r jrlAIISMCTTIH 5I.n-T7I5I7 70ITR1TAL MGHPAY, JULY 11, 1321. IIMIIJ .III I 1 .1I..W-J-J MANLEY Che plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSHOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at I'ostoITice. P!attmouth, Neb., as Becond-class mall matter HIM IS i R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Th; da ws dops will have their niaI :o: Thi new that to the Greek offensive is jus allies. o : o I.ahor wants tin- unemployed i smaller army -o:o- lotte.l for some lines time will haunt (lerman.v to come. I' (.usht in hunger strike lie easy to 'Art in Moscow. on a (letting married sometimes ivc? woman a mandate over the man. -: o: The instinct of gambling some times makes matrimony possible. :o: The taxpayer justly thinks this normalcy talk is sound all sound. :o: In these days of millions of motor cars, people take lue easy ana niton : o: An optimist is the fellow who be lieves all he ees in the catalogues. o Kverything will be done for the taxpayer exeept to remove the bur den. -r- o : o As we look them oer about the or.lv tiling that can come back is a ca t . A grouchy man is a man who thinks the world is against him -and it is. -:o: "Half of a loaf is better none." savs the man with a tha n week vacation. :o: The beer-medicine ruling jroha bly make a lot men pay their doctor bills. : o : up Wlit-tl the public quits scandals there will be none newspapers to print. : o : cau for mg the Charley Dawes will find plenty to swear at. in the new budget being prepared by Congress. : o : Ptrhaps these ships were wallow ed by some of the big fish we hear the anglers talking about. :o: Three great tax quesfions how to redii'-e them, how to pay tlum and how to dodge them? :o; Price cutting up to this time been done so carefully that scarcely notice the scars. :o: If automobile prices keep has Villi on dropping, it will soon be cheaper to buy one than to steal one. :o: An extra rib has been found in a Pennsylvania woman. First chance in history to pay Adam back. :o: "Never spank a child on an empty stomach." says a medical authority. No, just turn the youngster over. 7 - ' 7 himT I H h am "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dor thy. flut she goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when ho got acquainted with us.. And it doesn't cost much, cither, .'. . .' . Goods. Called for and Delivered CM E3 166 N3i2j(ui?NAL office The first hollies were made of skin. :o: business i looking: up to see if taxes are coming: down. : o : House numbering was invented by a Paris architect in 1512. -:o:- Stone cannon balls were used 4 30 years ago in a Turkish war. ;o: Perhaps present styles are design ed to choat railroads on the age lim f. : o : A suicide wave is reported in fier lin. That's one German fad to which we must give our cordial approval. : o: Germany has ;'.0 women in the ICeichstag. No wonder they couldn't find the indemnity money on time. :o: While they're making Americans out of immigrants they'd better make cm is rants out of a few Americans. :o: Henry Ford has bought a railroad. Perhaps he is planning another at tempt to railroad himself into the Senate. : o : is going to If Pncle Sam do i n y i retrenching it should expense of the boys not be at who did I la the trenching. , ; O ; A s-cientisl says that a pin-head contains S.OOO.OOO.OOO.iMMt atoms. Wonder how many there are in a Ix.ne-head ? A New Orleans boy has answered Thomas Kdison's "Where is the deepest, place "The bottom.' in the sea?" He says The lower house of Cor.gres has passed the peace bill. We frankly confess that, to us. it is a peace that passeth all understanding. :o: The paper says the anti-prohibi tion paraders in New 1 ork were. cheerful and gay. It's as we feared. The town is not vet bone drv. -:o:- The Pennsylvania supreme court lias ruled women juries are legal. Of course, we knew that. The ques tion is. are they sufficiently senti mental? :o: Senator IJrandegee say the senate Ueiiate on the peace resolution was "inconsequential, idle fruitless and i unnecessary." Quite so. It was a J senate debate. :o: Jud Tunkins says he hopes that all people will never agree entirely in their opinions. Something seri ous would happen if by accident the