The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1921, Image 1

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    cal SocietVv
vol. no. xxx vn.
NO. 101
From Thursday's Dully. 1
A ery serious accident oecurcrt
last evnir.g on Chicag'j avenue near
the Knights of Columbia hall and
which came vtry near having a fa
tal termination of lMnahl. the f ur
vtar old ;oii of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
From the torit--' of those who were
near the scene of ttie accident at tin'
time it eeins that I . inn ! 1 as well as
a number of the larger children of
the n. it hhorhond had been engaged
in pu.-hing th- Ford car of W. '.
Foster along the highway to a:ist
in getting it started and on the car
suddenly starting out the children
had sought to return to tiie fide-walk
and ail but l.nald succeeded in
dodging tile passing automobile. The
little lad seemed to gr-v onfu-ed ;
Were Vii
ime arid
rs parsing each way
he sudd-llly Stepped
t he
iti front f the car
F.llii t and before tin
In Veil !' e!:iia
sin-cl of t he ca r
collld be checked tile little l..iV had
teen knocked down and the wheels
C'f tiie auto passed over his head and
shoulders, inflicting some very dan
peimi :. ppearini: wound-.
The b.'.v was bleeding profusely and
apparently badly injured but did 11m
lo.-.e n-;; !oiisne-s a 11 d was picked up
by William F. wlm had arriv
ed at tiie scene of a el i 'il just a few
after ;t ;,a i occur. -d. J lie lli-
'jtired boy
was placed in tiie car of
Mr. Evers
ami taKen to me oui.'e 01
Dr. P. .1.
Flvnn w here 1
1 lljli!
w re dre-sed and the patient mad,-!
as comfortable a-', possible. It w as im-j
po-itle at the time to fully deter-i
mine tiie extent of the injuries and
on the advice of Ir. Dwyer f Oma
ha who was present at the time, the
boy was taken to Omaha this morning
for an X-ray examination and the
final outcome cannot be determined
.lentil after the examination is coiu
pfefi The accident vnile fri nK-cnouslt
at the best, is fortunate in that i' did
not re-uit in the instant death of the
little boy a- it cetild very easily have
been a most tragic termination.
A great many children along th"
avenues and main traveled streets of
the city have taken up the hahit f
playing out in the roadway in dis
regard of the safety of thir'lies
and thi: acciilei t should he a warn
ing to keep Off of the streets except
ninsr back and torth aeross tie
oiu'hfare as with the little ones run
ning back and fiiirth ;o-to.-,s the
path of the automobiles there is on
ly the question (if time until :. me
one else is injured or perhaps killed.
The month of Juro is u-ually held
no ;i - lhe fiiii wh,-n t'im ure-iTr
part o! the matrimonially inclined!
put ii."" take their dip into the sea of 1
Wedded bliss, but thi- veal -eeuis in
Itate Upset the ( a e. o :aj i ti g to t
figure- in tin' marriage lie. n-e de
partmnt of Coiinty .Indue H. ".-.i.ii's j
office. This year there were but tn
Of tile Voting people to be -;(iced ini
Ca -s county w hile this tioie ht.-f j
twenty-two had been given the ile-'
sired permit to join tom-t!c - in ma-j
tri luollial bliss. The Ke.' judge (
has a kej -a number -f o:- friends I
why the apjiarent shortage in
crop -.f brides and vt.t ;-.i In
one seem - to be able in exi"tl-i
plain. St. me claim that the bo
t-r lias had a bad effect :!
the low price of corn i; ( !
young formers fr-m geitin."
while a few contend that ti
Are growing wiser and pr
single route, bill regard I.--,,
cati'e we are short twelve
ever last year which looks
w ea
t h
' -,,
i- pe
From Thursday's Iially.
Last evening a very plea-; : n! pic
nic party was held along ihc- bank-;
of the Four Mile creek n.i.-tii cf this
city and at which the memb.'rs of the
party found a pleasant relaxation
from the be;if of the city. The pic
nic was given in honor of little Miss
Alice Funk of Ashland, who is here!
visiting at the home of her grand-!
