The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ?ICi n? i. PJL1 11,
JiAIISMOUIH tEin-IXZLY ton mt a f
: 1
strict! High Glass Legiti
mafs Banking!
, is thr policy vfi-i viii find among all the or nservalive,
i '1; bank;--, f ml is also true of the high class banks of tbe
n -a rii nl vilPg's. w!ktc such banks really have tbe
-1 , i ..
r Irie
s il
rd customer;; at heart.
a i.r (lass
.- st ric '. ly t
iow'tig its o
In -u ' .i i; ' ot
be i! the poiicy of (be Pnnh of Murdoch to con-
; i l- h grace legitimate bank, and to confine its
c.jitiUierciai banking, never permit' its g its name.
is, of any Storks or
leers to S! ssi st
like schemes.
m the s
1 ii I . i I - '
,! l::'nr,i';'i
! 1 i ' i r t n :.
i i ; mi.'E
r it f'i'i ih ' on our fronds only when- u nay be of
i-'lv - and i 1 1 ; r community.
t.imissions paid for agisting in selling Slocks or
do i . c t letup' u to work a hardship on our friends.
- . ju-t in order that ue might make a hunch ol
We strive for tiif regular, legit iniatt . conserva-
r-' banking business, paying a decent rate of interest on
! ;" lis. ; :,d i . . 1 1 1 i i ; ir money to farmers and busitiess
i-on;-''!:- rates ot interest.
a! r- a-or.a '!
U.- i-.r.cratiil
over J'i'l'i;
!!" ourslv
on bavinc built up a ItEAi HANK
y . a:
i .ii
b i ridable. (
inst itu! ic'Ti app-.a
our- , w e t a rm -I !
mil?', i-1! ' i
r. onai'i
some' him
i.s. -rvai i -. "l ive and bt Live" strictly
s to ymt. ;.r.d you are not already a .:-
invite vim lo join the HANK OF Mi'P-
v.ill rest assured that we will take care
eti:at!d-. and you will not find us irying
on (ion': want, against your better judc-
he Bank of ElLsrdook
Murdock, Nebraska
"The CanU vhere You Feel at Home"
iiKICr.Y A. TOO:., rre.-ii-r:: J. E. GUTHMAKN. VUi-Vrcs.
H. A. GUTHMANK. Cashier
We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic
II'. f r;ctor, and are prepared to look after the batleiy
question for you. We have a capacity of charging
from one to thirty batteries at the same time. We
a!vo do rcpairir: of batteries, as well, end our repair
shop for automobiles is of the best. Free testing and
waler for batteries.
See Us for Service!
to Co
to. 'M IT
-':'. tY-S i" -2-.
f'i j-' rr r-i
tt Emu i!i
o W
as you go
HrnE your first stop right here at
the store. We have just the Kodak
you want for the motoring trip com
pact, easv to work and Autographic
each negative mnv he dated and titled
at the time of exposure.
Kodaks from $9.49 up
Murdoch -:- -:- Nebraska
' H. A. Guthman and family were ! 1 inn Finre rpovinp into tbp Farmerb
ipuests of friends in Omaha over the ! buildincr. which ' irchnie Hie instal-
i Misses Anna atu! Marie r.ornemeier
; visited with friends in Omaha luM
Wednesda v.
Mr. and Mr. ('. Schneider left on
Sifurday for OeWitt, Nebraska, at
which place they will spend several
days visitinc at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Moore and
little son came dowti from Omaha
Sundav and remained until Tuesday
' Miss Callio Milbr of near Wabash
was a fruest of her friend Miss Mary
Rush lar-t week.
O. W. Filcrrim and wife of ("lark
son spent the FourMi at the William
flherts iiome here.
Ker.r.etii Tool spent the Fourth in
Lincoln, relurning home on the Jer
sey in the rvenins
John I'urley and Cldi I'ickv.fl!
were cu(s!s at the W. II. Rush home
for dinner h;t Sunday.
W. T. Wodcll. manau'r of the east
e!ea'-r has been confined to hi
home on a"eount of sickness durinc
the jiast week.
-Mrs. ('hris Miller, -.vim ha been
lation of an eb-ctric heater and pow
er oevioe for operating the tester.
This no! only saves him time, but
pisn insures creater utiiformitv of
.,t ti,,.., v. iit, tt,o ,m visitinc at the home of Mrs. Moore's
r.i'-t !;;!.
Herman Knnke was the first of
the t it-eOier fleliveritiur rrain to the appointment f examining surgeon
l.-v-al market, he bringing in a small for Pewinn bureau and place of
amrunt t: the Farmers elevator last
Dr. G
Mr. and Mrs. Lanrhorst.