world made the same mistake un animously. :o:- Here is a htlpful paragraph ln a New York paper, "To rid the pan try shelves of red ants, wipe them with denatured alcohol every few weeks. Now. how are you going to catcli the ant and give him that al cohol bath? The cussed little things just won't stand still. :o: And now a pastor rips loo.se with a lurid roast of the newspapers and the magazines because of the pic tures they print. Well, the shoulders of the press are broad and can stand a whole lot of that sort of thing.! i When the reformers can think nothing else to say about the evils of society they blame it on the news papers. o:o When Woodrow Wiison visited a Washington theater recently, he was recognized by only a few persons. And time was when, in the same theater whole audiences arose to pay him tribute. Thus passeth earth ly glory. Most men who have had it don't discover the hollow counter feit it is until it has passed from them. A sense of liimor must be comforting to a man when he learns bow he has been tricked. :o: The Parmele Theatre has become a great place for the amusement loving people, and why? Because Messrs Cloidt and Moore have brought it up to the true meaning of amusement. They are showing the very best pictures that can be had, and the proprietors are genial to everybody. Everyone goes there when they want amusement and they always get it. Those who fail ed to see the "County Fair" Tues day night will regret it the longest day they live. The theater was crowd-! cd to its utmost capacity for two shows and some were unable to get seats. When you sail, sail . under the Stars and Stripes to any part of the world PRESIDENT HARDING haf summed up the merchant marine by saying that we know "X'e cannot cell successfully where we do not carry." And now we have t preat American Merchant Marine, with hips sailing under the Stars and Stripes to every port f importance in the world. Cettainly the American people will never permit this merchant marine to decline from it present preeminent po.Mfion. Nor will it if each one of you will ship and sail under the Stars and Stripes. Operators of Passenger Services Admiral Line, 17 Slate Street, New Wk. N. V. M at yon Navigation Company, 26 io. Gay direct, Baltimore. MJ. Munton Steam Ship Line, 82 Beavar bucct. New York, N. . New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co.. II Broadway. New ork, N. Y. Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 45 BroaJuay. New York, N. Y. U. S. Ma t S. S. Co.. 45 Broadway. New York, N. Y . Ward Line, (New York and Cuba Mail S S Co.) l oot of Wall Street. New York, N. Y. Free use of Shipping Board films Use of Shipping Board motion picture Urn., four reels, free on reirucst of arjjr ridor, pastor, postmaster, or oiftanj zation. A great educational putura ft ships and the sea W rite f r inform ation loll I.aue. lireitor Information Hurmu. Krym "II. " 1 " Street, N. VV , Washington, I C. SHIPS FOR SALE (7a American citittns only) Steel vtenmcrs. bu:b oil and cnal burners. Also wood ilcamrrk. wmid hulls and ocean-gainx lots. Further information ol'Uined bv rcquen. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all parts of the world and all other information, writ any of the above lines or U S SHIPPING BOARD WASHINGTON. D.C. f ' .ft Another reduction in auto prices means a further reduction in pedes trians. :o: Let Harding take heart; Charlie Chaplin couldn't satisfy some pie hunters. j :o: j Some motorists think the "Stop, i Look and Listen' for the trains. signs are intended :o:- The longest word of usual occur ence in the Knglish language is "in comprehensibilities." miiki: Stale i.l" TO riti lMlotis Xcl'iaska, Cass coun 'he ty. In the Ciiimty I'ouit. In the matter T the estate of Kli.a- hetli I )in;li t v. 1m eased. To tin- cicditiii's of s.-iiil estate: Yon are lioret.y notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in I'latts- I mouth, in said county, on the !M!i f'ay !of Aunns-.t. 1921. ami on the !Hh ilxi of November, ln.'l. at in :'if o'clock a. 