The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THUESDAT, -JULY 21 , 1921,
fi&8G&M fill
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) .11.
- '' rtll'i' !ii-n
will .',
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Study The
Men Who Succeed!
Look around you and pick out tl it suc
cessful men of your community.
Nine times out of ten, you wii! lint!
tlif-rn litizens who have kept eternally at
work regardless of crop failures or iuian
t ial depressions. 1 lit-sc- inrii liave 14011.
tluow'li nituh more tiyiiiL tims (lian l!n
prrst:Iit. Compare the troubles of the 'Ws with
our troubles now. Ask the pioneer about
the '70s and you will find that our
troubles now are only mole hills compared
to the mountains of those days.
The men who work and save and keep
their courage will be the well-to-do
of tomorrow.
ank of Union
Checking Accounts Safety Deposit Coxes
Loans, Exchange and Bonds
i:!::r.T 1:.
l.i he Ill
V.'.l! Ci i v ft li 'P Cifaiii Soi'ml
let- . 1 !.; I i ! 1 1: - 1 1 i .-. .
. . i....j ill i i '.' ' Meal;.' . 1 ! .... 1
' . , 1 1 1. t m I, 1. i , 1 1 ; ll ! ! 1 1 .1 r 1 Li i 11 i ' .
V ::! Ii il ; I- !.. ! ! li:. . - .1 larre
nn r ii i ii if Haiti, bui were una hl in,
if.'if-h horne from here until late i r :
tin- 1 .ii r-nfir.ri .n account of the t.r. J
1 ."111 .lit inii i.l the loads
.i ili-il in lii;i,ii .1 rlti.l'l tiii.'- Shi:-!.:-.
r.L- ia-- I :. ! II,- home of V ! I .
Mill" ;u,. ll.-.
I . V . I l.i : i - . '!! 1:1.1 II I'f. Ml!
i .! in v. . .f .,1 I-.i .!. i I: :. a ! ' " in--
!ti.--i !: mailt . ill lli.- vici 1 1 v .l i
I a la- 1 Mi in-; 1 j
.K-fnil llil.l. ..i" l'!:.l '.: in. mi !.. :' 1, ii-.t 1 1 .'! 11 it in ! r 1 .1' 1 1 1 1 1 .! . I
-.1 ' in I ' 1 1 .a !:.: ! Si: 11 . . 1 1 i .
'.'v. ii 1 'i I. "nii . ..i"-
':: r! .Vi. 1 ;;. 1.:' Xehaw !.;:. wm
l-i..i!i: .. 1 I -r .in-- ti-, - la'.-:- u..'i I t
111 I Him. Month. ; ;:.'Mini.l, m.'il.iir.
II,. I r ; ; . ; ii i, A ;. u 1 . 1.
Mi- Veda ilii.- Winona I
; i 1 t'l : i ( !'..:;.:. li 1 :t re ;. i 1
I mil!..' 'I.!m'.'.- l-l.'i'.l :i 1 I'el'l '. -ii- j
"! .1 li. 1 v r S ..1 !m!:i
, 1 fit
1 1 ! einta :.'"'
:tu I Siin.'.M li.i..l i-r k !- i 1 1 -1 - ;i if
I M . I . - in:' li i r. I .1 In I ! I . i- i I s
Jin I :
' ..1 I.
Il iiiii I I: . ' i'ii- 1 .1 I v : 1 I In- 11 nl
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i 1 1 ; i - .
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.i....::: I:..,. N.-l,.
I. ..I I.. : 1;
. 1 1 " t.-.,i : I 1 1. ! i!
. -. i 1 ! 1 -1 , ;.l ;. : , ' ! 1 11 1
.!:'.. I ii, I' 1 ' v 1 r S !: I.
: - 1,: :. -,:. !Vi i! .::: ! ': :
.1 - u . 1 ! :i i.f i ! !'!!:;'! li. !'
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! : ), -m. f. ill. - .. I ! Ii ' :::.'
