rLATTSMOUTll SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL rias threj 1 1 '" " TIIUKSDAY, JULY 14, 1921. 1 t 4 Cbe plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at I 'ostoffice. plattsmoutb. Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 It takes &.UU0 honey bees to weigh a pound. :o- Pntil 1S51 postage was based on disunite. : o: China was the first country to use wall paper. : o : Some f.poni;es attain a diameter of more than three feet. . :o: Originally, rubber grew only in the Para District of Hrazil. :o: House numberng was invented by a French architect in :o: 1512. It takes tons of earnolite ore i' produce one grain of radium. :o: li s cowardly to hit a man when If is down but it's usually safer. :o: .Now that the Japs have employed r.riii-h air experts, the Anglo-Japan- m- Treaty may be renewed. :o: Chi. ago was short 10,0(10 brides l.'i- .lime: tb July figures on short r.rooins will run just as high. Yes. Herald the honeymoon is over whin ur wife commences going .ii-oaml i be bou.-e with her shoe un l.iccd. T! I" "I' tn'w ,iml bet ic that makes l II tl;- truth if put into gen- i r.il ut Sj.;i'." wtll -top a lot hi campaign i :o The ( 'oiigr' !!!::. n has a sioital librarv at Wash- i ol I i-et ion of about "Joo in !i i 1 1 ii i if ih.ok.-. ine largest oi vvnicn tit n i e lu.. .k.-'. the i I's ri;aP two inches souare. .Iuil'4iiii bv the number id war hi!-- arc moved to decide that nii'ir.iri is aie really eunvimed (hat the j'-'ti i miahtier than the sword. : n: Now i hat June brides have finish ed iloiking op their wedding pre-Mtii-- they rtaliiCe that the Ameri can standard of living has been very much lowered. :o: In addition to the sum already paid ! the railroads under the trans portation act and for war reimburse tncnts. it now d velo government mti-t pay them 'L. billion dollars ali mony. 0:n- thing we can't understand i.s v !iy I lie restaurant and hotel wai ters always- put spoon in the cup when serving coffee. Somebody is go ing to put an eye out because of that fo;dishne.-s. : o : The war be! ween Germany and the Fnited States came to an end. un it rtunately for the war. on the same day of the prize fight. I'ress agents for tiie late war may still be glad there was no prize fight on the dav it started back in H14. or a good many patriotic profiteers might nev er have found out about it. ' It don't take a mau long to bag bis pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored Mil' look thoroughly disrepu te hie that's the mau or i," avers Dainty Dorthy. t'. it :-he goes on to explain I bat the man who is making n -e of our leaning, steaming and pressing services Is keep ing bis clothes in much more presentable condition than wheti he pot acquainted with And it. doesn't cost much, cit her. G (Mm Goods Called for and Delivered I7i3rt;;i.i"i!i.i"i OPPOSITE ibb JOURNAL OFFICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No closed season this year for job hunting-. -:o:- An open open mind. mouth is no sign of an -:o: gas doesn't make Congressional light taxes. -:o: Reckless drivers don't always miss the scenery. :o: Congress should reduce next the sitting army. o:o A road hog is a man who leaves you both sides. -:o:- Congress can't help the unemploy ed by joining them. :o: I'ndertakers rush in where fools didn't fear to tread. :: Talk is cheap because the exceeds the demand. :o: If .Mexico would clean up a wo could recognize her. :o: supply little As to the Carpentier punch he good fellow while he had it. -:o:- Some men who succeed by hook or crook du't put much stress on the hook. :o: l-'ort vv-t vvo muscles are used in smiling. Some folks seem muscle bound. :o: Dress reformer.- fear the height of women's ambition has not yet been reached. "('; i pen i it-r in High Spirits" headline. If he's in spirits at all they am high. :o: la-nine says the reds need execu tive brains, hut why put in the "ex ecutive?" - : o- Some fishermen get cheated if they swap good worms for what they bring home. :o: "Iong Live America!" shouted the lt!i of July orator. Quite right but on what? :o: Iiryan has lived years, and now he in hopes for :I0 wants his party to do tho same. :o: Some of the modern brides "sweep down the aisle to the alter," and then that's the last sweeping they ever do. :o: A dispatch from Blue Mountains says that the house wifes of thai com munity are getting a taste of the good old days, beefsteaks being vend ed from door to door by farmers at ten cents per pound. How do they do it? o:o The farm bloc in the senate which defeated the proposal for a recess is beginning its educational processes. Americans had heard of a bloc as a European institution, without know ing much about what it was for. Now they see it i.s something to make congress work. i -o: ! I.enine has come pretty near achieving his object of destroying money by issuing such enormous ' quantities of it. The ruble, nominally i worth 50 cents, is now down to ; of a cent. Even the Confederate mon- ' cy would not associate