The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    SICKBAY. JUL? 11. 1321
Kitzel was in Lincoln Mmi-
of Lincoln, w;
Lincoln, wa-
l :i
i ii
Cr.iiin ivcii
Fa irbury.
to I. into!
visit -
ii on
. 1). Ciinz had business in Omaha
George I. Foreman was in Lincoln
Ilenrv Kot'lot's.
town Thursda.
An N. .Mv.-rs. of
town Thursday.
Miss Marie St roenn'r returned from
Lincoln Tuesdav.
Mr. and Mrs. (Jem
in Lincoln Monday.
(ifiirst- Frolieh. of
eil relatives here last
L. Lanritseti went
Thursday to get his
Weslev Uird visited relatives
Lincoln Saturilay and Sunday.
Mrs. Joe A i in st roil i: was a Lincoln
visitor the lure part of the v-ek.
Mr. Hull, of Uuskin. is here visit
ing his daughter. Mrs. L. Lanritseti.
Mr. and Mrs. S huyier Wolff visit
ed over Sunday with relatives here.
I'rof. .I.ii ifs Kinsiiii:T is sp-nd i n u
a few days with Mr. a ml Mrs. ('. I .
( Ja u.
J. A. Shatter .-peril Wednesday
night in South I'.end with Fred
Weaver and son-..
Klmer Kosemiw and Kdgar Ho
wards were l'!a t t.-nioiiT h visitors from
Sunday till Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs Verl I. nub. of I'ni-
versi'y I'lace vir-ited over the 4th I fun
with home liks lo-re twin
acfoiupanieil Lv their son and wifei .
and their daughter. Miss Anna, on an , BIG EROWN TENT WELL FILLED
to Klkhart. Indiana to visit
Mr and Mr
daughter Helen
Meadow With Il.llie.
KreiJ U'i ;iv-r. of Sou! I
ited ;i 1 1 J r-i.: v nigh! am
the J. A Shaffer h
Mi.-s Uolda Uird
Lincoln the tir-r of
short visit a ii Ii her
Mr and .'.I r.-. S. C
m e
, auto trip
relat ives.
John Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. K.
Ji. Friend were week-end visitors at
the home of their brother. Walter
Skinner and family, in Fremont. Miss
Lela Shelton accompanied them and
will remain ;1 Iew weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle en
tertained at dinner Sunday their
niece and husband. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Canzel. of Otoe; their brother,
1, II. Mickle. wife and children, of
lieiitoii. and Mr. and Mrs. .James
Carey, of Lincoln.
Mrs. Joe I'arsell received word
recently from Mrs. Harry Parsell. of
Shell Lake. Wisconsin. stating that
Harrys mother. Mrs. John I'arsell.
hail pai-seil away about two weeks
ami in Colorado, where she had been
residing with her dauuhter. Mrs.
James I'aterson. '
Ycrnou Coon celebrated his sixth
birthday July l.-t by having eight
of his playmates come in for a pic
nic supper winch had to ne serveu on
the porch on account of the rain.
Those present were John. Man and
Maurice Itrohst. Moris and Morthea
Coalman. Kul.i and Iva P.ird and
(Jerabline Mowery.
The country home of Irvia John
son was the scene of some lively
lat Friday afternoon. July 1st.
n nine of his little boy friends
nd j helped him to enjoy his lentli birth
atidav anniversary. At a time when
j boys usually yet hungry, his mother
I'.end. vis-; served a delicious lunch that would
I Sunday i.tihave pleased the appetite of any
boy. and which consisted of ice
from , cream, cake, bananas and oranges,
for a jThe boys were unanimous in their
I wishes for many happy returns of
- the day To Irvia
I In
4 1 ii
f Ul lle.i
ative, .
C. I I.
mm ;
t M.
;.i i.
I'.ov les ha ve f
cut visit with r
a in! l vert on.
I i
1!. Stroelller
Thursda v i.i
Mrs. Ned
of llenver.
and Friday
Sha Her.
Mr. .'! K. Stair, who
iting in Missouri and
turned imiiie recently.
