The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    AiONDAY. JUJ 11. 1&Q1.
' i. - LL l. : -
I to t;i farther, imr v.oui;! it star,
Nehawka Deoartment!
. JL
Prepared ii the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrcundlnrr Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
j .. nun. i : . u;' n' .. . . . v ;
! 1 i:t it wouM not even eive any lijrht $
' on i be case.
I One of tae Indies walked to
1 1 & ?5t&sr m
i i e u tut ys
J town a n d secure:! the services of an
-xp rt who steered tla- ship buck to
i 2 B W K W- in W "cT E. h. Ljua i fc- ' -i :.: h k:
fn?r t a eP err rir-
:i; . -r ) n l.-.'l n.ii'-h t r.n l.'.... i?i fl r-"r-
... v V. i -, - t r
r i ! ins their era ft for it preferred l ." i
p.? Man:! on the cup; sin- of the strea; i
-a i .
irons wiiere it nan starteti. I lie pa v.'- t
: : .-i5 i 'V- i nu'nt ro: in the way once and th;?;
1 k' ;4 ! isted in sionpinr it. j
;i w..:
The Hunk, of .Whawka. a proc-d . celebration f tiie N.-itiona! Natal
place Jo transact your business. i Day.
Work with the l ank for the bt- , t;..-s Ch:is-i:;a i-f.'t n f r !: .1.
term en t of the town an J cur.try. j u s:-re. -i . ,
fharles Adan:s and family were (, r j,;,r,.nrs -r w.r
isitine in the county seat Inst v. t k. , j t ur-cj.
Win Schlictmeif r war look in? after c',,'," .j..,t w,r, . m,v
some business matters in I!:ttMiKuth ; ; - i ' r!.in;.r h , ,
w t-
. ,
rt ;:irr..-l : h-r !
A pood place :r- do husinc
: a- i - t vou.
;. saie iiace m .i i;i :;:-iv.
John 1'- S: oil was after : NVbra.-ka fity ia-i Frida
miuip matiers of I usiiies in Nth::'.--' : 1 -!-' ; r::" - ,s,:;i!-- ' '-: "'
ka City las: Thursday. '' -
P. A. Boedeker and f .n.iiy w re i .Mrs. y.. K.m v..s visit :r.c h
v:itinsr with friends and rt !a:ivs ' Th.irfday w ; t h iii.-r."s :
at Murray la.-: Tirarsday. ;'";'" inakit:? : he trip :
Tl;e ?iieldon ("oinpany have i.- is-.n ri i'acitic:.
leived si me orders for expwt. one ! Mr. M Hiir- n v! . l;a
hirire one sains: lo Mexico. t ht Sheldon .! ar. - 'la -
I '.ert Fntns of 1'r.ion has been it; ; 1 "i: v" '''' '' v ;
Nehawka assisting in the wr.rk at l ":; : of
the Frans Cafe during the past week.; Kr;h Hint n vh
Georee Wessell spent the F iuh a.t ' ft f rt-in in-r empl ineTit
a Mica, where th.ey had an excellent th'U MatiufaCM:! i::f y' :n
7i u :n
w , r;:. I
.)- ph K.iTo-j (if ()!ii;."ia. a !d a t
!: th r ; : Mr.-. !! I.. Thomas e- ;
a v iMt-.r at the T.iotlK.s h.ime f I" a r
'ln'i i rre 1,.,-r we- ;.. ifr:-ir,i. t'lei
a ( q u .i i n ; a Vi s. j
flialticr Sw ?;,- r an 1 .1. S H: :.-r: I
i i ...:?: i?; -!. i.:i-iiM I
. i . i. , ...;.. i . . . 'T .... i . '
r. .i i, ;:. ; ,. rjip . r: ; lit i - j
V 1,
Have Nev.' Slixer low
Sh;.hio:! .Matmfacturin?: Co
'iavf jct put ou? a new mij
Ne: r-a -:
. .ii'
wit: : r
v': a
i it is" wiTi::;;" ? l: ; World's Leading Auihoritiss Show Just What
Tanlac Really Is and Explaiu Effect of r.::ci
of Ten Ingredients or the llui-rian System.
Power of Medicine Conciur.svely Proer:.
