The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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e M
The water's fine and also our bathing suits.
women's, boy's and girl's. Prices
75c to $5
Just Received Boy's Sport rf -J
Waists-low collar, short sleeves - plp
C. E. Wescotts Sons
I! Willi AM 11
From Mori.lay's Dally.
T. V. Valiery of near Murray, was
here today for a few hours visiting
with his son, Frank YalWy antl fam
ily. S. M. Compton of Weeping Var'r.
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness. I!t n Olive of Weopin? Water, mo
tored over this afternoon to spend
a few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
diaries Iteirliart of Louisville, was
amonc the visitors in the city today
for a short time attending to some
matters of business.
A. M. Colo, one of the well known
Te-irients of Weeping Water, wa
atnons the visitors in the city today
itienrting to some matters of busi
ness. Mrs. J. It. Jahrig and children
and Mrs. Julius loeri:ifr. mother of
Mrs. Jahriir. departed this afternoon
for linken How, Neb., where they
will visit for a few hours.
License to wed was issued in the
office of County Jude Allen J. Hee
son. Saturday, to Jay F. Hough of
San Francisco, and Mis Winifred
Abernaty f Weepinsr Water,
Danny Jones and wife of San Piece
Calif., who have been here visitina
for trie past few days at the home of
L. I... McCarthy, uncle of Mr. Jones,
departed this niornina for their home
in the west. Mr. Jones and bride
were married a few days ago at An
derson. Indiana, and are now on their
l-'ror. Tiit-sMiay'R T'atiy.
Au?nt I'autsch of near Louisville,
was here today for a short time at
tending; to some matters at the court
D. A. Ynuuir of Murray, was
here f-r a f-'W hours today look
ing after some trading with the merchant-'.
Hon. W. It. r.annin of Fnion,
was in th' city today for a tew hours
looking after some matters before
the board of county commissioners.
11. L. Propst and wife departed
yesterday for Avoca. where they were
called fcv the illness, of their little
granddaughter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom. the little one
having been very poorly for the last
few days.
Mrs. Douglas Shilling of Long
ncc!i. California, who has been here
for a few days stay with her aunt,
Mrs. E. H. Itooth at the Masonic
J Home, departed this morning for
Omaha, where she will visit a sister
for a few days before returning to
her home. Mrs. Shilling was called
back to Nebraska by the death a few
days ago of her mother in Lincoln.
The firm of C. E. Wescotfs Sons
are convinced that advertising in the
newspapers is the real dope in the
way of trade getting and have just
received a striking proof of this fact
A few- days ago they received a letter
from John T. Coleman, a former
J'lattsmouth man, now in the jewel
ry business at American Falls. Idaho
nnd in which Mr. Coleman stated
hat he had saw the ad of t lie V.'es
cott firm in the Journal, advertising
I'ahn Headi suits at $19.50 and he
requested that one of these suits be
sent him at once as the price beat
anything in that part of the conn-
ry. This is sure securin long dis
tance orders and shows that the pub
lic reads the advertising that is d i s
animated by the newspapers.
Office supplies of all kinds han-
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
$75. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older gilts on the
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
Albert Young,
A Natty New Suit of
will help relieve
soon evident in Plattsmouth.
Odd Pants of Palm Beach. $4.50 to $7.00
Two Piece Suits, $10 to $24
Ur Si h
From Tuesdays Dally. j
The second day's session of the
state aerie of the Nebraska Fratcr-
nal Order of Eagles convened this
morning at the Kagles hall and the j
reports of the various committees j
were at once- taken up and acted!
upon. .
On motion the state aerie voted .
the sum of $200 for the expenses of j
the Nebraska delegate to the grand .
aerie of the order which will meet at ;
Newark. New Jeresy, August Sth to
13th. The representative from Ne- .
braska will be Hon. A. P. .Vloran of,
Nebraska City, retiring state worthy
president and who will make an able !
figure in the great national gather- .
in;?. ;
The committee on lapsed members j
reported in favor of action by the lo- '
cal aeries in cases where their num
bers are more than one month in'
arrears as to dues and suggested that
local secretaries notify the parties:
in question as well as the local aeries
appoint committees to visit individ- ;
ually the members who might bo
back in dues.
