11 PIATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Man roun MONDAY, JULY ,4 1921 5-i '. '' -I i : t i 4 : " : i. J 'I i i i . ! J i i f Cbc plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at fostolTlce, I'lattHniouth, Neb., as second-clans mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 Everybody is highways. in favor of better -:o:- Middle names were illegal in En gland 4 00 years ago. :o: Many a woman who is able to swim is unable to p;et in. At a Japanese auction people write their bids on slips of paper. :o: It is said that only one man in a hundred is physically perfect. :o; Pre: ideiit Harding saw "The Scar ab Ring." starring Alice Joyce. Alexander the Great was the first man to have his portrait on a coin. :o: We must give credit for cool nights, even if wo do have to put tip with excruciatingly hot day. :o: They say a silencer for a' street car has been invented. Hut they say a lot of things these days. o:o After all. why worry? The mar ket are filled with blackberries, roasting ears, cantaloupes and water melons. :o: Now that the watermelon season is at hand, we are not going to wor ry so much about enforcement of the Volstead act. . ; o ; , Plan-mouth will celebrate this year in a mild form, and everyone will celebrate in the way that suits them the best. :o: Yes. Herold. you are justified in saying anything you please to the nn.torist who splashes greasy niu '. on your new I'alm neacn suit. :o: The world's oldest newspaper is the Tsing-I'ao of China in England, the I'ekin News which has been pub lished regularly for nearly 1,100 j ears. :o: This auto game has us all going to that when Gabriel toots his horn It i; probable that nobody will pay any attention to it except the pedes trians. :o: A scientist tells us that Egypt had jiiy.z bands and honif brew ijOo years prior to the Christian era. That is n't much consolation for the Chris tian era. -:o:- The merchant who expects to do business every day in the week ought to adverti-e every day in the week. He can't afford to give a vacation to hi; most valuable allv. A young lady friend of ours says she simply can't understand what Henip sey and Carpenier have against each other. Nothing at all. dearest. They're merely partners in a half million dollar pot, and will fight to determine which gets the long end of the roll. 22 "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the kneej. and to make a finely tailored ruif look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But he goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when be got acquainted with us. And it doetn't co:;t much, cither. Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE. 1 66 iiS-aOUK-NAL OFFICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The end of nerfect day is a cool night. : o : Lake Superior is the largest lake in the world. -:o: A blackberry in the dish is worth two on tho bush. -:o: Congress can't talk peace without getting into a fight. :o: Paul Kevere was the first Ameri can bank note artist. The eternal triangle: and a little youngster. o:o Mother, dad Tli is is the season of the year when the housewife is busy with her can ning. :o: Every month nearly 1 .f.OO.OOO.OOO telephone calls are made in the Uni ted Stales. :o: The world's oldest university is the Ashar university at Cairo, Egypt founded in 9SS. :o: Pussyfoot Johnson s to live until England mu-it have discovered ys he expects goes dry. He the secret of denial life. :o: A negro preacher down in Georgia the other day belongs to "Live and never die" sect. He ha.s probably (hanged his mind on the subject by this time. He was killed. :o: Or, as Mr. Chesterton would put it. the re-election of Mr. Goinpers as President of the American Federa tion of Labor was all the more a sur prise because it was expected. ;o; Congressman Paul Johnson's bill offered in Congress to prohibit wom en in Washington from smoking will drive many of them into the habit who never thought of it before. o.o The prohibition commisioner lift ed all liquor restrictions for a period of six days at Pueblo "as an emer gency measure in combatting the possible spread of disease in the flood area." :o: "A diplomat ought to have a well developed sense of importance." says a