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. P.. Per-j
ry. Roasting wenies and other games
and pastimes rerved to entertain thei
members of
going hour.
the party until the home
For the past few days Fred Stew
art has been out circulating the sub
scription paper for the Chamber of;
Commerce that will assure the city!
having weekly band concerts in the
future summer weeks. The solici
tor has ben meeting v.'. i u usual
success in his work and quite a neat
sum has been pledget! by the busi
ness meu and residents along
street for this purpose.
One 20x32 canvass in good con
dition, at $ 2a.
Kim TtiurnflaVf Dallv.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
H't-teukauip near Mynard lias been
gladdened by the arrival there of a
fine little ciain; titer who is the pride
and joy of the household. The many
fiuuds will extend to the happy par
ents their heartiest best wishes for
the future welfare
little one.
are doing
The mother and little
niceiy and Elmer is one of the proud-
fjt men in the state.
C. B. &
Q. R. R.
is Plaintiff in Ac
in Di&t. Court
Ira Stull.
Proni Tt.iirsdav' Dsllv.
The J'latte bottom, the scene of
many long lit igat ions over land title
and pn sion. is once more to the
fore in an action commenced thi;
moiniht; by the Chicago, Burlingiou
tV Qtiiiicy tailroad auaiiu.t Ira St nil.
The plaintiff in their petition ask
that ti e defeii il i !i t be
usinir or interfering
restrained from
with certain
kinds which the comfarn claims as
, a part of the right of way.
! The pet it foil of the railroad com
! party states that the plaintiff has
; leased tiie land in dispute to Monte
iStreitht and that the defendant has
j attempted to take possession of a cer-
tain part of the land wit J: the re-
stilt that the mailer is now to be
threshed out before Judge Lesley in
the di trie! court. The railroad asks
for a restraining order against the
plaintiff to prevent his trespassing
on the right of way of the company,
l'yron Clark, Jesse L. Knot and W.
A. Kohertson appear for Jhe plain
till" and 1 . O. Hwyer for ihe defen
From Thu rstla y s l'!lv
Tiie fifteen;!; birthday anniversary
i f .Mi-s Minna Wolff was idist-red in
a very pleading manner la.-.t eenin
at the W'oltT home when a number
tf the young friend:; of the charm
ing little lady gathered to assist her
in the observance of the event.
The time was delightfully spent in
games of all kinds in which the mem
bers of the party entered wholeheart
edly and also in listening to a most
pleasing program of music given by
the ladits. Missts Helen Wescott ami
Harriet I'eacork offering piano num
bers. Miss Alice Euise Wescott a
whiffling solo and Miss Murna Wolff
a cornet number, all of which were
very much enjoyed by all of the
Oainty n freshment". served to com
plete ifif. plea-ures of the occasion.
As remembrance:; of the event Miss
Murna received a number of very
hands:ttie gifts from the friends.
Those to attend the gathering were:
Edith (Japen. Blanch P.raun, Ruth
Shannon. Catherine Schneider. Eth
lyn Wiles. (Irace I Miff. Cedar Creek.
Judith Johnson, Alice Louise Wes
cott. Eliebeth Waddiflt Helen and
Edith Farley. Ethel Warren. Jnreh
Ea-sd -rl ack. Hr-len Wilei;. Margaret
i Wiles. Harriet Peacock. Clara John-i
son. Mary llalas. Caroline S. hulhof.j
! Aliee Ftak. Violet V.tllery. Mary Mar-
i garet Walling. Ursala Herold. lie!-!
en Wescott. Eeona (.livens of Omaha,
! who is a gue.-t at the Wolff home.
