The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MONDAY. JULY 4, 1921
4. - 4 0 . V x " J
rlalce the 4th
as Cool as
CLOTHCft AFT .. ...... CI r.IHI 1
Be well-groomed, envied
by the perspiringly wilted
feel right in a'
Palm Beach
They come in dark as
well as light shades
readily washed or dry
cleaned, and are tailored
as smartly as the costly
woolens. For your days
outing and the remainder of the summer
$10 to $24
Office of
of Cass County
Plattsmouth. Neb.,
June 14, 1921.
County Board of Equalization met
as per statute and as advertised in
all county papers. Present, C. F.
Harris, Fred H. Gorder and George
L. Farley. County Commissioners-;
Wm. Ruinmel. County Assessor and
Geo. II. Sayles, County Clerk.
Valuations of precincts consider
Wednesday. June 15. ID
Hoard met in continued session.
All members present. Precinct valu-
1 ations were considered and no
clianges found necessary.
We have some ley
dozen. soft collars in
it i h, madras ar.d
li(lucs--ocid and ends
--formerly priced at
J5c and 50c; while
they last, 2 for 25c.
Sizes 13 1-2 to 16.
Don 't deprive your
self of a cool silk shirt
for this day of days.
You can buy them at
one-half the price
you paid lastsummer.
All silk, crepe or Jer
sey $0.50 and $7.50.
Mis. I.ii.t'a Ha n od Eiuloises Cham
berlain's Tablets
a h inMiM
r-n I'nr i'ioi.i sfom-
and I rifl e ! . t ii in:- I
A ; s
ti .-.!
t i ('ill
r. It.
i r -
t. mj
:i !: -I
!' Y
an vt 1
. " V
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;:.-v l:'
i' . rl .il:
tl rdi lei
. :i?'gi
il:..t i::
. takiu
hing I
r; i s .'
-1 I t n
. t Wo
w a lit
lr . I.i.i
V r -ii -l" 1 got
l:i: 1 spring 1
."; adver
! .ill.- ..1" them
in !.i"d i:. I
lifil heaviness
:i h utter e.t-
bottles i can
it hunt dis
l:i li.irriid. of
Judge LI. S Ramsey, former judge
of thi' second judicial district, lias
' l.-en very poorly at liis home in this
j ity for the past few days and today
;his condition is most serious and it
(is apparent that the Judge will
1 probably never lie able to be up and
J around again and at least will never
i be able to resume his former activi
st w... f Judge Uaiii'ey lives until
. the 4th of July, he will pass his
iwiitv-: event h hi rt hdav.
Thursday, June 1 ti. 1021.
Hoard met in continued session.
All members present. The following
complaints were considered :
James Stander, building. Ixt 171.
Louisville. - Reduced to $3,050.
James Stander, Lot 15S, Louis
ville. Reduced to $150.
I'. C. Stander. dwelling. Lots G7
68. Louisville. No change..
P. C. Stander. Lot 139, Louisville.
No change
Augusta Martens, dwelling. Lots
1 and 2. Rlock 52. Plattsmouth. Re
duced to IS 00.
Kd lonat. improvements. Lots 1.
2. 3 and 4. Hlock 25. Dukes Add. to
Plattsmouth. No change.
Kd Donat. building, east 2 1 fct.
Lot 12. Hlock 29. Plattsmouth. Re
duced to $0,500.
Alexander Clark, lots and building.
center 4 4 feet. Lots 1 and 2. Rloei
20. Plattsmouth. Reduced to $7,750
L. J. Rateshevik. Lots 11 and 12
Hlock 27. Plattsmouth. Reduced to
Louis llorsak. Iit 57. Out Lots to
Plattsmouth. Reduced to $720.
II. C. Backemeyer. NW'j Sec. 7-11-10.
Reduced to J14.S40.
Louise Spies, dwelling. Lots 3 and
4, Hlock 1. Young & Hays Add. to
Plattsmouth. No change.
