The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1921, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
NO. 99
VOL. NO. xxxvn.
Annual Children's Day Service
II. E. Sunday School Followed
by Rig Picnic Yesterday
Sundav evening. Jure llth, the
annual Children-- day program was
given hv the members of the Sun lay
school of tl.e First Methodist Epis
copal church which was in the na
ture of a pageant and ended with a
beautiful tableaux. The title of the
plav wa Heirs of Liberty." and
each number arid sons w a.s given in
such a manner as to reflect great
rredi: upon the lnuiviuuai oungsieiM
taking part.
The collection taken at this ser
vice i-o-.-- into a fund maintained by
the church and which is loaned to
young people f tbe church w ho, de
sire to take a college course but are
prevented from lack of finances. The
mo!i-y t litis loaned is payable after
five year.- including; a small rate of
interest ami offers a fin' opportunity
to those who might not otherwise be
enabled to secure the advantages of
a college education.
Following the program it was de
cided i bat all work and no play
make- b ;. s and girls dull even in
Sunday - hool. and accordingly on
Wednesday afternoon the members of
the school met at the church and
were driven out to the inulh of the
Four Mile creek, where an ideal pic
nic grmind was found.
i;ero!ie present fell into the
spirit of Ho- occasion and some great
foot Lull. L:;.-e ball ami croquet games
were played in the shade of the tine
prove and upon the ureeiiswurd.
When the call for supper was'
rien. I'L'S huuuiy folks filed past
the ri 1 ! : n ' station and from all report.-
ihev were surely Veil filled.
The return trip ! town was at
tendant wnh much fun and all voted
the o i ;i -ioti one of the mo.-e enjoy
able Lull hoiidavs they lad spent in
a loin' time.
From Thursday's Dallv.
The stork made a pleasant call at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ( L.
Gouchenour south of the city yester
dayand left in their care a fine eight
and one-half poumi baby boy, who is
the fir:t boy in the family and will
make a nice playmate for the little
sister. Virginia. Mothir and baby
are getting al miit fine and well and
Claude is wearing a smile that will
last for some time.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
Sheldon was al-o laild-ned by the
advent of a line little American lady,
and the bright little blue eyed lass
has brought a great deal of happi
ness to the ptiieuts and other rel
atives and friends. The mot tier and
little one are doing nicely and
"lliiu?" i-: sure a mighty proud man
over the event.
From Thursdays lii
Yesterday afternoon Lester IJailey.
son of Mrs. Thomas Milliner of this
citv. arri-d beie for a short visit
with his mother and his many friends
in this vicinity. Le-ter is now a
Member of the naval forces of the
I'nited Slates and is just completing
hi- training at the Great Lakes
training station near Chicago, and on,
his return to duty from his furlough i
will be sent to New York for assign-1
nient to active duty on some of the;
vessels oi me Atlantic il-et. Lester
is looking in the best of condition
and has apparently enjoyed thor
oughly his training period.
Miss Helen Wescott of this citv a!
few days ago received a nio ; plea
surable gift from her grandfather. C.
E. Wescott of Los Angeles, in the
form of t ran-rt;i ion from ''latt.--mouth
to Los Angeles and return and
v hich will give her the opportunity
of isiting with the grandparents at
the ch:.rmihg home in the roast city.
Last year Mr. Wescott had his trraiid
daugiiler Miss Alice Iouise. with him
on the coast. If the conditions of
business permit. Mr. C. C. Wescott ex
pects to accompany his niece when
she starts west on her journey.
The wcrd has been received here
from County Attorney A. G. Cole, who
was called to Oakland. California,
the first of the week by the an
nouncement of the death of his broth
er, that he had started eastward with
the body of the brother. Frank Cole,
and would accompany the brother to
tie (hi home at I'.arnesville. Ohio,
where the other members of the fam
ily sleep. Mrs. Installs of Holyoke.
Colorado, a sister, is also accompany
ing the funeral party.
Mrs. Edward Creamer, of this citv
wus operated on Tuesday at the 1m-
inanuel hospital in Omaha for a very
severe case of appendicitis and her
condition at present is as well ns
could be expected so soon after the
operation. The family and friends
are anxiously awaiting word from her
bedside, trusting; that she may soon
Rain strength and be on the highway
to complete recovery.
From Thursday's Pally.
