PAGE SEVEN MONDAY. JULY IS. 11)21. FLATTSHOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL t i NEWS Rauth was completing the r-.-hing nt his farm which the rain Thursday evtning delayed. Rummcrfield was-- a visitor in ,::' for a short time and a Cal- cti hi- friend. Glen York. Hernia u Da 11 was a v jailor i:i Or.i i; hi-; Friday wneiv he had some matt its la !o(k after, tldu'icl Kelly i vi-it'.r in .,;'siio:!'li last Saturday, driving ;i!id i-itiiii: ita h; frien, is .1 i.n 1. in On da v. w as a business vis ha last Friday wiu-ro he r after some matters fur A r. u;n!e - of the people of Man . i.ti.l vicinity were visitors at the k;u;i during me pa-i weetv ai :aui a . I ! Villi'. At torm.-y C. K. : : a- t'it'T la-t Tiie.-day . ;. I'ers. Frat.i. Karhart ;i traded hor.-e? !-.(!.. and they v ': c't he La-l Monthly ;:;. and Y. .1 'imai.a whre ay M rs Harms wi.o U-! Ryder Rr.uth. w he Tt-ffi. of Weepinc-it-v..-itorin Man look in g after some and Howard John : last week, sight are still wor.der besi of the trade. Will Ht'iti'. Dan . Rail were "V i -:'.ors l They went to see i is a t lie ncs: :t j a cousin of Mrs. is v isiting lie re ' aha for some time-pasT. where they have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Mockenhaupt parents, John Tighe and wife, returned home last Wednesday. At the meeting of the ball team of Manley last week, a special elec tion was held for The purpose of fill ins: the place of manager which was made vacant by the sickness of Mr. Teddy Harms. Mr. Ruddy Bergman was elected John Kleischman mid family were visitine: in Havelock during this week for a couple of days they go ing over there on Wednesday and 1 eing gutsts ;.l the home of H. A. Shipman and family returning home on Thursday. Rudolph Bergman and family. Kd ward Keily. Charles Gtrlach an dfam ily. ,ind Miss Nettie Kelly and her friend. Miss Nita Francis of Beloit. Kansas, who is visiting at the home of her sistet. Mrs. D ivid Tighe f ; r the past week, visited aT The Chau tauqua his: Wednesday eening. but it hoped well again. that she soon will be Friends Visit Here The Rev. Higgins presiding priest of the St. Patrick Church here, was accorded the pleasure of a very kindly visit from the Rev. Jno. Green of St. Louis. Rev. W. McKtnna of Lincoln, and Rev. C. Corcoran of Elmwood. CASS COUNTY Treasurer's Semi-annual Statement From January 1, 1921, to June 30, 1921, inclusive LOCAL NEWS From Friday's Dally. Rev. W. A. Tayior and wife of Union were in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some met iers of business. A. J. Encelkcmcier and wife who siting in Minnesota for Balance Jan. 1, 192 Transferred From Other Funds Receipts Transferred Transferred! General Fund to Other Funds Disbursements Balance have been v a short time, day afternoon city to their returned h::iiio yester and motored from this home near N.'ha vka. 'n t r v .. t. i.iy. .1.': IlleS I: v; - ionic ini: at .m it: Flat Diego. ' s tt i o ii t h Cal.. last M. Carper of Lincoln l.a ins in the neighborhood of son.e time p:isr and as It. kin.; i;fter the harvest - h'ni-. C. Far. ' of Louisvi'ie ii..r ::: Manley for a .iiort look in:: after P."ni :;is been d; :nc at the h-me K. Mock en bar. pi. S: atuh r w:- io.ikin- after of bu-iiH-.- in Maniev ar this i:v dur- Entertainec1 For Dinner At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rauth on last Sunday there were a large number of their friends pre sent and a most delightful time was had. Reminiscences and music oc cupied The time very pleasantly. Thc.