" ; r ; 5
I an. I 'v:il dump an place aronnd tl-:e
j jil-jce :: . : .s : i i r- ihat in M.jk;;.:;
j r.:id--- i: delievr in any dire'-t i ii
; e
!' the loiidv.'i
We are selling tires at a very low price, are ol
the highest qunlit' and guaranteed to give the bet or
service. Our stock of electrical noctures and supplies
is vell filled with attractive goods at right prices.
Do not forget that we recharge batteries, and that
our service department is the best. e arc keeping
two excellent mechanics for auto repair v.crk.
The Lumbsrg Garnge?
You Like -o Know
that the remains of the loved one
are resting safe from interruption.
W hile living the downy bed was i.'ot too cood a phice
for them to repose. Now the CONCRF.TF. X'AL'LT
will keep their remains secure. We have them over
the county for sale. Ycu'i! hi id the satisfaction alone
worth more than the cost. Most approved vault niHoe.
See Us for Ail Kinds of Cement Work
SVimer & ruber
f fcXi tr -" K
We repair all
makes of
Batteries, in fact
we conduct a
Service Station.
Free Tssiing!
Wa'er Sarvice Free!
Lester F. Wunderlieh?
In Basement of Auditorium, Nehawka, Nebraska
Fa r i
ir4l si S a ! R li kl- t? fV.i 6
Men s good vork shoes.
Ladies oxfords, in browns and blacks. Medium heel.
v hite canvas oxfords and pumps $2.00 r.nd ur
Children's play sand;ils. Full run of sizes. Prices low.
snisof hppjs! OnnarfQ
dSlfcbJ UPHbidS UiUbdiSd
Raspberries. Loganberries, Blueberries. Pitied Cherries,
and Blackberries for pie lor the Harvest.
Peaches, Apricots and Pineapple
on sale by the case.
Call for information and we wiii have your order ready.
14 2 Rings
143 Rings
iL-j e xt y
::tes t'.-.i : ::: iit .v: few tntint::: I
X' '.:a law .Ihii.e--citu. Jllit-..;. j
Kurr-n- Mid .Mi.- 'U-i. Thev have
( :i .-it ' i-rr ; : t hv purpose .f v- j
.ring vhe dispi::v :: i!i--e fiti:-.-
.:: :i tl.'l-lt:. .i y..;d ;:d v: - '
1 n. .
1 1.
. r . ! in 11 w :. .- !- ,k.:. ;
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c;" p;: 1. t
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.el A :: 'i -rs r. . w', '' -
in ,d ef !-
!. ; ' c :: " .
::.:: : vt '.-y ; .tc.---. f ': i
'a;;-'! M : . F. A ! . -
i:..::K X. 1 ' ! .. V -
- :: : S.-,;urd..y . !i:r! i:-
wi: h :i i- i :nr
1 !- :!, ! :: :'. t! 1;
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; i. : : i :i V,t ct ; r y ; : :!. t
ha'- n' ;.:-.:" "
-t i:t nsan-it-'er : h
..nti: M I '-.y.
1 1 r tr. lit r.i-T'. !i -v
- i, (n; nt - v 5 j t r in Xt -I
"; i 'I;;;, ;.i'r. rtt.K.n 1 -:
; V' .-.: A! !!N :i n.i h 1 - i
-n:. ..tin - !u - i n... : -
1 - ' v, ; t r v ; - ; c:
1 .i - . Vv es;i n 1 e:-. :i .
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!.;'. !. ;:!' -r
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? I.e v ;;!;,! Ill
t f k' ;( v - :. t i'-: ( -
we K p.
i. i ;
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! t t e ! t l ore (i pit"' ::.!.! :
M : - - ! :;:.el S' f u i 1 1
i ; ; : y .-
AuJ.-' !'
! - .. ert ; m
E;j Breaks Ann ' --; -
.-?. . :i yea o! s;.n o'." Mr. !,: i
K. .1. il:.l! Veti!'es'T.iy ;.: I
be ehi -Ken Lou-- wht-r-e lie v. ' )
I i :('. t !:e in i-for' i:nc t o . . .
' h i 1, -n".s !i i- !::'
' ).;e reiJllCetl !' -.ii'lit."
a r: 1 v i: i le t lie 1" y j
" t : i ,i ; k : ;it- iir. :
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if 1
l! i- li
..f-:ne e-ii!f .-i:
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Weie-Fct E:::i;.rts Wih An A.