I MisM-! Ti'ain lius
j Tic ji.iiiii.-it i"ii f-n 1 .1 1 1 v . l.i-i.iA
! ,1 1 . 1 - 1 . .1, 1 .-. in 1 1 ii . : ilii- i;. .1 c..r a li.l
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',. -i..v. n-r!t'ii!. :::! i.i :i i'1'i
;i;,m !.:. it"! .l-!st:i.V ' :-'"-'"i!ii '-i t !i-
f.i'l:. iilnl u:i l.-J.! 1 " : - I" . n i I i 1 . ! 1 1
1 (1 1 i . r. i- - I"' 11 1 1 1 11. !i 1 i."
: i ;i 1 n :.' it!'- :t M 1 I" : r.i ' I !n
r. .!! ' -ii li i in .In I '' li' 11 1' !;.; :
i 11 in. ,K iii ' !.. ilii-':. ii.- hi r:i!iifl
-f- (. '-I'll I" 1:' . i -- ! ' I Vi ! : 1 r 1 1 1 -1" 1 1 ( " 1 1 .
( 1 v.-l,.! v. i.;i, c:;in'- :il"..-' I'i v ;
1 . , 1 1. 1 . , ,11 !, 1 1 ,il.-t i .1, 1 1 : 1 ii !
I . . H ,! 1 . r . I !i ). Hll
tiii Jen Loit lu M iii J ofk I
J iii (.!" lllir r-'flli'ifr 11I I -i - "
' v...- iii. if j.l.v. .-.1 .a ai r.l- K In i '
l! M ifli ' Siiliilii v I..-I u ...-li tin- Miil'tliirK :iFi,t
I tii- 1 " i. ii ,i; l.-;..liiM :iin! uiiirli Aim
i ih. r i . r -1 1 : . r t iii. i-iiiM- scui'M .r
1. 111 M.ui:-.r J-'r.-.t 'I:tfl; says li-!
li.-ii in. lii k 1 t'l'n i 11 l' as it was a :;in.l '
; liin- :t:i.t lh- simply 011 1 y-il 11-. 1
I;a i '. .' .1 in lii.-l . 1.1 I'liiun. ami Hi.ln.-i . nl M t! r.l. .el; . 11 liipi! .il tin-.
S-ifn.- ami I 1 1 1 1- i.-il inns 111.-! with
ir.-'.tra! sali iarlinii I- f t (.!i ali.i!
I. Villi v.. I'.' ttn- !ia!l.-l'i.s till" .M 11 1 itci I. i
v. l:iit- lluliac'; ati.l la r-li' iii.) ! !n-
li.;M.f Villi. KIT t'llinli
Tin- World Wiiif Guild Gitlt.
i Whl'l'l !!
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j I'.-.l ia
i Siu.'-a'.
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it !! .
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-.. 11
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,nul I. n -i ;; I
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l.v a'1
! Vi-iteci Etrr and at Nb. City
j l:. !:;.! -f. !!; .! : 1 : I -mi! ..r.
I acciiiMj. a:.;. ! t. Ii..- v. ins Im-t I.-
j . : i . i: .Ml . ai: ! Mrs ';"!' .in. 1 s
j :...( ! . : a.' M . 1 '.a ':-" I'll:'-''. .Ml'. A
1 . ; 1 ;.. 1 v. lin w a- . :a ! :i !'i,m:i
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1 I 1 a ! . 1 a 1 t 1 ii..- :.:;: y : i ! -n
I ,,.,!( ;,. X a-1. a ''it;. w lief- 1 !.
; v . -, :.. . i: .I iii-- !..:: Mi :i-.
. .la;
.- 1 . r I 1
rirst of Union r-Iettins
r 1 . 1 i .1 f : : 1 ; : v.
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.ii-s Mary U r vi-ii.- l w it h
iri-i;.l- in ..-lr:i.-Ka iiy jvimiay.
l;. v. W. A. Tavlf.r :.ial u 1 i". i.l-
1 i!i .N'tlir.i.-!:.! City 1::-: S.itar.tay
.- V l l! i Ii .
1 1. W. Fii.-t.r '.'lis ii.uli!; a!'!i-r
-1. li:- liiisim s :naTt-r ii: i'latt-::.. u;li
last Friday.
Mr. and Mr.-. V. S. Taylor vi.-i'.-:!
ii; Flat tsttiMiit ll Tlnir.-day. di iviiii;
ifV.-r i :i 1 !i i r ca ''. ' :
Mr. ami Mr- .1. I (":ns ait.tij.-l S
ii ti r ri si-r u . s ii; .Mun ay la?: r'un-
il.i. driving nji :?i ili.-ir cur.
