The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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i -
i I
Strictly High Class Legiti
mate Banking!
This is tin' pe'iicy you will find unioi-K kll the ennservnt i vc,
: 1 Irl . eiiy banks, ami i.-. u.-o true of ihe liich class hanks of tlie
- ; i .i 1 1 -. r towns ;i:k! i!l;:'s. ulicrt' sut li Ii.inks really have t lit"
iin!'.-i.- of their iritinls iiinl customers at heart.
l! ; iilways heen the pojiey of the Hank of Mimloek to con
duit a l:r.-t t lass liih vraih- legitimate bank, anil lo fouliue its
l.;i-ii: s strictly to t oiiiuicroial hanking. n v r jtcrmittins its name,
or allow its officers lo .-.ssist in tlio sellini; of any Stocks or
l,i!V IiiMira nee, or like schemes.
W'o tis- our itifhunce on our lrionis only litre it may lie of
1 !H .'.! to t lit nix. I s and our coniiiiiinit y.
'Me larL'c eon Niis-ions jiaid ftir assist inj; in scllini; Storks or
Life I nc i!o not tempt us to vork a hardship on our friends,
;ii ?h-ir i..e. ju.-t in order tliat we lniuht make a ltuticli of
"SII'I. .MOXKV." We strive for the regular, legitimate, eonsi. rva
t i . i'oric- hauMr.u h'lsire-s. paying a decent rate of interest in
Situ.' !i''i i's. and l...niii.-; moto-y to local farn:rs and l'lisim-s.-.
.i it! r.-a.--o!iaij!i- r:ia's i
f interest.
Wc c-.'ira' silM uiir.-flvts on I.avin:: built up a Ki:.M, HANK
w i'lt o.r KtU ii JIU.N'I'UKlt AM) FIFTY SAT1-'I-IL1 CISTO.M-
!-i v 1
a ! ;x -r.dable. conservative, "hive and let l.iv-" strictly
: institution appeals in uu. and on are not airtady a cus-
i:;i.-r of ours. oarn'stly invite you to join the I:NK t "F Ml'li
Ii'K family, and ou will r -t assured that we will take care
oi vo'tr rai ma hie demands, at'd you will not find us trying
to you some! In iii; you don't want, auainst your better judy-
The Bank of Murdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HEKEY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMAKN, Vicc-rres.
II. A. GUTKMANN, Cashier
were hoste -s f'i the Murdoch ken
sitmton club. The 'It ! iili t f id after
noon's mo, -tini; was brought to a
dose by the strviii-." of a most de
lectable luncheon to which J. K. Mc
Huuli and son anil t h" Journal man
were invited.
week. Mrs. Wolf beint; a niece of
j Miss Alice Liu.
11. A. Cuthniaun and family wci:t
, to I'lal tsinoiit h Thursday evening
I for a visit of a few days with rt 1
citives and friemls.
! Misses O-ne. Alii f ami Violet Field
of Elnnvood were puets at the liome
f Mr. and Mrs. Louis l?nrntmeier, Ycansr People Confirmed
:tne lay last week. j,;iSt Sundav r.t the Lutheran
j Miss Clara Miner, who has been ( llUI-( .h ,H,Ith of Murdock. a class
1 visit int, at the Kniil Miller iiou-.e, is (l, t,v1 MmK peoj,!.. vas confirni
I now staiiii; at the Fioyd Xeeley . ,., .,.,,) r,.c, Vcd into full membership
i home near Ashland. ol ne diurcb. the confirmation or-
Miss Ada Tool., who has been s- , ln.r brins administered bv JU-v.
litiny; at the home of her sister, in-.j. v. I'ders. pastor of the church.