'i" 1 : f y i- 1 : . ; 1 1 1 .. - 1
::;, ;. u.-'lhi;.- - .' .In !,..: ! 1
;nf i i-.v;-' ! :
. .-r. ?.! i-;-.- : !:.: ' I '-: t r-i ; i 1 r :
'.. ;-:.::- iii he ! 1; :.o".i! in AJs.'t-r::; .
. : ' -;. nr::-. A Ine I. ::?iir::iir'." u :
!'- t x nil j ( ; ai:'l n -t. t ir ' rn. .'! PI" "
: i I fdhlt.i;:. Ai ici.i-j 1 ;; Is enij! ry.
"i ;.e; w. re very i;.'-- Ten LtgrediC:::' s in T?.rJac
f! Uil!) t 1 " -t.U;iry A tl (J- i.ere -if., -.i 1:
mini: i .
T..-V I:"!'
l--l!'-(i : : r ; ri like-i v-
IMC. e;,c
in i'
v e y
:!i:- ;
ii 1 1;-
' t ;i : r -i:'rt v; s n- p. ace K j reeoirnizfd I ii :Ta -;.r if vili:-.
' ! iit:p(rtant i !. f r'(! i - :' Tt- n!:-.( . i ii
Icliswka I-Ifcr. Witness Bosirg; 3l?.tr-h j Kneveit.pedia uri -a.
A larue crtVf f ti:e p-opie ef "It ha- l.e-n t'le ifir'-i- tl.-
X'-h.:vi;.i w. re visiter?- .n the Kunrrii j v:;hiul.le tonic i..- : i'-:;.' : ii,;.-
in f " . r; : . u iiere t hi y viincss'1'! the! .-. r P-'n (ii?.c''V-n-'l
'-xinp t --ntes; 1 e: vet-n Andy S -hn:;;- !n r'-t'rinu ' ' r of t pe l -
-i (i ('-it' Ifli R . I'e'T- of t 'Yii "f ' ( t . 1 (, it- i'r ff .' i :i ' r '1 i -1 :" a ' : .' ' T 1
. T'::' y ii'.; . ! i vi -i ,i a taxi cu: of :i ; l i h i-Mitioit of ! '"t ier' :;:-;
. ,. t ! 'i'--: of Mr. '( c'arrt-M. vl-ii ': ear- a ?-!a!:.ii;rd ra !.".-;:! x: -h--oi . ;
jt'u-i j.,'. !'-.! " n AVliiit ('. AI. ( '1: ri-- j t i,a t "i !: hnpi! rt p.,- r.; -
4- . ... j ' ; --i-1'. Tl:oin:-s A! a .-on. Thomas A! a - ; s'. r-.;:' h ! o : e t: i i r -; -. n . . l.:i i e
': 1 1 ' I .-!i!;t-r. fii.'ien eyr.e. ' ir.- nil tirirar.-- j-.m! t:- -u
: I :
e . M-o i o
c .-1: '
' 1 1 : . -
! !' We.-:
!: n .- v, .:!:
' : ' ! - a . '. i i ' a 1 ;
. t t io.'Kiau
IK! Wl!;
a. w r
I ': ' my
f ; t r -i . as
ilj :;
' ; : j ? i v
X . i , ' i
"ifeat Market!
I'lMa.M: lil.-
V. I'., llalt.
.a i 5 :.
h .1
n : i.
t.v.rT.j n-.-.i -p .
ci avKa
T'.f i.e-A- Tord lawful lens. 50c
p;r "ir. T. H. Pollock Garage.
:i in 'h:- :.---u-a Mr. Wini
i u t c !!!. t i:;a wi: 'i a
; 1 all ' are !; ee-; 1 :. y a ' v
0'?Sf7 YgS YOl! fsf J ! Saii'v?.:- Commission Finds Telephone
Tliis same w eil-'-r - a ;::n!i"r'v 1 r
-r-ri ! i i; the ph ' ii i "a 1 ; ( ' : ;. .'
stiil another tf the in reii ;e;,t . i.;
Tanlac. wPkdi ir- of v;.'u-' in i r a ' -
iiiir vha! i.- e.i!:i:!i.r.!y hnov.-i- a ..
