i JULY 4, 1921 PLATTSMOUTH SE2H-WEEEXY JOURNAL I'AOS THEE? 7 Nehawka Department! Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. The Nehawka Mills purchased a A t-afe place for your m.mey a A few dollar-? per week derM-iied load of the wheat of Mr. Sturm, and . satisfactory place to d basiuf-.-, the will be in the maiket fr i ior as' NVhav.ka bank. soon as it is well through the sweat Frank McDonnell has been tedect Mrs. A. F. Sturm who is at a ht-alih ! ed as new pitcher Pr the Nehu-.v l;:t resort at Fairbury, having been tak-I team and as Frank is .ne of the be-t ing treatment there for some time is of pitchers will no doubt make t'ood reported as making very satisfjeury in this capacity. progress towards health. The foundation which is bein. Mrs. Lucile Davis who was at the placed in position for the new resi hospital at Omaha last week, where, dence whi.h Mr. and Mrs. A. F. (he was taking a clinic and treatment. ; Cturm are building has been cuui ieturned home last Wednesday but! pleted and is now ready for the sup- is not feeling the best, though some etstiucture which is imim diate ly to' better. Eugene Hicks was a visitor :n fellow. N'els Anderson is hav:n? in ti.f- Xehawi-u lJ..;ni-. 'vil! lour. t in the yar. littler have a ne t e;;.? for a rainy day. Start an account in the Xt hawk a 13a nk. Mr-. ". A. IJo.-ncrar. and little Hillie have I phi v: ir.njr a: the horn" of J. G. Vur.d-i licii u urine the p..st v. t k. Win. lli-d:e will dijr v tils for i he j Km-. 1 l-:e 'nr'.t r (!. o-.d. P r Julius Eu i gtUu r.ifir and t'er Ja-.-k l::ilp.'. in the future. The L'.ine of Mr. John T. la!e which is b.inir har.nre.i by Mr. TIenry Do you know why it's toasted? To seal in the delicious Burlev 11a vor. It's toasted. 1 ELM WOOD J Leader-Echo iDnAHu r S3 1 mum a 1,1 v. j 11 p., 11 ,P.i 1.. ilii- m . A .. I. 1 net Qitiirrlov Vi7iT-r.!Te. r f li Tiir).ri . r. 1-. i ri .i! lhi a J . t Ii.i been sent out on an inquiry .as to! south portion of Nehawka. and will j T, , ,., ,,,-". ,iie . and his ci.-v. of ikilh-d artis- -atis at " . i.rk, anil ;:r- t-.-tr v; tii whv the electric juice had been with held, and did not find out the diffi have the same screened in to make it mote pleasant in the '-uniuier Mr. cultv until he bad gotten as far as Henry M. Pollard is doin- the w,i i; (" .'( Ui.,llt; ,',idlv Plattsmcuth. I which is an as-urance it v.ill he the, ijs- (Wa'dv Ki,'.di Meat EUZarket FEESH AND CURED MEATS FRESH BREAD DAILY JOHN OPP, Propr. Nehawka -:- -:- Nebraska Busy? Yes, You Bei! We can get to your job, though in a short time. Re member our work and ma terials are the best. 70 cents per hour for work is our new low charge. Don't delay. !1 has l.e: n as- -.:,. . t 1. .1... ... 1 -. w ('.,)!, I .irtjllf, til lite I " i r tl l M -- i i.iii .in bet. ilr.s. I . t. 1- 11 It on who has been i I t urntit :.r,,l i : m 1 1-: i n very val troubled with her heart for a number j liable a-.-istant in the in-t it ut ion. ( years but who ha.- been thinl.inu, Mrs. P.e!'.- Pran-s w;,s a v:-ito: here she has vercoiue the trouble, wis ;uul was looking after the business a! taben wit h a f ey.-re at t:: k la: 1 Tii ur-.-, 1 1,,- Fr-:ns restaurant a portion of day and was ery s-rioiis i u- .1 tim. i ;lst week whiie Mr. and Mrs. Fran but is now Fettinp: better. jwtre j v.ay. Mis. Nicholas Klaurens who has Mi's laiiiii Prans who iias jU'-' b en at a ho-pital at orua ha 1 r ..nie , turned to her wu-k : f! r a vacation, time is reported as beins iiimh bet -j ami Mi-s Verti.t ilarri- wer oo'i: ter. as was able last week to be tak-l home at 1'nion for 1 heh Ponr;!i and en to the luuiie of Ler sister Mr.