The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1921, Image 6

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tit: roni?
piattsmouth srsn-weekly joinriTAi.
"MONliAY, JULY U, luf;i,
mo) i imeiy
for Tlnv Tots!
T. '-' jr
,.. ...?A
m mm J - III ! . f 1 ; I H VIM ft
-:c CCrfv.. ; WIT P'.PT prr V'.. ...... viounis ,
.:-iV.r. ! i itlii UJ UlS S he!t-,r hy hm playing
In !!!! then set out on a tramp.
earn food and
Tii is was in i
Im.iy an, ?,,. young violinist, Vasa :
!'r .; ii -"a. Lob-uniim. reached Milan
y-x s- O'Neill Receive''. I'lii- ';,t ,:'eeinbor practically destitute.
i CV' I ful In ;-irv from Pi"-- n- ' L'" xv"u! to onl, ,,f ;ho r(
fi--,, , V- , iamants in Milan and told the pr
A creat raanv mothers have found our displays of Tub Wearables of inestimable help in j . . :..:V: ;;1'' v5"lifjs' i:i
keeping the ycung folks attractively, economically and suitably clad during tns Summer ?i
phviime hours. A "enerous sunnlv of Tub Frocks and Wash Suits for youngsters is eco
nomica in the long run because it minimizes the wear on each garment. Those we cTor
are sturdily made of good, durable fabrics in the clever styles that all kiddies like so Vvel!.
V';'h ti"- "i
' i ( i o 1 1 s
: i n :
: i : i
;i i .
. p:ilii!ui ;.': ; ,;
' "a hove I,
in a
i a
nd i!'
ive 1 1 i in food, he
'Governor Says Expenditures Must be
es- Kertt Down Unnecessary Em
ployes to be Cut Off.
Lincoln, July" S. There will he
" '-'.hi ' , .oii!d plav for tin in The proprietor!00 nloro deficiencies in state depart
";iS.s;ri'd in-.-and. after a Iicnrtv repast, i ments.
:; .-(ar:- -i to plav. A luck would Kvery department must withhohl
a , ;,.n-(l ;. Ahi-'st ro . Va.renoli, the form-'10 Per ce.nt )f i,s aprpriatii)ii. for
: C' -:.s--O I
-O ! LijO
Tom Sawpr and Hack Finn Tss's
arc 0ua5E!v Toss!
.M 111
:' '.
o ! : l '
' K i
i u i ! ! - v. -o
"! ! !. . !
'a ! ; . ,
' ' ' ' ' i ! 'a !i
( )-
1 !
'A striking little garment, strongly mac'- I;
material and manishlv tailcied. Wil rot hid. ;md
sianc! the h.ard wa.-ii maoe neccr.-iry f. om hard p!a .
In all Jt'iic. L I .- id ir'n tied and hiac.k tie. Si:-;e ;
In ali vl;:i.. l'lne collars and cii'.s. hrai.": !r'in!:ie
'ie. Sizes to
Plain jrrny. h!ne. hraid trirninee. i i ( i: neel; a-.i . J to V.
I 'eerJvss sit it:- in dark and li; lit strip;1. v,iiir :!!
wil h hhul; lie. Sizes :: io i; .
to :
. --
; t
.iv h.inl
: :. 1 I
'I I.
er o,' the Metropolitan i t'nierentieh.
opera. Xew Tork, happened to he in i Unnecessary employes- on the pay
jti.e . eria'irant and heard I'rihoda ! ro11 milKt
' pi.iyi?..;. lie j.tamly recognized I These are radical chan-es in stale
!;' . a -mis ;,nd invited vTim to ! government which Governor M (!;!.