-o present for the occasion were: Aaron Rauth and family. Herman R:ui:h and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Champlain of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Champiain heir, g a cousin of Mr?. John Rauth. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Omaha. ! a -in. T 'i!dy r riuratiot very ; a t pi rt in? many fr ; hi Sa if ct cn Imurovemenl Harmr whr: unuerwert an i for appendicitis is waking .sfartory progress and is ex t re'urn home soon, his will be :rlad to eK a n a trie: M T;- 'r .1 K. a I : ( :d. i h vis: l r. W w is d ; :e;.ri?:cs is ; ! J-,., i.rlt- !,..;:; o.-ketihaup: La.- ' pa-t a is; insr a; a i making, wori: 11 e. "ra- -nd- titco1 Fro.-1 were K.'. . R. in : v. ct last Tuesday b-.-at W,pi G?.mc Bergman ;ind Will attendance at the n Weeping Wate- and saw the ,g aer t-y o Frnm Satarda.v'F Paily. j Ed S. Tutt of Murray vas here for a sliort time yesterlday afternoon attending to a few matters of busi- i i:(ss and enjoying a short visit with his host of friends. i ! I. W. Foster of Union was in the j city yesterday afternoon for a lew j hours attending to some matters of ; business and visiting with his old j time friends in the county seat. j i Mrs. H. P. Beverely of Des Moines, Icwa. "who has been here for some time visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wallengren. departed this aflernoon for her home ; in thti Iowa city, i Mre. Jerry McHugh and children lof Murdock. Ed McHugh of Falls City and Miss Mary McHugh of Oma ha are in the city week end guesTs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Walling and family. ! Everett Ward of McC;nk who has bcn lure visiting with his relatives and friends for a short time depar'ed , th if. afternoon for Omaha and later ; will leave for a Trip in the east pri or to returning to MCA ook to tane up ' his school work. 1 Attorney C. L. Craves of Fnion I was here for a short time yesterday ' afternoon looking after some legal ' matters and returning home on the I late aft, moon buss. This is the first occasion for some time that Charley has been in the city and his many triends were more than pleased to si u him. Stale I State State Slate Siate State State State State State Slate I State State State State State County County ' County County County County . County County County County County County District General Fund School Fund Fnivcrsify Fund University Special Building Fund Capitol Fund University Special Fund Normal Fund Aid Bridge Fund University Activities Fund Aid Road Fund Institution Improvement Fund Highway Supervision Fund Hail Insurance Fund School Land Principal Fund School Land Interest Fund School Land Lease Fund General Fund Bridge Fund Emergency Bridge Fund Mothers Pension Fund Soldiers Relief Fund Jail Fund Road Fund. First Commissioner's District Fund, Second Commissioner s District Fund. Third Commissioner's District Drag Fund. First Commissioner's District Drag Fund. Second Commissioner's District. Drag Fund. Third CommisFioner's District.. Fund Road Road Road Road Road Road 5,680.02 10.14 1.725.10 20.61 2,060.14 1.299.471 1,722.07 251.571 1,311.57 j 3,597.64 10.27 j 5.212.9S j 130.35 o i o o 120.19 9.491.05 17.095.94 32.07 50S.15 ; 5.026.93) 7.977.86 i 4.557.52 j 9,981.92 ; 8.755.24 ! 9.034.49 j 12,630.34 20. 8. '20.1 1 :oe.5i 500.00 29.980.57 1$ 3.9i 8,709.86 1.65! 9. 576.04 6.528.62' 8.706.58j 1,306.21 ! 6,529.92,' 19.153.22 .79; 1.542.55, 35.84 j -J . 6 . 