The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 07, 1921, Image 1

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    i:rbr?.EI, Sl'e Histori
cal So::etj
VOL. NO. xxxvn
NO. 102
Frm Tufsday's lally.
The greater part of the male popu
lation of P'lattsmouth. as well as the
vicinity of Louisville, were in Omaha
yesterday to witness the boxing ex
hibition between Captain P.ob Roper,
army champion ami Andy Schmader.
of Louisville, the champion of the
navy. Ami they were not disappoint
ed in the excellent card furnished by
the Omaha Legion post, which was
as good as any dished out to Nebras
ka tight fans in the past twenty
years. In every buit from tlie first
preliminary to the main event, the
contestants were evenly matched and
put up a pood exhibit iuii of the
manly sport. Much credit for this
is due Jake Isaacson. Legion athletic
director. w l. will give the fans some
real s:"es under the new state box
ine law which takes effect the latter
rart of this month. Praise is also
due Is;iac:.i.n for refusine to let thej
crowd "move up" as has frown to be
the cu.-toin at Omaha fmhts. When
man pays his god m.iiiey for a seat.'
he is eiitiiKd to it. and no fellow who
payi; $1 central admission is entitled!
to the one beside him. even thought
it may ! unc-upied. Our hat s on
to Jake Isaacson.
Rut getting back to the fieht. the
main event w as largely in favor of i
the army man. although Andy show
ed much improvement over his pre-!
vious encounters and few men could !
have stood the punishment that was,
meted out by Koper to the Cass conn- .
ty lad. but Sihmader. although at a!
disadvantage, remained until the
Cb)-e. j
While losinrr the decision on the'
fight, the show in? made by Andy wasj
most credible and it was simply aj
case of being outclassed by his op
In speaking of the bout, the World
Herald has the following comment:
Army Man Superior
"Andy Schmader has been waiting:
for a lour, time to fight a real heavy
weight and yesterday he got his
chance when be faced Captain Rob
K'.per ai the city auditorium. So
long has Andy been waiting that lie
was unprepared for a man of Rop
er's calibre and as a result took a
terrific beating at the hands of the
Chicago army man. who won the
referee's decision at the end of the
ten-round slaughter.
"Schmader was i.n match for Rop-,
er. Schmader was never in a posi
tion to give the fi.onu fans a hope
that he might win. It was Roper's
fight from the end of the first round
ami the Chicago fighter gave Oma-1
bans a nice exhibition of rintr work
at tlie expense of sdi ma ;I er. who
must be giver credit for the heal
ing he took throughout the ten
rounds. I
"The .tne surprising feature of the!
match was that Roper did not put J
home a knock out. lie hit Andy so.
swiftly and freely each round that)
it was impossible to keep count of
them. Roper wasted few punches!
and found Schniader's defense so
poor that ho hit with all the liberty
"Schniader's poor defense was the
cause of bis defeat. He was unable
to w ard off but a half dozen blows
during the fitht. Punch after punch
Roper rained to Schniader's face and,
stomach in (juiek rotation and with-J
out opposition. At the end of the
mill SchmadT's stomach looked like
a piece of chewed meat while his
face had several
bad cuts
which blood was
Schniader's left eye
fore the fight was
freely. I
was ciose
,1 i,e- '
half ended and
over the left
he had open cuts
eve and on the right
received when he
cheek which he
stopped terrific
lefts straight from
f houlder.
the captain's
Schmader Was Game
"Schmader nevertheless was game
and fought a losing uphill fight from
the first. Kt w other fighters would
have stood on their feet before the
barrage of blows that Roper sent to
him. Round after round he was los
ing ground but he stood toe to toe
with the army man until the final
two rounds when he began to hang
on to Roper.
"Recent fights of Schmader have
given the Louisville boy little op
portunity to extend himself or open
himself to punishment. He has been
winning all of his fights by knock
outs in the early rounds, being on
the of;ensie at all times and never
forced to offer defense. His defeat
does not leave him in the 'has been'
class, but with lots of lessons on de
fense and faster foot work he will
be ready for Roper again.
"Roper is one of the fastest heavy
weights ever appearing in a local
ring. From the first go?j ho was
on the offensive and jut as fresh
at the end of the program as be
was after the first round. He was
in perfect physical condition and re
quired no assistance in his corner
between rounds. His trainer, Ren
Smith, just wiped his body with a
towel and Roper waited until the
bell called him in again.