(J. Douglas has received the
Thursday and on Friday considerable
more. Gus Wendt also threshed
qr.iic a little of his grain, but wps
kept from further work by the rain,
.(though the yields are not def.nitc
ly known the quality is excellent.
! ime
a number ot
iie ;ro v met; !
l o ,-; ;i
, days. i slicwiiic
j at t h is v. rititig.
Charles Lau. Win. Meyers. Harry
iG'lbxpje Mid Lacey McO.-n.iId enjoy
I ed a fishing trip to Meadow on last
Thursday evening.
I Henry Inbelder was a visitor in
iLouisvill" over Sunday and tbe 4lh.
jriiurnins; Tuesday motninc to re
! su'iie li :.'. work h ere.
H. R. S hmii!' and family drove
jto Lincoln Friday, ulore they lod:-
i ed after some matters of business and
' visited wil h friends.
! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waldo, who
have been ;ii" is al the home of
V Rir-'h. let'; Sunilv. y mori'in-.
! for tt: ir h'n " at
i Ma: ;.'.-! ''i''l'T Th 'in 11 are ma'.-
iv. t: "Xc iiet.: ;.r,)me-'s " :i the new
add:' iot, to the l""i'" o'' il C. I ; ; , c I : -iio-ver
'. hie1: they are Joiilding.
Gus Wendt and Th' mas Cromwell,
of Grari. Nebraska, v.-err looking af
ter son', mat i ers of busit;"ss at both
Murray ami I 'la' t i-uvuil h b:st week.
c. i. Cr-'amer. oi Kill "mi.!, v.;.;-.
a isit,r in Murdork ho t Thursday.
e, ":iliC over In bio,; ;i f: ,-r S"IU" husi-
t': mat; or.- at bis farm som , ,,f
I o n
Purchased Excellent Machine
Tlirou.Th the agency of Wm. Gherts
the rustling implement dealer. W.
V. Kna::pe. living south of Murdfck.
his purchased a new International
!!::'i-.-!,i'i; oTTt'it which will lie kej,t
humming in the fields of this vicin
ity for l lie next several weeks as the
: :,:::: yield is exceptionally good and
th're is a big demand for early
i hre-.'hiuc.
Ag-ain Kreting in Church
I'er a period of several weeks
ilurir.c which meetings were held on
ti ( church lawn while painting and . daughters.
examinations win t,e at wecpir.i
: Water. The doctor is well worthy
of this distinction and we know that
he can fill the office credibly.
' Mrs. R. Tolhorst. accompanied by
Mrs. Marry Tolhorst. left on Sunday
'for Swea City. Iowa, having been
i called by a message announcing the
i death of a nephew of the former.
: George Walker. They attended the
funeral which was held at that
' place.
Mrs. Louisa Hettrirk and sons.
Floyd and James and daughter, Mrs.
S. '. Cowger and two little sons of
T'.ox Elder. Montana, visited several
days with the Kunz families at this
place. They will visit at Greenwood
and also with the Dettman family at
i Imperial on their return trip, which
' is being made by Ford.
j Peter Fveland returned from Lie
Springs. Nebraska. where he had
spent a week or so visiting with his
Mrs. Sctiwin and Mrs.
11 . I 1
Tho Fordscn Tractor and Wood
Bros. Thresher
is the ideal equipment for the farm.
We have them both in stock and can sell any size
Wood Bros. Thresher.
100 foot 4 ply 6-inch endless belts $39.50 c.icli.
T, IL Pollock Auio Oq.,
Phone No. 1 Fordson Dealer
Agents for oil sizes WonJs Bros. Threshers.
i e : "eorat i nc of the nu'.iding was go- , Kean. He reports; a good visit and
i- on. members of the Kvangelical Crops in excellent shape. He says
a Miciation were able 'o again meet that wheat is good and that a hun
tmdde last Sunday. The work has dn-d acre piece which h.e has will go
been done under the direction of '. a t least e( bushels to the acre. Mrs.
M. 'ev ierhof. and sper.'. s well for ' Kveland has p. large acreage of land
ihe artistic ability of this popular ; r..-:;r that town and it is all good.
-.. orknien w hose services are always (vm is doing nicely and from all
i:: -'emand. indicat ions triere will be a good crop
although they have not had quite as
Growing1 Kced c'f Hall much rain there as here.
