The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, JUNE 2C. 1921
quet at Elrawool last Siturday cv:n-jthe funeral
i:;?. Anions tbo-e from here were . -Mrs. c. D. Gi
Earl Dreamer and
Mrs. M. C. Keefer was a Liaccln
visitor Tuesday.
Clifford Stroemer of Do Witt xvss
in Tiniruiiv :i rt runnn.
, i m... i Pmh't o-i'-ol'.ir. and .Mr
to Lincoln Thursday afterncon. e aii.
rhris Kiscimmm. ..d Doug Stev- r. and Mrs II. L. Eorncmoier
were in Lincoln Wednesday, anu mt .anu .ir. . i.. f biiwbiw
i i 1. a i . : .i 1,.A4t n
Wednesd;-v with Mrs. i uruaj vyru mtj wsura a uitiuu
and the parents of .air:-. Bornornei-r.
... . t 1. T . 1
(I'onn I.evis and 1Re reiuriieu uuiuv lunuaj u-
:ir:. Arthur were Lmcoirt ; lJ-
visitor.. Thursdav afternoon, j Mi EIen NoltinB. cS 1 latts-
ii...... ';-..,..... J i-..tnrrif..i Ti-nr.lriv i mouth, came down from j-mcoln cn
I i ii i j j -. i - , . ......... - . . . . , - ,i
Mrs. Audrey Stroemer. eruardian i
! of .the Ta-Ta-Pochen Campfire girls,)
I and four of the girls. Pauline Suave
lv. Irene Stevens. Elma Hardnock
and Hazel Hardnock left Wednesday
morning for a week's outing at
Crete, where they will attend the
Midwest conference of the Campfire
. j Mr an(j jrs. c. D. Cam and child-
Mrs. AlfreJ Stroemer attendeJ tro ren returned home Sunday night
E!mvood lush school alumni ban--from Dunbar, where thev attended
of Mr. Ganz's mother.
inz, which was held on
" he
foc.-ty met
C. I). Can..
. Mrs.
r.irhi from Cortland, where le
been vhitina: r h.tives several day:
:cr cousin!;, nr. ana Jirs. n. u.
Ir K. .!: ml. of Superior. Wvpra-,'"11"""-' un.n oui.u.iv ,c.Wufc,
in 'an-! Mr Nhon. of Council j wtea she returned to Lincoln, whe.e
lilu'ffs. niees of Grandma Upto-jrote. Uho U attenjlinR summer sctool
tr,,!t .tur-iav and Sun. Jar with rcr.l Hr. iira. E. M. Stone and Mrs.
.Matt-r" KMviard rp'"Tove cf Lin-' M. C Reefer and son Don autosd tD
coin o;.me ,iown to fp;n-l Mynard Sundry mcrains, where they
a f-w ,i.-.vs uith hi -, tmrulmother. ! vi;tc ivcefcr s daughter. Mrs.
Mrf- K. L. Cpteu-rove an.l other rcl- Co!c. who has recently returned
ati hs.
Mr. and
Sunday. Friends attending the fun
eral were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Royles,
Mr. and Mrs. I. 1). Wills, Mr. and
Mrs. Harrv Appleman and Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Keefer.
Mrs. Lavina Coon was in atten
dance as a delegate from Alvo at
the Lincoln district convention of
the Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety which was held in Lincoln on
Tuesdav and Wednesday. The Alvo
society carried off the honors for ef
ti ient work both in Ihe woman's
auxiliary and the children's band.
Other ladies attending the conven
tion were Mrs. A. I. Bird. Mrs. W. li.
S'.iders and daughter Helen and the
Misses Kmnia Jordan. Dell Sutton
and Alice Kellogg.