magazine writer. Tiiat geing t he cast', the government ounht to pick f-nly presidents of country banks for our diplomatic posts. o:o There are some women in I'latts mouth who drive their own automo biles, and they never fail to arouse our admiration when t'uy take the middle of the road from a truck driv er, and sometimes force hime to go over in the ditch. -o:o- Members of the State board of health, say that there is a shortage oT physicians in the state, and point to the small bach of licenses this year as an example. Oh, well, what's the difference? The doctors don't give us precription for hootch, anyway. j :o: Judeing from the manner in which he received it. tb public reprimand for Admiral Sims didn't amount to any more than a light slap un the wrist. The limber-tongued seaman jocularly remarked that he got what was coming to him. and evidently intends to let it go at that. It takes something more than a reprimand to hurt the feelings of a sailor. :o: . Reports show that of the French military class of 1921 more than 7a per cent consists of youths 20 years of age who are fit for military ser vice. This is a high percentage of effectives, arid the increase is attri buted to a decrease in the u,e of al cohol, the improved living conditions on farms, and the spread of eports in France. :o:- Mr. Ford recently issued volume II of tho pamphlet: "The International Jew." This pamphlet tries to prove that California Jews, through the Universal Film Corporation, controls the intellectual life of the nation. jThis, of course, postulates that the nas intellectual processes of a higher type than are required to adjust a ready made bow tie. :o: Senator Harrison's speech arraign ing the Republican party for failure o keep its pledges is being warmly praised by the press throughout the nation. The Huffalo Evening Times pays that it reminds one of the classic days of American eloquence, "deliv ered with the characteristic fire and vigor of Southern oratory, admirable in its presentation, and inexorable in its logic." KEEP OUR SHIPS OM THE SEVEN SEAS Ship and Sail under the Stars and Stripes More than fifty freight and passenger services un der the Stars and Stripes are ready for your use 1M the harbors of 6trange lands where the Stars and Stripes had become but a memory, they are now found once more on regular schedule time. The grand sons of a generation dead and pone have seen the return of the Flag to all the seven seas. Help to keep the Stars and Stripes in its rightful place, all over the world, by sailing anil shipping on American owned and operated ships. "We cannot sell successfully, said President Harding, "where we do not carry." American ships are now available. Be sure to use thcui whenever possible. Operators of Passenger Services Admiral Line, 17 State Street, Kcv urk. N. Y. Matwn Navigation Company. 6 Jv. Oiy inrcet. Baltimore. Mil. Munson Steam iShip Line, 62 Heaver Street, New York, N. . New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co., 1 1 liroad iay. New York. N. Y. Pacific Mail S. S. Co , 45 Broadway, New orU, N. Y. U. S. Mail S. S. C o., 45 Broad ay. N'cw WW. N. Y. Ward I. inc. (New York and Cuhn Mml iv S. Co) lrot of Wall ucet. New Yoik, N. Y. Free use of Shipping Hoard films Use of Shipping RoarJ motion r'cture film, four reels, free on request cf any mavnr, pastor, posimtcr, or oruani ration. A great educarion.il r-:ctuie of ship and the yea. Write for inform ation toil. Laue. 1 )irettor Information Bureau, Room 911, 1114 M-'" Street, N. W., WdihinKtn, L). C SHirS FOR SVLR (To American eitisrms om!y) Steel (teamen, both oil and coal burners. Alto wood teamers. wont hulls and ocean-foinit tu. Further information obtained by request. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all patts of the world and all other information, write any of the above lines or USSH1PPING BOARD WASHINGTON. D.C. Autos For Sale. One Herg and one Metz auto for sale cheap, or will trade. What have you to offer. Also one spring; "rump" wagon. James I. Latta' Murray phone. 4w Although Journal want-ads coat but little the results they bring are rnderfiil. Try them. muih: nr iu;iti; To all poisons intTeMfil in thp ci tato of Kmil KniKiT, l-r ax d : on .In no jiOli ... I . 