with such de based currency. :o: That .N'ew York anti-prohibition parade on the Fourth of July was unquestionably w-t wet from pers piration, for the thermometer was in the 90's, and- the amount if liquor j consumed by the marchers after they , had completed tho ordeal must have been imposing. :o: The United States mint is coining silver dollars for the first time in seven years. Some oaner money is to dirty few persons would pocket it if it were anything but money. Most persons are too glad to get any sort of good money to complaiu about its looks, its weight or even its smell :o: vvneo lrienu Wife returns from a visit and finds all the bureau draw ers tousled up, and the closet shelves in a state of disorder, why does she always suspect that her husband has been hunting for somethiug that was saved for medicinal purposes. vve are not kicking about those rolled down stockings, mind you, but if a man should appear on the streets of Plattsmoutb. with his breeches rolled to his knees. Chief Jones would have him in jail before he had walked a block. The Reichstag has a forty-year member who has never made a speech. That's the reason. :o:- Battleships are powerful; airships are more powerful; but friendships are most powerful. -:o:- France's population has decreased 2,000.000. Women say it's liquor; men say it's styles. :o: Ileidemiquaver is tho name for the C-lth note in. music. But it's daiusel domanybodyeverquaversit. :o: Now that Paris has set the hand kerchief stylo at a square yard, we predict a sheet shortage. :o: There's no place hot enough for the fellow who wants to know whet her it's hot enough for you. :o: A New York woman wants ali mony because her husband refuses to talk. Trying to make silence golden. -:o:- The English critic who says Amer icans lack imagination should look at some of the overdrawn banks ac counts. :o: We elect our president for four years, but a Mexican president's term only extends from revolution to re volution. :o: Speaking of excessive prices, some St. Louis young men paid fines of $20 each the other day for flirting with women policemen. : o : Hades is probably the only perman ent institution with a press agent whose birthday i.s observed six hun dred vears after his death. Minn: ok hi:ki;ui:i:,. ii.i:. In tin- I i . t r-1 t Court of the futility Ml' Cass, Nchriisku. Kiltie I'. Koherls iiiel 1 1 -1 - 1 Boherts. Plaint ill's. vs. P.ml II. Koberts and will-. Myrtle Koberts. and Newell Kob-crt.-. a minor, and .1. .1. Kol.ei Is. nuar- Iian f N't wi ll KlrHs, a niiieir, J.-- I i nda n ts. Nuliii- is li.i.l.v irivi'ii t!af nn.l.r and ly vii'tin- of a d-cri'i- of tin ln's triit I'oint of t';iss iiu.t, Nidiraska. entered in tin- alnive i nlillfd catisi- on tli- L'nd d;iv id' .lino-. and an older of sal' en I i-li-d lv said court oil th- JL'nd day of Jun lfl'l. the nii ih'i'siu lit d. sole i'-t'iT- vviil on lln t..th day of Almost. I'.e'l. at JO o'clock ;i in . at I lie sonlli flout door of the I'ouii Mouse in tin' I'ilv of IMalls- iimmiII', diss county. NclaasUa. sell at ul. he auction to the highest liidd.-i-for ca:di. tin- following d.-scrihed real estate, to-wit: Lot Ill I'.lock .Hi; l.nt I" in lilock and Lots . j. ;;. t and ;. in I'.lo.-k ::s.'all in the 'riinal Town of I'lattsinoulii. Nel.rasUa. ami th. Southeast ouailer suet the South halt of Ihe Northeast iiiarter of Section .'!, Towrishili I-'. Kane J::, east of the 1 1 1 I. M.. in the ounty el ass, Nenraska. Said sale will Ik- held hm ii for one hour. laled I his !'th dav of Jul v. I'.iJI. JliSKl'M A. OAI'WKI.U III-.". w. Kcfelcc. MITH St all III N. c iti.ni i mis hraska, Cass The ot coim- ty. In the County Court. I n the matter of the estate of John Sc i i ia ppacasse. deceased. To the creditors ot said estate: You are herchy notified. That I will sit at the comity Court room in I'latts inoulii. in said county, on the !tth day t' August. 1HJ1. and on the Intli day of Noveinlier, l!eji, ;it ldiiiil o clock a in. of each of said days to receive and examine all claims auatust sanl estate. with a vi vv to their a d.i usi men t and allowance. The time limited for tin- presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the iUh dav of Alltiiist. A. I . l!'l. and the time limited tor payment of ilclus is one year trom sanl I'lli "lay ol .tieust. i:e-M. Witness my hand and the seal ot said Count v Court this lth day of .lulv. U'l'l. AI.LKN J. i5i:i:sN. I Seal I Count v JiulKe. C1IAS. I-;. MAKTIN. .III-lvv. Attorney. Minn: to- iikditoiis State of .'i luaska, Cass conn The In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of JOIi.a lielh lout:itV. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby not (tied. That I w ill sit at the County Court room in l'latts mouth, in said county, on the !tli ility of August. IIIL-I. and on the !'th d: of Novem tier. IH'.'I. at li:(i) o'clo.k in. of each of said days to receive and examine all claims auainst said estat with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for tin presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the i 1 1 1 day of August. A. 1. and tin time limited for payment of debts j.