"Roper used both right x and left
hands with equal effectiveness. His
lefts straight from the shoulder were
evil ones for Schmader to take while
his right and left swings to Schmad
j er's stomach and ribs almost ren
dered the Louisville boy helpless.
Schmader lauded but twoood blows
on Roper during the fight. Bob's de
fence was too clever for the Louis
ville boy and his blovs were easily
warded off.
I "The decision was popular and
Roper won the whole crowd to him
. before the fight was over. Manv
Omahans expressed their desire to
see him in action here again soon.
Roper was entertained at a dance
at the Deitz club last night follow
ing the fight. He leaves for St.
Louis today with his manager, train
er and sparring partners where he
.will meet Martin Durke of New
Orleans next week.
Hammer Wins Bout
j "The semi-windup between Ever
' Hammer, of Chicago and Arlos Fan
ning was equally good. Hammer won
the decision over the younger Kan
i sus Cityan after ten rounds of ter
rific fighting on the parts of both
men. The decision was popular anJ
, well earned. Roth fought 'in'
throughout the mill, though Fanning
, tried to draw the Chicago man out
for some open fighting. Fanning
took the worst punishment from
Hammer's body and uppercuts but
put up a game fight and stood ready
I to exchange blows when Ihe final bell
; was sounded.
t "Turk Logan won the city light
weight championship by defeating
Happy Maloiie of the stout h side in
all of the six rounds.
"Young Bruno knocked out Tommy
Vaughn in the first round of a sched
uled iix round mill.
"The refereeing of Curley I'lrich
of St. Paul was most popular with
the big crowd.
"The Douglas county post of the
American Legion is to be ci edited
for th" program which was slaved
under its auspices. It was free from
setup", and stalling, with plenty of
action from the first to the last.
Kver thing went along in a hormon-
lous way and all received their
money's worth.
"Tlie Legion will clear about
?l.."Mi on the fiizht which will be
used for its employment fund and
helping needy Legion men."
Miss Marie 0'Donn.ell. of Omaha,
and Peter Gradoville of Platts
mouth are Married.
From Tuesday's ralty.
A very simple wedding that unit
ed the lives of Miss Marie O'Hnnnell.
of Omaha, and Mr. Peter Gradoville.
of this city. was celebrated this
morning at 11 o'clock at the office
of Judge M. Archer, in the city hall.
The wedding was very quiet, the
bridal couple being accompanied by
(leorge Krivanek and Thomas J.
Skoda, who witnessed the ceremony.
Following the wedding the bridal
party were entertained at luncheon
at the home of the parents of the
groom. Mr. and Mrs. John Gradoville
and at which the immediate family
were in attendance.
The newly weds departed this af
ternoon on a honeymoon trip to the
west, including Denver and other
points, and on their return will be
at home to their many friends in
this city.
The groom is well known here, he
having been prominently identified
with the musical circles of the city
and is also a former service man,
having been a soldier in the 127th
field artillery during Ihe world war
and has rii te his return home been
employed in the Burlington shops.
A voting man of the highest standing
and integrity he has a host of warm
who will join in wishing
the happiness in the world
n im all
in his good fortune in securing the
charming helpmate who will share
life's journey with him in the future.
The bride is a sister of William
O'Donnell of this city.
Krm Tuesday's rally.
Yesterday two former Plattsmouth
residents. Frank M. and Bert Sher
man, were in the city for the day
j looking over the scenes where they
'had spent their boyhood and renew
j ing acquaintances with the older res
idents with whom they were well
acquainted. These, two young men
lare sons of the late C. ,V. Sherman.
founder of the Plaltsmouth Journal
and it has been twenty years since
last they had visited the city, and be
ing at Glen w ood where they are hav
ing a monument placed at the grave
of their mother they decided to drop
over to the old home. They missed
many of the once familiar faces
among the old residents who have
gone on before and also much pleased
with the many improvements which
have been made in the old town since
the days of their residence here.
Both of the young men are still in
terested in the newspaper work. Berr
being with a paper at Lancaster.
Wisconsin, while Frank is at Chica
go w here he has interests in the new; -paper
Two high grade Red Polled bull ,
for sale. C. C. Barnard. Mynard.
j Neb., telephone 4022.