-. !'.!u-! als f;.r the eeketid. nia P.urdirk. vhere she is at pre nt. 1 Wni. Ka-t ri'-k . a:id Joh n Lawren'-e but t links she will be able to com u ! u 111 in !m- well sinking Ptr-i- hcine durinu liiis week. ! n,- 1 .v havimr ji: s purchase. 1 an Warren Munn. who has been as-i c.-jiiip:!!, nt for -inkit i we Hs tl'rotmit si.-tinu Mr. T. K. Pulton at the black- 1 t he firm of Sv.i;:-er brothers. ! smith shop for some time pas'. ia l n t any panic catch you a-ep?td a !o-iii.ui with the Slo-bl u; w.'ii nr lnuds n nai l, yon have a Tint -hinsr Machine and ha-, been ; ripht to have rionev when time ; Ihiesliina; wiih 1 he crew for ."-ome ' com-' hard, an ace : u n T in the Xeliaw days past. !U- wili expect to 1 a v wit!: Ka ll.nk will n.il!e '.! to do this, the crew until the work i eouipJ teri. j Mi-s liel'e Pee.i'k t he acc.uui'lisho-1 W. B. DALE, Nehawka -:- Nebraska jn th Victor S'.uini. who ha.- 1 a tot ci! ii ic:: t s. a" tlO1 .-!!' Harvard law department. a:ol has sjotfep. in thi'.t yar.-. r-einriieil hoTne last ediit .-da . and v.ill rii!-:in dur nitr the vacation and assist in ilw lumber a nl and also in the buiMttu of the new h itne whica hi.- failor is ccn true! in 5J SKS L l f'. ws 'w' e. . j y Miss Faiua Oehlerkins returned on Sunday fn.n Taylor. Nebraska, where the haet spent two weeks viituig. Her pareiits. Mr. and airs. Georce ( lilerking. ne-.tore-ii to Lincoln to brin." her he.ine. C -or.ee Uojjeiirief finished cutting hi; loe a en-.; of v.heat la. t Saturday noon. liis laoilo-r and daughter. j I 'em. were iu from town a rouple of days helpoir, wiih the lumse work v bile decree and the three boys fin-i-he.j eutt insr the grain which is in pretty pood shape. The watermelon s-easou is on and 1 a itt't d 'i jum 1 CIGARETTE- "'on Il.-p.l": Ille'lt Si ;!' ' sn.'V.,;in. tne Suiolay i'iiil l"our: '1 I th-.1 h lu of her t.artii's. at l'almr:i, niakiu. t lo 1 rip via hi 1 - le. T!o' wo;k w.i nil is: 1 (::;!: d'Ui- .a ! j the hi'Iiie of I-. .Set, illlla I '-r. l!l tto W ll( .1. he! ;i roiii; Ii ' home mo TIRES! TIRES!! TiRES!!! W'e are selling tires at a very low price, that are of the highest quality and guaranteed lo p;ive the best of service. Our stock of electrical fixtures and supplies is well filled with attractive goods at right prices. Do not forget that we recharge batteries, hnd that our service department is the best. We are keeping two excellent mechanics for auto repair work. , The Lumberg Garage, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Mr. Suirin will r-: ui n ' chatue e fall to complete- i:i law course j make tl v comfort and c .tiveni.-n -e of the ii Much tvin in 1 lo- im" i'. t y. a ml e. I o :o!TU" o'i I i .: ' U .-. nit will ai'.d m'.ih to tlo-i iallv di,l tl! it, i i is claimed t h:i t two and a ilMil-.- fell a! tll.it p'aee ll'lih;' da afteriM. -n. an ! t ".ten ail niv.li: r.iin makiim a l.i;"e x.joim--. Mr. Truman Tysor and Miss i'l r 'l.ce s-'. 1. wev i'-!tinir :;l tne he.liie of the paniiis of Mr. Tyso! Siiiidav and the f'i: t halriviti (..iT to !he lif!lie of Mr. Tv.-nr's pal Clarence Tripper was - ;,.-n :1 i u the 1't.urth :it home near 1 ..ua'' is. t'haile- Schwab atnl son Prank v. ! lo' fcinir after s.ime r . 1 -; 1 1 , -n.a-leis in Plat t.