Mrs. James Black, who fell Tues
dar afternoon and sustained a severe
fracture of the right hip, is still
feeling very poorly and has suffered
a great deal of pain from the injury.
Dr. P. J. Flynn has charge of the
case and has been assisted in con
sultation by Dr. R. 1. West over, and
the attending; physicians are hopeful
that the patient will in a few weeks
be aule to be around although the
ieeovery must of necessity be slow.
Miss Winifred Abernathy and J. F,
Haight Are United in Bonds of
Wedlock at Ambler Home.
WcJiie.-day morning. June "2.
ljil'l, 10:;ro o'cllock, at '.he home ot
Mis. Ne'lie Ambler, her niece. Miss
Winifred Abernathy and Jay F.
H.i".ht were united in marriage b"
Lev. :-. 1 Hanford of Lincoln.
Mrs. Wallace Andrews, of Crete.
Neb., sang very sweetly "At Dawn
ing" by Cadtnan and "Beloved It Is
Morn", by Alward.
The bridal party entered the living
room to the strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march played by Mrs. C. A.
Lederer. of Norfolk.
Kev. Hanford took his place in the
south windows beautifully decorated
with ferns and baskets of Ophelia
roses. Mistress Margret Christuer.
niece of the groom, and Dorothy Jean
Swisher, of Medina. Ohio, were fairy
LUe flowers girls wearing white or
srandv dresses, each carrying a bas
ket of sweet peas. Ophelia roses ami
I, ni. They were followed by the
ring-learer. Mistress Susan Mary
Lederer of Norfolk, carrying the ring
on a white satin pollow. Next came
the bridal couple. The bride wore a
beautiful gown of lace and apricot
taffeta panels of which were artisti
cally appliqued. Her shower cor
sage was Ophelia roses, lavendar
sweet. Laky breath and tern.
After congiatulations Miss Annie
O. Hitchmau invited the guests to
the dining room which was decorated
with feins and sweet peas, where a
delicious two course luncheon was
served. Airs. K. S. Mickle. Lincoln;
Mrs. H. H. Johnston. Crete; Mrs.
Leslie Wiles and Louis Norris pre
sided over the dining room, assisted
by Ifciris Ambler, Florence Jewell,
Dorothy an J Dagmar Oleson.
Miss Gertrude HaiUord and Mar
jory Ambler presided ever the punch
bowl on the porch, decorated with
Mrs. Kay E. Norris had charge of
the guest beok. . Many beautiful
gifts were received.
The bride is a graduate of Weep
ing Water Academy. Doane College
and post work in Columbia Univer
sity and has taught in Weeping Wa
ter. Beatrice. and has been Dean of
Women at Doane College lor the last
two years.
The groom is a graduate of Doane
and is a successful business man of
San Francisco. California, where they
will be at home in the Charlemagne
Apt., 103T. Geary Street.
Among the out-of-town guests
were Mrs. M. E. Haight. Mrs. Fred
W. C'hristner and Margaret. Shawnee,
Oklahoma; Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Con
rad. Crete; Mr. Frank Fitch. Lyn
don. 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace An
drews. Crete; Mrs. H. II. Johnston,
Crete; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lederer.
Su-an and John. Norfolk. Neb.; Miss
Etlie Spahr.-Fairmont. Neb.; Dr. and
Mrs. M. II. Dunham. Omaha; Miss
Grace Buck. Omaha; Miss Helen Ash
man. Pasadena. Calif.; Mrs. W. W.
Swisher and Dorothy Jean. Medina.
Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jacobs.
V.'averlv, Neb.; Kev. and Mrs. S. 1.
llanrord. Lincoln; Miss Gertrude
Hanrord. Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Medler and daughter. Mrs. K.
S Mickle. Miss Mildred Butler.
Weeping Water Kepublican.
ti.p convention committee of the
Plattsniouth aerie of the F. O. E.
desires to express their deepest ap-
nreciation of the kindly ettorts oi
the citizens of the community in as
sisting in the success of the state
aerie and desire especially to thank
the parties taking part in me pro
gram at the theatre. Mrs. Lillian
Freeman. Edna Marshall Eaton, Mr.
A. E. Stephenson, the male quar
tet. Mr. C. A. Rawls. the general
public for their attendance, the mer
chants for decorating their places of
business, the ladies of the Eagles for
their efforts in making the event a
success and to those who donated
their cars for use of the delegates.
John I. Sattler, chairman; II. A.