Buick Roadster of Ray Frans, of
Union. Demolished on Crossing
North of Nebraska City.
Last Friday afternoon while Ray
Frans, mayor of Union, accompanied
by Fred P.orne of that ula?e and his
aunt, Mrs. Elbert Queen, of Platts-
mouth were returning from Nebras
! ka City in Mr. Frans' Buick roadster.
they met with, a miraculous escape
from death w lien their car collided
with a train on the Missouri Pacific a
short distance north of Nebraska
As they neared the crossing they.
noticed on the opposite side of thej
track a load of hay. Mr. Frans look
ed at the signal which showed clear
track and made up his mind the
driver of the load of hay was wait-,
ijig for him lo cross. The occupants
kept their eyes on the track, and'
not until they had gotten to within
a short distance of the crossing did
t lit observe a thin cloud of smoke
coming from the cut at their right.
Mr. Frans immediately turned the
car up the bank at the side of tlie
road. which it partially mounted,
veeiiug its course forward over the
tdge ami down Ihe slope to the side
of the track, just as the locomotive
and one car had passed.
Three remaining cars struck the
auto, the first tearing away the hood
over the engine, the next catching
the left light and the third taking;!
the left front wheel. j
Mr. Borne received some bruises?
about the head when he was thrown
against the bows supporting the top,
Mr. Frans and his aunt. Mrs. Queen,'
were badly shaken up. but not ser-1
iouslv injured. The car was badly
demolished, but the occupants cor.
sider it most lucky they escaped
but such slight injuries in the
of probable death.
Mrs. Josie McCulley and Frank Sch
mader United in Wedlock
Now "At Home' Here
The wedding of two of the well
known young people of this city oc
curred on Saturday morning at tlie
Douglas county court house in Om
rha. when Mrs. Josie McCulley and
Mr. Frank Schmader were joined in
the bonds of wedlock.
The wedding was a very quiet one
as tlie young people decided to steal
a march on their many relatives and
friends in this city and vicinity and
making the trip to the metropolis,
were joined in marriage.
Yesterday the bridal party were
guests at a very elaborate w ed ding
dinner at tne home oi me ornie s
mother. Mrs. Frank K. Johnson, on
Wintersteen Hill and which was at
tended by the relatives and a few
friends from Omaha and Lincoln to
join in wishing tlie young people
well on their venture on the matri
monial sea.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmader will make
their home here for the present, as
they have not definitely decided on
a location for the future and are now
at home to their friends in this
Roth of the contracting parties
are well known here, the bride hav
ing spent her lifetime here while the
groom is one of the leading figures
in the athletic life of this portion of
the state, having been engaged for
a number of years in tlie wrestling
game and in which he secured a great
deal of prominence all over the state
and has participated in a great many
very interesting events in the differ
ent cities.
Their friends here will join in
wishing them success and happiness
in their new life.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday morning at the residence
cf Rev. A. G. Hollowell occured the
marriage of Miss Georgia I. Hull and
Wayn W. Wilson, both residing in
"Tne wej
the vicinity of Rock Bluff
ding was very simple and was wit
nessed by Gilbert Hull, brother of the
bride and Miss Audrey Willet, sister
of Mrs. Hollowell. At the conclusion
of the ceremony the young people re
turned to the home of the bride's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Hull,
where they are now making their
Both of the young people are well
known in their home locality and
their host of friends are joining in
wishing them a long and happy wed
ded life in the years to come.
The condition of Broyer Christ of
ihis city, who is at the Methodist
Hospital in uniana is reported as
snowing mucn improvement anu tne
family and friends are very much en-
couraged over the showing made in
the last few days by the patient, Mrs.
Christ has been at the hospital each
day with the husband and feels very
much encouraged by the progress
made in the condition of the patient.
We dn all kini or Jon prlnrtOK.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
1 Sunday morning Lillie, the nine
year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Lamphear of this city, was
taken to the University hospital in
Omaha, suffering from a very severe
attack of appendicitis. The patient
was in a very serious condition on
reaching the hospital as the append
ix had burst and it was necessary to
operate at once in the hope of giving
her relief. The operation seems to
have been successful and the patient
is now reported as doing as well as
could possibly be expected under the
Edward C. Ripple, Fiift Plattsmouth
Man to Die in Battle, to be
Shipped July? 15th.