A newspaper, like a cake, is good
if the ingredients that go into it
Mrs. W. o. Eoyle
.nd Mr..
cf and sen will reraiin
Liii. ulii
Mondav via automobile from Ior.a,
where they visited relatives a couple
Of Week:":.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Poy!", vc-e
dow n nnni Linoli! Wednesday vi:
itin relative--, and frini3 and vcrc
acrnmpaiiitrd home by their nie:c,
Mrs. 1. D. Wills.
are trood. The IMattsmouth Journal
couple of ijs made up of ingredients -you won't
Little returned 'Ivccks. find in many weekly or semi-weekly
Cuc-ts rrend'ins Tusrday at the C. papers over the country. For in-
D. Canz heme were his father. C. J.
G' v-z and sistcrr. the Mis;es Mar
garet Ganz and Ituth Cir.z and Guy
Ilcacrloy, of Bur bar; Mr. and Mrs.
I. X. Noble, cf Fiattner. Colorado.
nri'1 Mr. Zl.-n:r Zliii, cf Gushing,
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pzy the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mLc
and grade up cur rjain, cnr.bli:: j to always pay
top prices.
zrz w
Have Y
u Lame
Cf I take iinpxesf.ions of feet for
lipht, flexible iasoies. With ihem
relief is positive from weak an
kles, arches, fiat feet, painlul
calouses, etc.
Harmon's "Shoe Shap5"
Here Is the Machine!
Any one decirin to inspect a thresher which is
the product of the Illinois Thresher company, of Syca
more, 111., can see and examine enc at my place in Alvo,
near the Murtey elevator.
I have the handling of this machine fcr all of Cass
county and would be pleased to make you prices and
terms, as I can furnish time arrangements on clover
hullers, engines and threshers.
You can make no mistake in the purchase of one
of these machines, as they are designed and built by
W. N. Rumley, a con of the veteran thresher and
engine builder. Mr. Rumley has grown up in the
thresher business and knews the last word in this line.
m Work Moving
The excellent rains have been very beneficial to
the small grain and the corn is much benefitted as well.
This brings much work at this time for the farmer.
Remember, we have any machinery needed to do this
work. Cultivators, of all kinds, two-rows. We have the
hay-making machinery mcwer3, rakes and all kinds of
tackle for handling hay.
Binders and all harvesting machinery as well as
twine. See me for prices and terms, and your needs.
Remember, we have an excellent line of hardware
and paints. At your service
Goafman Hardware Company,
ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
stance, there are special departments
from seven Cass county town that
contain the equivalent of news each
viu!d have if it had a paper of its
own. This is only one of the worth
while ingredients that s to make up
this p.reat home newspaper. We'll
tell you ahout others from time to
time. In the meantime &et your
name on our subscription list.
Flowers and Flants Tlaced Thue by
Kehvivcs and Friend Aie Carried
Away by Parties Unknowa.
Some person or persons are report
ed to have visited Oak Hill cemetery
a few evenings ago and carried away
whole armloads of flowers and plants
which had been planted on the lots
and graves in that city of the silent
by the friends and relatives of those
who are buried there. The matter
was reporter to Councilman John C.
Krittain. chairman of the cemetery
committee of the council and he at
ence started the machinery of the
law in motion to attempt to discover
the identity of the parties who would
stoop to such a low and debasing
;ct. and if they are discovered thty
will be prosecuted to the fullest ex
tent of the law and an example made
of them by the city authorities.
There is no crime that is quite as
mean as this act of taking from the
last resting- places of the dead tho
flowers that loving hand: have
planted there with care that their
fresh beauty might make more at
tractive the spot where the loved
ones sleep and anyone who would
thus boldly enter the cemetery and
carry away the plants and flowers is
not deserving of very much sympa
thy. The motive that would cause the
committing of an act of this kind is
hard to find as the plants are of no
great financial value to anyone and
ccnhl easily be secured by anyone
without the necessity of robbing the
lots of the cemetery of their floral
adorments .
Head Consul and Supreme Organizer
Go to St. Louis Nebraska to
Send Seven Teams.
A. 11. Talbut, head consul of the
Modern Woodmen of America, and
Kalph K. Johnson, supreme organizer,
left Thursday evening for the meet
ing of the M. V. A. clerks' asso
ciation and the nineteenth head camp
to be held in St. Louis. June 18 to
2't inclusive. Uert Oakman, who has
been in Lincoln for the past month
conducting special drives for new
members, together with E. E. Kes
ter. state deputy head consul, will
leave for St. Louis Friday. W. E.
