The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TIBS foue
THURS3J31Y, JUNE 23. 1021
- tj
DeBray, Canadian Champion, Proves
Tizzle Against Fast Louis
ville Heayvreiglit.
From Tuesday's Inil".
The day of f.z.les is at hand. For
instance there are fizzle firecrackers,
fizzle sky rockets .and fizzle Roman
candles, to sav nothing of the "fifty-
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Pontofflce, Plattsmoutb. Neb., a second-class mall matter
Platte River at This Point is at a
Standstill and It Locks Like Dan
ger of High Water is Passed.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
What Poland wants is some arbi
ter to settle things in its own favor.
When the people pay the national
debt they are paying themselves what
they owe themselves.
Welcome to Plattsmoutb. Frater
nal Order of Eagles, and we trust
you will come again.
.Much money has been made in the
United States by doing "people rath
er than by doing things.
Thoe who harbor venirencc will
not fail to note that the pri'-e of
sujrar has dropped again.
-o : o-
A Findley, Ohio, woman got a let
ter that was seven years in the mails.
But it didn't contain a bill.
Heard frequently in every home:
"What! Worn out already? Why,
I just bought it last ?
You never notice how many hous
es have a "for sale" sign on them
until you try to sell your own.
Pres. Harding might have another
job if our foreign relations would
quit lighting among themselves.
Talking by telephone with Ha
vana is all right, but a good many
may still prefer to make the trip.
Today and tomorrow are Kagi
lays and the freedom of the city is
extended to the Nebraska F. O. K.
A New York judge advises girls
not to jump into matrimony. He
might have added, nor out when in.
A New York woman advertises for
an "expert" to spank her son. First
applicants probably will be neigh
bors. :o:
The city of Plattsmoutb. is proud
to entertain the representatives of the
great American fraternity, the F.
O. K.
"This world wouldn't be in such
a bad fix if it had more decent peo
ple in it." says an exchange. Hell
is in the same fix.
Women government employees yt
Washington want more money. They
want equal pay with men in pro
portion to their duties.
Some of the graduating classes
have delayed hitching their wagons
to stars until they hear a litttle more
about the Kinstein theory.
That French corset maker who
says the time is coming when men
will wear corsets, must think the
world's manhood is in bad shape.
Sermons can now be sent to a
man's home by radio, but up to date
no one has devised a way to pass
the contribution plate by wireless.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pnnts at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
Tint she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
u:e of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
preventable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
Yes, it is warm enough for us.
Bishop Hamilton says Harding is
the one man whose every word is
heard around the world. What
about the Paris style designers, Bish
op? -:o-.
Locate Yap? Kasy enough: In
the latitude of diplomacy and the
longitude of discussion. Edison might
have asked that, but he slipped a
Secretary of the treasury Mellon
urged that $50,000,000 he placed at
the disposal of the farm loan board
for the relief of agricultural inter
ests. :o:
After spreading propaganda that
the airship has made the battleship
obsolete, England starts building
four new dreadnaughts with lS-inch
Don't worry about the girl with
the ostrich fan who smokes cigar
ettes. She probably had a grand
mother who used a turkey wing and
smoked a cob pipe.
Anna K. Taylor, 50 years old. the
only woman who went over Niagara
Falls in a barrel and lived to talk
about it, died in the county infirm
ary at Lockport, N. Y.
Explorers in the Navajo country
of New Mexico some time ago dis
covered the ruins of a prehistoric
village consisting of a score of hous
es of from four to 50 rooms.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. noted
woman suffragist, announces th::! the
S 1.737.000 which was left !or by
Mrs. Frank Leslie, is being used t )
advance the cause of woman suffrage.
Senator Smoot's prediction that
taxes won't be reduced for twenty
five years may stir tie the public a
bit. but the detached attitude uf the
administration indicates that it is
no news in that quarter.
: o :
It has just about reached the point
where anybody connected with the
administration who makes a speech
finds out that he has also made a
mess, and his only way out of it is to
claim he was misquoted.
A New York paper in reporting a
speech by the president. says:
"Wr.t o th grtov camphiehart of In-;
Unitivrsiey grounds:. " This is th"
most lucid explanation of the Siles
ia n problem we've heard.
A Georgia train porter picked up
a wallet containing thousand
dollars and returned it i i the right
ful owner, who rewarded him with
a dime. We should bate to own the
next wallet that porter finds.
The present industrial depression
is the best thing that ever happened
for the 105.708.771 people of the
United States, according to Charles
M. Schwab. That makes it unani
mous, except far 1 05. 70S, 770.
Every girl knows that the proper
place for an engagement ring is on
the third finger of the left hand,
says the Baltimore Sun. Yes, and
she knows that the proper place for
a husband is under the thumb.