Harry !.. aol; irir-.l n: X.-!iaw K:i iii
Sti!i!a. vlii-r. h(- '.dk i:: t!:-- X'- .;;
ha Ka-Maiilf lia.-. lia 1 1 trail. .
K v. ami .Mrs. .S. .Miih r w.-r.- !'..
lay dinii-r jik-si- at tIk limi;.- !" 1
,M I 'rati- and w i :i: 1.:' t..v!t
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.i ai .la - . :. 1 :. .
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.Mr-. I..'.': 1!..!.
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Cash TeE!s the Storv!
Besides the large reductions which have been made
already in tires, we are giving an extra five per cent
off for cash with the purchase.
We carry a larrje stock of supplies, act and
repairs; d o acetylene welding and all kinds oi fust class
repair work.
We are here to solve your auto troubles and give
vou the lest of service.
A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor
Willis Old Stand
Li t
'nion, iner
. ' 1 , - .
I ' ' ; ''. a I'.'.
I..'.!- i Si, ':
i a , 1 . ...a : ii l
' . A
! 1 '. 1 r 1 1 1 . 1 ; .
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! nl,!' .1
,. I,,.;.. ,,
ml at
K.a'ooTit (I by
!...,.,(,. T. (.;. t. ;, r ; .,.
S; a i 1 - . a 1 . . i i; .. : . 1 'a !'-:":.;!-:...
' .:.' St. .1 --
!'!.. Ilii- 1 a ' ' i ' -ial-;
and ell '!.--.!
a'.S it ;i t . . . i t :)
' . t . i l.v .M i, I.-,!
: . r . a. . ; li a li I ami I . a
!t.r 'ran--.
... . 1 -.,! ' li V i w li'' V V
i i:wt lib- ' M ' i i .i
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I'f .
I! i
a I
:!!! W
I ax i'T
,-1 : 1 .
ll: Ml
! f
M il,
' Ma:
Battery Service Station!
I am prepared to look after your battery wants,
in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of
needed parts, as well as providing you wiih new bat
teries. All work has my personal care and will be given
the minutest attention.
: "'ai!;.. i : . " . : i.- ' -a ;. I .
: : t r.i :n i : ; r I . a :' ; : i ; a, rt 1 I
I. .':.'.! .. ' i i. i . . Mit r : i i 1 ' . . i i : .
a , a :.-! ' r K i r i M , i ; i i a a ! I ':'
A, .. t, , . . ,fj y.-t.
I i ' M.ia::;.. ,; !.. v. A 1.
if -A :::: . I ! ' i . y a !.
' !. i i i' : re-:. ' a: i : I ' i - 1 .: - . ,.j
:: . : .' i : ! - ! 1 i . I i i- ; A
I i A - a : i n ' X. '!:: a " :
if. .: i. a !:;!.- a:a I'a A: at:- r i.,:
ill, .if . i-; la r - ;.ia l!'a; -.":.- a!. a
a 1 .--a- r.-f-l: I.Al.p a lail J..1. a - ;
.at : ..! lawn t'-i i- .: .. s a Lai! : vl-
t .".iii v i aa in -i- ta r i '. 1 ! 1 .
r.- :rf :! in iltdi -(.il-'ai;.. .!(!. to ;!i
;".. !:: . - a I' -ait of i rain Snaaa'
Iii -':: . i-i'A.-'-' ,:. '.-.a. i.' -a "
:i-;ir I 'a- ! '. A l'i a !: ! 1; i :ia -. 1- a t i
"-ii;;A i .a : t,, i -mi . r had it ri-iai;a-ill
a sl.ort ll'i.f. 'i ! rail: uailti' a
II '- I'n.oi, I., -li'.- .-. a ': li of oia
il.'i 'i,..-I.a If inc.':.'-. w!ii!.- t!.f ii;m.:
urinu ij.-vic" at TA II. ' i :i.-a. ii'
!;-. ! t !. t'.i 1 1 in .." i inn iii!:.-.--
I The Service Cafe
i am opening an up-lo date
I Eating 1 louse, in the room
formerly occupied by John
Frans. Will have everything,
: lis strict cvnformiiv to the best
' service.