Elevator Ready
Tile east elevator
ased to Lee Hill.
for Business
has recently been
of Lincoln, who
by her daughter,
of I'aol.i. Kauas
Carl Johnson ;
ville I n - witsoii
'if y to spend t lie
I'rof .1 K insi ng-r. A
and H. Moore spent lasl
. i.i rising at A-blind ; lmes down every day to look after
Shatter and son. Itoss. ; ,lsinss aIltl wMo nas secured Klbert
Colo.. viited Thursday I -p.. .. ,.i,!,,t ..... .... 1,1.1- fc-eorv.
one knows snort v lavior. ami in
him. Mr. Hill will find a most cap
able manager. When you want to
sell your grain, see him either for
prices or shipping reservations.
nd Mr-
J. A.!,
has lie. n vis
Kansas. re-accoinpaliied
Mrs. Jessie Mason.
nd family and l)r
auloed to I'awnee
we-k end wit h t he
What to Do When Bilious
father. Chas.
returning h
I ng werson
me after
Fourt h
M iss I Jpal 1 '00k was
I'ern Normai visit ing
with her parents. Sht
panied In Lincoln Monday
Irene Friend, who spent the
Mr an M r C t. Kasp I
week for Oaiaha. wliere thev
home from
over Sunday
was accom- no meats and lightly of other
food. Take three of Chamberlain's
1 Tablets to cleanse out your stomach
land tone up your liver. Do this and
'within a day or two you should be
feeling tine.
by Mi
la v
. ... . ....
I nignesi ca.-n prices pain 101 poiu
J try. eggs and cream. Move I'roduce
last . r-.. 1 . w -: -:li- fr.m fllipir
--II 1.1.-1 ('., o.r-o av frniii Clir 1
will be!0hri;.t furnit;i:-e" store, south 4tli
Dear Mr. Grain Grower!
I have purchased the elevator and good will of
the Farmers' Co-operative association of Alvo. See
us. or call phone 2420 before selling your grain.
Elbert Taylor, Resident Mgr.
Ki.-iii Saturday's Daily
Last evening the annual Chautau
qua was opened at. th:j big brown
lent on high school hill before a ,
very pleasing audience of the men ;
and women of the community who
were more than well repaid for their;
attendance in the excellence of the'
program given by the entertainers:
who were supplied by the Mutual-:
Kwell bureau. j
The tent is one that is very coin-'
fortable as the canvas seats are easy
and restful. The whole tent is en-'
closed by a tanvas fence that shuts
out the confusion that might be oo- j
cassioned by th- passerby and thej
committee has seen Jo it that there;
is 'plenty of. ice wafer on hand for'
the thirsty.
The attendance hu t evening prov- j
eil olio of the best opening audiences!
'that has been seen in the city and:
I I here was hardly a vacant seat in i
.the ten! when the program was
formally opened.
j The first numbers on the program!
; were given by the Warwick malej
' quartet, one of the most pleasing at-j
tractions of its kind that has ap-;
'pea red here in a long time and the'
excellent and well balanced program
of songs provided was much appre-j
ciated by the audience. The (juartet!
has cleverly combined the high stan-'
dard numbers and the lighter pupil- '
lar select k;iis and a lew original
stunts in the song line into a most
'pleasing program and one that holds
tiie closest interest of the audience.
Lach member of the ijuartet is an
artist in his own especial line and
more than pleases the audience wli'n
they appear before them. Their com
ic specialties were especially enjoy
able to the audience at evening.
Tile lecturer of the opening night
was Tom Corwine. well known plat
form star, and who was in his bed
tot torm at the tent last nigut. roiiick
, ing comedy as well as biting sarcasm
land clever wit characterizing the ef
forts of Mr. Corwine and his imita
tions of machinery as well as ani
mals were exceptionally clever and
entertaining and interposed among
these were several very pretty and
enjoyable musical numbers of the
l old time melodies, a great many of
ithetn being of the type so loved in
Mr. Corw due's native home in old
The program this afternoon and
tonight will be rully as pleasing as 1
that of the first night, consisting of
the l'.en Hur singers and players in J
new sonus. sketches. monologue-1, i
character songs and instrumental)
numbers, as well as Charles L. Fick-.'
lin. lecturer, who will have ;-s his l c-'
lur e for the afternoon. "P.ig Men of i
Tomorrow" and at the evening ses-j
sion "Keeping Top Things on Top."!
