The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1921, Image 7
CELEBRATE THE 44h Fireworks of AH Kinds for Day or flight! Skyrockets, Roman Candles, Pin Wheels, Firecrackers, Sparklers, Etc., Etc. Our Line is Complete! LOOK THEM OVER! We also have the biggest line of Cigars, Cigarettes and Candy in the city. Pop on Bee at Ail Times! aface Shining Parlor GEORGE COMIS, Proprietor AT THE CHAUTAUQUA -JULY 8 TO 12 tr 'l.iJ::. V.-.s I I. ' .: v-rh.-. I 1 ! S-.-r ;: ' ' I'H'l.!. fr-'iti ..- : GiRVIN'S ORCHESTRAL QUINTET A Company of Musicians That Ranks With the Eest and Is Exceedingly Popular. , r s - r;;l y .(f ::!i'ntermin-I suet-ess :i t!i' Mutual C'liau- in wl.i.-h iht-ir j..t.u::ir:ty ;in-l quality vt-re deni-'iistrjitiMl daily, it t" !c-n.i:i' tJu-in for a tour of nv.r wcstpni circuits as u sjK'Cinl .. i: ir.i:.-"',-!oviii .i-. Thr itsoii!!"1 for this cuaptMiii'iii was f j,.:: t! " vr:; liory ltil (r. Lt str:i of Clii' Itamon IV v. ;: .-4. ..:-..:,! :.' !ii !.' n; s a!:d froMiiiM'Tir' in t!:c Aiiirrican Cu r . ! .J : i! iif.van for t t ;;i'tisis of fculiat 1 ; ,!( .r:'tT.jiii.-!i"! !":'i!cr ii.a lilx ral iiina'i.T of sois, a tri" ; . . ; .;!!,' v V" i-'y S'tiiri:lil.V (llOSOTI IlUIII- v ; '. ;j ; ,. , :,'.:' ;. . :; - c. i-!-:i d. liuoii iuoiuIkt of tlxls JNFikl'T irnniATITT '(; vital statistics of tlie state board x.u.. -t.--i.i- ---' --a-, Ai-cniii! t the statement a total l . i i: . 1 4i f't r t iUi'it)ic 4-ir'o Ti--rt Hnr- pr; X i I ! : : . bv i:. L. '!;! 21. Ap-j iI1Er ,i;0 first four months in 1921. '' oTi--:'!:iif '.; ;he infant of this number 841 died of congeni- falifot-t!!.! are caused by tal ca,. :.! '! :t-ft- '-r di-eases I jr . -o- r'Cu;;-,-;;:!;;! 3 j:. .-.s. direfor of the Lure-m i buyers and sellers together. 1 1 r. if W.r" - "7s. h 1 v ? BRING YOUR MONEY TO CUR BANK AND VE WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF IT FOR YOU. WHEN YOU WANT TO USE IT YOU CAN GET II AND MORE TOO. WE ACCOMMODATE CUR CUSTOMERS. THE MAN WHO WORKS AND BANKS HIS MONEY REGULAR LY AND MAKES HIS BALANCE GROW, MAKES A GOOD NAME FOh HIMSELF. A GOOD NAME HAS VALUE WHEN YOU GO INTO BUSINESS OR WANT TO EXPAND THE BUSINESS YOU ALREADY HAVE. WE INVITE YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. Farmers State Bank PLITTSMOUTH. HEDF.ASHA ON GOOD FEL LOWSHIP TOUR VIA AUTO LINE Used Car Market! U. S. SCOURING KANSAS CITY. HAS.. WILL SEND 125 BOOSTERS ON TRIP THEU THIS STATE 1913 Ford Tourinffi- $125.00 1913 Ford Touring- 135.00 1916 Ford Touring 140.00 1916 Ford Runabout 175.00 1918 Ford Touring Closed 250.00 1916 Ford Coupe 325.00 1917 Ford Runabout 200.00 1913 Fori Touring 200.00 1918 Ford Touring 225.00 WORLD FOR THE ! MYSTERY GREW THE DEERING. "STRANDED ON NORTH CAROLINA BEACH, NO ONE ABOARD ,,'1919 Ford Touring, Starter. 375.00 HERE TOMORROW AFTERNOON Bukk rive passenger 4oo.oo BOTTLE THE ONLY CLEW EfiUNC Oakland Five Passenger Cheap Program of Songs, Speeches and Dis tribution of Souveniers Will Be Made by Visiting Party. The city of I'lattsmouth will have as their guests tomorrow afternoon the party of members of the Kan ras City. Kansas, chamber of com merce, who are makinjr a "Goodiel l(.vshii'" tour of Nebraska. The visitors come by auto and have 12". in their party and who are making the stops at the different towns alonK the way and petting acquainted with the residents of this portion of the great west which lies in the heart of the agricultural empire of the na tion. In the party will be many enter tainers who will give musical num bers, speeches and other forms of entertainment that will assist the citizens of this community and the visitors in getting acouainted with each other and enjoying the stay here of the Kansas live wies. The auto party will arrive here at 2:.rr and will spend some time here before con; inuinir their j uirney northward to Omaha. 