Schneider. F. M. Bestor. B, G. Wurl.
A. K. Johnson. G. H. Clossen and II.
E Moore.
From Thurnday's Dally.
The Holly Syncopators of this city
Journeyed out to Weeping Water last
evening, where they played at a!
dance given there and delighted the
lovers of the latest and popular
dances with their excellent music.
The attendance at the dance was
quite large and everyone reports a
tine time.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Number of Pupils of Mrs. Lillian
Freeman Hold Pleasing Musical
Event at Home of Tteacher
From Friday's Dallv.
The beautiful home of Mrs. Lillian
Freeman on Marble street was the
scene of a most delightful gathering
last evening when some thirty-one of
her pupils on the piano were heard
in recital. The home as well as the
lawn was filled with the parents and
friends of the young people and the
event proved one of the most pleas
ing musical offerings that has been
heard in the city. Each member of
the class participating did them
selves great credit and their numbers
were all very enthusiastically reoeiv
ed by the audience. The program
given was the last of the season as
Mrs. Freeman will close her musical
work in the coming week for the
season. The program given was as
"Sleigh Kide" Verna Meisinger
"Waltz" Dangard Rek-hstad
"Leola Dance" Thresa Libershal
"Patriot March"
Margaret Eugelkemeier
"Jolly Darkies" Kichard Herold
"Camp of the Gypsies"Helen Perry
"Holiday in the Village"
Edgar Wescott
"Dancing on the Lawn"Kuth Janda
"In the Mountain Hut"
Margaret Vetesnek
"The Tulip" Kathleen Troop
"Echoes of the Ball"
Theodore lladraha
"Kustic Iance" Charlotta Neilson
"Barcarolle" Kose Frohaska
"Marguerite" Helen Beeson
"Valse Brilliant" Lillian Koubek
"Silver Nymph" Raphael Janda
"La Petit Amourette"He!-n Clement
"Gavotte" Norris Cum mint
"Valse in A-b" Helen Meisinger
"The Buttertly"Marion Copenhavei
"The Gipsy" Helen Wurl
"Warblings at Eve" Alice Wooster
"Poet and Peasant"Heleu Libersha!
"Columbine" Helen Wile.-
"Second Mazurka" Thresa Webei
"In the Lovely Month of May"
Marguerite Wile:
"Pa Des Amphores" Olive Bongt
"Two Larks" Helen Wescott
"Last Hope" Marvel Whitaket
"Hark, the Lark" Clemena Janda
"Espagnole" .Clara Trility
Have Picnic Breakfast at Early
Morning Hour Near Burlington
Bridge and Enjoy it Greatly
from Thursday's Dlly.
This morning at an early hour
when the greater part of the popu
lation of the city was soundly
wrapped in slumbers the members ol
the Toka eamptire proceeded to take
their way to the Burlington bridge
over the Missouri river, where they
staged an early breakfast of their
own preparation. The fresh morn
ing air proved most invigorating to
the members of the party and it was
with the greatest of pleasure that
they took up the work of preparing
the bacon and eggs, coffee and other
of the delicious breakfast dishes and
it is needless to say that there was
nothing left to be thrown away when
the merry party at Sn o'clock started
back to their homes in this city.
Those to enjoy the pleasant event
were: Misses Margaret and Mildred
Schlater. Fern Niel, Bernese Newell.
Wilma Rainey. Mary Catherine Par
niele. Mary Margaret Walling. Flor
ine Tritsch, Viola Archer, Fern No
ble, Mrs. R. P. West over. The event
was chaperoned by Mrs. Westover
who has been the guardian of the
campfire for the past two years.
Fast Team From Our Neighboring
City Will Be Here on the Natal
Day of the Nation.
The base ball fans of this city will
have the opportunity on Monday, Ju
ly 4th, of witnessing the fast Weep
ing Water team in action as a date
has been arranged for that date w ith
the Eagles of this city.
This will make one of the best
games of the season as the visiting
team will have with them one of the
strongest lfne ups that has appeared
here and make worthy opponents of
the fast Eagle team which has a rec
ord of victories for the season of
which they have a right to be proud.
Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6. A. F.
A. M., at their regular meeting held
Juno 20, 21. voted to extend their
thanks to the Chamber of Commerce,
Order Eastern Star, Mr. Robert
Bates. Mrs. Lillian Carraher and oth
er citizens that donated the use of
their cars or in any way assisted in
entertaining the Grand Lodge while
visiting in this city.