Harrv K. Ronne, blind and par-
ti;,Hy paralyzed, is called the wonder
man of I.ushton, Neb. He is operator
for the Lincoln Telephone and Pele
graph company and has been pro
nounced bv officials (f the company
in be one id' the best men in its ser
vice, lb- is a graduate of the Nebras
ka Ciiy school for the blind and the
Press of that city prints the follow
ing human interest story:
Ronne went blind eighteen years
apo at the age of "0 from atrophy of
the optic nerve caused by brain pres
sure. At the same he became la rt ially
paralyzed in the limbs. After leaving
the Institute for the Blind at Nebras
ka City nine years ago he married Ida
3a-t. a girl whom he had known for
manv vears but whom he had never
seen, tie now lias a noy oi sa.v ra. i
it l - l . . ...,r.. I
Fnder bis wife's direction he took'
wife's direction he took
...... . i
up ine learning oi ieiepiii.ii- yt'-
uig and soon necame verseu in mei
mysteries of the switchboard! He;
operates if by distinguishing the var-i
. t " i. . r . 1. n . 1. ......
ious sounds or i oi in-
and knows that no two rings are -
acily alike; in this way lie can oper-
Hte it as (illicitly as a person with the
use of his eyes. Ronne cannot read
or write due to the loss of sensitory
feel i ng in his limbs.
He sits in his office all day and
far into the evening giving faithful
service. His wife takes care of the
financial and commercial affairs of
has no
Ronne is totally blind
hopes of ever seeing
again in his
In the account of several partie-.
i who w ere picked up for speeding bv
jthe police and which appeared in
tthe Journal a few days ago. it wa
stated that Harley Becker was anion;-,
those arrested. It seems that v.-
.were misinformed in the matter a;
lit was Floyd Becker who was chars-
d w ith speeding.
Practically All of the Bottom Lands
East cf Euilington Station are
Inundated Still Raising
From Thursday's Daily, i
The overflow from the Missouri j
river at this point has practically!
reached the heipht of lat sea-.on and,
the flood waters are now standing
over the bottoms east ot the hsur
lingtou tracks resembling a
uht. with the duelling hous
i ap-I
pearing as i lands on the surface ofi
the body of water.
The water surrounding
the resi -
d-nce of J. I. bnv is almost a.? high
a ; it was at The time of the high
water hist summer and the members
of the family are making their way
around the'faim by the use of boats
and feeding the stock and attending
to the barnvard chores by the use J
of water going craft.
The entire east portion of the base
ball park is now under water and
tie overflow extends almost to the
diamond while all the outfield is well
com red with the flood. Unless the
wiit'-r subsides rapidly it will make
a game here Sunday practically im-pos-sible.
1 lie Burlington is still carrying
on its work against the river on the
Iowa fide and a large number of
Italian laborers have linen imported
to assist in the work of fighting the
flood wafer and checking" the efforts
of Uie river to break through the
tracks of the railroa-d companv, as
well as overflowing the farming
land", of that localitv.
On Tuc
of Elm w
to the fact
day evening the citizens
1 were suddenly awakened
that a fiyi.nv machine was
circling over
picked out a
tiebl on the
town. Mativ
the town. It finally
lighting place in the
Earnst farm north of
went to the scent to
see what they Cotild o'e.
The machine was of the (
type and is known as a Jenny'
chine among flyers, the same
'urt is
' ma
ns a
''Eizyie" among autoists
oe among autoists. i lie ma -
. , r
was wwned by - -a man from
v i , ! i i ,
ahoe. Nebraska, and he was ac-l
, . , . ...
companies pv nis wile. He was an
air man in the army and since his
discharge has been driving the aero
plane. They have taken up over a
thousand passengers in three years.
They were at Avoca on Monday
(vening and took tin 14 nassengers
I i ncl Oil i ii u Orlando Tefl't. wl'ii is T.S
years old and who it is said greatly
enjoyed the experience. Five pas
.ctigers went up here. They were
Leonard I'reainer. (Mto King. Ralph
and Walter Reeder and Fred Pren
tice. Many enjoyed watching the
machine circle over town. The ma
chine remained here until the next
da v. Elm wood Leader-Echo.
From Friday's Dally.
Last night at midnight, P. P.