Mis.: Laura Bromwell. 2:5 years
old and well known woman-pilot,
fell to her detth at Mitchell field.
N. Y.. while attempting to eclipse
hr world's record of 190 continu
ous loop-tite-loops in an airplane.
Senator Pat Hanson is certainly
making life miserable for Col. Har
vey. Unless President Harding
shows common sense hy recalling his
jitney ambassador, the incident is
going to be a mighty live issue in
the next national campaign.
Union printers on the Boston
newspapers agreed to submit their
differences with the publishers to
arbitration, and walked out. It is
.incidents such as the-e that are
bringing about a rapid disintegration
of union labor forces in this coun
American tourists are fleeing from
Paris because of the excessive charg
es for accommodations at the French
capital. Wherever you go in the
beaten paths of travel nowadays you
are forced to go up against extor
tionage charges. Paris is no excep
tion to the :u!e.
- n
Blank Books at the Journal Ofiice.
The residents and owners of the
lowlands along the river bottoms
east of the city are feeling somewhat
easier today as to the flood situation
as the Platte is now getting down
toward normal and the high water
which filled the stream to within a
foot of the bank last night
has receeded several feet and now it
seems probable that the worst of the
flood danger has been passed by in
this locality.
It was thought at first that the
flood waters ot the Platte emptying
into the Missouri at this point might
cause the overflow of the lowlands
between this city and the mouth
the Platte, but this has not so far
materialized and every indication is
that it is now that the land is safe
from the present high water at least
For the past three seasons the crops
on the lowlands have been damaged
by the high water and the residents
feel that this year they are g.nng to
have a chance to semre at least par
tial returns on their crops.
from Monday's Dallv.
Yesterday. C. B. Sehiicher and
wito of Omaha were lure visiting
at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Charles
Miller south of this city, parents ot
Mrs Sehiicher. The visit was in the
nature of a farewell as Mr. and Mrs.
Sehiicher are leaving today far New
York and from where they hail for
Europe for a tour of several months
duration. They expect to spt-od the
greater part of the time in visiting
the war devasta'ed area- of France
and Belgium and will take in the
many points that have become fa
mous tit history during the world war
in which t lie allied troops defeated
the Central powers. The trip is one
of the jjreatest interest and Mr. and
Mrs. S-hlicher are looking forward
with pleasure to the tour over the
interesting places in the- old world.
Fiori Tuesday's I'ally.
This morning at th
Kev. A. C Hollow, 11.
residence of
pastor nf the
Christian church recurred the mar
riage of Ivan Smith anil Miss !":;ia
llainey. both from sou'h of this city.
The wedding was very ottiet and at
tended bv only the mother d the
groom. The bride i a daughter e
Mi, and Mrs. Sherman llainey and
the greom is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Smith, well known residents
of the Ro"k Bio. is vicinity. Tin'
ncwlv wed-- will make their heme in
that locality.
Heavy, impure make- a
muddy. pimply complexion, head
aches, nausea, iiuliuest inn. Thin
blood make'; you weak, pale and sick
ly. For pure blood and sound diges
tion, use Burdock Bloo.l Bitters.
$1.25 at all stores.
ii:i)i:it u ii::u;
on IVl il io-i lr if i n i i;ie ;i I of
d minis! nil or
Tic- Slate .(' X-h: n.-h;i. Ca.-s inuu
I n 1 1 : Co'int - ' 1 .
1 n i I . in. 1 1 1 r el -,t 1 1 . ..;
Ti'olnax .1 Al . i 'n I I'm-i :. ...i
i a a!i:ju and; II..- p.ailh.i .:
'.. I. ! i "i: ! i". I pi a '. in -: I i.a : ! m : n i ; -ti;it;..:i
nl' .-a ;ij .-.--!.;:.- ni.! ho j-r.ii:..:
! Lies. If as Aitail -il-t re t .-: Tial .1 i;ly ! 'th. ... I . 1 ' J i .
at 1 "' look i. in.. '- ass i -;!!. 1 f. I
I n a ri i) -c sn Id pi t i i i n v 1 .mi a ! 1 ;n-i sun.
i r. t e i c-1 it in said 1 1 1 : 1 1 i iietv ;i; pear
at ;. 'tin iv i' i;nt t i- I . id in ;. n.i
tor sa hi e'.iiii. ai.-I -h'V.- .-;i:'
tin- ra v-r of t ; it i I e ran' s'.on !..
r."' l.e Kianiil: anil ;:iat le : iei- of : i
.. rati :iey of .it i . titioii na! the l.. a.-itf-i
!i:'Teoi' 1" uiv. n to all i-i. ,s ia-ti-!(toil
in Niii.l I lalt : i.v .a ...;!, i :i i;
a eojiv of tl:l- uali r in l! l'i..:i--mouili
.1 on i ia I . a scim-u" l:!v -p;tor
niiiito.) in sai.t i.cns y. l"f t i 1
I .:
y.lii! ii.iv
.I'l'.e, A.
t:.-a rin:.