The ci'izens of Murdock fee! keen-1 The large truck and maintainor on
lv ihe ! -ei of a meeting place where the roads in this end of the county
tl ey reay conrrcgate for social gath- ha.s been brought to this place and
c:'-u:; and amusements. True, there the job has been given to Larl Cool
the Modern Wood m an buildings. ' and Lemuel Parish. The former vill
M. A. Tool, w id h.o. been al I'.nr
lir.sion. Colnrado. retnrmd luune last
Saturday and re;., -is things look
ing lair on! that ;u . in.; iike
Cr ss count v. ;i'
K. W. 1 iitTi. an. I! 1 . Law' on. ! '
.l..i n Ciii i.e;-.)i i'.-r ;u 1 Charles R:iu;M'
tit t he I- ouri Ii i:; 'tinii.. . wiier
v ihe K p r-Sehr.:;.d"r
1 i . .-
t he
boxing ma;'!;
Miss Le.'h Schmi'it. v. bo is em
pb v...l ;:t Stella, visited at the home
of her parn:s here ov, r Sunday ai'd
ihe Fiiir!!!. returning to her wori
Toes-day morning.
.ie-s L.mdholm .and family spent
the Fourth in Omana. Mrs. Land- ,,
ho Hi remaining over Wednesday and.,.
Thursday for a more extended visit ,
with hi r sisters there. i
Mrs. Kuehn and hil lren i
nre staying at lht home of her motf -
or. lr;- K T. T'.o;. v. I. tie Mr. Kuehn
is in tbe vvet looking after the har
vest irg of his crop.
The hot days and evenings are
bring whiled away in Murdock by
the te?.is lovers on the court of John :
G:ikMuei-r. v. lo re some very e-:ci;-ij.g
R'lii es have been staged.
C I' Travers and wif" were guests
.-A The home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ! . A.
Guthmat: over Sunday. Th.ev lormer
lv lived iet-.een Mo.rdoek and Ash
land but now reside iu Omaha
.Mai and Victor Thimgan rectiitly
eo i -trueted an elegant kitchen cab
inet f..r V,". H. Rush, whiih has
be. n installed in his home and.
makes an fine piece of furniture.
Herman F. Sehueppe. Frank Ruidi.
H. P.,ing. Win. Leutciiet.s and,
Herman Kupke were among tho.-e ;
.hcMing corn and lelivering to thf-;
.t-s elevator during tfe past
week. I
l.ur when the crowd is very large .drive .n.fl care ior the truck and
:'. re is insufficient room to accora- it he latter v ill handle the muintain
to il l!'-. The matter of a Sat-!er. These two will make a good team
urday night picture show is also be-'and we can expect that they wiil
it- talked. hut as yet no definite look after tilings in this end of the
s;-ps have been taken, primarily onicounty in good shape. The above
aeou!'t ot trte lack of a room of suit-j were supposed to be the facts of the
it looks like an auditor- ' ease, but the boys were not able to
of adeouate si?" would not only get possession as tne parties who had
e t ie rrohletn of a desirable possession would not turn t hem over
ting place, but should be a but it is said
proportion as we!! will most likely tie
that the change
made some time
Ioinjr a Nice Business
Suffered Intense Pain
A few years ago when visiting
i relatives in M icing in something I
loharsen is finding no trouble ;
k . ping busy since having purchased)
his new Keo truck and daily he is
i - tine !rin 1m :i fl f'Tim tbe nie
!r..:,ois or' into the country with!'-"' ,Mtf'r' bought on an attack of
Is of merchandise. Joe is a bust-i I,f i:,r il ",rjll!- v.ioes .mis. i-h ,
...,) ,-ni v, t,.. f h.Kir. tf '-McVicVrr, Macon. Mo. 'I suhered i
I. i in on tl.eVo"' ' " intense paiu
hop MlmA Fms
Shop mixed paints are the purest points on earth.
White lead and zink. with pure linseed oil. only.
Mixed in out own sliops, in identically the same
way we use it on our own work.
We mix all colors for you. Conic in and get any
quantity. Quality guaranteed.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
'intense paiu ajid had to go to bed.
j got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic
jam' Diarrhoea Remedy and one dose
! re'ieved the pain wonderfully. I only
. number of friends gathered :i!'to,.k two or three doeses but they
G. V. Pickwell home on the did the work,
irth. where they enjoyed them-'
Enjoyed Fine Picnic
selves with games, social conversa- .;
ti :i and a fine picnic dinner served!
in iue cool, si'.a.'iy grove nearny.
Those present included Mr. and Mrs.
i 'u-k well, their sons. John. Paul. (Jlen
;:"d Gale, daughters. Misse Eva and
Mr. , who have been staying at Lin
c.'i'.ti; Miss Mary Rush; Miss Leona
Rush. John P.urley. Miss Reta Nip
p r and Ray .McWray. of Lincoln;
Mi-.ew- c)::r;ee and Wilma Cook d'
i.-l; r Llmwood. and the family f
Jlarrv Davis.
i 1 will be in the County Superin
tendent's office in Plattsmouth on
Monday of each week. If you wish '
an of. ice call, make it in the fore-,
noon, as in the afternoons I will ;
visit the farms where asked to do
so. Make use of these days and the
Farm Pureriu will continue its week
ly visits. Plume 479. j
i L. R. SNIPES. i
County Agr. Agt.
