The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i- i
Cbc plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at Postoffice. Plattsmoutb, Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
As ye brew
so shall
yc drink.
autos cast shadows, be-
Sliort dresses are
di.-closins more
family skeletons.
It seems likely the
'ire' will be
taken out
of Ireland.
"Turks Take Isniid" lieadline.
Some people will drink anything.
Savings accounts increase 1 per
cent. Quick. Watson, another prohe!
Because your'' always 0:1 time,
you don't have to buy things that
A reformer gets more pay tor run
ning: things into the ground than a
I'erhaps they will include
House-Senate war in the
The early h;r l 1: " 11 1 '
v.orin. but aiso the nice rip
0:1 the bush us well.
I :te
Ik 1 ries
lf ptople w ero com pel led ti
tiio advice they give, there
soon e an aJvite famine.
A girl should never know a man
whom she would be ashamed to have
her mother know s?he knows.
In the opinion of the St. Joseph
Gazette some of the magazine covers
should barred from the males.
One does not feel like stick;nc to
work this hot weather, someti tics
vcu sweat so much you can't heip.
:o: i
A woman can't drive nails, but
when it comes to driving bargains
the has the sterner sex beat a block.
The man who is continually mik
ing excusese is lightweight who is
trying to fill a job that is too big for
liiin. I
One of the singular things in this
life is why so many babies wait un
til hot weather to cut their first
teeth. !
the end of a week
the new of-
fice boy knows more
a business than his
about running
boss will ever
If a man had been ten minutes
late to the Dempsey-Carpentier fight,
he wouldn't have got much for his
All this fuss about women's cloth
ing is much ado about nothine, says
the Columbia, S. C. State. Hey, boy,
page Mr. Shakespeare!
o. o
Tile decisdon of the house to hold
night sessions on the tariff bill will
confirm a general impression that
the bill is a work of darkness.
"It don't take a man long to
ig his unnts ;tt the knees.
jmd to make a f n y tailored
hi:;' look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it."
averb Dainty Hnrthy.
Iiut she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, fctcaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
.when he got acquainted with
lis. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
You can't convince
t" lk is cheap.
lau.fv that
a .
There are less preferred than de
ferred creditors.
The present liquor situation is
high but not dry.
Anyhow, the weather suits some
people as well as some people suits
somo other people.
Times have certainly changed when
au editor can bo selected as a pro
hibition coniniisioncr.
When radicals quit finding fault
with this well-known country it
won't be fit to live in.
Another big movie manager has
been retired from active service.
Thcda Dara married him.
We are unable to say just how
.short a woman's -. kirt should be.
but. anyhow, it should be above cri
ticism. It's a great vacation in itself to
get back to the old t;;wn n::d eat
votir meals and have .uir shoes
sliined without jazz ccdipapimeut.
Two columns of news about the
Silesian problem doesn't interest a
Plattsniouth reader nearly so much as
a four line recipe for chigger bites.;
A psycho-economist says a man
has only to wish, and he can be any
thing iif chooses. We always wanted
to be a psycho-economist, whatever
that is.
Tiie 44-hour week movement in
this country lias gone to pieces. It
was violation of all common sense.
What we ueed is more work, not
less work.
"Ice Cooled Air in a Church." It's
an alluring prospect, but care should
be taken that none of the lightly
elothed women members contract
One of the astronomers says that
this heat wave is caused by meteors
tailing on the sun. We believe he is
a, liar, but at the same time we have
no way of proving it.
Jess Willard says he -wants only
four months in which to train to
right Dempsey. If it is left to this
department, he may take four years.
or even longer,
if he wishes, for that
Europe is having a Vot summer,
too. which doesn't make it any more
comfortable here, of course, and yet
well, somehow it's a satisfact loti
to know Europe isn't escaping its
Chief Justice Taft probably may be
relied upon not to gloat over his fol
lows on the supremo bench on the
fact that he is the only member of
the court to enjoy the privilege of
paying income tav.
: o :
Another of the few advantages of
poverty is a poor man's liberty to
attend any kind tif a party he wishes,
at noon or midnight, without fear of
having to pay $100,000 hush money
to any professional squaw kers who
may be in the crowd.
An Omaha citizen was arrested the
other day charged with being drunk,
resisting arrest, disturbing the peace,
using profiinf language, carrying con
cealed weapons, assault and battery.
Aside frotn these trifles, he is prob
ably a very peaceful man in Omaha. n:niivi,
ninl lir- u I'rilii.iii tar rl
llameiil . 'CiiiiiI.