Davis, father of A. C. Davis of this
city, passed away at the Clarkson
hospital in Omaha, following a stay
tlure of over a week, during all of
which time he was in a niot ser
ious condition.
Mr. Dais was taken to Rochester,
Minnesota, for treatment and ex
amination a few weeks ago. but the
surgeons at the Mayo hospital could
give him no encouragement, and he
was sent back home, but owing to
his weakened condition it was neces
sary to place him in the hospital at
Omaha on his arrival there and he
had been sinking ery rapidly since
that time. '
The bndv of Mr. Davis was taken
to his (dJ home at McCook. Nebraska,
where the funeral services will be
held Saturday afternoon and the
remains laid to rest in the cemetery
From Thursday's Daily.
This afternoon a jolly party of
i eight young ladies departed for Cedar
; C'-eek w here they will visit for the
night at the home of Miss Bernese
, , f truest at i
lumber nartv"
; ' r,r ,
... . ... i- ,. ,
k i veu in minor 01 ine iiiiinuay a ii ii i-
versa rv of Miss Ault. The
party was
conveyed to Cedar Creek by J. E.
"Wiles in his car and the ladies will
return tomorrow morning on the
train. Those to make the trip were
Hfllfn and K(Hth Farley, Helen Wiles
Marguerite Wiles, Ethlyn Wiles. Mary
Margaret Walling, Murna Wolff,
Judith Johnson.
A number of the young ladies of
the citv decided last Sunday morn-
ing to seek the pleasures of the day
in the open spaces on nature and wju journey via San Francisco . Port
accordingly visited the vicinity of iand? Seattle and Vancouver. British
La Platte where they spent the day Columbia, from where he goes to Al
in picnicking with all the pleasures perta. near which place the Wes
of roasting wenies and preparing the !Pott familv has extensive land in
dainties for the luncheon as well as terests. After spending a short time
in the water sports. It was late in the-there, he will return home via the
aftrenoon when the jolly party mo- short line to St. Paul and Minneap
tored back to this city feeling that olis aiuj thence to Omaha. The trip
l lie lime naa neen a mosi ueiignuui
one for all of the party
TllOSe to en -
iv the occasion were: Misses Eliza
beth. Alma and Agnes Hollv, Marv
and Mattie Sedlak, Mary Krejci, andl We can furnish you Drank book
j Josephine Rys. jmost any kind at Journal office.
The condition of Mrs. Fd Creamer
who is at the Immanuel hospital in
Omaha recovering from an operation
for appendicitis, is reported as being
: all that could possibly be expected
and the patient is ral!ing nicely
I from the effects of the operation. Mrs
I Ci earner it is thought will soon be
I able to have the stitches removed
from the incesion and every prospect
for her early recovery is very bright.
! Explosion of Gas Stov$ Causes Se
vere Eurning of Right Hand
and Arm Yesterday.
From Friday's Ially.
Yesterday afternoon William Bar-
. clav, state president cf the Eagles of
the state of Nebraska, met with a
very painful as well as serious ac
cident at his restaurant in this city.
The building is being overhauled
and repaired and during this time
there is more or less work with the
stoves in t ho kitchen of the restau
rant, which was one of the causes
of the accident of yesterday.
Mr. Rarclay was attempting to
light one of the gas stoves in the
kitchen and had made several at
tempts when suddenly on placing a
match to the burner, it exploded, a
large quantity of gas having accumu
lated, and in an instant the fames
had swept over the hand of Mr. Bar
clay, burning it very badly and in
fact the right arm clear to the elbow
was more or less burned and the
hair of the unfortunate man singed
by the spreading flames, but very
fortunately the fire did not reach his
! face.
The injured hand caused Uie most
intense suffering and I'r. H. P. West
over was hurriedly called to the res
taurant, where the injured hand wr.s
dressed and the patient mail15 as
comfortable as the very annoying in
jury would permit. Tiie burns we're
so severe on the hand that large por
tions of the skin and flesh dropped
off shortly after the accident.