'in. of each of said days to receive and enniirie all claims airalnst said estate. with a view to their adjustment and j allowance. The time limited for the luesenta t ion of claims auainst faid estate is three months from the Mtli 1ay of AiiKust, .. I . l'jl. ami the .time limited for jiavment of ileitis is one e-ir from said Mil day of August. l!L'l. i Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this Mli da.y of juiy. AM.KX .i i5i:i:.- x. ot,Seal) Jll-lw. County Judue. Acetylene Welding! I am prepared to do all kinds of Acetylene Welding. Charges reasonable and work the best. JOHN SHELDON, Located at John Iverson's Blaksmith Shop, Plattsmouth, Nebraska HOGS on the Installment Plan! Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $75. A boar and two gilts, not re lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan. For particulars write, phone or call on Albert Young, MURRAY -:- NEBRASKA been sufiVrin; from ivy puisonin,. Oscar York and family visited in riattsmouth the Fourth. Herbert Thacker and wife visited in Plattsmouth a snort ume me lore part of the week. Fred Fleischman, the barber, was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Tuesday. Harry Doty was among those prud ent at the Weeping YV'ater-I'l.tt ts mouth game here July 4th. Jacob Lohnes and family were up from Weeping Water the Fourth re newing old acquaintances here. Charles Lau and Orris Schlb-fert were threshing their wheat crops on Thursday and Friday of last week. Herman Dall was a visitor in Mur dock last Wednesday, where he went to look after some business for the day. Mattic I.recken ridge has been re leased from quarantine and Is again enjoying the freedom of the great out doors. Mrs. C. been sick weeks, is improved. K. Mockenhaupt. who has at her home the past few reported as being greatly Kdward Kelly aha the Fourth, with friends and was a visittT.in Om where he visited took in the boxing match in the afternoon. Mark Wiles and family, of Weep- ing Water were at Manley Monday. being in attendance at the b;ill game between Weeping Water and IMatts mouth. John Fleischman and family were guests at the home of the parents of Mrs. Fleischman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, of oLuisville. over the Fourth of July. Miss KInora O'Brien, of near Ced ar Creek visited friends ami relatives in and near Manley a number of days last week, being. a guest at the How ard Johnson home. F. A. Hums and family, of l'latts laouth. visited in Manley last week, driving over in tlieir car for a short visit with the parents of Mr. Hums, J. L. Hums and wife. Messrs. Adolph s'teinkamp. Fred Fleischman. Daniel Bourke and An drew Sehlietert drove to Plattsmouth Friday morning to look after the transaction of some business. Frank Reister was the first to de liver new wheat at Manley. the same being sold to the Farmers elevator. It was of good quality, but not as well dried out as it will be later in : the season. 1 Charles Garlach and son Will vis it e.l in Omaha last Thursday, driving up in their car. While there they called on Theo Harms at the pital where he is hecovering his recent operation. Theo Harms is reported as hos f rmn get- ting along well i t the hospital in Omaha, w here he recently underwent an operation for acute appendicitis, Cliarirs ('rain" has J. 3. Case IVIachinery! I am making some very aitractive prices on J. I. CASE farming machinery. Grain prices cannot go so low but what you will find our goods in line. We are making a specialty of furnishing repairs for any and rll kinds of farming machinery. Call and see us. He THE IMPLEMENT Manley, mi i h i: or iti:ri:iti:irs iu the I'istrict Court of th of Cass. Nelu-nska. j.i-:. County Kittio C. lloheris and H l'la.n tiffs. vs. I'aul II. wife. Myrtle Koherts. arid ri-n Ko'erls, Koherts am! Newell Uob- erts, a minor, and J liian of Newell Hole .1. Kohctts. Kiiar rts. a minor. I)e- fendullts. Notice is hereliy ; and hy virtue of a 'I trict Court of Cass entered in the a hove : i veil that u sulci- , ecree Ml' t he I is outitv. NehrasUa. i cut i t led ca use on the L'nd day of Jul if, 1 1 . a no a n j oder of sale niii'ii In- sa id con i t on j the '2nil ilav of June, lH.'t. the un liersinctl. sole lelV.ee. will on the l.'.th day of Auirust. tHlil. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the south front door of the Court House, in tiie City of I'lalts inouth, Cass county. Nehraska. sell at j.uhlic auction to 'the highest hhhler for cash, te following described real estate, to-wit: Lot .". in ISIook ."ti: Lot JO in Hlock L'U: and Lots 1. L'. I and ." in Hlock ::s. all iu the original Town of IMattsmoulh. Nehraska, ami the Soutlieast iiuarter a:ui the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section Township 12. Kane 1 :!. east of the Mh I'. M., in the Countv of Cass, Nebraska. Said sale will be held open for one hou r. Hated this !Mh dav of July. 1HJ1. .H.lSKI'll A ( A KLL, Jll-.'W. I leferee. 0 Til' Stute TO t H:iITOIt. Nehraska. Cans coun The of ty. In the County I'ourt. .Ill the matter of the estate of John Sc 1 1 ia ppacussc. deceased. To the creditors of sai'l estate: You are herel.v notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in J'latts mouth. in said countv, on the tuli lay of Almost. lliJI. and on the loth day of November.- 1:21. at 1":00 "'(lock a. m. of each of saiil days to receive and examine all claims nnairist said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The presentation of estate -is three day of AuRust, time limited tor the claims against said months from the Hth V 1). lyjl. and the time limited for navment or dents is one year from said iith iay of August, 1'J1. WitnesH my haiul sa ill Cou n t y - I 'ourt July. ly.'L a ml this the :nh seal liay A LL10N CI I AS. BKKSl )N, ountv Juit;e. M A I IT IN. A f tornev. I Seal Jll-tw. Lost anything -Try a Journal, ad. found anything They satisfy." It will be some time, however, be fore h! can return to his homo. Mrs. Theo Harms visited in Om aha from Saturday until Tuesday at the hospital with .Mr. Il.irms She j was accompanied home by her son. Herman, who had been . visiting at the home of .Mr. and .Mrs. George Schafer, Jr., of Ilenson. Miss Lottie Koup, sister of Mrs. Kudolph liergman. who has been visiting at the home of her sister in Mauley for several days, returned on last Monday to her home in Louis ville, being accompanied by Mrs. lUrgman who visited there for a short time. Sold a Robert Mcf'lec er. was a visitor nesday. coining Ford Truck tv. of Weeping Wat ill 'Ma nicy ,last Wed up to get the new lord truck he had purchased of the local Ford dealer, ('has. Oerlaeii. Mr. Cerlach is a rustler for business and has built up a good trade by his fair dealings and courteous service. All Enjoyed the Game Those having no particular place to go for a vacation the Fourth h.ad their ntertainment brought to them in the form of a ball game between the Weeping Water and IMatismouth teams, which was plaved on the lo cal diamond because of the fact that the Flat tsmout h diamond, where the game was to have been staged was under water. Nothing was known of the game at Manley until about 10 o'clock in the forenoon but the sport ing blood of the countryside quickly mobilized and the crowd was about as larie as could be accommodated. The umpire for the contest was se lected from anion? the Manley citi zens present and his decisions gave satisfaction to both teams. The game proved to be a good one and was nicely contested save for an in ning or two in which the Platts mouth team went to pieces on ac count of a number of errors in sue-J cession. They soon pulled themselves j together and were able to finish the game with a very credible score. The Weeping Water boys carried oft the honors, however, the tinal tally be ing 14 to S . Manley Wi: Yesterday at s Over Nehawka Man lev. before, a lar-e fa i.s. v i .- i t i .: score crowd of t ii t h usiasi ic baseball tl;e home teim won over the g team from Xehawka by a )!' to Parts of the game were well contested while other in nings had a number of soft spots. The battery for the home team was Koop an i Mat tin. while Harold (Irif'in pitched for Nehawka and Rodman officiated behind the bat. i The f. ' crow d ante was enjoyed by a large notwithstanding the fact that i t he weather was exceedingly warm. MAN, Hcbra ka IITK i: TO ( ll I II M TOItS Scaled bids will be received at the office of the State I e pa i 1 1 n en t of Pub lic Works. lt!i floor Hrownell Mlm-K. at Lincol.n. Nebraska, until .r.:0 o'clock p. m. on July ;js. Cijl. foi- construct ing noil iruard rail and incidental work on i he Nebraska Citv-Lincoln rro.iect