'"ru';-(to!; t . no; i ; i . ." ::m ;l;e !- :il e pre.-;- io:: .
"It is !:iii,ly -.- ! e.l In In.-1' .'" aj -
P'tite (:Hli!'- Ct'! V.: ie--(i '.( ;;.;,;
,'i eme liea-e.--."
There a r f r a 1 :
in Tanlac ii it h.
infii'.-Tiee npon i!..
n .'T h no i - 1 ; : ..
:, , -e. - j t,p.,n
'. 11. :
! .-.
1 !, a
!: M ". :
'tip ' n
We can i t t to "oj: job.
i thculi m -a -M-.c.rt time. K:-' t
t .....
j member our v.-crk and ma- ri'!ii:i;'! '
i . -i . i 1 '': '.T.t . i;
l icnais are i::c l.'C
Service Sufficient for Ship
pers Oraerinsr Cars.
i -Jil
111' ' I 1
p.i red hv 'iH!tirl-i..v.
a - i
na ! r r:s vi
the co
'a u ;
70 c;-:i-s i
-r i'.oiir -or wor.;
caa i; : u j ii . a, a : n
is os.'.r new low ch::rye.
Don't cJ-h''.
, ' ; a ;i-ia:.: li;r art o;a;i-r reiju: ;y!i;v
tat r.iii.oad fi I'eia-tail I eh
.- ' .t a; ..'a : W..h-;;-h ai. i i'an-
:.!. a. ! a.- c; ;;. el a ir. .s n : - aih-ire A'ianh v
C"iitlee ol' Liar-n .ir:rr ic.'.r L
cion Port io To-.t li le- r.s ' i
Hoitcrin- Ia-it--:al Co! jr..
i: . i I-
! f
a on ' .: a a '-..-!-. a
: ' e"' a : i) ;i , .... ; : . ; , ,, ;lr
V- a-'.r W .::! rlh-a ..:!
" v ! -..; 1 1.- a ai- aTi v.
SI; o...a ;:,! if:-;,. ;,r;
- : " r a 1 1 ': er- v
a k . .a ; '. i a ! a - o:
'Vi-:-; - - r 1 i -
I at cr ::.! :i:ai: :
I, . .-..;f-.v at Ii'. .
sii .-r an i: a ir easnnit. n i I N'.- i
a-Wa !.- !;. !- ' f a t ; . J
M'-H ri'-. i . ;,.;. kins. i;.--i- a- i
.M'l.t: A.- !.aaiv ai'.'i .ai-- v -"'-
i.. Pi'- r,. ;: i: ia-; Fr i, v - i
, 1 ' t
. i . : if
: ; !.:
1 1 i f ;
1 l a
i a re s-:v--c pv pa r: in.
i. ice 1
.. i.i i.::i:Wo,4l afai .s-afe.-
ree.-.m of : .o ii-"t a;n- in ,n
l.inei In. .Inly
II. Jr. vt p.m.. :
No. .; ol ! he aa-
". ca s rat a p. oi :
a n '.- 'osura ' a 1
i non
.. ai too;, v uj i i a 1 1 r a l 1-1 i
(ine-.v a a: Vaj " ' ; ..
?: t.e. .- . " "I" Ca..i. ... ..
rapa servi-e 1 1. - j ' " -
.if '-oes --a i "') ! ptfi to the Aa.tri,.,
! . r i: a
I !. .
t.t ... v in .tt.i'.a- ca-s or.ler
tsr:'' :ii --Mpjirnt nt. : ananm patr
lee ; ia-'-K
: t i -a - . : . .
t .
s -
"hc r-, iti iy
. vv a'- e.
r: N.-j 5-.- r.
LiJIif L-i ;d
1 1
t a ' a. ' .- til. . i : was a : a
nit-. .. 1 o. lel.-iifa J', i!i--;ni"it ii
: -aa-lv :. r, ;J av;
..- : a : ; ta. - a e a- ;.a n y .-.-it.v. eii t
.'.. 1. .-1 r ice i.- a. : li ii-ev a f
pt.r.;.!.-'l of tae 1 i!-.iO-s- a; t ';
li; !..a !ah-r v a i a 1 r a i 1
: aaoaint eii a ' t P.- i. a '
.. .. vt,... ;.,.(! til-- po.-l. -eh; jia -i a!' T 1 !