Iiatiil t)i
1 V 1 .
1 s ( ! i
!; v i'
A I. !.!'
.). i:r.;:s')v.
Co intv .In. I ;e.
CI I AS. K. M Iff X.
A t luriii'V.
j.m-:: w.
fVfffi'et-TJI "VSTi n A N K I N fi
0 iUiiS j'i'-uiYii iEi-KCR.M HV i-1
Pcsilions are nlcnliful fcr those w'io
are trained! ti:':c:its rr.ny work far M
bo,-rd. Tuit'o.-i low. Ask tor cat-!og C. ".
BOYLES BtJGirsESS colllgl:.
Oinjtia, Ncbras.'ia.
I am prepared to do all
kinds of Acetylene Welding.
Charges reasonable and work
the best.
mm 3HELD0H,
Located at John Iverson's
Blaksmith Shop,
Platt8mouth, Nebraska
is working in the Soft Drink
Parlor of
Give the boys a call when in
need of any tonsorial work.
fol; itiiT
seven" other varieties of Fourth of)
J'.tl.v joy prodn.ccrs. The former prove
vrxing to the juveniles and the lat-j
ter to' the :;ro n-ups. Last night I
at Omaha, however, there was a fizzle j
boxing card that proved equally vex
ing to the hv; thousand fans who
had paid their money to see the
Andy Schmader. Louisville heavy-
wt ight.
v. as
one of the principles.
bu.t it was through no fault of his
that the m;it;-h proved disappointing.
(o.rge DeBivy ami his 200 pounds!
-f fat proved the big fizzle of the'
Kn ;t'd ti e mutch went about o'ne-J
half of a r..ui,'!. in which time Andy.j
who been training hard and va:;j
in the pink of eo-i-.lit ion, knocked le
!lra' down twice and the big Cana-I
?!:i!i stretcheil his length mt on the,
canvas twice ;:ga;iii without any help :
from Pchmader. j
Eig That's All
Bel'ray. win was adver'ise-1 as the
champion of all Canada, was big and,
that is about all that can be said:
about him. And you know the old
raying. "The higher they come, the
harder they fall."
There va- no light to ir. Andy
jr-t slipf'd iiini an easy "feeler" and j
the big "tub" went do'.v?: for a count ;
" six., He was up on his feet again
:.t:d without hitting a blow ischmad-J
er. rushed !im to the ropes for anoth-j
cr "fall do.v:;." By some magic I e ,
Bray found his way back into th"'
(enter of th" rii.j and wiilmut any;
nssi.tanee fin tn Andy he tripped andj
had il'.e nerve to s'ay down for
ount of fi '.'. Tl.e two then came
to-, ether at th. edge of the ring and;
Del'ray ducked only to receive a lift I
on the hack t th-1 neck and go dov. ii i
;-:'.i n. While the re'eree was count-;
lug ii z tii cit. :. Miiici; s seconils
throw the towel into the ring and
d tl.
the bored spec
tators. i
No Fault of Andy's j
The fact that the fuht was a lizzie'
l- i!i no :-;ns" the iaun oi hcntiiancr, ;
'. 'ho been U"! to believe his op-
potient was a w!:irl .nirl with the
padded mitts and who has trained i
h:rd for .-evernl .v. eks and is no w in
i'.ci. condition ti;:it it would be ;t
lea -tire to see hi;n go up :u:ainst
I e of the to;i ji itri.ers of the coiin
ry. When be was declared winner
' t niuh: v. iihot.t r . aeely p.ittiag a
ivi'e b'ow. i.n one in the auditorium
ore 'iit:::V.Yu!iled tli'.i!' 1
his iinibirion to meet some o;"
t ne cp'-iiot hers. I tiless tie is given
t!it op oi ir t oil it y his nian::ser will
!ird bo olTice receie.ts failin
Oi! tl) I
i 'jreat extent. 1
Entire Eil! Disappointing I r
The preliminaries at last night's;
how were mi-iiin;-:'c. t he sem i -w nd u p ' '
tii"d sadly and the ri.iin bout was','-'
t '.': :'.lt . Tli 1 e-1 preliminary va!
!e-t .. t , n .Tack C,v.-- a ; -.1 ICid !r:i'.-b. : :,!.