-moiit h la : P: id. y. S:irlinv llodf t' i.- pen-i oi :ht sum !.vt at 1 lie lie-me of some ."!! as: on ia.- S-'wcl! ranclh near (Jrandoy. lame-, lilakt and l'au.-ily were sp ndint; the Fourth at t!o. h:une of ftinds near I'acil'i du'i'-iioa I tw.i. lien ry P. Kropp. i rep..ru-d :i .-. 'i ;ii!V :bns nicely ikiw . which is ve-y u-. oil reus to iiis 1 1 ic; .is here and ; hronvoiou: t he county. Pari Webb was It ..ki:i;r at :-r some' b'.i.-ir.ess matters at Om.ihi las; Sai f:!a iiftttnoon inakin- tin rr.p ia 1 ?d issoiiri I'.'Cil iia The Swiizer brotlitrs have just !'.. n installing a sy-eie :" w i ir vie;- ;;t the Sileld.Il tio!h-r.s .stock farm, a seif ree.ula t irii warcrer. I.e-ttr Wundet lie h and i. (.'. West we re looking alier .-on:e bu- in ns;it ! rs a: the county .-ea.t :.i-: S.-.'.uru.iy a 1 ' 1 r;;io:: ma Kin t he : r'p ilieir Ti'ier;- is liapjunnesK 1 he Home of Mr. anu Mis. Jtis-eph t'aa ije 11. on ac eotmt of t he arrival of a 1:"!l- e.iii : t h.eir home, and t he d a iii: h ; --r has ;. '.'.iki i -il a ,i-ry t.;:'!-;- fe. l'n:: to. .01 oiint of her arrival. 'i!a Sheldon ha- le-en v.ahina pa- I.eMly for .-..llie til-.ie urr:l th lo-A whii h O rover 1 1 ..hack v. a- Amazing Success Achieved by Celebrated Medi cine Not Only Phenomenal, But Unprece dentedOver 20,000,000 Bottles Sold in Six Years Foreign Countries Clamor for It. everyui.o who likes the luscious melon i.: eiiea oi.i iatr to net his hi!. (Jus ! tr.e (ItllKtlld 3r a pr..a;rie': Never before, jierhap-. in tl;e t .ry id t!.e -v.-y " 1 1 t. 1 i'"' ' .'!' '..' ''.'' I ! I ll.'l- I'ait-.e1 receiveei four .lar;e meleuis on Tuesday that weiubed 12a pounds, and they were just as g.ood as they looked. J-ine. red, delicious: and ap petizing. M a v y melons are coming: in now and most of the melons this season are i-ood. On Tues-lay tl:e report came that over north of its; s-veial farmers lo-t valuable horses dae to overheat- i tor. btirse i ul re. ; I'-ai : p.. .v." K-r.Vfi ne ".lii'.'h lip.- Iicvt :;e'r' 'Ii :.it this (.."n-.-trv a:pl CuikkUi 'X"ots;; :;cr'e'eil hy t ' 1 i s niil fi'fi'i iontctl. ! y T;i:''.:.:. i!k- c I--:.--':"!: ; M"! aii'o r-.-ri a " "" i ;:-."l. t'"-.- . - : a ' 1 1 . 1 v e ,r ; ! of Tanlue to reach a.dd ;!: ( Its eucce little 0 el' ::r- ln.me- 1 I . I I . I '-I . A i'l .1 .- I half l ' ulila l'ri- u .-.ia; i.i draw n the p.--.- c. nte.-,,. -o !: could ride to Om a i i a i::i t e v, r th j i-; in .. s; 'T, hu; he -a-.- ti'-.w thai !o i hill.-.- he will liaVe lo tike his !i car, aao take '.ii-- pie I ma -r. c. le.ld. tits at Kiveru n. Iowa, la-' Sum and i e! urn in-; Monday evtoiinir. .M' P. P iti.I ilaa. Will TIake Heme in Missouri lloiate Criflitl. who has heeil niak iu;.' his home in Nthawka for some i. .-i and v. ho c ''ducted a rest aura ju Mr-a Tntdi' r were visiiiuv atid l.'k-j,,,,,. ., ij,,,,., ia., v.,... w;t , the .nr, after some l.u-iros. in Oar, h a , ; y .p.,,., ,-, , ,j , for Pa ! play. Alt.. a: i ' raiay urivtnj-. t; m 0"-n cai. where th.v lived hei.: tira S:,e!i!oti wdi 1 for a -hert : :m You Like to Know that the remains of the loved one are resting safe from interruption. While living the downy bed was not too ?ood a place for them to repose. Now the CONCRETE VAULT will keep their remains secure. We have them all over the county for sale. You'll find the satisfaction alone worth more than the cost. Most approved vault made. See Us for All Kinds of Cement Wcik Miller & Grubcr, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA They vi- i ; e l , is taking t re., in it; una nr. p.. Om- of lhe he-1 i.ono- i n ? it ut i in." j i- t'o- NYhawl.a Ik. '.'':. ever leady loj look after ilo- !.