Journal want adi pay. Try them.
I From Thursday's Dallv.
I The performance of "Black Beau-
Ity" at the Paruiele theatre last even
ing pleased a large audience and the
story of Anna Sewall, which has
been adapted for the screen, proved
one of the most interesting film of
ferings which have been shown here.
The company is a strong one and the
splendid animals used in the pro
duction show a high type of intel
ligence and add much interest to the
picture throughout. The picture is
to be shown here for the last time
this evening.
vVm. Barclay, New President of State
Aerie Stars in to lock Over Lo
cal Organizations.
brom Friday' Dally.
William M. Barclay, the newly
elected president of the NebrasKa ae
rie of the Eagles, last evening made
his first official visit to any of the
Eagles, last evening made his first of
ficial visit to any of the aeries of the
state, motoring to Omaha to attend
the session of the Eensc.n aerie and to
meet the members of that organiza
tion. The Omaha aeries are preparing to
-tart in on their membership drives,
both Omaha and Ben on having re
sumed their former aciivitie.; and
both are expecting to addIarge num
bers to their rank within the next
few months at least. .
Mr. Barclay spoke shortly before
the Benson aerie and urged them to
get into the race with the other
lodges of the state and pledged them
his hearty co-operation in the effort
to place t lie Benson organization
back where it was formerly, as oue
of the largest aeries in the state
and in fact in the west.
While in the metropolis Mr. Bar
clay also made a short stay ta South
Omaha to look over some of the busi
ness matters of the aerie and to meet
with L. L. Mouschler, newly install
ed vice-president.
The aeries of the metropolis were
well pleased with the visit of the
new president and I: is encourage
ment of them will serve to greatly
idvance the work or the order of
which he is the head.
During his term of office Mr. Bar
clay expects to visit at least once
everv one of t lie aeries of the state
and those 'hat are located within
easy distance of this citv will prob
ably receive a number of visits from
the new head of the order.
On Return From Rochester. Minn..
Mr. Davis is So Weak That He Can
not Complete Journey to McCook
The many friends of Mr. P. P.
Davis, who has for the past several
months been making his home here
with his. son. A. C. Davis and fam
ily, will regret to learn of the very
serious condition of Mr. Davis. He
was taken to Rochester, Minn., a
number of weeks ago to undergo ex
amination at the Mayo hospital in
that place and it was found that he
was suffering with a tumor that had
made such progress that it was im
possible to give hini any relief and
he was sent back to his home. It
had been expected to have Mr. Davis
taken on to his old home at McCook,
Neb., hut on arrival at Omaha it was
found that he was in such feeble
condition that he could not stand
the further railroad trip and he was
taken to the Clarkson hospital. Mr.
Davis is in very dangerous condition
and littles hopes of his recovery are
From Friday' Dally.
The wedding of Miss Minnie Pries
of this city, and Mr. Myron Evans of
Casper. Wyoming, occurred on Wed
nesday afternoon at the office of the
county judge of Douglas county -at
Omaha. The young people came on
to this city where they spent a short
time with the relatives here, depart
ing last evening for Casper to make
their future home. The bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pries
of this city and has made her home
here for practically her entire life
time. The groom is now engaged in
the oil fields aj Casper, working in
one of the large refineries there and
it is in that city that the newly weds
expect to reside in the future.
From XhurBdajTa Dally.
This morning Dr. II. C. Leopold
was quite busy at his office having a
number of minor cases of operations
to look after and which were large
ly adnoid and tonsil operations. Lon
nie Maurer, Johnnie Allen, Pauline
Bonge, Richard Eppings and Linville
Wiles, being among those operated
on during the morning.
One 20x32 canvass in good con
dition, at $25.
Services at St. Luke's Church Quite
Largely Attended by Old Friends
to Pay Tribute to Memory
From Friday's Dcliy
This afternoon at 1:30 at the St.
Luke's Episcopal church was held
the services that marked the last tri
bute to Edward E. Egenberger, who
passed away at his home here on
Tuesday. June L'l.
-The church was filled to its capa
city by the many friends who had
gathered to join with the family in
their hour of sorrow and paying tri
bute to the memory of the good friend
who had been called home. The
church was a Lower of beautiful
flowers, a.s silent offering of the many
Kev. Father W. S. Leete. rector
of the church celebrated the burial
service of the Episcopal church and
its beauty and comforting thoughts
brought to the sorrowing ones a sense
of reconciliation to the separation
that had come into their lives.