In tie County C'jiitt ot Cas.i coiin-
. N'e bt a: ;a
ot-l" of N'.brat J-.a. e'a . . 'Ulitv. ;,.
i an )e-.-..,, i;:-ri j'cii in t l-.e r.- of .or.i ilhel iuea Mutur.i, dc
.c.if.d: t)u n-aiin-K thr petition ot Clara
Mui'itu. administratrix, prayinp a final
settlement and allowance of her ac-
cotitit tii?d in this Court on the lSth
lav i.f July. a. P. Ifi.'f. and for a de
cree detei in inuii; heirship: and for such
other orders and proceedinsM as mav
be reqilira-d by the .statuteH in such
eases made and prov ided to tliu end
that sanl rvtate and all things tie
tair.mir thereto pihj be finally settled
ana determined, and said ad minis tt a
tri diseharged .
it is hereby irdreU thnt yuu and all
persons interest en j,, taid matter may
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county on the
Ji'tii lay of July. A. I). at ten
lock a. in., to fhow cause. If any
there be, why tin- prayer of the peti
tioner should not be grunted, and that
notice ot ttie pendency of .-aiU petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all perm. us interested In said matter be
publishing; a copy of this order in the
I'lattfiiioutli Journal, a .seml-weeklv
newspaper. one week prior to said day
of hearing.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
bet my hand and the bcul of haid Court
this lSth day of Jul v. A. 1.-121. '
(Seal) J21-ltw. County Judge.
i" In the district Court of the Coun
ty of Cats. .NetrasKa.
John N. Deck, plaintiff.
vs. James L.
Craig et at. riff cnrtunts. ,.,...
I To the defendants Janus L . . iam,
Mr- James L. Cruix. tirst real namt
unknown; - Crulp. first real name
unknown: Theodore Decker: .Mrs. Theo
dore Decker, first real name unknown,
Llizer 15. t.arrisoii: .mis. r.u.ei j. -
risou. tirst rial name unknown: Horace
; l.airison; Mrs. Horace tS. C.arrison,
lust real name unknown: James ai
eiiline: Mrs. .lames Vateiiline. fust
leal name unknown: James Valient me:
M;-s .lames Yal lent inc. tirst real name
unknown: John W. Clark. Mrs. John
W Clark. tirst real name unknown,
m,'...-iu v A nileisou : Mrs. Charles .
Undersell, tlrrl real name unknown:
Susannah Thomas; William L. Harris.
Mrs. William I.. Harris, tirst real name
. ..niinnn-n : William C. Xraon; Mrs. 11-
1 f
Noxon. tirst real name
Osmr M. Carter; Mrs. Oscar
IV".: "V " . ..... 1 ooL-oown:
?I. lani'r, 111. -1 1 voi iic... -
the heirs, devisees. legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of James L-
i "ram:
Irs. James L,. tl.UK, m.-i it-n
name unknown;
. Craiic. first rea 1
unknown: Theodore Meeker, .mis.
Theodore Meeker, tirst real name un
known: Hliner K. (Ja rrison ; Mrs.
It C.arrisou. first real name unknown:
Horace C. Cariisoii: Mrs. Horace tr.
1 !a rrison, fust real name unknown;
.fames Valentine: Mrs. James alen
.;.. ii-sit real name unknown; James
1 .1 in.
Mrs. James; Valient lm
first real name unknown: John
i-iiirli: Mrs. John W. Clark, first
....... ... . ,
i.-ime iinKtiown: cuaiie.- . . . too . . ,
t.... M,!.vies V. Anderson, first tealM
name unknown: Susannah ! nomas.
William L. Harris; Mrs. William I..
1 1 .1 i". tirst real name unknown: Wil
liam C. Nonoii; Mrs. William C. N'onn.
lust rr
il name unknown. om-.ii .0.
Mrs. oscar M. Carter, tirst real
unknown: Thomas Thomas:
Stephen I" Nuckolls: jam 1.. .
ci.ii deceased, leal names unknown;
l'lul all persons havinu or clainiint' any
interest in all that part of the South
west quarter; SW'4 the West ha it
t W U of the Southeast quarter (si.i, i
and th. Southwtst quarter SW 'i) "f
the Northeast quarter. iNT:'i lyihs
nth of t he rmlit 01 n ;iv 01 me
; u' ; ton
ic Jdissoill I Kl ver loiiuo.oi
in Nebraska, ot Set 1 1 - : 1 thir-
tv-two. t
Town-lup t.iirtecn. t 1 ;
th. Kan.te tl: ir
IV M.. and
(Mi . a.t ... t !:
.ill il..t part of
1 1 1 Tow nsl . ip t ; : ir-
el ion 1 1, 1 1 t v -unlet..