Within the next month this city
and surrounding community will
have the opportunity or paying honor
t the memory of Edward C. Ripple,
first Platlimoiith man! killed in ac
tion in the world war;.
The message received by E. C.
Riple. father of the dead soldier boy.
Sunday, from the war idepartment at
Washington, stated t hit the body of
Edward would be hipped from
France July andfon its arrival
at Hoboken. the parents would be
notified of the time that it would
leave for this city.
Edward Ripple was one of the first
to enter the service of 4he nation af
ter the declaration of war against
Germany, having in jhompany with
a number of other Luis from Platts
mouth enlisted in CoJ I. of the old
:'.rd lown infantry. of'Glenwood. on
May 4. 1!U7.
The company of which Mr. Ripple
was a member, was made a part of
the lCSth infantry, it being muster
ed into federal service at Des Moines
in June. 1!U7. and from there was
dispatched to Camp Mills. New York,
and soon afterwards brigaded with
other outfits of the 41'nd or Rainbow
division, which was later to become
so noted in the annals of war.
The company of which Mr. Ripple
was a member arrived in England
December 1. 1917, and. on December left Tor France. On .February IS.
lit IS. the men entered the front line
trenches f,r service that was to ter
minate for the company only with
the signing of the armistice.
The death of Mr. Ripple occurred
on July l-1. 191$. when the Rainbow
division was tent in to take Hill 211!
on the Ourcq river, and in the face
of the defense of the Prussian guard
of the German army the Rainbow
troops drove them back, but the
Plattsmouth boy was among those
called upon to make the supreme
sacrifice for the cause of his country.
It is planned that the body on ar
rival here will be given the highest
I military honors and ihe services held
nn,jer no
auspices of the American
Legion post of this city. It has been
arranged that the services will be
held on a Sunday so as lo permit all
who desire to be in attendance and
to give the former service men a
greater chance to attend in a body
and in uniform.
Saturday evening Sheriff Quinton
was called out to the Platte bottom
where the action of two strangers
driving a car was noticed by the pas
sershy and threatened for a time to
prevent anyone else from driving
along the highway.. It seems that the
two men who gave their names as
George Brow n and W. H. Morrow had
partaken freely of some fluid that
supplied a great deal of kick and
which affected their vision to such
an extent that they were unable to
see the road and to them the high
way seemed double and they attempt
ed to keep on both of the roads with
tite result that other parties passing
them were put in peril of their lives.
On reaching here the two men were
placed in the county jail to rest up.
On arriving at the jail the men in
quired here they were surmising that
they were at the South Side station
hut missing the benign countenance
I ui v iiiei ill igp, lur it ai uru llldl lii:
1 were in Cass county. The two men
deposited $20 each with the sheriff
tor ineir appearance mis morning oni
when the hour for trial came they
were not in evidence and the funds
will go to the county strong box.
Sunday Col. and Mrs. Bates were
completely surprised by a visit from
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schemmerhorn, of
Collegs Springs. Iowa, and Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Pence, of Nodaway coun
ty. Mo., all of whom are cousins of
Mrs. Bates. The former is in business
at the college town, and Mr. Pence
is a prosperous young farmer. They
have not met for several years, and
all were raised together from child
hood. It was indeed a most happy
surprise, but coming as they did by
auto, ana having to return the same
evening, their visit was cut short by
a threatening storm. It was indeed a
I happy event, and all vowed that they
1 would visit oftener in the future, as
the distance between
and their home is only
70 miles by
We can furnish you blank books
most any kind at Journal office.
Eagles Win from Union 7 to 5 Sun
day and Lose to Weeping
Water 14 to 8 Monday
The Eagles base ball team of this
city, as the result of their Sunday
and Monday games drew a fifty-fifty
split, as thev won from the Union
team and dumped one at Mauley
yesterday to the Weeping Water
The Union game required ten in
nings to complete with the locals
holding the long end of the score
and was a very pretty exhibition of
the national pastime. Bill Mason
was the mound artist and Pete Her
(dd in the receiving station in this
battle and when the final result was
checked up the Eagles were able to
tally seven runs while the dwellers
along the Weeping Water creek had
annexed five of the scores. Hoback
and Hathaway did the battery work
for the" Union team and the players
of our neighboring city put up a first
class exhibition of base ball all the
way through.