This misfortune will b- deeply re-
retted bv the manv friends of Mr
i , . . , .v. . . .,
ii.arvlav throughout the state and it
. . , . . , . . . . .
:s lo be hoped that hr iu.y ioon re-
, . . , . . .
(cover from the effects of the injury
without anv ill effect.
llli.LO I1LV1
H. Short, of This City, of First
Regimental Patriarch Militant
Officiates at Big Eevent
Col. James H. Short of this city,
v.tll known over the domain of the
fair stale of Nebraska as one of the
greatest boosters for Oddfellowship
in the state, was a visitor in Oma
ha Wednesday night where he of
ficiated at the organizing of a new
Canton of the Patraianh Militant.
Col. Short is the head of the First
regiment and his official capacity
supervised the instillation of the new
branch of the order.
The new Canton will be known as
Oustavas Adolphus Canton No. 9, and
is composed of the members of the
I. O. (J. F. in Omaha, it is a part of
the first battalion of the first regi
ment and will be under the immed
iate command of Major McKay of
Benson. It starts its existence with
a membership of twenty members all
of whom Cid. Short states are live
wires and will doubtless prove one
of the big factors in the life of Odd
fellowship in the metropolis.
The organization of the new can
ton was occomplished in record break
ing time as Col. Short mustered in
the canton, the members elected their
officers and they were duly installed
on the same evening. The member
ship held a fine banquet at the close
of the work and which was one of
the happy features of the occasion.
"rnm Friday' Daily
This afternoon C. C. Wescott and
his niece. Miss Helen Wescott, de
parted for Los Angeles, where they
will visit at the home of the parents
of Mr. Wescott, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wescott and where Miss Helen will
remain for the summer months en
joying her vacation with the grand
parents. On the way west the
tourists will travel over the Bur
lington to Denver and from there go
to LaJunta, Colorado, where they
transfer to the Santa Fe route. The
4th of July will be spent by Mr.
Wescott and niece at the Grand
Canyon of the Colorado and they
will reach Los Angeles on the 6th
of July.
On his return trim Mr. Wescott
0f Mr. Wescott w ill occiinv n norio.1
ifif come si-v uoel-e
Eighteen of Business Men of the City
Pay Social Visit to Chief In
dustry of the Town.
From Friday's Dailv
The members of the Plattsmouth
Ad club, numbering some eighteen
of the live wire merchants, headed
by President C. C. Wescott and Sec
letary Fred Bu'.ch. made a visit to
s largest industry the
shops yesterday after-
The party
made the tour over all
starting in at the of
fice of Superintendent William Baird.
where they were given the glad hand
and on through the shops where the
workmen are busily engaged in the
work of completing and repairing
the cars and equipment of the rail
road. The visit proved a revelation to
some of the members of the party,
who had not before witnessed the
operation of the shops and the var
ious departments afforded them the
greatest of pleasure as they watched
the workmen turn out the different
jobs on which they were engaged.
The brass foundry, coach and paint
shop, machine shop and blacksmith
shop were the chief objects of in
terest, although they spent some time
in the steel car shop and the freight
car repair department where a large
part of the working force of the shop
is employed.
The day was one. however, that
was far from ideal for a visit of this
kind, as the hot sun beat down on
the shops without mercy and the
"Adders" were well heated up when
they returned to the city, but were
well pleased with the experiences oi
the day and the fact that they had
gotten in personal touch with the
shops and the men who are em
ployed there.
A visit to the railroad shops is a
revelation to anyone and certainly is
one that every business man and cit
izen not connected with the rail
road should make, as it places them
in close touch with the actual condi
tions there.
Miss Gladys Cozad and Alfred Green,
Both of Malvern, are Married
Here Last Evening.
From Friday's Dally.
A very pretty but quiet wedding
occurred last evening at the home
oi Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bennett in
this city, when Miss Gladys Cozad.
sister of Mrs. Bennett, was united in
marriage to Mr. Alfred F. Green,
both of the contracting parties be
ing residents of Malvern, Iowa.