1 t:: 1 "i th.
1 -1 of tic t:t I. IV
. 1 i Led : '.b
...e! t I I .."
t I'll tee
e pal li
I ! 1 1 1 1 - t :
el the
iolltli s
. 1 I : I '
111. I I I V
! e Ol
. :is! 1;.
( '
r on
V - ore,
' no:t..
t!:e :iil
t .
1 .
J . . '-: 1 ?
' 1 h 1 1 1 s I
7 j ik'ro';
rlialtis to
:.; .I'Ui'i'f:
: 1
an a so
and ::n
a n 1 ft 11
and 11
t l ee.
I'in. min-
t I.ellCC
utes at 1"
thetico north
utes east
the west line
;u chains to a
of Lot seven (
: t in
tl e
S 'l'.tl east tpiarter
ti-iii tiiii ty-ine, C
of the llht of W,
v Missouri ItlVef
ka. thence tioith
t SK 1 1 of aid Sec-
', 1 ) L'.UN cha ins sou! i.
iv of the lUillinion
lailroad in Nebras-t-i
the Flat" river.
t hem e southeasterly
iIoiik tbe Platte
of said Section
river to the east line
thii tv-one. ' 1 thein
said section line to th
outh al'ini;
e sout beast it -
tor of said Section
thence west on the
thirty-one. ( 1
sout h 1 i tie of sa id
of I. on i nn in ;'. c
aid limit of wav.
section to the plac
cent ins; therefrom
all brinjJ in the
Count v of Cass. - ,
;.i niia, real names uiiKiiimn.
You and cadi of von are herebv
1 . 1 1 1 1 1 i d t' at John N. Pe t 1; av plain- j
tiff, tiled a petition and cotuiut ip ed :i n ,
aitioii in the listrift Court of th-j
Coiintv of Cass. Nebraska, "n the l.'.thl
lav of -Inly. P.cjl. against vim and j
each of vimi, the object, purpose and'
tuaver of vvhiih is to obtain a decree
of court. liUbtilli; the title t' the fid- 1
lowing describe, I lands, to-wit:
VII tbut n.-irt of the Southwest
mailer: iSV, the W't-.-t b.llf lV'2!
of ti e Southeast uuarter. iSll'j I an lj
the Southwest iunrt r iSW'i, i of thet
Vortheast uuarter. (XK'i ) Iv izor south I
of the ritht of way of the I : u rl i 11 u t o u
A.- Missouri Itiver Uailroad company in
NebiMska. of Section thirty-two. (.".i
Township thirteen. north. Canue
thirteen, M.".l east of the 'th P. M..
and also till tiiat part of Section thiltv
one. Township thirteen, 1 :: north.
Katisc thirteen. I :'. east of the Kth
P. M.. more particularly described a
follows: Ctnin-ncinsr at a point 1
cliJLlns east of the UHrter section eor
lor on the south si-b- of Section thir-t-one.
::i Township thirtefii. i:i
north. Katisc thirteen. ( 1 :; I east "f t h'-
".th P. M.. runnine; thetice -t h -7
decrees and "1 minutes west l'.i.Tn
loams to an ash tree, the-nce north
7r. ab-e-rees and Z'i tninuts etist I'M
bains to an iron pin. thence north
e'- ili'KH-r and 11 minutes east
chains to a point on the west line of
l.ot seven 7 in the Southeast quarter
iSi:'i of said Section thirtvone. i :; 1 chains south of the riiiht of wav
of the Hurl iim lou tVc .Missouri l!iv-r
Kailroad in Niduaska. theiue north to
the Platte river, thence sou t heasterl V
aloiiK the Platte river to the cast line
of said Section thirty-one. c:i thence
south alone; said section line to t he
southeast corner of said Section thir-ly-oiie.
(.Til themee west on the south
line of said .section to the place of b' -e.
in n i tihT. excepting I herefrom said
riuht of way. all beito; in the County
, of 'Cuss. Nebraska, as against yon and
'each of yuu and for such other relief
las may be just and equitable.
I 'oll and each of you fi;e further
tmiiti. il that you are reiiuied to an-
Wi r said petition on or before .Mt.n
iav, the L"Ili dav of Auuust. 1!'J1. or
the a llefiat ions therein coiitaineii vvin
! takn as true and a decree will be
rendered in favor of the plaintiff and
ainst you arid each of jmii aeconl-
liitr to the prayer ut sani peiupju.
lii'ttd tliis l 'th day of .luly, c.i.l.