-! .n : 'o an', j ei;ian o! N'e'.a, ! .1. Tiii- Lank f I 1 lil.e wloi; t ii. y have ill'!;'' I'lit'c' P' which h.,s Piad" tu mv j ; a N- !:av. - 1:1. Jiace 1 aonr, to A.-tira.-ka. and will tiiiiain 1 1 a ' lor the pre-ent ant will pro make their hat: he- re ka pers .n. t h ha e i I: t ere is of the- ci I . Meil I'll' tlf Lilt iJi J U Bean Wear Ladies aprons, all sizes, lights and darks. As long as they last at only $1.50. Ladies dresses in prices ranging from $2.25 up to 5.00, all ready to put on. Harvest Specie! Groceries GALLON FRUITS Raspberries, Loganberries, Blueberries, Pitted Cherries, and Blackberries Jor pie for the Harvest. Peaches, Apricots and Pineapple by the case Buy these now and be prepared for winter with a goodly supply of canned goods Call for information and we will have your order ready. GROCERY PHONE " DRY GOODS PIIOXE 14 2 Rings 143 Rings FRANK P. SHEL NEHAWKA NEBRASKA FOR SALES Jvt) acres in ( ass county, all cood farming land, and a man at y. 17a pt-r acre. Pan carry one-half back oil land. A snap; no building. Also luu acre:-, no improvement:-., but all can be farmed. CO acres, no improvements, p.e.-t of land, and all can be farmed. F. H. RESNiK, .Some TIht: "Jh lief urns ,.t-i wee',; jusi p. fore the rain of tl.'.' and Priday ttiuht. the tbr"sh h.o! been comim need, and th" re- l :r:is thus far shaw very c, md : his for all who thre he. I. J:. 15. Stone, v. n - whtat tr-.it tl ti poiiiid.h to the Mtnck bu lo 1, also want a"'uit 1'-' I' ciit-o pt r acre, lo-ary Sturm who a! o threshed had a retmn of about I wen Iv bushels. I Tlto firtl K..II Pred Zii l lost a valuable' . ' Prank Roit now lost a fivc-i '.' . .. .. - .,1.1 1 ...... .. ... -.tt.l.i.v i J A - kl 1 ea.-oa ,.uv.. mtu..,r, s-nl p.-cple e' rvwhefe w . Ve te. er -M.0. I he horse I rank w as () rM.OSMliz, j, ;i,":; IUed,cim- of uMi.ff. it is said belonged to Albert I ;xt, ;i()I,!)IK:.v n,tl-j, S!M,.,. th;i, Thie! It is reported a number quit; hav(i soJ(1 ,hnaUont tin the held at tm.es because it (.imutrx alJ1 rali:,a sun-thma f.-r hard on their horse.-. .,..,;. m;m,..., . -o .. . i., ,- Tlio ft-w.til-- Cturliiti' Tfltorleill ". - - ... were tdad to see him in town on Tuesday morning. He hail just ,mf-t--!'. out of the lic.spital, where he lia- suffered severtdy from blood poisoning as a resuit of runnint; a nifty nail in his foot. Sterling shows the efects of this strain, but never theless ill 1 nllM, lit" I- IWIIlli, UJcruui. ' ii.. ..,.. h.-.i.o'tot t . - of the bone ' " " ' ternational in its scope am! Kmlaiu,. illes, es-tablisbin;.;' a record which h j probably never been "tji:alle. if) the I hi -t cry of the drusr tra.l" in An er- ica. Fame is International The instant ami phi te n: -ua 1 : uc cess 'wbieh Tanlac won when it w a be is improvini; ami while- it hr-t mt ro.iuci -,as t.e-n . i. n i u to ........ i, r. nracticallv .r larue cil. sma 1 r-omt- tiiiit ut tin t itr it-.i - - - cf his toes and a portion of his fool had to be taken out. TO VISIT OLD HOME Past r venincr Harry S. Hart hold departed for Pennsylvania, where he will spend his two weeks' vacation ane'iia. the scenes of his early days and with his brothers who still re- -iae in that locality. Mr. I ".art hold ! has three brothers living in tbatj ..talc. Charles and Louis at the old j pom in Lancaster and Adedph. re-I sidiue. in Reading, ami the occasion of the vNit is fine that has been i looked forward to with the greatest j of pleasure by all of the brother;;,; as it ha.; been live years s-ince Mr. j P-arthoid v. a- back in lhe old home.! Japan, Mexico, Cuba, Hawaii, Alaska. Porto Rico and many European coun tries are clamoring for it. Prom ceiast to coast and from th" Great l.ak's. Tanlac is known an I bom.red. Million:, have tak-n it with th m; I ;a ;ii if u.l; thna-h : ; ''!.!!" e ' a ' ihil. !."; rt: oni- !ii t h ! .- -ills ant ha e pro.io.uo t . p !'. . l e t ne d ii. i lo' of all time hi ,i of t In i.i amis of imn a ml v aneli of aM a-'. in all w alia oi ! 1 1 e. a !: I : ci t tl villi -mael-. Ine-ra'ii i:ol!:'y i i . r 1 1 1 t". ' . . : "ine of liieai of i i a : i : a t i i 1 1 '' . a ' w i ' a 1 I . . u a 1 1 i i,! - . a it I i. i it. ii-? . ' '-'.en and women r.j'j.ai en; 1- . ii i , oi" ci.L'a i e-, ha t e I ,1 thai I'll ha'.e 1 o Tl fai'v re-tofed "o their l ia ma 1 w . -ij .tit . heall I: a l.d : I reltr 1 h I . v i ' ' 1 1 -' . Restored to Health Sl ii! 't' pe-f . u 1 1 o 1 1 :e I f .1 1 1 I V V. ed m i ". i ; . t ' uh'eri ! v i! i i ion . h-ail.o !.. -'. ahi.r'i'" of laa ath. .ii.'.v - p-l!-. . "'.v. aa - y oii a- h -. oa'. . !nli"!. - , . o i ! 1 1 . ot' In'" il !i. t t ip:i -lain, bad ci .ci id.-y ion . b .. -. of a ;, t i i e. :,rr1rro.rv'1 ;, t alei ot I'-'lil'lV tlej'-!ei. le,r"l "tl f.- 'M'.' . : tale that t!o y have jin e-t.lir. I" relit --l i" t h.se tit.-1 r--.-ins. '. aip! -iu ; a lot re i or.-d to lo a Ii h a ml iiapj.i to ' by th. e.-e t,f Tanlac. DISTRICT COURT DOINGS The h"arir a in the Hovey estate' ia atter which was no trial yesterday 1 t lore ' .1 mhre p.egley wa continued until the ae-sit a of the court in Sep ten: iter. This morning the case of the ('. P. (.. railroad company vs Ira Stull wa.s on trial in which the plaintiff asked that the defendant be enjoin ed from tresspassing on the land claimed by the plaintiff company. A WELCOME VISITOR r8Sf noti I CaEI us when you want Meat, Groceries or Vegetables for your threshing dinner we will help you. E5 R a lb, AC. Tel. 4 or 5 -da phones 482 - night phone KaLe Two Dig' Shij ments I. e-e ;-. . ;tlon '.lannfar-turiiig e'om- p.tny. la.-t Sa I urda;. made two big lipnients of the ir con- re-tc mixer.'-, in whic.h they sent a haif a.r load each ! Omaha and S;. P.-uis. The have c-tabiishe-d a new inn. -vation in the working fttrce giving them a half hol iday Saturdav. I'llOXE a I.;hawka Nebraska FOR GOOD Ice Cream! STOP AT FRANS' CAFE! ' Killed the Miles Anyway Pr.ink Sheldon was troubled with .'.une swallows who made' their nc-i in lhe vines which : . beautifully draped his porch, and Con;-h?d"d he would rid himseif of the initio which ti.e swallows fostered, and had some tr.e give t hem the owe over with si-.'k dip and then he had to have the.. porch painted. Ecosters Hie Social The Hmsters Club of Nehawka. were gathered in a pleasant social at the home of H. Wolph. last Satur dav veiling and they all enjoyed the occasion very much. An Excellent Milk Cow. I 'nave for sale one pure bred -year old. registered Jersey cow, first calf fre: h two weeks. Not a better cow in Pass county. If you want a cow you can do no better. JPLIPS H1IIT.MAX, Nehawka, Neb. HERE FROM C0ZAD Pari Bretier, residing near Pozad. Neb., arrived in