' u ' i-.rd Serine j.-ara-ie-. vi
i ...
. : colors --. ere i-ara.- -: n.
, tree' ;,i hint .. In. r.a '-iiaa
:.:r ';::er:ii2fa
Tinea3! to t!" v' Tr
your ad c-
p; t -1 i ' . .
.' r::PT-a"n-.1..
t f ryv
' a a :i
n I
1 1
i i
. i
aft r.- tar
: ; a ( : ; 1 ; i
E i
a i t i:a mTVI r,- to tae ".a . -
o-' t-::e!a-ive;.. ih- .so -,- -
i . ; ca to aalpp an.i Ine ra ai
I lea-- n is al - to ti'ke ea re of :aa-
LL.a f ; h i-ines.- i y aMi.tia- ! ::-'-, t; '.;.'
i.. . ! i; W't-ter. ahmwouil a: ! loun Ps -; l-.c
j Mi.-. A. !. S- ara: v a . has !,..,
t no- i!...-in'a at 1 af!a;rv. i .r s a i acre- ii i
1 1 t .in-", .aas :.a;..'. eii t.i !".- ex'en ; a;. ' ; a aa' laa-i.
as a -tie l a i a v e t 1 r. -a : '. i ; ; i ; . P "
is a: pre.-eit visjtip e ; t l,'m" ! en
j ! I !:'- fa ltrl.'ter
' jr of (n-a!i a.
I T:.-r ih :.- I.alo
a John V
a a; i a w
hey i;avinsr
'; ltHo nit alii' r-'iip j v(, ,,f x,
le n il al n
jn-t r.-cently
i t;aa.
WOT ! -.
eeiv- '
v k a ' -
V...1I1S- P". 'pi"
ohl a r inn her
a? i; are expec-iins? '
of m.a-.-e to their li
no her.-, t ;,- an.
.1 i t. 1 (' I
j j The rainy ('ay.- a-f t his aa.n.n; !
j hi'Vf hten ) alif ..'.. Tilt rain;.'!
' v-- ol :!!' v.i! ;.i:-r "anit . ;,i I Th y ,
v.ii : . -eo:.l ennly a 1 fairs 1
: !ia-e pravi'!' ! a9"H;ns th' r:.
la it. r cta n a: u.-r-rtsi: t u'th r!ie X -
jiawka I'-.nh if van -.:ive n 'ne. fa
j ii veil! thie vie.i ...-( r wi;en iroiinle
f i r : i I
r ;: ;-. (
la:..i. A
Al a- J mm
1 ail can
I. a- ;
h.i.,!. a.,"i
U fcr
c i..:f. ai
i!.-l a : ; 1
ca r r- on a : .
p : no h : i i iii'
a. lit 1 n. !-;'. e
ia'p -(.venie-'t -.
e.Mi ;.e f..ri:.e
a'uo ; ! a -an: - n
s 1 .". 1 - - ? i - r, r.
i t r.:ia-n, tri l y ;eP-e.rapa i i!s j
i .'y. ': :. "ailro.i,! .-a:0 - tin rf niaval
I v far e'en niy a.- w aa-.- Da iii '
x ieie.:raj i mat rumen i -
'lltiitt'l. vt'hile f,)- tilO.-a
:-!;:;. he i-istrunteiits til" va cc i-
j-;!i:.'lti: la a; the ran.; is po'essl
j to :- vi-e wae..--: fixei! hy t;.,.. y;:.r h-,-j
; ' r iioa ia!. ami .- nc!i n, an. as 'hi; i . j
tae iii.1- h.'pe 1 he Tea. I ire- ot ii:.1- .
: -. f-f : . : .. . xprtis- s.
: . .' ! ii; ' revenue fr"tn o":.
?n IP- -ft 'X C- ?: FT
. y .j. L "k fc.4 'S ' - i-w"
a i ; n
T ;'....,
a: '.,!