JOHN N. J ;!;' K.
w. i:oi:i;ktsn.
Il5-iw. Attv. tor Phi in tiff.
If it's in the card line, call at
the Journal office.
Acetylene Weldim
I am prepared lo do all
kinds of Acetylene Welding.
Charges reasonable and work
the best.
Located at John Iverson's
Blaksmith Shop,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
375. A boar and two gilts, not re
la tor? until n a rbi rrT o o tlfl rlnUTIl fllin
" pv.uibo.v-. r
?10 a montli. Older gUts on tlie
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
Albert Young,
I . nTirr rttr I1T TO ttl'IKT
In the District Court ot the County
of Cass. Nebraska.
Frank Clans, plaintiff, vs. Platts
mouth Fei-i-v company, a corporntion,
t ill, defendants.
To the defendants, Phi t tsmou th Ferry
company, a ctq potation: the unknown
grantees, sum ssors and assigns of
1 Mat tsmou th Ferry company, a corpo
ration: Kwini; S. Sharp; Mrs. Kwinff
S. Sharp. tirst real name unknown:
Amos Marker;' Mrs. Amos Marker, tirst
real name unknown: .rea-nbery I:.
Henry; Mrs. i.recnb.-ry It. Henry;
first ' rial name unknown; J. .1.
Worlev, first leal name unknown:
Sairali Worlev: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all oTiior persons interested
in the estates of Kwinj? S. Sharp; Mrs.
Kwinir S. SI. a rn. first real name un
known; Aiiu.s Marker: Mrs. Amos
Marker. first real name unknown;;
Crcenba-ry I :. Henry; Mrs. Cireen bery i
i:. Henry, first real name unknown:
J. J. Worlev, first real name unknown;
Surra h Woi lev and Joseph A. Connor,
each deceased; and all persons having
or claiming any interest in I.ot one
(I and the 1101 Ih fifteen (!.") feq if
Lot two ( i' in Mloik thirty-one, 1
in the City .,f 1 'la 1 1 smou t h, Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, real names unknown:
Yon and each of you are hereby
notified that Frank Chins as plain t in',
liled a petition and commenced an ai -Hon
in the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska, on the JJnd ibi
of June. 19JI. against you and eacii
of you, the object, purpose ami prayer
of which is to obtain a deer e of court
quieting tie tit!..- to Lot one (1) and
the north fifteen (!" feet of Lot two
ill Mhi.-it t I; 1 ft V-Olie, (1) 1:1 II. e
City of 1 "la 1 1 siieiii t h, Cass county. Ne
braska, as ae.ain.-t you and each of
011 and for :oii h other i i-le f as may
i" just and equitable.
You and each of you are fuithi-r
notified that ou are leqiniod to an
swer said petition on or h fore . I . . r 1 -il:i,
the z'.'tli d.y ot August, ivui. or
the alienations therein contained will
ie taken as true and a decree will be
rendered in favor of the plaint n.' and
against you and eaeh of von .1 vv: i 1 ii.-
to tlie flayer ol said petition.
Dati d this I'Lud ihiv ot .luue, tl'Jl.
F 1 : A N K I'LM'S,
Y. -. li'l!i:i:'i .- .
JI-iw. Ally, for i'lamun.
! sii;
i 1 i.u
IM ..)
I Mllllt
I X f .
H. II. I 1
Nil AM.
rt 'it
I 1 i.
1 i
f :
! t '
! :
VI - I'
i-: . 1 o ' N e'
I ii pur .!
Hill. I't lie t ;
F'.'e. lb t:i
it: No. !: 1
Vnlrai Life
. : - Is...
f t 1
'I .::id
;. t io..
ill ,
I ns-ir-
I !
t .
t! '
t I. t obe.-
rein pendil.i;,
rein The Fti:
e 1 onipa n '
of Cincinnati,
plaintiff and
the pi opel I
was I 'l l ! be.
il:lo, .1
Lev.;. M.
V hel'e l)
bel r Ol
id. :"ld
rpora t ion, j
:aut it
a 1
lllilllBilS.' 01
ft. r .b-sel I bed
the iiii.."ui:.-. was appointed Spool. !
!..-.ttr of this court, io sill -aid prop-
itv and e. ule said dei lee. and I v
virtue .t" I !: a T'.oiitv n no- ve-l.-l.
bv said decree aid nil!'!' ol Sale. 1. 1 1.