I Lot 3. Block 33, Plattsmouth. No
L. B. Egenberger. Lot 11, Block
33. Plattsmouth. Reduced to $1,200.
L. B. Egenberger. Lot 12, Block
33. Plattsmouth. Reduced to .?S00.
Knights of Columbus, part Lots 1
ami 2, Block 42, Plal tsmouth. No
Knights of Columbus", improvement
on same, lots. Reduced to $2,000.
Knights of Columbus, assessment
on personal property. No change.
F. E. Card. W ' ' NW'i. Section 30
12-9. Reduced to $S.0o0.
F. K. Card. N ' SW'i, Section 30-
12-9. Reduced to
Metropolitan Ile;.it Co., Lots 1
and 3. Block 30. Plattsmouth. No
change as the complaint should hav
been filed with the HI20 board.
The Board .adjourned to moot nt
the call of the Comuv Clerk.
Clerk of Board.
Office of
of Cass County
Plat tmouth. Neb.,
June 20, 1921.
Hoaru met m regular vesson.
Present F. F. Harris. Fred II. Col
der and tieorge I .. I arley. ( ountv
Commissioners; (J.-o. R. Sayl.
County 'lerk.
Minutes of la t session read and
approved, when the following busi
ness was transacted i:i rei-ular foini
Refund Rejected
Mater of refund of part of $123.5:
1020 real estate tax paid June L
1 J 2 1 . receipt No. Nulls, by YVn:. L"d
dy. coiiMiiireii nv the tioarti and re-
luml rejected.
- Motbtrs' Pension
.Mot tiers pensions renewett r
granted by order of Count v .Tudgn A
J. Beeson: Mrs. Birdie Hicks. N
nawKa; Mrs. .Minnie .Mason, tireen
wood; Mrs. Fannie N'khols. Green
wood; Mrs. Sophia Mayiield. Piatts
mouth; Mrs. Esther ll. neger, t -p
ijig Water.
Claims Allowed
The fdlowi!i:; e;,inis were allow
Pollard Bros., road work in
road district No. 13
P. C. Patterson, road work in
road district No. 27
H. A. Funke, lumber and
posts, road district 3
R. I). Feutiman, road work
in road district 15
John Richardson, road work
in road distrir-t Xo. 1
Nehr, Iowa Steel Tank Co.,
I culverts. 2 bands, road dis
trict No. 15
front wheel
di-trirt 7
work, rojid
. one
Win. Gehr!
for grade:
Ira Barker
district No. 3
Village of Greenwood
porlioti road money
district N'o. 20
St oh 1 man Hardware Co., for
nnbe. to road district No. 3
S. S. Peterson, repairs to road
di-tfict Xo. 5
Oscar Bowler, road work in
road district No. 14
road work in
No. 1
road work in
No. 1;
road work in
No. 11
road work
No. 10
1 05.52
road 00.00
one culvert, road district 15,
claim No. 12425 116.44
Nehr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.,
one culvert, road district
No. 8, claim No. 12547 62.80
Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co.,
fourteen culverts, road dis
tricts 11, 12, 12, claim No.
12548 454.88
Nehr. Culvert .'i Mfg. Co.,
one culvert, road district
No. 14. claim No. 12549 29.11
Nebr. -(.'ill vert & Mfg. Co.,
twelve culverts, road district
No. 1, claim No. 12550 644.45
Nehr. Culvert - Mfg. Co.,
three culverts, road district
No. 15, claim No. 12551
.Wbr. Culvert & Mfg Co.,
one band, road district No.
12, claim No. 12596
Roger Reeve,
road district
C;t1 Rodawav,
road di-trict
.1. C. Nidav.
road district
J. E. Lancaster,
in road district
6.-1 i
The Board adjourned to meet on
1.00 Tuesday, June 21st, 1921.
I (Attest)
County Clerk.
50.00 per year as provided
at the discretion of the
9.0 0
Frans Bros. Lumber Co.. lum
ber ami h-.ih, road di-trict
.-. o
'. C.
R. A.
R. A.
J. W.
r ad
pa i rs
1 I
d ist rict
, road work in
No. 1
road work in
No. I
road work in
No. 4
Keil. , road work in
di-trict No. 2
Culv. Mfg. Co.. re
lor Little We-tern
r. road district No. 14
Lumber A: Coal Co.,
'..4 0
1 o.5o
4 9.40
1 0!.
