The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JULY 4, 1921
The Bank of Cass County
Established 1881
y Five Big Days of Entertainment in
Store for Residents of City
Get Your Ticket Now.
I Is fel fa p
'K i-'f hi vl L i i il
We do a general banking busines?; buy City, Coun
ty and School Warrants and other securities, consistent
with the principles of good banking.
Through the confidence of our many friends and
patrons, we have over four hundred and fifty thousand
dollars deposits. Fidelity and strength are the key note
of confidence.
In addition to our large resources, your deposits in
this bank are further protectod by the State Guarantee
"The bank that takes care of its customers."
President Vice President Cashier
lieve him, lut to no avail, death
1 timing him in a IV w hours.
John I. Newkirk was !rn in Rock
county. Wisconsin. August Mli. 1ST J.
lie di"d at his linnic northwest of
Alvo. .In in.- '21. l'.CM. aged 4 years.
,x mouths and "1 days.
When aliout tl;p age of ten he re-riiovt-d
wuli his parents lo Iowa.
Later at the ae of 1" 1 h came to
t'ass t'oiinty. making his home with
his brother. William 1!. Newkirk.
In tli.- vi;ir IV) 7 he a married
to Miss .Millie Lak-r. To this union
were horn three children, one son.
.Muarel. a'eil I'n. ;nul two daughters.
Miss Marie Stroemr was in Lin
coln Thursday morning.
nrville In -r-"!: rMieh-d his
knee a few days while enjoying
a friendly scuttle. He still gets
about his work hut mu.-t use a crutch
in walking.
Mrs. Mary Skinner returned home
Tlior !: irniii ..i twf weeks" isil
with r lati'.e . in Iowa.
Mr--. 'A iIli.Mii K. .cn ! irk. t
Jrnv. od jieat a few davs la-l
u'k Hi: Mr.". .I"lin Newkirk and
Mr. M. . Keel", r and sou. Ion.
returned Sundav from a few weeks'
y if with lor daughter. Mrs. KoyjKena. age 1.". and Marian. age 11,
oC'le. roar Mvnard. all of whom are living and at home.
Mr. and Mrs. .Limes Manners at- Nearly all of his married lit
tended (! wedding of the former's been spent in Cass county and in
sister. Mi-- I"rot)iv Manners t Mr. ! the vicinity of Alvo. Mr
L M. Partington at I'niversity I'laee. was well known in this part of the
June 21. 1!J1. county as a generous hearted friend
Mr ...,.i iir. w ... i.' v.... i. irL ami neighbor, and always ready to
cliiMl'll of tlreenwixid ajtelld'. d thej
funeral of the former's brother. John'
I. N-wkirk. which was held Thurs-j
day afternoon at Ihe M. K. church;
Mr-. ('. '. I've. i f Lincoln, spent
lat Thursday with her daughter.
Mrs. John Foreman. Mrs. Foreman
al-o enjoyed a viit Saturday even
ing with her l-rotlier. Mrs. A. A. live
and their mother, of Lincoln.
Aii'on-z tho-e from cut of town in
attendance at the funeral of John I .
Xwkirk were- I r. Neelev. Mr. Wolf
enbarncr. lib-tin Slider. .Iev Sliger.
of Lincoln: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
I'aker. of Merlin; Mr. ami Mrs. Jesse
Maker. Mennet t ; Itoy Meiinett. Uay
inond: Mr. and Mrs. Morri-s lliggins.
Commencing last night with
gentle rain about In o'clock ;
gradually t'.rowimr in intensity mil
between .'5 and ." o'clock this mi
intr when t ue e!.mients broke with alii
th.eir fury on the city. Fbittsniout Ii
was visited with oto- of the heaviest
downpours of recent years, three am
one-half inches of rain failing.
For a short time it seemed certain
that the business houses ahum Main
street must certainly suffer vcr
heavily as the water poured down
the street and on Sixth street was
over the curbing on the east side of
the street.
The climax of the high water oc
curred about ":". when North Silh
and Main streets were transform
into rivers of angry water, which in
the center were almost waist deep,
and the markers used at the inter
sections for the guidance of driver
of oars were just barely vi-ihV in
the swirl of the flood w h tors.
Most of the business men w t re
aroused by the storm and hastened
down to the outskirts of the high
water, but to cross the streets wa
out of the uuestion until nearly .
o'clock, when the water commenced
to recede.