. :.:-.! went - iy rcumls to a dra v. In :
l- i-:n i-.l. in !'p Navy Uo-tan a. ml. tii
Ii:::n:ie Delan'-y stood toe to toe for j'
ix rouni!-. ten in t;;e s. vern ; t ' !i
aimed a h.-u'. ile was xatniued by . ta
pliysieir-n alal li e ;,waroeil to
I-.i A. I
A Genuine Fighter i
Th" great improvement in Andy's;'
-'i'ill.4 iin:iil l' l lie sia. llioiliiis.
makes his friends taore than anxious
him matched with some good
man. where i:e -win nave opportunity
o d' tuoni r;:!e his. nrowess in the t:rti
ti-l cuffs. Ii is earnestly to be
linn il I ill' i-i'iiii;-- i-.--.Mi n'.i v. i'i';i -iv.i-,
. . . 1 ...... i .. ? . . 1. o ..1.
under and'Hoh Hop'T. scheduled for
Inly !ih at tie auditorium in Omaha j
a ill piateriali-.-e, despite the dodging i
t:'ties of th.e Omahii protnot ers who.
c j i : to be trying to i-lip over a I
bean bill. It takes money to ini-
)("! real lighter--. hut the piliilic i
v (
f s:illl til' aiH h impositions as
that of last night.
( Mitius. kin of Illyri:., wa.s vati
ciii:sh"il hy the Ilonniiis in lti, Ii. '.
An herh was n::;i''tl fcr him. gentian,
nliii 'i1 Lit t f r is oinpl.-yetl ir.
iiifillc-ine t in co tinto immemorial. It
heionas with i-jscare searada anl
oflie:- l-.e-rhs tn the ingredients of
Trinor's Hitter Witu t'r.o imt roli-i-tilo
r'Tue;!".' for ne-or appetite, tmi lieadaclie jind ot'.iqr stom
ach ironhle.s. Anueliea is anoilier
old actioiiiiiancp. Its hitter root
v a. 7:--e-i for r; in th.e stomach
ar.ii intestines by thr- ;i nci'-r.t:;. Etn
'i i r Cha.rle; - wlio nil",! c'.or-
i'lii' iy in l!'i!.eiiiia in the 14th cen
tury, j '.ac"i a f.ieai coti rulc-nc-o in
'hi- reiai-fly. ;..,! heeaiise ho heliev--'.
that i he tit; "':. tr-o-'.-i:u; in I Jo
hen ii a was the h.'st, it was forward
ed to him when h made hi-; often
lona; j.iarr.eys. II is today the r.ini't
ingredient of Triaer's Anselica Hit
ter Tonic, a remedy which braces up
the nerves and builds up sapped
health. Try there Trinor's. remedies,
yon can set them at all drunj.-'.ists
and dealers in medicines.
Autos For Sale.
Oae Hcrff and one Mctz auio fori
Kale c'neap, or will trad". Vhat't,
have y-di to offer. AU-o one spring!
"Pump" Vaison. James I Latta f
Murray phone. " 4vJ
Tor bahv';-. croup. Willie's
cuts and hr ;i if r., mother's sore throat,
(Irandina's l,iinr;ie--s Dr. Thomas
Eclectric Oil the household remedy,
20c and (iOc.
Two hirh irade Re A Foiled bulls
! for s-ale. C. C.
' Xeb., telephone 40
baraai a. Mjnaia,
how you'll take io
a pipe
Before you're a day older
you want to let the idea slip
under 3Tour hat that this
is the open season to start
something with a joy'us
jimmy pipe and some
Prince Albert!
Because, a pipe packed
with Prince Albert satisfies
a man as he was never satis
fied before and keeps him
satisfied! And, you can
prove it! Why P. A.'s
flavor and fragrance and
coolness and its freedom
::1M.I nf
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a 1'. ! i'ItIiv : I i :'e .1 Thai I i'i
th.- t'onaty Co. at rm m ia l'lalls-
mn.'a in saiil i-oaet. on tie' '-th !;: v
f .Inly, A. 1 . ll'.'i, aial .: tl-' 1 ' 1 1 h ,
hi'. of ii.-t-.h.:-. A. ' . r.'.l. at ten
i'i !ir i a the In I'r a . a I I I" . a i ". 1 1 1 ' I . t o ,
n .-. j-,.. ;.n.l evjutiiiM- all auain-l
sah' e-tal.- with a vi.-w to l.n-ir j J
.1 nst ai. a 1 aial a ; I va tie. -. 1 he i:iu.- !'.: lae iiesei.t a t i-ei .!''i -
;ia'n.-l sai.l estalo i- three mui-Cis
li.ati !.- '.'th ..a of .Ii'!,. .. 1 i. i: JI.
aiel tie- 1 1 me Innrti.l for payment of
.l.lits is one via r lieie. sai.l '.Mir day
of ,lu!y. .. I'. i:Ll.