. his i ;;!.). ' : i ; e:-: i, r, e: 1 h i n i i'c;; r e- ' v ' H 1,1,t('r ' IMiil liross, secre-
' I'liiiy a io 'tra.ittiny; and shidy. ! tar-v '"" tl: s,!ltft department of rev
"i !,, . r, ((..v -u M-noii"ar'ranK''d for ; ,,iur' :,n'' Ii":mce. declared he would
an.:;e;....." f,,r i'ril;,,d! wil li 'I'os-! in't tiOii in the future now that
':;-:i::i. the fafious condtictor of the!''1'' lepisiaturc has finally iven the
La S-;.;i orchestra. ..governor power to check all ex pen -
T-;.. i -; T : t, !i, ,i:nd with de- ditures in advance through the nu
liirh:. ;:: pr..r!ounced him the e.u-al '. ,liuni 'lU'rly estimates to he
of 1 1,4. m-.i-.i - ! 'a '.' a ;i i ti i sent t.o Dross and checked hy him.
i ,;, i on i 'iiio ta 's ca reer lias : "iph liphts in the governor's in
! . . ;. iMti of i, to .!' thru- s-onictions hi Hross follow:
: K'u-'.pe sn:d i-'i.iith America Kurlv1 "In ,rl'r l!iat there may he the
;.,:!! l,.. c:m m io Ainer;'H and i ''rl"'r guarantee of funds to meet
lidi i m ;.;e ! i.-. t ,.; v L.,.(i 'claims, expenditures should not he
: . : artir-'. ' ; contracted to he paid before the tax
it is si..!,.. ipei?; tl.e !i li est ' m"!K'"'' is available to meet them
; v ttw.-.t ;w. I'rilioda's tirst This applies with particular force to
l)ttllti.r i.r.drnt iiiil. i.t i.'l.i. 1 . . n I .
: i : are tl.e nxi.-t e m nisi t e " " ' "" "i" ' ""- " " "
" ;n l- .r made ,,f a violin in
' I
. i
r.i; 1 'i .. ; r; i' i
: -1.-.-. ;...
i t i:d . i hhie.
-r. wiii; .'a : y
:'. ',i-c.
"-.-v. ". .; n ! w!:i;e. in
i i! a h(-.-t u t if :ji
:::ti bli'e. Sizes
I !'.-. i.i'.V ;.:! blue,
i - yard. ! ,v c.
' hi .-. si ;:
11 ! i : ,
i '.' LT.c
:-i - i r 1 - in
and while.
Tc. "iic.
nfanf s Wear
I 1
e pi:0!lM"ral
"r r.rv
re. ' ? :
Jllj iiftsfc mil
ea ! .
;j .. . ....
t. 'P."
V ' 1
S ree-, !!.. ir ll-
' ! and ci.oi.
! a '. e the ' :i
I hft
' T1. Size ; ' to
. ::.".c.
'.'; ., r-:arniei,ts
i in lie.- whit"
'!.. .- i'ave rl..
:i!r scraps and
: l e v. e! ! f ; t ; r i:; .
i ' ;. 1 1 lu. iile in
' 11 v.-ai- S.-.r
I ....... , I,,, t
; I in . ::i:e. pink and
'. ..- ii; i; !;;, ci (,:.
' i ; !::.!. ; . i ! . y a re
i ... :!:.!..-. 1 .".( ' i , '. II'-.
Shoes, in pink, blue and brown;
made cf fine soft kid. . .
I'rof h?-ted booties in pink, blue and white,
trimmed in contrasting colors, in long
;.n! short styles. r,."-c to $1.2"
I'owder for the hath .2f
! --; iny .'ohl fdate.j safety pins, price
p-r set of three .1",
0;!ir stales of pins at Sc and .10
Hibs. pt:re white, laeo trimmed .
llrr.d painted washahie oibdo:!'. bills .
l.'.ioy dre.-: e of Xn r.-ery !!..; i.-'e. ha: d em b: oid. r
I "n.'.erskirts of tine (pi.tiity iviiii-imk. etabroi-'e;-;.-
in slip-on style or but'oned
I'iitn'ng blankets of 'ro,)d vrade flannel, hetnstitf
iruiiPicl 1'rice
lion:;.. ts in plain blue at.d pink inuhai!!. embroidered in th.j
C'fifY 1' tV'8 ,1,f' various expending
5hH I fj'-' illiil'a view to eliminating
tlUtil In lw i J n essarv cost in the rt
I z: ;:i'ii'-!
d :.':.