The only section to tutfer much
damage was the block between Fifth
and Sixth, street on the south side, a:
on dderabl" water was wash'd into
the celler of the store of Kmi! A
I t ... f.Jl "... KA I
nil one wrelv oniy, a ni.i si.e
c;il:cof U'l. -n.o Toilet Soap I'KF.K W
with each purchase of the new, rj
larjre, famiiy-si.-.e tube of ilen.o w
Dtati (.'icme. S'
I I.KX.i Ti )! iJ-'.T S ). I i-, pure f?
I'liMiisiii- and soothing to tie
kin. (lives a thick, creamy
lather and has the deep-woods j
Si'Cilt of pirn s. rt j
tv. inlk.n.o ) ;. r.i. i i;imk :
f j makes our iceth white andt4
n sliinine-. eie.tuses the mouth ami 'Ji
ii Ih.'IV.. 1 .flli L fi, I i I! r
j fi Jlns ne iv, univ tu he contains j
I li iiioujh lleii to brush your
ja tJi-lh twice a day tor si-ark four j
I 4 IlionT lis. w
i- the day ihis Fconomy Ull'ei'j
P col imenees. It is ;r'"d up loand i j
iiu-hni ii::r .alur.iay the iih, K
jJ no later. Lay in a supply. Or- g
n decs liib d by phone. Make sure n
li ol vours i'V .v. &i
inn .-
W'url. at the
Main streets,
most intense,
laundry room
corner of Sixth and
where the Mood v. a
The ha -eiiu n ' a nd
of tie- Hotel WiKinr
F. G. FrliCKE & Co. g
it 'j
The lotiK looked for Chautauqua
days are now at hand and the com
ing week will witness the formal
opening f Ihe Lii; brown tent on
hi;;!i school hill in which the var
ious entertainments will be held un
der the direction of the Mutual com
pany who ;:re prc-ent ins; the pro
:;ram this year.
Mi.-s Cihson, !:o will have charge
of the junior work of the ( hautau
ijiu arrived in the city yesterday af
ternoon ami look un t lie work of
( o eperat in. v. with t In: commit tee here
in the linal details of the hu; festival
in.-casion. The junior work is one ol
the important features of the pro
gram and will he presented in a
i very pleasing manner ny .Miss t;n-
: on. w ho is an expert in that line of
v, ork.
The atractions thi year for the
Chautauqua are amonu; the hot
that can hi; found on the platforms
of the country and embrace stroni;
musical numbers, speakers of nation
al repute and clever entertainers
who oiier their 1 1 i u 1 1 l hiss attractions
to the phasure lovini; public of the
ci mil.' ry.
Those who have not yet secured
their season tickets should do so at
.Mice as the .-inle attractions are
veil worth the price of $J.ri. which
will secure a s. a-on adult ticket.
'Ihe local committee are dosing up
their campaign and the opportunity
of ;;eiiiniv in on the tickets sluuil 1
m i he passed up l. those who en-
jtljoy tiie highest form of clean euler
j t a intie nt .
has isi'Wi
a -e.
New kirk irundat in
tor v.
pond to iinv call for help in time
of need, in any way which In- could
siTvc his friends. lie was a hem -liciary
member of Alvo Homestead
No. 171.".. Mrotherhood of American
Yeomen, to which order he beionu
ed since January, llius. In addition
to the children named above, he is
survived by his wife.
The funeral was held from the
Methodist church at Alvo on Thurs
day afternoon, June ".nth. Rev. F. A.
Knight, pastor of the church, con
ducting the service. I'.urial was
made in the Alvo cemetery. The pall
bearers were Fd Miller, Chester Mil
ler. Carl Johnson. S. K. Johnson.
Arthur Klyver and FInier Klyver.
The bereaved family have the sym
pathy of their inanv friends in their
l.llieoin. .Ml. ill. il .il l . I..1 Willie. i p.)lir of
Com-iock and C. t. Hamilton, of
Omaha. Mrs. Frank Maker remain
ed until Sunday with her sister-in-law.
.Mrs. John l. Nowkirk.
Death of John D. Newkirk
Tl;- com ii ii i t v was shocked to hear
of the sudden death of John I. New
kirk Monday niuht about ID o'clock.