- one year from said '.'th day of August, 1 :-.!. V it ness my hand and the seal of said Con n tv Court this M h ilav of Jiilv, lejl. Al.l.K.V J. UKKSON, (Seal l Jll-lw. County Jiidye Acetylene Welding! I am prepared to do all kinds of Acetylene Welding. Charges reasonable and work the best. JOHN SHELDON, Located at John Ivcraon's Blaksmith Shop, Plattsmouth, Nebraska HOGS on the Installment Plan! Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $75. A boar and two grills, not re lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan. For particulars write, phone or call on Albert Young, MURRAY -:- NEBRASKA E . E. I for Real Estate Bargains! li room, modern, except heat, be tween rth and 0th streets, on iviar ble. Fine place. $2,fi00. Bldg. and Loan on place, $1,900. Will take a good car as part payment. 5 room modern bungalow on Wash ington avenue. z lots, raving all paid. Trice $4,700. 7 room modern on ::rd and Vine. Close in. A bargain. $4.a00. $1,700 cash will handle this place. Also. Lincoln county, Colorado lands from $25 per acre up This land is sure fine. A number of Cass county farmers are there now. Make arrangements with me to go look at this country. J. E. MASON Also bartrains in Car Accessories. 2 " vacuum furnaces for sale cheap. EIGHT MILE GROVE PRE CINCT CHURCH NEWS The Ladies Aid society of the Lutheran church will sive an ice cream social, home made ice cream being served. on htinday evening. July 17th, beginning at o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. C. Meisinger, re sidiim on the Plat tsuiout h-Cedar ( reek road. In addition, there will be some novel attraction for the children. Everybody is invited and a good time is assured for all. We have organized a line growing and vigorous Sunday school, instruc tion being given in the English lan guage by a staff of live competent teachers-, which meets every Sunday morning at !l:oU. Send your child. W e hope to announce a Sunday school picnic in September. Watch tor tin date. The pastor of the ehurch. lie v. K. C Rhode, together with the efficient church council, have arranged for two services in the English language (luting the month. which will tie held very second Sunday in the evening and every last Sunday of th month in the morning. Advance announcements can be made by now concerning the annual mission festival, which will be held this year for the first time in the open in some beautiful grove, the exact location of which has not been selected. This will take place on the second Sunday in August, services being held in the morning and after noon. Some fine speakers have been secured. The ladies of the Aid so ciety have agreed to serve lunch at noon, which can be obtained at a very nominal sum. DRAWS DOWN FINE Kinm Tuesday's Dally. This morning Charles McCauley was in police court to answer to Judge M. Archer, the complaint filed against him by Chief of Police Jones for being in a state of intoxication on the streets late yesterday. Mr. McCauley was driving his motorcycle along the streets for some time when the condition ot the young man was reported to the police and he was relieved of the responsibility of mak ing any further drives for the night He was placed in the city bastile and thereupon proceeded to break the glass out of a number of the win dows and otherwise conduct himself in a very hard boiled manner. This morning he was handed a pacgage of $10 and costs by the court which was paid and he will also be required to replace the broken windows. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Uegttlets CiOc per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. If it's in the stationery line t the Journal office. call Gash Garry Grocer Buy Your Groceries Carry Them Home 13 bars P and G Naptha soap $1 12 bars Luna white soap 50c 10 bars Electric Spark soap 50c 24 bars Lenox soap $1 1 cans Chum salmon 50c 4 cans pink salmon 60c 4 cans red salmon 72c 4 cans Alaska red salmon $1.50 4 1-lb flat red rock salmon$1.15 4 3 siZe cans mustard sardines45c 4 15-oz. oval cans sardines 95c 5 V4 size oil sardines 30c Try a Pound of my Best Coffee, at per lb. 39c P. LUTZ South Sixth Street ; Plattsmoutb. Save Rfioney! POLLARD RE VIEWS PLIGHT OFJARMERS CASS COUNTY MAN APPEARS BE FORE A CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE MONDAY Washington. July 11. Former Congressman E. M. Pollard, speak ing for the National farmers' union, told the joint congressional commit tee of agricultural inquiry at the hearings today that thousands of farmers were going into bankruptcy simply because it waj impossible to find the credit necessary to market their products. Mr. Pollard suggest ed that a broad and comprehensive system of international credit be es tablished. He declared that Europe was not hopelessly bankrupt, and it was necessary for the United States to take a chance. "We must dispose of our surplus products, and