S'esterday the wet condition of the
grounds here made playing with
Weeping Water here impossible and
accordingly Manager Barclay made
arrangements with the Mauley ball
team to play the contest there, as
their diamond is one of the best in
that part of the county and despite
the short notice of the game there
was a very large crowd in atten
dance. The Weeping Water team played
a good game, with Buckmaster and
Gradoville doing the battery work,
while Connors and Herold perform
ed the same job for the Eagles, but
the Weeping Water team was more
fortunate in the fielding as the er
rors checked on the Plattsmouth
team were costly and aided in the
score of 14 to 8 that the Weeping
Water team secured.
The umpiring was looked after by
O'Brien of Manley and the Eagles
were well pleased with his splendid
work with the indicator as well as
the excellent manner in which they
were treated by the Manley people
and the management of the local
team desires to thank the umpire
and the Manley people for the fine
way In which they were tieated
while in our neighboring city.
Louisville Scrapper Feels He Has the
Punch that Can Win Over
Captain Bob Roper.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Andv Schmader. Cass County's clev
er young padded glove artist, who'
lost the match at Omaha on the 4th, j
on points, is more than anxious for
a future meeting with Captain Bob
Roper, the winner of the Omaha bout.
Andy is feeling in the best of shape
after the severe gruelling that he un
derwent at the hands of Bob Roper
and aside from three slight cuts on
the face dees not show any indica
tion that he was through the long
and hard fought battle.
Before leaving Omaha for his home
Mr. Schmarder stated to the Omaha ;
newspaper representatives that he I
had secured knockouts from men who)
had stayed the limit with Roper. In j
speaking of the matter the sporting
department of the World-Herald
quotes Andy as follows: "I almost
had him out in the second, and I
am told I had him groggy in the
eighth. I shall continue training
with one thought in mind a return
bout with Roper. And when the match
takes place I promise Omaha fans to
put him away."
The. condition of John Wooster,
former resident of this city, but now
living near Reliance, South Dakota,
is reported as being somewhat im
proved over his previous condition.
Mr. Wooster's brothers. Frank and
Joe and sister, Mrs. W. F. Krisky
were at Reliance for a short time
looking after the brother and found
on their arrival there that he had
made some favorable changes over
that of a few weeks ago. It seems
that the patient has been suffering
for a number of years from hem
morhage of the stomach but it had
been thought that he was cured of
the affliction but the overwork of
caring for his farm of 400 acres had
brought on a renewed attack and
which forced him to take to his bed.
The relatives have returned home
and report that he is now much bet
ter. The crops in that country are I
excellent and especially on the farm 1
of Mr. Wooster.
We desire to express to our kind (
menus our ueepe.s appreciation or
the cordial support given the toy
'auto contest at the Fanger store and
I which made it possible for the suc
' cess that was secured. Finnice Gallo
way, Mrs. Galloway.
If you want good printing let us
do your work. Best equipped job
shop in southeastern Nebraska.
In the district court Saturday
afternoon the case of O. Lawrence
Siull vs Charles F. Richardson was
heard and the request of the plain
tiff for an injunction against the de
fendant to prevent his interfering
with the work of cultivating of corn
on the land of the plaintiff was grant
ed by Judge Beglev.
The case of tfie C. B. & Q. Rail
road vs Ira Stull, asking for an in
junction to prevent the defendant
from tresspassing on the property of
the plaintiff as also granted by the
Former Resident of This City and a
Veteran Employe of Burlington,
Passes Away in Missouri
After an illness covering the past
reveral years, Daniel B. Smith, form
er fort-man of the Burlington paint
shop in this city, passed away at the
home of his daughter. Mrs. Zella
Stiger, at Thayer, Missouri. Sunday
evening, and the body arrived this
morning on No. 15 over the Burling
ton for burial.
The services were held this after
noon at the First Methodist church,
of which the deceased and the mem
bers of his family have been mem
bers for a number of years. Rev. A.
V. Hunter conducted the services at
the church and at the grave the
members of Plattsmouth lodge No. C,
A. F. & A. M., held the ritualistic
service of their order over the de
parted brother.
The body was accompanied by the
daughter, Mrs. Stiver and a son.