II. Piinleiu. a- si.-h niasl.i. vm on
the L'Jnil dav of .iiKU-t. "'). l 1 1
o'elo. !; in the f"ii-l P. a! i lie e'ourt
I! in Pla t t-:no.' 1 1 . the o'Uiilv seat
of t'as eoutitv. Nelia.-ka. sell at
public auction to tie hih.-s!
for 'ash. the jo o;ort y on whpii ...aid
llla.rl SIIC" Was !!! loseil. W I ! C 1 1 . aid
jM-opert v- N s:tn;:te hi the l'"i:nlv ol
c.i- and Stat-- (.f N i.ra; U.i , and l-.povvu
and diocrtbc.! as I'd low-, to-wit:
The sou' ptarler of tin- soiiil;-
i:-, of si-:',
t Section
en. i pi To w ti s I . i p
i. i:.i!,e,o fourteen.
-1Mb P. M . and the
v en. (Ill
no i I I
: tl "- .-
111 c.i -t !'
loo t ,i t !i i : t v -
III. ! i;::i acres of the nortlua.-t
I ter of thi tleast quarter i N K 1 , of
N 1 1 , i of Section ninetecti. i 1 :' i iovvn
sl.ip cloven. lll north. Pauue four-o-h,
(111 east of the Sivth P. M.. con
taininc se ven t y-1 h it r (7.! acres nmic
or less;
To satisfy th-- idaintil' in the sum
of three thousand, oiyht hundred and
Viahtv-thrce dollars. ( $ ::jn with
interest at the rate of ten il'M ! r
o i,i per aniiu."i from October I. 1'.'-'",
ami to satisfy the sum of Iifty-si dol
lars and t hii ty-oi;M cents $.';. :;m
a-osts shown on said order of sale, and
the accruing costs: and the suipliis. if
anv. of the proceeds of said sab-, alter
payment of the a-osts of this action,
and the amount found due the plain
till, with intertt. to bo brought into
il it to await the fin tl. or !'
t he n t.
.Ml as provided by said onb-r of -ale
and decree.
ab- will be held open for one
the time and place a I m -.-a id
this 11th day of .1 u I , .. I '.
H. II. lil NII.N.M.
Special Master of tie t'n:ti.l
States lHstrict Court for Co
lost riot of Nebia.-'ka, Lin
coln. Nebraska.
hour at
I lau d
J 1 t - b vv
Mil it i:
State of
ill 4 It 1.1)1 I OK v
Nebraska. eass
tc. s
he County Court.
the matter of the- estate
ion;rlitv. ilTinsiil.
the craditois of said e
of Kliza-
Yon are hetel.y notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Plaits
nionlh. in said county, on tin- ''th day
of AtiKUst. Pi.M. and on the Mb iuv
of November. PtJl. at 1":0') o'i lock a.
ni. of each of said days to receive and
examine all claims aitalnst t-aid estate,
with a view to their and
allowance. Tbe time for the
presentation of chtitus auain.t said
stale is three months from tl... :it.i
dav of AtiKU.--t. A. I. 1 '.' -1 . ai.,! th"
time limit il for payment of debt:, i
etie vcur from ,-uld '.th day of Anyust,
1 .1' I .
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County" Couit this St!i !i.y of
July, liCJl.
AI.LKX .1 Bi:i;-'i'N.
(Seal i Jll-lw. Couiit.,- .lull,. .
.Mini i:
State of
.N'cl.l iisliii, Ca - -- . in 1 1 1 -
In the County Com t.
In the matter of the estato of
S I i j p p a c a s s e . a i L-c e a .- e rt .
To the creditors of si'.d .vUih'
V-ei are herebv notified. That t
!' .'I tl.'' C'.'.:,tv Court room M 1 !
moot!., in sai.i eo', on the ;.tl
of uu-t. l'.ij). and on the 1 1. ; I,
1 1 -
da y
tia y
of November. l'i'!, at pi:eu i.'dm-i; a
rn. of each of sa'd da. to p'onv ai.d
t -i iiiiie .il! cia in: aain-t .:. I e. I;ite.
won j. -jevv t.o'ir ad in point and
allowance. Tin ftp. !it,ted f ; t :
pi e ti i a t ion of al atims a a i n .-r s.i- i
estate is three mouths from I he Mb
May of August, A D. tOJl. and the
tin." limited tor p. -v mint f debts i
i.e vi ,u tioiii .aid ioii di- oi' .Mi ,'n;-1.
W llli'-s.i. inv hand and the rial of
said County Court this Utii day of
July. l'JJl.
(Sjeali County Judge.
Jll-lw. Attorney.
OTH i;
The Stttte of
to itr.minits
Ni. bra ska.
ty. ts
In the County Court.
In the matter vf the ctjtt ot Jacob
Tritsa b, dceea ,i.-d.