Iowa, for the past six weeks, n t t:r t: - ' a v Vl,,rt. j attendance at this
ed home last week. ! service. Those in the elass int luded
Mrs. Henry Westlake. of near A 1-! v j, i,vdia llormaji. Hilda i'eters
liince iK,s be; u visiting at the home;.lUlj 1 1 j ida,u;iard Ma umsiart ner and
ef Mr. and Mrs. William Rush ami , valter HirTi;an. Kaynnml Kissman.
with other friends here. ; Fra uk and K.ivmomi llempke. Carl
; Mrs. Henry .Miller, of Omah.a. has , T.n;tfk. Kida Thieman. and Ausrust
i been visi'iiii; at the Louis St hmitlt !
Homo duriiiL' tne past wcck. .mt.
Miller also t-pent a portion (if t!
time here.
Win. Mtver; has been assisting
it ?. llu. ,it loi n i.vt i to- :.! the " -me.lca .1
i'iitiii t!ortti.ii.,-ier f,lw:.r) I '.ro'i - ' '"' h'WI! at tilt
. ; iicic metnicrs. .Mrs. i;. . ;;ci lonabl.
last Ttiestlay evening, bv w ay id wel
i;co:r.e Mrs. Chiirl-s S'dutier. who
iia.s removed here from .South Mend.
Given Koya! Welcorie
The ladies or" the h'oal N'einlibors
To-l1 :i t ! ( I i t ' I I'll 1 iv nt
hem," of one of
Mi'L- homes (.111
I Uo ', .bin
; 1 ii week.
i Miss Kate Anmwcrt of Omaha an
i Miss I i 1 I ; i t ). w rl of Coil lit i :
j Mir lis. vi-ited .lurini; the past v.-ek "litre she was a m-mher of the K.
at the home of tlo ir inoihtr. Mrs. ! -v- A- A program o! music, readings
! !it:-j sorsis was nuriiteii m (lurini;
-i-fr-3"i-S-i-H-M ,;, ;, i. .T.i..M"M..V-
Aimwert. of this place.
l.dward Kelly win! to 1'lattsmouth
Saturday, and from there expected to
i to Omaha tht Fourth to witnes.-
th.e early part of th- eenint;. The
lav. n had been beau'lluHy ib-corated
and file husbands of the members
j the boxini; bout bei w eel. Ca pt v. i n l:-!.;v'l'n' invited quests. A luncheon was :.n.l V.otv Sell m:id.T of Loll s- ! 1 "" ilie.nsi i ne e II 1 ii s
! fe-t i vil ies.
j Herman Schmidt, w ho is a cabinet
.maker of no mean ability, has in t
completed t wo tine rod ers j for u
ion the porh ;it his home, ami which
j he has had Max i usi crlioff finish for
li i in .
i K v. Cturst Kut'ko visited rt lative-
uh"lt' las' week. Lev. Kupkc. who The presentation took place on last
1 has been pre.icliinu at Keystone, in i '1 m-stla y and those in r ive this
(the western part of the state, has ac- j ! is; i nci :o: were .Mi--es Louise Mey-
! ' cent oil a call 'o tin ministry at i erjur.iien. .vitna r"ii"ei. Attics i;tss-
Liglitli Graders Get Diplomas
II. A. Ouihmau of the board of
(.location distributed the diplomas to
those who s'.tecef 1 1 1 y passed the
eighth -.Taib' t xauiinat ions anil w ho
v-ill enter the hii:h sch.iol mxl veur.
Au-u W'etolt bea-i tlire-hin '.its
w hi !- :!. 'a. t i": ie.iy.
Wt 1 : . ; r 'K - si: , ;.. .! a car of lcs
to ?i.- Soi. it. imnha Moie!.:'.
F :..
e. re-ar Om iiia.
1 1 ? I'totnes a-so(ration of
t t I. .. t 1 ..I, or,. , u , v.. 4.tif . r-
' ' ,:I-! t : it".' Hit homo of Mr and Mr-.
at the home of her par- , .. . s. hlaphtd" la-i Timaday vv.iie:.
M.itbar.i Coot for the ja' v. eel
Heiirv Killing and wife.