George Smith, of Kansas City, and
the funeral party was met at the
Burlington station by an escort of
members of the Masonic order con
sisting of E. P. Lutz. L. B. Egen
berger. F. I. Busch. C. C. Despain,
E. A. Wurl. 11. F. Goos and Frank A.
Cloidt. The body was taken direct
to the church, where it lay in state
until the funeral hour at 2 o'clock.
Daniel B. Smith was seventy-three
years of age at the time of his death
and had been a resident of Platts
mouth since 1873, coming here as
a young man and entering the em
ploy of the Burlington with which
company he remained until a few
years ago when his advancing years
and failing health compelled his re
tirement from the service and since
which time he has been making his
home for the greater part of the
time in Missouri with his daughter.
A year ago the wife was called by
death and since that time Mr. Smith
has been growing more feeble in
health as he awaited the time until
the voice of the Master might call
him to his final reward and once
more unite him with the life com
panion whose going was such a se
vere blow to him.
During the years of his residence
here. Mr. Smith was foreman of the
Burlington paint shop for the great
er part of the time and was one of
the most faithful of the employes of
the company.
To mourn the loss of Mr. Smith
there remain five children: William
D. Smith, of this city; George Smith,
of Kansas City; Mrs. C. S. Tidd. of
Anaconda, Montana; Mrs. Zella Stig
er, of Thayer, Missouri and Ralph
Smith, of Tacoma, Washington.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
1 Jm ! .
jmmnimiiiii wrm-r TfiT immmimmtirwj
if m
if IN
We want you to think of the First Na
tional Bank as community headquarters where
you can come in at'any time for counsel and
advice regarding your financial problems,
where you ca n meet your friends and where
you are always sure of willing, considerate
and friendly banking service.
This bank is big enough to provide com
plete banking service, but will never be too
big to know its patrons as friends and fellow-citizens.
The First national bank
Ea relay Cafe Will be One of Neatest
in tLe State when Ready for
Reopening at Early Date
From Wednesday's Dally.
The decorators and painters have
been v'ery busy on the interior of the
Barclay cafe lor the last week and
tlie result is one that is mott pleas
ing to tlie proprietor of the cafe. Mr.
William Barclay ;.s well a- the public
who have ihe opportunity of viewing
the dining room and kitchen.
The c;.le lias been ihoioghiy over
hauled and brightened up. from the
Iront to the rear of the building and
is now spic and .pan in new paint
and paper and with the addition of
several much needed improvements.
The dining room has been papered
in a fawn color, with large paio-lings
in which beautiful sceni - efUcts have
been placed and which bud a pleas
ing ton. h to the general neatness of
the room. The talles have been all
retouched and varni-hel .nid as well
as the lunch counter where many
hundred of customers are wont to
enjoy their repast. The wood work
of the dining room has ) en finished
in white of spoilt--, hue and makes
a pleasant pari of the decorative
In the dining room a large g::s arc
light lias been placed t'.iat will serve
in case the eier-tric service is n; r
operating and a large gas light has
also been placed in the kitchen.
The celling of the dining room as
well as the kitchen has been furn
ished in light fawn color and is a hue
that gives the mot possible light ti
the room and completes the every ar
tistic combination of Color on the
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay can well feel
proud of their establishment a- it is
as attractive a cafe as cm be found
in any smaller cities -if the state.
The work on the cafe has been at
tended to bv Herb Cor ton and his
force of workmen in a tine manner
that deserves a grtat of credit.
The residents along certain parts
of the main street have allowed small
weed groths to get a start along the
edges of the curbing and the walks
and in a number of cases this grew
to be quite a crop and so much so
that it attracted the attention of the
city councilmen and they at once
got busy to have the offending weeds
removed. Councilman Jack Brittain
was on the job last evening lining
up the property owners en the south
side of the street and thus the har
vest of weeds occured. It has improv
ed the appearance of the street a
great deal and care should be taken
to see that the offending weeds are.
kept clear of the walks.
From "Wednesda y's Dallv.
This morning Morgan Waybricht
dparted for Lincoln where he will
rpend a short time with his brother.
Will Waybright. who has recently
suffered a paralytic stroke that has
mrule his condition very serious and
while the brother is here frnm Los
Angelec. enjoying a viuit with rela
tives in this city he will take the
occasion to eniny a short visit with
the ailing brother.
Blank Books at the Journal OiTicc
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