Open frcin 4 A. M. to I A.M.
jThe best service and courte
! ous treatment to ail.
i a.
! EDWARD K. SHAW, Pic-p.
! Union, Nebraska
i a. I : r . i r- :..'..! !-.-(-"i ' 1
aoi ci 'i-'al 'il wi.oa: la T w ''.. .'
7 a 15
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist
jChurch will serve ice cream
. in. t:"!,: a iM! it.. r . : .ti-i. r-n: !antJ cake at the church par-
! '!' !::'!- "lit;.'- "in-r.i I ! a r !; do ' , . . .
ti, ..ilors balurdav, June alh. at-
ternoon and evening.
Cash Tells the Story!
Say, you who have been going to other towns to
make purchases, did you know that people from other
towns are coming to our store, because they can get hot
ter goods for lower prices, than in their own town.
Come and get the prices and you will see we can
serve you better than you ever dreamed of.
Shoes? Why we can beat them all in prices and
quality. A large consignment just arrived. See them.
Four cakes Crystal White Soap for 25c.
Harness which sold for $100, now are down to $60.
Our business is increasing all the time on account of
the low prices and good goods we are selling.
. . i 1 1 1 a i r :
!!'" ' re
rain S'li:
ii;: . 1 1 1 : i ' : ' i ;
ml l!!iai",tl'i:i:
-.' ill Miov, r i;.i.!i . T
i y ii ; i: !. i ii. la .) i !. i'.- -.
Held Si-nice in Evening j
(iv.ilia ,i 1 1 V . 'I a !'': "1 illicl ilo
i Ufoi'.-i- I nu. v. i rsfiii liiin-ral at XV
li.iw i.a ia-l Siimlav at the sail).- IimiI"
M-rvii'i- v !' to li:u'i. d.'.-ti ln-1'1 ai
i I:.- Si'iiita -i l !. tli.' ialli l si-rvii iv-
i-r- d Iii u. uiilil v -1 1 i f i - . v.'lii-n a
iilnl siz.-.l i-riittil was ii's.til to al-i
I - i I l!o- -Tiii'-.' .tint liAt-ii to Ilo-'
i-.i'. 1 1, a I '! in mi rst- of I ;ll"f
Making Good Progress
Tli- .nirls v, lin a:.- to vivo tl.-;iai-ni.
"A Smiiiii.-r ( 'd ris t luas Troo."
n;tv I -en t !v t'.iitliful ;;t r.-ln-arsal
and ;iv- ra.idly laast i-ri nt; tdir v;u
iiMi.. (.art.-. Tli'Ti' art' soip.t- forty of
Ho- si In."! iiis till-in iart and
Mi- mi !!'! a i n lii.-l' f will lit- ijiwii dur-i
Ait- tlif oarly pari of August .
Tenting on ihe Old Camp Ground
'i In- " 1 : 1 1 1 . - l:inl" ciusv of the l'.a;i
' . -1 Sunday sciool svtnl to tin' .lol.n
l.arsli iioiiic 'l u.'sday mi irn i n u. u li.-n-iii'-y
li.ii' t- ia ill isho.-l a can.i and
i I i r-!iia:ii '' s.-vi-ral days. K.-jiort
ii-i.ii.' lin- caia: : l.ilr iliat i.-roji.'
i. I.a vln:.' an i-. ci-l l.'i; t I inn-.
ordson Tractor
The T. I I. Pollock Auto Ci, are now ready to dem
onstrate the Fordson Tractor and will plow one day for
any farmer who is thinking of buying a Tractor for Fall
plowing. One Fordf;on will plow as many acres in one
day as two men with eight horses. Save expense, snve
your horses this hot weather and farm with a Fordson
Phone or call on us for a demonstration. First calls
will be served first.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.,
Phone No. 1
Plattsmouth, Neb.
A ::!: r.i a .-" .-rnnM-i:! I - -1 ttiat a"'
in 1 si:"!. Id ' I . e i t ) : i ' i -- and poIX-A'A'
in i an l..r a-i In- t.ih. n iii. dut al-"i
a !i.i i'-al ion if tlirsr .ri n i iN-s
poiii-it'S lo j-T.'-C. fi- 1 1 I ion a
Men i-i'iiii-rii inn nail hhihI r.ia-
itiriiis d I M-i'!i llloro 1 Ilii 11 IV.'I lllM l.