For the Sunday program the Gir-'
via uuartet. a company of trained'
j musicians, will be on hand to pleas.;
the music loving public, while Kich-i
lard K. Hut: lies, the lecturer, will al-!
so speak. I
Those who have not already got-'
ten the Clia ut a mi ua habit should get;
in line as it is a splendid opportunity
of enjoying the best of talent at a
very low figure.
From Thursday's Daily. 1
Mrs. William Kummrll and daugh
ter, Miss Florence, were among those
going to Omaha this morning to
visit with friends.
Mrs. Miles of Clcuwood.
who has bten visiting her mother.
Mrs. S. K. Kerr, returned this morn
ing to her home.
W. (I. Hoedeker. cashier of the
Murray State bank, was in the city
last evening for a few hours visit
ing with friends and looking after
ume matters of business.
Mrs. .ilary l'.raga of Sa ronient
b'.'cn here for a
it the home of her
and Mrs. H. V. Knurr,'
ariernoon tor, her home
California, who
few days visitln
cousins. Mr.
th-paried thi
in the west.
f-'ioin Friday's Dallv
Adolph Stei'nkanip of near Wabash.;
Dan Bourke and Fred Fleshtnan oi l
near Manley were among the visitors I
in the city today looking after some
matters at the . court house. j
Kdgar 1'eterseii departed this morn-!
ing in company with his sister. Mrs.
Frank Cook and children, for Ta-j
coma. Washington. Mrs. Conk audi
children have been here for the past I
few weeks visiting at the home of
.Mrs. Cook's parents, and or. their re-
turn. Kdgar decid d to enjoy th- tripj
to the west aid Will spend two wee I.
:- Republican
MJies wily
:i rURKTSH ! f DOMESTIC f -1 -
17T '
the quality cigarette
BECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this
one brand. Camels arc as good as it's pos
sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of
fine tobaccos to make a cigarette.
Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this
in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the
best cigarette it's possible to buy. Nothing is done
simply for show.
Take the Camel package for instance. It's the
most perfect packing science can devise to pro
tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper
secure foil wrapping revenue stamp to seal
the fold and make the package air-tight. But
there's nothing flashy about it. You 11 find
extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows.
Mr.-. Ceorge Olive and her moth
er. Mrs. Km ma I )e!i ha Kg !i. went in
Nebraska City this morning to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. M. K. Duff,
an old friend of Mrs. Detibaugh.
Jack Ilitehmau of Honolulu an!
his friend. Hen Detibaug!:. of New
York City are expected in Weening
ew nays
from N
They are
w Y o r k C
! r i v -t
v in
or ;
n-law. Mrs.
has been
will return
. v v. II t! ins
i day
si a y
son Ii
mui h-
: la
' water in a I
ing through
i It. s car
I Mrs. '. K. Kontie arrived
; night lrotu eiser. btano. t
wi ; i, her mot her-:
Koime. Mr. Loin.
. for some t inn- but
, a nd his i fe will st ,
I er for a t in. i'.
I Dan Switzer and
had been visiting her'
; i :'t Friday morning
'..t Kast Lake. Colora
:i ceotn pa n i d by Mi
, '.vim will make an
1 'oinrndo.
Robert, ti e io'itli-o!d son of Mr.
; a ; . i ..u s. f,mii Helming oi i .ouisvi lie.
; n:--t with a severe accident. While
jhis mother was ironing, lie crawled;
i into i ne aiijoinmg room and was
'standing there' playing with the bolt
in the hinge of 'he doorw;y. He
lipped down, run.iing the sharp end
through his left cheek.
children, who
for some t i me.
for their home
ido. They were
Je.-sie Haldwin.
xtended stav in
Such things do not improve the smoke any more
than premiums or coupons. And remember you
must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality.
If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest
cigarette you can imagine and one entirely free
from cigaretty aftertaste,
It's Camels for you.
k$? m ssj m feA M I
233 l
Winston-Salem, N.
(he bolt
tearing the flesh
hany w;is ni.-lled
Office, where the v
I and the little one
ible as possilile. At
to a
'.' o u 1 1 1 !
i: :
M .