Plattsmouth last Thursday e-vening for an over night vsit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Gallon $1.85' """,pr- tl!p Parents of Mrs. Bretier. j ,f i. - j arl came down to Omaha with a car r lali gallon ... A i.UU sto-k and took advantage of the op- Quart m 50c ' f,fr,unitv for a 1'ricf visit at the Hun r ter home. Ho was also a pleasant cal I int ZoCi ler r.t the Journal off ice I-rjdav morn Plain dish . . lOel iT:fr;,TTe r0pt?; ervthing in his ur 0 1 - i r' 'he country as looking fine, a Our old friend Oiris Shoemaker,' f ni V-eping Water, was a brief vis itor at the Journal office last Satur dav evening, where he is always wel come and we are mighty glad lo meet him lie drove un from his home, and, was accompanied by Mrs. Shoemaker.;- - - - - -- - "" hisdauhter and son-in-law. Mr. and. UbSCribO FOT TftO J O U T H 3 I Mrs. John W ;ies. MURRAY AID SOCIETY morn- lrt . I ...tiiiii. n.-t it'i'iuijs tine, uiiu Sundaes 15c, Mrs. ISreuer. who is a IMattsmouth Sodas 17c:RirK in the brst of he:,lht- Cones 5c I Lincoln dod 10c' XT i 9 r ryf- i The Ladies Aid soeietv of the iear DCCr, ror OC Christian church at Murray will be I . entertained at the home of Mrs. i I rFPFl fkf& jCeorgia Creamer on Wednesda v, ! , f fc c.io uycxi , Ttiy (.U) IIostesses vi bP Mr-S j ' i xt L i ''"earner and Mrs. Walter Sans, and. j iNiehawka - lMebraka.,ader, Mrs. Prank Head. , One Way to get Big Mileage Regularly The importance of gasttline ti ith a complete chain of lulling point fractions You wouldn't expect to light a green stick with a match. Yet some gasolines are like green sticks. They neither ignite quickly nor burn up completely because they lack sufficient low boiling-point fractions for kindling, and have too great a proportion cf slow-burning elements. e R5S GASOIINE Itlltitt ill LI" til F VJWAi 3 3 5J te K W M K K B Straight distilled gasoline possesses the complete chain of boiling" points which assures quick igni tion and practically instant, complete combustion. Every bit is converted into heat and power gives big ger mileage per gallon than slow-burning mixtures, or less carefully refined gaso line. Red Crown Gasoline has a com plete chain of foiling point fractions Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled gasoline. It meets all specifications required by the United States Navy for motor gasoline. It has a complete chain of boiling-point fractions -low, medium and higher boiling-point fractions which, in right proportion, assure big power and big mileage. It is uniform and dependable wher ever you buy it. Hoic to et Lvttor results at less cost The way to get mileage and power economically, to escape carbon troubles, to have a spry, quick-starting engine, is by per fect adjustment of the motor to the fuel used. This can only be secured by using gasoline that is UNIFORM gasoline you can get wherever you are gasoline that gives a lean, dry, powerful mixture under all weather conditions. Use Red Crown Gasoline. Authorized Red Crown Dealers Everywhere Wherever you go j'ou can al ways get Red Crown Gasoline from reliable, competent and obliging dealers. The gasoline and motor oils they sell make motor operation more economi cal and more dependable. They are glad to render the little courtesies which make motor ing pleasanter. Drive in where you see the Red Crown Sign. Write or ask- for a fled Croun Road Muff STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA .