, sewing, millinery, interior
decorating, etc.
The Aid society extends an invi
tation to everyone to conic and take
pari in the meeting, help (juilt and
bring something for dinner.
Murray U. P. Church
Sunday services. July "1. Mib)e
school at 10 r in. Subject. "Saul
1 Proclaims Jesus as the Christ."
f Morning worship. 1 1 a. m. Sub-
! ject . "Twins."
Young People's Christian I'nion at
S p. m. Subject. "The perils of Ma
terialism." I John. 2:1. ".-IT.
Wednesday evening. July 11. Pray
er and Praise service at ,s p. ni. Sub
ject. "Saul Teaching at Antioch."
Special music. Seats Tree. Strang
ers welcome.
Fred Clark and Ralph Davis re
siding south of town, shelled corn
during the past week, delivering the
grain to the elevator at I'nion. j
Mrs. A. A. Sfillger or Plattsmout h. j
formerly Miss Martha Lewis, has been
assisting with the work at h" tele-
phone exchange the past few days.
Second hand farm lighting: plant
wanted. Inquire of T. II. Tollock
Auto Co., riattsmoutk.
For Sale Cheap
On account of having no u.e for
them. 1 am offering a good mowing
machine and hay rake at a bargain.
Just the time to use them. Come and
see me.
II. C. LONG. Murray.
Dark fi-cd with Black Spots
Tb hog which strayed from tb
stock jards, belonged to G. M. Mn
ford aud was a dark red one with
black spots. Finder or any one know
ing of the animal's whereabouts will
please communicate with Mr. Min
ford. A French widow and mother de
sired very much to marry a certain
man who decliued to marry bcr be
ause. she had children. If that was
all that was holding him back, the
reasoned, the problem was compara
tively simpte. She drowned one of
her fons and the other says the at
tempted to drown him. Evcu after
going to all that trouble she didn't
get a husbaud.
Phone the Journal office when you
arc in need of job printing of any
kind.. Best equipped shop in south-
"Moo. tiioo." said Mrs. Cow , "I hare
a funny .-tort to toll." Aud Mrs. Cow
smiled a very funny cow smile.
Her big eyes looked at some of the
other cows hy she said:
"Gather around ine. C.'uk, and lis
ten to my fuuny -tory."
So very slowly the cows gn up end
nine over by Mrs. Cow. r-td listened
to the story she had ro tell.
"You know," said Mrs. Cow. "wr
give milk to the city people. Yes, the
milk that we give is given to the city
pi op!e.
"I don't know that I should actually
ue the word 'given,' fr 1 don't be
licc the mi!k is given away.
"Hut ve jjive the milk uway. and
then the milk is sold to the city jro
pb Of course we shouldn't eipert to
b- paid for the milk we give, as we
rre given board and blijing (which is
orv apt. to be out-of-door lodging)
In return for the milk we give.
"1 uih not complaining when I speak
if the out-of-dotr lodging, for "e usu
nll; like thai kind best.
"And we are given excellent bo:ird
::nd a lovelv meadow for our home.
"Now, there are a number of us "n
different big farms who give this milk
in return for board find lodglns. Then
the milk Is sent to the city and the
city people hare It left in bottles b
their d'ors in the morning.
" Put the Joke is that the milk com
pany which lis our milk to the city
pcv.r.Je, tllF fi'l the city peo
ple tha they art- keeping tab of.
or looking afir. 7,".i cows.
"Thft in itself isn't the jok. A
joke should always eotne at the end
of a fuuny story, or else it isn't h
very funny s-tory.
"No one wants their jokes in the
middle of a story, or I've never heard
ot anyone who did.
' But I am coming to the end of my
story, and T nm coming to the Joke.
"The Joke i that even iu the cit
tiny like f bear about rows. Isn't
that r Joke on them? They like to
know that their milk comes from fine
!ie:.ih rov,i who eat right and who
"interesting to Read."
a:e well lkcd after, and who are
wa'ehed over by excellent farmers and
iiis-etirs and cow doctors w h see
that we Ine iii healtlif ul surroundings.
'I bey like to know all this, and
mi the milk company tells the people
' l'-ut tbe tc them by writit g it in
iees ..t- ;il ertiseiiM-nts in the news-pai-Ts.
"I do Hunk it is a funny ,nke to
think that men and woineu who an
away from the country and who rath
er think they're very much superior
tn cows ha' come to the cor elusion
that It is interesting to read in the
evening paper about the 70X rows
and how they ure being looked after.
Not only do they read about soci
ety in the city p-ajiers, and not onl.
do tlicy read about the money which
can be mad" or lost as the case may
'e. but they read about cowi good,
eery-dy cows. That a joke on
them: They thought they cou'd leave
cows alone and he their city life
without a thought of cows, but they
found they wanted our milk in the
rir.-t place, for the city people drink
a tot of milk.
"And no-- they're anxious to bear
about us, a cry ausious to hear about
"They can't get away from the coun
try and the cows. Ha. ha. ha I"
"1 heard of S"me leckeeera who
went t a school which taught all
about beekeeping." said Miss "Cow.
"It shows that people aren't so su
perior to animals and little creatures
after a'l. They must ask us for help,
and thy must leant about our ways."
"Id hardlv call rows little crea
tures," said Mr. Cov. "Moo, moo,
I'd hardly do that."
"I was speaking of ns mb animals,
and of the byes as little creatures,
moo, moo," said Miss Cow.
"I sec. moo. moo, I see." said Mrs.
"You have bis enough eyes to se
v 1th, too," said Mtvs Cow, grinnin; a
slo e, cowlike grtn.
Alas, ftr Example.
l ather 1 hear, my bey. that you
hae lately told your mother several
falsehoods. This grieves me to the
heart. Always tell the truth, een
rbougb it niay bring suffering upon
ou. You "ill promise me'
Mro. Yes. father.
Father Aery 'veil. Nov o and
see who is knocking at the door- If
lt' the landlord sav I'm not at noma
" ' -,sf
Bargain Day Specials!
It is to your advantage to come to Murray to trade.
We are giving some very attractive prices on goods,
as well as are marking our entire line of hardware and
implements at a very low price. See the list of bar
gains below and act quick if you are wanting to profit
by the special offerings.
1 1 piece clay cooking set, which has sold at $5.2,
11 co on sale Saturday at
60c can of lice killer, 37c.
Keystone side deliver' rake and tedder for the one
day at only $80.00. This sells regularly for $95.00.
A one fifty chicken waterer, thermo style, $1.00.
W. H. Puis,
MURRAY -:- -:-
The trip or Uev. A. G. Hollowell;
and familly toward the west on their
vacation outing seems to be marred
by a number of unfortunate inci- j
nents that have held them back sev-
iral days on the journey. When near
Hastings the car was repaired and
when they readied Kearney, the sis
ter tf Mrs. Hollowell was taken
sick and it was necessary to remain
there until Saturday before the trip
could be resumed.
The auto party then cranked up
the faithful Ford and continued on
their way to Gillette. Wyoming, and
their friends here have so far receiv
ed no more word as to their journey,
but are trusting that the party has
been able to lose the jinx that seems
io have followed them.
For Sale
Four red coming :1 year old heif
ers, weighing around 800 lbs.
Poland-China Boar
This is a young animal, but
ready for service.
Price $25.00
Murray, Nebraska
Phone 3513, Piattsmouth
nomont Parrel
All Ash-Grove cement bags
which have been purchased
here will be redeemed at
"ac each if presented before
June 10th.
Later we cannot allow you
but 10 cents per bag. as
the price is going down.
Better gather tip your bags
and get them in while you
can still get full credit for
Banning & Nickles,
All Are Bargains
We have npt had time on account of the pressure
of business to make a list of the bargains, but we are
selling everything in the store at a great saving in
money to the purchaser.
Come, we will make the prices so that you will
save money, both in dry goods, as well as things to eat.
F. T. UtflLSON
$1.00 per set.
Picnic at Cedar Creek Last Evening
Is One cf the Most Pleasant
Social Events of Year
Last evening the members of the
V. M. II. C. of the FirM. Methodist
church decided to seek relief from
the torrid atmosphere of the ci-ty
in the cool and pleasant scenes near
Cedar Creek and 4b of the young nun
were loaded into cars at. the church
at .:0 and taken to the scene of
the festivities near the sand pit
just north ol Cedar Creek.
The preliminary aria ugemeut.- had
been looked after by tbe committee
composed of Jess Perry and George
Brinklow and they had made care
ful canvass of the available cars and
had ample room for the members of
tlie party when the signal to Marl
was given. Messrs Ferry and Brink
low together with Ward Whelan and
L. II. Cushman were als-o drafted on
the refreshment committee at tin
picnic grounds and their efforts aid
ed in completing this important part
of the program.
The festivities were staged in the
grove just north of the cast lake and
here the members of the party pre
pared a fine large campfire over
which the wenies were roafted prc
paritory to being transformed into
sandwiches and with the ride in the
fresh bracing air the members of the
party soon made deep inroads on the
store of good things provided for
i hem.
Bathing served as the chief amuse
ment of the evening and all of the
party came provided with their bath
ing suit.s and soon the waters of the
lake presented an animated scene hs
the mcmlK'i.s sported in the cool and
comforting waters.
When the joy of bathing had been
enjoyed for some time the jubilant
members of the party gathered on the
shore and enjoyed a real "sing" with
all kinds of pep and the songs of
yesterday and today were given with
great animation and spirit by the
jolly bunch and it was unanimously
voted that of the many pleasant oc
casions that the class have enjoyed
together this was one of the most
When the good old man moon was
shedding his peaceful rays over hill
and dale the jolly party returned to
the cars and strated homeward feel
ing somewhat tired but also delight
ed that they had been able to enjoy
an occasion of this kind and trust
ing that there might be many more
in store in the future.
Housekeeping Wanted
Elderly widowed lady, good house
keeper, would like position to care
for home; also practical nurse. Box
514. Murray. Nebr. J14-tf