The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1921, Image 1

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    v . - r p rile c ri -cal
NO. :
lJ.ii.uld Pitman, Son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Pitman Has Experience
He'll Not Soon
Frcm Monday's
I)..ii.ti(l. I he
Mr. and Mrs.
mt p:i ill fill
ten ye:ir I 1
C. I.. I'itman.
xricrif-ncf this
on of
had a
ing with a live wire while playing
iiear his home on west Pearl street.
There has been for some time a
Tua-s of disused telephone wires ly
irig in an old tree near the ahand
oiiei) bridge on Maiden Lane and the
resident there have grown so accus
Toriied 10 theme tjiat little or no at
tention was aid to them. Last night
tlnrintr the storm an insulator of the
eiertrio liirht line was broken of:' andi
a. wire fell into the tree where the' ages C. B. & Q. Track.
telephone wires were and the wet j
branches of the tree furnished a From Monday Illv.
.arrier for the electric juice andj The- liurlington line through this
.harmed the old telephone wires. A t-ity was out of comiiiission this
number of the old wires lying on t he ' ,,iorning as a r .-n It of the overflow
bridge and it was thee that the lad jnir .nv creek just west of Pa
had the mi-fortune to get ahold of. ...p.,. lmrifin. ennsinu the washisi-'
1: U stated
I ,-d t lie 1: ve
that the neighbors
wires on the bridge
11 o-
a nu
w :
n tlie bey wa approaching t!ie
i - he was warned of the danger
did noi heed the warning and
t he
w a-
evidently gone ont' the bridge
either picked up or stepped on
wires. The current fortunately
iioi strong enough to inflict
-erious injury a-ide from burns on
the fingers and too of the boy bur
t?,e-e proved very painful to him.
After the accident occured the lad
wj-. able to release himself from the
ire.-. ami walked a short distance
toward his home and met one of the
neighbors to whom he related the in
cident and while talking rell into a
faint and had to lie carried to the'
home. lr. T. P. Livingston was called j
:inil looked alter the injured boy who;
is not thought however to be in set--)
ions shape.
This is another case w here it is
shown that trees near the electric
lines should be kept trimmed up sj
l:at hanging branches will have no"
'hatife to cause a ?hort in the cur-
'enf and create a danger for the pa
ersbv. The light company has fre-
'notitly urged this on the people but!
'lie effort of the company to trim up
r-e have usually met with greater
or opposition from the property.
.wner- and consequently there are
many places over the ci'y that are
very dangerous and in case of a storm!
might cause a great deal of injury to;
-oiiie of the passershy. J
Anotfier safety first move that
-hould I e heeded is that of keeping
away from all loose electric or tele
phone wires as they have been tlie
cause of a great many injuries at
different times over the city.
Miss Mathilde Soennichsen Now in
New York Taking; Summer
Course at N. Y. U.
New York. July
de S'ennichs'-n of
of a class of men
senting fourteen
: Miss Mathil
Plattsmonl h is one
and women repre--tates
taking the
r-iimmer course in retail selling at
New York I'niversity under the direc
tion of Professor Norris A. Briscoe.
This course, unique, among the uni
versities of the country, has the en
dorsement and practical support of
the big New York department stores,
and part of the work of the class is
conducted in these stores.
The course includes instruction in
retail selling, a study of non-textiles,
methods for teachers and training di
rectors, color and design as applied
to textiles, the selling points of tex
tiles, a study of employment man
agement and a course in store orga
nization, a feature of this course be-
iiig lectures hy department heads of
bit; New York retail stores and other and industrial bouses.
From Monday' Pally.
Yesterday. John Waterman, one of
the old and highly respected resi
dents of the city suffered a very ser
ious fall at his home in the north
part of the city and which for a
time caused a great deal of appre
hension to the members of the fam
ily. Mr. Waterman had stepped out
on the rear porch of his home and
was carrying an earthenware cuspi
dor "in his hand and as he started to
descend the steps he fell, the cuspi
dor breaking and the aged gentle
man fell on the jagged fragments of
the broken china, with the result
that a large gash was cut on the
side of his head.-
The cut bled very profusely and
caused the family a great deal of
apprehension for a time, but the ar
rival of the family physician to dress
the wound eased their fears at is was
found the injury was merely a flesh
wound. Owing to t.he advanced year:;
of Mr. Waterman the injury was at
first feared to be very serious, but he
is now resting easily.
Two high grade Red Polled bulls
for sale. C. C. Barnard. Mvnavd.
N'cb., telephone 4022.
From Alonnay's Daily.
This morning the city i reasury was
enriched in the stun .f $inn which
was secureil as the r-sult of the find
ing of a quart uf "Moitnshine" on
tin- person of Sain licvenu't1. The tlis-rmf-ty
was made yi night hy Sh-r-iiT
Quinton anil Officer Chandler aii.l
thi- iimming Judge Aivlier was the
arbiter of (In- mutter. After hearing
the- ev idence in the cast- the court
fouinl Mr. I '.eve raize- guilty of tin
ulTniM' and assessed a fine of Si no
and costs en h i m.
iPonv Creek. Near Pacific
Swollen by Heavy Rain
out of some trackage as well as a
small bridge on the main line.
this creek is usually a very peace-j
fill little stream and seldom has yj
large amount of water but last nighi i
a very heavy
the Junction
approach the
ami the tlood
of damage in
rain in the
caused the
d i iiiensions
vicinity of
stream to;
of a rive-re
water did a j
washing out
rent il
t rack;
and the .-mali bridge just
the "V" in .(unction
yards. As a result of the
all tniins between this citv
ra ilroad
and the
.Junction were annulled and N'os.
(and 1 ."f west hound were sent by way
i of Council ill tiffs into Omaha and No.
I east bound was also detoured over
ttii- Kansas Citv line into the Junc-
t ion.
j Tin- washout caused a great incon to the traveling public and
'especially those who had figured on
going to Omaha for the day and they
were compelled to either take the
auto route or remain at home.
The rain storm was much more
severe last tiight on the east side of
I the river than it was here and the
damage was proportionately greater
! in I hat locality.
Velie of Charles Hen-en and
of Sherman Taylor Meet on
Hill West of There.
The hill just west of the town
ot !
Murray on the state aid highway)
was l be scene of what might have;
been a very serious accident Satur-I
dav evening for the occupants of.
two autos that met there in a head-
in collision, but which while result-;
ing in a great deal of damage to tne
tars fortunately did no serious dam-;
aue to the occupants. !
The Paige car of Sherman Taylor'
of Beatrice was coming east and
n '
the car were Mr. and Mrs. T.lylor.
Joe McMaken. Jr.. and Mrs. Henry
McMaken and children of this city.
Just as the car of Mr. Taylor came
over the hill on the west approach
the large Yelie car driven by Charles
Herren. of near Murray came over
the hill from the east and the light
of the two cars made it difficult
for j
the drivers to distinguish the road,
and although the car of Mr. Taylor
crowded the south fide of the road
as much as possible, the two ma-
(chines era: bed into each other and
'the front wheels that came together
were both torn off. the fenders be
ing badly bent and other serious
damage done the autos.
The occupants of the cars were
all shaken up and badly bruised but
I no injury of a serious nature sus
tained, which is most lortunate as
the accident was of the kind that
might easily have caused injuries to
every member of the party or even
The trains passing through this
city are well packed with the trav
elers who are making their way via
the box car route. No. 7a going west
this afternoon over the Burlington
was loaded with men who were head
ed for the west and the greater part
of them seemed to young lads of
from eighteen to twenty-two years
of age. .One of the travelers was a
former service man and on his uni
form bore the French Croix de
Guerre, evidencing that he had been
engaged in some notable feat during
the war. and was not receiving hi
reward in tramping over the coun
t rv.
A message was received her at
noon bv Sheriff Ouinton from Cuief
1 1 f y r ion T "Wi - - rv t . f Hni 1 li 1 'isl t T"i r
that a watch be kept for two men
who had pulled off a daring holdup
in that citv' this morning. Th? rob
bery occured on one of the main
streets of the metropolis and the ?.ian
stuck up was relieved of $1,200 in
money and the robbers al30 took the
Ford car tbat he was driving and
made their escape. No trae? of the
robbers had been found at the time
the message was sent out b the
Brother of County Attorney A.
Cole of This City and Well
Known to Many Here.
; The following account of the fun
eral services of the late Frank Cole,
together with a brief sketch of his
life is reprinted from the Haines-
ville. (Ohio) Knterprise. The deceas
ed gentleman was well known to a
i number of the residents of this city
i and was a brother of County Attor
ney A. i. o!e:
Funeral services for Prof. Frank
le was held at the M. K. church at
j Speidi !, near this place, last Sunday
' afternoon. Mr. Cole was a son of
Archibald and Lydia Cob-, deceased.
lie died in San Francisco. Cal..
where he was a prominent leader in
school work, lie lived about twenty
four hours alter an operation for
goiter. Hev J. W. II. Drown, of I!el
mont. ler the services in a thirty
minute talk in which he spoke high
ly of the clean life and excellent
character of Mr. Cole. The deceased
as a member of the .Masonic Lodge
and about twenty of the members
from this city then took charge of
tlie services at the church and fol
lowed this with final services at the
::rave. Muie for the occasion was
furnished by the church choir.
Mr. A. Oeorse Cole, of Plattsmouth.
Neb., went to San Francisco and ac
companied the body to this place,
their old home. Miss Metzger also of
Plattsmouth. came for the funeral
services. Mr. Cole and Miss Metzger
had plan made for their niar-ri.i'-'e
within thirty days.
Mrs. Hattie Cole Lingo arrived
from lloiyyoke. Col. on Saturday, he
sides Mrs. Lingo there are five :thtr
sisters and the two brothers living.
Any. A. Oeorge Cole, of Plattsmouth.
Neli.. and Leii Cole of Cal.. Miss Av
ice Cole, tdracel Mrs. Kd Scuu of
this city, now visiting at Hrdyoke.
Col.. ( Sadie Mrs. Walter Uryant and
i Anna i Mrs. James Shipley, both of
Holyoke; also (Marvi Mrs. Niehol
s.m; wife of Kev. Nich.dsin. of Moga-di-re.
Prom Monday's Ha ilv.
The inviting roads yesterday call
ed those who had autos at their dis
posal out into the open for the day
and the larger part of the popula
tion of the city were out from early
in the morning until evening, motor
ing over the surrounding country
and enjoying the fresh breezes as
well as the dust that the many autos
on the roads had raised. The high
ways were in excellent shape and
everyone took the fullest advantage
of the opportunity of enjoying them.
Tlie swimming pools in the near
by towns did a good business from
the Plattsmouth people and especial
ly at the parks and at Cedar Creek
there were large delegations from
this city in attendance. The Cedar
Oreelc ponds are becoming more and
more popular and the land near the
lakes is tilled with camping parties,
a large number from Omaha and Ne-
braska Citv as well as several from
this city being there for their outing.
The announcement has been re
ceived here by Mrs. Eliza Boeson, of
the marriage of her son. Charles G.
Beeson. of Cleveland. Ohio, to Miss
i-.iia meiim ot Akron. Ohio. J he
wedding occurred at Cleveland on
Wednesday. July 1.1th. and the young
people will make their home in that
city in the future, as Mr. Beeson has
a very fine posit ioti there as one of
tlie heads of a large advertising con
cern. Mr. and Mrs. Beeson are now en
joying their honeymoon and will
visit here late in the fall with the
relatives and friends in the old home
of the groom.
The many friends of the groom
here will be pleased to learn of his
new happiness and extend their best
wishes for his future success and
ha ppiness.
From Monday' Dally.
Last evening Mrs. Charles Schaf
fer, residing on west Hock street,
passed away after an illness of some
duration and the funeral services
will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning from the late residence
the deceased lady was. lilt y years
of age and leaves to mourn her pass
ing the husband and one son. Clif
ford and one daughter, Sattie.
The Schaffer family has resided in
this city for the past three years,
coming here from Red Willow coun
ty, where they made their home for
many years.
Oa Saturday County Judge Beoso:i
was called upon to unite in the bnds
of wedlock. Itoy Marshall and Miss
Genevieve May Milier, both of Sil
ver City. Iowa, and the ceremony
witnessed by County Treasurer Mike
Tritsch and Morgan Waybright. and
following the wedding the parties
returned to their home in the Iowa
Lose anything? Find anything?
Try a Journal want-ad.
Krom Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday Oliver Stevenson, county
clerk and Henry Heesch. chairman
of the board of county commissioners
of otoe county, were here to spend
a few hours at the office of County
clerk George li. Say'les. checking up
the tax records for comparison with
those of Otoe county. Mr. Stevenson
and Mr. Heosch are among the most
popular county officials in our neigh
boring county and both venial gen
tlemen and are well qualilicd coun
ty officials and among the most ef
ficient in the state.
Sustains Decision of the District
Court in Gianting; Injunction
Covering Eottom land
The state supreme court has just
handed down a decisic n in the case
of John C. Lindeman. el al vs Jess
W. Bashus. appealed by the defend
ant from Cass County, and in which
the action of the district court in
granting a permanent injunction
against the defendant tresspassing on
the land claimed by the plaintiff on
the river bottom north of the pump
ing station.
The defendant in the appeal con
tended that the plaiMliT had an ade
quate remedy at law without the in
junction proceedings and that the
injunction should noi be granted.
The supreme court found that the
facts in the case were that the land
was without improvements until 19
07. having be?n formed by accretion
from the Platte and Missouri rivers
and in that year the plaintiff had
caused the land to be cleared off and
fenced, plowed and crops raised and
in 1913 had caused the land to be
platted and placed on the tax list
the county. Tlie defendant had
FebuaryT. 192 erected a s-iiack
the land of Mr. Lindeman and
that time the poer of injunction
l.een asked to prevent tresspas
i on
the land by Mr. Bashus.
The supreme court held that the
evidence of threat of futher tress
pass made by the plaintiff was suf
ficient ground to warrant the ask
ing of the' injunction and further
sustained the action of the district
court in making the injunction per
manent. Attorney W. A. Robertson appear
ed in the action for Mr. Lindeman
both in the district and supreme
A large number of the members
of the storekeeping department of
the Burlington railroad have in the
last few days been summoned to
Chicago, where they are to assist in
the work of making the inventory of
stocks on hand and which were se
cured during the period of govern
ment control.
K. II. Brady and W. li. Shopp. of
the local force are among those from
the middle west territory who have
been ordered to the windy city to
assist iu the checking up which it is
estimated; will require three months
at least to complete. Harry McCoy
of the store department force here
has also been sent to South Omaha,
where he goes to relieve the store
keeper there who has been called on
into Chicago to assist in the inven
tory work of the road.
Brady and Shopp left yesterday
afternoon on No. 2 for Chicago.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Geo. Schantz
and family of Yinton. Louisiana, ar
rived in the city to visit here with
the parents of Mr. Schantz. Mr. and
Mrs. George Schantz, Sr. This is
the first visit north for some time
for the family and the occasion is
one that all are enjoying to the ut
most and the aged parents feel the
greatest of pleasure in the occasion.
Mr. Schantz is a former Plattsmouth
boy who has made a marked success
in the southland, having located first
at Jennings, where he conducted a
large blacksmith shop for some time
and later moving to Yinton. where
he is now a member of a large ma
chine manufacturing company. The
old friends here are much pleased to
meet him and the family and their
visit will be one of the greatest of
From Tuesday's Daily.
Col. Bates received a message
about four o'clock Monday afternoon
from Clearmont. Nodaway County.
Mo., that Mrs. Bates'-uncle. William
Fence, was dead and would be bur
ied todav (Tuesday) at two o'clonk.
He was about 75 years of age and';
one of the wealthiest men in the
county. Mrs. Bates regretted very
much that on account of the short
i notice and the condition of the run-:
ning of the trains, and also the heavy
rain fall Sunday night, she could not
possioly reach her uncle's home in,
time for the funeral, but will make'
a trip to the old home Bometime this'
fall, when conditions are more fav-
. Orahle.
An exteimve line of hih class
, stationery on hand at all limes at
I the Journal office. I
Parents. Brothers and Sisters From
Poland to Reach litre After
Long Journey
frf.m Tuesday's Daliv
Frank Foreman of thi city has
received a piece of very pleasing
news from New York that announces
the fact that his parents. Mr. and
Airs. K. Foreman and their four child
ren would reach Plattsmouth by
Wednesday morning anil the family
ties long broken would be reunited.
Mr. and Mrs. Foreman are natives
of Poland have suffered untold mis
eries and hardships during tlie long
months of warfare that swept over
their country and the oppression of
the long years of Russian rule was
i-ucceeded by the worst conditions of
the war times when the Russian and
German armies rendered Poland a
practical waste. Tlie fami'iv were fin
ally able to communicate with the
son anil brother in this city and he
was able to furnish them the funds
that has delivered them from the
land of want and misery. The fare
for the family and their care during
the past ten months that they have
been endeavoring to reach America
has cost Mr. Foreman $.1.C00. but in
securing the happinness and safety
of the aged parents and his brothers
and sisters he feels well paid.
David Szejufeld. a brother-in-law
of Mr. Foreman with his wife and
children are not coming as yet as
the family have the measles at the
hospital at Ellis Island.
From Tuesday's lally.
The special meeting of
the Legion
last night
executive committee held
at the Legion dub rooms
but snappy. The intense
it desirable to get out as
was short
heat made
quickly as
undue dis-
possible and there was no
play of words pro or con.
It was voted that the post would
co-operate with the reunion commit
tee in making the opening cay of the
old settlers' reunion at Tnion also
the occasion of a reunion of world
war veterans and would contribute
some entertainment features to the
day's events. The post commander
will name a committee at once to
look after this matter.
It was also voted to purchase 100
auto name plates bearing the name
of Plattsmouth. which will be fur
nished to car owners of the commun
ity at a nominal cost, the profit on
such sales to be added to the post-
club homo fund.
It was voted to send John Palacelc.
who will be offcer in charge of the
Kdward Ripple funeral in the nenr
future to Glidden. Iowa. Sunday, to
attend the funeral of Merle Hay. one
of the first three men killed in ac
tion, and which will be conducted
by a number of northern Iowa posts
and attended by some of the nation's
notable military men. It js possible
a haldozen other members of the
local post will also motor to Glidden
to attend this funeral.
The matter of securing a steel flag
oole for the memorial plat in the
local cemetery was left
of the post commander
ruents looking toward
tion of a shower bath
rooms were also made
in the hands
and arrange
the installa
in the dub
prior to ad-
journment just thirty
the time of opening.
minutes from
George Washington Ingwerson. of
near Nehawka. who died last Friday.
July 15th. was born July 12. 1SG.".
thus being 50 years and T. days old
at his. death.
Deceased was united in marriage
to Miss Anna Stoll October 31, 1S94.
To this union one son was born. The
wife departed this life six years ago
and now with the death of the
father, the son, Elva. is left alone.
Mr. Ingwerson was one of a large
family, consisting of seven brothers
and two sisters. They are William
R.. Henry A.. Edwin. Louis W.. Ray
mond F. and Otto J.. brothers and
Lottie M. Dodson and Annie E. Fleni
ming. (now deceased) sisters.
A follower of the Master, the
funeral of this good man was held
Rev. W
. A.
2 o'clock from the Ne
B. church, conducted by
Taylor, of Union. Inter-
ment was
in St. John's cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pickett enter
tained a number of friends over Sun
day at their home in this city. Mr.
and Mrs. Elva Barker of Omaha. Miss
Winnie Pickett of Auburn. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Finnigan of Hamburg, la.,
comprising the guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Finnigan were accompanied by Miss
Ruth Pickett who has been spending
the summer at Hamburg.
London. July 18. King George
did not intervene in negotiations
with the United Stats regarding
questions arising in the Pacific, Ll
oyd George told the house of com
mons today.
Replying to questions the premier
declared the report was without
V.'e do all kinas or jon printing
From Ti.esrtnj'a l'3i;y.
Yesterday a petition was filed in
the office of Clerk of the llisirict
Court James M. Robertson by Mrs.
Grace McCardie. in which she asks
that the law dissolve the. mat rinmii
ial bonds between herself and Kay
. McCardie. The .-rounds of the
action are given as desert ion. The
parties were married iu this city
some two years ago and have
made their home here.
Message from Immanuel Hospital
States Pioneer Plattsmouth i
Man Fast Sinking-.
From Tuesdays Dally.
A message was received from the
Immanuel hospital in Omaha this
morning announcing that former Dis
trict Judge Basil S. Ramsey, of this
city, who is at the hospital taking
treatment, was very much worse.
The condition of Judge Ramsey
has been very serious sir.te he was
first s-tricken in the first days of July
and he gradually grew weaker so it
was deemed best to have him taken
to the Immanuel hospital for treat
ment in the hope that he might be
strengthened but without avail as he
has suffered a great deal during the
warm weather and showed no im-
provement that
ily the smallest
would give the fam
hope of his recovery.
The news of
the serious condition
of Mr. Ramsey
gretted by the
will be greatly re
host of friends over
Cass county and these friends will
anxiously await word from his bed
side, trusting that he may be able
to rally, but
are far from
the present
condit ions
Our old friends. Jani" 11. Short
in the last few days has nad some
thing happen in his family circle
that has banished all thought of the
affairs of cantonments and Oddfel
lowship with which Mr. Short is
usually occupied when not at his
work, and this event is the arrival
of a fine little son and heir -at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Short.
Saturday night. The little son is fine
and husky and his strenuous dispos
ition has caused the happy parents'
to confer the name "Teddy" on him.i
Both mother and little one are do-'
ing nicely and it is a close contest I
between the happy father and the'
grandfather as to who is the proud
f St.
ri,u l-.-jot I,,.,.. r. -untie it. . ,i i
additional" fans in their ball roohfin
Ka tries hall and with the nil of w hich
les hall and with the afd of which
thev can keep the air stirre-d up and J rats providing Tor a 20 per cent re
cr.tistr.Tif iv in motion nrnvi, ,..! ductioti from the present rate-s. This
breevec to 1 1 nioirterw of tlie room J
Vo Inntrflr iu it n QtatcQ rmr 1 1 fit.,
sweltering heat, but one mar dance;,r" announce a voluntary reduc
there as strenuously as he likes wit li-i ' freight rates.
out danger of even melting his linen
collar. The Kagies believe in keep- Tjie best results are obtained from
ing up with the times and thev have . ... , . ,
spared no expense in providing the tIie carefully written ad placed in
necessary fans in their dance hail, the printer's hands in time to permit
0f artistic "set-up." Don't neglect
If you want good printing let us your advertising or compose it hur
do your work. Best eouipped jobriedly if you would get the greatest
shop in southeastern Nebraska. 'value for the money you expend.
Bank Your Grop Money Here
The first thins to do with crop money
is to bank it.
Farmers of Plattsmouth and Cass coun
ty will find at this bank all the service and
facilities they can desire for properly taking
care of their crop accounts.
Deposited in a Certificate of Deposit or
a Checking account, your money is fully pro
tected and always at your command.
The First national Bank
-j l - t - '
Excursion Fiom This City to thr
Big: Omaha Show Next Mon
day Admission Fret
The Phitlsliioul h delegation In the
1 M' I Ak-Sar-Ben -show promises to
be exceptionally large this year if
iiie weather man can can 'be prevail
ed up. in to furnish the rU'ht brand
of wi-ather and o:i next Motida ev
ening the highways will be alive
with cars going in from this ciiy in
attend the festival of mirth and mel
ody with which Knig Ak will wel
come his subjects from Cass and (Hoe
counties and which will include large
delegations from this city. Nebras
ka City. Weeping Water and Syra
cuse. The Plattsmouth delegation will
leave in automobiles and all who de
sire to attend the big festival call
secure free admission tickets by cal
ling at the Morgan Sweetshop or
Bestor & Swatek's where they will
be on hand and they will then lie
entitled to all the rights and priv
ileges of the show and entertainment
ft the den.
This is an oppoitunity that can
not be parsed up by the persons who
own autos and who with their Irieinls
can find ample entertainment at the
hands f Samsen to furnish them
food for manv weeks.
From Tuesdays Dally.
This mornii. C. M. Clark giving
his home as the gate city of the west,
eitherwise known a Omaha, was in
the court of Judge Allen J. Beeson
as the result of having gotten him
self in the meshes of the law of the
stflfe. It seems from the evidence un
earthed at the trial that Mr. Clark
had journeyed down from Omaha and
was visiting with some friends up
along the Platte river and also had
n t oard a large carfro of dago red
or some other spirit ef high power
and which led to Sheriff C. I). Quin
ton being notified of the affair. The
herift hastened nut to the scene ef
action and brought the gentleman in
and as the result Mr. Clark was
Tpp?rafed from 'a for the fine and
cost? for being in a state of intoxi
cation ?ontrary to the peace and
dignity of the state of Nebraska.
The amount was paid and the gentle
man released and allowed to go on
Columbus. ().. July is. The De
troit. Toledo A: Iron railroad control
led by Henry Ford. Detroit automo-
fine ma nuiact urer. louay men wnn
"'. hi" "'aU' I'"1'''? utilities com-
mission a new s neuuie oi ireigni
I the
first Ohio railroad and believ-
ed to be one of the first in the coun-