CO l" NT Y
21, 1921.
Office of
Cass County
Plattsmouth, Neb.,
June 21, 1921.
as per adjournment.
Harris, Fred II. Gor
. Farley, County Com-G-eo.
R. Sayles, Couu-
luuiber to road di trict 1
Henrv Snell. for lumber and
bridge work, road dist. 9$
H. A. Funke. lumber
A. F. Sturm, lumber to road
.'9.4 0
woriv in
Phone 2.S9-J.
If yon hai
v.ant lo bu,
S.-'i Ulliof , p1l!lO
e anvtnui lo
don't overlook
sell, or
a want-
lis.-Ill .
Will :
all c:o
condition. Foot feed, spot
etc. Taken in on furniture.
Ii for $225.00. 10'r off for
hone 645-2 rings.
?J in 1'ir D.iilv Journal.
Rlank Rooks at the Journal Office.
Friday. June 17. 1921.
Board met in continued session.
All members present. Complaints
considered but action on same de
ferred for inspection of property.
Board adjourned to meet on Tues
day, June 21st. 1921.
Clerk of Board.
Plattsmouth. Neb..
June 21. 1921.
Board met as per adjournment.
All members present. The following
complaints were considered:
Win. Leddy. NIC '4 Sec. 21-12-1.
Reduced to $10,000.
W. A. Cleghorn. Lots 11. 13 and
27. SV4 NW4, Sec. 22-12-11. Re
duced to $S00.
L. B. Egenbcrger, one-half of
rt ini fa
( a
i r
v- -
' "
!. ,:: ,
.' : I ; 1 I
) ! I i L
Correctly Styled
LASHION never favors the uncorsered figure,
but approve a finely moulded form which fol
lows natural body lines. Our cool, supple Corsets
do just this. '
$1.50 to $4.50
listed :
'I N I)
corn at '
? II.
A brdsniers of brocaded
sa'in finished at the top with
real filet.
The corset features a rubber Insert
at each' aide. Low busted.
MODDL 320.
Summer Brassieres!
Brassieres cannot be chosen like hosiery
merely by a size. A great number of models en
ables us to give you a Brassiere suited to your in
dividual figure.
50c to $3.25
Cool Athletic Underwear
Frills arc- pretty, but they are non-essentials, which
comloi t-seeking women eliminate on warm days. Of fine
nainsook, tailored to fir, Athletic Underwear is coolest.
$1.50 to $2.85
A Good Quality of Goods
at a Low Price.
Call Phones No. 53, 54
and 144
ed on various funds a
Joseph jweii. sheilin
county farm
C. I). Quinton. salary, ini'e
aue. hoarding pris-mers and
L. B. A ppleni.i n. for
Greenwood precinct. I'21 o2 !..".(
Cloidt Lumber & Coal Co.,
coal to Roy Covert tl.2;
Bach V- Libt-rshal, proi.-ious
to llra.-kv ;..0u
K. B. PrtfC. Co.. supplies for
May. claim No. S! 12i.2 1
Cudahy Packiim Co.. supplies
to court house IS. 4"
E. J. Richey. lath to the
county farm l.So
Russell Wasley. helpii; jan
itor 2.4 0
J. M. Teen irileu. Work on
school redo t rict in?: Coin 20.::t.
Bach At Libershal. proviiius
to Lee. May, 1921 1-2.00
Ambler Bros., provisions to
Brown. March, A ;!. 1921- l.0n
E. A. Wtir!. pro isions lo
Monroe. Ma v. 1921 7.0 0
Nehr. tins ,i Electric Co.. ic
book No. 4 2." to court house 20. (tn
Br. E. II. Worthmau, sey-vice
tt county patients 42.00
. II. Lewis, haulm.; 2 load
of rubbish
Geo. L. Farlev, salarv and
mileage to June :'o. l!2l- lOS.'.n
Milbum K- Scott. I. -al blanks
to coiinty so p.-r in i erui':i t
Nebr. Gas & Eiec. Co.. service
to court house. jail illid
county farm, .May. -!921 20.41
J. H and .Mr-. Tarns, salary
tor Mav. 1921 17".0ii
Ered Patterson, office work
on records. June. 1921 S9.20
Omaha Printini: Co. supplies
to county assessor and coun
ty superintendent, elaini No.
al22 LSI
1'estor A!- Swatek, unlse. to
county farm
J. Halt & Son. mdse. to coun-
tv farm 2S.20
Ambler Bros., provisions to
lMiffield. May, 19L'l 7.89
1. B. Esenberer, mdse. to
sheriff. Kuschinsky and La-
hoda fi4..r.O
Nehr. Blue Print A- Supply
Co., one transit bubble lo
McKcp 2.15
Walter Byers. crader man,,
June, 1921 $ f.2.10
B: l Wiles, posts, R. D. 1 100.00
Stroml - Co., service, claim
No. 1SS 20.00
Stroud Co.. tractor repairs,
claim No. 1S1 S9.22
Standard Oil Co., balance due
a. 00
4. so
2 4.70
1 S 1 . 1 0
4 4.00
1 Lot)
on old account
Second District
J. D. Adams Co., one ll foot
blade $ 10.00
A. F. Sturm, lumber to road
district No. 11-12-1:. 71.20
Stroud & Co., service, claim
No. 1SS 10.00
Robert Willis. mdse. and
labor 20. S7
Standard Oil Co., balance due
on old account 19'. It!
Wm. Burbee, oil for heavy
gang 7.00
Third District
Chas. Frohlich, road fjradinff-9
Glenn Atchison, road irradins:
E. R. 1 'inland, road pradiuK
Stroud & Co., service, claim
No. 1SS ,
J. A. Lenard. labor on trac
tor and grader 19.00
O. P. Freman. road work in
road district No. fi 21. GO
Wm. Atchison, graderinan, II.
G. No. 3 71.20
A. A. Wallinger, engineer, II.
G. No. 3
Standard Oil Co., balance due
, on old account
B. L. Coffman. fill in tube.
road district No. 12 ?
J J. A. Lenard, labor on scraper
Henry Snell, road work in
road district No. 9 16.50
district- 11-12-13 23C30
Ira Parker, brid
road district No. 3
v S. Peterson. hridi:
pairs, road district No.
"m. Oliver, bridge piling
toiler Ret-ve. bridge work in
road di-trirt No. 10
"::rl Rodawav. briilge work,
road district No 10
P. C. Patterson, iiridue work
road district No. - 7
shiand Lumber Co., luiuber
to fo?.d district Xo. 4
-"tohlnian Hardware Co., for
Iianhviiro and lumber
loid! Lumber & Coal Co.,
lumber io road district 27
lohn .Mnriev. lumber for
bridge near Eagle
!:,ul Judkins. spikes for
bridge near Eagle
i . .1. sirci'n-r. iiriuge -,vorK
Dick White, hridue work
llenrv Snell. drai-iiing roads
ii .road 1 ist r i t No. 9 ?
Pollard Ero-, dragging roads
in road district No. 13
ieo. .stmii's. dragging roans
in road district No. 27 5.25
Frank Grauf. ilranging' roads
in road district No. 27 7.50
. C. Patterson, for dragging
toads, road (iistrict No. 27 23.25
W. A. Wheeler, for dragging
roads, road district No. 27 C00
( einral Bridge ( (instruct n
Co.. S'3r" concrete pipe.
road district No. 12 25.92
V. S. Jordan, dragging roads
in road district No. I 15.00
Robert Shrader. for dragging
roads, road district No. 27 4.50
R. A. Talbot, dragging roads
n road district No. 1 3.90
toltn Richardson, lor drag
ging roads, road dist. Xo. 1 13.50
Earl Talbot, dragging roads.
road district No. 4 9.00
Will Lohnes, dragging roads.
road district No. i 12.94
Win. Wendt. dragging roads.
road district No. 12.00
A. A. Scl'oe!ii;:ii. for dragging
roads, road district No. 3 2S.SS
I. W. Bird, dragging roads.
road district No. It! 7.50
Ira Parker, dragging roads.
road distrof No. 3 20.00
('has. Frolich. dragging roads
in road district No. 1 (! 1CS7
I. G. Lohnes. dragging roads
in road, dist rict No. 2 COO
. A. P.e-ack, dragging roads
in road (iistrict No. 3 15.00
lohn lieil. dragging ro?ids in
road district No. 3 5.00
A. !. Schoeiuan. dragging j
roads in road district No. 3 5.t"0
W. A. Wheeler, for dragging
roads, road district No. D. 7.S
It. R. Alden. dragging roads.
road (Iistrict No. 1 '! 15.75
I. E. Lancaster, for dragging
roads, road district No. 10 11.40
Rnltz Meisiuger. for dragging
roads, road district No 2 9.80
R. H. Ibiirv. dragging road
road district No. 10
A. C. Pickering, for dragging
roads, road district No. 2
Louis Keil. dragging roads.
road district No. 2
Earl Talbot, dragging roads.
road district No. 4
II. P. Long, dragging roads,
road district No. 4
R. B. LefHer. for
roads, road district No. 13 13.50
Claude R. Hixon. dragging
roads, road district No. 1 24.75
C. C. Barnard, for dragging
roads, road district No. 1 14.20
R. M. Beck, dragging roads,
road district No. 14 2.50
Cleveland Tractor Co.. pis
ton and rings, road dist. 10 14.2S
G. P. Foreman, for dragging
roads, road district No. fi 41.25
Will Hofman, for dragging
roads, road district No. lt! S.25
J. E. Kleiser, for dragging
roads, road district No. 4
F. R. I'drd. dragging roads in
road district No. 10
Martin Lohne. for dragging
roads, road district No. 2
Joe Vickers. dragging roads,
road district No. 10
.T. W. Keil. dragging roads in
road district No. 2
Nebr. Culvert fc Mfg. Co..
four bands, road district No.
1 elaini N'o. 12422. 7.53
Nebr. Culvert & M.fgT.
Board met
Pre-ent, C. F.
d r a lid Geo. I.
luissioneru ami
tv Clerk.
The following business was trans
acted in regular form:
Tax Refund
Mat tor of refund of tax amounting
to $21.01 for the years 1915 to 1920,
inclusive, paid under protest by the
Chicago Burlington & Quincy Rail
way tJo., June 21, 1921, for reason
of double taxation on Lot 1 and
Sub Lot 1, of Lots 6, 7. S. 10, 11, 12,
13 and 14, Sec. 11-12-10, considered
by the Board and County Treasurer
authorized to refund said tax.
Clerk of County Court
County Judge A. J. Beeson filed
notice of appointment of Lillian
White as Clerk of the County Court
and requested that the salary be fix
ed at $1,2
by statute,
The Board approved the appoint
ment and fixed the salary at $1,080.
00 per year.
Bills Allowed
The following claims were audited
and allowed on the various funds as
Monarch Eng. Co., part pay
for bridge No. 5, north of
Sec. 2, 8 Mile Grove pet. $500.00
Monarch Eng. Co., part pay
for bridge No. 6, between
Sections 9 and 10, 8 Mile
Grove pet. 500.00
Monarch Eng. Co., part pay
for cement box No. 27, at
Leffler's, Weeping Water 400.00
Monarch Eng. Co., part pay
for- cement box No. 16, on
O street road, Chappel 400.00
Second District
Robt. McCleery, cement work,
road districts 8 and 13 $200.00
The Board adjourned to meet on
Tuesday, July 5th. 1921.
(Attest )
County Clerk.
7 I
Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt is
unable to be about.
David Brann was called to Platts
mouth on business last week.
Charles Gerlach was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
Eli Keckb-r was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
last Thursday.
Mrs. Jake Iodines and children, of
Weeding Water, were visiting in
Man ley last w eek.
Adolph Steinkamp has been kept
pretty busy driving the binder while
the boys did the rest.
Miss Margaret O'Leary has been
ill the past week and is not much
improved at this writing.