4 5 j 258.56; 34,35 1 .7 3 1 34.840.36i S.70i.5 1 ; 2.611.44; 609.91 ' .061 I .06; Free High School Fund District School Fund I District School Bond Fund j Teachers' School Fund ! Plattsmouth Precinct Fund , Louisville Precinct Fund ; 71.181. 24.737. 919. 91 1 48 63 Ai 1 r r ! r: vf : - i ( :n a . v i ha '! w: h him. Mi - V;.!' t O'. Mart .re Woiperr. idy l'"arn. who is ; 'i th5 a '. a - Mrs. .en ry . g i n g Parents End Brother Guests ! BARGAIN PRICE DANCE! w ! During the past werk Mr and Mrs. .1 Ilau were iHeiiserl witli a visit i the parents of Mr. Ran also ?- j H d 1 v his brother Mr. Gee City of PlatTsmouth Fund City of Weeping Water Fund Village of Louisville Fund Village of Greenwood Fund Village of South Bend Fund Village of Elmwood Fund Village of Eagle Fund Village of Union Fund Village of Avoca Fund Village of Murdock Fund . Village of Alvo Fund j Village of Nehawka Fund County Sate Highway Fund Interest on County Deposits Fund Miscellaneous Fund Individual Redemption Fund j Fines and Licenses Fund 1 Inheritance Collections Fund Permanent Road Fund Plattsmouth Refunding Bond Fund I: . ...mi u-.wwl VlnMrip 1 .in-lit U.itwI I.'.inH v , 1 1 v 11 " v.'vi . j aiv 'v infill 1 i.l'UU a uiiu.. 1? 1 I 6,597.4 5 i 1,642.55 960.17 j 1.029.19 ! 55.27 j 2.141.92 ! 2.926.04 j 20 1.04 I 47.81 ' 3 S.79 : 24 5.59 : 1.259.2 i.oo ' 1,004.6: 4.360.63 4,649.36 4.349.36 2.620.02 2.620.03 i 2.620.021 941.71 ! 6.592. 50; 316.271 I 945.00' 1.367.04 j 1 2,1 6,51! 1.188.9S' 1.141 2.7 3 9.7 Oj 3,837.87! 27.312.42; 169.1 18.55 1 16. 114.60! 6.193.40! .04 ; .071 21.584.67 i 3.04S.35 i 1.507. 22 j 951.45! 84. 54i 2.332.80 1.873.88! 292.76; 829.371 138.78! 195.94' 725.80 .975.701 .986.44' .155.651 3.413.35! 1.014.50! 1.4SS.S8I ,$ 35. 519. 47, f 1.141.12 j 10.18; 395 I 9.862.201 572.76 j 20 .63 1.61 ) 10.914.3SI 721.80 j 7.364.761 463.33 I 9.S59.13! f.69.52 ! 1.479.43' 78.35 j 7.376.S71 164.62 21.906.1G; S44.7i I 10.29' .77 6.738.441 17.09 166. 19 I 66.70! 1.38 282.77 i 95. 9S 500.00 44,224 04 39,838.85 30.421.39 30,221.42 8.706.51 ! I 2.990.00 153.F.1 j 548.00 570.06 I 1.200.001 3.802. 63! 4.3S4.93 32.00! 7.5C6.59I 5,028.63 I 868.20! 8.038. S 7.778.991 6.944.09 i 3.214.76 10.900.21 i 3.365.161 12.127.22 13,048.08 13.3 40.S5I 14.C95.54 6.592.50 6.592.50 191.983.99 42.040.24 163.79 9.923.15 30.765.02 ! 7.864.54 193.49 .04 j .07 i I 29. 1. 10. ,1 12.41 ,986.44 S. 467. 14 1 Taxes Fund The Bargain day dance given by Advertising Fund e American Leg-ion at Eagles hall Taxes Paid Under Protest Fund . 62. SS : Ka i d n: i Mr-. IUrg:i:an v. .a:T::'j:i v 1 on t :H w av -'H'p-- M : - kt-nhat'i : i v. b. n a o:n I flun--ere vi--i-T S;m- s: onpri : u- 1 of a. they made a pleasant ; ail !h':i went to Omaha where Kim consulted an oculist for i::ii)g -f glassfs a? iht eyes nrr dine her of late. ( t : '111 D? tighter I r is Now Sick With the convalescence of Mrs. E. Mockenhaupi her daughter. is- S ir was taken sick and it ha : Wednesday night, in line with everj--; thinsr else that dav. will be at re- : duced price. Dancers. 75c; Specta-( : tors. 25c ; Ladies, free. Prices in-; elude war tax and you will have a royal good time. Stores close at 9; Dancing starts at 9. Come! i Fee Account Fund ( ) Overdrawn : ( 5 ) Refunded. 6.654.36; 5. 083.32! 430.00 1.367.04' 10.70! 169. 0S 14.00, 10.70' 4.143.36! 7,860.07! i 6,688.51 j I 945.00, 1.488.98; 1,367.04 16.860.37! 4.145.02 2.332.1 4 1,820.29! 1.80' 4.399.-S5 i 4.339.96 23 6.2 4 I 317.671 152. 94i 404.1 8 2.065.48 2,657.94 ,413.3; 98.85 5.083.32 450.00! 19 .688.79 545. J8 1 35.25 1 60.35 138.01 74.87 4 59.96 240.56 559.51 4.63 37.35 SO. 41 8 60.5 6 1.004. 