The rooms of the Bennett home
were very prettily arranged with
decorations of roses and the summer
tiowers and made a very pretty scene
for the pleasant event.
Promptly at 8 o'clock the young
people took their station before Rev.
A. G. Hollow ell. pastor of the Chris
tian church, who pronounced the
words that made them as one. The
bridal party were attended by Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Atchison, of Malvern,
Mrs. Atchison being a sister of the
bride. The bride was attired in a
charming costume of blue satin.
Mr. and Mrs. Green will remain
in this city for the present and may
decide to make this their permanent
The groom is a former Platts
mouth boy, being a son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Green, for a number of
years residents of this city and he
has of late years resided on a farm
near Malvern. The bride has been
reared to womanhood in the Iowa
city and has a host of warm friends
in her old home who will learn with
pleasure of her new happiness.
The friends here will join in wish
ing the newly weds success and hap
piness in their new venture on the
stream of life.
From Thursday's Dally.
Yesterday William F. Evers, sup
erintendent of the Nebraska Masonic
Home together with his wife and lit
tle son and Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Swin
niker, parents cf Mrs. Evers, returned
home from an outing of several weeks i
in Iowa where they have been spend
ing the time with relatives and
friends. On the way over the mem
bers of the party who traveled in the
car of Mr. Evers stopped off. to at
tend the Shriners conclave at Des
Moines and also at Adair, where the
relatives of the Swinniker family re
side. After the close of the big con
clave the party spent some time at
Spirit Lake and Okoboji where they
enjoyed the pleasures of the Iowa
resort. On the return trip they stop
ped off at Holstein. Iowa, to visit
with the father and uncle of Mr.
Evers for a short time.
5ix registered Chester White Gilts
bred for fall farrow breeding. The'
best in the U. S. A. Write or phone 1
No. 1303. Geo. Stall, Weeping WTa- J
ter, Nebraska.
At the home of
Gr.pen Wednesday
ci.e of the social
ton, in the term
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
afternoon occurred
events of the t-ea-cf
a musical tea.
which included several numbers of
vocal, instrumental, solo and dutts.
One pleasing feature of the aitcr
r.ocn was a trio by Martha Belie
t'avery, John and Phoebe Fleming,
of Indiana, as well as a piano bolo
by Olga Minford, the talented daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Minford. of
Murray. Refreshments were served.
From Friilay' Dailv.
Yesterday afternoon the eighth
birthday anniversary of little Maxine
Cloidt was celebrated at her home on'
west Mam street and m which a num
ber of friends of the little lady par
ticipated. The afternoon was spent in
games until the hour when the guests
were invited to participate in the
dainty luncheon. The chief feature
of the luncheon was the fine birth
day cake with the symbolic candles.
Those to enjoy the event with Max
ine were: Louisa Albert, Ruth War
ga, Mary Ann Hadraba. Mary and
Alma Swatek. Helen Virginia Price,
Nadine and Rosemary Cloidt, Patri
cia Flynn, Jacqueline Davis, Jean
Hayes. Norma Baumgart, of Lincoln,
Jackie Jones of Shenandoah. Iowa.
Master Robert Bestor. John H. Beck
er, II, Ralph Cole, George Sayles. Jr.
This morning County Attorney A.
G. Cole returned from a visit of some
two weeks back in the old home in
the state of Ohio, where he was called
on the sad mission of laving to rest
his brother. Frank Cole. Mr. Cole w
at MolyoKe. ( oiorauo. when the nies-i
sage was received that the beloved
brother had passed away at Oakland,!
California, and at once laying asid"
the business interests on which he
had been called west he hastened to
Oakland and made the arrangements
for the return of the brother back to
his former home at Barnestown. Ohio.
The trip was very wearing as to re
quired a journey of more than once
across the continent. Mr. Cole has the
deep sympathy of the host of friends
here in his bereavement that has tak
en from him one of the beloved family
circle. " - -
A large section of the trackage of
the Burlington on the main line be
tween dial co and Gretna was wash
ed out during the heavy rains of last
night and this morning all trains
were sent via Ashland and Oreapolis
until the tracks could be repaired
and as a result the east bound trains
were all late into this city.