Wiiiuss rrj- land and the sea! :"
said t'oimt v t'eiti t. this Ith i:a- oi ',
.Inn.-. A. I . ll'-'l. 1
-1.1.J:X J. l:i:i-:Si X".
:. i Coiin.y J i :
nitiiait in- m:i:i;
mi I't-lili.ia iiir ! I eiia i nil t Ion
-!' Ii-ir'l:i;
Ia th.- Co.! iity Co..-,-: of Cass -.u:;- ;
t; . XelnasUa. , !
I n
.- i.s-.i. - i. oi j.iai.s .v.;
i. il ai ii v '1. .
t:a ti.e ti 1 ; n-4' - f
1 1 i'l-'.s for. a i
I i i it ion oi I.
and 'tndia-.
la-r-hip eh.! .. ia on ti.e j.-t ony
of Jim i , 1 :: I : I
Il i.- leieie.- o:-.I.-:-e. thai the sail
p tition he s. t .h'.vri I'of la aria , siei.l C-o.ri on she 'nl!i d.i of
.!;';.-. ::cl, at h-u o'c'o. U a. n... atei
il.;:' iaai'e o." the time and n;,-,- ..f
.-ael laariirr is- ad, and that n-
.- :. i i a-! i -. .- S' I '. :' ta.-reij- ia.' hai a',.0-;
all i.e so;.'- I'-.-h d ill said e. lat..i
h- Ihe iml iii-ulimi of said notice, once'
each week, fur thrr ; i v '
v.-e !:. jit'ior to sa;d 1 ' -;i ; i 1 1 -r. ia tin
I '!; 1 1 - ne 1. 1 h .lie;:;.:-', of 1'ia 1 1 -iiio i; t , ;
X.liiasl-.a, a ta-wsjiii ; r iitinte!, pah-'
lis! id and of peneia! ci ! '--i hi t iij In;
stud ' o ; -,- ot a--s in siiio sum
linted this 1st da.'.- of J,.,. l'.cl. I.
AI.LIIX .1. I'.EK-r
i .'i'.i ! i jj-;'iv. Com. iy J
!:IIUI If ill-- lllill.ivr: tvil I
" TIfi: lil' PiaillATi: UV V.'IM.
In tl-e CiMiuty Com t of Cass conn-
State of Nei.ras.ka
County of Cass,
ro till peison'- interested in the es -
, tate of John Sehiappaeasse, rice ased :
tin readiiifr the petition of Jennie
Sell ia ppa.-asf e inayinsr that the- itistr-i-
. ment hied in this court on the Sill
day of June. 1!21, and purport ins? to
l.e tlie lart will and testament of the
'sail df ceased, nin v he proved and el-
.lowed, ami ; coorded as the last will
land testament of John,
idpeeared: tint said inst i-iimert t he ad-
I mitttil to probate, and the admi nist ra-
tp.n of said, estate lie p-ra nted- to Jen- P. rininraer, h,inl-l -M jOnr.T. -.r-Schtarn.m
asse as pyeent rix . rima jhredtli, Mildred Elizntielp Wf-
I It is licvebv ordered that vou. and -
'a'-1 Frso:;-, snterest-si In said rrjirter.
court to be he'd in and for sail coun-
ty. on the ith day or July, A. D. HZ1,
& ?
and F.
from bite and parch (cut
out by our exclusive pat
ented process) are a reve
lation to the man vho never
could get acquainted with a
pipe! P. A. has made a
pipe a thing of joy to four
men where one was smoked
Ever roll up a cigarette
with Prince Albert? Man,
man but you've got a
party coming your way!
Talk about a cigarette
smoke; we tell you it's a
the national joy smoke
1 a ii'i'.n.k a. I::., to
' t ' .-re i'.-. n hy tl:..
sai.W ealise, jf
I I a. vi ' .if I !!
. '.X a-!., r si.onlit lint I'e ura tlted. anil
..,' . ; ..f tin- peljiietiey if sai.l '.ii
; - t i t i : i ai.ii t!:al the iaaritiLT tla-i'.-- i,i
..!.!" givi.i tn all i e.'sims interested i ."
' . ; .-..ill ta. HI ; l.y l m a i i-l i ii tr a eupy f H,
( a-:- ; a l I..- i 'ia : t sneei t li .1 1 u rna 1, , ! .