; . 1 1 1 1
- - N C
:n l.f'M.
: i '
I . :
! ?-
I'olored crepe liiv;:.., i:
vreini and !: v-'n.i' r. eii;h ;:::! v i i ..
sheer white o ;-'?;; -iv. . J in .
1'in'f and blue c:;a :.: 'n y. CMiihine; ,.
l;ite orandx . -;- J to ;..
Heatit iittlly r,1:Mp. js!u trimtm d wiih e...,. r.4..
tn color- io r ati !:. as f.-llows
2 (lres..cs. size I i- o -j -oi.
1 dresM. si.e t; - f .. r-old
- dresses, size r-oid
1 dreys, .-izc , ;,r-- d . .
" i, -i
r .
i ;
ii ei ;
-. -n t ,
T - - -i
: S 1j ;:
sit ij) o: tlte World is Staged
IT'h-.r Pacific Junction.
f . .:!'
ti ' i
. ' -1 '
t ;
half of the nionev will become avail-
table during the first year of the bi-(iniiuiii.
'"'j'i are instructed lo investigate
with utmost care the manner in
which the money is being used by
i he various expending agencies with
every it n nee-
running of the
! state government and the institutions
Lrt risied Scrao tor the Chair.rion-1 r' r whi, !l appropriations wj-e n):,.
oy tne last, legislature.
"Heads of institutions and others
who are responsible for the use of
state money should be advised of
I: i sT:: a :Tout ,-f finM i'.;n- mo ' the necessity for eliminating from
: Joe. .Mo., to ,;;;,(. a fi'. h: ' 1 h pay roll every employe who is
w :: r... : Allen, who Ji.-n ii.-'.l unneees.-.ary to the successful con-
i'i.v, ilii: '-m;,,), ,n. ii ; ,i 'jf duct of the public business.
, , 1 a ri ma i named !!.-. mi,' "I would have you impress upon
) ha r car-ib-nuetl him. Thev .hr.d ! ex cut ive and administrative heads
' :,:.i: i ,, , !:.. flight ! that the ability to effect practical
ii- li.:-: ;..'p! '..iie ! arri"e! in 1 economies irr their dejiartments will
.1 , t ;,,;i:i( t :; e a u i hori ! i( s of , be one of the principal tests of fit-
;! - a '.v . . n: ni n.'
': ' ''.""nerinir a s;. :m- CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE a;i 'he Mis-ouri. hop- I
.i: (;::.-;, ! ot 'oun.-il Uir.f.s Choh-e building lot?, 7Sxl40 feet
y i . . : - : .t mid P...;.; pn -iti :i 'nun ; nn -jne street, between Fifth and
-of ti.e law. Nebraska. i:o'.v- Sixt h streeis. Xew double garage; all
ntsltc av isa.nas : (; i.iii.roveTiienl in ritnl ii ii.l fur
They trie'i ! ness for their work."
i r. 1
(.-.-.. ;:
i r ;
': '1 h
a n d
!lZ C!L:Z.11S
oi a lo l.
.1 io t i:e j jf (U .ired
Si. a ' e !tei p ;
I - '.en' in..' t ne match from ucimi
. on Iov.m sail. OovertDr rarpi'n-
: arts o : two c
j W ill sell worth the nionev and terms
: 1 i
z t i . i :
: I I! !"e ( i
! I-
: t i - it . ;
. . ( ; .
: ! o . ' : I ' i
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Warga. Miss
p. lines. i j Anna Warga and Miss Freda Satt-
K!i: ! ,!i ;i to a v o i Tli e v expect to arrive in Los Angeles
v a special train for inmi3V ,,,miini.
S3) rif Acai tj
A Gor d Quality Goods at a Low Price
C?II Phones No. 53, 54 a?;d i
i at '!'
f 'i
ail p
" I i ' ' .