C!i3 i.iberlain's Colic Rr.d Diarrhoea tjtj pnNT APPOINTED !
"i '.lis remedy is certain to be need
in tiKitiv liomes before the sum-
e pre-
Johr .m:
viih friends
o-ikland vie
and hi-ve r
tri via au"
! 11 1 t;i n : lion
miiv visit
V e-'t a!, 1
and s;e i" t h o Fourth at
re ? hey formerly resided
a.tiv"-. They made the
1. gruttg Sundav and re
' 'fuesdav.
mer is over, liny it row and
pared. It is recognized as a most
re'ir.hle remedy for bowel complaints
and may be obtained at any drug
Dover. Dela.. July 7. General T.
Col leumn Du Pont was today ap
pointed Fir' ted States sena'or from
Delaware i
Governor Denney
succeed Josiah O. Wolcotf. who re
signed last week to b"Come chancel
lor of Delaware.
ind Mrs. Henry Keiling.
Ord. lift Tuesday for Lincoln, after
a sever;. 1 weeks' visit here, a ltd will
spend a few days in ihe capital city
before returning hern'-. Mrs. Reii
ingwas formerly Miss Ren ha Mer
1 kb'.
Joe (-, t !. 1, 01 m Imrried 'lis hand
ijuite har:!;- w heu he got ho'd of th
wrong end of a Roman candle, jmd
resolvd he would shoot no more Jir:
ivo;':;s, but as tlte burn gets better,
he is gradual!;.' changing his mind
about the matter.
(. K. McDonald and family stem:
the Fourth, in Lincoln, driving over
in the ear. .Mrs P 1 1 . K'eijey. of
that place, returned with them and
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. McDonald, her husliand being a
brother of Mrs. McDonald.
Edward Kelley, who lias been mak
ing his home in Murdock for some I "
time, returned 10 Plattsruouth last j
week and expects to resume work in I
be liii'l'tr 'en shoj,- there ;is the'
company has announced an increase
in the number of its employes.
The Murdock Mercantile company'
has just completed its semi-annual
inventory and as soon as the work
of "tiguring slock" is completed,
will have sumo striking bargain.? to
announce from time to time. Watch
the columns of the Journal for their
money-sa vii.g offerings. l!;,!ti-' and Minni? Rauer,
nieces of ii. i'limr of ibis place. ::re
sil cdubd 10 arrive in New York to
day, they having sailed from South
hampton. England, July 2. They will
arrive in Murdoch the latter part of
thi.t week and make their home
here with their uncle.
The Farmers elevator i.s anticipat
ing the purchase of a truck scale, of
larger capacity than their present
wagon scale. The number of farm-or-
hauling their grain to market in
trucks is increasing and with the
greater, capacity it becomes necessary
to provide scales of ample proportion
to handle the load.
Henry Inhelder Las been making
some improvements at the cream sta-
If it's in the card lint,
the Journal office.
call at ! e jf. Schulhol. piano
Phone 3S9-J.
Lot Us Fig
ure on Paintin
Ycur house or decorating the interior also the barn
or other buildings. We're reedy for any work in this line.
Just the Kight Light!
It is highly essential that you have lenses which
will meet the test and unless you are thus equipped,
you will find yourself in serious trouble and possibly
facing a stifr fine. We are selling only lenses which
have been approved by the State Department of Public
Works, at the following prices:
Violet Ray : $2.75
McBeth 4.75
Liberty 2.75
Best grade of Motor Oil .S0c per Gallon
Best grade Tractor Oil 75c per Gallon
The Automobile Man
Something Up Our Sleeve!
For next week we will have a definite proposition
for you in the way of an estimate on a granary and
crib building. Watch for our ad. The price will in
clude our excellent white pine lumber and the cost of
construction. There is no use raising crops unless you prepared to take care of them.
Frost, Guryea & Murtey
W. H. FROST, Manager
ilUkto-Rjlotor Washer!
That the house wife may enjoy the advancing civ
ilization, there has been invented the "Maytag" washer,
which is a plant within itself, and is both simple and
powerful and is easily operated.
Give the Kcuscvife a Gliancj!
Wash day comes every week. Better make some
provision for it, that the wife and mother who has an
abundance of work alread', may not look forward to
it with dread.
She has a right to share in the convenience of
labor saving devices as well as you have. Consider,
for a moment the spectacle of yourself going back to
the dars of the cradle and the scythe. Not much!
Then why not get her some of the labor saving
machinery which will lighten her task and make her
face. radiate with joy?
Come in and see this "Multi-Motor" washer and
let us explain its workings.
The Implement Man