!a se;.ii-w. k 1 ;.- ; i-ws i u in-r printe.l in
e ; .- i a t i i ' e I : ! y ' ..r 1 h I i s a-i i -. i ve we ks i a
,t 'tin.- le . a id ila.- !" !-: ri'jir. ; N '
.; ; V , a ii.- l.a'el and t!..- se;;l of'wi
sai.l, this toll iav of June, ,.
i. 1:-J1.
. ,.,.i:n j. ni:i:.-i n.
I.-'.': 1 i 4 ' i : 1 1 1 . .1 i i 1 1 s-'e.
'HAS. I-:. .MAIiTIN,
im i: or m:icit;
111 t!
nntv ('mat "f ('a.s.s i-mihtv,
.- !.i asKa.
In tie- in a r t ' of
estate f Jacob
Ma-.e:1, .lee. ::sad.
T.. ;
' " ;-so;,s interested in said f-f-Ih
C.-et! itnrs and heirs at law:
ia- V. t-el.v tii.t ili. .1 t lia t on t his
i- of .lane. I'.'l'l. Jaeol. J-:. Ma-am
iate. 1
.hi .-. i
11 t ii .i.. e
!:! - .! a
ttt'oti ia t;,i.- court sitleirinir
tlit .!.M..!i Jasoti. j . i ; t ' a resident oL
'tie 'ity of I "i:. 1 1 .-'tie n: t 1 1. in .-aid eonp
' ! t ! :. jit-ted tlii - life intestate on' or
' aPoat t!ie day of .May, i:ir., t!ie
' io Ta!' ill fee siaitde e. the f d! i HV i 11',"
; a, : i i iieii real estate, t . n v.-: I : 11 that
p; i :' 1 he .Si ,n I h half ..f lad 1 in the
' i . ' iiiaite- of He. ti.'n 1.', Town
Il V l.'anae 1 ::. K.-ist. Iviii'- east of
ill e uaala. Southern ;ailwav ritrlit of !'
;M-, situate j;i the cjty of JMatts
! i n- ,ta. a.-s enanty, Xelaaska. and that
;.-ai'l il. asol left surviviaLr as lis sole
iaa.i o..y h, ii--; :; t law, t!:e foliowinf:
j ;,:ill!i d persons :
Nan." .1. Mason, widow: Jacob
; K Masi'ii. a sun; 1 Jessie M. Koko, ( nee
: Manual a da a gh t e : ; I :i i ;ai 1 .el 1 1 F. T-'itch,
j i i a a M,i.):n a daug hter: William II.
, I'.'mmi. a son, and. 'ia n nee Mason, a
i s a., who ;.:-n innv ail of leual aire, to
i '.i'i:t ti e title and ownership of said
' r. al .state descended, on the death of
id Jaeot. Mason, subject to ihe lioine-
1 1 ;i .1 rjulit of the wi.lou- of paiil de
,,;; - a,l, Xaney J. Mason, an.l that the
i ie I i 1 i . i n i T- i the nu'iur of n n iiitoroit
It, -aal ;ie!ai.-.-s. an.1 !raymr lor a
iht. riiiination of the tini.. of
the .(.-at Ii ot the sai.l .laeoli .Mason,
niel of his heirs ;i t law, the deKI'ee of
kinship anl tie tiiiht of ihse. nt of
tin- v. al )-i oji.-rt y he 1 o n iri tin to said
,:..,, ;,a; i:i t,,. Slate of Xehraska, ami
). ;ai.h oth.-f ;t!:d further orders and I "
i'i cars a- t.-iay lie ner-essary for a . !
eo: r.i i ; . t erni i aa t ion of sni.l matter, j
Haid r has heen s t down for'j
ieai ia"- for the i:th day of .1 nl v. l!'-l.i
,:l nin-- !. -1 Iti tlie forenoon, in the;
'mint y ('..nit room in the City of ,
I '!;! 1 1 snn ni 1 1 . Cass eotinty, Xehraska,-
I al . ha . time nnd jdaee all persona
I i!:te!-. -it 1 ma..- apjif ar ami contest said
' ju-t it ion.
liite: Jmio 11th. 1021.
(ountv Judiie. '
J. 31. I.i;VIA,
jl - tlw. Atty. fo.- Petitioner.
lh n --t X. hi isti-.'.-
.Mi'i- M. Sftiih:
. ;. I nam' uahanu-n
..'.-Pies ! '. a ta tn--1 : X'a . :
his u if : Si 1 v in 1 1.
S.iai: lhaiatnei', iijs
on. : t : ; ii i ' , vs.
Smith, first and
. h r hasl and;
;.- I i. I'lnm;::- r.
! '! n m met- and
wi f e ; s 1 -a in 1 '.
1 'i n m ne i' : I'hn.ii'i
first and
'al aaai- nt.isia.