1!J1. the peti tion of ll.-iman 1 1 il im.i n was in 1 1 - 'utility t'onrt of l "ass ciniiilv, N" luaka, inayinir for a linal ileoreo and d.ii'. of (itso.iit. aiol that tin- allo-i-'ations of i.' p.-tilion ! found and d'To'd to lo truo: for a dorri-o lar rinir aims of i riditois: lor tl:- fiitt v of a d I sidia rir of i ccoi d of I ho ad ministrator: fin- ;i lindill il llrrP'O do I i in i n i ii u Ilif h its at law and not of kin of tho iliTi'iisiil and for a dt iti'c of d si oiil and a do r o assitinintr tho litlo In tho lands of whioli lhJ ilii-i'iis.il dit-d sojzod. to the ln'irs ji t law of tho d- oasoil for tlioir no aiol l. n tit and thf nso and ln-n'tit of their sun fssors in titl. A liaiiii'c will ho hud on said peti tion in said t'ounty t'ourt Ixforo the County .Inde on the LV.t li da v of .Inly, A. I . j:L'l, at It n'llork a. in.," a t w h n h time eaiin- may he shown, if any. why the (.layer of the said petitioner should not l.e era Med. If no cause is shown, the petition will tie taken to li true and a decree entered accord i ntil v. liated at T'la t tsmon t h, N'ehraska, on June 1-ytli, A. I. ir.'l. ai.m:n .1. HMKSO.V. I'oiinlv ,Indi;e, l. W. LIVJMiSToN. j:;o-2w. Attorney. Acetylene Welding.' I am prepared to do all kinds of Acetylene Welding. Charges reasonable and work the best. JOHN SHELDON, Located at John Iverson's Blaksmith Shop, Plattsmouth, Nebraska HOGS on the Installment Plan! Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $75. A boar and two gilts, not re lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan. For particulars write, phone or call on Albert Young, MURRAY -:- NEBRASKA LOCAL NEWS From Thursday's raily. Attorney O. K. Toft't of Weeping Water was here today for a short time attending to some matters in the county court. IXive Ltrann of near Manloy was in the city today tor a few hours attending to some matters of busi ness at the court house. Willard Clapp of Elmwood was a visitor in the rity today for a few hours looking after some matters of business at the court house. M. W. Hpahnle. one of the promi nent residents of Kagle was in the city today for a few hours, being called to attend to a few matters of business at the county seal. (ieorge Horn and mother, Mrs. Leonard Lorn, departed this morn ing for Oakhind. Nebraska, where they go to attend the golden wcil- ling of Mr. and Mrs. llans Sandell. old friends of tho Lorn family, which is to be held there this week. From Friday's lally. County Commissioner Coorge L. Farley and wife were among those going to Omaha ibis morning, where they will visit for the day with friends. L. 1). Iliutt came up this morning from his home at Murray and tie parted on the early Lurlington train for Omaha, whi ro he was called on some mat ters ol business. w ho Iihs been is Mr. and Mrs. John for "a short t hue. Miss Lena Ilirz king her parents. liirx and family. departed yesterday for Kirksville. " here she will resume her studies at the Still hospital. John H. Kiil;h;itn departed this afternoon for Hello Fottrcho. South Iakota. where lie will visit for a short time in that city with his broth er. H. L. Kirkh.im ami family and spend the heated period in the cool ness of the Illack Hills. APPROVES CONSTRUC TION OF HOSPITALS Secretary of Treasury 0. K's Con struction of Five Buildings to House World War Vets Washington. June "0. --Approval by the treasury department of the construction at .soldiers" homos of live hospitals for tin- rare of .inner service men suflering with tubercu losis was announced today by Secre tary Mellon. The new buildings will cost $::, 1 on. tout and arc cxpect- 1 to be ready by .lanuary 1. The Hat tie- Mountain sanaloriuni ;:t Hot Springs. S. 1).. will be equip ped for 100 palienis. and the soldiers' home at I.ca v-n w rt ii. Kansas. for L"0. The other projects are to ge to Milwaukee. Dayton and Marion, In !., and will have a capacity of Son men. Secretary Mellon said that it would be possible to establish t ighlien or i nineteen large hospital projects out j of the $ 1 S.f.on.enn provided by con gress for hospitalization of the vet erans, ami that by enlarging exist- ing institutions as opposed to new j construction, it probably would bo, possible to provide li.stui additional lieds. or at least 1,M0 more than was! anticipated. The number of nurses available for the war veterans is still about L'i per cent below the estimated neces sary quota, but the statement said there were now .'I.L'fHl persons, l."n dentists, l..".no inmes and llT aides and dieticians employed in caring for the men. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy This remedy is certain to be need ed in many homes before the sum mer is over. I'.uy it now and be pre pared. II is recognized ;is ;t tiio.-t reliable remedy for bowel complaints and may be chtnined at any drug store. Blank Books at the Journal Office. MUM i: l it I II I IM I IIIIS e State nf eliialia. I'.i.s eiMiti- TI I v In Ibft County I'linrt. In tin; tiiattfr i.r I !ie e.:tile il' .l.nnl' ;i'llt ill. ieeea;:e.l. the ei-eilitol ; I I" -;;iil estate: 'n ate heiele. not ilieii. Tlat I v i' sit at tlie I'oiinty ('.met iietni in I'lall--iii'itli. in sael iiiint. 1 1 1111.-1 I. i:''l atel N' em In r I. l'.c.'l, at :i n'elneU It. in. eaeli ilav. In r.eej. atel eaniin all ilaims auainst said estate, with a view li their ail.j ii l men t ami allew anee. The tini" hmiteil fur ti e ni - li I a t ii ! of elainis auaiiist .-ail es tate is thlei ni'Milli- tii-ni the l.'t ilav of Aiiu'nst. A. I IIL'I, ami ti e time 1 ittttT ! inr iani'iit (' t t f - i. ore ear fioiii .'it ill 1st ilav of Aimu. t. 1 !i .: I . Wilm s:; my hand and ti e : (Mi 1 i f said fount v I'niiri, this Ttii tiav of June, ir;.'l. ai.m-:.' .r. i : i ;i ;.- x. (S-ali .14-lv. foiinty .I;il.".e. mi i in: VI iMea.-'. li':;r Hi: 1 i it v.s. ( unvlflpil in 'ass cu?it . on I he :.'fii i'.uy of Fet.inai ,-, 1 II i,: (!:e eiinie ff in li- der, til s ili'sic , ha.: made a njil i'-a t em to tl'ie noaid of i',n ;l'iii: for a (niiiiiin tatciii. iind tlie Ri.aid of I'linl'i::. , .nr suant to I iw l ,i i- :,et the ifotir !' 10 o'clock a. m., on tl.e 1!th day r,f Jul,-. 19'Jl, for liearin:'; on raid a pjil :u ) i o:i. all j.eis-oiis: interest. "I in- l.erehv n"li tied tlial they ma.- apfiir at the Stato I'en i f en t ia ry, nt l.ineoln, N'ehra. :i, oi said day imd i.nur iind sl fiw eiu-e. if iiri.i thcic lie, why said a p,ii i a I ion should or she,;;.'; i.nl he irr.inled. i. A.M.U-:i!l:V. See-,. !:.einl of iirdoii5. X. T. HAU.MfiN', j 2 w C.'iiet M. I 'i oh. :fiecr. iiMiini in' iii:iti(; M Irlitiii for n ( loeii t r iliiiiiiilritlor. Tlie State of Nchraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In I lie fo'inty t'ourt. In li e matter (,f the estate of Kllzu lielh Itoulity, deceased. I n reading and lilinir the iietition of Xflli" ". Tucker prayiiivr that admin .islration of said estate may he grant ed to Jolm .. iou !ity as adm inist i a. tor : Ordered. That July fth. A. TX 10J1. nt 10:0' o'clock a. m.. Is assigned, for hearii-.t said petition, when ail per sons interested in sa'.d matter mav ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for paid county, and show cause whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the M i m 1 am lh. t r w t mm i l ft 30x3-a-inch Cord J. F. WOLFF GARAGE, Dealer. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO., Dealers l"M i ,1' - I 1.1 I i I i' I'l ;i Mi I I i : i ' ! ie;i ,' - I i ! -1 i -1 l" hi : i ! i I't :i 1 i i i i'.-i i n ; i .' I i! i'i : ,i i. i't.-i t 1 1 i' I . iiit,iM .i i'i. i :' I ' . i .Ii r i 1 1 I : ..- I "i ;i t s . .In .1-. r t: . ' 1 1 1 1. , i. .1 - ' 111 i - V. I k ! ' l,e.'.- - i . .i .1 i i :i I . i'"f 1 1 . i k . i'i i": I " mi i'l ilay el' .i.i.;:.' .1. c.':i'..s v. ' ! I U I .iMiltre. .' t .ii.:. I'.itiil .line isi:ti:it of hi:iiim; hi I'i'liltiiti lor iioi ii f ilieii t iif iliut itll rn I ir The State ol elu a .- U.i. I. 'ass nulli ty. l:i the t'oiii y I'uMll. I the m .' ; ' -r . . ! i 1 , late of Thi'Uius .1. M, I'nil-ii h. den a'-i u. I'll ii-.i'iiiu a nd I liuir lie 1'ititii'u of I ;. .M'l'ullo'h i i i r ; : V I hat iotiniiii-. tialioit of .-ah! e-iaie may l.. rantid I !.iu: -i If - . : :u i n i s I I a t t ; indited. Tiiat .lulv l.th. A. I. II'.'I. ;'t 1" o elm I, a. in , is a- .-ium d l.u ! ' 1 I I !i : sii : . I j .i i i I i . i'i (. In ii .. ! . j'i'l .-''it. i : 1 1 I s I e. ! in s: ; i I I ; la I ! l ' 1 1 a a I 'I - a : t a t 'oi. n t '..:,i t I" 1 I ! id in and 1 -aid i en ii t y, aicl s' ''U i.ii;.