U'lan'. Council 151 tin's loor dopurted last evening fnm Oniahn
V ,! "" ': ; l" i e' f-'d; :s oJ the',vt.r th(, yAkii spocial for the 15. 1
. . oi : o.ia.xat amte oii!!t. inio. F. national meeting which will
. ;! i- o; : .1 .-!!:'.;; and trains. Ih.w-; i, i,i.i ... r . ..wi... ...i,-.-. :.,
I "t Hi. ni ill l.'s. ii-n-r, .1111.71 ui.i
1 'oun.vl Iduffs
:'-uf'i a ad were jviiniit further
down t:ie ii-,.- hy Alb -i and llotan.
.... 1 1 . . . .1 - : . . . : 1
. v. .. i 1 1 . i ' ; e c 1 1 in ::a i . s.
-m : : : ac.;. c ( ity. huva, a town op
p,.' ;he a of '''zt'e, w .ivii
ii . I Ift.l m'i'.i; : I'ibiMnns. to bertmie a
m. i rof : is, tiie trai:: stopped ami the
j i.iat. 'a was held. The men fought with
::: f:,-:s in an imiinivisri! ring on
'lie !.:M. hi the third round a riot
i was prc-i pita Jed bv fhe ITouran ad-
m ?i'T BHliRS
fM' pQ '' I ".'''' ents. who claimed foul phiv and
l-JiSiClPl V,i iU::' wit" knives and
. I ! vvrrt no ;; sii;i 1 1 i cs. iri. I. Is and relatives at I he homes of Albert I'ool
La I. e.
ami (, ay ;i:;.v i,.i:;-.. e, iti.rnev C iM r .;
' La.uehcrt v i..-,ti,.r Vvtt'i .rio,ii..--
:.:r. ai.u rs. t;uy l:ik :i:hi twins, -n. ami ir-,. .ierrin .Met ma Id ,,f m-tr.ora!, d :: , r, . lV
and Miss Weiclimann ppent Sunday j ',:1'' s"'i Hubert Kits: el Wm. I ..nig- parlinenf of iustue o:Yn-;..,s v, !.!'t ;ii i ;ie j.uin iiowian nii'io j - - i -mu ..ns. i neot.or'- .mii;-t
I: ';
-- --- i" nn- hi III l I'll I 1 1
.-.-VVVWV,!":t -voca. j.uao-ig tne i.tnooti passe-igers Sa t u r- ; prochnn., Urn slum!.! ever. it:
ua. reiurning i ties. 'ay morniu
7.c. : Output as Fold
All Ri-vord's Closed
C;,is i-i the Lend.
but the fiiiht was effect uallv ended.
' I'alimpsest ." puhlisiied
the aVne
iy the f-aate liistorieal Sor-iety oi"
l.:va. I): nahi L. McMurrv describes
Sash Garry Grocer
Suy Your Groceries
Carry Them Home
Save ionev!
j ! : i . ' n i ' ileii t .
j Ar'bur i.ottgh atid Mr. Oraham.
1 !: i of near Murray, spent Friday even-
: i:
a! the Ouv Lake home.
.Mr. and Mrs. Ouv Lake and twins
" p t urii' d to h is i .,,:)
e.'.-n;:::.. i , r,. mi.srs ;it Uenrge Nickel
"id'-ti I: vi:- i'iiiv with '. to.iii.. !i:s Sunday night. Miss La
-wi.t. ai.-l Mrs. i ie-!i. . i i'vi"! a d. lic'ous lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. John ('reamer
.laughter. Ruth, of Lincoln: Mr.
! .Mrs. Lance Van Fvery of Omaha
and Mr.
I'd .-idera ! ions wer -.
, i ....... i. .....
i i.i l hit s : i i i y t ,
sn IV.
.-d as t-.'
' a ! ut s '
Vi e
'. -.1 .
a "I ri
.1 ,..
ami .urs. win an I vitv i ti... t...... r,t..., , ... .1 .. i.;.. ..
:an?l son Knsll spent Monday v.-ith ' viserV rr-" reo're-ent --i i' ' ; s ' i,.-!.-';
,Mrs. A. M. Van Fvery. t!,:,t so far a-' t:::! tertuina t ma .