Joseph .Murphy, son of James Mur
phy and wife, has been visiting with
relatives here during the past week.
Louis Keikler made a business trip
to Omaha last week, bringing home
a truck load of freight for the local
Roland Coon was looking after
mine business matters in Weeping
Water last Wednesday, driving over
in l is auto.
Mrs. A. II. Humble, who has been
visiting relatives in Kansas City for
some time past, retuiied home Satur
day morning.
Misses Raniona Frost and Rachel
I'lej Chilian spent the fore part of
the week at the Fred Lauritson home
east of town.
Clyde Jenkins and wife of Weep
ing Water visited friends and rel
i tives in and near Mauley one even
ing last week.
Mrs. Fb ischnian and children, who
have been visiting here for some
time, returned Monday to their home
at Nebraska City.
The Farmers elevator is being
given a coat of galvanized iron, the
work being- done by John Fleisch
man and Eli Keckler.,
E. A. Burns and family of Platts
mouth visited in Manley last Thurs
dav evening. at the home of his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns.
Rudolph Bergman and Edward
Kelly were in Omaha last Monday,
and while there they visited with
Tbeo Harms at the Swedish Emanuel
Ralph Keckler, his mother, Mrs.
Thomas Keckler and Miss Alice
Harms were in Omaha one day last
week, where Miss Harms visited her
father at the hospital.
Many of the Manley people have
'been going to the sand pits near
(Weeping Water for a swim. A. H.
Humble. Wm. Ileebner ana . it.
Fro.d were over Friday evening
,tm mouth and Manley a
iday, in which Manley
week ago Sun,
was victorious.
They went via Louisville and got
through before the rain.
Miss Lottte Koop, of Louisville,
visited at the home of her sister,
Mrs. R. Bergman, several days dur
ing the past week. Miss Koop was
one of the instructors in. the Omaha
public schools last year.
Herman Ball was in visitor in
Omaha a couple of different days
last week. He has been kept pretty
busy supplying his customers with
binder twine, as the low price at
which he sold it created a great de
mand. The citizens of Manley are pin
ning their faith to Andy Schniader,
in his coming fight with Captain Bob
Roper at Omaha July 4th. Many
from here have been over to see the
ex-navy lad train and feel sure- he
will put the army heavyweight to
sleep in jig time.
There have been some exception
ally large yields of wheat in this
neighborhood, and threshing returns
are expected to show as much as
thirty bushels to the acre. Among
those having extra good looking
fields are Roy Steinkamp, Charles
Murphy, Jr., and Herman Mann. Re
turns at the farm of Hart Brothers,
near Weeping Water, show an av
erage of 22.07 bushels.
Girls Have Good Show
The young ladies of Manley have
become noted for their successful en-
I tertainments and the one or last
Friday night, was no exception to
the rule. The title of their offering
was "After the Game," and a large
number were present to enjoy the
show. Mrs. William Heebner su
perintended the musical part of the
show, and to her untiring efforts is
due much of the success. Adolph
Steinkamp pleased the audience with
his playing of the accordian. Misses
Grace Noyes and Dorothy Brecken
feld gave some excellent readings
and Miss Edith Stander rendered
some fine musical numbers. Those
included in the regular cast of char
acters were Vera Gerlach, Creda
Fleischman, Myrtle Fleischman, Min
nie Stohlman, Leda Fleischman, Ada
Fleischman, Anna Earhart, Dorothy
Otte and Alice .Harms.
Undergoes Operation
A week ago last Sunday, Theo
Harms was taken suddenly ill with
an attack of acute appendicitis and
was rushed to the Swedish Emanuel
hospital in Omaha, where he was
R. Bergman and family attended immediately operated on for relief
the 'base ball game between Piatts- and has since ben resting nicely.
Binder Twiee!
You will need it in a few weeks now, and to be
supplied with the best when you have to have it is
worth while.
We carry "INTERNATIONAL" twine the best
made. Once you try it you'll never use any other.
See us now and be ready for the harvest.
Don't forget we carry a full line of farming ma
chinery and. can supply your wants.
Heirmaini sill