'The Kansas City party are all good road boos ters and feel that the highways through this part of the west and fsfeciailv that between Omaha and Kansas City should he the very lie-t that can be secured. The IMattsmouth business men ar.d citizens should see that the vis itors are received in a fitting manner and that the feeling of good fellow ship is promoted its its fullest extent with the residents from our neigh boring state. It is not a notable oc casion but shows That the true value of this portion cf Nebraska territory is beinc p.pi.reriated by the citios that surround it. Will sell for cash or on time with j cash payment and balance monthly, ! at slight advance over the prices. T. H. Pollock Garage, PE0NE NO. 1 PLATTSM0UTH PILGRUI PROCESSION TO BE DAILY REPEATED Plymouth. Mass.. .Tune 21. A lit tle company in Pilgrim garb assem bled by the beat of a drum, trod the streets of the first settlement in a solemn procession to the site of the old fort on Burial hill, where Eldor Brewster's charges worshipped "00 years ago. Fifty residents of the town, many of whom claim lineal de scent from the Pilgiims. participated in the march, which depicted the fore fathers on their way to church. The procession will lie repeated daily throughout the summer in con nection with the observance of the tercentenary celebrat ion. Believe Pirates Are Afloat in North Atlantic One cf Sev eral Mysteries. the Portland. Me.. June 21. The the ory that pirates are afloat, in t.'it r orth AUaatie has found crelctue here. Belief in this explanation of the fate of recently missing ships has grown with establishment cf th fact that the message in a hot tie picked up two months ago north of (.'ape Hatteras. purporting to explain the disappearance of the crew of the five-masted Bath ichocntr Carroll A. Deering. mystery ship of Diamond Shoals, was written by Henry Bi.te. of Islesboro, Me., a member of the crew. Question of its genuineness was settled by handwriting experts who compared it with letters written by Bates. MASONIC GRAND LODGE EXPRESSES GRATITUDE Reroluticn of Appreciation to j C;Lan.bcr of Commeic and Other I Civic Organizations Here DOING SOME GOOD WORK ON ROADS That the Masonic grand lodge on tht '.r recent visit here were more than pleased with tiie reception ac ccrded them as well as the general s: i-it of go id fe'i!ows;)ip and frater nity known, is borne out by the reso lution appearing below that has bevr. rr reived from the office of Grand Washington. D. C. world-wide search fo crew of the schooner C ing. of Bath. Me.. whi June 2 1 . A the missing irroll A. lieer ii plied on the 44t h.. Pi; tli- Francis K. White. of Oma- Highway Commisrioner IvIcExe Try ing to Give Residents of County the Best Possible Roads. The county roads are showing a vast imnrt vement in the last few weeks, the travelers over the high ways report, and a great deal of cre dit is due to Highway Commissioner J.