,tm. , ... . V : iMnl r i'-nt ine i-ourin , the war was emu. -rne.-l. tl e to
. : . . i k 1 1 I.. i. .1 I ... i v . . . - i I t. I til V.'Oi n i .
.in j-i iii .-. oo.i. .Mic ui' i ( i -.i iii ; ri I ..l . . i ; ii , .i
t !-;..,.. ; ... ...... : ,.il,. .... 1 I . t . 'iiui.Ml lawn ,. , ...,:. . .ii.ij
- ..ii. hi. ...... ..n.- w. .;.i...-, .-.-. ijeac'i hi '.men : :in a ...r t.. 1 : i.. .. t. . .
oi. i iv; i . ,. in n, -ri.. i....'.,. . ' ' ,"' oim .-aiiuoa ny inz .,: e.uic t'
irieti.i. i.e. ot'smniitii. sp.-nt l i.urs.iay , w-uins: Water- flat tsrinnt t, .-:.,.
.' last Saturday by the i;e.-hh!' v.
ae at ' ;-.ulTiciei!t. in ;t imt!:!" !- t rtiirr;-
' I : . . ' 1 : . ! h( t : J.:!.i , ! t
z ( : i . . 1 ! ; l i 1 1
t . I a i'.i J
h ;.. iiout I'je ei.v.niry.
he prodin ' ioa of 1 " s . '. '.
''Mi J t it.'- ;'! a
r- i ; t'or o::e ii
: . Foid ear .:! i fu-h ;
. .. . i . ; i :!! :)'.:: si n.-.-:
;. t,d : -;'. . 'ant ial
i ' ' : : " 1 , ! i : - , iv.
'he; i n:ie. V' o.. .fulv S. .Jaek
''"' " !;,; I....-.- l.nii.-til .:i. o'.oi t 1 1 v il.
i. ports originating in Atlantic City
that Mayor Fdward I hider of A I hint ic
city v.rul.l sitplan! Jack, Kearns as
hi. m;"i I'l'iiipsey was seen here
en ivn: to !iis home in Salt Lake
( 'it v.
Try a pound of the best coffee
at. iier lb 39c
1 gallon can peaches. S5c
1 gallon can apricots 75c
1 gallon can apples GOc
3 No. 3 cans peaches, pears or
apricots, or assorted 90c
Tall can Coraline milk 10c
Small can Coraline milk 5c
12 bars Lenox soap 50c
12 bars Luna white soap 50c
10 bars Electric Spark soap 50c
5 lbs. qloss starch 50c
;i!,,,-n!,i(,:t iu '" 1 ,u,!,ie' i -Van ley. which was won hy. Weeping ' J:l.AS pas ed drm- ;!, war vin'.
- . V.i!.m audi Mis. Ooiden's father and moOier. Water by a score of 5 4 to S. j reference is 'maMe io a peace PV. .':. -
. oo V ': ' '."leo.n pa.- k. M-. ami Mrs. Roger, her sister. Mrs. Xehawka and Wabash played hall ; mation as the hy t n, men t which viii
. r
. 1 .: .
'Ii S. A!!
. ami Mr;.
y pent Sot
1 ilu
!-. .....l : i a:. .... ti... 1. 1. .. '
j ' "' -l . !:' -i:... ,-i.n. uo.'ii Hl- "illl.lMl glOUIIUS MlinUtV Ji I - ' t (Till i UJl t e I'l" Va'' pe.vers ()'.''( r ... I
aiae d.iwn to l.iav.-dn. nt Sunday at Hie C.ol.Ien ' ternoon. It was a fine game. The : on the c-xe-ut i ve' hra 'o, of Hi-
itii Cims. Clapp'i-.ome. j first half of the ninth inning was ,.rnt.ient. It is understood (hat fh.s
; w -o '"'si'' eiciiiaami n;;s i e- jusi aoom over wnen one ot the oat-: latter com-iderct i-.n ha hec: we'"i'
i : . n Wilson and I turned from a visit with her honmiters hit -our catcher. Guv ilinds.fed heavily as;',,- ;.r u:. . .1 j.. i .-'::i-v
Monday foiks. at Cook and is again assisting back of the head. It might . have f is uanee of a moclamntiou
Mntfii m-i urns, mu ne is now ante to
be around, although he holds his head
to one. fide. We hope nothing like! EEFIHITE STOVE TC DISiRH
this will happen again. I
Saturday evening as Robert Reese I
and Elmer Johnson were returning
from Klin wood, they had an accident
that p it their car out of commission.