No. C due here at S:14 was de
layed until SJtof., as it was necessary
to go on into Omaha and then back
to this citv.
Major Hall, Jr.. wife and little
son, of Madrid, are in the city for
a visit at the home of Mrs. Hall's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Sayles, and ah;o with Mr. Halls
father, who has been at Omaha for
some time taking treatment and is
now showing some improvement.
Noel B. Rawls arrived yesterday
to join his wife and children here,
and will visit for a short time while
the family will remain for the sum
mer months. The Rawls family have
been residing in Yankton, S. Dak.
, ! L
iLmnn iiiiimiiiin , ffl TI mimmiiin mini?
ippil ' t!' !
For Woman!
Women want a safe place to bank. Be
sides security they want assurance of privacy
and courtesy.
We provide such a place. A well-appointed
private room; tellers who make k
easy and pleasant to do business.
We invite women's accounts checking
or savings any size.
The First national Bank
J. B. CItghcrr. Passes Away at
Ker Hoiue in Harder, Cali
fornia on June 15th.
W .
FrKifiy s
. ' .If-'
of the
at their
or!) fffeived
death of his
word last
brot her's
home in Harp, r, Cali-
foriiia. June 1 :".
bi'd been in fai
time, but the in
caused her (hal
a vaccination,
lesulting in a :
i ! l . M r . cie.iiorn
li.':K health for some
.mediate trouble t hat
h Who the eheets of
fever seUing in and
troke of para l sis.
Ma 1 ina
leghorn's maiden name was
i'aber. She was a native of
nd was born in Kewanee,
April G. H-.iH. When a small child
she came with her parents, the late
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Taber, to Ne
braska. They owned a Mie farm
south of Manley in the early days and
were prominent in the social activi
ties of that time.
In her early womanhood she was
married to O. R Pitney and she
leaves two sons by this marriage.
Floyd and Clyde Pitney, living in
Nebraska. On October H. lt'.u. she
wa.-? married to J. B. Cleghnrn at Al
liance. Nebraska. One chilj was
born of ibis union. Jennie, a daugh
ter, now Airs. Baird. of Fellows.
Mr. and Mrs. ("leghorn left Ne
braska for Washington in lioi7, at
which place they lived two vears,
then moving to California. They en
joyed their California home, where
they owned a walnut grove, and the
loss of his wife and companion is in
deed a sad blow to the husband as
.well as to the children. Mrs. Cleg-
norn was a spiemini i
rist laii woman
who knew her
and was beloved by all
Mr. and Mrs. ( leghorn will be sorry
'to learn of lo.r passing and will join
; us in extending heartfelt f-ynipathj-.
Louisville Courier.
John Newkirk, aged 4S years, liv
ing on the Kainm farm. f miles north
of Eagle, died suddenly Mr.ndjy even
ing. As near as we can learn he had
been enjoying the best of health, and
had just eajen a heariv suppt-r. after
which he went inio th field with
a binder to open up the field for
operations the following morning.
Some of the family noticed h:s queer
actions and went to see what the
trouble was. Neighbors were called
and he was taken to the house and
a doctor called. He died that same
evening. The funeral is being beid
this afternoon at the Methodist
church at Alvo. Mr. Newkirk was a
highly respected neighbor. The fam
ily have the sympathy of the entire
com muni ty. -Eagle Beacon
From Thursday s Dall
William Barclay, state President
;:nd William H. Mason. -Mate inner
guard of the grand lodce of the
Eagles, were visitors in Smith Oma
ha on Tuesday evening to attend the
instillation of the new officers of
the aerie in that city. The cirtimon
ies were conducted by, Mr. Barclay
assisted by the South Omaha offic
ers and were very impr-ssve. The
South Omaha acre have just receiv
ed and acted on a large number of
applications and making the mem
bership increase by leaps and bounds.