-B.' MrKw and his patrolmen and workers as well as County Commis sioner G. 1. Farley, who have all hcfi on the job whipping the dirt roads into rood shape for the trav eling public of this pert ion of the coo nty. One of the piece of work that Mr. McKee has been looki:; after is tha of placing tiling along the ditches on the highways where theve has for yi-ars been a steady caving in of 'he ropdway and especially on the Louis ville road east of the C. H. Warner farm and on the road between this citv and the Platte river bride-? has this line of wrrk shown splendid re sults and has practi'-aily checked the cavinsr in of the roadway. It is work of this kind that de FTV( recogr. it ion and the men who have made it possible deserve the ere 'lit. The dirt road are always a hard matter to keep in shape and the rend boss or commissioner have1 enough criticisms hurled at them that they deserve any of the words of praise that can be bestowed and in tins case tney can leel well pleased wi'h their work. 'vtary 7 1 is- certain! v a nleaure to t T-mouth citizens to real;:'.-' that ir excellent efi.-rt? have pr'du.--d it pleasing result? and the Maso-i-i ulge can be aspired that the ef to aid the Home in this citv !he pav: of the "Oil ion CAPTAIN ROPER TO B0 TRAINING Captain Boh Roper wiil do his raining in Omaha for his fight with Andy Schmader ;it the city auditor ium on July 4. according to a tele sram receiveJ from his man.-isrer. Kd die Kane, yesterday by J. J. Isaacson, chairman of the athletic committee of hc Douglas, county post. Roper is expected to arrive here Saturday or Sundav and auarters will probably be obtained rear Car ter lake where the former army man will work out for his match with the Louisville slucxer. Roper won a draw with Bb Martin. A. E. F.. last Friday nieht. He has two decisions over Mar' in. Andy Schmader is also planning to train near Carter lake for the Thatch and may en pace c.uarters there this week. World-Herald. ic wii! br unceasing on residents of this city: Mr. John P. Saltier. Pres. Chamber of Commerce-. Plattsmouth, Neb. I-jar Sir: I pleasure in -'r.ding the following copv of a re?oh; wl.'ch was proposed and itn-tr.iinous-ly adopted by our Grand L.od g at its recent seion: Whereas. n the ro?c-ssjrn of the Ft.rimrii.Te or three 'Wnrf'trea memhit-s of the Grand Lodge to to.e M. ;j;ii: IIve at Plattsni'Hitfc. a wtloni" v. js a corded u- of rare warm-, it and cor diality; and each indiiiual mcmh-er of the party was deeply impressed with the prevailing sp:-it of F ra ter :,: an- good fellowship which found expression in the many con veniences provided fcr the visitors: the profusely decorated streets and business houses; the splendid music furnished by the Elks band; the sus tainine: refreshments provided by Heme Chapter No. ISO. Order of the Eas-ern Star, the many expressions of welcome found in tfce rplendid spe cial edition of the Plattsmouth Jour nal: as well as the hearty hand clasp met with in personal contact. Now. th.prefrre. be it resolved, that for all of these courtesies the Grand Lodce is most profoundly apprecia tive; ar-.d extends thanks, particular ly to Plattsmouth Lodge No. f.. H.-rio Chapter No. 1 S 9. Order of the Eastern Star, the Chember of Com merce, and all of the good citizens ef thai spl.r.did little rity.'with t he avr-nrance that the Grand i.odce is more than ever eonvi-n-ed that the atmosphere surrounding our Home is all that could Tie desired. Trulv and fraternnllv. . FRANCIS E WHITE. Grand Secretary. North Carolina beach last January with all sails set. but not a soul aboard, has been started by the state department through American con suls. The mystery is being investigated by the department of justice and the department of commerce, as is alsr, the unexplained disappearance o! American steel freighter Hewitt, out of Sabine Pa?. Tex., for Boston This craft disappeared at about tin same time that the Deering came ashore. The summary of the history of the Deering case as sent to consuls by the stete department discloses that when the Deering passed Cape Look rut lightship. North Carolina, on Jan uary I'fi, while bound for Aio de Ja neiro for Norfolk, a man other th.i; the master reporter! thai the ves--: had lost both anchors and a.