:i re vi.Mitie :tT llw lomo fif lwr n:ir-i
e.t i.m i :
1 or,.. ji'
l '.' S : : ' '
1" 1 1: i '.a n k of ;.! "r
!'riej.,i in Lincoln
cut-. Mr. ami Mrs. (oore Mcrkle.
! i"h bUsitO'S;
meet Hi:
was followed
.1. .!.:..!!! !) 1 a- pt:r:-::a ed a lie v.
truel. aad will .i:::auo in ivm ia! iia.'ilin-:.
I-:.'. -Aiivd .!. Mi iiii-h. of City.
vi ;';!.- a' tie homt' of his iroih-
r . r i he !. nrt h.
.:'' I' I'mI'1. of Sou!'-: Mel'd. wa.-
Ilol! Icf
Mark Simdo.v. v h inaK- li is lioii!'.' ; bv a mo-t i t:j-vable t
in the n.itthrii pan of the state.! Mi-s Mary Umh. who has bee;:
has be, n vi'itini; old frb mis lore. U, '.'; i,,r th" pa t two we.s ;:t
.Mrs. .lacoli toiehry was down lromiihe home of her si-ter. Mi-..- Leona.
Lincoln for a i.-it at the home ofiat Lincoln, returned b'liif Tuesday.
mm. .Jen Oehlt rkinu. Hilda I'eters.
Kl: ie lK:k:tian. Hibb-paard Mauni
A 'ttier and Henrietta Mauer and
Fr lidie W'endt. .Martin Sireich. Carl
Totvle. AValttr Kiss-nan. Flmer Mil
ler. Jesse Stoak, Lo-:is Kupke and
Floyd Hite.
Mr. and Mrs. Klnier Sundstrom
drove to Mlattsniouth last Tuesday toj
accompany Mis. Ellen Davis to thej
county seat to take the examination j
for her naturalization papers. Mrs-, j
Maul I'helps was also one of the
party, she and Mrs. Sundstrom ap-l
pearinjr as witnesses. I
William Gobelman. who recently
accepted a position as manager of)
the RToeery tlepartmenf in a store at
Falls City, has m.oved 1: is family to
that place. He likes the town very
much and the many friends of Mr.
and .Mrs. Oohelinan wish them suc
cess and happiness in their new-home.
Mrs. Alum Maimer left Omaha last
Sunday for Mostcn. where she will!
join her son. A. L. Maimer. They vill(
no from there to Slar Island, on the;
Maine coast, where they will spend
a few weeks On August 1. Harry!
O. Maimer, of Omaha, will join his:
mother and brother and will spend a!
month in the White mountains.
Misses Xadie and IViisy Sckiatcr
ami their niece. Kdith Schlater. left
Louisville a few week auo for a hike
w hich w ill take 1'aem a com idera hie
distance west, but which is not fully
outlined in advance. They reached
Fremont in due time and enjoted
their trip that far very much. After
a short stay, they will continue their
journey and we hope to keep j;,
touch with them durinu: their ah-'
sence. Miss Haisy will remain in
Fremont visiting Mrs. Karl Ma i ley
anil will also visit friends at Grand
Island, luit Miss Xadia and her niece
will fii farther, and will return in
lime for Miss Kdith to enter school j
in the fail.
Miss Mtarl S-hl ich 1 1 etneier of N'e
hawka whs in the city yesterday for
a : h rt time and while here closed
the contract with the board of edu-j
cation as a teacher in the grades, i
This yo'in:; holy was a graduate of '
Wtsbyan at the comntcm ement till- :
Mrs. II. W. To
her daughter
Mr. and Mrs. n .1. l'otha-t
last i aceompanied by
Mrs. Kid i
Church Looking Fine
While 'in Murdock we visited the
church, where redecorating
is i ejn. done by Max Husterhoff and
Jo- ph Wutchitit k. iii. d we are more
hi j h t cr, I ! bn w en
(Miller, who are vi-itnm here.