"al a Tel
': ii . or
f : in c. ..!
h i: -i ' .. a
: n t ra ; ;
-rap'i ("o.,
' valh
a. vaial H i
a !
t 'o
i " :
aaa a i-hm in di -m is-inir tiit
mt aavs:
- itaiized hv the Cwiinnisi
!l .... .. .'v.H.nt- c. a . . --, a. i m
Th. trhji have r-a-ei thiir new j p -P '4
-"!1 mach-:n.s vvhifh they ret-entlv. 9 I
J Tnrrhastd tiinuii the Chnlmer hro-! W Ciiii
a nr. nave a crntrac' i'.r the
of a well for Mr. Geon-e
aafa-iaii will ;,rise when lack !'!
j i-e" r:. p:. e; '--.i n; rein I service v : 1 tei
a very af ions iiad van tare : the
iePivn-'. t;f that town, hnt this pot' n
i tial situation can hardly he ;iii! ict nt
j tea-on fo- nskini? tile pr.hlic uiiiitv
. .- , e-- , ::r r- J - ;
- - --yJ , .AN r
'ai t:-
Of ccaree you expect 10 erect
i7oruneii 'lacrc eorrc .
Ou?" eefviec is cUvovr cliepooai-
' p - i ' ' T - i . i. rn, c . . .
licil jr near I.oiti.-eille. which car.-e vi'oat r 1 KAixO LArLIi t! continne to eive service rt a cos;
r hrr-aaefh ar.
, l-
4 '
:tni in the Jan it. .
Th. y stariel this nu.rninr, for , uia- ' (
eiHc to htKi:; thtir ran tract in sink-! ft J'1 "
ins th- wdi. ;Hal crahon
me th- wcii. ;nair ciaiion
Ohi' I.iiTolheiaa. is happy iniinQuar'
this time nor .n account of the e:;- 1 rC.
celhr:- run tf work, bit: Pecan.-. f Pint
;:::tr,f ;,na d:,,isr!:-;pic-m dish
i . . . ..... v, i i r i; :'. . ? i een sTien '
; o, no; iosa thnn ."?4eit a year ; e.c!i j
r-i (jp a.'l the ' .-he" th? srri-a i eceipts
-rf from .-'r rvi-e of those towns i:re !" -.-.
. . l.CO'than ont-tenth of Mint. Such a
c;rltiin cc-ild hardly he sustained even -I
. . . . . w-. , ;. tjie two utilities' inv. lived verp
25c' Mnancially prosperous as a while, but
he most of the tint" with a dni-rh-
-rjlnnder Ihe circuntstances now exi' t-
i!'ir fcvrj wei-Ks at th.e home of i3uiaaes ISC suleranlf linancial burden, the cun-
f-ic-.os in the west, where thev snent C . clusinn is not tenable at. all."
. v---JClo 4, , ,.,.,..,..1 l ,.. .
i ii. . i -.n . . Lr . urii.'.-i i ii e e - l l il t a is l
5c teleprsph service will become nom-l
1fr i"'l in the futuf? the commision says j
......... IXJL. .1 ("ipie'lfl llTtrn tile iteerl ititiiti r I
i i ... i . ,. i - 9 x. 'ir - . i . ,
i.'iwi " wnn ii rme looKin? nrcttv iear Deer, Jf)r ioc o: ine nai'.rnai wae conterence ne
rtor-.i to t!-.rm en tneir return.
Mi?-. Ftowe ol" York and a
cr of Mrs. if. R r,e't ar.d fanillv Cones . . .
of l"'lirTip" Tiliv :ire HI.-: no- lk o T 1
n est fine, but Tass n7l V... UnCOlI PP
. . a NT 1
s ware.
t ween railroad brotherhoods end rail
ad exec
( ounttt
U a
V a.! .yA.; .
4 :. "-ia '
l .
; ami rail- t r,n i. . i - ,
road execnMves with the K:irerr,mpr.t!rul WJ 131 el rrt;ra. lor lUlir fcw VVU vns. i wruvc:o.
Put in Your Orders for Fall Delivery. Inscrs'p-
frlrn.l ,F tP.-u H'. -jel Clr.,l n
-ili-cr with "her 'friend m Nehawka Nehaivka - Nebraska Ulank Books at- the Jonxaal Office, tions C-Uf- Gper-ial Ci th& fcirW!r& ttOi-Jt-
I- . . f