To the, creditors of said estate:
Yen are hereby notified. That I will
sit at tin- County" Court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on AviKust 1.
IKJI and November I. P'-l, at i o'clock
n. til. each day, to receive and examine
all claims u gainst said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow-
I'he time limited tor the pre-
sen tat ion
f claims auanist sanl es
tate is three mouths from the 1st day
of AuKiist. A. D. 1 1' -1 . and the time
limited for piivmeiit of debts is one
ear from aid 1st day of August,
Witnet?s luv- hand ami the seal of
taid Cuuuty
Court, this -7th day of j
June, l'Jl.
tiieal) Jl-4w.
ALLli.N J. llUliSOX.
County JudKe.
From Tilonttay'a Dally.
I). C. West, the Nehawka banker,
was in the city for a short time to
day, looking after some matters of
Oscar On pen returned this after
noon from Omaha- where he has been
for a short time looking after some
matters of business.
Fred Vallery, who has been em
ployed as driver of the tractor on
the road work in this district, has
gone to Iowa, where he has a much
more lucreative position in the same
of work.
II. II. Stall and daughter, Edna of
near Nehawka and their guests, Guy
Case and wife of Geneva, Nebraska,
were here Saturday for a few hours
looking after some matters of bus
iness. Mr. Caso is an employee of the
Geneva Signal and while here enjoy
ed a visit at the Journal.
From Tues
I Vrsinger,
guests of
lay's Dally.
Matschulat. and George
of IM::t. t-Miiouth were
Verne Hendricks Sunday
at Murray.
Attorney Carl P. G in of Alvo was
in the city fur a few hrurs attend
ing I;) a few i;;attrs in the office of
County JucU'.e Allen J. lSueson.
.1. M. Teru-.irden. i:it of Hie prom
inent residents of Wet uing Water
was :ie:
1 0 !! d i 11 g
taiu o ;:
today f.
(f some
t:;e ci;ur
a short lime al-i
ma t !
rs el impir-,
11 -.)use.
Attorney '.
Water was tie
day looking a
in the. county
i:. Teffi of Weeping
e for a short time to
il r s )!'.u- legal affairs
and district courts in
1 . c .1
as interested.
Hap!ford. of McCook.
'MS !'
id Mi
re vi-itiug lier parents.
. i-". F. ishopp. i ci iirned
1 i is .. 1 : ernor.ti a ml was
I y little sj-ter.
wim viil visit 1 here
to ip , !i.
ee! i;i pa :
M .irjor!"
for :i. Hi:
1 ,
t 1
l i,ivr;'.!i .ifcfqiijianieil
if.lir.i unc KHnpsber:-
t ;
i r. tjf
t-'crt Wayne, '-a'li iaa. wi:u have
r.; for a short visit at the
oudrau's uncie,
J. M.
VoiKlran and family, ifeparted this
afternoon n their journey westward
to California.
The i:;uii.' -lifuii'-, inspires eonii-iI'Mice---nor.
nV- Ki'lney I'iiis tor kitl
ney ills. Doau's Ointipent i a if skin
itehinir. 1 loan's Itcuulcts for a luihl
laxative. S -hl bt all driii;' stores.
Washinj,to:i. .July IS. A leltir:
:'r ni forp.MT President Wilson toi
l.loyd (I-oft;,- of ;re;tt Britain, le-j
(hiring that the i'nited States could
not consider proposals lo enneel or I
exchange ire at iiiiiain's imlehted-!
p"-;s to this nation, v;:s placed in
t he ( 'on e.r 'Ssimia 1 record today liy
Senator Lo'lce of Massachusetts, re
publican leader.
Mr. Wilson's loiter, dated in Octo
ber, l!l(e. was submitted to the serial:-
foreign relations committee by
tornier Secretary Houston. It said
that "suggestions looking to the can
cellation or exchanae" were made tei
tlie former president in Paris. The
communication apparently was the
reply to the P.riti.-h premier's letter
made public last week in the senate
tip.ane-- committee hearings.
I ; i 1 1 1
Hit ter
I loan s
:;oc at
ins? Keel heavy after dinner?
taste? Complexion sallow?
perhaps needs wakint; up.
KoLTulots for bilious attacks,
all stores.
1 will be jn the County Superin-'
tendent's office in Plattsmouth on'
Monday of each week. If you wish
an office call, make it in the fore-1
noon, as in the afternoons I will!
visit the farms where asked to do
so. Make use ot these days and tlie
Kami Bureau will continue its week
ly visits. Phone 4 70.
L,. K. SX1PKS.