No. i::::-C, l-Vderal Aid road. Lids will be opetied in the lepart-iim-nI of IVildic- Works. Ith Floor Hrow nell Itlock. op or near the hour of o'clock a. m.. on the J'jtii day of July. 10U1. .County Hoards are hereby re quested to be ioes.;m or represented. J:idlers are invited to be present. Tin- a ppr-i i ma te quantities are: '.oi tinea; i'Pi-t wood li-uard rail.' Certitied check for -" per lent of the amount of the bid will be reiuire'l with each and every bid received. Plans and specifications for the work r.ia- he seen and information and pro posal forms secured at the o IT ice of tne Cointy Clerk a" Plattsmouth. Ne braska, or at the office of the State liepartment of Public Works at Lin coln. Nebraska. The State ami County reserve the ifl'i.t to naive all technicalities ami reject a ii v or all bids. ;k. II. SAVLKS. o. Clerk. Cass Co. ui:o. i-:. jmiNsoN. Secretary. HIK i: TO OVI M.K TOIt.s Sealed bids will be received at the office of the State I.'epartment of Pub lic Works. 4th Floor Hrownell Block, at Lincoln, Nebraska, until .":0o o'clock p. in., on July JS, 1HJ1. for construct ing wood Kiiaiil rail and incidental work on the Ka ii le-M u ri a v Project No. i:.;:-.. Federal Aid road. Hid5 will he opei e.l in the Ie;iart ment of Public Works, fth Floor Jtrow- nell Hlock. on or near the hour ot 'J:oo o'clock a. m., on the iiyth day of July, lyi'l. County Hoards are hereliy re quested to he present or representeil. 1 Mildc I'M are invited to be present. The a pprox ima te j ua n 1 1 1 ics are: 1 :(:'." lineal feet wood Kuard rail. Certilied check for "i per i-ent of the Emount of the hid will be required with each and every hid received. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information and pro posal forms secured at the office of ihe County Clerk a: Plattsmouth. Ne braska, or at the office- of the Stat-1-epartment of Public Works at Lin coln, Nt braska. The State and County reserve the rif-'ht to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. C.KO. II. SAVLJ.S, , Co. Clerk. Ca.-s Co. GEO. K. JOHNSON. Secretary. lip ;&&&f KLAYKORT A i"1! STu. Oainis Player says "Three sets "With Klaykorts I can play a half dozen sets, and feel jt less than I used to feel three, because my feet don't hurt in them. I play a faster game. There isn't a better tennis shoe made." Hood Klaykorts combine lightness vith strength, and the patented Kendex insole andthick felt cushion keep the hard court from tiring or burning the feet. No other shoe of any kind combines equal wearing qualities with the ease and the sense of quick, sure action of the Hood Klaykort. Many also prefer Klaykorts for general outdoor summer wear. cAsk your dealer or write us. Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc. 1 Watertown, Massachusetts. (tf3 SP0RTSHU Big men and little men want sport trimming on their play shoes. The Sportshu is red trim med, red corrugated sole a splendid shoe at a moderate price. And how the little folks like their looks. Ask for Hod Sportshu. nu tici State i TO KKItlTOIIS Xeluaka. Cass The In the County Court In the matter of the estate of .lac I i i I si h. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You nre heiehy notified. That I will -it tit the County Court room in I'latts iMcnitli. i;i said county, on .Nuust 1. U'-'l and November . lUl'l. at t o'clock. m. cadi day. to receive and examine iil! claims auainst said estate, with a view to theii' adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said es tate is three months from the 1st dav of August. A. I), lll.'l. and the time limited for payment of dehts is- one year from said 1st dav of August. 