During the service the choir com
posed of Miss Edna Petersen. Mrs.
Percy Field, Miss Verna liatt. Miss
Kathryn Waddick. gave a number of
the old familiar hymns and Miss Pet
ersen gave a very beautiful solo num
ber. The pall bearers were selected
from among the old time friends and
associates and were as follows: Dr.
F. L. Cummins, B. G. Wurl, Clayton
Rosencraus. George Weidemau. Hen
ry Goos and Eniil A. Wurl., The in
terment was had at the family lot in
Oak Hill cemetery.
Edward Egenberger was a son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and
was born in Plattsniouth. Neb.. Au
gust S. 1S77. and has spent his life
time here being educated in the pub
lic schools of this city. He was in
his earlier years engaged in working
as clerk in th mercantile establish
ments of the city and later entered
in business for himself and at the
time of his death was so engaged.
He was quite active in the life of the
community and was a member of the
Elks and Eagles lodges of this city.
Mr. Egenberger was on March ?,
1913, married in this city to Miss
Nora Martin, daughter of Mr .and
Mrs. C. L. Marl in, and to this unoin
one son. Edward, was horn, who with
the wife and mother remains to
mourn the death of their loved oue.
He also leaves to share the grief of
his untimely death, the mother, Mrs.
J. V. Egenberger. the father having
preceded Eddward in death several
ytars ago. four brothers and four
sisters. Albert of Omaha. Fred. Will
and Carl Egenberger of this city,
Mrs. Eniil Baumgart of Crookston.
Neb.. Anna, Florence, and Mary of
this city.
Knights of Columbus Have Fine Time
at Open Air Dancing Event
Last Evening.
The lovers of dancing last evening
had an ample opportunity of enjoy
ing a real pleasant treat in the cool
breezes at the K. S. park in the west
part of the city, on the occasion of
the dance given by the Knights of
The music for the occasion was fur
nished by the Holly Syncopators and
who were in their usual form witn
the rendition of the late and popu
lar musical hits of the season.
The committee had arranged a plat
form where the dainty refreshments
of ice cream and punch could be se
cured and which was very liberally
patronized by the crowd of dancers.
The location of the dance in the
open air proved a very agreeable
feature as the warm weather has
made the dances on the interior quite
uncomfortable but the splendid plat
form and appropriate surroundings
made the dance most pleasing to ev
eryone and the crowd remained on
the dance floor until the midnight
hour when most of them wended
their way .homeward.
From Friday's Dallv.
Last evening an incident occurred
that reminded the former doughboys
in this city of the palmy days in old
Paree. when the Hotel St. Anne and
the right hand salute were in their
The similarity arose over the .fail
ure of a sailor to salute a second lieu
tenant of the army, who has been
here on some work at the rifle range
and the furor that followed was such
as would have pleased the most hard
boiled member of the staff at the St.
Anne. Lester Bailey, who is home
cn a furlough was the storm center
of the affair and the lieutenant was
very full of wrath that the right
semaphore of the young man had not
snapped into position as he passed
by and for a few minutes the sailor
was threatened with arrest, trial and
all the various punishments that the
army regulations can provide from
the 1st to the 96th. However, the
matter pased without serious trou
ble beyond the first excitement as the
officer evidently concluded that the
affair was not as serious as was
thought at first.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Kalasek in this city has been made
much happier by the advent there
j c.f a fine little son and heir that ar
I rived to dwell in the future with
Father and Mother Kalasek. The
little one as well as the mother is
doing niceiy and Julius feels that
this has been one of the happiest
events of his lifetime, not excepting
the day he was discharged from the
From Siitu'Jay's Dallv.
After a long threatening period of
two weeks, the flooded Platte and
Missouri rivers this morning com
menced pouring their waters over the
bottom land east of the Burlington
pasenger station. The water flow
ing onto the Bach farm comes from
the first channel of the Missouri riv
er, which has been swollen by the
waters from the Platte and is at
some points of suff icient depth to al
low a skiff to be navigated with
ease. Reports from Schuyler indi
cate a few inches rise in the Platte
there, while reports from Omaha in
dicate that a small raise may be
looked for at all points from Fre
mont east to the Missouri.