-ke.I to h. itporttd to its owners. Five days 'ater the fc nnd on the beach in wh; dt ; rrrmrr.t describes as C( adition that there ci( n of foul play hav The department's w iS?' t" Henr W. Krueger -DEALER IN- T.IEETS WITH ACCIDENT From XVAtincsdav'R Dailv. Tilrs. Jnmes Blcrk met with a very painful and serious accident cz'r day afternoon whi'ih will con fire her to hc-r home for some rirae .it least. Mrs. Bla."k was helping w;t'.i some .of the houerwork at the Georrrj TZ Dovey lienor snd had just step;ej 4jut on the west porch of th house to throw out s: me water vhtn she f;l unexpectedly and caused a fracture of the right hin joint. The injured lady was taken to hr home by auto after th calling of Dr. R. P. West over and the patient m3de as com fortable as possible although she is still suffering a great deal and is in quite f-erious condition as her ad vanced years makes her condition most ser:ov-5. Mrs. Black is past ee---eatv "ears cf age and hr acoirieut coraes as a severe shock fo her. Air Gcoled Spark Plugs Perry County, Illinois -AH Eastern Kebraska Elmwood, Nebr. E. LO0SBROCF General Manager, Lincoln. Neb. Phcne F2238 Bos. 1254 .4JCCfliM5-? -r.V." --ZAr vesse :t the sra;. "in sti -1: is every .v.spi v. g rx-ctirred." summary als: savs that a short time after the Deer- l ing passed the lightship, a steamer i the name of which has not been :.s- cctlained. passed the light ve? sc a lid was 'asked to stop and take a message f;r ferwardlr.g. hut no :e spense was received to the 'ruiovr ous attempts en the part of the mas ter cf the light: hip to attract the vessel's attention." The department's summary ;bei. says that en Aprii 11 the foliowiag mee.sage was picked up in a bott-e near Cape Hatteras: "Dee t ing capture I by oil l.ur::i:i T boat t otr.e; hirg 1 1 K chaser, lalcing off everything. haiui-cuU'ing crew Crew hidir.g all over the sjuj, x, chance to make escape. Fir.d:r pica so lit tify headquarters of Le er ir.;e ' The schooner carried a motor lit !; t and a dory." the state dvpart-n-ent's sutrniary continues. "1-u; neither cf them has l;een picked uti and no wreckage from them has le'ei; f4iirt Atfw ff the rt -ov i C'tT. cto'i- mg anu supplies oi tne vessel nan been removed." Government agents investigating the Hewitt end Deering; cases say they are baffled and that thus far they, have not found a single clew that might lead to a solution of the mystery. Equally as baffling, they say. are the cases ef the British itcnmtT Albyn and the Russian bark Yute. which disappeared lust fall off the North Carolina coast. The Albyn sailed from Norfolk las! O. tober and never was heard from again, while the Yute off Oape Hatteras sent a iadio message ask ing for aid, but when steamers reach ed the position given in the message an hour later no trace cf :h vessel was found and it is said she has nev er been heard fremi since. Reports to the "government are that the weather was perfectly calm. Investigators here say that they do not take seriously s.igrrest ions .-.t bolshevik raiders or deep sea pi rates, but they add that one gues.