I. I : i: :a na-r :
real ram.- nnk.-.r.
! '. I '! an: met :
w 1 1 .
his wife; Fred
;:i ..a r, ;,is and
hi-- wif---: Mar-
1 'iamm.-f, tu st a i '1
i i. al name enUnouii, l .r lutsharei;)
; Harriet M. Vont-r-; and t. 1'. Vonter. I
I first aid real name r, ifl-r t w n. la r I.e.-'-!
Maud: Vh-jir.ia Xl.---'fai1.; Me-
i'h. tii.- t and t .-a! name unknown, '
: . t: - ca i ; : v.. -.i -.;ea : i .
- a I ' i li. - f !. I . . I l'f:i ! ' .a 11 e 1 1 II if I'i'. U' II .
her" h-a-Lirei; M i h ! i . ! i i i v-t hot : i Me- j
i - 'i'llll.; Me-.. ... t ' ., tn.-t and ri a i .
t-nkn...wn, I i aa aa:ai: '"'; '
icaT i.aine 11 p '.: r.o w n. he'ri'a.-l arai. .I-n-
, je yj. ?.tc5-atl.: Me.reai p. 1'iiv
nd ;-.i:ne e.nlutov. n. i ; 1 n.-l-an.::
Jennie M. I-ttien and ,J. I.. Inia.-n. Hist
; ad nal name ,; k : . !: r lii.-hap,i;
Mihin d i:. Ives nnii Kraak J. Jves, n- r
i ii 1 1 : saini i'i Addison
ti M. -
Addison .,! rati .a- ir.-.i t h ; ah -do!.
C. M'.ati.: San, :a '. A M - ea t I . ;
Judith . MiKeath: Juiiie . .vteeaiii.
and the lens, de.isie:-, le,-j,i t I r-
. - onnl : p i r se a ! a I i ves- t-d a H rt;
jiorsonr .nt"ifsted in tie r.-tate.: of the
f d K -v fr nanoit pet. :).-. to-wit: .Mire
Smith, .ha tins PI a i a me r, Nancv I.
i'liiirimcr. Sr-lwin B. I'M ' nt me r. c-el'.vin
iininier. I aen .i. r-riimmer-. ,o..r
eath. Minnie Ih Megc.ith. .Tei -! Mc-
th. Jr.r.:- M M a re.. Ad-
:&n Mat'i. AaJisor. O Mgath.
Samuel A. ilegeath, Judith W. Me-
t tv (
I 7 '
m ?m m
Prince Albc-t is
sold in tofipy rati
bags, tidy red tins,
hand soma po'jnd
and half pound tin
humidors and tnthe
pound crysiul gl:si
humidor with
sponge moistcner
by K. J. Rt-ynolda
Tobacco C o.
W in& t n Salem,
.1 1 1 . 1 i .
- a i . a
. I
I i
i , vv
rl. !
aie ii
'. . r " !'
' ! I
i x w 1 1 , : :
I :
Tl !
i a.- .-; :.. .
-V : I the ...'itli'.l ...
I!".-.. 1 1 1 . , I 1 I : : S
t V. e-t '1 .ill. r '
i : t : ; i.U ',, i
I- "!
N : .
! I ,
t ! ii'irllini
ill- r
i ia! I la- '.. i
a: I'M , I V ' .. .-V. i . i
l i
l i mi i .. 1 1; i i a 'i'i - W u. I a . i t .. 1 .
port : e I : : i i ' , . t ' . i. 1 1 I i a ' '
i.i'i 1'. M . a, ass ,-.i,i :y, X. la
;. . 1 1 all I i - i is eiaitiiinv an.' in
. ill'
f Ii.
d'aii. I;ia.. ia .-aid I ea i t.-lati-, or .. a v
l-ai't t!'i-i.-..i. ai.d ;i!i .crsons h.:ii;.. it
c ia i ri i a a .: -.- 1 1: t . .'. - t in t : . I . : are .!. -.
!.i.d i - a 1 e.;al.. real p.-tin s uti-
i. ' a . . a. it ! . mill !'!'.
To eaai and ali of tin aliovo nain.i
a-id des i : na ' ed . : !"c a i i a a I s. I 1 1 1 n..,-
I'c-i ielll .tie! e tial' I a . l 1. 1' a 1 1 I S, liii
le i! ice : .
Vi." ai"! e.u :, of o-l a re hen I a
a a ! . ii. d ! i,. t I'll In . t X. 1 '1 : .- I i.l ll-li 1 .
t'-- ; 1 . 1 1 1 T. h - ia. la--' 1 1 1 1 ! Is p-ti-
ta:i in i' . i'ii..;ri. , ('.i.iat if ' 'a .-s ii .