Wloui about two and . ..' ntiles
norm or I. -.. ;..; .-.un-thlug went!
v. r.
iie seo:.,; ;:;' irr i
A ; z t ! . A hi at; ; ,i i x. : ' . 1 h ".' s -mi out
mu of ::u 1 .7h.l !'.:' en--- -rz I ; :'
. 1 .; :; :j n A 7 y for i he .: i::.- i :: r.-.
:' .1 z ' i: : ' ' '' I -.! '. ' z I . or :: I : - t : ,
n :: . n' .' ! .!!--
' ' ; ;! t i.o I . In V. rf z. T ' . t t
I . I . I - : 1 i l
.1.1.. 1M..II1-S Will !) IMV ''IT J,
1 1 . " : r -; I ri Tl l : I I i 1 i I i.r ' ! : it t. r. . O 1 he 5 L- i i ntv'e tm niurrtni
.- .- -- - ..... ,. ....... i.tvM a.-'... uniuiivi il HLLia i. uj.i.
iso. o can sweet potatoes
champion. "lie was my manager
v. hen I was tight i p. g my way to the
i p if I have my way he wil! make
. i ry engagement of my career."
io:d p:.l-:i- hz.
.:;n 1 .eUiu captM-i
ea ru';!;
Tdt'itk nooks! Yea you can get
tprj m mm
, 1 ;;' nil kinds. Thf Joitnifll.
South Sixth Street
. i ,
i i
a :
' 1 ;
Bank of Cass County
Established 1881
London. July S. Leiative io Jite
Washington t'ispateh that, no formal
communication had mi receiv---l h
the state depnrtrnni 1'rr ru ti e !;zi
tish government re.ju-zst ing '1: 'tedd
ing ot a disarmament con 1 1 i .-a ;( .
j-r ,iiii ::
' ..! !id It'l tiih-l ore hi'.
; : 1 - ! I: : ' I ' i . o Pal i 'i" I
stii! limit. ! i ;aa .z : r. ia -
f:.;i!i'i.-; r..i!o'r than ; a rl. .-: i r. po-. J-.;
i hi i i I '. . I'.-.: f ie"larl i ( h i , t ;-i .- v
With rz-!Zi! to I'll: ir i .1 .- '!:.. for
V. iri. 1 he d"ioi Mil
iv heavv.
h.i b.-t -i i.nti'.'
We o a general banking business; buy City, Coun
ty nod S"!)ool Warrants and other securities, consistent
with the principles of good banking.
Through tl.e confidence of our many friends and
patrons, we have over four hundred and fifty thousand
dollars deposits. Fidelity and strength are the key note
of confidence.
In addition to our large resources, your deposits in
this bnk are further protectod by the State Guarantee
"The bank that takes care of its customefs."
, " : " '""lit is explained tm'-t. the re i it est wa
! nf ?ii , f fVT6 J"? 8t ,the suIe!not made thru an official r.o'e. bu
I fL I"!! a"iLIihe l,Ut thf' thru an interview h-'we, :i ,,,,, Cur
, "iZ"n. 'no j;ntJ.-.,i toreign
in.-iiii.-i u i ne iiiiys were nun. out
they had to leave the car to be haul
ed in later.
President Vice President Cashier I
r .