Mr. Lowe, occupying the Bach
farm, has just plowed up a portion
of the land and placed it to corn and
it is this part of the same that the
flood waters decided to overflow onto.
On Saturday Marshal John Linn
took charge of two young boys about
the ages of 12 to 14 who had decided
that home was not good enough for
them and" had decided to go out in
the world and see what they could
see. They had gotten as far as Elm
wood from their home in Lincoln
when tired and hungry they were
taken up by Marshal Linn who took
them in charge. They seemed quite
docile and ready for any chance to
get back home. They were taken
home in the Tip-Top bread truck that
makes this place every day and we
will venture to say that they were
mighty glad that they were on their
way home and that they had learned
enough of the big, big world that
they will be content to stay at home
for the present at least. ElmwoocT
From Friday's Dally.
This afternoon Mrs. C. T. Peacock
and Mrs. J. W. Elliott returned home
from Table Rock, Neb., where they
have been in attendance at the con
vention of the missionary society of
the Methodist church. Mrs. Pea
cock was named as the secretary of
one of the important sections of the
missionary work in this district, by
the meeting.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Cathey, west of Murray was gladden
ed by the arrival there on Thursday
of a fine little son and heir. The
little man is the object of the great
est of admiration from the delighted
parents as well as the little sister and
the many friends are joining in wish
ing the young Mr. Cathey many years
of success and happiness.
We can furnish you hrank books
most any kind at Journal office.
The Snug
ircrriiij;i!;iiii"-i r m'ri j I rTT-:r:TrTTTrrr'rir.nn' im-a
Many an old Salt often refers to the snug
harbors, havens of safety resorted to during
storms at sea.
Similarly banks all over America during
the past periods of depression fortunate enuf
to be members of the Federal Reserve, felt
safe under the protection of this mammoth
There are ample reasons why you should
give your support to a Federal Reserve Bank.
Come in and we will tell you more about
this nation wide organization of which we
are a member.
The First National Bank
Tbiity Car Loads cf Enthusiastic Pep
itsenmives cf RuEine lnteretts
cf E.ias City, Kuuiiis. Heie
Fruru Fudav'H Daily
YeMerday afternoon the business
section of the rity rang with the
shouts, cheers and sineing of the en
thusiastic crowd of l'i. bojjiers from
Kansas City, Kansas, who made this
city a stop on their wav northward
through Nebraska on tlu-ir "gnodfei
lowship" tour and the members of
the party proved real .-. poiicn t of
the doctrine of good felL vv.diip in ev
ery sense of the u-rni and were a
most pleasant and agreeable party iS
The party had sent advance an
nouncement of their coming to the
chamber of commerce and were right
on the schedule at 'J:; when the
first of the long string of cars arrived
in the city.
The visit ors were greet ed by the
members of the chamber of commerce
and the business men of the city and
the visitors proceeded to entertain
the crowd that had been attracted by
their coining, with songs and stories
and was followed by the Welcome to
the city given by John V. Sattler,
president of the chamber of com
merce to which C. A. Swoboda of the
visiting party responded with a few
appropriate remarks.
During their stay the party dis
tributed a number of souveniers to
the people on the street and in the
limited time of twenty-five minutes
were able to get in touch with a
number of the business men.
They departed for Omaha at the
conclusion of the reception lure and
made their night stop in the metro
polis preparatory to taking up their
return journey to the Kansas town
this morning. On thheir return they
will make stops at Gretna. Ashland,
Greenwood, Lincoln and other towns
in this state and reach Marysville,
Kansas this evening and from there
will journey into their hoint town
which will reached Saturday evening.
A wedding that united two of the
prominent families of n-ear South
Bend occurred on Wednesday after
noon when Miss Clara Sleurzeune
ger and Mr. Robert Long were join
ed in the 'bonds of holy wedlock.
The wedding occurred at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Sturzenneger and was perform
ed by the county judge of Sarpy
The wedding was attended by a
very laige number of the friends
from both Cass and Otoe counties
and at the conclusion the young
people were showered with the well
wishes of their many acquaintances.
The bride is one of the popular
young ladies of the northern portion
of the county and held in high es
teem by all those knowing her. while
the groom is the son of Harry Long
of South Bend, and has been reared
to manhood in Cass county and a
graduate of the University of Ne
braska. Following their honeymoon the
young people will be at home to
their friends on the farm home of
the Long family near South Bend.
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