U. S. May Demand the Return to I - -
China of Shantung Comnio- TAELE COSTS DROPPED
rnii-e on Yaj) Suggested. ONLY A SHADE IN JUNE
Wio- li i ap t ' .11 . July i : Important
! v-1 . i j ii i n t s in ci'i: n '( t ii in wild ti,"
fort ii "in iwj. a is;i ri;.;i H.i a ; iiial I'aiidc
in Wasli i n a 1 1 ai
Harvesting Cro in West
. V. l'ro' t ami i-"ri l.imlsay
i.'i't a short tini" sitiCf- for (Iran!. N
li'a. la. mair ul.crr th'- ar- now Ini--ii
i-ii'-iaL' -! in liarv'-t ini;' iIm lin1
, ."'.ji of lai'iM-i! '-ii .Mr. lToit's
farm this .ar. Thi-y will r.maii:
iiatil aft - tlH'raiii li;-.- !n-i-li thr.-sii-
ii a n '1 iaa ri,.-' '! .
:i .1 a i rs c ai f-n-ii r
i-.i a,.- 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 I (nla .
Till' l .-loJaiK !l I - i!l"!- ala!
Shaiil un;'. and a i : r a! 1 y t i.rovv ad
ititiolliil liuhl on ,l.ii.i!i'.' I' i i a a -y
to it n rt-s.-r vci.l 1 .-nl.-:- it.- itiiIVi-.-iici-so
far as the i'af ilA- ilivrn. ion- an
C'diii -r:i-d.
Tl;i- d'-v'!i.;iin'!iis ari-:
i '1 in rn i- an i la i'-'-ss ion ii; ait-
i ; h ori l ;: t i (i-.iari.-rs lo-r.- that it..-
A.'acriral! U "'-:i: n. i' t ci -n l '!!, )i ! a :
1 .i .'i : Ai ui l!ii' i; lie-1 ion of t!.- I'.'
Iiirn of s'iialil una to ('liilia hy Japan
in the nil:! cr ik (-.
L - Tti-
.lapall'-si' pil rnlii. -Il' i-
R.eb.ul.Iing tlie Old Home
l-i. I VV",.!. nl V. lil-.-i-il. ('iiv i
, ... ,' , '. , ", ' .' .. ' i ii liii "t-a ooil io ha nl a not.-
IUI tt ill III..I.I' li lv lllllll'' llll 1 III' 1,1! Ill
a h"it (Is.-; a no- smith of town, i
I'.nliii: ti,.' Iicim- rtloiiM at an .
," -;tsc o! -.'Tal tho l-.illd dollars aad
u I., a th'- work is ciiinpli-i'-il it w ill
1.'- 1 r.iibl'i Tin -i! ii.i.i a laoiU-rn. iii-iii-ia.!.-
foil..- a nd on., that wi!i inakf an
a V: !i An-1 on. 1 ) ( '.. .1 nl v I !i Tlir
I'-'ail i .i-l ol food lo ! !k- aV'Taio
t.iliili.v (t'-ci i rifil I " "f 1 p-t r.-i:
in .lino a.- ("ir pa rt-'! v.'iili p:ji' in
Mil..', w hiii ui i.!.--;ili Ai'id J 1 1 !' - 1 1 -
i c !.!: .1 i-: ; a I i i'--- lain i p-r in .
j a i ai a-'' : im to : a ' lin-a I - tod.i. hy I In
I i- I a i : a.' a i oi iali'l-. 1 .( ! . !. (-.- u t I
ii'Mf-i i: i lo- rt-'ail prices of mii;:i r,
plate !''!. ('.'- Iili;'-r. lin r:i-t .
: i . i ( , . rt . c.i:,iit .-aliaoii. l're-h milk,
tilt::'!. l:i:ir;i-oni . ta keii I.e. ill a call
In il ; i iina t , !-. coil.-.- and prune.- .
Aim. ni.' an: ii-. vv h.'t-ii i i; ' r. a 'd in
:-''.iii price were p-' a ' "-. flour and
ham. Whole-ale p.' a .-- o! t.irm pio-llli'-!-
--a.lV.'ej l.-i!i.e of 1 pel'
i'ii! V!io'i-ale fllel p:C.- (trapped
'ii. iii.. . while dec) iii.-.-. .:, Mil' v, ii.'-
! place- i.f clot hill!', atld Ini.-e. I
'. mi ei n m ;i-:, i inn I" s.i.-.i i-v- .,1 iai..-1'ii- i-i ,n ii i." i i , r nnr i'-' laau
!.-l,i'i- liilalo' sli a i li r, a coiapr"
mist' lol- settlement id Ihe iletion
id' the A lii'i nM ii protest a-a.iiii::
Japan's mandate ot-r I'a i.-lalal "1
; v.i
eviellili! place of al.ode
Vv ... d -. and fa a: i i v
lor .Vr
W. C. T. U. Meeting
''in- Won:. in'.- I'hristian Teiaper riiioli la- t Tile-day at the home
rs. Min.rva .Mctuinn. wliei-e ;i
la i.-l pr-ditai'ie am! eiij.'Vahl" alter-,
iio.'ii v. a .-pent. Yin' m.-tiii w;
c:.!ie.t to or.h r hy Mia .i C ll.uis. l.j
I'l-'.-i 'a!, l of the .-oii.-ty, 1 . ! low i u , j
uhii-1: Mr- W. 1".. Ti .ntiitie. proerani'
h :ni'-r. look char';e A Jumih-r of;
i "a! i lies aad iiiii-ii-al selections to-j
".I l.i.r , jtl, i-i.v 1 1 , ,ti i ... t!'!?!:! S'''ctal o '
1 !n- !:: 'in tiers served TO p.Ts? tt.P tiiTl''1!
all io.-i ; -1 1 Ulv ::i;d aliao.-t ere I la
.-.ere aware Ihe ti::;" io ilojiar: had i.i
ti .1 Mr.-. Mi ;.Mi:i:n m rial a n,...-i
t,i aa - :' r.ii I a i. ch.-o;; that was tlior-'ial:!.-
iij-ivei;. ..irs. llaliaini; ion!
for ' lo- : nhj, c i ('l h'-r aide addres--.
"!l'"-aitii .'.nd .Morality.' ;n;d iV"it a!
-i.a- ol!--'-!: on I !: ch.-e connect ion
li,-iiM-:i ilo- two, ami t!:e evil intlu
' !H-e a Ilia! are always o.'l t lie alert
In ilo: I foy w!i' t 1 : t- iu;i) :10 th ill
i mit and m .-on 1 .
At tlie Cliurclies Next Sunday
'"hen will he ilii- r. ;::lar services
a' hoi It ihe I nion c-h nrches next Suli-d.i-.
iiieliidin-i tlo- iiie.-tines of the
!:.;,! scho ds. :i n.xi 1 i:i civs and "S f n 1 1 a
'...pies .-(! it '. ie.-. In the eveninti.
how, V r, th( second of the series ol
enion i-'-rvic-'s w ill he held, this one
mi the iiap'i t church lawn. A lare
(i-'w! is a tit icipat ed . hut there will
ample s'-ats f.T all. Tin- matter of
open air servics durin-; the healed
months of the year merits favor with
many who could not he cajoled in
any other iiianiur attendintT any
imioor eat l:erin-4'. much less a church
service. We are j.:h to see the local
churches .m-t together for such ser
vices and to note the interest with
whi' h tlie are heini; received.
ll: her accept a lice of I tie pr'po'al
lo disci-- :u Niiiiii.'liN. Japan a-i..-d
vhel!:r only hroad principle ..;'
policii. or specitK- l!esl io!ls . I "
lo he lakt n up in conn eel ion with ihe.
M'.ir f.i.-l. Shaiil lin-: would t"- reaai d-
a- a "-pecilir" prohlem.
SeCltt. If lla-Al.-s i.-, h'll'ei iii
(have 'I aide it .!: in I . i .la pa 1 1 t li .it I I
1 P
Ihe new Ford lawful lens. f(V
lrr pair. T. H. Pollock Garage.