to do this it is necess ary to give time credits," said Mr Pollard. "I believe in the people of Europe. They are thrifty, industri ous and will dig themselves out of their present condition if given the encouragement they ought to have.' Congressman Teneyck, a member of the committee from New York, said he quite agreed with the views of Mr. Pollard. Chairman Sydney Anderson asked the Nebraskan if he had any speci fic remedies to offer. "I should think," said Mr. Pol lard, "that it is the business of the committee to suggest the remedies We farmers are here to give the evi dence, to tell you wtia' we know of our industry and to co-operate with you in every way. Rut you have ac cess to all the official documents You can compel the attendance oi witnesses and can obtain information which is a closed book to mc farm crs." The members said they were very anxious to discover the real causes for the present condition of agricul t u re. Mr. Pollard heartily supported ; statement by C. S. Barrett, president ot" the National farmers' union, that to get at the truth it will oe nec essary for the committee to investi gate the chamber of commerce of the Cnited States, the steel1 trust, the money trust, and all other great ag gregations of capital that are in any way concerned with the distribution of farm pdoducts. Cause of the Depression Restriction of credit, decreased de mand from European consumers and faulty distributive methods were giv en today by witnesses before a spe cial joint commision of the house and senate as the principal causes of agricultural depression. Increased credit was ascribed by C. S. Bar ter, chairman of the national board of farm organizations, to operations of the federal reserve system in con junction with "those of the steel, coal and money trusts." Mr. Barrett urged what he said was the declared association with them of the ITnite I States chamber of commerce. Several witnesses proposed legis lation to permit use of government funds to finance farm exports. (). A. Thomas, a statistican for the national board, gave me commit tee a number of instances of increas es in cost sustained by farm pro ducts as a result of the current methods of distribution. Wheat for a bushel of flour, he said, was pur chased from the farmer for $5. from the miller for $9 and from the re tail grocer for $25. The commision was told by Smith W. Brookhart of Iowa, speaking for the National farmers' union, that profiteering by middlemen, specula tive gambling, arbitrark restrictions of farm credits by federal reserve banks, "extortionate" railway rates and a breagdown of foreign markets were among the causes of present agricultural conditions. MITIt i: III ( OM II.UTOHN Sealeil Mils will lie received at tlie inict- of the State Department of Pub lit Works, 1th Floor Hrownell Block, .-it Lincoln, Xebraska. until 5:00 o'clock l. in., on July L'S, 1921, for construct ing wood guard rail and incidental work on the Nebraska City-Lincoln Project No. i:!3-C, Federal Aid road. Kids wilt lie opened in the Depart ment of Public Works, 1th Floor Hrow nell Hlock, on or near the hour of !:(M o'clock a. m., on the -!)th clay of July, i:e'i. County Hoards are hereby re ii'sted to be present or represented. Bidders are invited to lie present. The approximate quantities are: L'!'H lineal feet wood guard rail. ('ertitied check for 5 per cent oX the amount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. flans and specifications for the work may bo seen and information and pro posal forms secured at the office of Hie County Clerk at Plattsmoutb. Ne braska, or at the office of the Slate Department of Public Works at Lin coln, Nebraska. The State and County reserve tlio it;ht to waive all technicalities and reject any or nil bids. GEO. K. SAYLEtf, Co. Clerk. Cass Co. GEO. K. JOHNSON. Secretary. .NOTICE TO COrVTKACTOU Sealed bids will be received at the office of the State Department of Pub lic Works. 4th Floor Brownell Block, at Lincoln. Nebraska, until 5:00 o'clock p. in., on July , 1!J1, for construct ing wood guard rail and incidental work on the Eagle-Murray - Project No. J33-A. Federal Aid road. Bids will be opened in the Depart ment of Public Vrorks, 4 1 li Floor Brow nell Block, on or near the hour of 9:00 o'clock a. m., on the 29th day of July, 19.1. County Boards are hereby re quested to be present or represented. Bidders are invited to be present. The approximate quantities are: lineal feet wood guard raiL Certified check for 5 per cent of the nmount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. Flans and specifications for the work may be seen and information and pro posal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Ne braska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lin coln. Nebraska. The State and County reserve the right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. GEO. K. SAYLES, Co. Clerk. Cass Co. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Secretary. j nwi . .iii'nciv'mMi'.nj .yi"Mi i i " L. tirliS)IAJ Sold only The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads R ED Extra Ply 30 x 3 i Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product MITIl'K The State of in m in ions Nebraska, Cass con n I . In the County Court In the matter of tin estate of Jacob Tritsih, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit til the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said county, on August I. l'.'L'l ami November 1, r.tl, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said es tate is three months i rum the 1st day of August. A. 1 i. 19L'l. and the time limited for payment of debts 1 one ust. year from said 1st day V.t -21. Witness my hand and said County Court, this of Alii the 7th seal day of of June. l'J2. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal I J4--IW-. County Judge mitici; The Stale of TO ItKIMTOItS Nebraska, Cass eou n- ly. ss. tti the ("ouely Court. In the matter of the estate of Jus tus Lillie, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county, on July 1, Jiil, and October IS. l'.fjl, at 10 o'clock a. m. on each day, to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 1Mb day of July, A. D. 1 9 J 1 . and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said ISth day of July. 1921. Witness my band and seal of said County Court, this 11th day of June, 1921. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) jl'i-tw. County Judge. NOTICE OF HIM HIM; To all persons interested in the es tate of Emil Kruger. deceased: On June 29th A,. D. 1921, the peti tion of Herman Hitlman was tiled in the County Court of Cass county, Ne braska, praying for a final decree and decree of descent, and that the alle gations of the petition be found and decreed to be true: for a decree bar ring claims of creditors; for the entry of a discharge of record of the ad ministrator; for a finding a decree de termining the heirs at law and next of kin of the deceased and for a de cree of descent and a decree assigning the title to the lands of which the deceased died seized, to the heirs at law of the deceased for their use and benefit and the use and benefit of their successors in title. A hearing will lie had on said peti tion in said County Court before the County Judge on the -'."tli day of July, A. D. 1921. at !l o'clock a. m., at which time cause may be shown, if any. why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. If no cause is shown, the petition will be taken to be true Harvest Call us whon you want Vie at, Groceries or Vegetables for your threshing dinner wc will help you. n n a a fM nimt m Tel. 4 or 5 day phones 482 night phone by dealers - TOP Heavy Tread and Da June a decree entered accordingly, ted at Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, on 29th. A. D. 1921. ALLEN J. BEESON. Count v Judge. 1 1. W. LIVINGSTON, w. Attorney. j.;n- OHDI.It OF IICAItlNG u IVtillon lor Appointment f linlnltrtor The State of Nebraska, Cass coun t y, ss. In the County Court. In the matter or' the estate of Ellen J. Smith, dec-eased. (.m reading and tiling tic petition of The Plattsmoutb State Bank praying that administration of sail estate may be granted to Frank Cluidt, as admin istrator; Ordered. That July 19th, A. D. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. in., is assigned for bearing said petition, when all person interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show const' why the placer of petitioner s-hould not be granted; and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the bearing- thereof lie given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of Ilea ring. Dated June 2.". 1921. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) j27-3vv County Judge. MITH i; TO I OVTIttt TOHS Sealed bids will be received at Mm office of I lie State Department of Pub lic Works, 4th Floor Brownell Block, at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 6:00 o'clock P. m., on July 2S, 1921, for construct ing wood guard rail and incidental work on the Greenwood-Chalco Pro ject No. 107-A. Federal Aid road. Bids will be opened In the Depart ment of Public Works. 4tli Floor Brow nell Block, on or near the hour of 9:iiQ o'clock a. in., on the 29th day of July. 1921. County Boards are hereby re quested to be present or represented. Bidders are invited to be present. The approximate quantities are: 1710 lineal feet wood guard rail. Certified check for 5 per rent of the. amount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. Plans anl specifications for the work may be seen and Information and pro posal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmoutb. Ne braska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lin coln, Nebraska. The State and County reserve tb right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. GEO. It. SAYLES. Co. Clerk. Cass Co. GEO. E. JOHNSON. Secretary. Phone the Journal office when you are in need of job printing of any kind. Best equipped shop in south eastern Nebraska. Mien! ITD f I