- :. as cood as another. They are inclined to the opinion that the two cases will so down in history with other unsolved mys teries of the sea. The greatest ot which on record, they declare, is that cf the American bark Marie Celest;. which was found off the Azores three months after she left Europe in 1S72 with all sails set. undamaged, in calm weather, but with the crew mis sing. A boarding party from the ship which sighted the hark found the table set for dinner with hot coffee in the pot and everything aboard the ship in the same condition it would have been had the crew loft only a few minutes before. On a sewing machine was a waist which the cap tain's wife had been making, while1 toys used by the captain's son were j on the floor. In the fo'eastle was; a table with playing cards distrib-j uted around as though members of the crew had leisurely left a game of j cards. j Besides the captain, his wife and ; con. there were ten men in the ship's crew. The vessel was taken to port and again put in service. buf about sis veers later she disappeared com pletely with her crew and no word Las ever come from ner Sator Genuine Polly Prim Cretonne Bungalow Aprons in six beautiful floral patterns and color combinations. Saturday Only 39c 8-Quart Extra Heavy Old English Lipped Preserving Kettle, 12-inches wide and S-inches deep. Saturday Only 49c polar ariety Store LEGION REGISTERS I UNIONS WIN A Y HQ as 3iG VICTORY Representative:; Criticise War Hisk ; Railroad Labor Eoard Ruling Favors Department in Treatment of Service lien. Cause Pullman Employes Ac ceptance cf Cut Invalid. Wa'hiitgtcn. Juiiv HO.- -ii pri'scti- t 'hica-o. Jane i' 1 . Ilatiroa.l uti-t;.tiv;-s 4'i the America n le-gieut i.t.d : ;,,-).- v ...! a sn.a.-hin.T victory tor Veterans of Foreign Wars prote-u d : '.'t.ite.! States raiii d 1 U : r boat ' today agains' the- ..lieged m-nt ; t-- dav in n i: wa.- rub-.l tlat t he of veterans to tiie senate :-pec-Ial cor,!- ! (.! u.;.: ('ar -.tiipa: nm.-t d'a! niittec ( with ae'.ivit ic a ft ft-j v. i, I; a'-cr-li; cd rej v vnt a i i ves id' ing former servi e n.'.-n. .J. T. Tay- : r: ! f.rior.s. lor, vice t -lia iri.i'-a of tne ii -gi.-la t i ve j ';!,. b'K.rd rub d : hat a v. u.' i !.: connnirtee of the Aim rican leu:;?!. 1 1 :-u v. hi' h v a. ace ' ' r-pre complained e.f the "t'a.hire of the gov- ... n';.t ivc-. cf an c:-a a i;v t i.-.u cl e rnment to pro :de a ti equate heisii.tai : , ior:.j t h" eel ipan lacilitits." assert i nt: the arc iutiv.:;.. invalid. 1 .(' forifer service men w::. can - ; iMilhuan cini.atiy. -u:j loyim: not lie given neede ai treat- j !,..;! v.n-n. is t!: only r-iiln od it. nient. du-try that .has rgani. ''d a "company The bureau of war ri.-k insurance, i ,,vj01K" he alsj charge.l. iiad i'a.""e t; a t Thy i:r.i.'o. n fo'.i:i 1 lv ihose entitl'-.l to g.-.-r:.: u-.-.; a.d and ri.j:r,,ad t.n.p!cve aniliat..-.'. v. ith the he appealed for v. "re -v m o-' ii : i A ,,f ;,: , r;.i!ri..d brotb r- treatment of vet t ra wary .. who:.. i;(,..,ls. lie raid. st:;T-r "becau.-e they do not Knew their riuhts or how to ubtair. Tii.- c'i.-c rro.-o ln !i mem'n r.- !' th" eoiiiptu.y titii;,;, ji-'-'-cd to ac'-cp; :-lt'm- : a i- p'-r c!:i r e -. i c 1 i 1 1 la i w ii:t- r. "We ask you to humanize the i i!:,..-t ioti .v th- board slue-.-,,, reaus dealing with former ser it e j? v:.s ataumme.!, that tin- n-ajontv men." E. Dettelhetm. jr.. caatrman ' ,- c-aploves !..-b.r.i.:-d to il- a. ii'iio:..- ': n ! t l,er'foi iitvo- o! ! .o i r d' the legislative- c;ui".mi;i' .e'erans of iM'ct! V.a-s. i:ra- ; , , ,,,s v. i, i.-..t io f.,r:.,. irg that eongress e-.n. :.! tli" hnre.ri .(l ,.v. , i.l:,v..i, !;d n.,i "ount. "f war rik in - un.tice to he lp th v.-'- . . "iS-cial cr;,.hm if thcM.-arl oS $00.000 000 .pp-ilsof th, war r: insuranc bu-! IP. OH IIAVY BILL rein was oi(4-d i-y Mr. 1! i !d5i. m. i - "ho denial: :: -i ih.:-':- b- r---oni :- d i Wa.- h in i. i on . 1 ('.. Jure J I . 'Mo an d former srv;'-.' ::.