Resolution on Ireland
The committee on resolutions
thn ugh Chairman (1. Y. Lluslmrner
reported the following resolution re
flecting the sentiment of the state
aeries as to the small nations of the
earth in their struggles lor liberty
ami particularly Ireland:
Whereas, our government entered ;
the World War that liberty, truth, i
justice and equality might be pre-;
served as the guiding influence in the '
lives of nations and men; and that
the small nations might, to the fui- J
lest extent, apply and enjoy those;
principles in the development of tiuir
lives and destiny;
Therefore, we extend the symp::f hy
and encouragement of this great Fra
ternity to all the distinct nationali
ties of the world, however small, in
their efforts for freedom and self
determination; And especially do we sympathize
with and encourage Ireland in her
efforts to free herself from the yoke
i;f tyranny under which she has suf
fered for more than seven hundred
c f. r.rsHOKNKi:.
jkuky caruk;
a. (i. shfbfrt.
Past Grand Trustee Barrel oi
Onialia. spoke very eloquently in fav
or of the resolution and recounted
the acts of bravery and sacrifice made
by those of the Irish race in thf
cause of the freedom of the United
States and the preservation of its
self government.
Judge A. H. Duncan cf St. Joseph.
Mo., past grand worthy president,
also spoke in favor of the rvnlutiH".
and pleaded for an agreement of the
nations as to the determination of
peoples and the preservations of the
liberties of t lie small nation-;. A
Ixasue of Nations, association or
concert of the nations nred by
tho speaker to bring about the reali
sation of the liberty of all the peo
ples of the earth, and to see that they
were kept intact even at any cost.
Tho resolution was adopted by a
unanimous vote and placed en rer ird
as signifying the position of the
Nehraska aerie of the F. O. F.
Visit Masonic Hone
The convention adjourned at H:1."
to take an auto ride to he Nebra.-ka
Masonic Home, where they were en
tertained for a short time and look
ed over the great institution that the
Ma-sonic fraternity has erected to
shelter the aged and helpless of their
The following additional nif-mber-.
of the state aerie were registered
at the morning session: II. It.!
"Wop Ike. Beatrice: A. G. ShuhcrtJ
Beatrice, w
ed to the p
For the
guard J. F
li o was
.sit io:i.
posi ; io:i
. Dunn.
unanimously elect-
of state inside
of South Omaha,
convention with-
position of state
Moore of Platts
nomination t'j '
son, pa.-i worthy-
was chosen by-
out exposition.
In reaching the
ide sviiard, II. F.
mouth 11 a ted in
n; me of Y. i i.
president of the Plattsmouth aerie
who was chosen unanimously for the
posit ion.
In select in;:
the name o
iicmont was
vention and
voie of the :
this office.
When tl:. jti i t i : :i of trustees was
reached. President Moran announced
tie state conductor.
f Frank Kounvosky, of
s -placed Ik tore the con-
giver, tho unanimous
-senbhl delegates- for
that three ww
li;-!!es of P. ..
C. II. Winkl-T
Saltier. Platte
Id be chosen and tho
Mr ', 'a u'ery. Columbus;
F;'lls City: John P.
ir!:th; A. F. Brewer,
Nebraska City were lirst offered and
later Air. Barrett of Omaha placed in
nomination t! . r.j:;:es of F. 11. I--berg,
of Hastings; Harvey Bell, of
Lincoln, and F. ,M. Jones, of Fuller
tun. With ; la rr.c f:e!d to select
irevi the mutter of election ,vas post
poned until the afternoon es.-ion of
the grand aerie.
The co:i ven i i. ni a jiuriied at ! "i : 1 o
to re--': rue iis sessions at 1 o'clock
when the remaining officers will be
Afternoon Session
the b
lef. r.i'.'i
i'ate aerie
t ': hi of t lu
suiting as
( VI u tubus,
citv. 2;
:.'::; llarve
Brewer, N
lloting for t
s end th
sion ( peUe.l
'.o office of
nienibeis oi
stat e
!P.g oy
. proct
: ' :
: ei ,w
ith the eloc-
ru fees, tne balloting re-
toliov.s: John P. Sittlor,
h. -2-1: P. J. M.-Ca:.'cry.
U't C. 11. W inkler. Falls
Frank If. Isberg. Grand
; F. M. Jones, Fullerton,
y Bell, r.incoln.
cbra. ka City. f).