1 1 . Witness mv hand and the seal of said Countv Court, this L'Tth dav of June, l'.C'l. . allkx j. i:i:i:son. i Seal! Jl-Jw. Countv Judije. Mi l it i: State o TO ( KI'.IMTOIIS Nehraska, Cass Tl ty. ss. In the III the tus I. ill; To tin County Court. matter of the estate of .fus ', deceased. creditors of sahi estate: Vim' mi' hereby notitieil. That I will sit at the County Cujuf-t room in Platts mouth in said county, on July is, j;Jl, and October IX, PCI. at 10 o'clock a. m. on each day. to receive and ex amine all claims ' acainst said estate, with a view to tlieir ml just ment ami allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against sahl state is three months from the IMh day ot July, A. I . ami the time limited for payment of debts is one year 1 rom said lth day or July, lSil'l. Witness my hand and seal of said Countv Court, this 14th dav of. June, 1 1 . ALLKN J. BKKSOX, Seal) jl-4w. County Judge. MI'IK K OK lli:.ltl(i To aU jiorsons interested in the es tate of Kmil Kruser. dec-cased: on June until A,. I. lfti'l. the peti tion of Herman Jlillman was liled in tlie Comity Court of Cass county, Ne braska, praying for a tinal decree and decree of descent, and that the alle gations of the petition be found and! decieed to be true: for a decree bar ring claims of creditors; for the entry of a discharge of rei ord of tin; ad ministrator: for a lindinir a decree de terminimr the heirs at law and m-xt of kin of the deceased and for a de cree of descent iind a decree assiytiinf; the title to the lands of -which the deceased di.-d seized, to the heirs at law of the deceased for tlieir use and benefit and the use and benefit of their successors in title. A hearing will be had on said peti tion in said County Court before tlo Cour.ty Jude on the L'jth day of July. A. I . 19.1. at 1 o'clock a. m., at which time cause may be shown, if any. why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be Kraut. -d. Jf n cause is shown, the petition will be taken' to be true fiimst mmQi Call us when you want OHeatj Groceries or Vegetables for your threshing dinner we will help you. Tel. 4 or 5 day phones are nothing ! if YVURK5HU Here is the shoe for hard work or hard play. Extra strong con struction, heavy mail bagtdurk uppers, gray tire-tread soles. Hood patented pneumatic heels. Buy them for the children and ourself, and see how rested you will feel at night, and how much you save on footwear. and a decree entered accordingly. Iiatctl at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. June Jiith, ,. I"). ALLKN J. HL'KSON". Countv Ju.lt: 1 . W. LIVJNGSTi )N. j30-oW. Attortie; oui)i:it ok iikuiim; mi I'elilimi fur iioliil meitl f A tl itii aiiMt rn lir The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, In the County C In the matter of oil t tl. date if i:ilcu J. Smith, del eased. On reading and tiliutr the petition of The 'Plattsmouth State Hank pray inn that administration of said estate mav be jrranted to Frank Cloidt, as admin ist I ator; Ordered. That July 19th, -. I i. lUL'L at 10 o'clock a. in., is assigned for hearintr sai.l petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held'iu and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not In granted: and that notice of the pen dency of said petitioii and the hear ing thereof he vriven to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-week! news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to sahi day of liea rinij. Hated June :.. pi'l. ALLKN J. HKKSON. (Seal) jJ7-.1w County J-.ide. Mint i: TO 0TI 4 TOIt Sealed bids will be received at the office of the St a t e. I epa rt men t of Pub lic Works. 4th Floor Hrownell Hlock. at Lincoln. Nebraska, until ."i:on o'clock p. m.. on July in, 1!J1. for const im-t-inif wood srnard rail and incidental work on the tlreenwood-Chalco Pro ject No. 107-A, Federal Aid road. Hids will be opened in the lepart rnent of Public Works, 4th Floor Hrow nell Block, on or near the hour of !l:o.i o'clock a. m.. on the 2Hth day of July, lfjl. County Hoards are hereby re quested to be present or represented. J-Milderj are invited to be present. The approximate luantities are: 1740 lineal feet wood Runrd rail. Certified check for ." per cent of the amount of the bid will be rti ui rod with each and every bid received. Plans and specifications for the work may lie seen and information and pi o posal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Ne braska, or at the office of the State Iiepattment of Public Works at Lin coln. Nebraska. The State and County reserve the riyht to waive all technicalities and reject anv or all bids. ;i-:o. ii. savlks. , I . Clerk. Cass Co. C.KO. K. JOHNSON. Secretary. Phone the journal office when you are in need of job printing of any kind. Best equipped shop in south eastern Nebraska. 2-'Sinr 482 night phone V 1 i A I J Til