-i- whv lie' t: . I' ot I I'e " i ! e ll. r should leu I'- e i.i .; i . ,: : and ll.it i:"' i f tlie ji'-m'en'-.- i'i' -aii! f.i titimi aud i he l;.;ir mu tiieii of he : i.. n to all 'i-isiui in I'l'.tid : s.u I matter hy i-i h! is I . i n 7 One tin P til n 11 w Tr- '-t ia9 Iff:: siaiiaaro m With a daily ca pacity of 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes, this plant permits refined pro duction on a quantity basis. AH materials used are the best obtainable. The quality is uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price. nrestone Cord Tires Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires as having the sturdiest carcass made. Fort3--seven high-grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment. They are the quality choice of cord users. New it a rnpy ef this order in the IMatts 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 Journal, a sein i - week I y neus I'.ioei 1'iiniid in said i mintv. for three mii i'1-s.ivi weeks, u ior to said day of hi a I i n K. Hat.-, this Mh ilav of June, A. J . 1 :: I. au.kn J. i:i:i:s x. fount' .hnki1. I1AS. j;. MAKTIX. JL'"l-:i. Attorney. mitm i: i i iii nnoits State ef Xehraska, fas.s toun- TI. 1 y. : s. Ill tin' t'ounty Court. In Un' matter of the estate of Jus tus l.illie, dec-eased. To tin- creditors of said estate: Vim are heri-liy notified. That I will sit al tin- ('.unity I'vurt room in I'lalts monlh in said eounlv, on July is. lll.'l, and i. toiler 1 l;ejl. at 10 "o'clock a. m. mi each day, to receive and ex amine all claims aain.-t said est-ate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of rlaims auainst said estate is three months from the IMh day of July. A. I . l'.Ul. and the time limited for payment of dehts is oko e.ir from siiid IMh day of July. i:jl. Witmss my band and seal of paid unity Court, this llth flav of June, 1 ! :' I . method of cut" motoring costs Low grade oil, or oil of unsuitable body, is the direct cause of fully ninety per cent of all overhauling, repair and re placement costs. It is also frequently responsible for the low mileage many an automobilist complains of and blames on his gasoline. Finding just the correct lubricating oil for your engine will save you a lot of expense and bother. Polarinc is the highest quality motor oil you can buy. Its stability under high engine heat provides a fuel-tight and gas-tight seal in the cylinders which insures maximum power and mileage from gasoline. Its smooth, continuous film protects bearings and engaging parts against wear, vibration and breakage. Polarine is made in four grades light, me dium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time you buy clean-burning Red Crovn Gasoline and you will start cutting down motoring costs. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA u 0 mmmw Jin ilMHia i wKuril i i on-Skid Tire TI i Is new low price is made possible by strictest econ omies and special ized production. Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of making 30x33 -inch Non Skid fabric tires. Price $24.50 46.30 54.90 .i.m:. j. Ti :i:.' x. t Sea I ) jli-4w. Count .lude. ohiii it of iii:kim; "oi IVliliou for iiiiiiliin'iit ai il mi nisi rn t or The State of -'i luaska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the Cou ii t y I 'i m it . Ill the matter of tl.e estate of Kllen J. Smith, il. , c:e . ,1. n leading: and lilin-. the petition of The rial tsuiout h State Hank praying that a' I in i n is 1 1 a I ion of said estate may he i;iante, frank Cloidt, as ,-i.lniln'- ist i a lor; Order..-1. That July tilth, A. 1 . 1HJ1. at 1" o'clock a. m.. i" ,'issi.;ii"l tor hcaiinii said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to he held in and for said count', and show cause why the praver of petitioner should not he : ra n I ed : ami that notice of the pen dency of said petition and Ihe hear ing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter Ly pul.li.h itiar a copy of this order in tin- Clatts moiitli .1 1 1 1 1 n a i . ;i scmi-wo kl'. news paper printed, in said county tor three successive weeks prior to .-aid day of bea ring. Mated June L1 . . f'.'l. AI.I-I'X J. 1 : 1 : !-:: t. iS-all jJV-.'Iw fount..- Jude. MOTOR OILS f3 n h ra JLD 1 Hi - -j