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and gr?.de up otir grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
Be Fair to the Wife!
Do you realize that these days are rather warm
and to stand over a hot cook stove is worse than the
harvest field for there you can get a breath of fresh air.
vapor oil stove for the cooking during the excessively
hot weather? The patient wife, who is ever ready with
the meals will appreciate this stove, which will not make
the house so warm it is unhabitable.
Come, see the selection we carry,
Coalman Hardyare Company,
Inhaling the fumes
and white lead often
kidneys. That's one reason why so
mi. My painters have bad backs and
sick kidneys. Kxposure. freijuent
colds and chills and the strain of
climbing op and down ladders help
start the trouble.
If your back aches, if
strike you in the back
ing. lifting or v.orkinu: if you have
headaches, dizziness. r rheumatic
pains: if the urine is discolored or
passages painful and scanty. try
Poan's Kidney I'ills. the remedy so
widely u;-ed and so well recommend
ed by men in the painting trade.
Here's a I'lat tsmoiit h testimony:
M. Lauderbark. contractor, painter
and p.iper hanger. Locust street, says:
"I bail lumbago and kidney trouble
a few years ago. 1 believe the tur
pentine fumes from the paint is what
was responsible for it. I could hard
ly bend over or lift anything and I
couldn't even turn over in bed with
out help. I had no control over my
limbs, it seemed, and when I tried
to walk. I could not lift them, just
had to scurt' them along. My kid
neys acted irregularly; the secretions
were highly colored and pissed with
a burning sensation. I used Poan's
Kidney I'ills and before finishing the
first box. which 1 got at Kricke VC
Co's drug store. I felt better in every
way. I used in all three or four
boxes and they gave me tine relief.
I had another little attack this
spring, but I went to Poan's the first
thing and they straightened me out
again in quick order.
B"C at all dealers. Kosl er-M i I burn
Co.. Mfrs.. Puffalo. N. Y.
Washington. July In reply to
a letter from J. W. Harriman of the
llarritnaii National bank of New
York, saying that fully r.O per cent
of the bank's depositors "are clam
oring to know why congress does not
no sotneining with regard to the re
duction of taxation," Representative
Mondell. republican house leader, in
a letter tonight said that congress
was making as rapid progress as
could be expected and expressed the
opinion that the house would com
plete Its consideration of the tax bill
"not later than the middle of
c;j 1 1 in
badly. Til
jiL ysicia n s
was dre.-se
a:- coinfiTI
the little one is getting along
well as could be expected. Rob
is the grandson of Mr. ami Mrs.
arey. formerlv of this citv.
F. Hciieger and Miss Mae F.
're married Tuesday evening
clock ;,t the home of Mr. and
larcnce Skinner in Methanv bv
the li. v. Ja nes Sullivan. Mr. and
Mrs. Skinner who wen- old friends.
v.ere the only attendant:.. The happy
jcoeple arrived home this (Thursday)
iii.-mi and will make their home here
until after threshing is over, when
ifhey expect to make their home in
l!cthanv. This voung couple is well
I known to most i,f our readers, as
of t urpeiit ine t he y have up in the commun
weakens the'itv and have a host of friends to
wi.-ii them all the happiness possible
through their married life. The
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. Meneger. who are among our
prosperous farmers. The bride is the
j daughter ot Mrs. Kdith Allen ot our
.dial p pains city,
when stoop- j
Order Held Up Temporarily for In
crease of 100 Men to Go Into
Effect First of Week.
Man Members and Friends Enjoy
Program and Pleasant Evening
There Last Night.
Knun Saturilay ' l'aily.
Last evening, as has been the cus
tom of the membership of the Chris
tian church of Murray, they got to
gether for a pleasant evening. at the
church parlors, where they listened
to a most pleasing program, which
it hough impromptu, was one of ex
cellence and was enjoyed by the large
number of the people of Murray and
vicinity who had gathered on the
occasion. A number of iMatfsmouth
peo'de were also in attendance and
all were well pleased with the even
ing's entertainment.
Following the program the young
folks played games and it was im
possible for the older ones to re
Iraiii from the youthful activities.