Jackson, W. E. Clark and C. H. Hass
kari, members of the head consul's
office force will leave for the head
camp Saturday. Brigadier-Genera-'
A. C. Herrick, who will have charge
of the inspection department of th
foresters encampment, apd Col. Mom
tie T. Lum, of tie first brigade staff
will leave at the same time.
The head camp of the M. A.
which meets every four years, Ms
composed of the head officers and
J deelgates elected from camps within
the society's jurisdiction, such dele
gates and officers numbering about
five hundred. This year's encamp
ment will be at Forest park, St. Louis,
Each camp in the jurisdiction which
cares to send a team and pay its ex
penses is allowed to do so. The teams
are uniformed and it is expected that
between four and five thousand for
esters will attend. The camp is held
under canvas and under military rule,
and has its own quartermaster and
medical departments. Individual, bat
talion and brigade drills are held and
prizes are awarded to the winning
teams and members. General camp
inspection is held every morning and
the camp teams having the best ap
pearing streets are also awarded priz
es. For the past 'sixteen years the
street of the Nebraska teams has al
ways carried away the honors in
this particular part of the camp life.
Great interest is taken in this camp
and this is evidenced by the fact that
the state of Washington is sending
two teams to the encampment. Ne
braska will be represented by seven
teams, thre from Lincoln, three from
Omaha, and one from Fremont.
There will be twenty men in each of
the Lincoln teams.
Miss Ethel Rough United in Mar
riage to Harold John Dane of
Janesville, Wis., Today.
This afternoon at 1:30 at the
beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Ttoutrh at Nehawka. occurred the
marriage of their eldest daughter.
Miss Ethel to Mr. Harold John Dane,
of Janesville, Wisconsin.
The wedding ceremony occurred
on the large and handsomely arrang
ed porch of the home, which for the
occasion was transformed into a
bower of floral beauty and made a
charming scene as the young people
were united in the ties of love to la
until the end of time. The wedding
occurred in front of the bridal bower
of roses and greens and the service
was celebrated bv the llev. K. C
Moore, pastor of the Methodist
church at Nehawka. the impressive
ring ceremony being used. The bridal
couple were unattended.
The costume of the bride was of
beautiful gray silk, being the wed
ding gown of the mother of the
bride and was trimmed in lace. The
bride carried a shower bouquet of
Hrideas roses.
Following the wedding ceremony
the guests were served with very
daintv refreshments and the happy
young people showered with the well
wishes of their host of friends.
The guests present at the wedding
were Miss Gladys Dane, Miss Mar
garet Dane, sisters of the groom, ot
St. Paul, Minnesota; Mrs. U. J. Hull.
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lake, of
Wabash; Mr. and Mrs. John Donelan
and family. Weeping Water; Miss
Agnes Hough. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Rough. Weeping Water ; Mr. and Mrs.
K. Deles Dernier. Elm wood; Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Benson, sister of the
bride. Oakland. Nebraska; B. Wolph
and familv, Mrs. Malcolm Pollard
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates and
family and Mr. B. W. Bates.
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart Rough
and was born and reared to woman
hood in the community where her
life's happiness was consummated
this afternoon and during her years
of life there has won many friends
by her charming character and dis
position. Mrs. Dajne graduated from
the Nehawka schools and later at
tended the University of Nebraska.
For the past term she has been a
teacher in the public schools at
Whitewater. Wisconsin. and will
complete the summer course there
before taking up her duties as head
f the new home.
The groom is a graduate of the
I'niversity of Minnesota, and at the
ut break of the world war was cash
ier of a bank at St. Paul, but laid
iside his civilian duties to enter the
army as a tirst lieutenant aim served
for the duration of the emergency,
being discharged at the close of the
war as captain. During the past
vear he has been associated with the
Brick & Tile Con liany. at White
water. Wisconsin, but is now man
ager of the yards of the Brittingham
& Hixon Lumber Co., of Janesville,
Wisconsin. The groom is the eldest
"on of (Jeorge R. Dane, who has
charge of the R. G. Dunn offices of
the northwest.
Mr. and Mrs. Dane will return at
once to Janesville, where they will
be at home after August lfth at
1400 Clark street, Janesville.
Pror.i Saturday's Daily.
Last evening the June anniver
sary social was held at the Christian
church. A large crowd was present
to pay honor to those whose birth
clay or wedding occurred in June.
The entertaining committee had
arranged several games which af
forded a good time both for those
who took part and also those who
looked on. A program of vocal and
instrumental music and readings was
also given. The decorated tables
were arranged for the guests of hon-
ort. Those having birthdays were
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stearns and son
Lester, Dr. Leopold. Mr. O. L. Ben
nett. Olive and Mjilton H.ollowell,
Mildred Allen, Mrs. Elmer Taylor.
Weddings were Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Wiles and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tay
Lunch was served and all departed
for their homes, glad that they had
been permitted to enjoy another good
Phone the Journal office when you
are in need of job printing of any
kind. Best equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
Used Gar Market!
1913 Ford Touring $125.00
1913 Ford Touring 135.00
1916 Ford Touring 140.00
1916 Ford Runabout 175.00
1916 Ford Touring Closed 250.00
1916 Ford Coupe 325.00
1917 Ford Runabout 200.00
1918 Ford Touring 200.00
1918 Ford Touring 225.00
1919 Ford Touring, Starter. 375.00
Buick Five Passenger 400.00
Oakland Five Passenger Cheap
Will sell for cash or on time with
cash payment and balance monthly,
at slight advance over the prices.
T. II. Pollock Garage,
PHONE NO. 1 ...
Picked Up Team From This City Los
cs Fast Contest by Score of 5 to 3
at Weeping Water Yesterday
Yesterday afternoon a number of j
the base hall players of this city,
journeyed over to our neighboring
city of Weeping Water to take on the !
team there and as a result of the en- j
counter the Weeping Water aggrega-j
tion were the winners by the seor-i
of F to 3 in a fast and exciting game, j
The team there had prepared to take j
cn theregular Eagle team and the;
line up was a strong one so the spec
tators from this city report.
The visitors hadyas their thrower,
Buckmaster of Ashland, who nicked
sixteen of the Platts players on strike
outs while the receiving was done by
Martin, one of the old time hall play
ers of the county.
For the Plattsmouth team Joe Mc
Carthy did the tossing and played a
j-'ood game throughout and left nine
of the Weeping Water hitters to die
on the bases while Plattsmouth lost
two left on the sacks.
Burkle at the tirst station for the
Plattsmouth team is reported to have
played a fast game as did Harmon,
shortstop of the Weeping Water
The crowd was very large at the
game, all of the business h nifes be
ing closed and the greatest enthus
iasm shown by the residents of the
city in the success of their team.
Tliree Hundred New Delegates Come
From Kearney County During
Day Renominate Cffictis
Holdrege, Neb.. June IT. Regi.
tration at the fifty-fourth annual'
-tato Sunday school convention lie I I j
at Holdrege broke all records for at
tendance. Even the julnlre conven-
tirn :egstration has been pis'-d.
Thirty-five hundred have enrolled
and new delegates are still coniii:-,
Kearney county caravan arrived
this morning at 10 o'clock bringii
in :100 new delegates. A change was
made in the proirrnm of yesterday.
E. W. Halpenny of the international
association replacing Professor Knox.
Fremont was chosen as the meet
ing place for the 1!)22 convention.
At the meeting of the nominating
-pmmittee last night the present
state officers were renominated. On
the board of directors Mrs. E. W.
Thompson replaces E. O. Taylor and
Mrs. W. E. McCloud replaces E. E.
Dillon. J. L. Duff of Omaha was nom
inated for member international ex
ecutive committee and H. Lomax of
Broken Bow as alternate.
The rest of the board of directors
are the same as during the last year.
The report of the nominating com
mittee is a virtual election. The at
tendance at the pageant last night
was the greatest crowd that ever tried
to enter the building. Almost as
many people were turned away as
were in the building, the attendance
being estimated as nearly :.n00.
The Plattsmouth and Ixniisville
kid ball teams mixed on the Iniis
ville diamond Sunday and the Iuis
ville boys gave the visitors a real
drubbing, the score at the close of
the game being 14 to 7 in favor of
the Louisville boys.
M. D. Ruby, who has been serious
ly ill at the Nicholas Senn hospital
in Omaha, was brought homo the
latter part of last week and is now
at the home of his foster daughter.
Mrs. William Ossenkep and is slowly
Mrs. C. W. Merriam. who recent
ly was seriously ill, but is recover
ing slowly, was taken to the Clark-
son hospital at Omaha Tuesday for
treatment and diagnosis of her case,
which has heen somewhat baffling
to her local physician, who advised
that she have x-ray photographs tak
en to determine the cause of her ailment.
County Commissioners Harris and
Farley and County Surveyor Patter
son were here last Fridav establish
ing lines for the state road from
Plattsmouth to Louisville. They ex
perienced a great deal of trouble in
locating corner stones east of town.
Work is being pushed on this road
and the graders are making good
progress on the east end of the road.
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Core arrived
from their home in the province of
Alberta. Canada, last week to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Core's mother,
Mrs. Nancy McNurlin, which was
held last Saturday at Nehawka. Mr.
and Mrs. Core formerly lived in
Eight Mile Grove precinct and moved
from here to Cedar county, later tak
ing up a homestead in Canada. Mrs.
More was Miss Olive McNurlin be
fore her marriage. Mr. Core is a
brother of Mrs. Mary Ann Tennant
nnd of Clark Core, of Louisville
They remained for a short visit with
relatives before returning to their
home in tho north.
Summer Ginghams
Priced Specially for June Selling!
TT'S a long time since anyone could buy Ginghams as
reasonable as they are offered in this selling. Beauti
ful pin check patterns; larger check designs that make
such smart coat dresses, and any number of chic plaids
and stripes make up this collection.
Though this selling embraces three different
groups, every yard of material offered is of
fine, even texture a big value for the money
25c -38c -65c
A Good Quality Goods at a Low Price
Call Phones No. 53, 54 and 144
R. McN'ulty, sheriff. Falls City;
V. Halter, deputy sheriff, Omaha.
those present for the meeting were: county attorney, Nebraska City;
Sheriff C. D. Quinton ot Platts-;
mouth, president of the State Sher
iffs' association; T. H. Sager. police
judge, J. A. Craft, city marshal.
Cedar BluP.s; Jerry Dailey, Wahoo;
P. E. Lowrie. Wahoo; E. H. Fischer.
Nebraska City; George H
If you want good printing let us
do your work. Best equipped job
Heinke, j ghop in southeastern Nebraska.
NcW Ford Delivered
The following prices are for Ford cars
delivered to purchasers at Plattsmouth,
including freight and war tax, as well as
starter and demountable rims.
Roadster $539.20
Touring 586.05
Coupe 778.45
Sedan 846.15
Ton Truck Chassis 562.05
Fordson Tractor 675.00
We shall be pleased to receive your
order for any model and can make im
mediate delivery.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth
Lincoln, Neb., June 17. How to
take finger prints and what proced
ure to follow to send these for til
ing at the state bureau, was ex
plained by H. -J. Nielsen, the state's
finder print expert, to sheriffs, coun
ty attorneys and city officials of many
eastern Nebraska counties, who at
tended a meeting in Chief Gus Hy-
ers office Friday afternoon. Closer
co-operation of the different state
PLATTSMOUTH McKelvie made a short talk. Among !
The Bank of Cass County
Established 1881
Has stood the financial storms of the past forty years.
It has been instrumental in the upbuilding of Cass
It has assisted more Farmers than any other financial
institution in Cass county; we know the Farmers need
We appreciate the co-operation you have given us;
it is responsible for our success. We invite your busi
ness, upon our merits.
Deposits in this bank are protected by the Guaran
tee Law of the State of Nebraska, and our total re
sources, over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars.
President Vice President Cashier