1 '. , N-l a."!.:, .i!:.ii eliiii.M w.i.- fie. i
..: .'.!..-. I". A. !i. 1:1.1. a-.-;
;. 1 ! . .a li ot .. o'l, ! l.e ohj. -t a ..! a "it
oi" v ! i.-:, p i t i i i o i . i . to 1 a a i a a d .
I 1 , i e 1 i 1 1 : . and c i - i i a i I i . 1 1 U lia' i I ' i . t
I ! i a rl ! . I . ; : i a i t . r nf t i ... n- i 1 1 i
y.e.rti i ; . X W ' , . Xli'ii the ia.: t ! a.-t
..'in 1 1. r of tl.'- a i . t i, w 1 j i : .! r t 1 :
i X !:,, ?W ' i the seat i. v. t ri.!"i
i . f t I . ' noil l.e.i s t i j a a i t e i ; i S 1 , M ! 1 1 i
I.Ot'l llH .'Sf etai fief lit' liie O. it hi .1.-1
p. Ml . . I s i , I. j I l.e S i I 1 i I I a I I
.;' tl.- noi t ' v.-es t'ter lis'.. NW1, i
t !
l.aif of
no 1 1 w
iiai:ter. iVi'h. SW1,) ia Seetioii
si:, iei Towiisl i;i t VfN'e. ilLi novth
oi ihia-.-e ten. il". .at of the i;th I'.
..'.. ia Cass count.', X hrii.-hii. in the
! lain':!:', at -l to r- move e. !ta;a i-m!il.-ai'i
i'oiever laiains;- and ' ---1 i ; i 1 1 n lie
i ' i i e a hu. i s mill iM,'', nf tr. ai ami all
i isniis . aiiniiniT h-'. t ia i. a lm.ler
li - n. or iin-. of lin-i.i iron: I aviii.; or
el a aa i in; any ti-.t, lith-. interest or
li'--i in or to ;:;.! jr. n i .- a . In any
a. It ll.eiaof. and fur s'iiii taliif
as mav IT.iiiie.
'"on a in! eaeli of vnii are hei-.-hy r-
0 'i i .i I" answer sa id m t it i . ' i on or
1 !i i' the l l t il .la V of J il I v, A. I '.
I : 1 1.
1 'hunt iff.
My i:. xick i x,
ni:'.;-.".w. Ilis .', 1 1 oniey.
Nei ,' :
Slale .f
h i :iiri mis
Xi i i i:i . k.i, I'.i: eonn-
'a l!..
h. t !
is r.ill
To li
Y i 1 1 a
: at tl.
i.i. -il t.-r
e-ti.ta ef Jus-
aid i" :
i. 'i i ;il I v.- i i 1
l e.-'a ill I "i.l II.--1!
.inly i lii.'l.
li .'itor.: . f s
1 ei a I y tie I i a
'.i.ilit i -..a r;
.ti: in sa i a a t v,
ic!oi. er I., lajl. a
;i i ; i .. i . t!:iy. to a
hi o . i... I; a.
"',.:' a lid e v -
.l.ha- I aa tit a lid
i in i t ' d for tee
a : : j a -t said
!!!. i t he la
, .. mi a.
i v i ! .
ail r'.n.'ii' a e-.-i 1 1
a v .. w :. t he i .- a
' !' '. T I a t il.a- I
. I a ; ii '-. of ' ; 1.1 s
j s i . ea llioi. I ! ...
(I.l I I
.i.l ',- .a .;.!.-. A. : . ! :'. 1 . ;. ,-al t !
! . : , i 1 d to- I a i a n ; !' i. .
a r I i -a s.i ai la! .,; i,i .1 ni v. 1
Witt,.-- !: V and (ill of
eiitv I'oai I, this 1 1th of J.i
AI.I.I.X .1. M!:.';.-'.',
i. 'call j ; i. - i v. . I'oanl.- Jiii.j.-.
On" 7-toot. Deerin;-; hinder, pood
as new. Cut about a hundred acre-;
of f.raiii. A hareain. I'rice $125.00.
Cv.ll phone No. 2732.
otVV. JMa n t h , 2tb.
J',,,- v,i-
Five room cottj
'-Ot. City W.-.-lff, l.arti; fix room COt-
a a - t -.-o lots, city water el-etric
i;.rUt .- i eh- r. Iw-.o stv r...
'"- ,' ' V " , 'V Si L
modem except heat. R. . Wltui-
ham, riattsmouth, Nebr. tlawSt.
li it's in the stationery line, calJ
-tt ths Journal office.
Ccatcs Block Second Floor
: 4
' e. H