County At:r. Agt.
Blank ucoksi Yes you can get
of all kinds. The Jortmal
Mt lK i: or
In Ve D.stii
of Cass. Nebra
Ivittie C. lb.b
Pla . '.t .
vv i'e. My i tb- lb
t-rt. . a nrr.or. :
It I
t e
r ; s
'o'jrt ;
ami H
-il II.
e e'ouiity
Kobi rt;
a !
Ne w a il Kob-ibvtt.-.
I!'.ll...l', Pi.-
.1. .1.
berts, .
i!;., i. i f New e
let. .'ant.
Notice is b
and bv virtue
t rirl '.nn t of
C-, . Ol1 Kl t lie
i i;
of ,
( 'a
;. !
:i-en tlitit uno. r ;
ecree of tb.e Dis
eimly. Nebraska,
. ut ! I led I .111 -e oil
Ji.-.n . 1 1-1. nr.ii an '
rt il hv sa io co .irt ?i j
.line. pe'l. the 11 Tl -
!' lier
I J "
b- a
; ;i v
:i to
relcvee. will on the
v- of A I
:t too
lot; . .
Cass i
::-t, Pe'l. at 10 o'clO'.'ii
ill. 1 1 ot: t door of t lie
I I '.l y of I -la t ts-
1 1
Hif. Nebra-' ka, sen iii
f ' 'io- highest bidder
a u i
!i. the
1 o . v. : t
foliov iir described leal
I of ' in loodi Cl; Lot
U- t- ,
". Ill )
'oi pi
: . ao-i i i. .'. sunt
: :'i. ail ii: tbe u i -i i : i - 1 Town
t.ioutb. N'-bra-ka. and th
ou.ivter and the. South half
it.ea:-f. .juarter of Section
LauKO l.b ei. t oi tiie t-tr.
' :: , :.
ici .:A
J ll-r.'v-
t:.c 'oL,.;t- ot. Ca: s. Nebraska.
"v ill be held open for one
Vr.ia I'Lh di'v
JusUPIl A.
of July. H'-l-CAPWKLL.
mitk i:
Sljle of
'io cin-;iTiiis
N't bra ska, C'ui...
In the County Court
I n t 'ie tna Iter of the
tate of Tliunia-
J. Mei'rullorii. deceased.
To the creditors of Mini state:
Yen :ire hirobv notjlied. that I will
..t at the Couniy Court room in Plaits- i
tnoittb. tu said county, on the JMh day
nf Auuust. 10-jl and on the 17th d'-tyj
of Nov'embvr, P.'.'l. at 10 o'clock a. m.
of cm Ii ilyv, to receive and examine
all claims auainst said estate, with a
view to heir adjustment and allow
ance. Th- time limited for the pre
sentation of claims aiiainst said estat"i
is three months from the tth day of
Aimust. A. D. l'.'.l. and the time limit-
ed Tor pavtiient of debts is one year:
from said Pith day of Ansust. ll'-l. I
Witness uiv hand and the seal ot
said Countv- e'ourl. this Utli uaj "i
July. PJ-'l.
Sea I )
Countv Juage.
r 'ft-WT(P' -i
I Sold only i
give tire mileage
at the lowest cost
in history
$15.00 $22.00 $27.50
Reduction on all styles and sizes
1 iew iow irriee on a
Known and Honest Product
'l" 11 IMIlMMW1.m . 1 ITUJUl
OTI I. TO t ilTI! (TnHi
Sealed bids will be received at thf
o fice of the State Department of Pub
li - Works. 1th Floor Piownell Block,
at Lincoln. Nebraska, until aiOU o'clock
p. in., on .lulv- JS, 1!'-1. for construct
ing wood Kiiiir.l rail and incidental
work cn tbe Nebraska eity-J-incoln
pro.ieet No. l::j-C, Kederal Aid road.
P.bls will be np.-ned in the Depart
ment of Pub. ie Wor-cs, 1th Floor I'.row
ti' 11 P.lock, on or near the hour of 'j:0u
o'clock a. m.. on the Jl'tii day of July,
j : J 1 . County Boards are hereby re
i:uitM to be present or represented.
Piddcis are invited to be present.
The appro itnate quantities sire:
-.".; lineal fe.-t wood truard rail.
C. rtiiie.l cheek for .". per cent of tlie
amount r the bid will be ro'iuired
with each and every bid received.
Plans and specifications for the work
may be seen and inlormation and pro
posal forms secured at the office of
the County Clerk it Plattsmoutii. Ne
braska, or at the office of the State
Department af Public Works, at
coin. Nebraska.