So everyone gave way to the free
dom of the spirit of youth and had
a hilarious good time. Later the
members of the church board con
ferred regarding some business mat
ters of moment to the church organi-!
i':'iii Satur iny's Paiiy
The order from the general offices
of the L.iilington at Chicago for the
i c-insra!t inent of l'"i employes to
the payroll of the ships in this city
will go into effect the first of the
week is the announcement made this
morning from the office of William
Laird, superintendent of the shops
This order has been held up tem
porarily pending the result of the
conferencees at Chicago of the shop
craft leaders and the conditions now
being settled for the next few months
it is placer in effect.
In all f.f ihe departments there
will be small increases made with
The largest number being placed in
the freight car repair department
where the rolling stock is demand
ing immediate attention and it is
estimated that sixty or sixty-five of
the men will be placed at work there
as soon as the new forces go to work, i
Men who have already been ex
amined will be planed at work on
Monday mi t iling while those who j
have not yet been examined will re
port on Tuesday for their examina
tion and placed at work in the de
partments to which they have been
This is pleasing news to the peo
ple of the city and means that the
isurlington is to start in on their
plans to increase the working forces
over the system and place their rol
ling stock in the best of shape for
use on the road.
and it required a number of stitches
to close up the wound, but the pa
tient is feeding fairly v.e'.Ialtho the
arm is still stiff and sore from the
effects of the injury.
Kriim Saturday'5 Dally.
Late yesterday afternoon Fred W.
Sawyer and Martha Keece. both giv
ing their residence as Minneapolis.
were callers at the office
a to!
of Judge Allen J. Beeson
ing the necessary license were uni
ted in the bonds of wedlock by the
genial and accomodating judge. The
; ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. S.
m. Kayson and Hans Seivers. custo
dian of the court house.
i From Saturday's Drily.
William Morley -.'i wife of Avo
I ca were in the city 'yesterday f'r a
i few hours calling at the office of
i the District Court James M. Koberi
jFOTi. and while here made application
; for passports to visit England and
', France during the next few months.
! Mr. Morley has relatives residing in
: England whom he hasiot seen for
: y ears and they will also visit the
seen r-i scenes of the war .one in France and
spend several weeks there. They a re
! expecting to sail on or near August
i 3rd.
We do all klnas oi jod printing.
If 5rou want trood nrintinjr let us
i do your work. Best equipped job
j shop in southeastern Nebraska.
aturday, July 9th
Here's a corker for the money
Grown Make Lot No. 609
Fine Khaki, belted waist, 8 pockets, fly front, safely
pocket and flap. Guarantee slip in every pair.
See 5 th Street Window.
Henry Kettleson Falls Into Window
and Has Right Arm Eadly
Cut from Glass.
Kroi.i Saturday's Dally.
Henry Kettleson had a very close
call from a most serious accident
i vesterdav afternoon antl one that will
cause him a great deal of inconven
ience for some time at least. Mr.
Kettleson had been engaged in plas
tering the building at 0th and pearl
street occupied by the tire vulcan
izing plant and yesterday afternoon
late was engaged in cleaning some
of the plastering from one of the win
dows of the building and in doing
i sunereu tor years irom siom- so failed to nonce mat there was a
iacn irouiue unit trieu everyining i small hole in ine iioor just neneatli
Linda Harrod Endorses Cham
berlain's Tablets
Advertising is the life of trade.
heard of but the onlv relief I
i was temporary until lat spring I : gaged
iav.-. Chamberlain's Tablets adver- j wa re
tised and procured a bottle of them
from our druggist. I got immediate
relief from that dreadful heaviness
and pain in the stomach after eat
ing. Sinse taking two bottles I can
ieat anything I want without dis
tress." writes Mrs. Linda Harrod, of
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
the window- and as he was busily en-
he stepped into the hole jna
tnd in an instant was thrown
forward, the right arm passing thru
a section of the window that was
broken. The arm was severely lac
erated and one cf the arteries of the
arm had a clo?e call from beinb se
vered by the fragments of the bro
ken gla?s.
The injured arm. bled profusely
$q 48
Here's another good one
Superior Make Lot Ho, 214
LJghtwcight Khaki, full cut. Fly front, triple sewed
SO 48
Boy's Wash Knickers
Just Received!
$1.39 $1.49
See Street Case!
escott?s Sons