Isb.-TT. Win'
1-2; A. H.
liaving received a
votes, were d"!are
For t lie office f
cf-.-nt tl.e balloi n-.
B. B. Moschbr, S-
G. A. Axline. Or;:
i2. Fi.wler, Nebrr.
majority e.f vtos
for Air. Moschler,
tl.e tb.oice of the
i'aiortt v
: el- eted.
State vice
lltel as f
tltli Oeiah
I .Tone
of th
pre si
nd Biaii-i. J U ;
-ka City. H. T
having been c,;
he was declar
state aerie.
i'.LC?Ot' S".:;rSOS ll:t 5vrs 5? AS
travelers ship and
sail under
arid Strides
NEW triumphs ir
ae.J t'.cetrieity
the nr.J. b"tr'r
Carl Thomas,
Falls City
City; R. R. Rickett.--. Nebraska
c. B. Meners, Lincoln; Harvey
Election of Officers
On the resuming of the morning
rfrsion at 1 !::: the matter of t.h-
nrmiination of the state officers of
the Fagles was taken up. State Wor
thy President A. P. Moran turned
the chair over to Past Worthy Pres
ident Krnest Halm, of Fremont, and
taking the floor, in a few and well
clcn remarks placed in nomina
tion for the office of state worthy-
president, William AT. Barclay, of
Plattsmouth. The nomination of
Mr. Barclay was made with a pleas
ing iriDiite ny .ir. .Moran to Ins ser
vices rendered the Kagles of the; state
and was secemded by a number of
the delegates and Mr. Barclay wis
declared the unanimous choice of
the convention for the office of
state worthy president.
For the office- of state vice presi
dent the first contest of the conven
tion was developed. Jerry Carrig, of
Columbus, placed in nomination for
the office L. L. Moschler. of South
Omaha. A. II. Brewer of Nebraska
City, placed in nomination C. F.
Fowler, worthy president of the aerie
of that city and K. E. Abbott, of
Beatrice, placed in nomination the
name of G. A. Axline, of Grand
Island. There being a contest for
this oft ice, it was laid over for the
afternoon session. ,
Ernest Hnhn of Fremont placed in
nomination the name of Secretary
Fred G. Mower, of South Omaha, for
re-election to the office he has filled
so efficiently and he was given the
unanimous vote of the convention. -
State Treasurer C. H. Christiansen,
of Fremont, was also nominated by
i Mr. Ilahn for re-election and elected
without any opposition.
For the office of state chaplain. F.
M. Jones of Fullerton placed in nom
ination the name of E. E. Abbott, of
in steel, srenm
have carried
M;.rs nr..! c-tnrcs rack again
to the .sever' j-cr.s. On n:ori
fifty tr;idc arid ras'igvr routes
Amcric in o-.vr.jj nod eiperntcd
ships, f.yi:v the Fhrji, are ready
to c.irry your ;.iJ:, cr to carry
you, to every foreign, land.
They fire splendid ships, the
priJe of peuiiis, .ie
.signed a:d c . juipped to y c the
fiiet p.isengcr comforr, service
and .saictv, aod to handle ycu.r
goTds m the nio-.t cvononncu
0;-)eraters of Passenger
Aelrniri'.l Line. 17 btaic Street, New
"lork. N. Y.
Matvn Novtcr-itjon Company, 25
Si. O..V i-te-e-t. Hiiltim.T.-, M.
".'uns.)ii Stc-um Slip I.ini-. bZ Ucavcr
t-rreet.New Yoifc.N. Y.
Tsew Yfirk inel Porto Kirfi S. S. Co.
It l-re.i.iv;.y. New orf. N Y.
Paeif.c Mail S. S. Co., 4 liroaJay,
New 'i ..rl , N. Y.
U. S. Mail S. S. Co.. 45 Br oaJay.
N'civ 'I trk, N. Y'.
War J Line, (Ne-" York anc! Cul-a Mail
i. '.it ) t of Wall btrctL,
New Yrlt.N. V.
1 re j use of
Siiippin'.; Board films
t 'c of Si np::r tJ .ir J mot ton picture
li!m-. four r c' (ne oi re eie f :iny
r--j niiister, or oih-ttii-.t:
c-L'e.'itiw-tril fKturc
ca. Write i-r iriiorm
Directfr IpionriJitioa
1 !, HI-) "I-"" iaicot,
-.e,:. D. C
II! iV.
."i. A p
iip-s n-i J t
i t ii ) I.
j au. K. v r
N. W.. ''..i
(To AnirrUcn citizens only)
Steel (termers,, loth oi! anj coal
burners. Alo wn -ii stealers, woi;d
s anj cce't.n-
I urtl er
ir.foruiat.ou oi).a.neJ Ly
For sailinris of passenger
cud freight ships to all
parts of the world and all
ether information, write
any of the above lines or
rj?ATi p.nT?n
Hesolutions Adopted
The committee on resolutions of
fhe state convention then reported
the following resolutions, which were
adopted by the unanimous vote of
the convention:
Wherrtis. The members of Platts
mouth Aerie No. :iC, and the citizens
of the fair city of Plattsmouth at
large have extended a most hearty
welcome to the lb'th annual conven
tion of the Nebraska State Aerie,
Fraternal Order of Eagles, and have
done their utmost to make the tday
of t lie delegates a mot comfortable
:id enjoyable one. all of which has
proven a great inspiration to us;
Therefore, be it
Resolved, That Ave express' our sin
core thanks to the members of the
Plattsmouth Aerie No. :itlo. I (). E.,
for tho elaborate arrangements and
entertainment provided for tin; mem
bers of the convention; to the lion.
C. A. Pawls for the Avrm words of
greeting expressed in his address of
welcome on behalf of the city, at the
meeting in the opera house; and to
the members of the Commercial club
for the use of their automobiles and
th" citizens of Plattsmouth for the
solicitous and courteous reception ac
corded the members of the conven
tion. We greatly appreciate the
spirit of welcome expressed in deco
rating the city ami the interest
shown by the people of Plattsmouth
in attending in such large numbers,
the program :tt the opera house.
Whereas. Past Grand Worthy Pres
ident A. It. Duncan has on many oc
casions greatly assisted the Nebras
ka State Aerie. V. O. E.. with his
valuable4 experience and brotherly
dvicf and by bis very eminent a-dre-s
has grc.'tly furthered the cause
of E.igledom in Nebraska; Therefore,
be it
K'-o!vd. That li rot her A. P.. Dun
can b1, and be i bere'iy made an
honorary Past Worthy State Presi
dent of the Nebraska Slate Aerie.
co.''.; UA'rn.ATK jocrnal
Whereas. The newspaper of Plutts
tiio'it'i h;i ; on the occa-i-m of the
Sixteenth Annual convent ion of the
Nebraska S..ate A-;-:,-. Fraternal Or
der (.-!' Eagles, edi'ed ;n elaborate
.oeti :l edition, and. .'i'lid it-; columns
v ith valuable inform::' ion about our
order, thereby promulgating tho prin-
"!p:e- and tenets to a large part or
the population of tib- :t:it; There
fore be it--
Revolved. That we recognize in the
Plaitsmonth Evening Journal a live
newspaper, awake to the occasion and
hereby express our thanks and ap
preciation for the able and unselfish
m -nner in which they have reported
b" proct of the state eoavi n-!i-Mi
and have promulgated the ac
c mplishmonts of tho order at !arg".
We also v.i-'h to express our ap
pieei.itbm of the community spirit
:' d community pat riot i.-m .- ho n by
tl.e ,uSr.esf-' tiic'i of Plattsmouth in
t : d vert isemerts in this paper by
-aiding behind Pro'her 'Irrclay in
hi- a-tiiratii n to the iiihest of," ice in
the .-iff of this convention, and wo
ar proud to have him elected to the
high office of Worthy State President
within fhe wall.- of hi; own city.
Next Convention City
At the conclusion of the report of
the committee on resolutions, the
stale worthy president called for the
so' ction of the run vent ion city for
!:::' and the city of Grand ldand
ex t en tied to
viiaiioit to t
-tate aerie,
convent ion
the convention the in
a titer there at the next
The srntiuuMit of the
Av;t.4 reflected in the
cp .ru- of shouts for Grand Island
that marked its choice as the next
meeting place for the Eagledom of
The newly elected stale officers
Ave re .Jdien installed by Hon. A. Ii.
Duncan, past grand worthy president
who delivered the charges to the
va: iou officer;:.