Tbe State and Count v reserve
riuht to waive all technicalities
reject anv or all bids.
C,Ki. K. SAY 1.1 :S.
Co. Cb rk. Cass
GK'J. K. .luHNSiiN.
otici: 'io t tha( i mis
Staled bids will be received at fhc
ottjet of the State Department of Pub
lb: Works, )th Floor Ibovvioll P.lock,
at Lincoln. Xvbra-ka. until " : o'idbi i
p. nr. on July P''J1, for .otistruit-
in' wood (fiiiinl rail and incidental
work on t h' i:;ij.rl.--Murr;iy Project
No. CiS-A. l-'edcral Aid road.
ilid will be opened in the Depart
ment of Public Works. 4th Floor Krow
ii Il llioi-k. on or near tbe hour of ".':"
o'clock a. in., on the IMh day of July.
P'L'l. County Hoards are hereby re
oucsted to lie present or represented.
Pi. biers are invited to be present.
The approximata. ouantiUos are:
l lo." lineal feet wood tuard rail.
Cei tilled check for per cent of tlie
amount of the bill will be required
with each and every bid received.
J'liius and specifications for the work
tnav be seen and information and pro
posal forms secur 'd at the olfice of
the Cunt. Clerk at Plattsmouth. No
I rash ;. or at the otlic of the State
Dona ; t inent of Public Works at Lin-
1; .
mte tnil I'.iMiitv reserve the
rit: ;:t
re. ice i
to waive all technicalities and
any or nil bids.
C !:. P. SAYLKS,
Co. Clerk. Ca.-s Co.
bee retary.
I-.. ;ill nersons inteiestcd in the
tale of Lnii! Krup
r. deceased:
o.i June 9th
tion of Herman
A . D. 19:: 1. the peti-
liilinian was filed in
County Court of Cass county, Ne-
for a Iinal necree ami
of descent, and that the alle-
...1.... ef t Ill 'Itlllll 1
louno aim
alccrced P) be true; for a decree lar
ritiLr claims of creditors; for the entry
of a discharge of record of the ad
ministrator; tor a finding a decree d;-
Call us when you want
Ell eat, Groceries or
for your threshing dinner we will help you.
Tel. 4 or 5 da phones
THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1921.
by dealers
Tk -
f, , u j,jmimji.i..ii M',
terminiti": the !:-irs at law and next
of kin of the deceased and for a de
cree of descent arid a decree ass.ninK
the title to the lands of which the
deceased died seized, to the heirs at
!aw of the !eeeased for their use and
benefit and the use and benefit of their
successors in title.
A hearing will be had on said peti
tion in siiid County Court In-fore the
Countv- Ju-luo a.n tb.e "Oth day of July.
A. D. 19J1, at 9 o'clock a. in., at which
time cause may be shown, if any, why
the prayer of tf.e said petitioner should
not be kranted. If no cause Is shown,
the petition will be taken to be tru;
and a decree tnteied accordingly.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on
June T-'iUh, A. D. P.'L'l.
Countv Judge.
jJO-Gvv. Attorney.
O I K 10 TO t OVI K Af TllllS
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the State Department f Pub
lic Works. Ith Kloor Hrownell Block,
at Lincoln, Nebraska, until a:'"! o'clock
p. in., on July V'b, 121. for constrm t
IiiK wood cuard rail and incidental
work on the tii-et-iiwood-Chalco Pro
ject No. 1"7-A. Kederal Aid road.
Kids will be opened m the ucpait-
ment of lublic Works, fi!i
Kloor Brow
loll Hlock. on or near the
hour of 9 :
o'clock a. m., on the Tjyth
day of July.
1021. Countv Boards arc
hereby re-
i nested to be present or
Bidders j, re invited to b"
The approximate quantities are:
17 10 lineal feet wood siianl rail.
C. i titie.l clieck for ' per cent of the
amount of the bid will l.o required
with each and every bid received.
Plans and speeilica t ions for the work
may be seen and information and pro
oos'al forms secured at the office of
the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, or at the office of the State
Department of l'ublic Works at Lin
coln. Nebraska.
The State and County reserve th
i ijrht to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids.
Co. Clerk. Cass Co.
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion, normal weight,
c-tind health and purify the blood.
use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold
all drug stores. Price. $1.-5.
Hay ground joining Oreapolis on
the south. Cuts twice a year. So"
George Hild or Frank Vallery. 7-.;w
Advertising is printed salesman
ship generalized sufficiently to carry
appeal to the varied class of readers.
Does your ad come within these re
quirements? 482 night phone
.1 A