Mr. Newkirk had b en work intr in
hi-; wheat held all flay and sut'ferel
a stroke of apoplexy toward even
ing. lr. Muir was called and v
erythii'i; possible was dope to re-
Card of Thanks
W'c de-are to express rutr most
-iiH-ere thanks to all who so kindly
assisted us dnrinc; the hrief illness
and death of our beloved husband
and father. John I. Newkirk. Also,
our dopp appreciation of the timely
help e-f so many loyal friends in
time of proa? need n larin for the
ripened wheat and other crops, for
the beautiful floral offerings and all
acts of kindness. Mrs. John 1. New
kirk and Children.
also suffered some damage, about ;
fool of water standiii'-; our the I'oor
f the- room and linking it necessary
for a ,grear deal of pumping: to clear
t he room ol" w at er.
The residents a.huig V.'a ;hin :tnn
avenue sutlered some from the water
and a great deal more from the de
posits of iui;d that the Mood cast up
over the walks and str..!. The
r overflowed li.'.ir t tie () K gar
sweepin:: nrrr;.-; the and
the surrounding terri-
i.nd a r.ute.her of ci liars wen
it!i water as a re-ult ct" tl.t
sewi r being; so full that i! Sacked uj-.
through the traps in n,,. ha-:.:.!.: s.
At the height.!: of the !!.!.! th-h.M-k
water stood on Vino stree:
cb-ar to the iesi.;, iK-e of Mrs. A. il.
V-.eckhach. Mid ou the north sj,e ,,f
Vine street there was a mud de;o-i;
s eral fee t in depth.
One of the greate.-t su:Verers from
the effects cf the torrential down
pour was the Muriington Hiops ainl
there it is estimated the damage will J
reach The management ol
the shops had in the past made prep
aration against high water by the
const run ion of dykes along the nat
ural water course that Mows near
the shop yards. but the extrtnielyi
a i
: v
i s . i a i e ;
vorkin ' tv;
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
e Fair to the Wife !
Do you realize that these days are rather warm
and to stand over a hot cook stove is worse than the
harvest field for there you can yet a breath of frch air.
vapor oil stove lor the cooking during the excessively
hot weather? The p ..ticnt wife, who is ever ready with
the meals will appreciate thb stove, which will not make
the house so warm it is unhabitable.
Come, see the selection we carry.
Coalman Hardware Company,
high water caused the washin
of the vioiind underneath the dyke
and permitted the flood v.a!t- i
r ach the yards ami do considernhl
damage. A l.irg amount of mu
was deposited in the blacksmith sin
and the !ra--s foundry lis well a
oer t';e v aids ami will necesuiati
participation of the entire w
force ;i t the shops f(r the urea "r part
of the day in cleaning up. Air. Haird
superintendent of the shops, was con
vinced this morning that by night
fa'l if would he possible to have
things hark in normal condition.
The dykes that were undermined b
the flood will be lowered ami made
extra strong against a reoccura nee
of such hih water in the future.
From all over Ihe city come re
ports of erflowed cellars caused by i
the heavy rain ami overflowing cis
terns and finite a good ib-al of dam
age is estimated to have been caused
in this way.
The co'ohle stone pavement on
.Main street suffered more or less
from the lush water and one place
in front of the William Schmidtmann
harness shop sank several feet, hav
ing recently boon taken up by the
water company to make some re
pairs and the softened condition of
the base made it an easy matter for
the water to undermine it.
The r-ld"r residents of the city
were recalling the fact today, tha'. ii
was just thirteen years ago ..-ter
day July 1. !07. when the shops and
the whole business district of ! 'i :-:t
was very nearly wiped out of exi
fence in a great flood and whic'i v.,i
repeatoii in i;mS and which struct-,
a evere blow at the lusjuess ot.ih
li-limcnts of Main street and caused
the citizens to take sups to havejfO
Mh in street lowered. Those who werejfc.
here at that time can realize ju:-t i
what wo missed last nigth and feei--i
accordingly thankful.
Alb-n of the 1 !u rl i ngt oil, who i:a
been on the -..round the'-,- for the
I .i-i f c v " i i a : . . 1 1 1 1 1 r v i - : 1 1 1 ; ! 1 . v o i k .
.Ml el' t lo- iae,. w ho could 1 e : e-
i:.'rid as v.ti! ;i d'ci teams wire
c.iiled tor by Mr. Aden and those
!!'! he couiil .-ecu re were at once
; ' i:' 'o lii-1 . in- of act Pm.
The river i . now failing- am! a -
:' e -. :v ! til.- s..flec d haiil.--.e
in l-.,- ;-l ,;(, ;l llo;-
' ha; fur! her ,o ins will u:i e ii
-ry danger. .ii - i-.r fhe trackage oi
railroad -. ;. .