,, ,,( Mrs. '..a Kitm. el Lincoln. wm;;,,., plea-,., 1 at the excellent appear-
t- of rel-1 ,':,r::" 'b'wn to alien. I t ne counrma-i ,. the structure will nresent when
at i vc
n Lincoln over Sunday and,
! Mondav.
f i
i ;iort i
exert iscs at the Lutheran church job is complete
I....! ii .: a i r sc ;!, " hu si new
.here !..,r.l.i ;:f;.ri:ooT,. ;- - Conrad I '.a u m "art ner and Judue H
:.:tt Tl.iii.-nti and r.imily f port ' H. A. Tool. ;.o Mi. liar.l and Knnl j v ,Jat H,mes. before returninu lo
thev , x;.e-t t,, ;,. Ho- Fourt.'i at Kuehn b ft a week a so lor Murlinp- , jm .m1i!
the" c. lc:. ra;io;. at Ashh.m!. 1 ton. ( (dorado to h-.-k after some land j 'The board of education haseb-ct-
T!m lt v. WaMha t:. of A; liu.-ton. . 'eterest.s. ( three members of the tea'-hitm
of town, was a m-i ;'t tliei, . fiaish.-.i in lour cobirs. at
tlw west end thtir beins painted a
ck;s and criwn and at the east end
a up v.iih a stalk of both corn and
wheat. sU'iiifyirie that the Lord
takes care of those who serve him.
Plenty of Them in Plattsmcmth and
Good Reason for It.
Wouldn't any woman be happy. i
After vear-- of backache suffering.:
Hay?- of mir-ery, nights of uurest. '.
The distress of urinary ,tronb!es. !
When she finds freedom? !
Many renders will prdit by the,
follow inu: i
Mr.-. Jos. Altnmn. Chicaco
avenue. Mlat t smout h. says: "I had an
attack of the 'flu' a vear afro and it;
lef' my hack in a weak ami tired j
condition. My kidneys were weak.'
too. Sometimes I could hardly bend
over while about my homework on!
account of the sharp stitches in the
Mnall f my l.a-k and through niy;
1 idn "vs. T felt weak all over. I had
. i
r.a. I--. :l v . i o, . , ....... ... jioite mi mm .... ,..-o . ( i,!irlll!; the time the painters ale l,,.:,rd s,. much about 1 loan's Kidnev
Herman and J.h.u I a 1 .e....j..r. a vue.t at the H. A. loo I and n is Margaret Amcw.-ri. primary in-, hoildii;;:. thurch ser- h. It-inc other people who had
Je. . Lam:holm i-.t.d l.imiiv drove '"'.' ',... ... ...v - . itii . ....ii-.p. . . ar are;r eotnl;i-t et! on th
;.. h.ok af- I,ast V',, K
: Key. J. 1 1 O.-iibrkin:
lo Mi - ha la -t .(::( -d
ter -..ii, mat ii ir oi' hi
Mi-- 1'ie.ui-r C;.ki"'i.r. who ha ''"'vt. vi-i'e. with friends and look-
te; chine a' i doc m U bl. arrived ed af'er oin- basin.
!.;; v. c k for : va.-.tti. n. the past w cek .
Mi - v.;:; ;..!. i J . v, a rd . has
been a uu-.-t at the i,- n : .ir.-.
iii'dmtc .!. nariment and Isabel O'- i .. u v ,. j ( ,. ls .. ,st plea-ant place.
of Wc-1 i H : 1 ! ra r. . grammar t;rad.