5u 208 J 23. 92 04 15.00 !$224.244.57 i? 75.967.1 8 ? 4 9 4.623.23 ! $ 20.720.31i? 4 8.592.7 1 ! J 506.4 1 8.75 ! S 2 3 9.1 03.4 O' p: ii bed for t sick and it he past few oh vs Case Machinery! I r ni C-tii r SOVi akii. rome verj attractive prices on J- I. irmi: machinerj-. Grain prices cannot 50 so v :-i2.L von v-iH find our goods in line. We are opecidty of furnisn f farming machinery. in? r repairs tor Cai! and see any us. and rVJanicy, THE irIPLEWEHT MAN, Nebraska JAMES H. DONNELLY RECEIVES NEW HONOR j Former Plattsmouth Resident Nam- ed Vice-President of The Oma ! ha State Bank I uiislicc for Slid Sransry nrain oi-c sine, a ail J for corn in the other, or Loth sides can be uscci for corn, at your pleasure. Not for this barn, but a good crib arid granery, with drive way between. The above $582.31 will pay for all the material which is necessary, including the paint for the conduction of a combined Crib and Granery, 26x28 feet. This includes hardware and everything, cement, sand and all. Come in and see the plans and specifications, and wc will ta'k it over with you. Frost, Curyea & Murtey, W. H. FROST, Manager r;snley, Nebraska j The many old time friends of Ji-tnf s 11. Donnelly, former tate bank i examiner and at present with the I Omaha State bank, will be pleased : to harn that Mr. Ponnelly has re ! reived new reeojrnition of his abil !i;y at the hands of his associates in j th:1 Omaha institution, j The Omaha hank recently suffer ed tin- loss of one of its leading men. jl;.:i (iains, one of the best known 'men in the financial circles of the lst;tf it 11 il to fill the vacancy in the j official staff of the bank an election I was held. The directors without hes j ita t inn named Mr. Donnelly as the ! v i-e-preident of the bank, a posi jticn of increased responsibility and which the marked ability of Mr. Donnelly makes him a most accepta ble man to occupy. Mr. Donnelly has been witli thr Omaha State bank ;i little over seven nn-nths and lias been in the ashler's department of the bank where his 'nc experience and careful methods has won him marked recognition and the Omaha institution ts to he congratulated on having placed him in the more advanced position of vice-president. Outstanding Outstanding; Outstanding Outstanding ? General Warrants County Road Warrants District Road Warrants Koa'd' Drag Warrants 530.51 167.47 197.75 168.30 Summary of All Collections and Disbursements. 1. 1921 Total Outstanding Warrants $1,064.03 No Outstanding Registered Warrants. For our pleasure Hargain Wednesday I'.ig American la-Eion dance at Eagles hall. What to Do When Bilious Eat 110 meats and lightly of other foorl. Take three of Chamberlain's Tablets to cleanse out your stomach and tone up your liver. Do this and within a day or two you should be feeling fine. SAYS CATTLE RATE IS UNREASONABLE Iialance cath on hand January Collections for year 1S67 . 1S88 1SS9 1S9L' 1S9 3 1S9 1 1S95 1 896 1S97 1S9S 1S99 190" 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 190S 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 School Land Individual Redemption Motor Reistration Miscellaneous January State Apportionment Inheritance State Hail Insurance Taxes paid under protest Fee Account GRAND TOTAL Disburseui'ts (Elections J224.244.57 15.00 2.16 2. Mi 75.12 70.67 7.0 6 7.26 22.60 S5 6.40 S.S5 S.10 31.27 9.4 8 18.95 24.66 15.14 13. IS 10.57 S.07 6.1 S 3. 68 2.71 2.82 10. OS 14.52 23.30 26.06 116.97 320.89 426.920.31 295.31 3.413.35 31,518.25 2:;. 