: i ". -
and tiie American and Japan
hassador-.; in Lon Ian.
t!r?nt lirittu'n. it was stated here
today in a unartzr tt-iialiy pn-z-as-e 1
of reliable in forma 1 ion. is. h.iieved
to have made overtures to th 1 Uni
ted States. Japan and Chi:-a oi th
:.- r. a-ii.U tlt-il by !'mi-,! o.Tii.i'; i
for the tin pre. !!. -ti t( :( i'caian.1 for .3
Ford cars m the p-esent li'tidettcy
towai-.'i . c -mom . . Mauv of (lure i.1
Whoze l:;.'H.':; h.: z. e Ii,.u added to the 4
i ...... i;... . . r i .. .1. ... "3
!"'., iii i i Mi u o 1 1 1 1 u i oil a v o j
afforded ia:"z-r and more in. !'y ear-;
than the l-'ord. hut it i the belief
troz! i.
t'i i i i e it ioi o r ear i i
, . . . . .. . . '.2
i".i rs are l u . esi i l. i i n : 1 1 1 o tiie r
os(s iuciden!.. to m'ot .vir much more
careiuttv ittaa at any perioit itiiring
i to. i.-. -i fi. .. . :1
" ' . - ' t i
The estimated outpu: of the i'of i .f
factories f(.r July cai!s for lOJi.non 'H
cars ami tru k.-. or a product ion . r ri
ieu sun's, japan aau v :;i.- i o i i:iz . . - i-l
lAlllUn OnfiH possibility or a coniYr.-nre t-4 disc, s a day tor ... days. Mti.eo the;
5Ufil 1Kb Xll'lfj! He wiiol, ea.tern situation m --ea! ol , n g oi cars ..- being handled 4
Vi.6UM MbOtt, of.icial t.jrrk.s ,lc,Ii!5!, , , (! during an eight hour work .lay orily.'j
n t!ie nature of any com.auuica- ; ' !; ' '' 'rly oi.t, .;i wiM he r.4, iars. M
President Expected tn !;;n TlneuJ l'n vith the Fnited State
. m,t Kt Week-legal Tan- l"'"-SZ
gle tause Of the Delay, sume that these countries would he
j fully sounded before Clreat Frit a in
visers are i
lv decided
lamation as
ing the state
tral einoires
that thp Hnrnmont ...., i.i i h pRi v .i one
I . . . 1 1 . r j .!... I. I ...
( ' i r ? ' 1 ti'i-. . i .nn in ii. 1 1 m i f-j
M s .Trxephine Weber, who is em-ifj
plovc;. in tm l ::;ou rac.iic head
ton. July s. Although d hand. Announcement J V' ' '
Hardin- and his leir-il nl. of the Uti'isli p, ii -v is xneefe-j t((i o'"-'- '"i.n. tj
"a,ul"- rtllU I11S Kf, ill .IU" , , ... ....... l.r... r., :mi .'niiic n I 1,1 t" s
indersrood to have virtual-! " lortncommg next Aiomtay m nie - ' ' . 1 13
..Don a presidential oroo . atemert which Mr. Lloyd Ce.rge . ' ' V,.' Ii
a means of nromuLmi-! e w fairly hopeful cf Wmi , li
of peace with the cen-!"1 :l position. to make. This s'ate-l )'' r'r l il!
. if ivs. ln,litu .n,i,..'ient is said to be a "very Com pre-, " "'".. "- ..-. , r ,
Did 3ou ever notice how good, roomy, good looking Q
baggage added to your trip?
For looks, convenience, comfort and service, we have
what you need to replace the old worn out case or ba.
Leather goods are much cheaper and you'll find a p
complete line of both cases as bags, all leather or fiber. a
Leather Bags $7 to $22.50
Fiber Cases $3 to $7.50
Leather Cases $7 to $12.50
aft 1 it hi
readv for , Vn o 7 .1 ' lab fts. note uooks, pencils, etc.,
rtiu icr use until some tirnenextl ' i aj f i
week. A partial draft of the nm-! The new Ford liv-ful lens, 503 for the school children, may le lmd Y Udds and ends in soft collars while they last, 2 for 25c.
Umation was taken to th cabinfct'per pair T. H. Pollock Garage
it the Jouirtil oiFict;.