The" da m '! 1 !; i - e; r ha
a: j'-'int -i to -. ,-ra 1 ; ; i . i -and do!
and 'mill's the total of the
! 1 s a '1 I e ; e : : ! 1 ; i res !o!i . ; t ': I
j r ! i i ; i of the i:er I ! ;: i -i i ;;
I 'inured t hop -. .. in !.-. an! .still there i--!
i' ; h- t.p.i r. n t - I i - -1 i'r. the n-
roachiii- ! t- of t he lu.-gid alers.
Saifertd Intense Pain
"A few via; ; a-o when visiting,
re'alive. j), e h i -..a n M.naihin.g i
!r d can u hro.,;hi on an a'taik of
'flora morbus," wrhe- .Mrs. Ceh-.f,.
ie"i; k'-r. Mat on. Mr. "I mn'ered
i:.lel:-a t.ait: and had to ;o to he,!.
' :ot a i'o-t!- of ( hamh, r!.:in's Colic
:'d l'iarrhoia I'eiaedy ami one d.e
r. i eved ?! - jiain wonderfully. I only
took two or three hut they
did the work.
night car. :'. or will
smaller car. Telephone
I I 1 -".
Subscribe for the Journal today.
Used Oar iarket!
Fool 1913 Touring .$100
Ivul 1916 Touring 135
F)id VJ16 Roadster 150
Turd IS 16 Touring, winter top 250
01 vl 1016 Coujte 315
Ford 1917 Touring 190
Ford" 191S Toi-rir.g 2C0
Fnd 1920 Starter Touring 350
Lnick 5 jiassenger Touring 400
Oakland 5 passenger Touring. 250
!pii!?BAYSIDE BALli.S.J1
i . j
hj lot her says
'"I dont Yant him to run barefoot
over the stones 99
Ho finds the Hood Bayside "sneaker" is so much
lighter than others that he'll wear them. They arc
'thick enough to protect his feet and the lighter
ivcight, 1 find, gives better wear than others. Also,
the Baysides cost less.
Hood Baystdcs arc a long wearing summer hoc
for the low price. They arc a sensible rhoc for chil
dren in hot weather from every point of view, but
they are made in all sizes for every member of the
olsk any dealer or write us.
ilood Rubber Products Co., Inc.
Watertown, Massachusetts.
FENWAY Cro-ss-JirapStndal
LENOX Jfbuse Jhec
Give lite provirp young fect
a c hnnce. Children .ire delighted
with the new found freedom in
cool, easy I lood S.inilal.s. Urown
duck uppers, with white binding
and white lining. Long rearing
soles. Saves the expensive ihoci,
Vliy not work under the most
favorable conditions? The Lenox
I louse Shoe is light, cool, flexi
ble ard easy. Neat and stylish in
.ippcarrfncr; ,nd you don't wet
the foot when you step onto,
damp ground, gives extra long
wear. Is moderate in price.
These ears are all worth the money.
Above are casli prices. Extra charge
' tor time payment. Come, see them!
; I. H. Folicck Garage,
m jit
f Via 12 O
and Buy Lawful Leeis!
McKee ....
Violet Ray , .
In all sizes at
T. H- PolSock Parage
. . . .
! Chautauqua July Sth u-..-.....
i WW I
I ijo us6 diking i
4. V W
5 Big Days
You can't enjoy the usual 4th of
July weather in heavy dark clothes.
You can get more comfort to the
square inch from cool, light com
fortable fitting summer clothes than
from most any other money you can
spend. Look these cool items over.
Cotton Pongee
So 50
Thi-i morning flu1 situation along
Hip rip rap on tlio east sid- of tlin
Missouri river was reported as lin
ing the most serious o far this year,
with prospects for still further in
roads of the t reat lieroiis stream upon
the adjacent Iowa farm land.
Shortly before S o'clock a section
of the river bank, 500 feet in extent,
was swept into the river and the
alarm for immediate relief was sent
I B-7.1
i i ,-.. .m i at
: ill m C. E. m
u mm m
$-9 95 So 95
Cool Summer
Caps $1
Men's Palm Beach Suits
$t!Th 50
Men's Summer Trousers
White Duck Cream P. Beach Light Check
$2.50 $4.95
Men's Hot Weather Shirts
Fancy Stripes
$ 45
Silk Pongee
escott's Sons
Cool dress sox 25c
out by Division Superintendent N. C.
fc'i'''- -"ai--:
ml I'miii
i it