689. 91 6,193.10 1.4S8.98 27.20 16 9. OS 14.00 J71 8.867.82 Total State Disbursements Total County Disbursements Total School Disbursements School Itond Disbursements Permanent Road Disbursements City and Village Disbursements County State Highway Interest on I'lattsmouth Refunding Ronds Interest on Greenwood Electric Light Bonds Individual Redemptions Protest Refunded and Distributed Salaries for Six Months ending June 30 TOTAL DISUUKSF.MLNTS L5ALLANCE. ending June 30, 1921 J10K.9Vft.75 102.945.97 204.749. S5 9,7 62.00 9 8.85 46.3S0.00 15.134.34 5.083.32 4 50.00 3.413.35 2 31.00 2,525.00 499.764.39 J219.103.43 MIKE TRITSCH. County Treasurer. Washington. D. C, July 14. Kates on livestock were held to be unrea-i sonable from an economic standpoint and a recommendation was made to the interstate commerce comruision that the carriers made substantial reductions for the benefit of business in general in a report made today by Examiner Disque. The cae. which was brought by livestock shippers in the western states and in which various state coniniisions are involved, will be heard tomorrow by the commision. CYCLONE WEATHER AT I WEEPING WATER TUESDAY E. H. Schulhol. Phone 3S9-J. piano tuner. d&w. Books! Books': Books! We have them till you can't lest, at the Jour nal Office. Tucndaj- afternoon about 5 o'clock a storm blew up quickly from the southeast. In town it proved to be u high wind, carrying a lot of dust with it. which was very disagreeable for a few minutes. No rain to speak of fell here, but out south of town the rain wet things down so that the threshing gangs were unable to work Wednesday. Out in the country results were not so favorable. Trees were uproot ed at Frank Massie's place, and at Verutr FlesLuian's. an uprooted tree fell on the bouse, causing damages tu windows. The large cattle shed at the Frank Itonnc farm blew down. Fortunately the fat cattle that had been in the thadc of the barn had moved out to the pasture as the clouds darkened the nun, or the loss might have been much greater. At Henry Thiele's the end of the roof was torn off his hay barn, and the piece carried off into a corn field some distance away. The corn in places is badly dam aged, a great deal of it being broken, instead of simply being blown down. John Murdock had a shock of oats containing a dozen bundles struck by lightning and burned. Mr. Murdock is thankful it wusu't a full stack. Weeping Water Republican. TO GIVE "BARGAIN" DANCE The American Legion dance Wed nesday night is to be strictly a Bar gain day affair, when dancers will be given advantage of reduced prices of admission over even the Saturday night "dances, according to announ cement found elsewhere in today's Journal. Music by Holly is be ing featured and dancing will 6tart promptly at 9 the tame time the stores close. We appreciate your co-operation in helping us to publish all the live news of the community. Call No. 6, 3 rings. HERE'S A REC0RY YIELD OF CASS COUNTY WHEAT Wm. Schick. Sr., has the best wheat crop of anyone that we hae heard anything about yet this season. He Uas a piece of wheat that went 4 7 bushels to the acre. We are of the opinion that this is mighty good wheat as more will go between 2 0 and 30 and from reports some wheat will go as low as 15. Mr. Schick i a mighty good farmer and we have always noticed that he has raided good crops. We have also noticed that he puts a good deal in the way of fertilizer back on his laud and tht lie rotates his crops too. Elmwood Leader-Echo.