The remainder oi" the afternoon
win taken up with the routine mat
ter; of the convention followed by
adjournment. Tonight the delegates
and a large number of local Eagles
will journey to Omaha to witness the
iniiiatorv work of the South Omaha
team, one" of the best of its kind in
the United States.
Judge Wade Declines to Restrain
Fiasrr From Fresidint; at Meeting
May Fill Another Suit
Torts of Woodmen of the World
urgents" to prevent W. A. Eras
er, sovereign commander, from func
tioning at the national convention
of the order to be held in New York,
July ii, failed yesterday when Fed
eral Judge Martin J. Wado refused
them an injunction.
"It just means that our delegates
will have a chance to go down to
New .York at their own expense, and
get kicked out," was the comtne,nt
of Charles I'nitt, one cf the "in
surgent" leaders for Nebraska.
"Members of the organization
mu?t remember that the majority
rules." said Judge Wade, in giving
his decision.
"The granting of an injunction is
extraordinary. If i;n injunction is
not granted, the complainants feel
they are done an irreparable wrong.
It docs not appear that the prop
erty rights of the organization are
in jeopardy ana the charge that tne
cc mplainants were io be deprived of
mponsaCon in attending the con
vention would not justify this court
to decide in their favor."
Attorneys for the complainants in
timated they might start another
suit in the Npay York federal court.
Judge Wade, however, stated that
his decision is final, so far as that
particular phase of the convention is
For any itching skin trouble, piles,
crv.erea, i:a!t rheum, hives, itch,
?rg!i head, herpes, scabies. Doan's
Ointment i highly recommended.
6Cc a bos at all stores.
1 .i uj.jl.ji ty..w.,iu.-y.wi.l
H J r ( Y j
give tire mileage
at the lowest cost
i Ah
' l I
y Ji
$15.00 $22.00
Reduction on all styles and sizes
A New Low Price on a
and Honest Product
Edega'iss From Eale State Aerie and
Members of Local Eagles Have
Big Time at Magic City
The delegates to the state aerie
r.f the Kagles which was in session
here -Mi nday and Tuesday were en
tertained at South Omaha by the ae
rie of that city. The main feature
of the occasion was the initiatory
work staged by the crack drill team
of that city, exemplifying the teach
ings of the V. (). K. and which was
administered to a large size class
from the lodges of that city and near
by cities.
The visitors were entertained at
luncheon and a general good time
wlilie the ladies of the party were
gien an auto ride over the city and
given a chance to enjoy the points of
For a mild, easy action of the
bowels, try I'.oan's Kegulets, a mod
ern laxative. 15 0c at all .stores.
Come in and see the new parlor
suite among the many other goods.
Just arrived yesterday at tho Christ
& Christ Furniture Store.
How desolate looks. -
Of coirse yoi expect lo erect a
rtoiineit tkefe eonc tinc -
0ir service is at your disposaNQW-
Ville fof cable uc aid conpkk
iifcrnvticr A
(to tin hi
1 x - . '. s. - . - - - - IT :'A. m.
.1.' SM
t : KTr.-J
Put Up Markers for Your Loved Ones Graves.
Put in Your Orders for Fall Delivery. Inscrip-
tions cut. Special prices on the entire stock.
Drs. Fsfiach & IV1ach,.rhe Dentists
' The largest and best equipped dental oHices m UmI,a-
wttvfTiS Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod-
WWl mm erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru-
&EMJWT mcnls carefully sterilized after using.
i vlf TT LJLr Tuion ciaar divtav Dinrif AUAIIA mrmznncz
mjla ininu rivun, rHAiun Dkvun, vu.n" -
d 111
tu la-Pay When Cured
r i.i tnq uiudi iuvw . . . , ,
time, without a se-rere eur?icJU !.' .Ti,.. .
Chloroform, Ether or other K"erw " v t, bi
OjEi. A care raaranteed ' erery we accepted for treatment. tLzd do -
paid natll cured. Trl't for fcoclc on EectsJ Deas3, vf:th ssasic-s
r more than 1 COC promlitrt pecpls -who have bee e JJ.7fI1. m
UbTe. K. TAKKjf, SaiiatoHom, Peters Iroit Bld. Ii Bldtf.), OjIAICA, icum.