Mrs. s. Maumuart ner. her lam:h-
maiters here ter. A'rs. 1 1 . C. Van Hise am! the
ll ititr's little datifrhter. have retuna-
Mr. and Mr.-. Lrnest Woif. of n:ii- i"i ; their home in a;!. r
iha. visMe-t here .-.-vera! days ho-t i oatde of months rp'-n? here a! the
; hone of Mrs. M.aumuart tier's son. j
' ! ( oarad l;,iiiiii:.;:rtln r and family.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Xei'.cl are homo
from a visit of t v. o weeks with theirl
ecially at this time of vear.
We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic
Refractor, and are prepared to look after the batteiy
question for you. We have a capacity of charging
from one to thirty batteries at the same time. We
also do repairing of batteries, as well, and our repair
shop for automobiles is of tje beat. Free testing and
water for batteries.
See Us for Service!
Landholm Auto Co.,
What to 3o w'heu Eiiious
no meats and liphtly of other
fo- 1. Take tltr'-e of Chamberlain's
Tablets to clean-" out your stomach
and lone up your liver. 1 o this and
w it bin
I feeiina
a day or two you should be
t'avuhler. Mra C . Hartutr ami'
familv. of Kansas City. Their prami-!
ila ii-h i or. Kban..r l!::i'lwi- a.-com-i
pa'de l them home a"d will spend the
rciiatmU r of her summer vacation
A. II. Ward was kept bu y last
we'd., bavin--: a larize number of ears
to work on at his shot, in the conn- Two hii.-h pratle Ked Polled hulls
trv mar lo re as well as the harvest- ' sale. C. C. M.arnard. Mynard
it;.-- of his wheat t rop to look after j telephone -1021'.
at the fame time. Mr. Ward expec's
'..n. .1. Maunmariner of the I'ni
v. taity Howpit:ii at Omaha was vi.-it-iti;-
with parents over Sunday.
b r"si
oon and e.ct cleaned u;
with his farm work for a while so
he can turn his attention to other
itiat ters
I 'i in odore Hadraba dep ir:ed this
ini riiitm for Fairfield and UeWcese.
Nebraska, where he will sn.nd the
summer visit ins a"; the ho. a ef his
A committee compose,! of S. J. ! J-randparciits. Mr. and .Mrs. J.din
X. it H. K. Sohmi-H ami Hetiry I Ji'f'la and with other relit. ves and
Mticknian will :ro to Lincoln in tht
near fni ere to familiarize themselves
with the school laws insofar as they
apply to conditions cot) front in:: thej
f fieri ds.
W. C. Tipj. ens and (!"p..rteii
this morning for Otnaha w i"-.- t'""
lidated ilisiriet here, and upon ' uiM .,, 1 !u' "'"'Ms ,,f friend- i:t t'.at
July Clearance Sale!
On all Dry Goods,
Shoes, Hosiery,
White Shoes and Slippers
Ginghams 25-20c
Percale, wide, dark and light, per yard 20c
50-60c Tissue Ginghams 38c
Special prices in Grocery Department for harvest!
-Mock Mercantile Co,,-
Murdock, Nebraska
their return should possess as much
'information as the proverbial l'hila
tb lphia la w yer.
! A Month in tlie West
; Mr. ami Mrs. O. .1. Hitchcock and
; children left Friday for a trip of a
j month through the west. Thev went
first to Kstcs park where a consid
erable part of the time will be spent,
bni will vhit ether points of in
terest before riMirninii home.
locali'v for the dav.
Blank bonks. Journal ofTir
'e en troubled as I was. I tried them
'..ifh the best of results. The one box
from l'ri'-'.-e A- Oo's. druu store was
ail 1 had to use and 1 have no had
a ii:n of any kidney irouble since.
I think Moan's are fi'ie for such ail-
me-os a I had."
I'rice (:"c. at all tlea.ers. I'oc't
simply ad-: for a kidney remedy net
I) inn's Kidney Mill1--the same that
Irs. ltma.n bad. Fosfer-Milburn
Co. Mfrs.. .mfYalo. N. V.
! ;
.1. H. Domini:..', of V-epin;; Water.!
was one of the wiiminu ontestants
iTi t'ie Omaha l'.ee's Help-Yourself ,
contest, whi'h closed last week, win-'
nit!:'. the third capital award a;
$1.."." buiblinu. and loan stock cer
tificate and a Gardner auiomobile.
which was one of the special prizes
offered for the most subscriptions
tinned in for a period of two weeks
during the contest. Moth are desir
able pri.'-s and Mr. Domingo and
his friere's have reason to feel proud
of his success.
Two Good Refrigerators
I have twi txcellen. r frit-era iors
for sale, vvltic'i can be hji at the,
Cream station. If needing one "a'l
and see them.
tfsvv. It. C. KKXXKDY.
Tit to Fic-hf
Say He's
K. Y. Thinmai". rrv McHur.h.
John ( h keint ir. l'rnt-st Wolfe and
O. K. MtDor.ald drove to Louisville
Thursday a f! "rno'in and while there
vi?ited tho training quarters of Andy
Srh mader ami saw him work out
with his spurring partners. They
v. r re ureatlv with Sch
mader's ability in the ring and say
he is in the pink of condition for his
bout with Captain Mob Koper in
Omaha today. Like most other Cass
county followers of the manly art.
they too are pinning their faith to
the Louisville lad to put the Chicago
hea vywt ight to sb-ep.
Ctleb.-ates Fifth Birthday
Last Thursday marked the fifth
.birthday anniversary of little Jane
jOuthmaii and to properly cdebrate
itbe event a party was given, pattici
J pa ted in by a iumber of her young
j friends. Games of every variety
thrown to childhood minds were in
jdula.ed in and near the close of the
'pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Gutlunan
j served tlie youngsters with ice cream
and cake.
Excellent Kensington T-leetang
I&?t Thursday at the iioree of
;Mr. and Mr.-. O. E. McDonald. Mrs.
McDonald and Mrs. Robert Williams
. ' i - . '" , yJ'
r mmm i n I I . ..
The Fordson Tractor snd Wood
Bros. Thresher
is the ideal equipment for the farm.
We have them both in stock and can sell any size
Wood Bros. Thresher. x
100 foot 4 ply 6-inch endless belts $39.50 each.
T. EL Pollock Auto Oo.5
Phone No. 1 Fordson Dealer
Agents for all sizes Woods Bros. Threshers.
Let Us Figure on Painting!
Your house or decorating the interior also the barn
or other buildings. We're ready for any work in this line.
fjThe lumber required to build the
large Gothic stock and hay barn
shown on our calendar for the
month of June can be bought for
1$ We have complete plans and
specifications for this building, the
exact size of which is 36 -0" by
80-0" and will be glad to go over
these plans with anyone at any
Tool, Nauman & VJurtey,
The Lumbermen
Shop tVlixed Paints
Sliop mixed paints are tlie purest paints on earth.
W hite lead and zink, with pure linseed oil, only.
Mixed in our own shops, in identically the same
way we use it on our own work.
Wc mix all colors for you. Conic in and et any
quantity. Quality guaranteed.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
June Brings rViuch Work!
The recent rains have insured a good crop of small
grain, which has been a little behind, and which is now
rapidly maturing. The corn also is making rapid strides.
This is bringing much work in June. The best of
machinery is needed lor ciiring for the crops in this
busy .season.
Sec us for what you arc needing. We arc able to
care for your wants. Cultivators, or any corn working
machinery, hay making machinery and what is needed
for the harvest. Binders, harvesters, twine and all that
is required to care for the harvest.
We arc handling gasoline and motor oita also.
The Implement Man
Are You Caring for
the Cars?
You know that the autos cost when you purchased
them, are you caring for them in order that they will
last? We are doing expert repairing what is reliable,
cind keep the cars from dcteriating.
Our supply of accessories and auto cupplies is
complete. See us for the best work and Lest cars.
T3 p
The Automobile Man
ubscribe for The Journal