--n le iic d ' b'-iweiu t i".,. ;v upon it. i 1 , . , i - . r tle na;.! a :--i -pioa I t: . bill w a - b .' n today by co ;. 1',-ri-,--. T- j te P r n r" "Tft vit': a virtual au-re, ment to lip oil ifktnriN lllll K" j ale ' ?!'0.oMi. .MM. cf t lo- ( kUtVUi k W 1 iill III-. l( ( m M i added by 1 1 1 1 i n a 1 1' 1 1 d with Gil Jl IIT i 11 'ii i I nIVi ' iu r;rtht of t lie house to vr! , dir'-ct !y leer, t. plendid Oppertanitv to Cecare Tick- i , etr. lor Eitr Amu.-c- t K. 11. ichu!bcf. piano tuner. nient OiTcrir.g-i:i T;iis Cm J n.-ed i- Wicker porrh furnifurr, j u -L arrived at Cjiiri' Ghri.-t l'ur- The tickets f r ihe chautau- . r,i:urn Stc re. jua which will be held in this city i are now ready and in 'lie h .;0. C of; ;he various ticket sellers who re to' place tr.em !oi i- T'o i-i O. i . : - i i' . .1., ..I j.l !t-a linn ih i: -.. r.-o ' i - . o i I : : '.' c. ' . l 1 - i- n 1-. . : :- .1- ! . ! : i; i i !' ! ' , -. i '4 1 1 -. o-i' :.a V4 s. ' ) j 1 1 i 1 1 4 1 1 1 ' t !::. i'a .f .ti,-, ii ii. ; .-I. : .. ! .. 1 i : 1 . I . 4 ' . 1 1 1 1 i tva a i :: : t t ,- S'at : ! I. :. -l -a- Ka. . i i i : , : i. -. ii 1 ' v i ; i ; - -. i ! !. -.- - a ,4 I ,- - .- ! ;,. ,: I..- r:i 1 !. i . .m. a ,( !M : i : i : v. s- -v. f a : 0 : I '.. vUt..- x. t. Ii.i:M' '.. i ":, - .-I Si . I a .0.. i :i i.-.-i 11 i . t 1 .1 ,la' iii:i:i; ii, !, 1 1 i.i : f'4r V t,i,nl iii-;il -f I !4ii nf 1 i-ii l,tr. Siait "! Ni-l.ii-Tkii, a.-s - r- ti'-keis for this st-a-;on ::'.r. f-t . ' ;. .idol's and $1.2 for the chil.Tr. n. These includ, t he wiu-le r. um- t.,: i--:rs of the- course, many of which, ;;!';' ire alone worto toe ol the sea--,.,. -en tickets and i-!T; r-1 t he lover of: the best in the air us; men: line an! : portunity of getting th.eir full mon ey's worth. The tickets may V. socur'-d at the :'r;Uwing place s and persons and; those who have not as yet se. -ureal : their tickets shemld do so at once while they have thn fullest oppor tunitv: Uestor fc F-w.i'ck. Gr.y V'. ' Mri gan. Rev. I!. G. McClu.i-:y. M. ' Hild. Fred E;.gsch. Variety sto-e. ' Plattsmouth S'ean, Laundrv. .1. hn ' . ss 1. Cloidt. 11. M. Soe-ib-hs-a. F. C. ,";'' v; . Fricke. M. I. Drown. 1'laf "iou:h i,,.,, . State Dank. Han': cf Ca -s Cwtiiv. ' -e i.-roO--- at.-i t':io,u i t it ... Halt & Son..:'. A. Raw Is. '. E. Wes- N; ;:; 1 ' .' !;;. ::',71:,V:V.. ."I ",'7- cott's Sons. Will V.'esen1-:-:-::). ,Mv- ,. ; , . .i.'.; ,. . ' . i.c ! i ;. : s 'a. 1 1 n i ;'n - t ' . -nard. P.. A. Me El wait:. i';t - - She t-i: Co.. Geo. L. Far'ey. S. S. Cha.-e meat T'-:;t .: .i-. mi,, a. i ,. a ! ' 1 . t ii!. v I . 11 .ill I'.l --.1 - i ' . . ! .- : '11. I t. i- 1 1 ' i a :- : a ' :i ''.01' - '.-! 1 1 1 1 I 1 - ! . M IM a : i' : ..(! ' . 1 !.;.. : , 1 1 -: w .-a 'i - I. ! I,, ,i, ;, ;. 4 - 1 1 ! ,4-1 : 1 in I ! s I r 1 1 . . 1 11'.: 1,.- '!:! .'-a' ii' ! "! Of :.. .,:.'.. -v '.' sac! ! t !'- : Ti'l ti.4 '-.i :- u t li4 .!" I ' i ' : t-' ! t :--ii ;;-. s- '! s,, . : i . . -a "-. ! tl' - - ': i'laM--rin" -i .!,- iii, 1 . a s- I. ,- .. K'v a-v. s- 1.;-. T-i r I"!'.''-' Hi s;i"l 'o,n''. om !:' . I I . 'ir t market. Rev. L' it titer. ('. T-i Prat. Don '. York. .1. ('. Ktiykeniall at light company otliee. Ladies Tog gery. FOR SAL2 :n lod on- One 20xM2 canvas rlit ion. a- ?2.. 2td 2t sw. LEONARD M EISIXG LR. ; Je,l' v. a ! ila .v of Ed. Ripple pays car-h for rp tf d4-v. fl'Tf ! I.-: J;.:i -v. . 1 ( : ".. :,' .: '.- W US Fill Your Wants! We are now located at the Greenhouse and wiil be pleased to have the business of all our old customers and as many new ones as pos sible. Try us first foi anything in our line. em siiiiifi Nora! He Phone Residence G56-J i