Cuales Block Second Floor
i: st . ! i n. r.v ioxr:i.
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11
Union, Nebr.
hit 1 j
-r ! !:
irr:; Cream and Cake 15c
A delightful cool place to eat.
i in Uent coiiditio'i a:al on,. ;,-ct
Aire i: I tor -i h'oaper yield.
! 'i!i'- local a ::.- are siircl
itinir tliiir .hare of -.vur'n ; ml are
; the i'ii :-. -as; a li i i v A. K Howl, rand
' ha- laach in i.- 1 1-: 1". Moore have a ! !
th'-y (;-. :i do and la-a ; a.-ra .s o'a;
siile drii:;i'. t !: !ui the svr :(.-
o! I'-'.air I'orTvr. Mr. I. let- expect.
to crapiiiy anotlitr wa-rknian soon if
, huAness coii i ii ia -.; a- uoai' ar i! has
Ax-en the p:o;t several v.e--l;s. . t (j,,,
. r.-irlu f, Itroi !: rs i ,i i- r.:c tl:c wotk
I continues come ir. so rapidly they
! re 'no! h havin:; 'o h nst le to ''
nr.yu here nar up with tlie Imsiness.
:u.A;i..-.--. ir.atter.-, caHcl. '. W.
( ia'-ke ;i:i'i Attorney C. L. (;raes to
! I'lat'sir'a;;!, hist Tridav. W
! there. Mia Grave who is o:u
Wortiiwliils Bargains!-
niitlee oil the (lid Settlers
No. :i size cans of high
urade peaches for $1.00
Or we will sell yon a full
case of L'I cans for $7.90
e of the 'All kinds of Fruits sold at Eargaini
It cannot tie denied that in such
a hoi summer which all sins prom-i.-e
us this year it is a hard lasi;
to keep Well. The vi'a! depression
canst d hy strenuous work hecome ;
much worse hy t he hot weather. You
(anno! : leep. vou lie awake half the
.liithl. and in the morning you are
tireii aiid weak. I'.ut if you attend
io your bowels regularly, you ex
clude one of the most important pre
disp.isin factors. Therefore, you
must take Trim-r's Milter Wine which
will give you :i healthy sleep and
lone up the entire organism. Other
remedies wi.ifh aT very helpful in
summer are Triner's Antiputrin (a
highly e:1 icic-nt gurgle for throat in
carnations and an excellent cleanser
of vouinisi and Triner's Liniment
which reliev('.s lumbago and neu
ralgic pains as dues no other prepa
ration and which is invaluable for
tired feet. When you buy Triner's
P.i:icr Wine, tell your drupgist or
dealer in medicines that you will ac
cept only the original, genuine
Triner's Hitter Wine.
Two and a half acres a ljoining
l'lat tsmout h on south. Good bruise.
rood pasture. See George Hibl or i
Prank Vallery. JT-aAv. I'.a.ieie ... ,,,.n.. m;, laborers rely on Dr.. Thomas' Eclec-
ar.d advertising of the coming ;. j AFK Al'.Ol'T 'SALT WATER SUOKS' : t ric Oil. Fine for cuts. burns and
i-eettng. vhich the prd witlcut ! 1 br-.i!. Should be kept in everv
a hreak. It is arranged to haw- the' ! or,c ,ir( COc '
Prices Quality Guaranteed
i-'artners. mechanics, railroaders.
f ' ujv caimnii-e a reunion i t
v.'orld vvar service rt:cn and in lh.Ls!
in- Aie'-'ican !. ion i.osi at l'latl--'
mouth, to w ii iob a niunhir of the k. .I'NlON
If it's in the stationary line, call
NEBtt.'tt the Journal olBCiC.
S Af !.'
,- ii-
Ca.-a. ' ZZ&f -a
1 i'-iv $g2ttj&&Z33i'
$795 f. o. b. Detroit
Can you think of any other passenger car that of
fers you so many advantages as the Ford Sedan? It
is a car for everybody, everywhere. The business
man finds it an asset in his business; the farmer has
no end of uses for it, and when it is done with busi
ness, it does duty for the whole family.
Order your Ford car now. Don't wait until the
rush season comes. Just phone us or drop us a card.
Propst & Burbee,